The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 19, 1904, Image 3

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PUnt Costing i I ()(),()()() will lie
Opened Euily Next Ycur.
Halem Without nuking fur a dollai
ol subsidy or (or financial tinnlntmico of
any klinl from thu people of thin com
munity, Kugeim Jlonmi nml associates
will establish n linen mill In Hnlcm
thin winter nml linvti It In operation
kxiii nllor tint Ami of tho year.
Tlio plant to ho entahllnlied will re
quire hii Initial luvcntuifiitof 1100,000.
It will niiiploy during thu first jiir n
force ol 100 periods, two-third of
whom will m women nnd children. It
will handle n Ion of llax IIIht n dny,
ml will iimi tlin product of 3,000 an en
of land aimed to flax.
Thin very gratifying outcome of the
llax lllx't t xxrliiiri)tH nml Investiga
tion tuny I hi credited In n Imgit iihiim
ma to tlm ellort of tlm Oregon Women'
Max i'lWr n'noclnllou, the leading
np')t of which were Mm. W. I', Lord,
Mid, (. N. Penny and Mm. II. I,.
Pillock, Keven or tdgth year ago
tliofii mtloun wonion Wyan tlm experi
ment which demonstrated tlm high
iullty of tin1 tlWr from Oregon giown
lUx. HI inn tlinl tlum tlio Ktteultou of
lUx rxperta linn Wit attracted to
Halem, wham tlio experiment were
conducted, TIioiikIi tlio Oregon Wo
mull' Flax FlWr association dlscontln
util It work herausn It linil accom
plished wlmt It had started nut to do
ami mi not able to carry tlm work
further. Id effort! were product I vn of
imiiIIi wliono importance cannot yd lw
extension of Astoria & Columbia
River Road Aoaln Discussed.
Astoria Tlio extension of the Aitorla
A Columbia River railroad from Hea-
aide roil tli li again Wlngdlwunnod, and
till tlnin tliulo Ik evidently some banl
fur tlm rumor, although nothing old
cUI on tlin subject ran W obtained,
llelow K ititldrt I a flno ledge of rock,
nml hiiiid tlmo ago theie wa talk of
oiMMtlng It up to aocuro rock for tlin
Jetty iixtruriou. Knglnrer Hrgardt, uf
Fort Woven, and Hiipeilntendent Ale
Otilre, of tlm railway company, hae
Snadn mi Inspection trip over tlin pro
fjiocfil linn, mid examined tlm rock In
tlio ledge. They are said to U well
pleased with tlin result ol tli Ir Inves
tigation. When tlm extension In
tnillt, It will also U UM-d to bring log
for thu Hi-mlilii LumWr oompminy from
tin ilmWr holding In that vicinity,
mid tlm anwint on I madn that A. II.
Hammond hn inmlo a contract with
tlm mill company to ll It till timber,
a I no lixtil in that ncctlon, at f '.' per
thoiiHaml ktuniiK'
Tcsls Detroit Granite.
" Alhany Major J. W. Abhott, of
Wellington, ! C, the national gootl
road exiHirt who hn chargn of goixl
roadi work of tlm government In Ort
gon, wai In Albany and tented the
grnnlto from tlin Detroit quarry. The
granite In to I mi lined on thu road of
Marlon county, and a atreet iu Haleni
will bo pnvil with tho lock a an ex
Iwiluient. Major Abbott ataled thnt
thu granlln wim of nn excellent quality
(or bull ling purown, but might Imj too
hard (01 road work. It will, however,
umku nu excellent foundation for n
pavement or road.
Pleased With Grand Rondc.
I a (Jiamle Profrwwr 1. 1. Oreno,
of tlio MlnnoHota aiglciilturnl collcgu,
who in making n tour of the nlato In
thu Intereat of tlm O. 11. A N. Co., nc
coinpnnliMl by Iuduntilal Agent Colonel
Juilnon, aio In tint city and havo Iwon
looking over thu Grand Itonde valley.
It will be given it wrltn-up in tlm Kant
em pron. l'ro'unnot (Ireeim Mpoku of
ihla v.IIhv oh ImiIiiu oiiii of tlio tluunt
ami inont prollllo liu hnd neen In nil bin
travula, and wna particularly Interent
chI in thu growing of beetn nud thu lm
mutmo tugar factory in Ia Qraiulu.
Opcnlno Road to Uluc River Mines.
Kugono rho work of rebullillng thu
wagon roml to thu llluu ltlver iiiIiu'h
will buuiii next week with n force, of !I0
men und 16 team. Thu amount rained
by pilvntiiHiibHcrlptlou will bu about
U,000 and nn equal amount will bo
given by the county cotut, making a
fund of $11,000, which will put thu
road In good condition.
farmers' Line lit Linn County.
Albany Another link in tlio clmln
of tolaphnno lines that Ih rapidly con
nootlng nil tho vIlhiRoa and hamlutH
ban boon comploted. TIiIb ono In b
twovn l'oorlw nnd Hhedd, nnd connoclB
all tho farmhouses nlong tho lino with
tho two towiiH as woll na with otlior
farmern in tho countiy.
New Ucctrlc Line Will Develop
Union Couuly.
Ij (irmido Thu peoplo of (Irnud
Itomlii valley, wfio linvu long waited fur
tlm uilviitico of mi electric railway
through Union county, will wxin k-u
tliuli liopun rciillr.i'il,
Kugliirer Davldnon and a rnrp of
nurveyor will be on thu ground by the
mldillv of thi week. Tho company
behind thin nohuuiu In known na thu
Mnnlern Oregon Dcvtilopuieul company,
of which T. W. Davldnon I prenident
and W, I!. Davldnon I MKiiutary and
Thu road will conned all to the win-
clpal'polnt In tlin valley In addition
to circling tlm valley. Thu itirvey and
lint entlmiitu will coat about $10,000,
ami 11.000.000 will Ixi Invented be fore
the roml la in njH'mtlou.
In nildltion to tlm great amount of
produce mid fruit to la handled by
tlm new Unit I lima are many hundred
million fett ol IiiiiiImt thnt iimv tlnin
bu brought to market, -ml numerous
iilu lumlMjr plantn will exlnt wlmru at
preneut aru amall mill. Itral tntate
will Imi valued much higher and all
will reap a harvent from llielr Intercnln
rirst Steps Toward Sccurlna ex
hibit for 1003 ralr.
Orrgon City Tlin Clackamas county
court has Untied a rail anklng tho farm
era of mcIi precinct of the county to an
Mimblo and namn delrgatra to attend a
tort of a convention that will lw hold
at Oregon City Octolmr 0, In connection
with tlin meeting of tho court. Thl
In a atep preliminary to thu gathering
of an exhibit of tlio resource of Clack
amaa county to I tnmlo at the Lowl
and Clark fair under the terma of the
offer of tlin l.ewln and Clark comniln
nion, which agretn to ptifchaie at canh
value tlin exhibit from each county at
a cont not to excord $500. Thu call
also rrqiu-als the farmers to rcrvn the
cream of theli producta this year as a
nucleus of a credltablo collection to bo
Hint from Clackamas to tho 1006, fair.
Marlon Will Assist lit Road Uulldlno.
Halem The county com t of Marion
county has drcided to act In conjunc
tion with tho Linn county court in
considering tho matter of opening a
wagon road to connect tho Corvallis A
Kanteru railway with tho Dcrchut-
country, eant ol the Cancnde. If pot1
aible, County Judge fkntt will go with
a representative of I. Inn counly and In
vestlgate tlm feasibility of tho plan and
thu prnbablu cont ol conntiuctlon. Hon.
John M Into, who laid out thu Mlnto
trail through the Cancadcs, will ac
company tlin party and act a guide,
pointing out what he Iwliovca to bo a
shortel and easier routu than tho old
forty Acres of Walnuts.
Nuwbeig The 40-aoro Kngllth wal
nut orchatd at Duudeo, twn miles from
Imro, which has Wen watched with so
much Inticentand which Itoro n lleht
crop hint yeai, will Itearheavlly this
nearou, connlderiug tho ngo of thu trees,
which aiu ruggel and healthy. Cap
tain G. W. Totcr, who is In chaigu of
thu orchard, is vety enthuniastlo over
Knglish Malnul prospects in this Mo
tion. Ho says tlio uutH from this orch
mil have been compared with samples
(torn over the Unltod State and oven
(orelun countries, and found very much
Center at tttiocnc.
Kugeno The Willamotto Valley
Klectrlo lailwuy company has been In
coiporated (oi $1,000,000. Kugeno
h ill bo the center o( ojieiatlons. The
county court Is a-ked to glvu a (ran
chlu (mm Kugeno to llluu rlvui, Ku
geno to Florence, Kugeno to Cottagu
drove, Kuguuu to Junction and on
north to thu county lino. llenton
county will bo asked to glvo n (ran
chlru to Coivallis. The Idea is to con
neel with tlm lino from Halom to Tort
land. Plenty of cnpitul Is behind the
Survey of New Electric Line,
Balem Manager I.. 11. French, ol
thu Portland A Bouthurn railway com
puny, which proposes to build un
electric lino from Canomah to rSnlom,
Ih in Ralcm making arrangomenta (or n
pnrniuueut surey of thu routu (or hie
roml. Tho eurvoy will begin at once
and it la his expectation that a coutdd
erablo portion ol the construction work
will bo comploted tbla year.
Troops Called Out to Protect Chorae
d'Affulrcs at Uoaola.
Panama, Aug. 10. No Information
has boon recolvcd nt tlm American lega
tlon here from llogotn regarding re
ports circulated In tho Unitid Htntes
and mild to have been nvut from Pana
ma that an outbreak occurred atllogotu
I. r l.liii IhI wlimi llw Aiiierieiin coil
auUi.. hIiimiu! bv ii mol) and troon
called out to protect Alben O. Hnydor,
too charge il'nllalres.
'I'll.. Atunrli-uii fiilnlNler Im'IIuviih that
the consulate was stoned and allegi-d It
was tlm act of Irresponsible pnmour,
ciiummI by tho feeling airalnat thu United
Utateri, which obtains In Colombia.
Washington, Aug. 10. Although tho
statu department ha not received any
information of tlm reported utonlug of
Ihu A met lean legation at Uogota, yet
thu olllclals mn n Hunt a llvo Interent In
everything pertaining to tho matter.
Vary recent advices from Colombia In
dicated a jM'acelul condition of affnirn,
with tho execution of pocnlblo political
complication growing out of Uonoial
lleyes' pienldeutlul camililncy.
Presumably tho feeling of dissatis
faction that followeil Geniual Ituyes
falluru to obtain any money from thu
United Htate In iiayment of Panama
still oxlnts In Colombia, and thin may
havn given rlno to unfriendly demon
ntiallnnn iiunlnrt thu Ameiican repre
sentatives at llotiola, If this has oc
cur led. Kt 111 tho confident Ixillef lieio
Is that General Hoycs will promply
deal with any trouble that might occui
and thus avoid complications with this
The charge d'atlalrs Is a west Mr
glnla appolnten and a newspaper work
ei by piofeenlou.
Engine ond rive Couches Wrechcd
In Colorado.
Pueblo, Colo., Aug. 10. Train No.
11, tlio Missouri Pacific flyer, crashed
through a brlge over an arroya, on Dry
crook, near Kden, on the Denver & Klo
Grandn railroad, about eight miles
from Pueblo at 8 o'clock this morning.
Tho accident was caused by tho
heavy rains which wrecked tho bridge.
Tho extent of tho Injuries to tho pas
sengers has not Wen received here, but
it Is rumored that some fatalities re
It i estimated that of tho 1S6 pas
sengers on board the Ill-fated train, be
tween HO and 100 lost their lives, eith
er by thu waters of tho raging torrent,
or Wneath thu wreckage.
Upon the news roachlng Pueblo a
special train, b-arlng all the available
surgeons and the Klo Grande nnd Mis
souri Pacific olllclals, left (or the scene.
About 11 o'clock a second train, carry
ing stretchers, cofllns and a numWr of
olllclals, was sent out from tho union
About 1:46 o'clock the relief train
returned to tho city bringing tho) who
escaped with their lives, numWrlng 17,
all so (ar an now known who havo not
(alien victim of the disaster.
ChlcoQO Unions to Be Assessed for
Striking Meat Packers.
Chicago, Aug. 10. All the labor
unions In Chicago havo indorsed tho
stockyaids strike After listening to
the strikers' side of tlm controversy,
which was ptesentcd to them by Mich
ael J. Donnelly, president o( tho strik
Ing Butchers' union, thu Chicago Fed
etatlon of Ijlmr, which Is composed of
oveiy labor organiratlon in Chicago and
has a memWinhlp of nearly 300,000,
adopted resolutions tonight pledging
the aiQial and financial auppoit of thu
foilorated body as long ns tho strike
Kach member of tho central body
will bo assessed a small sum per week,
and tlin whole amount will W turned
over to tho striking unions to help in
tlm support of thu strikers nnd their
famlllea during tho struggle with tho
packets. Tho exact amount each
member Is to W assesred was loft in
thu hands of n committee, with orders
to report ronultu tomorrow.
Whllo tho olllclals of thu Federation
of I-alior woro nnablo tonight to glvo
an oxact entltiinto of tho amount of
money thoy would secure (torn this
source, it was Rtatcd that tho total sum
would bu well up iu thu thousands ouch
Vessels Will Carry Coal.
Constantinople, Aug. 10. Tho porto
has practically accepted tho verbal
notification mndo Saturday by tho Itus
slim ambassador, M. Zlnnvleff, of thu
impending passago of the Dardanelles
by Homo vcsBole of tlio volunteer fleet
laden with coal. This notification was
accompanied by assurances thnt tho
vessels would prerurvo tlio character of
tho morchnntmen throughout the voy
ago. To avoid ditltculty, It also in
cluded a textual reproduction of the
Russian declaration in tho ofllcial note
addressed to tho Itueslan embassy,
Advanclno on Mukden.
I.lao Yang, Aug. 10. The Jnpanoso
nro advancing on Mukden nnd it is
probnblu that a simultaneous attack
will bo mudo on Mukden and Lino
Yang, in which caw) a decisive battlo
la nuaurod,
Newsy Items Gathered from All
Purfs of the Vorld.
General Review of Important Happen
pcnlos Presented In a Brief and
Condensed Eorm.
Whltecaps nro terrorizing Cripple
A North Carolina ml no was suddonly
flooded and eight men drowned.
Tho owners of tho German steamer
Then will appeal from tho decision of
thu prize court.
Tho Ituesian Port Arthur fleet is be
lieved to have olmlbd Admiral Togo and
Joined tho Vladivostok squadron.
Two .THpnncho IoijkxIo boats entered
Chcfoo hnrboi In tho niht and towed
thu Itusslan cruiser Itycshitelnl nway.
Great llrltnln Is far from satisfied
with thu finding of the prixo court in
thura-oof tho steamer Knight Com
A Kus'lnn military expert argues
thnt Ktiroputkln cannot afford lo leave
I.lo Yang on account of tho stores and
Packing houso employes will begin
suit to forco thu government to mako
an injunction against tho Left trust, In
thu hope of ending the great strike.
HecrjUry Hay will address a strong
note to Itusnla regarding tho selzuro of
thu steamer Arabia, Mlnlser McCor
mick's report showing her to bo in tho
wrong. It is probable Russia will pay
for all tho cargo taken promptly, aa tho
czar's troops can use it.
The Japan-so havo Wgun using the
Chinese railway to move men anil sup
plies. The Japanese are concentrating in
three groups with a view of flanking
I.lao Yang.
Another flreco land and sea bnttlf
has been fought at Port Arthur which
was very costly to both sides.
Great Britain's views as to contra
band goods aru thoroughly in harmony
with thoso of Secretary Hay.
Chicago packing employes find the
boycott against retailers not the success
expected, aa they are hauling their
own Ice.
Unless Turkey meets tho terms of
Hay by tho tlmo the licet reaches
(Smyrna, Minister Irishman will leave
his post.
A Chicago flagman gave the wrong
signal and In the collision which re
sulted flvo people wero killed and a
number of others injuicd.
The bodies of seven more victims of
tlio terrible Coloiado dlsarter have
been recovered Eighty-two dead havo
been found and 32 otjient aro known to
be mUelng.
Ttuklth soldiers attacked and mur
dered a largo numWr of Armenian
women. Two Turkish garrisons have
W-en turned Into graveyards by the
avenging Armenian men.
The Japanese fleet has met a reverse
oft Port Arthui.
Now York butchers will Join the
packers' strike
The government hat abandoned the
Harney valloy, Oregon, iirlgatlon pro
ject. General Btoessol, In command at Port
Arthur, la rcpoited to have committed
The British steamer Catchas, from
Tacoma, seized by Russians, has Wen
towed Into Vladivostok.
Klhgtytwo bodies have Wen recov
reed ftom the wreck near Pueblo, Colo.,
and moio aro known to bo lost.
Famine condition! at Port Arthur
aro becoming appalling and hospitals
are crowded with tick and wounded.
RursUans aie busy strengthening the
defenses of Port Arthur (or tho final
struggle, which thoy are expecting at
anyt line.
More iumoia that Port Atthnr baa
fallen continue to arrive in Bt. Puteia
burg, but it ia Wliovod in the ltussian
capital that tho Japanese aro still un
able to capture tho outworks.
Gorman papers condone the sinking
of tho steamer Thea,
A railroad collision at Hoxeman
caused tlio death of a traveling engi
neer. An attempt was made on tho Hfo of
tho president ol Uruguay.
KuroriAtkln'a position at 1.1 ao Yang
has strong railroad defenses.
Tho dostroyor Goldsboiough will soon
havo another trial on the Sound.
Packora continue to add to thoir
forcot and aro confident of victory.
No now forest roservea nro to bo cio
ated in tho West until after election.
French troops aie being hastily for
warded to Tonquin by the French gov
Philippine Army Supplies May All
Go by Transports.
Washington, Aug. 0. Tho war de
partment In considering tho advisabili
ty of shipping all supplies (or tho Phil
ippine by army transports, until tho
hostil'.tle between Japan and Itusnla
nre concluded. Commissary General
Weston, In a lotler to tho recrotary of
war, calls attention to thu possibilities
of delays on shipments mado on com
mercial sleamors and strongly urge
that all shipments Ihi mndo ly trans
ports until tho danger of sclzuru is
Contrary to previous reports, It la
teamed that tho Urlllnli steamer Ar
dova, seized in tho Red rea and subso
fluently released, carried United 8tate
army supplies, but that is the only in
stance so far In which tho Ittusiann
havo Interfered with the supplied of
this government. Under tho new law
all army tuppllea must oe carried by
American bottoms, so tho only Pacific
line affected, if the department
adopts General Wcnton's recommenda
tions, will bo the Boston steamship
company and thu Pacific Mail.
General Weston's recommendation
has been referred to the quartermaster
general for hi opinion. His recom
mendation will probably be carried
out. While tho department doe not
fear that any of Its supplies will W
confiscated by tho Russians, it ia not
desired that tliero should W delay in
the delivery of theeo supplies, many of
which arc sent on short notice, or to
fill emergency oiders, and might, if
sent by commercial steamers, have to
go along with the contraband goods.
Geological Survey Gives rigures for
Last Year.
Washington, Aug. 0. Tho United
States geological survey has issued re
ports on the production In the United
Htatei during the year 1003 of petrol
eum, asphaltum and bituminous rock
and copper.
The petroleum production was 100,
641.337 barrels, valued at $04,004,050,
against 88,7oo,010 barrels, valued at
$71,178,010, in 1002.
Production in California increased
mora than 10,000,000 barrels, while
tho Texas production decieased more
than 1,000.000 barrels.
Tho production of asphaltum and
bituminous rock was 101,266 tons,
valued at $1,006,460. This was a
smaller arrount by more than 4,000
tons in quantity than the previous
year, but Its value waa 31 per cent
greater. Of the total production, 46,
178 tons, valued at $622,104, waa from
Can Pill rorclrjn Dulldlnrj at Lewis
and Clark ralr.
St. Louis, Aug. 0. The determina
tion of tho Japanese to foster American
friendship and inlroduce tbem-elvea
thoroughly to the people of tbla coun
try has again Wen atriclngly illustrat
ed by the commissioners from Japan to
tho St. Louis exposition, who, It is
stated by Colonel Henry K. Doech, the
tit. Louis ropresentltive of the Lewis
and Clark centennial at Portland next
year, havo asked for the entire floor
space of the loreign building at the ex
position of 1005.
When it waa explained that nearly
all of the foreign countries now partici
pating in St. Louie have promised to
send part of their exhibits to the Pa
cific coast next year, and that all the
exhibits from foreign countries will W
housed under ono roof, the nature of
tho lequent made by the Japanese com
mis-loners may W Wtter understood.
Although Colonel Dosch, aa director
of the exhibits at Portland, waa forced
to tell the commissioners that he could
not grant them all the space in tho
building, ho states that he will prob
ably erect a special Japaneao pavllllon
for them. This has never been broach
ed at the meetings of the exposition
managers, but Colonel Dosch raya Uiat
from preeont indications it will have to
W don'o.
"I waa very much surprised," he
said, "at tho rqeuest of the commis
sioners here, and told them that they
could not u&e all that space, but they
replied so earnestly that they could
that I waB forced to consider the pro
posal seriously."
Decision Sent to United States.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 0. Russia baa
communicated to the United States the
decision of tho Vladivostok prize
court, August 4, In tho case of tho
Portland & Asiatic line ateamer Arabia,
captured by the cruiser Gromobot, of
tho Vladlvcstok equadron, July 22,
confiscating such part of tho cargo an
waa consigned to Japan porta. Tho
foreign otllco la carefully considering
tho objections raised abroad in regard
to Russia's list of contraband, but no
decision haa been reached.
Monster Coal Combine.
Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 0. Thn Post to
day prints a story that a now $20,000,
000 coal combine composed of 28 inde
pendent companies la In process of for
matlon. The principal objects of tho
nw combino, It ia said, aro to main
tain prlcoa,
i tl