The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 12, 1904, Image 5

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    "M a,ievy ,,
L'ocAl bits
t'nitlk (,liii Mtn ii visitor In
Jrinevllle the fittt ol the Week.
I dirlvlt' Tiitili-lf win iiiilic lit tin.
Jr-.l of tho weult, lint Id now dp nnd
toitixi uimni.
u liddllioiY loxlH wwn timdc to
lie I) I. &.P. Co. 'a hhicksmith
Shop tin week.
Mill Yollnfc left Wcilticxriiu' for n
Iiut week vnohIIuii in the Koi
Buul country,
CMiuencC Pur Iter iirrlvi-il In llciul
Tn'in Piinevllls on the belated sIokc
Miiui.ty momiug.
I N Iliutintoud, who linn Ihtuii
iti-tiil the tHHt 10 iluy.s. went to
rriiicvtlle 'J itemlitv.
Mt.t Mnrldii VViiwI iiiiiili ii Irin
in hotaelmek. U I'rlnei'lllc Tluirs
H(i. rclnming ltildny.
I iek MVIiIrr unit Orn Piitniliylfr
left Vcduvliiy for n htnititit,; mid
Jiilnii)', excursion tip the Deschutes.
11. V. Dotikle vnn lit town on
tiiincss ftom l)l Meadouh hint
ritiuy and returned Home muiip
Mrs 1. 1'. Circle, who hns Ixjcii
i f --.-
Lisitinif ill 1'ritieviltt! for n pontile of
jvet-ks. rctiutied to llutid today llfri
ft!it .
(.' A Stiit'liiirtotiuli I Mti'iMrltt
tuiiluiK the tmltuiK in of swum huy
te .1. ,s it I. i .
iuiti-s near utc w. i. cv: r. v.o. .
Blip c
W . O tier in. ir.. nnd C.oritld
BhtofuVrk hue recommended C.
I) U eintf, fur aniK) titnient us den
im slielffT
I IJ Miller hag rniiti! the V:i-
Liiit riim iii the new hniltlitiK of
n rit Kin llro-. mill will oncn u real
jeit.ite ohtie there.
Mum (Jiiwh inv Pirst-
R i i milt-h raws, $.15 to 5o oticli
until sprint: vnlf. C. 11. Allen,
Rk.idou lltook ranch.
II S Anderson, rt vctoriimrv.stir
neon, iiuotnpanied by his wife, nr-
riul in Mend 1 ttcijlii'. nnd is iook
UUfi .titer the D. I. & I. CoiiiHiny'h
!' fill wlm lian Immii MlliTurillK
Rjith until tun for koine time, hns
Rom- to I'rineville for his hetilth
He thinks a lower tiltitude will be
llt'tti r ior hint.
Tin- Rev. 'A. W. Coinmerford
Rrilis that he will In? uunhle to m
In II. iw 1 the C4HII tit; SuikIuv. but
twill i 'induct services here a week
Bur utr. ai.
I rid II. StroiiB. of Portland,
Tnrini rl in the office of tlw l'ilot
Kut lofjwiiy here, will Iw omr
Red mxl month to h dmiKhter of
Kr ells of Portland.
It I. Wfi miuI futiiilv went to
Klieir up river ranch hist Wcdnev
Kjti (r the hnitiic scjimhi. They
will rctttin to Mend litter nnd will
riK'h.ihly build h house here.
The Mis?s Marion Wiest nnd
tdriiuc MiCniin will etiterttiiii the
rii,.. mi tut, iii tli Iiiinii if Mr.
ALI, ... .,u . -...- -- -----
pud Mrs. t.. p. Wiast next Tu&v
Rln tltuiKHiu at 2:30 o'clock.
A I.ioodmllie, Clarence Cowl.
Rxilii.. W i: Otwrin. jr.. WHIWil-
ton an, 1 Uo Hull sturted Tliurs-
Ri.n moriiuiK on n few days' camp
ing trip on tlte upper iiukciiiiiiw.
Ktukel .V Hon. niHKOlis. coiitrni't-
nrn iiiwl littilders.will blltld VOU any
iliini' on L-iuth front 11 stone Hue to
t stone or hiiek tniiuston. Leave
Rirders at ofltce of J. M. Lawrence.
Mrs : A. Crifliii. who was vis-
Itnij reluttven at Siilem, ruturued
in 1 t'tid Mom av evenitiK. one
Kv.tsou the sttiRo from Shmiiko,
that the runaway Saturday)
fund was badly hruisod.
IS I ..t , IJ...I crm- M'llill. lnr fill
!'- v.i tvil .....r 1,1 uhito (111 letis and tin of
Ejatl wi niiu a liell fiiHtettud on l a
!.( ' l" Ol jMtpe; lip Ol IIOIII1 MllVBH
roil Ktmn to 1,. 11. .mcuiiiii,
Jl nd, iJtit;"ii, for reward.
'I'liotn.iH Arnold and family will
Bl.irl in a fiw la for an extend-
fcil tour 111 Luicolu, lientoti (ind
Luu mituties for a Hunting nnd
Billing trip. They will rohu until
nhoitt the lirst ol uciouer.
Miirii-vorL. ID. Wietit thih weak
Is loi ttittvc a htteml ftom the ID. I.
I Co s canal to the claim ol !..
1) KiiidrukHoii Btul fnmily wlto
ri'iitiliy arrived irotti aioscuw,
Til.ilni Tlu-v will commence re-
Kamation work immutliatulv, Their
miauls in 17-U1 duout nvo mueij
uurthuist of JJuiul.
Arnnlit lirYi'lliprH Titivp pntnViltttii
theenrpcuterwork on A. II. Orniit'i
cottitRc, vhieh (k n model of iicftl-
tiess and convenience. 1 lie pajwr
limnrers wilt have coinoleled their
work in a few day when it will he
ready lor use.
1." P mii.L'ol linu r-niiiiiiiMii'Kil
hatiliiiK the clay to his.'urick yard
a couple of hundred yanls west ol
the Pilot Iltitto comp.'iuv'H olfice.
The Krolind i being leveled for the
yard and etc many days brick will
he baking on the ground ready to
be placed in the kiln and burned.
M'h. field nfrmtN of the Pilot liutt
Company opjMitc the wiwmill is
making an excellent stand since
systematic irrigation was inaugural'
ed. A few weeks ago this field tip-
iK-nrcil as if It would vield about
one-fourth of a crop. It will now
compare favorably with any field of
grain 111 the county.
Lout Prom my wagon Sunday
Aug. 7, between Meadow Hrook
Partn and Hcml, one Winchester
rifle .10-82 model 1HH6 several
shells in ninga.iiie. One side lever.
breech loading, "W. V. Urecncr"
shotgun li. U. Hrowiiiug. Kind
er will obtain reward by leaving
same with O'Neil Uros., Priueville.
l'rvsilpjjt Turney, of the I). I. it
P Co. ,weitt ca from Portland last
week and will soon join his family
in Uuroic He will return tolletid
in October, probably bringing his
fnmily with him. Director IDcshler
has gone to spend some time with
his family on Long Island. V. P.
C.uerin. sr., went to California for
a visit.
President Oucriu, of the Central
Oregon Hanking it Trust Co.. when
in Pottland last week purchased
sntiolius for the new Iwnk. in
cluding vault doors, safe, etc., which
are exjected to reach Hcml the
last of this week. He also arrang
ed with the Hell telephone people
for additional equipment for the
Heiid line and made contract for
Mrs. J. A. Knyl died at the North
Pacific Sanitarium last Monday af
ter a long illneMt, of tuberculosis of
the lames. She was a native of
Kentucky and aljout 35 years old.
She came to Crook county about
three years ago, the family home
Iwing on Hear creek. Her husband
nnd iS-uionths-old daughter sur
vive. Mrs. Kayl was a woman of
fine character and was highly es
teemed by all who knew Iter.
There was quite a crowd gather
ed at live river bank to witness the
ordinance of baptism administered
by Rev. O. W. Triplctt to the fol
toning converts last Sunday: Mr.
mul Mrs. 1. T. Heutiett. Mrs. J.
Humes, Mrs. Han Hosing, Miss
Nola Kever ami Mi lrace Kcver.
There was considerable interest
manifest nt the meetings, which
closed Thursday evening. There
were two baptisms TluiiMlay flfter
noon, J. V. Harnes nud V. C. New
ton. The Pirst Hnptis church nt
this place starts out with a mem
bership of 22.
Barber Shop & Baths
Hest of accommodations nud
work promptly done
W.M.l. St. HI-NI) 0R1-G0N
About $600 worth of
New Furniture will be
sold at 10 per cent
above cost.
Bend Furniture CO.
Wages, $2.25 per day
Hoard, $1.50 per week
$2.00 per day
Deschutes Irrigation &
Power Company
Vlmlicr fllfiil, Ac'i'uie , l7.
t). a. r,!m'i omtf , tif vj iffiorion,
Nnllri la lirrrtlt' vlvrll lllll ill mllllllUllCe Willi
IlirtituvUluiixiniir Act of CiiKfr o( June i,
il. tiillllril, An t fur the ntc l tlmlxr land'
In llicdlnloof I'.llfonilu.dfrK'iii, NfVrnln, nil
Wn.lilnuli.n Tnfllnrr." riiniri I" n "if
,ul,llcUii'ltnlMliy Act of Aliiitnl 4, Ityi. thr
fiilliiwIiiK uniiinl periMJtiM tiavr filwl lullitom
their twurn nt'triiirnlii, to wit
AlfiniiiUr Jl Iliikr.
r llrnil. roiaity of CfWiW. ulntr uf Oteiinn, wfrtii
initHifHt Nn ty, fltwl My it. i'M. rrtli
liiiteiiaM' fti inr i)i )i j. n "
mW !f . tp 17 , r 11 e w 111.
Joint H Tlmiiiiwoii,
nf Himnyililr. timnlr of Yjklm, Male or Wah
liiKlirti. awuni Inltnif lit No tui, fltwl Ma i.
114, fur the tmicliaMMf ItirrH H n I. H M
a, r l r. w 111
Tliattliry wilt uflrr jirimflii almw lliat IlirUiwI
MHIKht la Dime valiiafrlr fur III fit Mbiir
ilia 11 for airlciiltural mria. and to ralalillali
their claim Hi aaM laml lirfore J M Lawrriiee
V H Ibiiiiiilaihiiirr, at Ilia (ilfiftr at IIihI, Ote
K'Ul.tHI (H1ler l, I'M
Tliey name a wlliiMM-a Jcwph N Hunter,
Artlmr I. (.Mlwlllle, Julm II Oveituif an. I Itita
A Iluiiler, uf lleiiil.OrrKMi, John llloaa, William
K ll.wlli ami Attainder Smith, (if rHalera, Die
gwt, Maaem l,el'ae, f Dracliutra, (llf KTOI.
Any and all lrf-rvnia rtalitiliiK aitvriaely the
jlHelrrllilUiidaie rtnell to file lhSr
rialma In llila (((Ttte oil or Ufolt the aahl iMIiday
vl Ortulwr, 114
11-U7 MICIIAIIf. T NOf.AS. Hcsltter
Tlmtr Land, Art June J, lM
noticp: por puhlication.
V S. Land Office. The Dalit., OrrKSti,
jMllf 14. l'4
Notte la hereby Klven tha In ii.llatf with
the inuvlaMHiaorilir Art uf Ciiitre f Jhi,
l7, riilltlfd, "An atl far Iheaaleef llmlier landa
in IbeatatrafifCallfuriila, Dregon. .cvada. ami
WaatniiKtuii Teirltttry," aa ralewted to alt tfce
iwtdkUiidataltatiy Act of AiikuM 4. 1. Hie
tutluMliiK namnt iiaona have un Hayv, im.,
tt In Ihla otri Ihetr awern alatementa, to-wft
John W Tancail,
of AugiLla. rouiily of Itau Clalrr. alale ofWIa
eimalii awotn atatemenl Nw, 4, fur the wii.
rhaaeof the l.n'X. nr) liwrfand M I of ae
II. tp It a, r le w in
of AngMa, rtHinly l Itau Clalie, atateofWta.
commii awntu alaletbent No, tits, for the mii
cNavri.f Ihr aeK of c i, lt IJ, IHr.ww
Thai they willorfrr Mtmt toatiowlhal the land
MMKhl lamotevaluaWr fr lit ttMber or Miwt
lhan fur aKf KKtliMal tM't1"". awi la eMabtlah
thru italnif. lu Mid laud tfbe J M Kawrrttre
V M CuMmUatoner. at hla office at IkwU.IHc
Itm.on IXtubet II. Iy4
Thy name aa IIkw John W Tacgail
and Ntltie TaKBait, of AKMla, VIomimii Jo
ruh l raraill ami liMebit ft ItllMltT. of HrMt
'Melon KSItlam K tKwOt ami John Mom, of
Malvta, INeKWI
Aw and alt iikhu rtatmlHa' nlellv the
alawf4hwnlhd Umla air IMueMaM to hlf then
rtalma In IktaortWe oh or tfcue the aatd nlh
itay of IKIotK-r, ft
ittt MICIIAItU T NOJ.AW. KeilMff
Timber I.amt, Act June 1, l7.
t; H MmlOlfoe, The OaUea Oregofl,
Juhc 14, I'M
NoOca- la hereby given that In eomdUf with
up uwukm, oftke Att ol CoMfff eat of JuHC 1.
4M. rHtllkd, "Au art for the aaleof Umber Uuda
IH the atalea of Calllof Ht, Oiegwi. Nevada, and
WaabiMgluti TrrrrttKy. aa cateut.1 in an ine
public laud autra by Act of Augwat 4. 101. Ike
rutlowlng-namtat petawtt have filed In till, ufbec
Ihvtr twotu .utewmtl, 111
I atdtavaiHl W beeeV
of Itatwy, C4Mtiily77,lnn,.taleefl)rrgii:awrn
talewvnl Nw r?, filcl larli M. 1004. for the
IMHchaacuf tbcae', are J4, tp li a. r loc, w lu.
John I. Milliner,
ol AthaM), county nf (.Inn. aUte of Oiegon,
mom ataUNtent No ii. flled Orcemtwr 7, ioj.
fur tin- imrtbaac of the wh) (, .wj nwH alia
ncK WH aC , tp 14 a. r I e, w m.
Thai Ikey will offer proof to abonr thattheland
KW(hl la mutt- valuable for Ita llmtwr or atone
than lor acrtrultwrat parpowa, and to eatablMi
Ikeir rtalai. to Mht btnd before the Cmiiily Cbrrk
of emd. count) . at Itincvtlbr, Otrgoti, on Itcto
nrr la. ifH
They naitir at MltnetHra Herman J Keeck.of
IUIy.iHt h C braodtbrrry. a? Alban)
OrrKim, Wi Houth and .Menander hmith, of
xatava iMccvh J . Iluulri and Harry Hunter,
of tiraahutca, llicaon
Any and atl ueraowa riatmlm adwrwly the
alxi.t drxarhrd landa ale IroueatVd to Ale Ihdr
1 laima In thla oMcc on or bafoie the mm! Irth da)
uf October. iw4
aj MICIIAItt. T. NOLAN, Xrcttter.
Timber Mnd, Act June j. l?i.
l. S Land Offke, Mlcvtew. Orrgon,
July tli. IVM
Notice I. helaby gtoeu that in omiHwurt- with
the 4ovMona uf the Act of Cougreaa of Juhc 1.
i7 cnlltled "Anact for the aalcoftlnibcr lamia
lu the atatea of California, orrgoti, NeraiU, and
Wa.Murlon TrotuHy," elendrd tu all the
publKlandatatraby Act of Augmt 4. lv.
John II Merdink.
ofMtpwrn coUHtyuf Maiahalt. alale of Mlniir
aota, hatlliiaiUy filetl lu thla office hit aworn
MatemMit No I'M-for the purcbatc of the lib
iH.Htt.t IM i tec 7. tp l a, r 10 c. w m
Aril will offer proof to abaw thut the land
aonvhl I more valuable for Ita limber or atone
than for amtcultural imrwa, ami to eatabtitk laml before the Keglater ami
Krmlterat Ijakvvirn, Oiegoii, on I'lblay, the
Till day ol IVctohcr, 1404
He twwea aa wiincHca Charlca K hlockland.
Hotel! f MlkkelMm Huawcll A Whitney, Ocoric
ilainrn, luMphi. Mtiukrrhofl. Carrie O Mick
clwn, A.I he 1 t ltetuaid. of IllgUml Minnc
aula llaumt lkiyce, of Oraml I'twka, North
Any and all iterMtia eta I ml 11 K adveraely the
abeleacrtbed laml. are reniiettrd tu file their
etatma In thla Mlbce on or before the wld ;th day
of Octu4r, 1944
as-07 J N WATSON, Bflt.
Do You Wear Clothes?
If .so von will find it
Ii I mj' them this month or.
1. 1 . . . .
I w?r X. Simpson,
Tnhlfc8Slr)plleil with nil the
WrBt-clrtss Kquij)tncitt
Only Uvery Unni on the Desctuitus, run in connection
wllh the hotel. All stnijes stop nt the hotel door
4 r, n'lD 'M-p , . - , -! - '
,n 1
Timber Land, Act June J, l7.
N0T10H $011 PUimOA'VlON.
V H, T.and liltter, Tile IIillen.OreKOii,
, Jly IS. if
Ht,Utr li hrrrtiv alee ii lllnl In roiniillaiicr with
the provlaiiia nfthe Act uf Congtrn. of June 1,
laia, i iiuiird. "All act lur ineaaieoi uiiiir wiiu.
In Ihralalratff Callfnrnla, Orriiou, W-rada, am)
wa.ningimi i tirnoty, aa eaiennei i an ine
(Hilitlc land atatea liy Act nf Amkh.I 4, NJ,
Althur f, OMAlwIltle,
iifllend. county of Crook, atate ul Orriiou.liaa
on June , iy4, filed In till" olfice Ida aworn
aiaiemem no Jija, rar the .ureaaoi ineiie'f
nwv, n!i nt '( and ,!( ntjif of aec 14, t 17 a, r
lie w in
And wilt Oder woof to ahw that the land
anii(hl la more valuable fur II. Ilmlx-r or alone
llian lor aittlciillurol lmrpoKa, and 10 r.iairti.n
hla tlalm tu aahl land j t fiwteiiee, V
H CoiHiHlaatoner. at hla office at llend. OrcKOii
on the jytli day of Keteinlr, I''t
loaeuli M lliititer. A M Iltalr. Ororite C Mine-
inann, John II Ovrrliitf, all nf llend, Orecon
Anv ami all iM-taon. claiming adreraetir tht
alMtveleartlhed landaurr rrfiuralrd to file thell
rtalin.lii Ihlaofnteon or before the aaM Oiday
Ol BfJltfflWI, l'l(
JU MICIfAIO. T. NOI.AN. Krxlater.
Otaert Ix tul. I'lnal Proof
( Department of the Interior,
U. H. Land Oir.te, The Oatlaa, OlaiiWi,
June 17, ly4.
Not It r la hereby (Itcn that
Ja.ix-r JohuaoH,
ef Htatera, Orrcon; liaa filed noltre of hialnten
lion to male proof oil hla draert-bnid claim No.
IK. for the aJ4 aetf of arc ). tp 14 a, r II e. w m
txforr the County Cleric of Crook CoMHty, at
i-linrriiir, uicgoii, on ine iin uay 01 yiugu.i.
lie namea the followhic wltneavra to Irrove tht
ewnilrlt Irrigation and leclamation of aald land
Henry Carlln, t'rrt Wleae, Ooriic .S'hII. of Ma
trta, lltrgou, Alexander, of I'rinr
vttlc. OfCKn.
J4ail MICIIAIil. T. MOI.AN, Hesittcr.
Timber Mud, Act June j, 17.
Mini Office at The Daltea, Oregon
Jul) , I'M
Netiee la hrrebr siren that in eumpttancc with
the lrovtt(na of the att of CmigrrM of June l
rfrr. entitled "An act for the a of timber lamia
In the atate of Callfornta, Oreivti, Nevada am
WaattlMgHiu Territory," aa extended to all th
tmbllc bind atatea by act. of Auguat 4 !. th
IvUowliig. named prtaHa bavr on May 7. VH,
(tied In thta offxe tbelr awO(n aUtementa, to-wlt
Newton N llrown,
of Hrad, county of Crook, atalr of (iregoH aworn
atatemrnl No iui. for the iwiehaw. of the .
tK nd l,ota jand 4 of a j, tp 14 a,
John W Noble, t 1
of Kml. twiiity of Crook atate of OrfR4U aworn1
lalemenl No 14. for the ptirchaaeof theawh
of aec 1, tp 14 a, r lac, w m ,
Ibat they wlllolTer ri.f to .bowtbat the land
aowulil U more valuable for Ita tfwltr or alone
than for agrtrutttiral .urpor4. and to ratabll.h
their etatma to aald land hcTorcJ M Mwrencc
I' H CowmU.tonrr. at hit ortke at bend, IWe
irou. on (tctotxr l, 194
Thev name aa wttueaaea Jamra ItUHtcr, Jotia
W Noble, Newton N llrown. Jrtvph N Hunter
of fiend. Oregon, VllUam K booth and Wit
tlam T btcphrtia, of hl.teta, Oregon.
Any and all peraoua eta I m In k adierxly tht
aboveteacrilKal laiitla are rMJMeated te Ale thell
etatma In thla office on or before the aald let
itay of October, 19H
ajor MICIIAItt. T NOLAN, Kegt.ter.
Tlmtwr Lan.1. Act June y i7.
V. 8. Land Office. The Dallca, Oregon,
July I. lyM
Notice la hereby siren that In co4MvUnw with
the ieovMoua of tne act of CoHgreaaof June
iya, entllleil "An act for the aalc uf Umber land.
In the ttalra of California Oregon. Nevada, ami
Wathingten Territory,' at cateuded to all tin.
puUk laud atatea by act of Augtt.t 4, lbt.
Olive A Wrn,
ol Rend, county of Crook, Mate of Oregon, baa 01
October 14. tyi. filed In thtj, orkce hrr aworn
atatemenl No ij6i, for the (Hircbaac of the ati
ofaec , tp la a, r i c, w m
And will ofTer proof to .how that the land
ought la more valuable for ita limber or atom
than for agricultural proaca and to atabtiah
her (tolm to aald bind before J M Mwrence. I'
k Commiaatoner, at hla oftcr at Rend, Urcxoa
on t he 14th day of heptcmlwr, ioa4
hbe namea aa wftneaaea John I Waal, Prank
Weat TO llar.limaii, Kena Wet. John Atkln
aon, Wallace It Oonkrt, Joaedt N Hunter, alt 04
Any ami all pcraont cUimiug adverae'y the
abevc-dcerllcd land, are mjueated to fib: thell
eta I in. In Ihia office oil or befure aald ith da)
of blriber, loot.
M-aii MICIIAItt T NOLAN, KeKitcr.
Department of the Intel ior.
V. S Mini Ofllee, Mkeview, Oregon.
July it. ty.
Notice la hereby given that the foUowtNg
iiainrtl aetttera hare filed notlcea of their Inten
tion to make final proof in aupport of
their claim., ant that aald proof, wttl t mark
before J M Lawrence, V A Commla.loner. ai
hla oftice at llend. Crook county, Oregon, on An
gmt 17, lyu4, xtt.
Kalph II Cablwell.
II l No rS. for the cbj ae)( aec li and cH neK
tec 14. tp i a, r is e, w m
William Dogur.
II If No 114. for IheaU awji ace Ji. nU nw
aec a, llt!( neVf ace 17. tp II a, r 10 e. vr m
They name the follonlng uitneaaea to provt
their cnutioiieua retldence upon ami cutttvalioa
ofukllaud, l
Michael S Ma) field. Kalph It CWlll, of
llend, Oregon, William ll.igur. Orori;e T My, of
Hoalaiul. Oregon; John lamote, of Ilcxhutca,
U-J4 J. N. WATbON, Kegtvter
to ,yonr ndvuntnue to,
Prmoville, Oregon
otcies of the senvon
Fine Rooms and Beds
-- v
iaiiaa it run- mrrawaiTTiia rranuana nil a.
Hotel Furniture.
I have a qunntity of hotel furnn
lure VhJch I Will .sell ftt a barjniin.
Jl. l'itnairridc,
Moro, Or.
Timber 'tliitf, Acfjilne t, 11
V. t .atll Offlte, Tht Oaltei, Ongmi,
April ., I4.
fothie la hrfelrVilrN that In eomtUbwm- wkk
theprovltlonaotkeCtbr CHfef of June 1,
i7. entltlttl,)' Aa Art for the aaftltf Umbtr UmU
In the alatraof ;llf4tnia, Offit'nl Ncrada, ami
WaihliiKtotlTrrillqfy ' aa eatendetl to atl the
trntdle laB-tjtetJeuVrt .'if Allgmt 4. Of, th
filed In thU ole lhlr aworn atateintnU, tott.
V'llla'ni If IMtotna,
ol Kockforxl, county, of Hpokane, aUU of Wa4t.
Inntoti. awoin atatement No itt, for the pwr
chaae of the iw of c li. '!' '' a, r If e, w. m.
Chaffer A MotUrn,
afXockfqrd.rountyof Spokane atate of WHt
Iniflon, aworn atatemenl No ii&, tut the pur
chaae of the t! of art m. tp l a r lie, w. m.
That they will olTer pfvof .to ahw tkM
the land am h! I. more raluaWe, for Ita timber T
.lone than fr airleulturat pMrpoaea, and to
taldlth their claim. 10 aald land I fore the Mg
itUrand KtttWtr. at The Utitea, )tiro, Alt
gutt 14. I7M
They nam at wltneawa Thorn DaW, CktUtt
A. Moltern. William II HottotM and iMhC.
Kopplug, of Kockford, Waabington; John MeMt
ana trianea k 1 winenam.oi rne iMHea. Oregon,
Anv and atl tieraona cUlminir adveraelv tlae
aboreteaeritied la mi. are reaaeated to Me Ibejr
etatma In Oil. office on or before the aald 4th day
of Augutt iv4
jia-aii MICIIAI'.LT NOLAN, Kegtater.
Timber Mnd, Act June 3, r?6
MIMPt KkTlahUllMT.
V. 8. Mnd Oftke, The Daltea, Oregon,
April J 191. ,
Notkt la hereby given that In cempvanee with
the pruvitlontoflhe Alt of Cungrrat of June L
HiT. entitled, "An act for the aabrof llaaberbiDl.
In the atatea of California, Oregon, Nevada, aitd
Wathlngton Territory, ' T extended to all the ,
public land atalea by Act of Auch.i 4, 4, the
Mhawlng-nametl penum have filed In tba offiic
their aworn atatementa to-wtt
John C8lt HnlHvan.
of no nelmont at , Portland county of Multwa
man, atale of Oregon twotu atatcaaeat Mo ju.
Hied May u.ft. tor the pttrchaae of the oeff -of
aec 9, tp ft a, r to e. w m
Cbarlea K Twlnebam,
olThc Ibiltea coantyef Waaco, atate of Oretoo,
worn atatement No int. filed heptewaber ml
iff, for the purchaac of the nkj aef, aef( aeK
. 7, and iK iij a, tp 11 a, r m e. w. m.
That they wttl MTcr proof b abow that the land
ought la more valuable for ita timber or atone
ban for agricultural purpooea, and to laUblbrti
ihetr atalma to aald land before the Kegitter ana)
Meeetver, at The Oallea, Oregon, on Augutt j,
They naaie ,0 witHeaaea Cbarlea H Adam.. ,
Jerome N I.uer and Chart. K Twtnelaam, af
rhe Dalles. OrrrHi: Jehu H .Salllran, of Port
tand.Oregoni IM'Mn (iraham, of toatera, Oregon.
Any and alt kw'Ht eialmlng advetaetjr ttte
alwrcHlcacrtlMd landa are reuetted to file their
talm.lutbl. office crt'M' before the aaM wtk
Jay of Augott, io4
jw-aii MICIIAKL y .'NOLAN. Kegtater.
Timber Mnd. Act June J. rt.
V S Mnd Oflke. The Dalle. Oregon,
Apr It aa, 104.
Notice la hereby given that incompliance wrtk
.he provMon. of the Art of Contraa. or J toe J.
iH. entitled. "Ah act for the MteonimbortaoaTa
m the .tatea of California Oregon, Nevada. m
Wa.hingtan Tcrrfiory." aa extended te all the
public land atatea by Act of Augutt 4, mji. the
following fMBud-tntraona hate on he pt amber aa,
not, filed la l' r irnce their aworn atateauentt, '
?rone N Murtr,
of The Dalle., cautaty n( tttmi, atate of Ofe
4011, tworu ttaioMMt No ran for the pureoaMr
ofthcn'aaeU n! Xfw( aec . tpua, rjac, .
w m.
CbarbMR Adanta
of The Dalln. osamly af Waaeo. atale of Ore
gon aworii autcatent No in, for the purcbate
uf the nH aeK and S tak aec aec. a, tp is a,
r la c, w fa
That they wttl offer proof to ahow that Uae haarf
wugbt la more valuable for Ita timber or atom)
than for agricultural porootea and to extaWMi
tbelr ctalmt to aahl band before the HcnitUr and
Haccivcr. at The Dalk, Otegou, on Avtaott aa,
They name aa wttneaaea John S Kullivaru of
IVruand, Oregon, Cbarlea K Twine ham, J.
mme N. Murer and Cbarlea It Ailain., or The
Dalle, Oregon, Ifttwln t.raham, of btalcra. Ore
go 11.
Any and all mwmi claiming adveraaly the
dbore-deacttbrd la nd t are rrnuoaled to file tkjalr
.-talma in tbU office on or before the aald tfrth day .
of AugttM, 1014.
Jie-aii MICIIAHL T NOLAN, Kegtttar.
Timber Mnd, Act June 3, iJS.
" f tiA Office, The DaU, 0rgu,
May it, m.
Notiatt'i ri'Rtre that In eempltanee with
the iMOviatotia of Iht Act of luogiaw of Jaaw j,
ia. entllbni. 'U act for the ante of timber an
in tHc4ea OjCallfotula. Oresaai, Ncamka, and
wnaniuaonrTtrnrory " aa eaiemwM law uh
public bind aiatca by act of August 4. leyi, la
ic lanu tjai
lau nvvaoaa nave am in iiih t
theirattrr VialeMaula, to-wtt
l.i.uu. C Kopplug.
ofKockfotd count v of Spokane atate of Waak
lug awtwn Oawru. Jtaa. im filed October (,
too), for lel.Hu.e v tb aek5 aec. JJ, Iraraa,!
ue, w nt.
r.eoiare ford
of Seattle, euuaty of Kiog, atale of Waa4taal,
.worn iialemcnl No, l.yL.alWe.1 Septemhrr ar.
loaj tor tbe purebaa o' tW ( aec I4,tpaa,r
ii e, w w
That tbey DI otWnVto abow that lb Uaai
aoatght U aaore valuable for ha tlaaaar or
than for aarkuhiiral pariHawa, and to 1 aalbllali
Ibvtr claim to aaJ Uu4 before the RagbMpr UN
kecclver, at The wlVa Oregon, on Atagaat aj,
Thy imim i tettaeaaea Therne IbiW, VV
Ita Hi II Unttoana and Cbarlea A. MetMfti, of
Rocklord, WaaklMgtuu, John MeUl, of Hvuai,
Orejou Cbarlea K Lewla, Jullua Mnacr, Juliaa
U Tolelacn, UrneM II Morton and Jaa II,
fcowlau.1. ut Kcalllt Maahiuttoa, CburVaR.
Twiueham, of The Uallea Oregon
, Any awl all ucraona claiming advaoU tlua
tKiveJecrtbed land are reqnraud tu rtlt tofy
etatma in lliw uatce ou or before live aaM tpa
day of Imrwit. 10A4
iikiii MIC1IAKL T NOLAN. KagUer. .
Deotit Mad Pinal Ifoaf,
DetaatlHteat af the lulador,
V. . Iuid OWcc at Ttea DwJbaa. Orttjaat,
Juue if, 1904,
Notice (a hereby givcu that
Auloue l) Trabau.
of tabacra, Crook Count) . Ualc of Orcaaaa;
ki notice of lateaUoa b make nraor on
deett-taad ctaloj No. 17. for the tv wH
Lot .1 of cc la. tu 11, rue. at. beforo
County Clerk of Cruok County, at Priueville,
tgon. ob Ibr isiu uay 01 Aufuat, ioa)
llcuaMeathr folio lug wllucaaea to proft taHt
coauulabi Irrigation an.t rtklainallou of aani aa4l
(latK-M I' C 111a 1 l-imevitle, Oregon) JK!)
Cvnia.TiavUl It 1 rvi 1 . 1 llirbcrt OUtlcr. otjia.
iiera, urcgaat. ,
. '
v 1
ilia &
l-jbtjW -.