The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 08, 1904, Image 8

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    Tlmlier Land, Act June y tRjS.
I'. 8, Mud Office, Lnkrvlew, Orrgon,
May 11,1904.
NeUve l littery g (mm that In compliance with
the pmvtthm unite Act ufCoiipireM of June .t,
1878. entitled, "Ati net forth nnle iifllmlierUiuU
In thctlntencifCnltftiriiU, Oregon. Nevada nlul
WBhliigtimTrilltry nt extended to nil the
public Uml ttatcn by tt of Allium 4, Ifyl
Neil 8mltli.
of Drcluite, county uf Crook, tlntr of Orrgvnii
lint Hilt dny filed In thin oilier lilt twutii ilnle
nicnt No. ttj, fiir llir piirchntc uf the eK netf
nc. t, UwK unU m , nwlj wt hc 4 ti "
rife, w. Hi. nml will offer ptvtiftnthttw Hint the
ami nought is nioir valuable for lit timber ur
Mntie thn fhr ngrlcutlurnt purpotet, and to en
4nbUih ItUcUlmlii nald laud liefnr the Regit,
ttr nml Recriter, nt Mkcvietv, Otcgou, oil Satur
day, the 61 h il) or Aiigiut, 1904
. He unmet at wiltiette J.N. Hunter, M.J.
Kobeitt, uf evhiilr, Oregon.
Any and nil pcrttui claiming adictaely the
nbuv-iIeotll.d nte requested to flic their
cfnltnt In ihli office on or before the mM Mb day
ur Augutt, iw.
ij-nj J N. WATSON, Kcgltlcr.
Tlmlier Land, Act June J, 1S7S.
V. 8. Mini Office , The Dallet, Oregon.
April J, I sum.
Notice It hereby given Hint in compliance with
iincpruvitientoi me Act 01 congtrtt 01 June J,
Hjd. entitled, "An net for the tatrof tlmbrrtamft
Inthcttntet of CallNtcuin, Oregon, Nevada, and
Wnihlngtan Territory," m extuided to nil the
public Unit ttate by Act of AugHtt 4, 141. the
foltowlnr-iinmed pcrton tinvc oil October j.
M9ii,.lllrd Inthli oltkt their iworn ttalementi,
' Itva L.Rlmpton,
..IIM.HW. Wlllllj Ul 11111. I.IHIC Ul .,-p,l,
tnwora tta lenient No lift;, fur the ptirchaie of
the iji ne nml nH c( J,tp 171, r loc.w m
Aiigutta Lee.
of Albany, county of Llmi.ttateof Oregon, iworn
ntatcmenl No. linn, lor trie pwchaieof lhcth)
tie' nml dKkHhc J, tp 17 1, r 10 e, w m
TlMt they wilt (Ttr proof to thow that the land
nought It more valuable far lit llmbtt or ttott
thnn far nEricutturnl purputet, nml In etlahllth
thler clnlni to miM In ml txftire the Regttterand
Receiver nl The iMtle, otegou, on Augutt 17,
They name at witnette- John O Let Mm
ret IHodselt. Kv I. hlnipMHi nml ArtytitlaJ, ei .Mitany, megan, j, n uiinier inn wh ,
KtlBI Mrplitnt, of Dtxhulc, Of gHl. 1. 'V
Any mid nil twrxmn elnlmlnc mlrerely lh
nlKtrrileneribnt Uml nre rijuntwl tu filc4htr
etalninin thU oflwe on or before the nnlil tnhiby
(SI Auguat, 1904. v ..1
Ijnj MlCliAKt. T NOtAN. Kegintcr.
Timber ml. Act June y i(;S.
U. 8. Uml Oflke, The UIU, Oregon,
April , IVH
Notice In hby glren thnt In eemIUne with
theprevitoof the Act of CmtgreM of June )
iSyn. entltll, "Ah net for the nnle of llmlier Untt
in HientnlrnofCnllforHtn, Oregtwi, NeraiU, nu,l
Wnihlngton Territory," nn entemlnl to nil the
'tmMI ti'l Utm by Art of Auctttt 4, . the
' (Wluwing-nnmul pernont hnve Qletl lit thin eMcc
their nwern ntntemefltt, to-wlt
llirrlet it. Mnrtln
efSnn lone, county of Snnt CUrn. nlnteofOnli
fern In (mi nouth leth nlrect). nwnrn ntntemmt
No. it. filnt hept in, 19BJ, for the twrchnw of
tnewjf tj.ti(tw)j neci, mm nnxnwx mc
11, Ipm, no e, tr m.
Thorttnt Meagher
of The Dillen, eotintr of wik, ntnte of Ore
gon.nwnrn ilnteinrnt No Jofj, filnl Augutt I,
HWJ. for the iwrclune of the ) kc 44, tp
Ijn, r 10 e, w m.
Thnt they wilt offer proof to nhow thnt theUnd
ought l iHoretynlunbte for lln timber or ntotie
than for nrriculturnl twrwwt. nml to entnbtlih
their cUlnn to nnM Uml before the keglMer nml
Keceirer nt The Untie, Oregon, on July
loth, IVM.
They mm nt wltnenm; U. H Atllnghnm of
1'tlncrllle. Oiegeti, K. J. Cor nun ami Mlihnel
'irconnor or The Inllr,Ore . J. 1. Went of mu
Kmnetnoo, CnlifutnU, I'rnnk Went of HI, Pnul,
Minnenota. George Cage of lark Mn;td, Mlnu
motn: J. A Mnrtln of Hnn June. Cnllforntn,
I'rnnk, GroumlwaUr of lilrnn, Wmhlngton,
Mnrtln Oroundwnter and Nevlu Mclntyre uf
The Dalle, Oregon. .
Any "nttd nil twrnotit eUlmlng advertely the
Bbotc-dfKTibed Umtt nrcejuted la Ale their
ttaiutt in thtt olitcc o or before the natd xrtli lUy
"f J"lr 4.
InfrllJ MICIIAltr, T. NOLAN, RtgUttr
. Timber Mud, Act June J, ilrl.
U. 8. Mnd Office, The Onlle, dregon,
April jo, lyai.
Notice I hereby glren thnt In eomplUncc with
the prevltlom oflhc Art of Cougrett of June 1,
SyS, entitled, "An net fur Hie nnle of timber Umlt
In the Unlet of CtHfornln, Oiegon, NcvaiU, mtd
Wnihlngton Territory," a extended to all the
public Uud Mate by Act of Augutt 4, iyi, (he
lollowlng'tinined ertoii have filed In Hilt ulfwr
their tworn itatemeut. to-wlt
Iltlvor Chritleiiton
ofMatUrd, eountyof King, ttatcof WaihlNgtoN
0. O IMX l), tworn ttntementNo 1 1'l. fitr.1
Mptember J. ivot, for the purchnic of the )(
of tectum ij, tp 19 1, r l e , w in.
That he will offer proof to nhow thatlheUml
nought it more valuable for lit timber or rtouc
than for agricultural tarpoe, ami to tablnli
their cUlmt to uM Uud before the Kegitter and
Kecelver at The IMlltt, Oregon, on Augutt Mh,
He immtn at witncMet Chrlttlau I Jenten,
CtirdlUit lUUuar, Otto II OUoh. Jacob Pootl
villi, NITt O OlaoH and llalror Chritteutcii of
lUllard, Waihlugton.
Any and all ucuhnm eUlmlng admtely Ihe
abovttariboJ Jaod arc reyuaMcd to file their
eUimt in Hilt eroac on or before the nald 41 h day
of AUKUtt'. KW4.
Ij-nj MICIIIIAI.T NOr,ANKeglttcr
Timber Land, Act June j, :8j.
U. H, Mod Office, The Dalle, Oregon.
April jo, 1904,
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
the pceerafcHiiurthe Act of Congreat of June j.
m. entitled, "Au act for the talc of timber latnft
In the ttnto of California, Orrgon, Nevada, and
WfttMnate-H Territory," a extended to ail the
public wnd ttataa by Act of Augutt 4, iv,
the following iiatuail teroii have filed in tfiU
offtrc their aworu MuUmeuU, tp-wlt.
Nlelt i: PouUen,
ofrllianlko. county of Wanou, ntntc of Oregon,
aworu ntateintnt No 1105, filed hcpleiubr6, io,
for the purehatc of Hit nejf of tec. ii, tp t,r
14 c, w. Ill,
Dorothea A I'ouUcn,
ofKlmnlko, couuty of W'sko, Matcnf Oregon,
nivorn ntiiteiHeut No. 111, ft lei I bepiember 11,
Mi, for the urchan of the 11M of tcjf and 11 H
of tv' mc. aj, tp o a, r 14 , w. 111.
That they will offer proof to nhow Hint the land
nought i wort aluabu fur it timber or ntoue
than for agricultural puriioaM, and to cttabtiih
their tUluit to wkl Uml l fore the Kegitter and
Receiver at 'flu- IMllet, Oregon, on Auguit 8,
Thy name witne; Outtav II. Kedcr,
William If. Cook, Nellie Cook, Wallace Clover,
V. If, Wutklnt, Dorothea A. I'oulion and Nell I'.
I'oiiltcu, 01 liulU, Oregon
Any mid all twnou clalmliig adtrmcly the
apooxi(MEripB uiiHin are reUHic(i 10 me
claim In Hi it offMc on or before (he aald
ifal to Ale Ihcir
re Hie aald mill
day ofAugutl, lVH
a; MICIfAliL T. NOLAN, Kcgltlcr,
Timber t.nml, Act June j, ij.
U H, l.niul OITict nl I.nkevlcw, Oickoii,
JiIiic i. ipM
Notice I herehv nlvrn Hint In roiuiillnuce wllli
thepiiivlilininiifthe Ait of CoiiHiem uf June ,
i7. entlllnl, "An net fiir the nnleol tlmlier Inutli
In Hie ntntennf Cnllftiuiln, Oregon. Nemiln. uml
Wellington Territory, " nnetrm(etl tu nil the
luibllc Uml iilnlen by Act of Augiot 4, l, the
(otlonlitg unuiel tierwiun hare thin tiny filed in
thUofllce their nworn ntntementi lo-wlt
Themtoir Anne,
of Html county of Cuwn nlnlrof Otrgou, nwiirn
MnlrHtent N nl for the imrclmx of thenH
nn nun H ej cc 45, li l n, rv c. w. in
Oeurite Atine,
of IViiil. county ofCrmik. ntntcof Oregon, nworn
Intetueiit No H44, fur the puichnae of the 11H
nV nml 11S ue)( nee J, tp 11 ,rv, w in
Tbnl I hey will offer luooftii nhow Hint Hie Uml
nought In more mlunble for iU timber or toui
Hutu fur ngiicullurnt purixxen, nml tu c-ntnUllnli
Hirlr ctnlmn to hl Inml Iwfure J M l.nwieurr,
I' S Cummluiouer nl llciul, orcgoiiion the Ijth
lUy of An tint, 19114
They nnuienn wllnwen Oliver Johnon, Atnl
Auur.JiuephN Hunter, Mnlm'ngr, ollter
Thorbjernon, Thetnluic Anne, tleorge Anne, nil
uflleiiit, Oregon.
Any nml nil pernout cUlmlug mlerrncly the
nimrvneaitiiini iniuitnre reucirr lit nip inru
clnlmn In thin office on or tieftite the mM ijtb lUy
Augutt, lvt.
Ito-nu J. N WATHON, HrgMcr
Timlxr I.nnd, Act June y t)
t' H I.midOluce,ThclMllM, Oiegon,
April 3t, IVM
Notice in hereby glteu thnt In cumptlniire with
the provlilont of the Act of Coiigrrun ul June y
IJ. enlltletl, "An net fur the nnieuftliiilterUmU
In the f tnte of Cnlllornln. Orrgon. Nevndn, and
Wmhlugtott Territory," at ritrmlnt to nil the
public Uml Hlnlctby Act of Atiguit 4. INI, the
(ollowltiit-iMiiied iierwint bnt-e filed In Hilt
utlKf their tworn ttntementt. tu-wlt
Nevln Mclntyie,
afTheltnllrt. eotiiilrof Voi. ttnteiifOreirou.
won InleHieut No 117H, filnl Nntember 0. WD,
rarthe HitchnteefHie tHofncmid H of nwW
cc t, tp Ijn, r we, w 111
I'rnnk M dree.
of 0!)tnp(, county of Tliunlon, ttntrnf Wmlt-
iiigiou nwotn uirtnent nn jini. ninl txluiK-r
it, ij, for HteiuirehnteofthenH eftwif of tec
n nml wH of nw of nrc M, tp 13 1, r lae. w in
Thnt thev will offer itroof to thow Hint llirlaml
MHtght It nime valuable for lit Hmtwr or ttmte
thnu fr ngrkultuml mriwi, nml tu tutdlth
thetreUlmt totnbl Uml liefurr the Krgiilernmt
Receiver, nt The IMllet oiegoti, oh Augutt
Thev nnme at wllnruet Mkhntt O'Connor.
WlllUm It ltin nml Mnitln Ormtmlwatt, of
The IKllet (Hxaon. I'rnnk. (iruuudwnter. of lit
wt. WaililHKUiu. John Murlluaml Hnvtd Mur
ry, of Tnctmi. Wnthlugton. I'retl W, ftmllh.uf
IVitUml, Oreiioni John lilont, of Hitler, Oregon,
Any nml nil tiernont eUlmlng mlvertely lite
nbove deter Itwd Umlt nre Ir)i4elf. to file thetr
cUlmt In IkttwRircon or before the mid MthiUy
ofAugHtt IVM
Jirnry MICIIAKI, T. NOt.AN, Hegltlrr
Tlmhtr t.nnd, Act June ), I3f(.
U. 8. Land Ortlce, The Dalle, Oregon
April , ivu4
Net tec It hereby given that In romptUiirr with
the provtnuwt of the Art of Cotigrett of June J
!;. entitled. "An act for the nale of HmUr Umlt
Ih the timet of CnlifarnU, Oregon. Nevndn, and
Waattlttgtmi Territory," at cittnded to all the
iwMtc Uml tlatet by Art of Augutl 4, ini, the
iotbming named xront have filed In Hi It ollice
their tworn itatemciili, to-wlt
Lotilt Mnven.
of Amid point, county of Kmleunl. title of Idnhe.
tworn tlnteiornt No. 11M, fllnl 8eilemter 14.
Ivaj. for the purebnte of the nwu tec. is. tp 11 a,
r le, w ia.
Ctuit Olleni.
of8andioint county of Ktwleunl, title of Mt bo,
aworn itaiciuent No, II4, filed Seiteiuber ty,
ivnj, ior me purennte 01 me e 01 nx tec ij.
Ipijt, r He, w ru
That they wltl offer proof In nhow Hint Ihe
Itod totigrilrlt rnnre vatunble for lit timber or
tlwt tl'mfaratiicollurnl tmrptt, ami to
Ubiiih VUimt In nald land before the Kcglf
ler nhd HerSHver nt The IMllet, Oiegon, oil Au
gtttt n, I'M ,
They name at wilaeiovi WlllUm fi Mi ton
and Mkhael O Connor, ot The; Itallet, Oregon.
M'iwtg II Mrtrn, liutl Otlrnt. fmd Mayea
and wrtllaia C Amei, of Hattdputul, Idaho
Any ami all wr,iit (Ulnilug advertely the
above dtnetlbett Umlt are raqueiletl l Ale their
cUlmt in tlilt ofTHe oil or before the tald tjlli
day of Augutt, m-I7-Y)
MIUHAIir.T NOLAN, Kcgltlcr.
Timber Mud, Act June i, ll;l.
U. 8, Mud Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
April , y4.
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
thr provltbrttt 01 the Act of Congreii of June y
IkTit. eutitlMl, "An art fur Ihe nnleortlmberlandt
in the ttntea of CullforuU, Oregon, Nevada, ami
Waihlugton Territory," an extended to nil the
public U ml ttntr by Act of Augutt 4, iityj, the
foltawtng-uaitied pertout have oil neplemlier 16,
i Ilk. I lit thl ufbec their awurn tlatcuiciitt,
John If Rowland,
of MallU, exwuty of King, Male of Waihlugton,
(iiyliait Mkc Avenue) tworn ntalemriit Nu. ink,
fur Hie purehatc of Iheiiwtj of nc i),lpN,r
ij r, w. in.
Krueit II Morion,
of Health?, rounly of King, nlnte of Waililiigtnn,
nworn Mnteiiient Nu 1114, for Hie puiclMHuf the
UcKoftrc 14, tp Ml, r lie, w III.
That they will offer proof to thow that Hie land
witi ght in more valuable fur It timber or tloue
than for agricultural tic, ami to ritabliib
their cUlmt Mi mM land bef-trr Ihe Kegitter nud
Receiver, at The Dalle, Oregon, 011 Augutt 11,
They nnme nt wllneate Chnrlrn IL l.ewli.
JiiIUi Wnuer, Hrnn,i it Morton, lohu II. Row
land aud George I'ord, of ntnttle, Waihliigtuu.
Any and all tiernon eUlmlng ndvernajy the
abovetletcrlbed land are retiuwletl lo Ale their
iikm in ihm oiiiee 011 or otiore Hie talil in day
of Augutt, lM.
Timber Laud, Act June J, lrS.
V. 8, Mild Office, Mkcvlew, Oiegon.
June is, i'H-
Notice In hereby given thnt In rouipllauce wllli
Ihe provitioun of the Act of Coiigrtnt of June t,
187. entitled "An net fur the nnle ortlmhrrlamli
in Ihe ttuteof California, Oiegon. Ncvailu.uud
Watlilugton Territory," at extended to all the
public laud mate by Act of Augutt 4, 191,
Richard Cunningham,
ofhllvcr City, Idaho, ha Hilt day ninl In Hilt of
fice hi tworn ntateiucul No. aj, for the pur
chnte of the 11H liw(, nwjf nejSf cc, 17, and
neK lie! nee W, tp ,rvr,w 111.
And will olTcr proof to tluiw Hint the laud
nought I more valuable for lit tlnilier or Hone
Hinu for agricultural purpoten, anil to cttnbllth
hit claim to aaid Una beforr j, M Lawrence, H.
8 CoininlHtloiier. at hi office at Ilcud, Crook
County, Oregon, 011 Monday, the Hi day of Au
guit, 1904.
ifr uniiitn an wltnettei xflrlint I tfn,,(m
loteph 1' Tuggail, joteph N Hunter, KIwikxI W
Roliertt, all of Ileml, Oregon, Hugh Johntoii,
of Odcll, Oregon, Muxcm Lcl'agc, of Detchule,
Any and all nernoii cUlmlinr ailvrrntlv Hie
above-tltncrilied laud nre reiiucMtd tit file ihclr
dp I nit in thl office 011 or before the nald 3';tli day
ofAugutl, in.
J. N. WATSON, Kegitter,
Timber t.nml, Act June J, iHjfl
U. 8, Mini (liner, The IMIIIm, Oregon,
A pill , ivl
Nullcc- It heicby given Hint In itiiuplUnre wild
llipliivltuiitul Hie Act nf Cuugtrtt uf June J,
inyd. eullllcd "An ml bir Hie nnle of lliiitwr
Umlt In the Malr-t nf Cnllfuruiii, Ofrguu, Ncvtnln
nml Wnthlugtoti letliloty, ' nt rttrmlrtl In nil
Ihe public Inml tlnlet by Act uf Aiiautl 4, ini,
Hip lullimlng uniucd Hrim hnve nletl In Hilt
ulllve their mvorn tlalenitult, lu-ivlli
CUrn M. Campbell
if HtlllnAler, rounly Wiithluxlun, nlnleul Mtunr
tula, twoin ntnttmrnt No iiji, tllrtl Oilober
, ivj lur Ihe putihnteoftheneK of n, tp
in,i T IV ill,
William Wngurr
of MiMtrhead. county of Clay, ttnlrof Mliuitnntn,
nwtini ttnlemeut No n, ffletl NovenilMrr . I'J.
ftir Ihe puithnteiifHic uw)( ufnec 5 tp lit, r,
10 r, w in
Thnt Ihey will olfrr inonf ttithnw Hint the Inml
nought it mute vntunlile lor lit llinher Hunt
Ihmi for ngileullurnl imiiKMpt, ami lit rttabllth
their clalmt to tald land beforr the HtgWrr ami
Itevelvcr al lha IMllet, oiegou, 011 July 17
Ihey nnme at wllnettrt Thomnt Kutvll of
Mice Hnke, MtcouilUi t II Campbell ofMllll.
nnler. Mluuetnlni J A CmupUII of Kovkfurdi
Wnthliigton. Jhn Httldlof lWthutet, Oirgtiui
Johiitlou Wngurr nf .Mtmihntil, Mliiueuln.
rnuuint 1 weel 01 llir Dnllea oitg
brtl ofTekiM, Wnthlugluti, NIcF
lleuil, Oiegon
II Camp
Any ami all iieitoiu claiming ndveitely the
aUiveMletKrltted Umlt are tetjutifnt tu nte their
(Ulmt In Hilt u like uu ur belore the tnbl nth dny
of July, 'm
intj ii MICIIAIIt, T NOt.AN, Kegltler.
Tltnlter Land, Act June J, lf.
U. 8 Land OfTiteThf ,ltllci,Hygtiii,
A ik II , ir4
Notice It hereoy given thai In nHiiplUnt wll'b
Itiepritvltlnmof Hie Act of Congirtt of June y
lr, rnlltlnl "All net lur the Mir of timber
amltlll the llalrt uf Callfurnlt. Olreuu. Nrvailn
ami Waihlugton TtrrlltHy," at etlemietl lit all
the public Uml ttalrt by Act of Auguii 4, IN.
lie imitiwiug iiamni iieitont nnte nietl III Hilt
olfUe their nwmu Unlemeiilt to-wlt
Wllllnm 0. t'lrlch
uflhilulh enmity nf HI l.iwlt ttnte of Minn.
emla (11 Wett rtutwlbtr Uteel) nwu ilalemeHt
No iirj, Alett .Sovemiier 4, iv") " the ptticbaie
of Ihe iMhw4 amt t(uej net. 1, tp u t, r Me,
w in
John A Camibelt
of RiK'kfitid. cttunly of Hpokanc, title of Wath
iHgtoti, iwiirn itatemeut No mi, Alett October
. iv". fur the puretmic of the tw of ne Jl.
tp 111, r lie w in,
That Ihey will offer proof Kt thow tltnllhtUnd
Mtwght It rttttre valuaMr fttr lu timber we HtMtr
Htan fur agrtculluial pttilHitei, and ti riUMUb
Ibelr eUlmi IhmhI Uml lwftie Ihe Kxtlr aod
Receiver at The Dallet, Oitgn, on July hh!
They name at wilmMirti WlllUm (I MaianJ
ami iikMii ii'CttHittK of The IUllt, Orrcttti
IMward I. t'lrkh and Roy Li-miiihI uf K.Hd
ItoiHt, Idaho Tlttmtat Ruiw-lt and Ijtttlelrte
luiwIlufRkv l.nke, Wiwmtln, O if Camp
belief Hllltwnler MlnHetuta, and John Meidl
of IKtcliHlet, Oiegoti
Any ami all tierttwti etalHiltig adveittly llir'
ntpwre iteieriowt inoiti are ieiivriifi loQifiaetr
tUlmiln thiieffteeoH tr Iwloie tit mm utul
tiny or July iou4
MICIIAIIt. T NOfN. Regliter H
Vlmlne tttil. Alt lutie 4. iltt
V 8 Land Office. The DallftOiegtiii.
A pi II a lyn
Notice U hereby given that In compliance with
the provitltttttoflhe Aft of Cnugiett uf Jane t,
tut, eulllle.1, "An net for the nnle of IlinUr laudt
In Ihe tlalrinf California, Oiegoti, Nevada, ami
Watlilnglon Tefillory," at eileniled In all the
public land ttaten by Alt of Auguii 4. I)'. Hie
folluwiue-iiamcd Kitnu have 011 (Ktuber , lyy,
uirti in inn onice inrir twoin timcuieuii, io-wh
Mwieort Riittell
ofRlceMVr cttunly of lUtton, tlnlr of Wleen
tlti, tworn ttnlenirnl No 1141. for the pufchtte
of HiceHiwM nudlott j mtd 4 of tee jl, tp it i,
r ij r, w in
George II CmnpWII
of Hllllwalvr, rutinly of Washington, title of
MlHHfitt, twain tlntetticiit Na 4144. for the
puichatcof the twj of nee JA, lp lln, rue.w in
Thnt they wilt olTer prttof la thow Ihnt Ihe Uml
tot, Kill li more vnluabfr for lln tlmlier or nlnnr
IImh for nxilcullurnl mNMa, ami to mtnbllih
I heir eUlmi lo Mid Uml before the Regliter and
Recrtver at The Dalle, Oregon, on July,
vh, hm
They name nt wllnriiet Thomnt Ruttell,
Mwicnee Ruuell nml Thomat Demer of Rle
Mke. WUaoHilii, J A Campbell of Rnckfard,
Waihlngton, O li CnmJill of Mlllwnlci,
Mlniirtotn, John hte4ll of DettliHlei. Oiegon
Any ami all pertont claiming advertely Ihe
aUtve-tletcrlbetl Iniidt nre retiuettett lo file Hi fir
cUlmtlii IhltolAccoii or before the tald lh day
of July, 'J4 '
ihij-Jij MICIIAIIL T. NOLAN, Kegitter
TlmUr Land. Act June j, 1I76.
V. 8. Mud Office, The Dallet Oregon,
Nolke It hereby given Hull In cttiupluiire with
le lirovliUnit ollhc Act uf Coiiftett of luue 1.
Mini wt, iv4
I, entitled. An act for the tnleof timber lamb
1,, M,HU, .n,l,Mr,,M, ..ITKMII. ,11'TK.M.. MlOt
Wnthluglmi Terrlltiry," at extended to all Ihe
iHibllc Uml Unlet by Art of Augutt 4, tn;, Hie
folbiwlug nnmrd ertoii have filed In tlili ulftce
their aworn nlntemeuU, to win
Mnry I' Johntoii of IlltupU, county of I'rnnk.
Uu, ttnte of WnihlugtuH, tttoru ttnlemeiil No
14. Alett Mny . ivk for Ihe imichntc of Ihe elt
,,. it. ! .f nMllr.....u ,,-...... u--.i. ....
te nee v. nwlf tw)( tec mid nw nwjj
tec Jji lp 11 n, r 10 e w 111
Mmthn K Itiwell,
nfioot Jerome Avenue, 8Kikaue, county of 8po
knur, ttatc of Wathluutoii. tttoru ilileiiinil No
ill, fltett rteplrmber I. iv. for Hie puichatcof
liiv tfJi nee , ii 11 a, r lae, w in
Thai Ihey u ill offer inoof to thow that the land
nought it mote vnlunble fur lit timber or tloue
Hinu fur ngiHTiillurnl piiriiH, and to ettnblltli
IhelrcUlmt to Midland bcfuic HieKeglileraiid
Receiver at The Dntlen, Oregon, oil Augutt i,
They nnme a witiientt William )( Lucat
ami Jenilc l.neatof Tygh Valley, Oicgou, Kilwiii
Graham of Mitern, Oregon, Mmthn K I'owill
and Mary 1' JohiifHi of HHikiiue, Waihliigtuu,
Auv and all nertotit elniiuliii mlveritv Hie
nlHtvexletcrllMil Umlt arc rctiueiietl tu Ale Iheir
cUlmt In I lilt office 011 or hclbrc the nald ladli dny
ofAugutl, i4
mi-ji MICIIAIIL T, NOLAN, Kegitter.
Depatliucnt of Ihe Inteilor.
U. H. Mud Office, I.akevicw, Oregon,
Mny 7. "M
Notice I hereby given that the following.
namrtl nclllrrn have filed notice of Iheir Inten
tion to commute and miikc final proof In upi,Krl
of Iheir clalmt, and that nnld prmif will lieiundc
lieforelhe Readier and Receiver, at Lnkcvlcw,
Oregon, 011 July ij, 1114, tli
Chnrle N Slump,
homeitend entry No atji, for Ihe t ne) ami
cjt c)f tec 14, lp is , r ij e, w 111
Loulie M. Chrttemaii,
II K No. JflJ, for the wf nw nee 17, nelf
nwj mid H netf cc ih, lp aj 1, r 14 c, w m.
They name the following wllne in prove
IlKlrcoiitluUou rctldcuce upon uml cultivation
ol nald laud, vi:
80I0111011 Knlrg, Hector L. 8honp, CIiiiiIm n.
8h.oii, orBllver l,ukc, Oregon) I I , Allliighaui,
of I'rlucvltlc, Oregon,
MJ J. N. WAT80N, Kegitter.
Timber Land, Act June J, inj,
V. 8, Land Olltee, The Unite, Oregon,
Apill . 1004
Nnllrt" It hcieliy given thai lu ctMiipllnnce wild
Ihe piuvliluuniiflhe Art of Ctiiigtr nl June J,
llj. eiillttnl, "All nil fot Ihe nle ul llmlttr Uml
III llirttiilrtiifCnliriiinln, (liegiiu. Nevada, ami
WnihliigloiiTvnIlitl)," at riUmUd III nil llm
public Uml tlnlr by Art of Auiimt 4, ), t
fuitiiwliig imiuttl ieiMiut have llletl In lllliulbce
ihclr iwuiii tialemeiilt, lo-wlh
Juhliilnli Wngurr
of MimuIimhI. timiitv uf L'Uv. title nf Mlutiettttn,
twmu tlnlemeiit No jitt. flteil Nnvembel ,
) for Hh piirihnteuf Ihe nttne, H fc
ilnc(teK,f i. lp lit, r ior, w in
M Kdwlua McOiay
uf Kllllwatrr omuly uf UStilifiigloii nlalr nf
Mlunettilii. nwoiii ttnlempiil Nu. 1140,
H f
Ottitbef I, lHt. lur the uitrbateof Ihe te
tec , IP in t, r lie.w 111
Thnt they will nlfer Hf lutliow that Hie Uml
noughl U mtne valntble for lit limber tr ttottr
than for ngfleHllurnl iniltmiea nml to evtahllak
inrir titntw lit mm lami iwmre uir Htgwier hihi
Kerltr nl rue Dniw-t, oiegttu
mi July n,
ley name nt wlliiei!
Wlltlam Wanner nf
Moot head
Mill lie total
Tbuntat Tweet of Tlte
'ton, J 11 lamiiiieiKil lekna,
kfiolni ntiillh of Ikiol, llirton1, Tbom
IiiiiIum NkTiuUi Hiiillh
at MllHrll uf Kite Ijtkr Wlntiutlni 11 It Cam!
iiiihii) II
I A. (
iwllofiillllwalrr, MluurMla, I A, liHi4ll of
Ruekfttril, Wnthitigloiii John rtlcldl uf IH-ieliHlFt
Any and all iwraan rlallnlng tlvetey Ihe
tbttvetlewrlbetl Umlt air miueiTrd l file Htelr
cUlmt In IhWofbfe mi or befittr Hie nnbltath day
01 juiy, 19H4
mij Jtl MICIIAKL T NOLAN, Regiiler
Timber Mud, Art June j, 17.
V 8 Mnd Office, The DnIUt Orvtan,
AHll al, tyM
Ntdke It hrivby given thai In cwmplUMt lth
Hie pfwWitoHt irflHe Art ttr Ctmgivt or Jnne i.
lira, emitted, "An act flu thMle ttf limber Utttb
In IheitalMuf tallforuU, (Heutrti. Nevada, and
Uathliiglnu Tetrlliiry. t etlemttn to all the
pMWKlnml tlatet by Ac! uf AHgwtl 4. tai the
UlHtwIug namrtl wfoHt have on tttgHtt 11. iJ
Atnl In thiialfwv Hteir twom tltltmetili,
William P I'lkmtnl
of rWaltle, etmiitvuf King, ilate of Wt4lHtH,
( Urn n ) ihihii MalHtrMl No to, for t Ik
imirhai of Ike HrKnwtf. HwHelf tec Ja
teifiw ami iw)tel( tee l, lp 11 1 I II r,
w m
IbttttHml D TitwtiteHtl
of etlle. cowttly of King, ttale of WahlHgloti.
tworn t4Umettt No aAi, por lit ttorcltnte of the
wlliwtc tee , e(ue amlHcfcHk' f- P
it 1, r 11 e , w m
That Htey will nltrr MtW lo tint thai lie Uml
ttMghl U mr valtMMe far lit limber or i4ue
than fur agrlewllHral pHrttowt, tod to eataUUI)
tbtir eUlmi lo tald btrnl beeaf the Rartalvf and
Rteaiver at The ItalUt, Oieatto. oh ttly ganl.
Thev iMHte at nttlmnvi. Ittm II A Mini Law
of I'llHrvirW. Oiemw MkiwHl I owwtt ami
Michael 11 CiMtHue
of TVe Dalle.
I lee mm.
Milium I' Ifiebanl nml Mdtttutt4 II Tswrnetial
of a-ratlle. Matidttgltm
Ally and all
petttttti ewlmiMg ndvertely the
I lantttaieittt4d In Ale Iheir
attive deter ilttd
cialmiln thii oebec oti or btlwelbe mM antdaUy
"i Jitty. ty4 ,
mijjM MICIIAKL T ItllUK, RegliUr
Timber Mmt, Art June j, rl
V 8 Mmi OrtVce. The lUlUt Outi.
A (I II tth. lv-4
Ntdlee U hereby given that In mmplMitee with
Ihe iKitvliittnt ofHte Art of CungteiM at June J,
174. eHtllled, "An net for the mtbt of limber land
lu Hi lUleiuf CallftHHU. Oiegtm, NenuU, ami
Watbliiglttti Trrillory,' at vafemled to all the
iHtmie Mint ilalrt ny Act f Augutt 4, inyt, L,r
IMWwIiia.Htmttt lieetMiii have m HcloWr 1 kui
ttitti hi mu uuiee inetr tworn niaicmcuu, le-wll
!.,.. .r,...:... .. : . -r"
Ttttttttat tWtul
ofHUe Mke, ewttuty MflUiroii.iiatr of Wlttwn
tin.nwof 11 itntteMtetil Mu ilir. for ike tM.l
of Ihr nwhnwM tec 11. trhitetf nml elittU
t H, lp lit, I lie, w nt
Joteph OmatehlM
of Kke Mke. eutnityof ItaiitiH, title of WIkihi.
tin, tttoru titttntettl N hi. lr Ihe p4rchne
uflh wtttteli' er trnml wHeU tee 11, Ipiit,
1 lie, w m
That they will offer piwtf to thow thai the Uml
tough! it Hwtre valuabW for lit limber or tlone
than for agrlewltMial H4lputt. and lo trtabllih
Ihrtr cUlmt lu hM Uml before the RegUler and
Receiver al The Dallea, Oregon, oh July,
h, lyt
Tfeey name nt witnetiet
TtHHwai RhimH,
MwtetK Kttttelt Jt4i tkwkhIM and Thorn
inn Titottt
J A Camp
eiitemertoi kir ia, wwwintlii
bell of Kotkfnrd, S aldington,
Any and alt muum cUlmlHg ndtrruty the
abuveiteHlllied ilamlt ale ieueled to MV ttntr
tUlmalH Ihltoffke oti or bchtr the nald thday
of July, ifH.
mijlu MICIIAIIL T NOLAN, Rrglttcr.
Timber Mud, Act June j, Ur.
V- H. Mnd Office. The Dallet. Oiegon,
April A. 1904,
Notlee It hereby given that In atHtilaiiee with
lite tirovliUntuf lite Act of Lutigiatt of June 1,
17, eulllU.1, An act for HiCMleuftlmlwr Umlt
liithettateaitfCallftHiila. oiegon, Nevada, and
WatHlugtuM Territory," at exTemletl lo all lb
puldW land tlatet by Art of AugtMt 4, layi, I be
followliir-namnl wittuit have 011 October 1 nj
flbrtl In thU oflice Hied tworn ttalemtnlt, lu-wlt
Ma Campbell
ol Millwaler, txuiity uf Ntatlilngtott, Mate ol
Minnewta nworn tinltment No iw fr the
imrcbateofllir twkj ofieer? lp lit, r 11 e, w hi.
TtwiHAal Hilt if II
of Rbse Mke, ctMiMly of llattvH, title or WUmhi
mu nworn ttalrmtiil Mu mi far Uu .,.i..K.
oftlienwH ofiw , lp it,r ur, w m
That Ihey will Hirer proof Is thaw tltat the
Uml ttmghl It more valuable for lit timber or
ttone Huh fur agrU-Hlluial mupot, ami to ea
Inldlth their cUimt tutald Umlbtfuie Ihe RtgU
ler ami Kreelier at Ihe lUllea, oiegon, oil July
jlh 1944 '
They name a wllneate Thorn Kuttell,
Mwience Mutnellmul Thomnt Dcmrr af Kite
Mke, Miouiitlii John hlebll of Deaehulet,
orcuiiii M Iblwlua Mrtlmy and O ) Cniuit.
Ullnfatiliwaler. Mlnuewtla.J A. Camplll if
Rockfuid. Watbliigtuii, '
Any nml all peltoui cUimtiig advctnnly (he
alMvedraeriUMllamltaicreijueileil to Ale their
claim in thU iifficc uu ur before IheaaM rflliday
nfjnlyi I9"4
mfjjM MICIIAHI. T NOLAN, Kcgltlcr.
Timber Land, Art June J, 187.
If. li. Laud Office, Mkcvlcw, Oregon,
May , 19114,
Watlilugton Tenltorv. '
at cxieudetl lu all Hie
public laud tlalen by Act uf Augutt 4, in,,,
1flllll If 1-rt......
rMl"Sii,ff"i"., !.f.CroVik' ,",a,e of "ftk-uii, ha.
riJa.t o. " ",l" 1"nc1'1' "worn tlalenieiil.
w( nee a, lp )jn, rge, w, 111 "
And will olfrr iirnof In mIw 11. i n.. 1 .
nought It mure; for lit Umber or tlone
....,..,,.. npiiviitiiini i.uiiniien, ami 10 ctlalil 11
iiiii.,VdVofA;gu;r...n'., K "-""y.
llciifliiicnanwIliieiHie Ocnrge Hot
Uml, I 11 gun, William II. nruA.iif ' ,, Ore
gum Wlliram II olllii.b,ad, of Kotla Oil
gun, Maxim LeIMge, of Dench ilea. Oreio '
ll "5 ' J' N. WATSON, Kcgltlcr.
Notice I hereliy given that In compllmirc wllli
'I.t'yWciia cirihr Acl c.l Coiigtei of June 1,
l7. eiilitletl, "An net for Hie tnlc of timber Uiuli
111 UlC itUttt Ol L'tllfotllla lira,,,,,, M.u.,.l. I
Tlinbcr I, ninl, Art Jiui' j , 7"
U 8 Mild OltWn, The Unite Of.
April J i4
Nolle U hereby glfeii Ilia I In cofiplim - ,1 It
llir plHtlthilitMfHle Art nf Cunarea uf J,, ,, 1
71, eiilitletl, "All Ml for Hie aalT of ilmir itn.U
Ih III rtalrnof California, Dreamt. N,i nn I
WathlilgUMi IHIItOfy. "t ealemlfl I ,11 11
imbllCMiHl tlnlMlty Art oi At4guil 4 ,,
followlnK-Hamati ttttaOHt Have aat ttiti mi r t
Itaif, AM III HiM oWot their nwovN Mntiin. nli,
towlli "
CluitlUn HaWaWf.
ofnealll. eodnlyaf lllni. bile of Wtibi.
II' O Ho I Mill twutH t4atenNI No
I r
r 'tt,
the imithn oi Ihe HK of l, Ih i t
llllo tl (Hmhi,
of llalUiiliMttiMly of KlHf, ntaur of Wntli .,kl 11
nworn ttnlemeiil No nan, fur Ih riinli I
Ihe nK ul ec M, lp i. r lie, v m
Thai Ihe) wl olfef proof totknwlltnl III.
ttntgul 1 mote vnb'e for tta Mmla-r t
than fcr utirillltual uutttum aa,l lo talal li.i
then-(Ulmt in vttM Uml keftHe the Megil
urteiver at in iMIlea, iiirgoti,
OH Aiigoit H
They name at w(Ih CbrMUn I' I'Kwii
ChilMUn lltUgef. iHIo H (rtatm, J 1. i --il
villi. Nik ( iritott ami llklvor ChiitlMitoii 1,1
iMllaid. WaahlHgiuii
Any ami all innnnt etalmlmr a4vertly Ihe
ahuve-deaeltbtd Uwda all lewmtteit to Al. 1I1111
Clalmt IH IhitaeTaMi 08 ttr Mm Ihr Hid Mh
ttay uf AugHH, l4
CI) KUI) 1. 1 DAT XI)
JtNttlmeil of III latatfnr.
V Mml OMty, liabcerrw. Oreg n
May r 1 ,.4
MoileV It Iter tdtv jaiem that lite foil ,.
Hame4tIIUft have Mr4 Ned of Iheir 11,1. ,li 11
lo ctwiMMrte awl, mak Anvtl itetmf lu ihi-i t ,1
their cUImw. ami that Mid aeoort will 1- ,,.4 if
bfo Ihe RrffMee and Haevtm. at Lak- lew,
IHvgtm. an July 11. m. vM
Ottlutnoa BJahvec.
kotae.lrwl ewHy No , for
nw( tee r lp 1 1 r 14 e, w
iHtn, w'
hmnttiend tttlry Ntt aaain, Xf llm U tew tr.
i lpY t,,, . h4 twIi.twCttu;
m l,liVi,IM4, m "
Thay teaHM Iter teJItta-tmj wWtn,t
Iheir emtiiowowt tvUev aaani aatd e.
I.. .r.
I rallliNii
at mp latwi, ret
rr DfVl
trgl. .
Tttwtwr Mad. Act Jaw i irk
V H Mm4 . Tk iMttea ortg ,n
Nor la hervW jrHni that la eaatti ft,T. , , 1
law prvtrtoa, ta Art uf Coaateat.4 1 ,,
!L?murtmt- '.'AM limiw. .t. n
WatltlMgittH Tetttiury." a eitetidatt U. n n,. trl of Atojttat 4 iv. II,
KdktwiM.MMteat pveawtt have twi 0. n ... r ,
iww. 8U4 It, Ibu tatVe lbM awaett Mal.moa.
It wit
of The lUtUi. nwlr 111 m.i. .1....
oh. twwrrn V L .1 ,
f.lj. HH ae.4 amToH V StT iTnT, ',.7
(5Lwu4 n
tw lUHet. ntttaty af Wta. ml, .4" Hrr
gtMl IttWH tUUHtatU Ma .. C .1.'.... . ' "
'l.twHH,sw,4," -k ;. v,r
That Ibty wltl ITar prt-tf lateiaw thai Ike land
iii vtrVJK V5 V w5
Rivclvef at The iMlUa, Oiegaat. on AafcUitij,
.Jtt T!? "" J"a M twlliwit of
IVMUad IHegtMi. ChatUt R rwiHekam lo
tT!lLN."", i& tM,, AaUmT" Tl"
DtlUt. OiegttH. lld.liiOiahtm.of Mutin ore
..AJ!?.l!,t' clalatwig : adveiMiy the
iuT.i .Si V" .rMta.iil lo At iben
Atlirt!1!" " " " ' day
Jhhiii MICIIAW. T. NOLAN, Kegtrter.
TttHbtr MM, Art June j, rM
V 8 Mm) Or. The DaMea, Otrgvi,
April j. 14
.!Jl"?T5""r''w Art Cnagte f June
Sf.I--Jr'V S9 " ,h rfMrnUrlaml.
dr 1, lv A,t r Ai 4 itw it
MUwInrHamed pet.. btvrlWd In hiT oih
ihefr tworn tUlemeWt t-wH,
lalit. ILbii
JJSS9 " "
i, i'uT-.T'. ":".."'" tjmetaeai iso
...... m, w,,,., m M Mn-Mw cd
"f tei y 111 it i, r ie. wm
the lieu
rUAiUA u - -
ol The lulUa, camMy af Wtt, Mt'l , f Oree. ..
nwtirii tUWaKHt No 1114. tleal ni ,..,715 .,
awawnl No 1114 fjad Hapten. It
lb tturrhaa. of (, w J .
Ml twif .WW !,( . r 1" e
iv lac Ih iturrhata of Ik mU , -Z .V
7. and twtf iwW taw a, ti, 11 a. r li . J ... "
Tliat lby will ulfrr proof to dww that Hie
that Hie Ian I
lij 1 -a . "t""""! iittniotta, aaa 10 rtuMuh
He'lvlrr'Tt 'rEIXi Sl " '"w
mi&tiitts:. wis
Anv auJ all
SilL'i ?'! bg atlvewly the
liyfiw',riH, "' Ihetr
IbUortkeiH, m lVefc Ike nabl mu
nmwe tiatal
cbilmaia lb
day of Amrutl, imi,
MIQIIAW. T. N0IN. Kcgltlcr
Timber Mod, Act June j, 1171
U 8. Mml time, The I Mile. o,rBon
. . Apill at, irxu
lb itrnvMuMtofi IV Art of Cougrvaa of I .uc
mtheataUaof CallftMula. Ortauil. Ke.atb. on I
Wanhiiigtou TerriUay, a c.lemWd I. tile
imbHeUmlMalaalo- Att of Awraul 4 C hJ
MtowlMg-Haweil pettM litv. fll In IhU offici
ibclr tworn tUlemeMlt, to-wlt.
Altec M. Utilfli
of HanOiaXHl, tvunty of lUmlonaM. Male of
Idaho, wrnUt,,iHt N. ,117. filed Bcptcin
ber 14, iiaij. foi III purchiue af ttio awjf uf co
jl, lp Mt, r ic,m at.
Mary A. Ulrlcli
.if HmullKdiil. ettuitly of KtaiUHel, ttale of
..,., niMu ttnieaicut io. Ill, Bletl heptem
bet l, , hhi, fw h naicliatc of Ihe c)( uf cC
H lp i, r 10, w. Ml.
1 hat Ihey will oilei uruoflo thow Ihattheblid
fiilght I more vuluablv IW It timber 01 tlmia
titan foi agikiiUurat ituriiuaea, ami to
ihrlr rUlrmt to aald Una be fine Hie KrgMrr and
Kmlwr nt The lulUn, HiegtHi. oil July
They iiainc nt wiluenar Michael O Connor
VVilllaui o, ,MHailM HU(( MhiHii oiouudwntcr
of The UaIIm, Orvgoti, Mary t I'lrlch uud
Alice M, UllkllofaWlMllioiHt., Idaho.
.Ally ain all injraiHi cUlmlug lrl). ,h?
lttrt-itlljalUti5,aie rtauealitl lu file lhlr
liiitfnfliUfiaaaurlMiKialbeiMWlitl day
infrjli MICIIAIIL T. NOIN Kcgtiiiti