The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 12, 1904, Image 7

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    Get Rid
of Scrofula
Jlnnrlici, rriiilnin, Inllnmmntlcjiii, oro
!) nf llio eyelid unit ran, illrnir of ths
tiunri, rickets, dynprpiln, catarrh, wmtlnir,
are only uni n( tlm troulile It cauits.
It la a very ctlToerll, making liavoo of
tho whole jritcin.
Kraillcatri It, nirei all Id iiinnlfoitatloni,
int btitldi up tlm wliolo system.
Accvpl no suliitllute.
Wnntril to lin In Tlmo,
Irflrinl 'I'lii'ro In n imv rilr for jnur
(JturnnK illwnmiil lijr n noted Kiiropenii
H'lrUUl. All Hi pnpur ur tiilkliitf
about ll.
l'ntlritt Mr Krni'lntinl Oft inn iine
at oiiiT, Diin't loi n ilny j don't lone nil
tour, ilmi't lin n moment I
"IVrialnly. lint, my ilcnr friend, your
rlliwaa In not ilMHifvrtiiin, Why niiicli
"Ulirr l hot mi limtnnt In wntc,
m'WT "m,l'u :,,,, rm", ,nf"r ,
tlioy Lara lrrii trlwd a few week,'
How's This?
Wn ofter Onn lliiiulrod Unllnri Upward for
anr raantiM'alarrh thai raiuiiit bo on l cm 1 tjr
llall'ai alarrhi fir.
r J IIIKNKY A C0,l'ruta.,Tiili1(i,0.
We, tho titKlDltUiiixl, hate known Y. 1,
Cliriiay fur llm laitlAyrara, ami lllto dim
prlaclly hoiioiatil III alt liurinena trattaao
(lutiiaiid nnanilnllr aliletocarij out any oh
ligation, mad tir tlmlr firm.
Want A lt'Ai,thiiliialir0riltta,Toled,O,
tttuiiroi, kimiun AMtariM, Minlilo Hru-
(lilt, Iitlmlo, (I
llalr( lirliC-iui lakoii laternally, arU
Int illicrllr Ulan llio l)lil anil iiiiirom ur
! tli jtUHi. rilr Tilt, i-or Mltl. lr alt llftllil leitlinnnl
Halt' raially i'llli al Hi Utt.
lniumii in
i flr.
'ill tiinilxin iiliirtlina (row two fi'ft
In twMity-four Imitr. Tlirra ar llilrly
varlellr of ihl irr; tlm ainnllmt I
only li Inrke In lirlKlit, and ilia larcvit
cu liutulrcJ ami fifty fret.
Tho Hon. Andinw I). Whlto'a enter
talnlni; recoiled lona of hi life na ni
inemhvr of the Ameilenu le-ittloii nt'
ht. rotnraliurK during Dm Crlineiin wan
lll In continued In tho Aiipuat Ceil-1
tury, the Mldaiunmnr llolldny Numhei,
Thean chaptera will Ineludx, Itealdcai
lunch other matter, of timely Intereat,
)eiiHHial memolra of Nlcholaa I and
Aleiunder II of Itumln. Ijiler foreign
rt'Mici' of Mr. White Include IiIh Mink
a n I'liltint Htntea ciniliiir-!(iner to
Katito I loin Intro nnd to the I'nria exM).
altioii, na I'ultcd Htntea luinlater tn
(iermniiy, 1H7K-H1, nml to llualrn kkmIii
In 1NU2-UI; aa n mcmUtt of tho Veiie
(tielnii cotumlMloti and of the I labile
twaro tNimmlraion, and aa aliinanador
to (leiiunny Ui 1HU7.
I'll I urn (Irenl Mm.
Thr repllra of Mr. Itoot to 111 ne.wa
paMr men who Inlcrvlevtcd litiu whlla
he wna Hecretnry of War werv often
almrp nnd witty. Onn dnj, anya the
New York 'J'liuea, n number of theiii,
cnterlliK Ida otllcc, found him alcnltii;
"What nw'you dolni;, Mr. Hecre
tary?" they naked,
"Appolntlnic lieutenant Kenernla,"
wna the liulont reply. Aa ho wna alKit
InK thn coiiiinlailotia of Writ 1'olut
graduatra, It la aafe to any that none of
thoae roiumlaalonrd would lmvo doubt
cd tlmt he pok tho truth.
svatcm, nml furnulics
. .
r-i j(flQ?fihz
aV i - ... ii J
Ao r Jr-J2r
v- T'
building of tho run-down constitution, louwill find no tonic
to act so nromntlv and bcncficiully whero tho health has given
way, the strength over-taxed by hurd work and clow confinement.
Those Hvinif in tho low, innrshy sections of tho country, exposed to
miusmntlc poisons nnd breuthlnjj tho impure air arising from stagnant
pools nnd swamps, till their Canton, Ohio, Auir. 0, 1003.
ivstoms aro filled with ma dantlamsnt 8.B.H. laaifooainaiolna, Ikoep
l,,rt,. ,....t !.: I,n,ililiiiiul,.r. U In tha houaa nil ths whlla. It la an exoollont
lurilt Itnil tliotr llOUltll lllUlcr- tonJo to rvo ,lr,nrt, to thn ayatom nnd tone to
mined, will fitldS.S.S, a altthaorvana. It irlvoa appetila and enarxynnd
....,. tl,i n..lf nml il innkaaonoroolbattarlnavory way, Ihavafound
most excellent tqnlc, anil Its tBj,OBnexo,iiontblood purifier. or months!
timely IISO has many times wi troubtndwlth an Itohlnir akin oruptlonon
-..'i,,! .i.- ,...';, rnm. faca, audi tried speolallata and many ramo
pro vented tlio serious com- M ft our. but H u tho on,y ja,,,,
pllnttions tlmt SO olten thataaomedtoralUve. I am now oomparatlraly
result from mnluria.
Good blood, good appe
tite mid good digestion nro
tho foundation stones of
1'ood health. S. S. S. sup
I Iisvb
plies nil theso, containing
as it docs ingrcdlcnlB for nUl,nt only do ao nowbocau.o
,. ,. .1 " f.t ii i liava othora bonofllod by ths uai
tlio purification of tho blood Bllnt indtolno. Vofora u.lni
lllltl also well-known tonic aprtnp Ivary 'much rolttho noodof tonloj waa
,! .....I. I.... J. .!. XrOUDiOU
iciiiun, iiiun.nn; ii mo ny i,j00rt
iduul remedy ill ensea whom apootno haa drlvan away all indloationa of pys.
ii u..-.. I I .... .t....rtnr..t...1 papain, rogulated xuy bowola.onrlohad my blood,
tha blood has deteriorated, " r. n,'.,t ,. m Ain so noumia in woiixht. ao
tlio stomach disordered and that I fl in bottor phyiloal condition than X
.,..! I,,,c fnllnil httvoinyaaro. Inmyjudninonttharolanobettar
nppctlto III18 llllicu. tonto and blood purltlor on tha markat than your
S. S S. boillCf II purely proparatlou, and X uubaaltsttnuly rooommnnd It
. . , ' o auoh. A. L. lflBUBR.
vcpetnblo compound, leaves """ A.iioua.
no bud after-effects, liko tho strong potash and mineral remedies, which
nro bad on tlio stomach and nerves. A courso of S, S, S. now will
fortify tho system, and tho impurities that lmvo accumulated through
tlio long winter mouths aro more readily and promptly thrown off.nnd
tlio warm weather funis you in good physical condition, instead of
weak, run-down, tired and debilitated, with no appetito or energy, as
is apt to bo tho caso whoro tho system is noglocted and naturo lo-'
tako caro of horsolf. If you need a tonic and appetizer, youyj
find S. S. S. tho bost. Medical advico without charge to all who wrfl
bout their caso. rur swmft
- -..- -
Dlrnot rjrlilrnon,
Tlio Imvyor shook Ills niiRcr wnrn
liiKly nt llio wlluoss ntiil mi Id, "Now
wo wnnt to licnr Just wliut you know,
not wlmt some ono olso known, or
wlmt you think, or niiytlilnu' of tlmt
kind, lint wlmt you know, Do you
"Wnl, I know," snld tlm witness,
with rmiilinala, oh ho lifted onn limber
U'U niul Inld It serosa tho other, "I
know tlmt Olny (IrtiMi snld that Mill
ThoiiiNon told him tlmt li" Ih'mhI John
Tlioiim' wlfn toll Hid Hlmford's Kill
Unit her htnthiind wns thcru whim th
llht ttik place, nnd tlmt he anld tlmt
tli ry aluuu I'ieli other itrouud tu tlio
btndiea rluht coiuld'ahlo."
Arrlvlno nt a Verdict.
Kimln-iim, l'n,, Auk. 1. (Hjtoolnl)
In tlilH suction ol I'onnaylvnulii thero
In n kmwImk bnlhif Hint for such KM-
i my DlHennc nit Itlioiiiuntlsin nnd I.ninn
Hack tliern In only one amo euro twin
j tlmt la Dodd'H Kidney l'llla, TIiIh U--1
1 1ff kiowh from ur)i esse na tlmt of
Mm, .M, I DnvUoii of thla plnrn, Mi
tolls tho atory herwlf its followst
"I lmu sufttiied front JUioiiiiihIIsui
for thirty yenrn nnd find tlmt DimIiI'm
Kidney l'llla Imvu ilonu mo morn okI
t lira o nny intHllrlno I Imvu river taken,
1 wna nlao Lothered with Ijiiiiii llnck
nnd I run only any that my hack Imati't
Imthered me nlmu I took Dcwld'a Kid
ney l'llla."
ConalderliiK thai Mra, Dnrlaon only
took two hoxea of Dodd'a Kidney l'llla,
the riHiilt Mould Ixt conaldoicd wonder
ful were It not tlmt other ore reporting
aliiillnr renulta dally. Knclii-(im Infnnt
ntilvliiK nt n veidkt tlmt "Dodd'a Kid
ney l'llla nro tho onu auro euro for
Tlm llrrn'a I'lra.
"Ilrnrojoiith!" exclnlined tho father
of the Klrl who had heen reicucd from
a wntery Krnve, "how enn 1 repny
you? How enn I allow my KnillttideV
"Oh, If you only will plenae let iu
off," replied tho yotiiiK man.
"Let jou off? How do )ou mrflii?"
"Don't Inalat upon the uaiml come
qucucea; I'm eiiKnu'i'd to nuothcr ulrl."
Tlioiiulitrtil lltiahanit,
"Ynu akrt imh In lirlnjf yuti umitt pin
money till Hmrnllitt, my dear," aald Ui
jimiii; lumlmml.
"Ye," lu' rrplled, with an air of x-
"Well," he ctmllnHi-l, "I tlinuclit I
inlsht a wr4l ave )M a trip diinn Iiiwh,
mi I liroucnt you a paper of plui lu-
Not Iter AfTnlr.
Tlnrle Kphmliii hnd put on n clenn
rotlnr nnd Ida beat coat, anya tho Chi
vaKo Tribune, and wna wnlktut; ion
Jcntlcnlly up nnd down the atrrot.
"Aren't you worLliiK totlny, uncle?"
naked one of Ida nciiunlutnucea.
"No, atih. 1'a celebrntlu' my golden
wrddlu', allh."
"You wcra innrrlcd fifty yenra hko
"Yea, auh."
"Well, why lan't your wlfo helplnir
you to celehrnte?"
"My preaent wife, auh," replied
Undo Kphrnlm, with dlKiilty, "nln't
Kot nothln' to do with It. Btio'a de
fourth, auh "
rjaa, JLJaawaaaWc
It increases tho appetite, tones up tho I
inviuorntcs nnd itrcntjthcna tho
" . - . . i a t
purer nnd better blood for tho un
froo of this eruption. Z think n ureal deal of your
tnedlolne, bellevlnr it to tin t ho boat blood purifier
nnd tonto known to tha world to-dav.
108013. Oavanthat.
Aitoons.ra., Junaoo.iooa.
always boon avorso to irlvinir it toatlmo.
in ! wr iincaiuan in bbl iibii r lu .
"w " -- - ..
of your woat
K H. B. H. tute
i Innlnt at at
- Willi xiyai'"!'"" " wM.i,iii,iiiiMMi,
vrn In bad condition. Tlio uao of your
spemfms no., juhlmhtaa
- --- ... - SSmT
l'uit Croquettr.
Kour hard holled (kh, three tnlile
apoonfula of crvnni, htitter the alzn of
n laruo nuttuchT, a hcnpluK nnlt"piHinful
of Mill t, n daali of pepper. When tho
t'KKa are very hard nnd perfectly cold,
ruli through n Mini wire alcve, mid
the cream, milt nnd pepper, hentliiK In
Kradiinlly. Melt tho butter and atlr In,
An i'KK aoiiiotlmea vary In al.e, n
little tlilcketiliiK may be iichIo) to kIvo
the rlcht coualaleiicy. I'ao tho llueat
crnckcr iliiMt, iiiIiIIiik u little at a tlmo
until tho mixture, can bo moulded Into
wry Mtft IuiIIh. Hull In cracker lnt
nml drop Into n iln-p kettle of hot fat
to fry. When they are brown, atralu
on n wire alcve mid nerve with lettuce,
hiiImiI, Knr thla purpono the cro-pict-tea
ahnulil ho cold. When hot, aerve
with crlnp bncoii,
Corn Hiiulril In Crriiiu.
Tnkii alx earn of Juicy, tender corn,
mid cut from tho coh. I'lnco lu n
Mtuccpaii with n Kill of hot white
anuce, half n cupful of cream mid half
ii lnhlciiHHiiiful of butter; aeanou with
half n teaaMKiufill of wilt, (IiihIIdk of
whlto pepper, nnd anltNpoonful of nut
nit'K. Cook Kently for ten inlnutea on
buck of ruiiKu; place lu hot dluli and
l'rccniillon In Cue nf fire.
Khouhl n (Ire break out lu the chim
ney n wet blnnkj't ahould bo nnlled
to tho Upper ciiiIh of the mntitrlpler'f,
ao na to cover the ohiiIiik entirely.
Tho lire will then pi out of Itaelf, In
order to bo nblc to fix the blnnket two
kuoha ahould be permanently llxed In
(he tipper enda of tho innntelplece, ou
which the blanket limy lie hitched.
Cuniint I'm.
Kliell thn pens mid hiy lu cold wnter
font half-hour. Drain Mid boll In Halt
ed wnter until tender hut not broken.
Drain out the penn aim! jmck Into heat
il fruit Jnrx, returiiliiK tho llipild to
thn lire. Hull up thla llijultl mid whllo
Mill bolllni; lilt the Jnra to overllowlm;
with It, nealliiK Immediately. Stand on
their hwtiU lu a cool, dnrk place.
lllcc Hon p.
Wash four ouucex of rice, put It on
the lire with three plntn of bolllin;
wnter and a pinch of salt. Moll for
ten inlnutea, drain, and pour cold
wnter through it. I'ut the rlco back
lu the unuccpnn with three pints of
Kood soup; let It cook nenlly twenty
nve to thirty minute. Servo with
Krutod 1'nrnienan checac.
IlntlTriullk I'le.
Iluttcrinllk pie ahould be prepnrcd na
follows; Uent two CKirs to n froth with
half a tencupful of muenr, a tennpoon
fill of flour, ono pint of buttermilk nml
n tnblcspoonful of butter. Whisk nil
tho liiKrcdlcnts together thomiiKhly
und bnke with onn crust, na you would
a fruit pie. Add any spleo or flavor
Ins desired.
Almond Ciulartt.
Ono pint of milk, one-fourth cupful
of HiiKiir, one-fourth pound of iilmoudH,
blnnchtxl nnd pounded line, two ckkh
nnd two tenHpoonftila of roewnter.
Stir oxer the tiro till thick an cremn.
then s(t In oven till linn. Juit be
fore servlitK H)Ver with whipped
cream, tinted delicately with xtruw
berry nyrup or n currant Jelly.
Vlrultilii Corn Munin.
ThrtH! ckks, well beaten; two hcnplng
cupa ludlnii corn
tntval and ono of
.. . -. a . .a
Hour; sift Into the Hour two tenHpoon
ftila linktiiK powder; add ono table
spoonful melted lard, three cups sweet
milk, onu empooiful salt; bent well;
bnko quickly lu rlnga or small putty
pans; servo hot. j
Huwiircd Stm)i, i
Select n llrm, Hwcot squash, n Hub
bard by preference, mid break Into
neat senium pieces. 1'nrholl for llf
teeu inlnuteH. Place lu n ImkliiK pan,
hprlnklo etioli pluco thickly with grat
ed iiuiplo siiKiir, place a small nut of
button on each, ami run Into a slow '
oven to tlulxh cookliik.
To ltrniiMc rk-nrclt Mark.
Ilitko an onion, then xqtit'cio out tlio
jtilco nml mix It with nn ounce of ful
J. Ux'-ie nithea yesterday from his
"liuiittiig trip to the Willamette
ley. I Ie brought ill 1 0 workmen
tI... .liinli II... TT....a .?..
a aa.a
" "nv.ii. iiuiry iituiiuris ex
led in tonnrht or tomorrow with
These will increase the
force to So men, the
s Imvinir nrcviouslv become
ctcd by culls
from the harvest
ie new counter nt the 'Pilot
. Inn put up by C. H. Kuttous
piodel of artistic workmanship,
funis mucu to the beauty or the
l H. I.ippmnn, the Priucvillc
ttirctnjaUwva.w TUu.l xu.
Don't try cheap cough medi
cines. Get the best. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, what a
record it has, sixty years of
cures! Ask your doctor if
he doesn't use it for coughs,
colds, bronchitis, and all
throat and lung troubles.
"Ihini fotin1 llial Ain't C'lirrry Tifton!
la Id M1 iimllriii I mi pricrili fir Won-
clilUt, ludarma rmrhi art I fM rol4i
M uiuauaa.M I).. Iiiim K.T.
All drurriin
J c jirinni,
U.w-I! Vl.l.
Correct nny tonrioncy to constipa
tion with nmnll dosoo of Ayor's Pills.
Hot It pny to mnko the tnott of nil
tli powers tlmt Cm) has clren you by
bringing auprrb health and vitality to
your aid In developing tlirni?
Tlio a Cure h a remrlr fiircfrnplit, colds
nd consumption, Try It. 1'riceiaceuU,
st drugclits.
Wlmt Muu Wnnt.
A club woman In nil rluht In a club
but what the ordinary muu wants Is
a housekeeper In a houso
Mother! will find Jin. Wlnilom'i Poo thing
Brrup the Uit remedy tou, lor their dilMrtn
Aurtos the teething -cried..
After repeated failures by the United
Htntea government to erect a lishtbouae
and fog signal on Outer Diamond ibosl.
off Cape llattvras, Cap'. A. P. Kella or
llostou will insk Ui attempt, anumlng
II expenses.
"llm Kind Yon IIuvo Always ItotiKht lias liorno tlio signa
ture or CIiiim. II. rictclicr, and lias been inado under his
IiltmiiiuI MiipcrvlHloii for over IJO. jcara. Allow no ono
to dccclvo yon in thin. CountcnclLs, Imitations nnd
"JtiMUnH-gnod" nro lmtKxpcrlinontM, nntl endanger tlio
lu-altli of Children Experience against Kxpcrhiieiit.
Cnntoriu is liarinlcss stibstlttito for Costor Oil, Poro
Rorlc, Drops nnd HoothhiK' Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Knrcotio
ntibstanco. Its ago Is Its K'umuitcc. It destroys "Worms
and allays Fovcrlshucss. It cures Dlnrrhwn nnd AVInd
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd riattilency. It nssiinllntes tlio Food, regulates tho
Htoniaclt und ilowels, frivlnir healthy and iinturol bleep.
Tho Children's Pnnucciv Tho Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Me Always Bought
Boors tho
In Use For
BIG RETURNS IN EGOS. t.r.l'i,..n.,7,.,r5S
ll, tot niftklDsf a wM invMtbwab Un u IIumUa tXcm ."ewCcr to ktp t I
IS'U Itvm inHJO TTfisssss siasM saaru
and too will to irtM4 at th tti nlura tou wtu nnli, In it. rorm otecir. or I
k4tfrl.7ourral,injrwulirr for. niUi. co.t l r Inn tr baartr I
ail no, (iln,oi iu munt. jn .. .. .. nni kjhi mvuiriav va jour Itfwia I
I'rlrt'S tfca and too. UtU frota jrr Jealer.or writ lout, nook oa pualtrr aod I
RUSSELL enginebsoilers
f& High Grade
ESS Machinery
Wrlto for Catalogue nnd Prices
The A. !!. Averill Machinery Go. PSD
Actual cararltr, not claimed, 12 to IS tons iwr day loiiilvo automatic pluntcr draw.
S'onnrtiiff uird (iuiik InJIcalor. Heel lining. chalTgiate, aud aialo, roomy lord tabls. Low
.nililKO. tour-loot UroVc
I sr9lrEr
lapted tor work at barn tianVt, StauOaup to lu work, I.oiuhi no itltiflUT hnlei or tha
Im( neco.mry lor tho tier ti get down utt hli Vnera lu dua , mu i or snow. I-argeit
tenlntr ol any tViubtebtroke Treaa maile. 1.1 u lit o( llralt. UliMlofor both mru aud
'Tula lull weight Into ordltiary box car. llundreiUol theto prcaae In um tu Ortgou
lion and Idaho, VK iiuarautee It the beat on the market,
, Lawlm at Stan Co. fc"attlt
$25.00 PER DAY
Oittlnr Water,
Oil or Coal with
Wa'l In all uliei ami
tyl. Wrll lor Ci-
loaiirK ni mi 01 uin in
tit Wait.
Bsall & Go.
XI2 Commer
cial Mix.
No Cost of Operation
v 4- w
Writ torl7 for f rf Mnrtrate look.
Tenth and Johnson Streets
f. n. a
rte. J2-l!0.
WHEN writ la r to kdrertUar plea j
mention tbl papr. I
Signnturo of
Over 30 Years.
MUH(Uf TKirT Hfm Oft CITTs
Elk 3iM
1'urUaod, Or., Csatt AcuU
C- $& rT" TTff -&-l ig-
Hay Press.
Horse ami Belt Power Presses.
Trrfi"' aPSp
aud bpukaue, Waah., I'ortlajid, Ore., Iloiat, Idaho
i ll
'. I