The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 08, 1904, Image 6

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Whnt nro your frlciuli aaylnit
nhniit youP That your crny
Imlr makes you look 0I1IP
And yet, you nro not forty I
PoMpona this looking old,
Hair Vigor
Uto Aycr'a Mnlr Vluor nnd
rcBioro to your urny Imlr nil
(ho deep, dark, rich color of
early life. Then ho aailtdlcd.
"Aiai'e tltlr Ylgar ,Uit.l ih iitiuitl
ill, ,,!, VlNilfcllH, Ma1.4MUIIU, NT
IJy Robert Bticlmiuui.
All illHf pUU
ID ark Hair!
AiiiimtitiliiK fkr (lit flrimttiiit i'littra,
lady Vlallor (who hai lieoti llaleulug
lit Visitor' lory) I dldn'l know tint
ttonl grow aa largo a (hut.
Hiaot'i Wlfo Oh, ye, they do
rier Ui lr; haa lit told a (
WiiutHfuiirt mikv. kmhumi
tR, Ml.t,Ull4UMwtlr.Kmit'tllt4trlr
n4lHvr. twbJ hif i'imiii iii.n.iii..t..ii.b.iL.
U, it, Ii. Itttuo, I.IJ Vif A 1,4, , f kn.UI4lv -
(Inod Intentlona ar ry mortal and
lorltitd iti tid4 Ilka very mellow and
rhole fruit thy at wry illttUnilt tit
tp, Hliuiiinui,
I' I n i I'm f r riitriv fnrrougha, cwldi
niidvontttmptiou. Ttyll, l'thotmveitii,
Tin at of th NUrre, Nevada mown.
talll. Hi IHUIKMt li f Ih Aluatleun
rang, U iMllHulnl Hi IMVtHM year honht ) r her t pmjr th nvj-!
CHAITHIt VIII. (C.iiitlnur.l.t
Hhii panted n liniment nulalda; then
Ii hurried RwayI, rnlhur aluiletly, ful
lawlug liar. Mlia tniuail Ilia high road
mill took n tmrruir foutpnth which led
hy a lmrl cut in tho mliia. Wondering
witai could ho taking her Ilia! way, I eon
IIiiiuhI to follow lur When alio liml nut
hIuiiiI halfway In Ilia mine, alio (urniHl
off ngaln, and liiainiil Mom with In.
croaaed apevd toward (Ireyituck Tower,
lire) took Timor waa a ruin, coualat
lug of threo dilapidated IvyooTcrod walla
mul a tmttreaa, It atmiil on an eminence
a few Ii mul red yard from tho leathnre,
nil liy Hid luperilltlou Inhnhlliuta uf
Ilia tillage wm inppoaed to 1 haunted,
I wm aitouianrd to ai-e lu'r going lo
ir aril It, alone, mi a ilurk tilght, ami hi If
IllT Tl'ry llfo llfH'Mllwl Upon luT Ipooil.
Ilarlng roaolu'd llm ruin, ilia iauinl, atul
aloml a If lltinllii. I rrrit iii In th
linlow of Uiw ruin. I'rrtpully I lirarJ
a 10-,'tilUr wliUllr, Aniila nM iitttlyi
'"Yra -I am lirr." Tlnn a Huurr,
Dial uf a iiiru. riuorgiM frniu tint dark
in ami Joliinl tier.
My toiiUliuiiiit at all Oil itn m
lirnat thai for a time I una illUrly mi
alii in ninvi. Tliry ton.l climn imctlf
rr, talking ruriUMtly; lint t rouM w(
wilrli n wnl of what tliry aalit. I'riM
ritlly tlioy Wan In mnin away, ami I
uVrmisl It lima tn liti'rfcn.
hi two ilrhlM I irai IwtHrw them
Aiiula ulUrcil a "orvain. Tln man lmnl
lil gniUHil, ami kntknnl Into hiy taw. It
nniT my turn l utter an rilma
Ikm. It wa )Hing llinlrutli, thn maitrr
or ltii lulu,,
"Wlut atK yu llHg hr. Trrlaw
miyr' lm alr.l. curtly.
"I am hirt l lak my owl nmMi,
It." I rvr4M.
"Imlwl," h mrl; "I ahuuM hat
yf IVif .w,m, ( Iri Uwlilly t
'"Kiw thai wM to Vrtlrr than ivlar
lug In illialti." t rrttmifel.
UtK 0ar lUtrtir aaM Ailf. tJiH-k
h at my Wxt
"H't agHata yHf4f, AhhIo.- M
UnlmlV, tlty. wUK I a r4y w
kwk Mm aw. "Ah4 j. r. HaM
f way; I bar WhH wUh
! )i UJj, 4k I hMtM y !
"I will iiminl(" t nlil, "If you can
aliniv hlo tlin gooil of It." .
"Tlia kooiI of It wilt rlnml Mnii
ivliftlirr ur not you car anvllilnu about
inol" ilia ropllnt. "Jut tlilnk, Hugh,
If )tm two) ijuarril again, ami you nr
illmiilnnl, rriTjUnly will kuoir why It
nil emiiu about ana my tnntlirr ami
fntlicr, ton. Ah, Itugh, itonr Hugh, foi
my akiI"
Mil fiiMi'il ir lit t to hamla nirt my
arm, ami looknl iii Into my fac llki a
iilIICAllug rhllil.
"All right, AiiiiU." I lahli "don't wor.
ry )ourvlf, lltll wmuan, I won't do
n thing that will Injur you."
I'or a coiiK of dayi or 10 th mutter
krpt away, ami thltiga went on at tha
wurka trvtty much Ih aam ai uitiali
hut nn tha fourth day hn ilrollml down.
Iln Inlkrd a gmxl daal to Johuton, hut
never adilrriird una word to tua. Ha
lookol at mp, howrvr, ami tha look h
itavo mad ma wotnlrr what atraug In
lluruea Annie poiwtt'cd when iha rould
Indue him to krrp In hi cinplojuniit on
wliiitu lie io cordially hatnt.
Otic day my aunt, having a llltl iho
lug to do, drtcniilnril to go tn Pal
mouth. Mm itartcd off In tho morning In
.tohii llmld'a wagon, ami left my coutln
to kci houi.
Now, It had ecunst to in that Aunl
had Iwkisl HirlUnilrty dull that morn
iMg. o, towanlt attrruoon, t dtrinlnHt
to take an hour ami to hurry hack to
th cottag to ico how ii nai getting
oh. Ai I ttrvw nrar to th cottago door,
t w.ii utiHilihist to hear rolcca th
tw Wd and angry, th othr ft and
Hiding. VhH I MtcMsl th kltchn
my amaicmiHit tnciYaed tctifoht.
An ihlrly lady mi xhcr, tndcctl,
IhaH nM Mr, ItMlrwth. (lorgo tint-
rntK' wKtowcl mothrr wai atamllug In
th mhMW of th roott, whtl my coln
AmmI, TcrylMg hltivrty, wai actually on
lr kM4 kofor hr!
Mr. Itnlrwlh had two ehiractrritlc,
her fHrmt III harth ami her Iron
will llrr irr In th Tlltac wai
et: tmt hp wa foansi. rathrr thin
hofevmt. Sh w a tilt, thin woman,
with hownrrfwl itMllt fatui and a
fv i chaMly paOor
or hi't 4cIt m, ih
hltdirn Mr nllnht i tinml, ml Anrt.
limy, Hlia rnlli'd Antiln, hut itot no an
awrfi ilia mnrched Iho collng", hut fall'
ci in nml lutr nercrai noura imMcu
nway, Him wmit down lo Iho rlllaun
nml inailo aavcral Imjulrlci, hut with no
mult. Anulo had nut hccn icon hy any
on tint day,
HnrliiK lold her tal, tnr aunt looked
at mo, hoping Hint I might ho nhl to
my her fcara for her, child wcro iiiifoulul
rd, I could not) tho titinoit I could do
win to counicl ilieuco, and In try to huoy
her up with hupp, I poraimdod her lo ri
turn horn. Hut tho day wna lluJihrd
for m. t could do nothing hut think
of Annlei tho wont fenra itrugglod to
tnko ponilon uf in, hut I dlllgontly
tliruat them away. I would nut miiw
III of my ronitii,
Ahout Dr o'clock my uncla cam up
from tlin mlno, and I proMird that
ilioilhl knock off work for thn day. Iln
ivni In ilngularly good iilrlti, Aa wo
drew near to th cottage, my heart tnt
painfully, and when wo went In I look ml
aiuloiuly ahout inc.
"Whnr he th llttlo woman T arhrd
my uncle, ni we ant down to our meal,
I aaw my auiit'a fnco grow rery pal,
hut alia turned her head and aniwarcd aa
careli'uly ai poialhle.
"Hh bo gawn out!"
When tha meal wai orrr my unci,
according to hli uiual cU"tom, went lo
hli tent tipttd th tiro and lit hi pipe.
II had hreil amoklng for all hour or
morn, when a knock cam to th kitchen
door; then th door wai opened, and lu
cnine John Ittidil. He hid a parcel for
my aunt, which ho delivered, ho chatted
for a few minute, then lie prcparvd to
go. Hli hand wni on the latch uf tho
door, when ho panted and looknl hack
"Say, ml.iii.." aald he, "whar U .Ml .
A wide gawn to''
My uncle limkol up curlaudy; my ,
aunt cheeka grow a whltu a new -fall
ru anew.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bonr Slunnturo of
I'aclUmll Wrrrr IWIew.
Ty all f
lo laho aa aagarv
ron DiriHEis.
ron aiuousNctt.
P tmni'iNH nviiRMiiwMj,
tiut I rwraly TfnUWvvi
Our Ciiiiitiry' flrowrili.
No nation m sirlli can ahow o
rnpld n Kruwth In Hii)iin(lnu ni the
"Whar h h gawn to)" ih recited, t'l'llctl Hmtoa, Thr rm-nt tmllcln of
I..I l I l.u 4...,k. llovx A.....!... .1.- ..
i the tVnmii Itiirnnu coulnliia the rati.
.iHi k i riiMi wa ywg - i r t a man and a
H tlt a miU .in whWh he eor- , fewL I am a mutor. ami I know whea
; tfcni m lrHk m arr th iJaooMart. ! dinger threat. my rhlhl ami t lay
m a moment I ! wrvtche.t It from ht that mm are Ootng jo Wot to taHi
M O V 12RS
k,uJ Ate.1 wlftk uuj .11 bL.u..l Wk I 1
.-m, w ..., twtv. i fawn iww
wotthl h made htm me-atm-v hit Kmglh
mi Iho grmtmt. Vol, wtah ioohr
fwim Atmlo rMhJ rVrwar4 ami aitvd
I Ym ahak) jy fr IhJa, yoo. cu w ih Uai lk,u )M itwr wrd, hUi.4pt.4rvJ mo th dark-
fctlM. I44 J.
rt 4 TwM t
Wa witftt va
4 4uvMM 4
ftk h4 4 vM
H .4li Jk Vy
OW 44A4 W . 4 &
W 44. m v4 V ,
444 vm4An vis'
A44 -" 444M4
WH IK vhn4l.'i,IJ ium 9d4
j4 t,44. w Q w iil.. 4AAr
. 4M44. t4lMM. teh 4 - - -- .- ul
i,rlii,fiiii,. v4vw u). km 4
Im &IA&. -'' IMAL III UA .ml.. M. Um.
Tk C e. Obex MJfci C&k
MJ MM ii.. wuij. v,4
44ii. yv.
IA4 g4,M tW
Am ilIM frihKa ami Iretuhtwg
Wh4 forward o foMow- him. kK h i
momrut ln Whl hor.
"Ymi Maw with m. Aialt," I Mhl
Ukmc hc h!d Atmty m mm.
tty ih. iim ah it rrju mtttHj
h. Uwh- h oH4. Nhit hv
VvMan. '
my oh. Hut tike oarr. itt ItrJ
rwlh ahalt mt V aaerMVeed."
-Oh. my ladyr aohhed AmU, "will
jam ttnV
"No," ah rtraU. "1 win ntt IJtn
t. yon wh xrry word jro utter maat
hv a Me! 1 hue ta you with my too.
IVaae to follow hem. w I wilt itaa yuu
Wfor Try 4o4 ha Ih Tligr
Sh Ik4 lo learo h tltt, and
earn fi to tt with m. Sh paitvK)
ahnaHly. rcwcJ hr Ur. aa If aWit to
Moh. Iheo. h rtiaxvsl her mmJ, iikI
wMhont Mm a worU rMsl out.
A for myaoaf. t had h two maxh
ttM4V4 lo aj a wonl, aad I to4
!ro4i JmimT Yoo. wltt Hate u ill tutu. '-. ttke a gat War. mokhu at tnj
aM. tlh4r. 4 M of r I emMhv who, ! hag y4TM4tty. haj amik
I Vow mr hohi rm h. i4 W4 Wr ! " "" f .
V av tho m4low to th iv. NM4 Wtliaij iron.
"Ual" contlniieil ltuild. "I iren her tW """''' of l'Plllloti for 1101. IWtt and
marnlng ' l'almouth, hut ah were la a I WW fr nil the clllca linrlnu 10.(aOO
hurry and didn't ae me. She were dawn or more Inlwliltnnta In IIKI) unit for
ou the Jaity. and ah went aboard the I Stntoa ami 'IVrrltiH-lca. Act-online to
ateimer for l'ortauwuth." ,. HKiirra Jiroarntcil. tho totnl rtlmt
Mr. Itudd ph.. tbnndentrMrk at th ! ml mntiibithm of tin l'nli.t hi.i..
ofTevt of hU worla. My annl. throghly ,.xr,Hhp of Ataikii nml the Itialilar
waJumlrV V.i! . T" l JZ? HH.mtt. of tho L'Hltetl HUlra. I. 7t..
put upofl hr that day, link. aoMlng ami lgM,4u Ti,u ,. ,. lu.rM1. .',,
moaning, Into . chair; wy unWe. w Ih, LV. . m ' . . . 'WXV
had rt. from hli .eat. itood glarmg I hU ,mv U" ,',H,," M"00. The kji.
from cm to another. I'rentlj h apoke. i onlliimteit for 4M cllloi liar.
"AVhat U all (hit ahout my AwnUT K l,-" r more lnlwt.ltnnta In ll).
he crie.1. -Mpe.ak. imi 'mi. If there ' Aitiarillni; lo thfae mtliiHtlna, New
l ituht wrong wl' my Ittth. woman.- ..rh la wiw a city uf 3.71U.I30 Inlvab.
h cried. "tM me: I iIh'I a rhlhl to immU. Chleiif I mphlly appmachlng
tlog thli and that teethr. h gathered ' Sl lAin Un Jw,,, P1""' '" on
at leit oo hUa that hla ehlUI bad. for "" t renchnt Iho taj.(X) mark;
om tiw or othvr. Tolnntarily kft her , IwltlnxKt ha Ml 4 1.1. dorr-land Ii
horn. He atwd Ilk a man iKtHesed. now a wmiHlefnMc ilUtawr ahead of
aoarwly githermg the aenao of the altni- CtnHntmll. whtcli cllki wtro AHfiUi
twa. and dimly wondering why hla wf tHd XXZ.ZXI. IlHtTale bna alio cenild.
L!ir7i.ihr,..MW:.! '"?i- . ""I'wWr HcrMM II. 1-n.utatloB. Ulng
cmna ef OevriM Itedruth. To toy inr- ' ntw mtu ntt.tu aro atao ctoa
"York wife. Htx.HkJ- ke 4L "Tmtr
-Yo. AnanW." I t4. "My
thaM lv ht jm tnn tK m ofctd, v
At lM tWMn ecfte 4W.h. 44
Hvdraiilir Bl
Wfc" 4 -
lVAg th ww, ma wtW rwt W- "Anaat." 1 4fci. AamK my tWir. Wt
Iwiroai av 1 w iW. riMiij ta ho an oml to Vhia. titto m the
waM gxo mmh, otMhUMtMaa h H'',, w ! trm att the twohla
. Who w traMt tho eottuv y by.
g-atw. IMi4JL aawl anoko. !
"He W nL -jam womt toll Mae a anal ataeoa at mo ant a
tK ot tfathot
o. in.- hilloli ho -lVt
Iy4r tv mo, haat I moo to hnoX alter jwo
a KaHato. VMkt.'
-ivt h hi4 mmv Hnxh- eji
, amoony. - naaumi m harm, Maat
a witt ho hoMot liar wa .-mat fttho It X
.4v to. tho joam muH thn i .-
i ma net m mmi oaw w - -AJk hr J,,. Kmtk,r ami
K. iatm 4ml ie j4met( ta taW -Yon Mo W UamVtt Mat ho
T Zlr? "-" ntt tm -l ami h la jmnr lanmH
Sh m4 hoe . mlwaMl ho- ,4 w-)ln y wit m thm m. No
" ' J V WrcrV, ho h m 4wa ho-
W- 4 u wojant m eoiiRvi 'VW f b-(m4 hm. ho . imi I tmMKCei t
attwini AaatR taiflaae. tgas tml nrlemc ' aomJl tmaur oojRt VjamW atal mat emrr
? k L "'r'r1. " " " ! Rf m. tare hmM wnrt.whm imetW aaonv
MNm VbWC IVBrMl. tletC' lJiahf Wmv
tujrrict x
A4W then t wiiivfeaeil .Vaome 1 CwhI Jmi4.
'Matt I tmm. Jhiemeemt am, htil t geouc
4n4 avwamc taoiahR, ha mamt $h,
wort e-xtltaiiMt im4 att it hw, dmi mm or
rwavv, whalW t oarl. fine- 'tfihiHar, t
-w ,!, thhftWsr R)hK llinr ore.
Hmc tiMMimir inati titkor im! tMn,
; t nWtr iata)tii: tAu h,iH4t to
'tfiRhi twinoW enHmi, 'Ctlier hhn 4ewU
Iwntptt eVHt, wiw owif. only ONAHiitHe
wo, lfftitt nl 4 ajaim. ifl;t 4,, tie v,- t
ormC nwnnhei o tknekr maHtht Iwol hwm.
pria they were recolTed with blank ll' " lonnrr Unrlng 3i5J)13
amtiement, then with mdlgmtme. Mr M " M,trr 3IA.OU. Detroit. Mil
wwW it erred that 1 had alwayi dlt-1 waukr ami Near Orleana hare Juat
liked th yooag mater. I determined to ,wiaatl S11XUXI and Waahlccton la c!a
g ap to Itedruth'i honao and iKrtiln ' to that flrure.
If h were from horn. I
Th moment my nn4 heard of my da- ' Heroic Treatment.
Itrmlaitioa he rraolrej to icooeapany Mra. nt-mj IKUb. my haabm' he
me. ui aiita; Ir ta nutter, we wrro got th paralenl la the taiga, tt h
ahowa mto the Hhnry. Are meaatre later earn! more Mi fret
the yeag man hlmaeif walked Into th Doctor lirk la dat aa. Mra. Kbeoyl
lie ba4 Jat toea dmtag. wero Weil. Ill nil right away
Mr. Ktrtmy -lea, dortah, an be aaah
ta bring joah bmh ertong If .lit
tan ttart h,i g . n . anthla' wilL
tmew tWt wtoat 1 'migao W ho
53ii, IKKIItA I t IK AMmm W. im to hot- oom,
""'' --.. - -- whijA h
dfat tji rnmArji. I muriulttml
IftM t ibwt toiam,i Hat- vertoiiM MtM
vtttu hWut. 'Vlt-H I tiawemd httefi. , W
vmwo mm, inr iRhihiS wr4l
'VHo lfol ltWHthil Vunlii fiMhOHhet it
1)roWUh(nii M iMtMifc !hht awJtifd: n ManV
tt.tiu, nml, ifMev Mfd. iHfniM tlMWwl, iMMtuf
ily nd. RMiiio(ntMiaHliirfte -it mu, Httwi,
I m tv nw, )im nut ' !ot Duiwmo.
'I im. giehw- 11 hw lit tm, wvif whtri
Unth. Hfinnn:''' nml iom, omwli m,
!(.' tHRtfRRHU, allM OHMM nUttHt WJtfc lM
ii. rJN mmk "MHMel, 'hH anft.f I
l.iv puoii, IhtaWe iH HHimihut I
I V4) 40011, ),,. jffWK IIMW4HR,'' i1)m whl,
Xnl, huh im iHHtHfrHHUmli fmt
iiim. in I iNili Ih mm uim dwA I ww,
'nmx drv. and had nerer leohrd
hin4aomr or moro Ihecenghly it Ma
-aao tn hla Uf.
"Weatr he uht (Itaetar It ni bVii
mtj W ww rtnloaily ha an afurslm-
moot! -ta th anjthong I oan do
tor fither of ywttf-
-M4r Jargo,- aM nay wnt. nm
. "wvn an Biahw. ahr; m oe troe,
ha. My abtaaMee. my BnW Amur, iho
ho roaiM awjr
-Wfcur ho wTrtiamei. "Hnn awaj
ftmaa homo, io yow moon? Hat wa
njr tn mo? Wht ema I JUr
-.V.iejrnt. emit V axmrht at a'
aaht aajr . -thta Jam n.
"TV fa, t. aor." t aoli. he ',
aoeno vtttaeai t tho nortnt 0 lr tM we
wmnt tn ami oaat who Ihoi vtiUia . '
-.Uaat 10. eoaao to mo' It r I
dwit too tho IWiro of ell that. i-I I Jitt
mwao magnet o nurnn to 4(aai v
Uo oakomot taw oW. Mat we w c
thjat nnnhor eomeermlRiai 4 bo :i.w
h, haft tho room ii4 tho hvM l ,f
hue tho witch, torn mi mwrht noeor ap-.e
Who wo foiohoii tho eWM ho a.ak
'rr?- r kl' ' A prominent club woman.
UCat LBmakfalnBafu ttat ------
hmatroeohod-RwlMtnigh,. J ft Orjh, Of St. JoSCpll,
wo r w to h4; hut no to atoop MiCh., ICllS IIOW SllC aS CUrCU
lm IR4 ah( t tayitpiiiinalf hooU mr of fnlllno- nt im n-nml, .n,l Ha
U6WR WMBlkmA WifeR ' . ."V, HVHIII 441JU Hd
.., .. vw nY Of
il dr Mn aoom, imt m tno grey of
tho mutntmt ho umo one to the kiohi
V !Uh4Im a 1v,
t hWtoa it haw and ieiryl kntw i
!.; hm twv w,i. whkm iml katd hko 1
In'x hn, l)(ih t Iuihh litMwelie)i'"
'Xiii havi UiUMawIttil fAn iiim" t mill.
''t.'tlod jMfil, WHa, wnoilK, .ViMfM, i lh.
wimiim, Uf dtauilH him, Im mm, Ii Di, 1
miliiR iliWWlli ntl ihMHUUK itija l)flil,"
ITije liMHHHun- aii. fallfk. jVfiiif,, tei,il,
.. Yi'!l?l'1,'Z. ffr "'' "'"a.trnlrJ oo. i,ir-iin i,I4mMiuii. Hiimi. wnhe-.lm itajnd.
wnw aniiJojinson,31ri58te -wurhi, wm hw ut iih. wi' mv
HORXtiild. QHE80H w,c ' l",",,' "'",1 ""w ,,,H', ftl1" w "
(Jwifctk, HVorteh lllcln WrfiHIHIl l till)
W(it aTliilwi hub uiyiuo4, .iuilu ooinu
miiiiiIi (iiiiliaiiillbdiamnja u'iAuiu Hinmuli
llHir twoiiri,
''Yrm, rin.fnlk,,.''. hit,, unlili 'tr. f .
-.-,.., n ;...,.,, .., ...,.,, .f ,,,l Wl,
il, ru,, (, wr,M f)HoHo.J lmt llh. I u- wmWw, jwitiNtmN , uo T
'" ""'" ",Hn" "" '""" "' Slu ImjHmiIi HiUu: Hliau, r.luj.l K,,4
nfilltofJnui otai Tamm qimiTPio, Kl
jjfj Ih tli&u. Jk40ilif 4rw,wl4U. m
RMHtlti l huoiHiiu ay iiiiuey.
"amillli:" ilu h'Mi, btkm I find, taun,
,, 'iijmi, run IH,n. "whww lo .JtwHUe J"
HtXtl t lhm4l Uhlli lit HOUR iiohiihHB
uwdliHu m uumdii, nllu wniiil1 uRUiliiiit
Llmoi, Iiihmi, afiiml HoiniiHgi; wllHnwii,
I niliult. mo im,iii nml' 111I1I, "t dmi't
Itinurl" tfiir niwliK iiiiiittr- vniiiilt iHtu
Uouf'mIi niuli lw flriici (,rwv anion tf4in
tiwilti diovi, nml iiiiiimihiI liuinv-iiiii liwe
noiw, "Wit, JUiiHl. nlin h (limit oim:"'
t wr111, ftilrty numiiod, umli nil J wujifc
dir JjiHb tliinii win, t iKiinftint mtf, niinU,
wftu. win wnoiilliu DIUtinlM, Wtimii )ii
wmi rtuirtii (piinnimodi & nnltwi A"ir. mil ihit
nlhnatilin. IHiii.irioItt, wf,rt.Nli,ir,Ii,. mi,..,i
li Km, AAiim, nn, uminll, nndl to, tiiUu. no, lAitae- Jury unulu, audi hndt IuPA in- Kin
uoljiiitj ofc wJint; Iwfc aJuJlta' IJmllio,, ray muili i,, tixayutliiu.-tu, flndl t&u,
accompnnyliij; twins nnd misery
byLydla V Plnkttnm'a Vegetable
. 'MlHAIlMll. I'lNRItlUI Mfo looka
ommtjlntl, wM wn tho Wmt ol a om m . oW aua hU w7L!Lm.i. , i"r' ",lwl wIioh n vriuuaw frcli that
j...... k... i... ... , , i. . 1 . ' . " - '" w w" R eliw, I,.v,IhiiiIiI.i.,i.,... I.I..I...
orhT IJ! XSTj ui .. 1 "V (,,,,,lntf rw HHHitava o when
.TrtL-!!! m tiuiu 'rim wwa 4Mia nu0
L T, J"- Vnedl Ui mo, 1 felt tkut my aaw had et I
'JJ"!4 15 ,W 5 W4W W1huhhuhI wtMMt tvV uui aa an
w i4Rkm4ti to. ml mo. H wtM ho nao- iUtr wf Uto t U tvohwrwl tho tot force
Jm; IM i jahiitt wm mm, hnv4. with an4 Wilt mo u until wyrgvctl alth
hJrnJfi i liVweai, umt thoM. m m Wiuh tvlaurnoa k two, tVrtMr awiitiw I
who1 I Ifi wlammg wood. I ium. oey, took Me umkUuuo JHiy anl wk do
in Micso. W iiirji ktoMMf l ay, jreoit JrW4 ho-Uth, u4 ilivntfth. Ium
HI. IHll IIIMfi, HHL Witt fO.t ou. u ih,UkktUt(Mrlhoho(o.tul.RainuJtknUl?h
j, . ..i... j. . w . 1 - " .... .. . ... -:r " " ":
wit iiituf .ta mil iHiw 'IJH Ore gOAO urtw' liWIAMVK IU3TVHTU,
WtKo Notwoon AiWfM urnf iMevtoUL tJMr
'WRiMwtJji .hmHMiwli 'IhmHn'oMiiimaTi IN
tWkMMI III, tW, flu IglM (,MtM( l thoir
HfMHltlRW'H dniROMdtHI,
Uim nAaaawMHi I wm ibhrhNn :i Jh
iikmJi, i,A tlh miiM ivni t who ttviaeiMi
114. X'liw frioafec lautwhoot,
4. . "AXNIlfc
yfir hiiiiI cm1 thn ImMoc- nimiU. thou. wv
umiln, tmift. In hm hoe, ttmliml ' ht Ion
iimir alin, limi: IWKIO. WIMMMI it W'wd,
UV? JJlkhM Avo.. St. Jon,h Mich.
- MWD Rwf alt 1 ithuimtl uf 46wm Mtee jaraWf
gww44 (Minut t KIV4HM4.
Uluilttill 16 TO, tlin fli.wRiihiar kk kiH i '" yf xvuw ax tUttu ami
wiim.mod fcaiiAS' Wiwk "iokuafH U t&jr wwuld
uiidi -'WRa-ir" iuTtSIa
"-"" -"waM.a 1 aiviJM4titwujTy