The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 12, 1904, Image 6

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    hiti if Jii.i ! iti i if, i ki ki I. ti t ftini
r I I T I TTTV1T11 1 1 1TTTT
By Robert Buchnnnn.
4-I--H I 1 I r'r4"M"r H-H-H"t"H-'HHf H-Ht r It HIHM ' '
After tho Inquest wa over, I wa 11
Into n small room tltted tip aa it lllirarjr,
Mt 111 handcuffed ami Mill attended by the
two policemen who had brought me over.
Hver elnco my arrlral at the houap I
had been looking eagerly for aoino algu
at Madeline (Iraham; but he had not
oppoared. Whlto I sat apart, however.
Cleorgw Itcdriith entered the room, mid
after glancing ui me, addressed me:
"Till I bad biialne, Trelawney," he
mild, looklne very pabj and agitated.
"lot mo toll you, however," ho contin
ued, "that ugly a tho evidence look
against yon, I hope that you'll succeed In
irovlng your Innocence at tho trUI. I
larou't mueh cause to love you, and poor
Johnson had still less; hut upon my word,
1 believe you Incapable of tueh n crime
MR this."
"Thank you, sir," I replied, trembling,
for I couM hare bortio hla auger or In
lllffercnco letter than hi aympathy.
"You at leait ilo mo that Justlcel"
Ho nodded assent, auil wa about to
ay something mora when thero was the
ruatlo of a dress behind him, and with a
quick atart, ami it aharp pain at the
heart, I aw Madeline, standing In the
room. Tho alght of her wtt almost more
khan I couM bear; I shook like a leaf,
Umt my eyes tilled with tear. The next
inonirat tho stepped forward with an
'eager cry of rocvgnltUn, and both hand
putstretohlng. Then, seeing that I was
handcuffed, ah uttered another cry of
isrlrf and pain,
"MadoMne!" cried her eensln, warnlng
Jry; but she paid no attention. I had
turned my (toad away, too ashamed to
meet her caw, but 1 felt, rather than
aw, that aha waa gating tenderly Into
iny face.
When aho make, her rotm waa hrakea
kind tearful.
"Mr. Trelswney, may I apeak to yon?
3Iay tell you t my heart ache and
lilccd for you. In your itreat troabloT
May I assure you haw deeply I believe
t all who knaw you muat believe In
your ianoeence of ch a crime?"
I turned my head and locked at her:
my head aw am. and the tear ) bMaded
me that I eankl not see her.
"God bleaa you for saying that!" I
rnnunured; and at I apoktle. ahe lifted
my two bound hand and held theui gent
ly lu her own.
"1 could not believe that any one
would think It possible," ah saM. "I
would have come before, but waited, ex-.pectin-
ta see you aet at liberty. Hut
how I hear you are to b put upon your
trial! Ah, da not fear! Hare courage!
Your Innocence wtH be proved, and yoa
fwtll aoaa be a free mH."
i TerhapV I antwered; Vt whether
or not. It I aantethlax to know that my
Innoceaco la bettered la by yon!
"How couM 1 Oanbt M IVar Mr.
.Trelawney, I know yan better re than
yon know yrett. N prf. howerer
terrible, canM akake my faith hi
whom I knaw to b the bra re t aavd be
of men; ane who i lavcapabte af any bae
ttea; ana m whani, rementbar. 1 awe my
"Don't raU4 aae. Mka Graham. I
WaM canve thrancli tbia trouble rVrbt
ruaach. rriuiM. anal, whataTer hap .
1 shan't tartat yvnr caadneaa. I car4
for na ane'a caod aptnlan bnt yanra. I'm
not the nrat aanaeent man. by many. ha
i had la face an anntt aeanaataan,
tsd anawcr k wtth hi We; and what
yon bar W ta me wflt (ire me raarare.
Ierha, ta bear th wttu that ta
Hefara I re-allted what be wa datsc
he had takan my hand aatn. had rat
xl thea ta her h and kUed themt
"Don't! dantr I erWd. haK aabMnr.
-I ain't baar k! liar, lad, take m
"Ue htm kindly." aha cried, w-eafaavc
ivl add tho aalaar. "It am em
bar. We t a tairtaia, and fabaty a-
"Dan't ba atraU, my kdy." aanl tha
an wava had noTtanily irVn. "Well
laak aftar him."
"And Mr. Treiawny 4ar frtend
da nai thdnk tt thanh w ant mw.
1 U.iN b htte. I am tarn. wmtrnWc.
and wkaterar naanay ran 4a for ywar iV
(m aaviat VS 4ana by ma. It a paar
rtn. Indeed, far tW hwV ywa r '
Caaf a 1 kean! TnMk tktt jan Vae
frie4t wrkha far y. Kaym far
yanl TUnk ttvat tha h-aMW tarn w
tAM nam whan ya wB ba frea
ta raMtai m tna ya Jar, wata ya.
nd wVa vW ki jan tkV Vvtar far a
tcinMi brnrety kwaaver
In tkve rnna af U.U mimtnt I eanad
ar itu4t bar m my arm, bat I wa
WaW. and rfn.MM hi w Vattar .
Oentty. ht Irmly, tha aaVar U4. ma
(ran ba raam. and aaan lata a ta
the datar. what tha 4wfatc '. wit
lax. TW wa a crwl aba tW dr
te4, and whan 1 anftvuvd tr, vat
n aymavathatir mnrmnr.
0r way Vk lay a: tha ikl ot
tara. Qaattaax tha rata af tha trtt
h,MM and bMTmx tha dork atea W
hkbl ft, wa MttieJ awtfUy abwx tha
avMUUT rM-d- Tha hart, ha iart
ward bid, wharWd aWax at fM
feed. Aa wa aprraW tha dar ai
outua 1 craswd my naak rannd ta Wai
at k; tha naxt anaai
k: b an tut mument I tiha
xhWusaa t a tiiUy wnka faa bi-i.Vmx
out af waa tt tiha Wwar whaitawa.
It w tha tt t nay nawaV. JaXn Pes
drtktvat A w rMvL ha atramad a
j?ta a w&l atart af reaaaiannML
. Wkm,r baak. I m, baaVara wa
wC Wky faa away, a ifccnr. wmVl and
Ktht' daad. rnamaavc aC mnm tW jptr
dtaa b W ja. and hwiAaj; attar v
It wa avwr wajcte. Ha exaaaad dued and
aCUii. Aa w diMaxrai ru3I a
turning of tho road, I fancied I caucht
tho niuind of a atmrp cry, and almultM
neoualy I mw him throw hla to ar...
wildly up Into the alrl
The Aanlie came on ome alt week
after tho date of the iHtjuett, aud In the
Interim 1 found thnt my dnrlluc did not
fall to keep her word, A llrm of eolldt
or, luatructed by her. undertook tuy do
feuae; and thouvih I at Hrt, out of mo
tive of pride, declined their Rood ottlcee,
I vn tltinlly pcrnuadevl to actvpt them.
The day of tho trial, mi ctttortMi; the
dock, I mw her alttlm; by doorce lUd
ruth'a lde In the crowded coHrt.
Krly In the cottme of tho iveollnB.
1 hoard tthlkpcr nimmc the crowd uuc
nmndlnc me. They woro looklnit at
Mndeltne, and aoMteotio waa aaklns wlut
aho might bo, A wlce rcplltsl that he
wa "the priaoner'a aweethoart." Ftr
away a I knew that Idea to be from the
almple truth, I kxtkiol at my darling with
new fecllnga of love and gratitude.
My aunt next deicribcd my doing on
the night of my departure from St. 11 ur
lott'a. Then my micle entered the box.
Ghastly ami woc-bogoe, he utood Ilk
a roan dated; not once turning hi eyca
In my direction. HI rrklettcti ouly cor
rolhiratisl that of my aunt.
All that could bo aahl waa ald In my
defence. My witnee te character In
cluded John lludd and other Weal wor
th!; but all thlt tetlHHny would have
been of llttto avail without that which
followed. T my Intanoa mrjrie. Mad
ell no herself entered tho box a a wltne
on my lde; and thouch what lite had to
say wji practically irrehraMt, thonieh
It concerned chteny my aavntg of bar life
from snip wreck, it worked wonder for
me. Nevvr shall I foriret the thrill of Joy
that want through me a h taw, In
an war to a qneatlaai:
"Xa cave who know the prisoner be
llevea him capable of thb or any crime.
Ho I the bravest and truest man 1 have
ever wet."
After a trial which laHed only the
greater part of one day, the Jndga um
isvtsl up imly enongh, I thought and
tha jury retired to consider their verdict
They returned Into tha box. and tha
Jndgtt also reappeared in hi place. The
fareman stood up, and replied, in answer
to the clerk af tha court' inetion wheth
er I wa gulWy or not guilty:
"We are agreed that there i not sua
dent evldenea to convict tha prisoner."
"That i no verdict at all," cried the
Judge aharply. "Yon mnt decide one
way or anather gwitty or not gnlky."
Kor a moment the foreman teemed
dubious, and. stooping to hss comnanians.
pake to them In a whisper. Thee ha
-Xat gnttty. my lonl"
I was aconitbpd. bnt the manner of tha
acquittal wat crnat mantra, hearing it
daar thit tha moral prnmpHon wot
against me. thongn tha avid ones wat hv
adanata. I did not jnke raoHsa tnst at
tha time, bnt I had bitter rant to re
m ember k afterward.
A HttW latar. I wa Xaaotinr. a free
man. In tha nartor of a small tea. whith
er I hod been lad by John KmR and
whera I foood my annt and noxia awak
ing me. I cannot say tbat It was alto
gether a Joyfnt ateatntg. The shadow of
death taansed still npan as. John Kood
tlaoa wat Jnbilant.
It bad bean arranged my anat and
nncW ware to retnm in tha wagon that
vanmg with Joan lindd. I waa In ao
harry, hawavar. to hasten back to Sc
Garastt'a. My plans ware to hve Rag
land, parnapt working oat my aassaga to
tha catoaie on tome oatward t Jood ve
aL While wa ware sitting togathar. a wak
ing girt beckoned m oat: and foOowtng
bar into another roam. I foand MadaHna
waking to oeak to ma. Dtractly oar
eyaa ateC tha hM oat bath bar hanaas.
and I took tham tfitrtr la aaatc. Tbaa.
for tha dUst tins, my emotion mattered
ma: and. fairly saMaavr. I alma it aaak
faa my kaaat bafata her.
"I wat ritac. yoa " save tabi taa
deeiy. "I kaaw tatay waahl aavar oa
daaan yoa."
"I any He to yoa." I aaaawntod.
In a vatea cooked with taor.
Sha antiled awaatly. aad taaak; bar
"Bvaa If k ware to. k 1 only aaang
a I bare baea daaa by: bat aa oae evac
doabted yaar aaaoaci from tha fete
Of eoarri yoa are Ktoramg to St. Oar
bsrt'sl Saaf-osa." taa told, thmaxattfal
ty. aafim 1 etnhl pet-tasda my aoaatn
to rahutata yoa a ovatxar of aba
JnaaaaaaVKv JSM-- -xSv cWfT' " Tnaaaaaaaaaan
aaaf . ' f- Tt"1 'V9
M ' -.''. (HtV.vV. , f-.; J J . aal
1 pKiWr"? 1
St. BB
dark before mo, (y only practical
knowlcilgo was connwoled wltli copper
milling) beyond that, I knmr luithliig.
Howovnr, I wa fairly eduunlrd, mid
unite rvndy to turn my hand lo any
thing. 1 aoarulird Ilia llenapapcrs, Klixl
In n ultrkslilp vncaiit lu n iiilno aouio
wliero In Month Wales, I unite tu for It
only to tlud that my misfortune had
preceded inn. and llmt the owners ro
fused to employ a in nil whu had Just
Nth accused of murder. Tim aama fata
dogged mo lu every quarter. To my
liiirmr I at last realised tlm firt that, al
though 1 nnn free, 1 had hern acquitted
under such circumstance n lft uixlo
atrojed tho Mark prcsuinptlou of my
guilt. I saw na hope now save. In speedy
departure from Kuglaud. t would ornt
the sea under au vmnil liamu and
liegln a new life In a now world.
I wa HiOtHmg one day uu the asa
shvra, chna to the quay, when a hnud
wa plactMl on my shoulder, and, look
Ing up, I saw the kludly face of my old
friend the carrier.
"Hack again, Johni" I said, taking his
hand In mine. "How are all at hntucT"
"Middling, middling. T!io awld man '
Iv queer still, ami folk say the trouble
about MU Annie ha' turned hi head
Hut that's what 1 want to stwak on. I
ha' scon her she be here, In 1'aluiouth, t
Meastvr Hugh." I
"She? Do )Hi mean my cousin An-
"Sartinly. I saw her last night wl'
my awn two eyes, and I misdoubt the'
In trouble."
Then the gxnvl follow, with team stand-
Ing in hi eyca, told me that late on tha i
previoua evening he had caught sight of
my consin In the poorrst nart of the I
town. She waa wretchedly attired aud 1 ,. f 11 ,i.l .. ,..n.inn i NwrK
uok,M worn ami in in tirst iwpuis. letter follaws, is another woi.nn m nigu
wat to tpeak to her; but finding that, . , i i l 1,1 . t ..r. .T
he waa unseon and unrecognl.rd. he DOSltlOIl WIIO OWCS IlCr llCaltll tO tllC USC 01
chose rather ta follow her, which he did, L . , . f 1 J
and tracked her t. a poor lodging. ' Lvdia. E. Pinkham s VctTctablc Uompouncia
Uefnembering my Uot meeting with1 ' - . . , iTi .i
Annie, ami how I had found her anr- "DKAtlMn, riNKItAMl I ItUironMl for PVVoml ytHlW Willi I Rt'llonil
ivnndeil by all the Wdkatinn of
fort and even Inxury, I wa stuii
What had hantxated. and whr had
.-- . - .- u.,, . uvv.v. ..r...w ... rf -" -. f. ..--. --, ,. ..
enna to KalawtathT t8 tbese polDt rwnlilljf OlMMlf V.Mir HlVf rtlMIUelltN I tlwWPtl 10 tl lltti IIHTHnOI l.jllUi
John ltndd coaM give ma no information. IsJuUhum's Vo'tllilo CmiMtlliil, ami I Hilt M kUi! I Ml. NooiW
ran UtMcriiw Uio good it tlM itw. 1 tooK unto ikhuch mitmuiiy, bihi
Inwides Imlltltttf? up my (joiseml health, It tlron BlllNm niul iolon
mit of my Inxly, niul niAtlo mo fwl bh jry bimI bcUm m n vtmnic KlrL
Mrs. riiikhittiiJi metUciiKM aro crrUlnly all they are clalmtHl to be."
Mas. il. K. Huoitw.v, 17 Kiutt Ohio fcU C1iIcko, IN. .
Mr. lMnklmin 'IVIli llotr Onllnnry TnU lrMlitco I)p1ncctnenta.
Apparently trifling Incident In notnan'a dally life frequently produrn
dltplacamcnU of tho womb. A hp on l,a "talra, llf tlnir durliiir menstruation,
Undln? at a counter, running a acwrliijf machlno. or atteiMllmf to the mtwt
ordinary ta.Ua ray result In displacement, and train of aoriouacTila la started.
Tho first Indcatlon of such trouble should U the signal for oulek actlnn.
Don't let tho condition liecotoo chronic thrvuRli ueRlect or a mistaken idea
that yon enn overcome It by exercise or leavlnp It alooo.
More than a million women have retained health by the uso of Lytlin I
Pinkhnui'a Vcotnltlo Comjwuiiil.
If tlio allulitct trnuhlo iippctrit ttltlch you lo not unilrratnnil
tctIIo to .lira. IMttklinui, nt Lynn. .Mn.. Pir lirr tilvlcr, uitd u trvr
timely word from her will ultow you the rlRlit tlilnir to do. Tliln
advlco cot-i you nothing, but It may mean llf o or luipplncaa or lxitlu
Mrs. Lclnh Stowell, 177 Wellington
St., Kingston, Ont., wrltc5:
"Dtin Jim, 1'i.vkham: You itro lmlccl a
godsend to wimcn. and If they all knew what
you could do for them, thero would lj no need
of tbeir draggim; out inlnornMo Ihes in ngony
"I suiTrvl for years with bearing-down Tfllna,
womb trouble, ncrvotwne,nnd cxcniriatlng noad
a. lw, but a few bottta of Ldln 1 I'ltikhum'n
VcKctntiio (.niiipotinu matiu 1110 iook
new ami jtromiauig to te. 1 am liphtnnd
lutnpy. and I do not know what hlcknoaa
ia, atvl I now rnlov tho lieat of health."
J,, din IU iMnklinm'a Yriretnblo
Compound can always l rclird uion to reatora
health to vruaaaa who Utaa suffer. It la a sovereign cure for
tha wont forma of female cotnpUlntt, that bear1n?-down frrllnf, weak
bak. fallia; aad dttslacment of tho wooab. Inflammation of the ovarira, and
all trouble of the uterus or womb. It dissolve and ezpela tumors from tha
nterua In tha early stage of development, aad check a any tendency to cancer
ous humor. It subdues exeiUWlltv, nervoua prostration, and tonra up tha
entire femado arateaa. It record of cures la tha greatest in tha world, and
should be. relied upon with conSdcnrn.
r anr- "Dkau Mn, I'tNicitAM: I HUirored for wverai year wiui i gvnorai
l cwi- wnnknoKS ami Untrlny-ilown ltw, ratiM'tl by womb trouble. .My nrio-
ipefied. tlto was lit fill, and I would lie awako for hour, and could not altep,
d ahe until I HoenivMl more weary in the niornliiir tlwtn wlien I rotlrt'tl, After
My Mind was, of course, made np at
once. I waald sea my poor emln, ami.
If possible, persnadc her to return home
In my company. So I loW John ltndd to
lead the way. and we walked rapidly to
the neighborhood of which he had spok
en. It wa miserable Indeed a place of
dark and aVshy den, claetertng close to the
It wa one of a small raw of house In
a lane facing the beach. Jobn Itadd
pointed It oat, and I had hoped to ap
proach unabservad, bnt as I neared the
door, whka stood wide open, I saw a
white face gating at ma.
"Aanler I cried.
She nttervd a law cry, and. pressing
bar hand upon her heart, tattered as If
atoat ta tall: bat. striding forward. I
caught her m my arms.
(Ta ta cvatlnaed.)
1I wanhl never 4
"and even ware ha wiBaasf. it
hatnOaat. It U aUka ym. k it tat yassr
haavaaay swadave a taoatk af at; bat it
It ant taa naeatmn. I thank thara Is
bat aaa caarw far ama ta adaat. aad tku
is ta suit anvewaaf
"Yaa aaatt aatf tktt artad. qsaekly.
Tac tat aar takes! far amaaf
"rVr yaar soke?" I twtacaad.
"IVaaatsa aw ac laaAt aaa thing. Nat
ta depart fraaa HacUad wnl bctanx
as kaaw wittant taainc asa xfitmj"
mV pcaaaW brtf"
.vr-h an aran taaw a tarn a-amsaj
wa liataad pjJt hac haad aad tut -0l-?. I wi&ad
warn bar a aVe aaa daar.
"My aaaiOa it waatinc far ave hi t&a
avtrkac sViaa." taal "Ila ii
la darew ave back t Hadeatk. 11
A ar ar a ataar. aay
aaac waac awof m taa
taa eaaact af Janwt Mmai. I
faanvw ahaat ha ass ta a aW ar rasa, aavc
kind af laaaayai iti. I turn taatfl la
yaJwiacJk far taaaral diy.
Wi- wxs I t dt Tia faattr t
llnKlish LsnissKC Has Ilarn Qrad
uat Orwwtb far Cratnrlr.
It was estimated alntet the year
ISn) that th peasantry of a rcruln
district ta Hagiaad axtt ealy KsJ
wvoi to eirsrts all tha nenls of their
raral Ufa, say Cttrreatt Utcratura.
Taa total rocabatary of tha Ubie t
oty tLuO word, that of Milton a
aooaaa alMM fvt'.'J ami Sbnkrpar,
daaltac wih .a vast a ranxe ot human
action, UwHttrbt. psvMkm and ctnutloo,
only aaad aaatc U.tJO, A modcfn dic
tionary cuatam nme UVi Tbc
naiad V bwl Wared nt taa grant growth
of tha UagiUa Uncaaga la three cea
ttttie. It I taitc Intc that n karxe
aamlKvr f taa wrU caulecaatl to
day roatsisu of tachaUcal tartat only
ttscd la the acteacaa to watch they
Ut4o aad that some ara laag.'' with
wbtch the Hasten btagaaga coaM dia
pastsa withaat aay great Wvm, bat
Umtc still reasalas a vast aambar
araihabic. fee tha apeakec aal writac.
Langstago. Mka avory otaar prvdact af
Ufa. tnavst crow, ltaattiay showad bat
tattle af his aaawl araaaaa whan be
wrote: "It were aa thaarwit coatrl
raaca, IT lave paddle had aay racard ta
k, ta taaka the Hagttsh magttagc Im
masaWa. aahws aaraaftar uni far
aaXH aatlaa saaH tavaaV aad ovarraa
a." The mom east a haavcanga caaaa
ta rotaltv aawr woctU taacv Is aa laM-
ttaa that thane at U staadtac still aad
devaJaace aatt at aasae aataa.
The hatradaetlast af aaw war, haw
avar, mavH b psveeaad by aaaaa soaatd
atlatlala. It wanhl ha a stratsrc thtos '
h . ht a xayjahhlc af maa. a-naw eaaa
aatsht kv faavtad Ofaa the rfrhMavs at
UVe rttl af May ataW ladtrtdaaL1
Urea a ha the ripnhUr af
whatever antra daand ant
aavaVr the aaaharity af the haw. S
hsas m there ht a saals-laat aaatxsaaa
far aay thing ar Mao. so laac at there
aa need far a avasr name. Whea
H wxley raaacil the ward xaaMUe."
favsanaaam; at areardtay; ta the laws af
tho lhvVh taassa. there waa ne
raa.sty far a aaaae far a taaa who
taaaaty pat ravahuhta aaaaty; the thtaf
watth ware aaVaawahit -Sieptie'
wsNahl aat tarva. far the steattc rmiamt
the rtht ta rejua. abaatt raveatbaa.
N saeh ceod raavsaat had Mraarata;
far ka utaag hialaty " .ktaav4y we
had seeacitl ejaeanitaias for the ea
aaaaashue. Oaan ' fiarly. far aary
aaa wha aaaa "WaaaXj" a thaw tad
Oae at aaaind, the
SwODO swtu,u
sat fertballh nvla Iks artttsal IstWrs and ilrsstsr at
wkUa, vtil pfa stiu iuiwhi
VjOIa K. rtakhasa M4lla (,, List, Mm.
TeaohtoK I'arritia Hot to Talk.
One of the "pemtur InstltnttonV af
the Qaaker City aad of the worul
the school for sarrat. recently rtnb
Uahed hy a wsaua. Thaso ImitaUsf
bsrds are here unght ta speak lj
meant af a aheaecrauh. The canon
la toachlax parrat the Maga whi. i
they prat tie to amaslagly has bean fu
the teacher ta cranch la a corner ou
af aight af the bird aad repeat tboo.
Mail af Manas the uane ward. tb
un phrase. UU ht hack ached i
hit Tatre refated ta emit mare thai
a wmVsper. Tha way devised hy th
w ansa a rotalre bo ezcrUaa and is
mach mora sacrettfal. She acta a
ashaaacraah caaax at the furrot'a ear
aad then attcadjs ta other affairs. The
ahanfctaph, wtth a preettlaa and a
wrtereraar aaa a ran hi sever eaal
aVamt lal the cars af "1'aUy" the
teateaee that Is ta he learned. The
term at tha PMhdeiahia phtnarraph
school of laastures far aanrats Utt
six atoatha. The tsittaa fee li (10 t
$5 For a Name $5
4 u ib rr rsmst'.l ..ui t HMiota
lia asSSftl l. ,eCtt m Htititt.ta fJur.lLui
s4 far ia rt n thai ,i . II, j.Uf. lMn
- u ...uiiif ,ii ,,q( ,va
3tvtell Bojlnm College, Taconu, Wash.
200 MEN.
Wares XI H t .1st lti VI ir
auk V issm, : I w, ,r I'ltili
Ma ittij.n..!, l'nn
neat ss4VWut tor fowl mm suit
Dejthutes Irrigation and Power
rtTO rrssa isnt, wa aassaainiiiisna
MIO tanlmtuiritf tau'tMi.xm
ta.n.a.k' sa.-Ajav.ritsiTtiftri.r.
Infbraattoa WaataS.
Bachetar Brother Is that baby la the
fowl or aaisal ctttsr
Yaoag Mather What da yaa meaa)
Bacaaiar Why, ha craws 9a auaalt
aad balmwt Xt aaxt Chcaxa Nawa.
rea nu aaArcoxu a
rziiiijMSBiTt-po ti a m a.ct r, I
Th taVm sawthad hr the Paaeh , . Iaeoate-taW. Proot
Hi. nt ns.aaata a ik f laatrtaca AU What am tia ;rooft
HllUlir aaot as U itud j t- vvl-v. k. k .. s k.
fer tha las: tkrw aUlu. &xut Sc
B ariM ilTl l Cm.
1 8BL&
i M J Jtu? " u tuljlairTar
i JKaiJMaBmaaaaa BaWaaa TIaaaV5aflV A" ""-L, 3Zjtmm " "V. ,!:asmmri"",' J. .-'m -fi naal