E R' w I Pi' The Bend Bulletin Hn'tml March I, M, l Deactmte. Oregon, n icohhiIhm mailer. 1 rptMSIl'lil) KVMRY VKID.W TlTsCKUTlONrKATHS) Oneyey , ' ...V i. Mr inotltln Three !jlVlU,.. a (lllanMV in neanee J . IT I FRID, Y AUG. 19. 1904 Pqrcft fir.es arc racing on the Linn cpijjjty'Kule of the Cascades and the 35jQkc gets into qiir sun sets." ' An )m!8aly wet winter, and spring yerV followed by an unusu ally hot jjuiipcr. These ruddy dog days are about the hottest ever. But they already show symptoms pf the coming poetical, melancholy, romnitip season of harvest moons and howling coyotes and hpavier underclothes. Last week, in quoting General Manager Johnston for the capacity of the proposed flume, the word ! 'inches" got into he paper instead of "feet." The new flume will carry 650 cubic feet of water per second, sufficient to supply 400 cu bic feet to the Central Oregon and 550 cubic feet to the Pilot Untie canal. "Talk about crops," said Marsh Awbrey, the sage of the Deschutes on his return from Lane county this week, "we've got the Willam ette valley skinned. I sec oats, rye, alfalfa and potatoes and even fruit on this side of the range that tec- totally skunks anything they've got on the other side this year. The only trouble over here is that too few people arc farming and so little of the land is now actually under cultivation." The question of supplying water (q lands not in its segregation has cqtno up to the Deschutes Irrigation & Power Company. This company docs not feci at liberty to make at this time any arraugments fbr out side service. General Manager Johnston takes the view that the company must fulfill its obligations to the govcrraent first, after which it will be free to deal with outsiders if it shall then be desirable. But to bind the company, at this stage of the work, to contracts that might in the end be found detrimental to the main purpose in view, is deem ed unwise, and the. company declines to make any agreement for outside service. It docs expect to have vater to spare in the end, but it (Iocs not now wish to load up with obligations that might compel it to maintain a service greatly in excess of government demands. something of n tangible nature, This is one of the important enter prises that should be permitted to leel the uplifting hand of th'j Ore gon Development League." That's n spirit that will bring re sults if the civil authorities and business interests involved will !c guided by it and act upon it. Bend will do its full share. It will go deep into its pocket to assist n road across the mountains that shall bring the relief we seek. Change in II. At. Co, A change that was for some time under negotiation was consummat ed in the lleud Mercantile Comtxitiy this week. Duncan McMillan and J. I). Honey man bought stock in 1 the corporation, the former succeed ing to the management of the busi ness, vice A. II. Grant resigned. l. V. Batten was made secretary and treasurer of the corporation at the annual meeting in July. The store is undergoing remodel ing to make room for an enlarged line of drygoods, shoes and men's hats. A larger and better stock is to be carried hereafter and nothing will be omitted that will make the business fit the demand at this point. The saloon at Lytic closed its doors last Saturday, just after a row j between a tmen worKtnan named Spinks and Ballard Gile had taken place there, in which the stovepipe was knocked down and, in falling, disfigured Spink's faced. There is said to be the question of sale of mortgaged property involved in the saloon closing, Mr. Cobb claiming a bill of sale from Charley Brock for property that Prineville parties claim n chattel mortgage for. Brock and his family left about two weeks ago and it is reported they will lo cate in the Willamette valley. George Bates is in from the Forked Horn construction camp and will go with his family to the homestead up the Deschutes Mon day. He provided for the gastro nomic demands of the camp nearly four months and then got a crick in the back that laid him off for a while. Bend Restaurant! RALPH SHARP, Proprietor LUNCHKS PRKPARKI) l-'OR TKAVKUKUS. . . AIEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS 000000000000 FRIS1I PASTRY always on hand Fresh Eastern Oysters NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS Week or Month. Prices Reasonable irsasfl Hoard by the Day, C. 12. RANOUS Contractor Builder Kmlntiites, l'liuiM mid Kkc. ifieiUions furnished ,, ! R I! I! 0 F C II Leave orders at R (l n Pilot llitlle l,m PRINEVI LLE HOTEL" u c NMl lHtlMf Table and Rooms always clean and well unpolled" Unto leuMiimlfc fKINUVIM.lt "KH10N I A. H. LI PPM AN & CO. WiND, ORI;K)N 1 V" J rui iinuic r- Tables, Chairs, Com modes, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Mattresses We Can Furnish Undertaking and MNMMMB Stoves and Ranges, Doors, Windows, Linoleum, Paints mid Oils Your House Complete Undertaker's Supplies PILOT BUTTE INN A. C. I.UCAS, Proprietor Tables supplied with nil the delicacies of the etiou Hirst-class Kntipiiicut Fine Roojuijuid IktU Only Livery Uarn on the Deschutes, run In connection with the hotel. All stages stop nt the hotel door ON TO BEND. The Salotu Statesman, of which ex-Governor Geer is editor, in the course of a very seilsible article on The Bulletin's invitation for the Willamette volley to help get a road to fiend, says; "From a 10 years' residence in Eastern Oregon the editor of the Statesman familiar with the in comparable possibilities of that en tire section, and since the reclama tion of its immense areas of arid lands is earnestly begun, this paper feels that now is the time for the Willamette valley to look ahead somewhat to its own future advan tages. And the construction of a good, dependable wagon road be tween Maridn county and Crook county is one of the most important enterprises in this direction that is now perfectly feasible. "The continuation of the Ya quina road over the Cascades into Eastern Oregon is as certain to be accomplished as that the Willam ette river flows from here to the Columbia, but this certainty in no wise diminishes the demand for free and permanent communication between Marion and Crook coun ties or that portion of Kastcru Ore gon. It is to be hoped that the present move on the part of this and Linn counties will result in The Bend cornet band has re ceived an invitation to go over to Sisters and make a little music, be ing promised a general good time, with a dance thrown in. They ex pect to go over about the 29th inst. Messrs Sutro and King, San Fran cisco attorneys, were in Bend yesterday on their way across the mountains after a camping rip through the country cast of the Cascades and. Sierra Nevadas. The firm of Mayficld & Caldyell has been dissolved, the Caldyvcll boys withdrawing and the market business being carried on by Mich ael S. and William Mayficld under the style of Mayficld Bros. It is reported that the Lytic towiuitc interests arc on the eve of being transferred to parties from Minnesota, Postmaster Grant announces that on Sundays hereafter the jost officc will be open only Iwtween 1 1 a. m. and 12 noon. Mr4MiMaM Z. F. MOODY General (Commission ii Forwarding- Merchant SHANIKO, OREGON LAKGK AND COMMODIOUS WARKHOUSP. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED Prompt attention paid to those who favor me ith their patronage Mr. aud Mrs. Gerald Groesbcck moved into their new cottage this week. Columbia Southern RAILWAY. I'ASKI'.Nr.IiK TKAIN TIM I'. CARD. Hffrctlve July j, 1504. Suttth IxmiikI NO. J IIAII.V rut. C.HAVK F.M. ' S M W 1M I'S 3 4 33 4 w 4 U 3 II 5 It i U AkfclVK STATIONS. .. MOOS.. .Cibtona . gink ilk. ,.Wau Ktoinlykc Jiummlt . Hay Canyon Junction. McDonald. UeMoM Mora KraUnvlllt. Or Valley liourlKiii Ktnt Wilcox bMA.NIKO Morih ImmiwI o. 1 DAJJ.Y I'AM. aukivi: A.M. II JO II 19 II 10 II M IO 4J 10 4 10 34 10 It 10 OJ 9 U 9 37 B 4a 8 04 I.KAVt Dally itage connection at BlianlLo for Antel oix, I'rluevillc, Iicwl, lliirna, Silver I.aLc, l.uke vlew, Mitchell, Dayvlllc, Antone, Anliwoou, Can yon City, John Day City, ami 1'omII. l'or rate and Information apply to It. D. UOODIIHRKV, C. I. I.YTMt, SutKrliiUiHlrut. O, I', and I', A. BlunlLo, Or. Uluulko, Or, jj I3LACKSMITHING AND HORSESHOEING M All kinds of wagon work done in first-class shape, Short 1 ii notice jobs a specialty, S OH'OHITH KCIMOMIDt'HK lll'NK. OKI'OOH 1 Wc carry only the fiuctit lines of WINES., LIQUORS and CIGARS Don't Forget TO UKOP INTO Tll MINNESOTA BUFFET Smaw & BKOKTUKiroutt, Prop's ClBOJtflU A. STBI'flBNS, Ainnngcr BUND, OR KG ON TUROUQII FROM UHND TO SHANIKO IN ONB DAY SHANIKO'PRINEVIUii PRINEVILLHEND SCHEDULE STAGE LINE ( SOUTHBOUND Leave Shaniko 6 p. m. Arrive Prineville 6 n. in. Leave Prineville i p. m. 6:30 p. m. Arrive Bend . IIMIItll NORTHBOUND Leave Bund 6:30 a. 111. Arrive Prineville 12:00 111. Leave Prineville 1 p, ni. Arrive Shaniko j, a, in. FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS FOR TRAVBUNO PUlllJC PASSBNQER AND FRBIdMT RATES RBASONAIJLB Travelers up Iie- Dcsclmlcs Pint! comfottublc qiltutm utul m wetl supplkil tabic tit WJIlow Rnnch, jj mild W)ii(li of llend. Good tic cohii(Ml(iUoiiM for travel ert and fen in;. A No the pply fcicrol Merclinic dle ftore in the region. .VI. I. rklCKM KKillT BOpUE SON, Vrm, W If Ut'MIM Jfc. I (IUBRIN & 11 C KlkirM4ki STBINBMANN Attorneys nnd Counscllort At Lav BKND, - - OKKCON. II l MtMXArM I CHAt l KNW4IMM 0. Drs. Belknap & Edwards, PHYSICIANS AM SlHtiLO.NS. PKINHVII.U! - - ORISON. iH4r at M M Utik tng mf DR. W. W. TAOGART itvit xi'KctAuirr lwi(f IMft PRINHVILMt OKKGON AKatnry and K4iy. Mitt r" la K MAM IM II lti M. R. BIGGS, V. H. lYwnrtMlaxtH. 1'KIKItVllj.K OhIkih.w. Umt Mhu trntprmk aW M4. (WUt llH lwH totmwtiMM. J. Al. LAWRENCE, V. K COMMIMIfiNKM. Notary PuWk, Iinnirtnct;, Towiulup Plats for Upjier Dexhntw Vllcy. MPNIt. UMKOON. LAUNIXERING All kind in the lt manner at rvHMiwUle prkvf . Special rate on family wtuhing. CrIIihI for mid dlired 01 my be left at the Pilot Unite Inn. .Mt". J L. KuviiK. B OREGON and union Pacbhc TO Salt Lake Denver Kansas City Chicago St. Louis New York Oceati Steamers butween Portland and San Prancisco every five days. Tickets to and from all parts of the United States, Canada nnd Knropc. l'or particulars, call on or address JAS. IRELAND, ArL, The Dulles, Oregon, IHfM! .