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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1904)
iTwrjqrTrTJ1?) THE BEND ' -- j . .-' vol.. II 1WND, ORKOON, FRIDAY, AUG. 19. 1904. NO. 24 r if3""f" r l BULLETIN ! MISFIT LAND LAWS That's What Ar.Villinm son Calls Mini. SHOULD III! KUVISIU) SOON (Irndiintcd Homestead Law Suggested No Timber and Stone Repent I ill Scrip I Done Pur. Congrewuunii Williamson was out to lieud Wednesday, looking over tlie country and calling on frictiilH liercalxHils. He whm nc coiniMiilcd by Sheriff Smith Hint ly Mihs Williamson and Mnw Smith They returned to Prulcvltle yuslor- dit . Relative to the public hind wit nation, Mr. WillimiiHOii said he witi convinced thure should k revision of the laws to timet prMint mudition but not merely for the sake of choline. VVci.aUikinuv." hind he "that the present -Uuid .'vkm arc toil griMt extent itnilH. Titke lor example the. bouwtlrad . law. I whu b w divined iforuniidilionp in I the Northwest of gritrrntion Hgo Wisconsin) Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, ctw Ut'sniU v.ell the circum stances mid demands of tlwit section and time, but.does .uat.iipply at all to the present time audi to lands now vacant. A- family fu rarely make a living on ior acres of land now available It in now. necessary to Inrm on a kirger r.wlrUiau was the practice .o ycara .ngo.. One humlrcil sixty acre being InaufTic- $5 a i . TOR A POSSIBLIi PARADISE 27,000 Acres of. Land IN ORHOON I V 'I A VnHh to those who will iy Irom $$ to 15 in?r acre for Perpetual Water-right TO TIIH COI.UMHIA SOUTllltKN mKIOATION COMPANY. I,ands located in the Des chutes Valley, Crook county, Oregon. Water now on laud. Send for descriptive pamphlet to B. S. COOK 3Si Alder St., Portland, Orcg. IRRIGATED LAND We are ready to receive applications font large area under the canal of the DESCHUTES IRRIGATION &. POWER COMPANY. This laud is Eastward and Northward from Heud on the Kast side of the Deschutes Hiver. Only water is needed to make it fertil. This is now provid ed. Special Inducements to those WHO SIGN KARLY CONTR'ApTSi Por further information ADDRKSS, '. DESCHUTES IMPh'OYEI'ffiNT CO. W. U. GUIMW, Jjl., lMut.SUlKNT, (I C. HTI'IfJI'MAN.V, HaiemtTAUV. ywn - -,' .OPlKGON. VMM I ieut in inoit cases to maintain a fmnilv, the present law operates to depopiiliile the country rather than nettle it the settler Iwing forced to dUMK; of the imiuflicieul laud to tllo who can handle it in large IxxliuN. i have an idea that a sort of graduated homestead arrangement would be practicable, allowing an up pliciuit to take 160 acres or n full sec tion, 01 even 1000 acres, according to the character of the laud applied for. The classification of lauds should Ik- made by the geological survey and not left to tliejudgment of individual applicants. This idea is entirely in the rough yet, but a uiitulcr of comgtcssmcii are work ing on it and I hoe it will Ik got into practical shape. "I am opiKHied to repeal of the present timber and stone law as long as the limber lauds arc open to stripping. When the scrippers are out of business it may be well to repeal the other law, but to do m now would work iiuniujil the citizen of small. menus and .in favonof the rib, Hint it is the rich who te the chi'f.timbcr hif. ... An to tlitmyilhilimval,of .the lare truot of Ipiut scwih of .Ilcud-for iorust reserve puixMCJ, 1 iiimk!i a definite, specific showing wee to be made that any township is not of suitable character for forest reserve it would not 1m difficult to get that township restored to entry. Hut .my indefinite or general protest will have no effect." Mr. Williamson expresses grat ification at the growth he observes 111 this part of the country. Uc is not, however, very hopeful of n practicable winter wagon rood across the Cascade range at Mitito pass. Agency Plains Progress. T, J. Malloy, of Madras, nccotn Kiuicd by his wife and family, ar il ved in town Tuesday and arc tak ing an outing in this vicinity. Mr. Malloy says crojw are looking fine m the Agency Plains country and many fields of oats are expected to Meld 50 to 100 bushels per acre. Wheat, rye and hurley will do cor resM)iidiugly well. Vegetable! are u success and some of the ranchers make periodical triw to Priueville to disKse of their surplus. Mr. Molloy conducts n general m-rchuudisti and implement store at Madras and ' says 'heboid is self hinders this' Mimtncpiirt the Hay stack country Threshing' com menced itr thai neighborhood the first or this wok. v . A representative of the Wasco Warehouse MUlmfc.Co'., whicli has warchouscM-aud ftatir'milhi'ui differ ent portions of Wnte'ftitd Sherman counties, haH'!iisditi visit to the Agency Plains (Midi'lnyMiek vicin ities and has spoken favorably of building it Vorehoure'tu Minims fbr the farmers to $torothvir grain in. As there will be lU'VtriJ' ilmouut of grain produced abo c that used for home consumption nilM. probable this company wilhih-o erect a flour ing mill at Madras. vN The rapid development of that country with the large yields of gram will 1m an iittoitnnt factor in inducing it railroad to build there. - -.Ti 'r Now Plumbers I lore. S. C. Caldwell, of -Albany,' and II. R. Satclmelt, of Newbeig, reached Ueud WcdtieMlny night and have begun preparations for n general plumbing, tinning and hardware business. They have the corner lot on Wall street tiex't the Sather htoj-e and will ertct a large two-story building. Mr. Satchwell's fondly vlitne with him and are in temporary ipiarters on the lot where the store wilt be built. Mr. Cald weU'u j faintly 'twill not come over frojh Albany U'ltil liis business there is, , disposed of.' Messrs. Caldwell aiii Satchwcll yill inuuediatly be gin loumiug iiV their .stock and mntcrltttt, which are already at Shanikd. Miss VAlh WilliAhirt, of Oregon City, arrived vdn Sunday evening's stage foV a visit' with her sister, Mrs. J. M. Lawrence;" HELLO, PRINEVILLE! . !- - Telephone Line Opened for Business Wednesday PR 12 1! ftlfiSSAOUS FIRST DAY Lino Worked Perfcclly mid Carried Talk to Union, Portland and In termediate Places. The 30 miles of telephone be tweeu Isetid and Priueville was completed Wednesday morning The public was invited to make free use of the line Weunoway nltcr- ttoou, nfter which tunc the 5o-ccut toll took effect. Messages were sent to Portland, Union and inter mediate points and everything worked satisfactorily. The first business message to be handled over the uuw line come Tuesday afternoon a telegram to W. Uutiiterin, jr. Supriiiteudent SummaMicHrricd the message out from Pxineville about three miles to the ctvJ.of the completed line, rang U Hcud and transmitted the mes sage. . A little later -it is proposed to in stall party lines between Hcud and Priueville for the use of country residents. A local exchange will oho be put in at Hcud. Present toll to Priueville is fixed at 50 cents. Prom Priueville the usual rates will prevail. Por instru ments in the local exchange, with full metallic circuit, each line a main, the monthly rental will be about $3. 50. The officers- of the telephone com pany are as follows: President, W. It, Gucrin, jr. Vice- president, secretary and treasurer A. I. Goodwillic. Manager Gerald Grosbcck. Progress of Iluildlnc In Bend. The office building of the Central Oregon Hanking & Trust Co. is so far nloug towards completion that Gucrin & Steiiictuann moved in yesterday and the telephone office is also located there Mr. Stickcl is giving the stone vault the finish ing touches. Part of the bank furniture has arrived. The bigsafe and vault doors are expected in a day or two and the bank is excct ed to be ready for business thelalter nnrtofucxt week. O. A. Minor. ol Poitlaud, has been engaged as casuier. The new barn of the Deschutes Improvement Company, 42x50 feet, was completed this Week. R. H. Mutzig will begin con struction of his store building at the corner of Oregon and Wall streets next week. Postmaster Grunt's building is nlso to be un der wuy the coming week. Con ti actor Nale has the job. The I). I. & P. Co. commenced the erection this morning of two Irame granaries, each 12x65 leet, with driveway between them. The Pilot Hutte company has commenced the erection of a drying shed 20x100 feet in its yard, whicli will be used for seasoning lumber. Assistant General Manager I. C. Rowlee returned yesterday from his man-hunting trip to the Willamette valley. He brought in 19 workmen for the ditch, Harry Hunter is ex !cctcd in tonight or tomorrow with 20 more, These will increase the construction force to 80 men, the rnuks having previously become depleted by calls from the harvest fields. The new counter at the 'Pilot Hutte Inn put up by C. 15. Rations is a model of artistic workmatiship, and adds much to the beauty of the office. A. IT. Lippmnn, the Priueville furniture man, was in Uend the first of the week) looking after his business here: ' JOHN Mowers, Harrows, PHOENIX PAINTS Five-Year Guarantee RUBEROID ROOFING Order it for Your New House Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, etc. Glass, Paints, Window Sashes, DOORS, The Bend BEND LUMBER BEND, The mili of the Pilot BUtte develop ment Company hatf beguti sMVin and hereafter will he ready to suppjy all kinds of surfaced and rough LUMBER and SINGLES AT REASONAkbdj PRICES PILOt i)UTTE DEVIiLl tV v jF n, Agricultural Implements Rakes, Plows, Drills, Wagons OILS Mercantile C&. OREQbN -ai- OREGON -w - -' ' . . . .' ,.A 77 r V .' . 1 t -. 4 I! 14