i i JL JTiLr jtJLAJL JLJJ11JL JL lA VOL. II IJIvNI), ORKGON, 1'KIDAY. AUG. 12, 1904. NO. 22 M 14 kM tt4 Itt- 2 iw wi ,M It i . TO ENLARGE FLUME It Will Supply Water for Two Canals. TO COVBR 85,000 ARID ACKUS Decide that No Wnter will lo Tnkcn Out Helaw ItcnilAlnchlnes fur Crowding the Work. The pliin of taking wnlcr for tin Pilot Butt cimiil out of the river be low IJciul, which was contemplated n few weeks ago, has been nbaml ouccl. The chief reason for this i. that the growth of the town would be likely to result in mote or le. pollution of the river and Ocucru Manager Johnston, of the I). I. & 1 Co., thinks it would not bedesir nble'to have the purity of the vnlei in the canal .subjected to question Therefore the Pilot Dutte initial will continue to be supplied front the present Hume three miles ulxm lien. I. It i?, however, planned to cnlargi the present flume to nearly foui times its present capacity and um it as the intake for both the present Pilot Unite canal and the Centra Oregon canal. The completed Pilot llutte cnnnl will carry 250 cubi inches a second. The Central Ore Ron canal will curry 400 cubic inch es n second. The Hume, which will supply both those canals, will be increased in size to carry 65c $5 FOK A F0SS1BLE PARADISE 27,000 Acres of Land IN ORUdON 1'kkk to those who will pay from $5 to J 15 ir acre for Perpetual Water-right TO Tlllt COI.OMIIIA SOVTHKKN 1KKIOATION COMI'ANV. Lauds located in the Des chutes Valley, Crook county, Oregon. Water now on land. Send for descriptive pamphlet B. S. COOK 251 Alder St,, Portland, Oreg. 1 I IRRIGATED I LAND I We are ready to receive I applications for a large area under the canal of the J DESCHUTES & POWER COMPANY. This laud is Kastward and Northward from Hcnd on the Kast side of the Deschutes Hiver. Only water is needed to make t fertil. This is now provid ed. Special Inducements to those WHO SIGN HAIU.V CONTRACTS. I?or further information ADDKP.SS, DESCHUTES IMPROVEMENT CO. W. 15. Ot'MRIN, JK., Pkhhidknt. (i C HTKINIW'"' o.f". HI5ND - OHKGON. cubic inches of water a second the combined capacity of both canals. Those two canals will wnter the original scgiegution of the Pilot Mutte Development Company which the Deschutes company has taken over, nearly 85.000 acres. The contracts are based upon one cubic foot of water for each second of time for each 160 acres of land. Of the .ooo-ucte segregation not more than 70 IK.T cent is tillable laud, the remainder being waste or only fit for pasturage feel to Iks carried nv; uju v 11111- by the enlarged '!'!. f..n ....I.I,. flume will be 278 cubic feet more than is required for reclamation of that original "Drake" .segregation. This will be about 75 jwr cent in excetw of the full legal requirement. This is the margin of safety observed by the company in its re initiation work. It does nearly twice as much as the lnw really requires. The Deschutes Irrigation it Power Company has just ordered two machines that are expected greatly to increase the effectiveness of its working plant. One is a grader, wagon lo.tder and ditching machine that will handle, with 18 'lorse for motive Kiwr, t. 000 cubic yards of earth in to hours. l'"ive patent dump wagons areorder imI, to tend the ditching machine. That machine oerateit Mimcwhat like a grain header, the earth being elevated at one side and dcmitcd 111 the attending dump wagon. If, upon trial, it docs what is promised, one or two others will be purchased for the canal work here. The other machine is a Red field hand tMiwer rock drill. With it two tucii are expected to do ait much work as is now accomplished by six. Ilotli of these machine .ire exacted to arrive within the oming two weeks. Mr. Johnston ways his plans con template the reclamation of the en tire ' Drake" gsgrcgatioii within tlic coming ycoTrrinsiiumns con itructiou of canals, laterals and sub laterals to water all the cultivable land. Then the work will le con tinued for the 130,000 acres remain ing "We are not entirely satisfied vith what we have been able to ac complish thus far," said Mr. John ilou, "but we have labored under many disadvantages and perhaps have done as well as should have been expected. Now the entire en terprise is well in hand, we are gaining confidence with uxcrieucc, and are able to plan with assurance that our plans can be carried into effect. Wc want to get the laud reclaimed at the enrliust praticable moment and will not spare expense or energy in doing no." When Foreman Itolileu returned last Saturday from u Visit at Kugenc he brought word thrtt the comple tion of sewer contracts there would soon libcratcipiitc a number of men. Assistant Sticriutcudcut Howleu and Harry Hunter left Tuesday for Kugenc to hire those men for the irrigation works hereabouts. This has leeu a lively week for freight in lieiid, Ten loads drawn by teams of . to jo horses ouch, and aggregating nearly 50,000 pounds, arrived and more arc 011 the way, and the warehouse at Sliauiko is still piled full of Ueiid freight. Among the freighters to arrive this week are C. W. I III borne and J. P. Pry, of Grant county, Prank McConuellaud Prank Ivdelmau, of Gilliam county, K. O. Davis, Walter Williams and W. J. Pitts. Freighter Hates, well known in Hcnd, was caught in the Mitchell country with u load at the time of the watcrsDouts last month. Slnccl then he has been making mighty slow progress, building rond as he went along, and he has not yet been nble to get back on the Hcnd route. Prank Welcome, W. C. McKin ncy and C. K. McPheeters, of Hums, were in Hend Thursday. They have been on a camping tour in the Upper Deschutes country and arc on their way home. AUTO LINE TO BEND Incorporation with Capi tal of $50,000. CAUS TO RUN IIV NOVI!MM!l I Mnlii Line from Cross Keys to Hcnd with llrnncli from Porcst'n to I'rlncvlllc. "We expect to have an automo bile Hue in operation to Hend by the first of November" said W. K. Gueiiu.jr., uiku his return from Portland Saturday night. "The full organization of the comHiuy has been arranged for and all cap ital is provided. "The design is to have the auto line start ftom Crww Keys. The Columbia Southern railway, I am confident, will soon Iw extended to that xiint. There will be a private roadway for the auto, with an eight-foot track well crowned. The trip over this line will le made in five hours ami with comfort instead of taking i. to 18' hours with pres ent facilities. "The first machine on this route will be of swdnl design. It will Ik. of ,y horscpou'cr, and will carry a doxett iMtMH-ngcrs, tuid will pull a traitor loaded with mail, baggage and cxprcMi. Prom Forest a branch line will run to Priueville. "Kngiticer A. K. Hammond has hung to this project and worked out all the moblems prcMMilcd by it and is entitled to gteM credit for getting the enterprise in Miope for progress. He Iihk taken the matter well in hand and will make a great succoas of it. ,'.u ifri'i ttwiiritfaw- The annual meeting of the Des chutes Irrigation & Power Com pany was helil in Portland August 3. The only change in the board of directors was the substitution ot W. K. Guerin. jr., forC. C. Hutch inson. No change was made in the list of executive officers, which con tinues as follows: President II. D. Tiirncy. Vice president and general man ager J. O. Johnston. Secretary and treasurer K. r. Guerin. The other Dcshler, II . Watson, K. Guerin, jr. directors arc John G. W. Scott, J. Prank K. Lytle and W. K. The reports presented were sat isfactory in every respect and the vigorous prosecution of reclamation work was amply provided for. J. W. Taggart, of Augusta, Wis consin, 11 brother of J. P. Taggart, J, R. Lovely, of Lakcvicw, Michi gan, and Charles bhoug, of Au gusta, Wis., arrived in Hcnd Thurs day. Messrs. Taggart ami Shoug left home nlxHit a week ago. Mr. Lovely has lccn absent from home since June 3 and has spent .several weeks viewing different parts of the Northwest. He is in the hardware business in Lakcvicw, Mich,, nud may locate somewhere in this coun try. Hut n brief visit to Heud is made nt this time. Mr. and Mrs. Taggart will come in October to make their home here, Mr. Tag gart is greatly surprised at the change that has taken place since he was here in May. J. I); Merrill, of Linton, N. D a brother of Dr. C. W. Merrill, ar rived in Hcnd Tuesday. Mr. Mer rill was 011 the stage which was turned over by an iuuxpuriuueed driver near the pumping station of Mm water works a mile out of Sliau iko. He suffered a dislocation of the shoulder which is improving slowly. George Stephens, of Sisters, and Cliijmp Smith nud Isom Cleek, of Priueville, have arranged to buy thclsaloon of Shnw & Hrosterhous. O. Cobb, of Sisters, has taken over the saloon of West & Brock at Lytic. JOHN Agricultural DEERE Implements Mowers, Rakes, Plovs? Harrows, Drills, Wagons PHOENIX Five-Year RUBEROID ROOFING Onier it for Your New House Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, etc. Glass, Paints, Window Sashes, DOORS, OILS The Bend. JjBJEUa mf.m imiii LUMBER BEND, The mill of the Pilot Butte Develop ment Company has begun sawing and hereafter will be ready to supply all kinds of surfaced and rough LUMBER and SHINGLES AT REASONABLE PRICES PILOT BU1TE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY PAINTS Qua ran tee Mercantile Co. ...OREGON -nt- OREGON 1 1 i lr-