The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 08, 1904, Image 3

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Ilatlle Will lie Ons ol the Moit Decisive
of the Wnr-Otnerals Kurokl nnd
Oku Have Merged Their Two Armies
Into One-Kurupalkln I Very Much
on the Alert.
HI. Petersburg, J 20. A dispatch
from Lieutenant General HnkharoH to
night, telling ol numerous skirmishes,
coiillrrn tho IniIIhI Hint tho great do
cIhIvu battle of the campaign between
General Kuropiitkln's rnnln nrmy mid
tho nrinlea of General Kuiokl nml Oku
U liwrilnont. Tho three armies nggro
gnto 300,000 men, nml tliolr otitio(itn
4t r i) loilny In touch nil nloiiK tho Him.
Tho Japanese evidently tried to draw
Kurnpntkln n far south n possible,
IioIiIIiik out nil Incentive n check lo tho
ndvnuco of Oku'N runlir nrmy. Mean
time, Oku HwuiiK sharply to the east
wnrd to Join Kurokl townrd thu Chnpnn
ins, Kurokl nt tho same tlmo moving
n strong foreo by tho tIk11 Hank limnrd
Hnluhang. Tho inn In Japanese ml
vniico ronllnuo along tho main P'"tf
Wmig Cheng-Lino Ynng road, avoiding
tho Mnu Tien pan by n detour to tho
Nothing U known hero of tint exact
txtliil nt which Kuropntkln'H main forco
In concentrated, though It In liellovrd
thnt u largo part llu l.lno Ynng
force has In-en moved to n point be
tween Klnchnu nml T Tcho Kino.
lie Will Depart More Men If the (love r
nor Will Only Olrtct.
Crlpplo Creek, Colo,, Juno 20. Gen--rnl
Hhcimnu Hell, who ! governing
Toller county under mnrtlnl law, ha
ii-ued nnnther statement for publica
tion, which In part l a follow:
"The ro nro 10,000 Hen being written
nboiil mo. I nm acting tinder order
of thu governor ' (bo statu of Colorado.
Ho stand lor penre mid quiet nnd good
government, nml lini hmtruclml ma to
see to ll that the Western Federation ot
Miner hnll not directly or Indirectly
muriler miy moro men, mid they
shall not.
"rlo far n placing Denver under
mnrllal Uw I concerned, thnt ret
iMilely with tho governor. Provided he
should nee 111 to do no, I mn hi aljti
tnnl general, cnminandliiK thn mllllnry
in ret of the state, mid will see to It
thnt hundreds of had men nro deported,
and nflcr martial Inw tin been called
off, If the chiton jwruilt tho cattle I
Intend to deport to return that will Iki
their builnet. No man who want to
-work will bo moleated, but thn person
who live nololy mid only by hi mouth,
provided Governor Pcabody given mo
tho word, will have to emigrate. The
tlmo tor totnporlilng talk In Colorado
lia passed. What wo ought to do now
Into net, mid I gut wo me going
Ohio Man lleiln Suit to Dlaaolve the
Standard Oil Company.
Trenton, N, J., Juno 20. Chmlei J.
Henderson, Jr., of Jersey City, mid
Joapeh M. Nuwlln, of Philadelphia,
counsel (or Georgu It Ice, of Marietta,
)., today flleil In tho court of chancery
n bill for the dimilutlon o( tho Stand
nrd oil company, n New Jorr-ey cnrow
tiou, churning that tho company 1 Il
legal, mid thai It exists In violation of
thunuthtrust lawn of I ho United Slates,
mid of tho statute relating to monop
olies. Tho bill chnrgen thnt tho Standard
oil vompnny In Ohio vin declared il
legal by tho court o( that stnto, hut
thnt tho company, limtrad of dissolv
lug, in oliedlunco to thnt doclidnn, Iiiih,
by cuhterfuge, evaded tho Ohio deol
elon, iiinl that tho New Jorsoy corpora
tion in merely n holding company for
tlio Ohio concern. Thu bill asks thnt
not only tho coin puny bo dissolved, but
thnt it nssot bo dlntrthuted among tho
ntockholdera n )aylng off it outMnnd
ing recuritle. 1'or tho accompllah
inent of thin puipooo, it I nuked that
n receiver bo npKilnted.
To Dlacharge Tour Thoutand Men.
l'lillndoltihln, Juno 20. Four tboua
nml men will bo discharged fiom tho
Ituldwin Ixicomotlvo work within thu
next few dnyn, Hlx thoutmud hnvo
iilready been dropptHl from tho com
pany' curvlco nnd tho working force
will Ihi reduced to (1,000. Thu grcutent
number uvur employed I about 10,000.
Thetiu HtntementH woro mudo by nn
olllcur of thu company today. Tho
plucvtt nindo vncmit by tho ntrlku of !0()
men In tho boiler nhopa lust week weru
filled by thu iminiigemeiit from 3,000
inon recently tliHulmrged.
Wyoming Irrigation Project Approved.
Choyenno, Vyo June 20, Thontnto
land board wna today mlvlned by wire
that the Interior dupartinont hud Juat
approved the negrcgittlou of 160,000
ncrcH of bind in thu Oregon HiihIii Irri
gation project, lly thu Oiegou bimiu
improveiiiunt nnd rovornt nil led enter
prlcoa co vu nil hundred thntiHnnd ncrcH
of ileaort land will bo convoiled Into
productive farina nnd thriving towno.
Huailan licet Ha (treat Difficulty In
Leaving I'ort Arthur.
Toklo, Juno 20. Tho dutnlled rejiort
teculved from Admiral Togo of tho op
erntlonn Iwforo i'ort Arthur, which ro
milled in tho nlnkliig of miother Kim
nlan buttleablp, hIiowd Unit thu mi
trunci) to tho liurbor nt I'ort Arthur I
Mill blocked to mioli mi extent thnt It
I impoHMlblo for t)iu Humilnun to
mmieiiver. Thu ojiorntloii of bringing
tho Itupitlnn fleet lulu tho open, no
cording to tho report of thu olllcern of
the JnpnueiM) acout venitoln, lahtod from
11 n. in,, till IliIlO p. in., nnd war dllll-
cult In tho extreme.
When II mt neeu by tho mnlu fleet tho
ItiiBMlnn ahlpa weru In n double column
formation, thn Unit mndo up of four
rrulnor mid lx hntttelilp, with the
linttlralilp Czarevitch in tho lend,
rho rtecuud column wan mndo up of the
erul-.ur Novlk mid nuven dentroyer.
Thnt tho Jnpanena did not attack In
force nml attempt to ink tho entire
ItiiaNlnu fleet vta duo to the fact that
nightfall arrived boforu tho uhlp could
Ihi brought within range, nnd nothing
wn left but for thn torpedo attack. If
I generally believed now that another
attempt will lo made by tho Htmalmi
to eacajw.
Kuiil Hrdnublta Iter lllforta to 01
llaltlc Squadron Heady.
Kt. i'eteraburg, Juno 1!0. Work on
tho llaltlc Ntiadrondciguod for nervlco
In tho J'aclllc I Ixilng pmhed with re
douhlivl vigor night mid day. Ad
miral Ilirileff, tho commander-lu-chlrf
at Conatadt, in co-oorutlfig with Vice
Admlrnl ItnJoUovnaky, In comtnnnd of
tho llaltlc fleet, to haaten tho work.
The captain of tho battleehlp Nnvmln
and Hlraol Vellky and tho nrmorrd
orulwr Admlrnl Nnklmoff, theflrat von
nel to go out into tho rondatead In com
mlaalon, have Ikhui iiiibllely compll
menUol for their diligence, In order
not to lmM-do the woik, thn crew nro
not inuiilered to auluto thu commnnder-In-chief
when bo tialla ll.n veiael.
A strict guard I maintained nt Crnn
Hindi. liven the wnrrhlita' Inunchea
nro not allowed to enter the naval
baaliiN aflet dur-k. Lieutenant Ynvil
lor, In chnrge ol tho naval labrontory,
wa nrrrated recntly nnd confined to n
forlrrM for bringing n relative to the
laboratory without permlMlon.
Half Million Acre WHI He Purchaatd bi
Sonora or Chihuahua.
Mexico City, June 20. A report I
being circulated hero to tho effect thnt
the Mormon church would bo qulto ac
tively engaged during the next few
months in necurlng land In vralou por
tion of Mexico foi tho purjxxw of colo
nisation. Tho aaacitlon I mado that
It wan recently decided to purchase n
tract of 600,000 acre in Konorn or Chi
huahua, to bo used on nn extcmlon of
tho colonlta of Coloula, Dublan and
Hint. Tho nrinngomenU nro nbout
complettMl, it I aalil, mid within n fow
week tho deed will Ihi ready for
In addition to thct Innda, It la
learned, tho .Mormon elder hnvo taken
hold of re vera I other land offer recent
ly mado to them, Among theae nro
raid to lm largo tract of land In Hinnloa
mid Clilapnu,
Japan Seeking No (lain.
Vienna, Juno 20. Thu Allegemeine
Zoltung any thnt n coord lug to n diplo
matic nolo received hero tho Jnpauerm
government ha rcnolved, In caao pence
i rentored, to demand nothing eleo
than wub nientionetl in thu govern
inent' note of Dooeinlwr laat; thnt if
oven If Port Arthur bo taken by the
Japanese, to reatoro It to ItiiMln, re
ectliig the Kuriao-ChlncBO ngreemont,
nnd (lint Japan will regard KumIu hi
economically predominant in Manchu
ria, Japan demnrid only thnt alio be
considered with tho other great power
in tho solution of Astatic question.
Haytl Relics on Apologies.
Port Au Prince, Juno 20. There is
no confirmation hero of tho reports that
Franco nnd Germany nro nbout to send
wntehipH to llnytlen wntern in coiiho
quunru of thu uttnek on tho respective
inlniaterH of thottu countries by tlio pal
ace guard nt I'ort Au l'rlnco. Tho
French nnd (leruuvn ministers nro
uwnlting itutructioiiH from their gov
ernments. Tho Unytlnu government,
however, regard tho Incident flfl cloned
liy tlio forwarding of apologies, while
thu press Is silent concerning tho matter.
More Tiring nt I'ort Arthur.
Cliefoo, Juno -'0. There was firing
nt Port Arthur hint night, nnd tonight.
Tho booming of big gutiH was. distinctly
heard hero tonight. Klghteen Japan
oho transports have boon neon going
west along tho Oorean coast.
Comprehensive Review ot the Import
nnt Happening of the Past Week,
Presented In Condensed Porm, Most
Likely to Prove Interesting to Our
Many Render.
Pnul Morton hn iiMiimod tho olllce
of recreUiry of tho nnvy.
Tliero I n colony of ovor 200 deport
ed Cripplu Creek miner in Denver.
Tho Huaslmi Vladivostok squndron
hn nppenrod nt (lensnn, Coren, and
filed on tho town.
Tho nctlng Innd commissioner hn
decided that n corporation hn tho rmmu
right to file on desert Innd n n cltlxen.
Tho secretary of commerce und labor
hn ordered that nil pan'engor rmryiiu
t-teiimlxwit In thu New York harlor bi
A Itusaiau submarine !oat ennk nt
her mooring nt thu llaltlc shlpbtilldlriK
yards through inexperienced handling
mid 21 live Mere lost.
. (lormnny has ordered n gunboat to
llnytl to In ct upon tho punishment of
thu guard who nrraultcd the French
and (lerruan milliliters.
The Japanese second army is reriort-
fd to hnvo effected n Juncture with thu
llrst nrmy nnd llmt thowholo force now
lias n lighting front of 120 mile.
Forty-threo firemen, four of wlrorn
will probably die, were overcomu by
vas mid smoke nt n fire in New York.
Tho breaking of a ga main wna tho
en uce.
Thiity-aix moro Colorado miners
hnvo been deporti-d.
Knox mid Cortelyou hnvo given up
their plcc in tho cabinet.
A tornado In Nehrnskn wrecked many
homes, causing two deaths mid Injuries
to six others.
General Oku I clone to tho heels of
Kuropatkin, who in withdrawing to
ward tho north.
The Port Arthur fleet is retorted to
have given battle to the Japanceo nnd
proceeded to sea.
II. J. Mlddleton, nn Associated Press
correspondent with tho Hunsinn nrmy,
ha died of dlsentory.
Two Japanese, disguised a organ
grinders, hnvo succeeded in making
map of the entire Itatllc coast.
It li reported that I-Mwnrd F. Knight,
tho correspondent of tho London Morn
ing Post, with the Japancao army, ha
been killed.
Tliero is ntllt no trace of Kent J.
IMinis, brother of A asistant Secretary
of titate Ixjnils, who diasppeared over
n week ago. Ilia wife ha given up
hope for liini.
Perdlcarli say tho brigand Ilalauli
Ic posing na n patriot.
I,oiidon pnpern pralae Admiral Togo
for his Intent victory off Port Arthur.
Kur-alnni nro said to hnvo lieen de
feated inn decisive battle nt Tnshlcliao.
Count Tolstoi inveigh against the
present war aud holds tho cxnr up to
Tho body of another woman lus coino
to the surface from tho General Blocurn
I. II. Amoa, of Portland, Is n possi
ble candidate for president on tho Pro
hibition ticket.
Heat prostrations hnvo been numcr
on tho pnst few days in Now York aud
John Alennxder Dowlo ha returned
to tho United Htatoa.
Hnrrlmaii I said to lo nbout to bo
euro control of tho Kanta Fo system.
Tho American Federation of Labor
ban entered Into tho Colorado miner'
Russia hn redoubled her effort to
get tho llaltlc squadron in shape to sail
for tho rnr l-.nst.
Tho Kansas wheat harvest will bo
dolnyed tunny day on account ot the
recent heavy rains.
What 1b thought to bo n (lnnl report
on the General Blocurn disaster shows
thnt 1,031 ilvca weru lost.
Eleven persona wore seriously injured
nnd many more slightly in n collision
ot two street cars nt Chicago.
A call has been issued for a meeting
of thu TranH-MlsatHsippl Commerical
congress nt Ht. I-ouls September 10-17.
ChliiCBo banditti uro helping tho Jap
annuo hv l'IvIiil' liiovemontn of troons.
attacking outposts, aud blowing up
Flro, supposed to lio of Incendiary
origin, destroyed 1300000 worth of
property in thu lumber district of
A decislvo battle between tho main
mmioa of Ilusala nnd Japan la expected
No Demand Por Redrcaa Will fie Map
In Perdlcarla' Caae.
Washington, Juno 28, Tho nUto de
partment does not contemplate any re
clamation upon tho Moorish govern
ment on account of tho 1'crdlcnrls inci
dent. In it view that trio government
hn Buffered novercly, both from n
finnriclal point of view nnd In national
humiliation, through it compliance
with tho demnud of thu uno of force, by
appearing to tho powerful Influence of
thu Hhercefn Mouley All nnd Mouley
Ahmed, who hcadod the escort sent to
bring tho prisoneH to Tangier. More
over, Franco practically furnished thu
money from which tho ransom was
paid, a tho recent French loan of f 12,
600,000 gave tho sultan the mean to
meet Itnlsuli'i domand for $70,000
Tho Itnlsnli Incident I going to hnvo
nn Important effect on the adoption of
a firm French policy townrd Morocco.
Tho correspondent of tho Associated
Pres learn that definite step hnvo
already boon taken to inaugurate
French authority. M. Deles mb ha se
lected M. Halndre, the ex-French rep
resentative at Geneva, to Uko up tho
organization of thu Moroccan customs
at tho ports, Including Tnngler. The
recent French loan lo Morrax-o I guar
anteed by tho customs receipts. There
fore, M. Hnindre will overr-eo tho cus
toms administration. He Is now or
ngnlzlng n largo staff. Tlio next step
will bo tho organization of rench po
lice or gendnrmerio at Tnngicr.
It nprwnrs by all accounts, Including
thnt of Perdlcnri himself, as set down
In in letters, that bo did not suffer
undue hardship; that ho mo treated
witli kindness and consideration by
Italsuli and thnt ho tins no ill-feeling
townrd thnt, to him, Agreeable bandit.
No sufficient reason exist why any fur
ther demands should bo made upon the
sultan of Morocco either for Indemnity
or tho punishment of the kidnapers.
If tho sultan chooses to tako vengeance
uKin Italsuli, that I his own affair.
Japaneae Struck Russian Fleet In the
Nick ol Time.
Toklo, June 28. Admiral Togo, re
porting further on hi success nt Port
Arthur, any hi patrol boat discovered
the battleship Pcresviet nnd reven other
vessels, accompanied by nine torpedo
boat destroyer, near tho entrance to
Port Arthur harbor. Tho patrol boat
warned him wlroleealy, and he Imme
diately advanced hi entire fleet, except
thoeo engaged upon special duty.
Tho admiral then discovered that
the Russian fleet consisted of six battle
ships, five cruisers and 14 destroyer,
tho commander having evidently plan
ned a dash by sundown.
The Russians Btoppcd outside the en
trance to tho harbor, and after night
fall n tleet of Japanese torpedo boat de
stroyer resolutely attacked tho Rus
sian ship, nnd succeeded in torpedoing
and sinking n battleship of the Peres
vlet type, nnd disabled the battlcehlp
A ciuiscr of the Diann type wna ob
served burning. It was towed into the
imrlior und it wna evident alio sustatin
ed serious damage. The toredo boat
destroyer Siiirnkumo won hit by a
shell, which fell In tho cabin; killing
three men and wounding three others.
The Chidori, a vassal of thu Mine class,
Was hit behind the engine room, but
no casualties resulted therefrom. Tor
pedo boat 04 and CO were slightly
Apolory Not Sufllclent.
ParlB, Juno 28. Haytl' apology for
the insult to tlio French minister at
I'ort au Princo, M. Doprex, who wa
stoned by tho palace guards recently,
ha been received by tlio foreign otllce,
but doea not give satisfaction. It ap
pear to seek to make light of tho In
cident. The olllclals hero nro not dis
poned to assume a belligerent attitude
toward a small power, but they ex)ect
Haytl adequately to realize, and redress
thu offenses. This contributed to tlio
decision to send a warship to Haytlan
Dutte Miners WUI aire $25,000.
Hutto, Mont., June 28 Tho llutte
Miners' union has decided to donate
$26,000 to tho Colorado miners to as
sist them In pressing tho legal test to
bu mndo on thn Colorado supreme court
decision upholding tho hnlaas corpus,
aud allowing President Mnyer, of tho
Western Federation of Miners, to re
main In Jail without charges having
been placed against him. Tlio right of
Governor Peabody nnd General liell to
doport miners without trial will i1bo
bo tested by tho llutto miners.
Pcara Cholera May Spread to America.
Washington, Juno 28. Vice Consul
John Tyler, at Tehernu, has notified
tlio state department that thero nro 260
cases ot cholera nt Sultannbad, which
is tho principal center of tho Persian
carpet trado with Amorica. Tho con
sul has wnrnod agents not to make ship
ments for the present.
Isnbfll (to hor mother) OhI I wn
awfully aenrcd to-day, John and I wcra
out taking n walk, and wo met the min
ister, and John nuked him to Join lis.
Hklnfllnt If" anything should happen
fo me, dearent, you will bo all right
I've Just Insured my life. "Hut sup
poo nothing does happen .to you?"
First Hoarder What's thnt loud
thumping nolao In tho kitchen? Second
Hoarder It' thn landlady hammering
Die steak and wishing It wa Die beef
Mr. Cnaey Th docthor say ya
hov nppendlkltla, Tlra. Mr. Case
Och, Norah, Norn hi whoy wor ye bo
foolish as to show htm yure bank-book?
Jornlma Why doe dnt Pndcroosky
McOlnnla wear hi hair no long? Mi
nerva Why, don't yer know dot he'
do diampeen mouth-orgun player of da
block? Chicago Dally New.
"The reason I can't get along with
tar wife 1 that she wantv to submit
all our difference to arbitration." "To
arbitration?" "Vm. fine alway wants
to refer dispute to her mother."
"Great guns!" exclaimed the absent
minded man; "I Just stuck the lighted
i nd of thl cigar In my month." "How
fortunate you were In discovering It
at once, dear," rejoined hi good wife.
"Woman I naturally of a clinging
nature," observed be. "Yes," rejoined
hi wife, "but she Isn't to be compared
with a man when It come to holding
on to a flvo-tlollnr bill," New Yorker.
Grlnnand Barrett What cured
Cawlboy of his desire to be a trage
dian? Irving Henry The open-air
treatment He walked home from
Fon-du-Lac with tho thermometer at
xero. Ex.
Mr. Meddergraaa Who yer scndln
the sheep to, Dill? Mr. Ragweed
Why, my sen Zeb'a up to college trylu
fur a sheepskin, he say, and I'm goln'
ter surprise him with a bull critter.
Chicago Pont
Dr. Ketchum ny Jovel These cab
companies certainly know how to
charge. II! Wife Never mind, dear.
It's lucky that the president of the
company la a patient of yours.
Hrooklyn Life.
Mm. Cobwlgger So your husband
think hla position In society la now
secure? Mrs. Ncwrlch Yen. He la ao
sure about It that he ha stopped hir
ing a lrcs suit, and Is having ono
made to order. Judge.
Amateur- This Is my latest attempt
at a landscape. May I ask what you
think of the perspective? Artist The
perspective Is its strong point Tba
further away you atand the better It
looks. Chicago Tribune.
Mr. Chtc My automobile nerves
didn't cut any dash nt all at the sana
torium. Mm. Chic Why not? Mr.
Chic Oh, the doctors were all wildly
enthusiastic over a man who has flying-machine
nerve. Puck.
Tho Importunate lover had Just pro
posed. "Let your answer be a rowel,
with a consonant oa either side of It,"
he gently begged her. The charming;
girl smiled. "Very well," sho said.
"Git!" Cleveland Tlaln Dealer.
A child thrust: "You never saw my
hands as dirty as that" aald a mother,
reproachfjully, to her little 8-year-old
girl. " 'Cause I never saw you when
you were a little girl," was tho prompt
answer. Glasgow Kvenlng Times,
"In India barbers rank high. "Social.
ly they are tho equals of tho priests."
"Say. where do poets coruo In over
thero?" "Same place they do here."
"Where's that?" "Among the illustri
ous dead." Chicago neconl-Herald.
Teacher In tho sentence, "Mary
milks the cow," what Is tho word cow?
Johnny Cow Is a noun, feminine gen
der, and stands for Mary. Teacher
WIat nonsensel Why does cow stand
for Mary? Johnny So Mary can tend
to the milking.
Van Dauber So old Gotrox fell In
love at first sight with that Impossible
Jones girl. Why, she Is a perfect
freak! Friend Just so. Do you know,
old chap, It wouldn't be a bad Idea to
get tho old boy around to look, at your
pictures. Puck.
Nooxy Then you don't bellovo In a
man marrying his deceased wife's sis
ter? Henpeck AYell, I certainly be
lieve that a man who would rush Into
a thing Uko that doesn't deservo to
hnvo lost his first wlfo at all. Phila
delphia ledger.
"Good-morning!" said tho old gentle
man. "I'd like to look ovor some of
your spectacles." "Yes, sir," replied
tba clerk, absent-mindedly, "that's
what most of our customers do. It's
Just as good as looking through thorn."
Philadelphia Ledger.
Sho Somohow women don't got
along so well as men In n parlia
mentary body. Ho Of course not A
man considers It a great honor to bo
called to preside, but a woman Is
pretty npt to regard It ns a mean at-
I tempt to keep her from having her
'share In tho talk. Uostou Transcrlot
. .4
I "1