The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 12, 1904, Image 8

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. l-"aV-
t ' '" "f t' -jW'iL '
Timber Land, Act June j, I8?S.
U. 8 Land Office, The Dalle. Oregon,
mwj. tyb
Nolle Is hereby Riven Hint In compliance with
me provision ot me .vci in vongrrs uijune.ii
t$, entitled, "An act for the Mlcuf timber land
In the state of California, Oregon, Nevada, mul
watinngtuti Territory,1' a exiemicti in nil ini
public land stale hyAct of August 4, 14)1, the
roilawlug-uaturd person lime on NovcmlK
iinturit Hereon lime on November jo,
Su. filed In Hilt office
imir awuin i,iiiciutiiii
William A. T.nlitliur.
of lVwtlaHd, (M7 Worcester block) county of
MunnoniAii, iwte 01 Oregon, sworn aisieuiciii
No. 114, tor the iirclwie of the nc)( of ec y, lp
j,r li e, w in.
Thorn. A. Kuthcrlurd,
errmtUml, (44S 10th street) county of Multno-
Jfwh, state ofOregun, sworn statement No. list,
a the purchase or the wl HU 11 and. tS
nej( aec to, ti 17 , r 11 e, w m.
Tal they will Oder proof to show Hint IhcUml
ought l mote valuable for It timber or .tone
thin toe agricultural purpose, ami t establish
their ejlaim to ankl land liefore the Keglster nl
Receiver t The IkaUc, HreKon, 011 October ,
They name at, wttnevf t Thomas A Kitther
fold, ft I. Crispin. I It Ut and William A I.UI.
low, of Portland, Otero"; V I'sntuit. ufMtiiou.
ta, Oregon.
Airy and Alt person! csajmlng adversely the
altfrfwl-rMrlbnl lamls are tcjueied to file their
etjflmslu thUomcc, ijn w !(, Uie Mid rMhday
of October, lH.
atoi4 MICIIAllt. T. NOLAN. Keglster.
Timber I.nd, Act June 3, l(i;S.
V. S. Land Qtflct, The JUHw. Oregon,
Mux . i?4.
Notice I hereby given thjit in (onarUianee with
the provision of the Act o Congress of June j.
SS, entitle! "An act far the lc of timber
tend In the Mate of California, Oregon, Nevada
ami Washington Territory," as rtended to all
the public land state by Art of August 4, lS.
the tallowing namel (lemon Ivtve 011 August 14,
too, filed In thl office their aworii statement,
Michael I. Shelly,
f Minneapolis, (i,wo i.rand street) county of
Hennepin, state of Minnesota, sworn statement
No. , for the purchate of the nV iei tec II
-and n,H wj of sec it, tp 171, r lee, w m.
Anthony I Dwyer,
of Minneapolis. 134 Highland Aicuue) county of
Hennepin, Mate of Minnesota, aworn statement
No. atea. for the purchate of lhciw' nw(,wS
twt( and self sw(f ec II. tp 17, r me. w in
That they will offer proof to show that the land
setmttt U more valuable for it timber or tom
than foe agricultural purpom. and to ntabllih
their elalirn to mM land before the Kegitterand
Riwerver at The Dalle. Oregon, on October 11
They name a wltnee Katherlne Dwyer.
Thema Itterahl, Mkhael J shttly, Anthons
Ifiwyer, of MiHHeapolH Mtnneota. and John
V, Kyin, of iTiucrllle, Oregon.
Any and all pcrvMM claiming adversely the
abmli vribetl land are rcoueated to file Iheit
Mn In Ihia office ii or before the ukl jit da)
of OcHMVr, ih.
re-u MICHAKI. T. XOI.AN, Kegi.ter.
Timber Land. Aet June j, 17.
V. S. T.amJ Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
May t. 194.
NMke l hereby given that In compliance with
'thcproritloaaofihe Act of Congreu of Jane J
M c titled. All net forthe aalc or timber land
In the tatef California. Uregoa, Nevada, am.
Waihmgton Teentory." a extended to all th
putrHc land Main by Act of August 4, IV. tm
'Mowing-twitted penonthave on Augutt 14. I90J
filed Ih thl oflSee tlielr -om atatenienl, to-wit
Katherioe Dwyer.
of Jl llkhlamt Avenue. Mluntapoll. county ol
HcBnepm. ttateof Minnenola: aworn ttemeni
N. jon, far the purcbate of the wt; iwjj m
r, wj K and nK uvtfi mc 27, t 17 , r 10 e.
Thorn Pltrgrrald,
f Mhrnaapoli. (ua I'otk atrect) county of Hen
ncpta. Mat of MIHoeaota: aworn ttatemrnt No
), for ike purctiate or the e)i of xc , tp 1;
a, r M e, w m.
That they will offer proofto how that the land
aught i more valuable far It tlmUr or atone
than far agricultural purpose, and to establish
inesroaimaioMiaumiDeiorcine Keglster anc
KcsMtver M The Dalle.
Oregon, on October1 m.
They same at witnesses (Catherine Dwyer,
Thomas IttrgeraM. Michael J Shelly. Atilhom
J Dwyer. af Minneapolis, Minnesota: and John
l Ryan, f frinevftle. Oregon.
Any ami all person eUlralag advenely the
ahM lUatttbed land are risimtsted to file their
Ctolavt Ih this oflke on or before the W Mth day
of IXtstbrr, i. '
SIJ-SM4 MICHAKf.T. N0UN. Keglster
Timber Land, Art June j, 178,
V. 8. Land Oflke, Lakerlcw, Oregon,
July 21, iv4.
Notfer is hereby given that In ctmipitancc with
the protrWons ofthc Aet of Congress of June J,
S, tnlhlsd. "An art forthe sale of timber lands
In lis stale of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Territory." at extended to all the
puWte land state by Act of August 4, 1891.
JaeoliT. Hume,
of Ilcmi. eouiifjr of Crook, stste or Oregon, ha
, thl day filed in litis eifice hit sworn statement
No. ff. tor the purchase of the w S nwjf tec 36
and eH He1 ssn. 17, tp 11 s. r y e, vr in.
And will offer proof to show that the
land ostgbt ia more valuatilc for IU tlmlier or
tM Hmh tor agricullnral, and to Ot
tawa Mat claim ta aatd land twfere J. M. Law
term. I'. S. Lomwiattoner, at lleud, Oregon, on
mumfmmj, in ijih o)' as uHOSer. 1004
lleuame aawltHtate Klcbard King, l'red
. Joseph N HunUr, W II HoMlushead, of
4tm, svvBst.
Any and all txrsens claiming adversely the
"J'y dTUsd land arc rtmd to file their
afehtr la this utSec on or before the said ijth day
oTOatobcr, iv4.
a 13444 J. N. WAThON, Keglster.
Timber Mnd, Art June 3, 178.
I". 8. Laud Office. The Dalle, Oregon,
April 34, 1904.
.NrMhm a) hereby given that In compliance with
the proviatotts oTlb Act of Congress of June 3,
tSga. entitled, "An art for the afcof timber laml
(n the tala orcallforitm, Oregon, Nevada, aud
w'Mbtogteu Tarrttory." a extended to ait the
polsHc tend 4ata by act of Augutt 4, i&jj, ihe
iHmina-naHMil Htrsons imye Oil nepteilllier ,
iaj. Wl4 In thl ofBce their worii atatementi,
Charlea l, Mwlt,
ofSealtlt-, county of King, state of Washington;
swofH atalcHMtnt No U13, for Ihe purchase of the
swj of sec. 14, tp jo , r 13 c, w. m.
Julius hlugrr,
ofSetUlle, touulyof Klug, state of Washington,
sworn auteiuent No 1116, for the purchase of
tliCHw-)' sec H.lpwi.nicw m.
That they will offer proof to show that the laud
sought I more valuable for ft timber or stone
than for agricultural purpurea, and to establish
Hiajr claim to sjI.I laud before Ihe Keglster and
Kecetrcr at The Dalle, Oregon, on Augutt n.
They name a witnesses. Charles H. Lewis,
Hrnett If. Jlorton, Julius Singer, John II. Kow.
laud and (teorge I'ord, of Seattle, Washington.
Any aud alt tKrrsoii claiming adversely the
aliovotlafiorlbefl laud are rtttitittati! in tii tlielr
orai,u,.'.,,!!L,'ffice " or bfore "" "ia dy
01 August, i4, 1 0f
ji7-ai" juchai'.i. T. NOI.AN, Kegltter. J
11 i-ii mi 1 in mi m s 11 1, , 1 (. 11 1,
Timber Land, Act June j, 187$.
V, M, I,atut Office at LaLevltw Oregon,
June t, idim
Notice It hereby given Hint In comptlnnre with
the provisions of the Act of Congress of June 1,
17. cnt(tl(il,"An act fnrtheMleoflimlierlAUil
in the stair tf Callforuhi. Oregon. N'eiudn. and
fWAshlugtmi Territory," as extended to alt the
public land atntrs by Art of August 4, loi, the
following. nsmed eroni haxe this day filed In
imsoince tlielr sworn smieiuems, io-wii.
Thctxlote Anne,
of llcud, county or Crook, stale of Oregon, sworn
statement No, u. fur Hie purchase of the H
swjf and wkj ae sec A3, tp it , r 9 e. w lit.
tleorge Aline,
ofllend, county of Crook-, state of Oregon, aworn
statement No 4t. for the purchase of the ub
nwifaiiit n) nel( rc 7ilpi. rye w m
That they u 111 ofTerinoof to show that the land
soul1 lit Is more Valuable fur It timber or stunr
tlMn for agriVHltural puttHMr. and to establish
ineireiAims losaiu inuii iKiore j. .11 i.awrenee,
V S. Commissioner at llcml. Oiciron. on the iilh
ilay of August, 1904.
They name as witnesses1 Oliver Johnson, Amt
Anne. Joseph N Hunter. Maslm l.el'ugr, Oilier
Thorlijerstm. Thesatoie Anne, Oeerge Aune, all
of lleud, iHrgou.
Anv and all itcmoit ctAlmlne ailersrt lh
abuvc-deMrllcdlaiidtare trnuesinl to file thrli
claims in this oilioc on or loHe the sakl Ijthday
August, lyM.
Ito-atl J. N. WATSON, Keglster.
Timber Land, Act June 3. 187H.
I'. !. lind Oftlce, The Dalle, Oregon,
April 3, 1994.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with
the provision of the Act of Cuugrc-s or June t.
1S7S. entllltsl. "An act for the uleof timber lands
In the states of California, Orrgun. Nevada, ami
Washington Territory." as extended to all iltr
public land State by Act of August 4, 11. the
Ibllowiiig.named lemons iac filed In this
office their sworn statement, to-wit1
Nevln Molntjte,
of The Dalles, county of Wai-o. stale uf Oregon,
sworn statement No 1174, filetl Notcmhcre, loss,
for the purchase of the h of net and sk of nwU
sec ,t, tp IJ s r tj e, w. in,
Vrauk M Oroe,
ofotympln. count)- of Thurston. tlcof Wash
ington. swoii statement No. nil. filed Kiiler
Jt. .). foriliepurchaseoftheaSaoftwH ofec
11 and wi of uwt,' ofse 13, tp ij . r loe, w. m.
That they ttllt offer proofto show Hint the land
sought Is mote valuable for It timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and o estaldlsh
their claim to said Uml tieurc the Krgittrraml
Receiver, at The Dalle
They nam at witnesses Michael n Connor.
William G Mason ami Martin Crotimlwater, or
The Dalle. Oregon. I'rauk (.tntiitdwaler, uf Kb
ma. Washington, John Muttlu ami Davhl Mut
ry. of TaeooM. Uathlneloni I'usl W. Smith, of
lorlland. Oregvl Jotlli Wots, of Sister. Otegoo
Any and all pctsotit claiming advcraely the
above deseritwtt lamtt are reuuested to file iheit
cUlmtlu litis office en or lrtfure the MM rHttda)
Wl u(itv. IV-
Timber Land, Art June 3, 17.
U. 8. Uml Office, The Dalle, Oregon
April ja, iat.
Notice I hereby given that In eompHance with
the provisions oft he Art uf Congress of June 1
iM. entitled. "An aet fsn-the saleoftlmlierlansb
ih the state f California. Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory ' at extended le all the
iMtWk mnd states by Aet of August 4. 191, the
tbttowlng-named persons have filed In this otfccc
their tworn statementt. to-wtt
. Loots Mayea,
ofSandpoint. eemnty of Kootenai, state of Idaho,
tworn statement No. M, fileil September 14,
i3. for the purchase of the nwj cc. la, tp 13 s.
noe, vr. m.
Rust Oljen,
ursandpotat. eounlyof Kuolcml, state of Idaho,
sworn statement No. i4t. filed September
1993, fur the purchase of the eHof nwffsrc li.
tp 13 . r ia e. vr. m
That they will offer proofto show tltst the
land son 1 In Is more valuable for its tlmlier or
tone than for agrirnttural purposes, ami to es
tablish inetreiaiin 10 said land before ihr Urui.
.rranilKrcriverat The Dalle. Oregon, on Au
utt 17, lot
The name at witnesses William O Mason
and Sllchael O'Connor, of The Dalles, Oregon,
(.udwlg . ltttn. Rust Otlrtis, Mayea
and William C. Ames, of Sandolnt, Idaho
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
ibovc described land are requested to file their
claims in thl office on or before the said 77th
lay or August, 1934.
Il7-am MtCHAHLT. NOLAN, Keglster.
Timber Land, Art June j, 1474.
V 8. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
April 30, 1904.
Notice I hereby given that In com HI nee with
the provisions ofthe Art of Cungre or June 3
tSttl, entitled. "An act for the sale unimbcr lands
in the slates of California. Oregon, Nrva4a, and
Washington Territory." as extended to all the
public land stales by Art of August 4, ti, the
following-named persons have on September ,
IVtf. filed In thl office thsir sworn kttctu,,tA
John II. Kowland,
of Seattle, county uf King, ttate of Washington,
(117 last Lake Avenue) tworn statement No, iu,
ir me puicnasc 01 inenwK 01 sec. , lp M s, r
13 c, w. m.
Ilrnest II. Morton,
or Seattle, county r King, state or Wkshitigtoti,
worn statement No 1114. rr the purchase orthc
neKofsee 14, tp s, r 13 c, w m
That they will offer proofto show that the Jaml
sought la more valuable for It timber or stone
limn ior agricsiiiurai purss, ami to estaldtsh
their claims to said laud before the Keglster and
Keeelver, at The Dalle, Oregon, on August ,
iThey name at wititease Chart )( I.ewls,
ullus Muger. I'-rneat II. Morton, Johu II How
ttbl and Oeorgc I'ord, of Seattle, Washington.
Any ami all person claim lug adversely the
above-described laud are requested to file their
claim in thl office oil or before tile said ltd day
of August, i4, '
I lo-aii
Timber Mud, Art June 3, 178.
17. 8. Mnd Office, Mkevlew, Oregon.
JllllC IS, lyA.
Notice I hereby given that In couiplliic with
the provision or the Act or Congress or June t.
1S7H, entitled. "An act for the- tale or Umber lands
in the slates of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended to all Ibe
public laud state by Act of August 4, i&v.
Richard Cunningham,
or Silver City. Idaho, ha thl doy filed In thl or
ficc hi sworn statement No. Vj, for the iwr-
nejf ncf sec 18, tp n , r 9 c, w 111.
And will offer proor to show that the laud
sought I more valuable for II timber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, and to cUblii
hi claim to ald land liefore J. M. Mwrciite.lL
S. Coutmisiiloncr, at hi office at llcml, Crook
County, Oregon, un Monday, tlic 3yth day of Au
gutt, 1904,
He namei ax witnesses. Michael J Morrison,
Joseph I' Taggort, Joseph N Hunter, Jilwid W,
Koliert. all nf IU.iul. flrvnti ll,,l. tni .,...
or Odell, Oregon; Maxem Lcl'agco? Deschutes
flraurtti J
Auv and all ucnon. clultnlncr it..
NtkfxsiawslaLra-al tvdl lainl .. 1 V . -t
Augutt, 1904. '
I17 - - 19 J. N. WATBON, RcglttcV.
rrr, 4-
Timber Laud, Act June 3, 187ft.
V.n, l.aud 0fTlce,The Dalles, Oiegon,
June 17, ivM
Notice Is hereby glieu that In routilnuce wild
the provisions of the act of Congress of June 1,
187ft. entltlnl "An net for the sale uf limber lum!
In the Stales or California, Oregon, Newola Ami
Washington Tel tltory," a extended In nil the
Public I.ntnl Slate by act uf Augutt 4, HV,
Itlla I. Heed.
of UeyiioUlsxille, comity of JefTemoii, stale of
l'runsiaula. lusou tKlotierii, lodininlln tin
ultleefipr snorn statrmrnt No 14. for the put'
chAsedflhe Lolij, 4 and eH w)(, tp M
, r tie, w m.
And will oiler ptool to show Hist the laud
sought Is mote aluable fur Us tlmlier-or stone
than for agtlrtillutat nurHts4s, and Incstabllsli
her rtalm to said latul before the Keglster and
Keeelirr of this ollkr at The Dalles, Oregon, on
the 13th day of September, nM
She names as witnesses I'C Wlilttcu, Amos
Hradstiaw oilier lrtermiu, Susan A Howe. Cs.
slus A tlallluger. of IMrtlaml, Oregon. HCtaik
Hall, JrssIeK Coilxl. Jennie Jeiiks, Cattle II
Jeuks, darn I' Hall. Allan It Hall, of lirookillle,
l"e uusjtvA ilia.
Anv and all ltrrsnus clalmltie adversely the
lHicnltvtlll lands are requested In file their
claims III this oDUx on or Ixfttie said 13th day ill
September, 1904
lle MICIIAHI. T. NOLAN, Keglster.
Tlmlier Land, Act June 3. a.
U. S, Laud Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
June it, loai.
Notice Is hereby gliru that in cimilliwv with
the piuvisluns uflhc Act r Congress of June 3,
l7, enlltleil "An act fir the sjilrof tliulwr lauds
In the slates of California, Oregon. Nevada, ami
Washington Territory," as extended lit all the
Htldle land sutes by Act of August 4, iht, the
Mtowlug-uautrd persons have filed In this olhce
their swotn statements, lo-wlt
IM lltosterheus,
of Deschutes, county or Crook, stale of Oregon,
sworn statement No till, filed January 14, ivh4,
tor lite punhasc of the swi, se y, tp ta , r u e,
w in
Hans fohnson,
orDcKhules, csmiily of Crook, state of Oregon,
swotu statement No jieS, filed JaiiHary M. iyi.
for the purchase of lite lte!( or sec 7, tp s, r to
e, w m.
Nlehtdas P. Welder,
of Deschiilea, county or Crook, stale uf Oirgon,
sworn statement No t', fileil Itreember 14,
loir, for the purchase of the eH sw)( and Lots 3
and 4 of sec. 30, tp 16 s, r II e, w m
That they will offer niooftnslMiw that Ihrland
Higlit Is more valuable for Us timber or stone
than for agricultural smtposr. and 1st establish
Ihetr claims to said land before J M Lawrence.
I" s CommUmer at his etnre at Hend, Ore
gon, on Septemtier ta, IvM
They name as witnesses, (lemge Htoster
turns, lame Shaw. Charle 1' HttMcthoHs, hev
en Debtng. Nicholas Smith. J N lluater. II A
ilrtHiM. II W Herd. John SteMI and Im1 I' Kra
mer. of Deshutrs, Oregon, John Hto and KM
gene l rietchell. ofm.trt Oregon
Any ami all ersns ctalmlng adversely the
ahove-desetlbed lands are ropsested la file their
claim In this otfks- on or before the said lath
day of September, (04.
Tlmlier Mnd, Aet June 3, .
Land Office at The Dalle, Oteatm
June 17,
Notice I hereby given that In eomplMNCc with
the provisions oft he Act of Cvngrsvs of June 1.
i7. enlKled. "An ael for the sale of timber lands
in the stale of California, ttfegon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory ' as extended lo all the
jHiWk html state by Act of August 4. I. Use
following -Hameit persons have filed In lbs ottke
their sworn statements, to-wtt
Loots I' flnlilauttip.
ofOntailo, county or Malheur, stale of Oregon,
worn statement No. mi, filed May 3. iw, tor
the iHirchase of thesesw) fs m, nH nw
"t w rt, wmi neri ' 3 i 14 . r me.
w m.
Orlyle C Trlidrtt.
of Deseholes, esmnly of Cttwk, state ef Oregon,
sworn statement No tut, filed May 3. issm, for
mr (wivnasc el lire vty Hsy 01 sec 34, lp 17 s. r
lie, w m,
Kva A Merle,
ofllend, rsHitity of Crook, slate of Oregssn. sworn
statement No ytt, file May, tour, torlhe mr
chase of ewjf ofi sec 4, lp 17 1, r wc, w m
That they wilt offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone
lhau tor agricultural purimaee, and lo establish
their cWlms to said land before J M Lawrence,
I'. S. Commissioner, at hi office at Iteud, Ore
gon, on September II, 1044.
They name a witness- William K Heoth,
Alexander Smith ami John Moss, of Sisters, Ore
gon, Maxem l.efage and II W Kead. of Des
chutes, Oregon Juscfih N llnnler, John I, Kever,
flank CUss. T W Tri4etl. tlllbert Hagan. John
14etdl. I'rank Itutlcrworth ami Henry Tweet, of
Item!, Oregott, Charle D IHumbcrg, uf staHton.
Any ami alt lxrwin claiming attrersely the
alMvtMlescrilied lands are requested flic tlisr
claims In thl office on or betorc the said itth day
offtcpumbcr, iy4.
H-4 MICIIAHI. T. NOLAN, Keglster.
Tlm.Kr Mnd, Aet June j, ity.
V. 8. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
June 16, iu4
Notice Is hereto' given that In compliance with
le provisions orthc Act or Convtess or fuur 1.
the provisions
it, cHlilled "Ah act for the sate of timber
Hum in lac stale ot utlllornla. Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Territory," as extended to all
the public land states by Act of -tugust 4, ifki,
Tbesijihlle St Mlchtl.
of lleud, county of Crook, slate or Oregon, has
hi Septemlier 3, !!, flltsl in this ofltee hi
worn statement No. 1160, for the imrchascurthe
nwJi of sec n, tp ly a, r 10c. ve m
And will offer proof to show that the html
sought Is more valuable for It limber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, and tu establish
his claim to said laud before J M M wiener, I'
H. Commissioner, at hit office at Item!, Oregon,
on the 17II1 day id" September, lyM.
He name a witness; Jam Alexander,
Maxem I.el'age. Henry Kath, Oeorgc llales, Jo
seph Mitchell. A N Itreuner, W II Stoat. 1'iatik
Hudson, all of lleud, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
auic-iirair.i i
nl lands are rtueted tu flic their
offiecuti or before the aald ittlulay
of September. fH
. .
Timber Laud, Act June J, l;H,
If 8, Laud Oltlce, The Dallr. Oregon,
June to, list
Notice I hrtcby given Ihal In coniplUure Willi
Ihepiuilsiuusnf HieiHtof Ctiugtrss of June 1,
1711, cullllctl ''An art fur the sale id Umber lamls
In Hie Stales uf California, Oregon. Netatlaaml
Washlttgliui Tetrllury," as extcuunl to all the
iiulillcland slnlrt by id uf Augutt 4. ifti. Hie
rollnwtiig named prisons lime filed In litis oltlce
their swotn statements, lo-wll
William I'roellch.
of The Dalles, county uf Wahsi. stale uf Oirgnn,
sworn slAlrment No. IJ17, fileil May 11, ii, Inr
the purihaseuftheitH self and n)i sw( or sec 3
IpllSil le, w in,
tteotge W Hayher,
of Snjner, counly ol Vilas, slate of Wlmiiuslu:
swum statcmrul Nu utn, filnl May 11, lol, fur
the putchase uf the wH se)( and e) sw uf sec
14. t lis, r to e, w m.
Herman I Seeek,
of llalsey, ctmitly or Lluti, slate nf Oregon,
sworn statement No ism, filnl Apill 4, io, ftH
lite purchase or lite wi set and eH swf 01 sec
X. lp lis, r tor, iv in
Thai they will oiler ptoof It show Ihal the
land nought It more valuable fir Ha timber or
stone thsu for asllcullHlat tmitsose. and toe
tabllsli tlielr claims to said land before the Hg
l.lrr and Iteeelver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on
Scidcmticr , nM
They name as witnesses llrsHge WSayner,
ol sa)iter, WIscousIh, OesMge Webb, Mklistl
O'Cnumtr, William 1'ioelleli and William 11
Mason, of The Dalle. Oregon. W K lltmth and
Alrsauilrr Smith, or Ststcis, Otvaon. II C Htau
debetry, of AllMity. Oregon, I' w Seeek. or Hal
sey, Oregon,
Anv and alt nelsons claiming adversely the
alwve-desi'tlbrd lamls are inpHtel t file Unit
claim 111 tint ontre on or
day of September. ly4
l-efore the saW lli
NOLAN. Keglster.
Timber Land. Act June j.itrtt.
f. S. Laud OtTiie. The Dtltr. tlirgon,
July 1, iy-4
Notice Is hereby given Ihal In ctmtplWiHe with
the provisions with the actor Congress ol June
tiiTd. entitled An act tor the mIv of tlmlier
mis In the stales f Cstlfornl, Oivgtm, Nrvsd
ami Washington Territory,1 rslemled lu all
IheimMletaml state hy ael uf Auut . !
IhrialloMlHg named have filed in this
other nn this dale their sworn Malemenls In-wll
Charles It Tedftml.
uf 1'aiaia f at L a Cwtaajul u tlf I, ova lUaila Is t luM,a.Ja
sworn sutrmrnt No 43. tor the pnrehaseoi
the i)( of sec 11. lp tjs, r 10 e, w m
Huron T Alletloii.
teTl'.. tt iwiulviJl'.u -'---- -- '-
swotn statement No iiM.'tor the pstrehase or1
the swt olsec t. tp 13 s. tiae.w m
That they wilt offr iwout' lo show that the land
sought Is mare valuanle tor Its timber nr Host
than tor agrtesillurat tmrpuso and loestoldtsh
Ibelr claims to mM lands hetotc lite NtgMer
ami Keretver at The latlhr Oregem. utr October
i. fH
They name at witnesses Charles H Tedtortt
and llaton T Allerlon of Cass l,ke. Minnesota,
Vile ha el O'Connor. Mllllam (1 Mason ami
MsttlH Riosusdwoier of The Istlbrs. oevgon. mt
Prank llrtmndnaler of Klma. Washington
Any and all prisons claiming attetresely lac
abusi detertlisst tamts ate lesntesttal ta hie laair
culm In this oehce on or before the said jih day
ofOctuber. lo4
Jtfsta MICHAItL T NOLAN, welts
Timber Mnd, Act June 3. law.
I'. M Mnd oMtce, The Dalles. Otegsm,
Jnly 11. ifn
Notice Is herelty given thai In row pt latter with
the prosMonsof the Art of LmsateM of June 3.
i7. entMled. "An act tot lb sale oflimber UsxU
m the state of California, itnrgoa. Nevada, and
Washington Terrttnty, ' as Mended to all lite
pstbltc land stale by Ait of Augssst 4. il,
ltdilb HanklH.
of Albany, eastnty of Man. stale of Orcgsm, has
4 laoLBttst tn lattantee arrtwarH
statement Nsj mm, far the pnrihtseai thcsjK
(, w)( K tea 3a. tp 4 , r ta and Lot
tMl.stei, lp 17 Mac. w m
Ami will offer ptoof to shttw lhallhrland
sought Is mote valuable for Us llmbee or stone
than for agricultural purpuac. and lo establish
her claim lo sM land brlote J M Mwtence
17 Commlsstotier, at his ottke at Mend, mr
gon, oh the t4h dayuf September. tyt
the namrt wllneMs It C heatsdebeery,
iames Cmm. (trace Cutm, of Albauy. thegttn,
N Hunter, of Hewt. Ottgon
AHy and all intsutM claiming adverse the
abovtrlesctlbed land at tsstaestsst la Me I bete
claims In thlsefTiteaH or before the M lathtuy
of September, it.
MICIIAHI. T KUUff, Kegtstef.
Timber Mnd. Act June 3, lay.
V. H. Mnd Office The Dalle. Oregon,
July i, io4.
Nutkc I hcretiy ctvcti Hist In camtdlanae with
Ihe ptovWoHs ofthe Aet or Congress of June 3.
174. enlltleil 'An act tor Ihe sale uf tlinber
lamls In the slates of California. Oregon, Nevada
ami Washington Territory.' as extended tu all
Ihe imbUc land stale by Art of August 4, rati.
Theodore Lieruian.
of Krx, csmnty of Washington, slatr ol Oregon.
nas 011 juiy a, IVM. niru in tins iniKsr tils swarn
stalemenl No. ifi, for Ihe purchase of the sw)(
ne!f , wH sc, and ae si uf e 34, lp 13 s, r 10
e, w 111.
And wilt offer proof lo show Ihal the laud
sought Is more valuable for Its limber or atone
IImii for agnculliiral imrtMssM, ami l establish
disclaim 10 said laml before J J Smith. Coon
ly Clerk, al I'rinevllle. Oregon, on the nth da)
or September, lytl
He name a witnesses Joseph N Hunter.
John llfoss. A I. Hunter, or Iteml, Oregon, W K
booth, or Sitters, Oregon
Any ami all iiersou lUlmlug adteitely th
afoitc deserllieil laud are teniiesieil tufilrlhelr
claims In thl office un or before the said 7th
day of September, I'H.
M-tj MICIIAltL T. NOLAN. Keglster
Timber Mud, Art June 3. 170.
U. 8 Laml Office. The Dalle, Oregon,
June 17, p14
Notice I hereby given that In comi'liancw with
the provisions oflhc Act of Congress of June 3,
tass, eiillllnl ' An act for Hie sale of Umber UihIs
lit the state of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
puMIc land stale by Act of Auanst 4, 1H91, the
lolkiwlug-iiatued arsons have tfltsl In thl office
their tworn lalemeiil. to-w.
I'.lleu Orcull,
of The Dallr, county of Wasi, stale of Orrgun
worn Biairmeni nu itt. flint tHIuber, 11, lyu,
fur Uir luirchase of the cH se),' ul sec. 14 ami 11M
ueX of sec. 13. lp 17 , r 11 e, w 111.
Margttrltc 11. Downing,
ofTIlt Untie, county of Wuscu. stale nr Orrumi
sworn atglrtilrul No. ujtl, filed J illy l, ly3, for
mr purenase ot inr sw
Ol see. 13,lp 13 s, r la
e, w in.
, , . Alfiitclta Orcutl,
ofTlie Dalle, county nf Wnsco, state of Oregon,
swum slalrineiit No 1034, fileil Jiily j, titj, for
the puicliatcoftlicac, arc Ij.lptjs, r me, win.
That they will offer proof lo show Hint Ihe land
sought I more valuable for It timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, ami tu wtablsh
their claims to sulci Inml liefore J. M Luwicure,
II B. Coiuiulsslnner, at hi office at lleud, Ore
gun, 011 hepteiubei 14, 1904.
They imme a John Stelill, Wil
liam I'. Dinning, 1'iniik Orciilt and W W Or
cull, all of llcud, Oregon,
Any ami nil persons claiming nilierscly Hie
aUjvr-ilemirllied laml arc requested lo file their
claims In this office 011 or liefore the said 14th
- )r.rsjttin ,yv
Timber Loml, Alt Jniif 3, tlfl
I1 II Ltiiiiioirkc, TlteDrtllr. oirgmi
Jtme 17 19 t
Nnlire It hereby given llml In i-iiii(ilntti. , Uj(V
Ih iiuilsiiiiitifilic Act of t,"itatM r Jim ,
js;s, enllllfil. 'An nitloi lliranleuritihlier 1 n,k
III Hie slatrsnfCatltiiiiila Otruuii. Ncail rrnJ
WasliliigluiiTettllniy," a rsleinltd to nM IW
iitlbllc land llr by Art nf August 4 ik.), irt
itlluwIug'Uimcd peisott hve iTlrtl In this oil;,,
heir swotn sUlelilflils, to wll
Clistles D liluutbrtg,
iifSUiilon, county of Munlcalm slatr of Mltlii.
gaii,wuin slaltiurul No 131a, filed May t lyu
Inr the puiiliasenf Hie H n! and nw',,
see 11, ipi7s. 1 loe, w m.
Ilolmati W Mottltl
nf Devliitlr,conHly of liook. stair of in, v,i
sworn stalemenl Nu a fileil m iv)
for Hie purihaseuf lite Mrl sw et nwt, ami
swtf nwU ufsee , tpi7t rue, win
Itdwaid II Mt son
iif Desihule. rouHtynf Cttrnk, stale ir In. tl,n
snmn stalrmrnt No mi, hlrd Man It .j vt It
Hie puit'ltase of Ih H f H.lpiaai j.
w m
That they will oftrr iitouTln show llisttli, 1 , ,,1
mghl Is more valuable for Its timbre ..r . ,,
than for agtrrullntal Mitse. and to' 1,
their claim to M land bsforr J M I wi.
I' HCoutiulssHiuer l hHomvcal Ihud on. ,
nu 8citemlier tttlt, ivh
They name at wltn Kva (I allr 1'
lluttetwolth. of Hernl, Oregtm, John Hlrl.1l 11
Meet I. I'rank fltass. Isaac M Dnnkel l hatus 11
Davit, William T nltwalt and II t tliiniu 1
Deseltults, Oregon, tl KCamplwtl. ufmiHwat.
Any and all persons claiming adsetselv ll.r
abmeilr-scrlbeil lands ate lt)uelesl lo AU tin
claiiH Ih Ihrtaffiee on wr behtie I he wtd mi1
day of Stplttnber, ia
la-ay MICHAKI. T XOIN. Kegltln
Timber Mnd,
Act June 3 1 a
V 8
Mnd Oltsfe. The Dalles oirgoti
June it, i
Notice Is hereby given Ihal In niHiiiliaii., will
Ibe lunelshms of I be Act of Congre ol (one
lTt. rntllleil "An act for the sal. of tnni-. Uu i
In Iltr state o4 California. Otr.oo Nevada aul
Washlngtiui Teftitaty a t steaded ! ail Hi.
pabMthlttd slates by Act of Augaat 4 i-y
ll 1' Ktaewitr.
of Desfhutrs. rtmnly of ttuok state , if torgi.i
has an December 14 iyn lied In Hnt,.tn,. In.
sntMH stalemmt No 117, foe the mrhasr ..flli,
lots t smt I and r H HwR of tre m luidsrii
e, w m
Ami wilt uffet ittoiif to show Ihal ll,r 1i,,
simghl Is mot valuable tot IU Hmiwt ' "
than for egrtralluial mrtwsa. ami lo el Hsu
hts claim to nM toad before ) M Ltti-ii.
I' a CammiMsuaet. at hi ottur si 11, .i i.,.
goa an lite lath day uf arptemlr 1 -i
He names a wlltmii i K A l.ntn II u
Mresl, John SHesdl. Skaota I' SAes.Ua all ,, if, ,
shale iteeama
Any sad alt ate stats elaltnlng H.
above ittacrtatttUaaa are rtsitetr. log, 1 1 , r
claim In Ihntritrvaa or arfore aatd ii, dt
of tMrpt.mbet, hsh.
Ht-sir 34IVHAKI. T NOLAN. Mtislcr
Timber Mad. .Ut Jaae 3 is-
l' S
UadOsataal The Halle iig..n
June 1 i4
Matter la herebt alva laal la imnuliiii r win.
Ihe art af Cattgre af laa 1. tam mink. I
art tot lite talc af llmart load la Ike tiair
CaHtorMla.lMvgtm, Nr.asla ami '" f
niaty asrvreaassl usall law puMta la .! i.t. .
by act of Aagtsst 4, !.
Charlea A Maaaammah
ol Head, csmaty uftrsatk. stale oriwrg..n b".
SHoUru. lysl, Sled ht Ihrs sti. In sw.4n
stalenseal No. 1x44. for lb Mtratsase ul the 11
oH. nwt; nK sec is and )t u 4 li
17 s, r lie. w m.
And wilt offer waaf ta wsr that tlirlaii.l
svHgM b) man f Vflaaai JW tot limbtr or ..
lavtn tor aft WtofJ aPJa at, aatt lorablh
Ms'atsiVmaVsJMaayt mWasj-T. M lweattra. I
a C.aaailssliiitet. at hn uaV i larisd .mgoii
on Ihe i(h day of ajeptemher. tv
He name as wtlarase lletd W ll tub v John
I Meat Chalhw J Cot lot and I'bKeSMe Vi nk
all ft Heschntea, Otegoa
Any and all persons rlaimlag drirty It,,
abase ilescrlbssl laads arc laajarstnt to r,t. ih.n
rktlmslM tlits mn on or before mul ili-l.,
of septetttber. 104
Jtfsi7 MKIIAKL T. NOLAN Kegist..
Timber Mast, Act Jaae 3. ts
V. 8. Mud Oebee. Ttt llaltr Oregon
Jaae 1. iu4
Notice Is hereby irlvea Ihal in coMpt'tisrv with
iiw pru.tssans ot in art ut i.oniress 01 jnn
17. rntMtest ' A stt be tie Ufa altimlar l.s.l.
in the stales of CallfotaU, ortaua, Ns.a.1 ,l
Washington Territory. " a eteatled lo all II"
Sbtte toad stales by Act of August 4 u
tawing-named pereon has ll In Ibis olti. r
Hr swat n stalemeat, la-wtl
Jtrseph It. MtsUniatbl,
of Hay Cretk. county uf Crook, awl of Ottg.-u
snotH statement Na 43, ftfosl Pettraary a iv i
tor Iheiamhaseaf the w, selt.sHswk of s.,
11 ami mm K tint, of see H. IP IT. 1 He. win
AILa.1 f tia
af Deschntc. county a? Crook, stale ofotCHoo
swarn statement Na HV iled Pebruary if.
tor the pwtcaase of Ih tslf HK.wH k -d
se swi, af see 13, lp 1 . r 11 e. w m.
Michael I Morrison,
of Odell, esmnly of hUmath. stair of Oregon
swooj stale mint No tin. ll aaptrmber ,,
w3 for lb pntctMsc of ihe e', , tu.! I..M. ,
and 4 of sec it, lp 1 s, t iu e, w m
That Ihey will offrr proof lo tlsvw that II.'
lamlsooghf Is more valuable for II llmtier ..r
Moae than for agtkullural patjswsea, and to ..
UUlh their claims to tafit laa.1 Iwfon J M
Mwreuce. I s Commlxfoner. al hiaufmrni
Heml, OtegoN, on September 13, itatt
They name as wit nrwse frank l.laa. Alln it
t. I.arat tivtd W II Mile). J was K Iknbam j.
s-plt S Hunter, Alfred II Oram ami Hatpii ll
taldnrll. ef lltacbnle. Oregon. Arthur M 3lOi
ew, of 1-orlUad. IHeaoHi Maaem LeSagt and
JameattiMw, nf Send, t)rgon. parry H Davi ot
ntstera, Oregsiu.
Any and
1 ml all iiuh claiming adveraely Ihe
escribe! bind arc raqueated to Ale I hue
ullils of flee mi or before the sabl "Hi
cUlnts In
lay of aetrtembr, i4.
NOLAN. Keglster
Timber l.t ml. Art June 3. irVrat.
r. 8. Luml Olftce. The IbtlleaOtrgon
July 1. tv
imtdic land slttlas hy Act uf August 4 iKy)
Jacob N (JiilUtg,
of Sister, county of CiuoS, mat of Oregon h.
011 May iv, nn, file.) In thl oftlei hi svi.irn
ttatemeul Nu. t?v, for I hi uiuh of IM 1 if!,
su H noil , H sec in, lp 14 a, r iu c, w in
Aud will offer moof lo show Ihat the laml
sought Is mure valuable for lla tlmlier or stum
lhau for Mgrlctitlurul uirMir, ami lo establish
his i-lalui 10 said luntl before the Coiiuly Cletk
nf trook cjititily ill I'rliievllle, Oregon, uu Hit
;lll day of Septemlier, ii.
He name a wlltitwsM' Joe A (Siahaui, Sunt
tirl Well, Churl Otilberg,- of Sister, Oregon
Silas IMgtt, ul rntievlllr, orvguu.
Any and all prison claiming itdrrrscly tin
iilfvH eacrltKtIlauiUaiertsiiiosrril In ftlelheir
claim In Oil olllte uu ur liefore sal.l jjthilny
11,, nvrntniiflli l't.
Ji4-) MICIIAltL T, NOLAN, Iteglslvr
wi nspteniuer, l4.
V, - sMi
Natter Is hereby given Ihal In romidlancc with
Ihe prortalotM of Ibe Act of Congtrss or juur ,
l7. eulltknl, "An net for the sale oftlmlierlaiiils
in Ihr sUlesufCalliiHilU, Oregon, Nevada ami
WaaaluuitHi Tatlturv " Ma vai.,.!..! 1.. ti .1..