The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 08, 1904, Image 2

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Mate Charged Wllh Acting In a Cow
ardly Manner Inspector Uullty l
Misconduct In Allowing Vessel to Op
crate and Uovernment U Alio Re
queued to Take Up III Caic.
Now York, July 1. Tho Inqulty con
ducted by Coroner Uony niul a jury In
to the General Slocum disaster was
concluded today, and, alter nearly four
hours' deliberation, a verdict was ren
dered in which tho directoia of the
Knlckeibocker Steamboat eomiuuty,
Caitaln Vunschalck, of tho Slucum;
Captain Peato, tho commodore of tho
company's fleet, and others were hold
cilminally responsible. Warrants for
their arrest were Issued. The mato of
tho Slocutn, Edward Flanagan, accord
ing to tho Jury, acted in a cowardly
manner, ami tho misconduct of Steam
boat Inspector LundWtg, it was report
ed, should be brought to tho attention
of the Federal authorities.
The charge In each case Is man
slaughter in tho first degree llati is
fixed by tho coroner varying from $1,
000 to 15,000.
Edward Flanagan, the mate, was tho
first arraigned. Ho pleaded not guilty,
and his ball was tlxed at f 1,000. Ho
was committed to Jail. Inspector Lund
berg pleaded not guilty, and was re
leased on 11,000 bonds.
Bail was fixed at 5,000 each for
President Barnaby and Secretary At
kinson, and bonds were furnished at
Captain Vanschalck is a prisoner in
the hospital. Captain Pease will not
bo arrested until tomorrow, when it is
expected that tho diiectors of the com
pany will also bo taken into custody.
The Jury is alto of the opinion that
the system of inspection which prevails
in the harbor of New York is eiy in
efficient, and does not properly demon
strate whether the Ilfeeavlng apparatus
and fire appliances on the vessels In
this harbor are in proper and suitable
condition to prevent the Iocs of life,
and wo recommend to the secretary of
commeico and labor that he issue such
instructions to the supervising and
local force of inspectors as "will cause
them to efficiently and honestly exam
ine the boats plying in and about the
Formal testimony was presented that
005 bodies had been recovered, of which
all but 40 met death by drowning.
Floyd 6. Corbin, named as one of the
directors of the Knickerbocker com
pany, tonight said he is not a director
of the company, having been replaced
at the last meeting of the company's
stockholders in February, and that he
docs not own a single share of stock.
He was much surprised by the verdict
of the coroner's Jury.
The Russians Have Strengthened Their
Uase and Flank.
llaicheng, July 1. The war picture
has quickly changed, thanks to General
Kurokl's movements.
A heavy engagement is expected to
morrow near the village of Simouchcng,
IS miles south-southeast of llaicheng,
and an equal distance due east ot the
railway. The Japanese havo now
passed Dalln Hill and are 20 miles south
of the Russian position.
The Associated Tresa correspondent
returned here from Tatcheklao at dawn
today. A terrific rain rendered the
roads almost Impassable.
The Russian regiments aro camped on
high ground. Signal fires from the
hilltops are constantly flaring, lighting
up the bivouacs and the horse lines of
tho cavalry regiments. Long trains of
soldiers are constantly passing and re
passing. The Russian troops are in excellent
condition. General Kuropatkin and
his staff aie apparently quit easy In
their minds. The Japanese have given
the Russians time to strengthen their
base and flank, while General Kurokl
is not as secure as formerly from a
(lank attack.
General Kurokl cannot get around
the Russian position without forcing a
Colorado Irritation Work Assured.
Montrose, Colo., July 1. The Gun
nison River tunnel, which will furnish
water for the irrigation of thousands of
acres In Uncompahgre valley, is assured
ny tho filing today of bonds aggre
gating 200,000 guaranteeing tho entire
subscription of 80,000 acres required
by the government before entering up
on the project. Already 70,407 acres
have been subscribed, and Chief En
gineer F. II. Newell notified the com
mittee in charge of the local arrange
ments that he would order the en
gineers to proceed with tho work.
Uattlcshlp Reported Ashore.
London, July li A dispatch to the
Central News from Tokio says it Jh re
potted that another Russian battleship
lias been discovered stranded off Tiger
Rock. It is presumed she was wrecked
while returning to Port Arthur after
the recent naval engagement.
Russians Lose Three ot )uter Defenses
ot Port Arthur.
T.iklo, July 2. Tho Japanese arms
have Wen victorious at Port Arthur.
Possession has been secured of Chlk
waiishcn, Chltuusan and Sochoctun
pits, which form a part of tho defenses
ot tho beleaguered fortiess. Particu
lars of the lighting nru slow in arriv
ing, General Oku withholding hnsolllc
lal account until the complete plntiB
are earned out. rroni unofficial ac
counts, however, It Is learned that the
battle lasted from an early hour In the
morning until 6 o'clock in tho after
noon, and even after the Russians had
been driven out of their woiks, they re
formed and attempted to retake the
Tho Japanese had Wen prepailug
for the attack for a week, ami their
scouts had penetrated to the very edges
of tho forts so that a:curato maps of
tho intervening ground wero in the
hands of the chiefs of divisions on
Saturday night, when tho Hist foi
ward movement was undertaken.
The troops slept In their blank Is to
the eastward of tho Russian loltton
Saturday night, and at daybreak the
order to advance was given. The
Japanese were formed in three line.,
while tho artillery hail been posted at
right angles to tho fort, so its lite
would prove most effective. The
mounted infantry and legular cavalry
were posted west of Plntu, with orders
to guard against any attempted Hank
ing movemout, and at tho same time to
be in a position to support tho Infantry.
It Is understood that the next objec
tive point of the Japanese is Tuchiiig
tie, the key to the eastern defenses of
Port Arthur, and Us reduction is be
lieved to be merely a matter of days.
The news of the euccets of the Japan
ese arms Is particularly pleasing nt this
time, following as it does the Russian
report that General Oku and his army
iiad retired iroml'ort Arthur's vicinity.
Arthur Troops are Said to Have
Driven Fleet to Sea.
Chicago, July 2. A special from
C lief oo to the Chicago Daily News says:
Eight refugees who left Port Arthur
in a Chinese Junk were picked up this
morning. They belonged to tho upper
class, The information they gave
seems reliable. They stated that tl.e
Russian fleet now consists of the fol
lowing ships In good condition: The
Czarevitch, Retvizan, Pobicda, Perese
viet, Poltava, Diana, Bayan, Novlk and
20 torpedo craft aud steamer boats.
The to pedo transport Amur is damaged
and the battleship Sevastopol slightly
damaged, but they can soon be repaired.
There ate 12,000 sailers and 4,000
soldiers in the fortress. Women are
argely employed as muses. There are
260 artisans and 2,000 citizens. These
2,000 have been drafted into tho army
and are now drilling daily. There is
plenty ot food, but the government Is
controlling prices in order to prevent
The refugees asserted that, owing to
the Jeers of the army, the fleet was
forced to make its recent demonstration
in order to preserve the morale of the
Protector on
lor HalUc
London, July 1. Tho London Daily
Leader prints a dispatch this morning,
credited to its Copenhagen correspon
dent, declaring that thu steamer For
tune, on (ward f which Is tho cele
brated Lake submarine torpedo boat
protector, has been sighted making for
the Baltic sea, where the fighting ma
chine will be turned over to represen
tatives of the Russian government, and
transferred to some point where it can
be loaded on a train for shipment to
When the ptotector disappeared from
Newport, Va., representative of thu
Lako Submarine company admitted she
had Wen sold lo persons who would
transfer hor to one of thu bolligerants
in tint Far East, but gave the linpre-
siou that Japan would be thu nation to
secure the craft.
Carried Away Uy Cloudburst.
Pittsburg, July 2. Ovor 600 homey,
business houses ami hcnuols, a short
distance from Pittsburg on thu Pun
Handle railroad, were inundated by a
cloudburst last night. Many buildings
and bridges were washed away, homes
and cattle were drowned, and at least
one life waH lost. The flool did not
subside until daylight, and many fam
ilies slept out of doom all night.
Tracks washed away, and many towns
above and below Oakdale and Carnegie
are without means of communica
tion. Arkansas Town Wiped Out.
Tuxarkana, Ark., July 2. It la re
ported that the town of New Boston, 20
miles south of here, was wiped out by
a tornado tonight and several people
killed or wounded, Thu telegraph and
elephone wires are down.
Morgan Lake Will Serve Double Purpose
at La Urnnde.
Lit Grande Tho Morgan lako water
power scheme, which Is situated three
miles south of Ut Grande, on the sum
mit of the llluu monmitlns, and which
Ih Wing constructed by the Im Grande
water storage company, has Wen prac
tically completed, by which thu ntor
ago company will furnish the city ol
I.a U ranch) 76,000,000 gallons of water
per mouth for distribution through the
city water mains. The elevation ot thu
lake above thu city of I.a Graudu Is 1,
460 feet, In a distance ot thteu miles.
A lake 120 acres In extent and now 12
feet deep has been formed, with a pos
sibility ot Increasing the depth to !10
(eel by building a few hundred feet of
levco. Surveys have been made for
11,176 fcetot plpo lino, leading to the
Im Graudu city reservoir. Steel plpo
two feet In diameter will W used to
conduct the water down the mountain
canyon to thu power plant about one
mile from the lake, where 1,000 horse
power will W developd at first, with
tho posslbllitty of Increasing the powri
to 10,000 horsepower when needed.
Railroad Aika (or Terminus.
Thu Dalles At tho Instance ot rev
oral business men and piotivrty owners
ot this city a meeting was held last
week to consider the feasibility of
bringing the lino ot tho Great Southern
railway Into this city, together with
tho cost of right of way and terminal
grounds for the same. The request of
the Great Southorii olllclals was for
three city blccks situated in tho ex
treme east end ot tho town for depot
grounds, and a right of way from the
mouth of Five Mil" creek, where the
line has been surveyed, to thu city. It
is understood that thu right of way
and this terminal situ asked for can Ik
had for 1(1,500. A committed was ap
polontcd to canvas thu city to acquire
thu necessary funds to acquire this
Removal of Land Office.
Oregon City A remonstrance
against tho ptoposed removal ot the
land office from Oregon City to Fort
land, and addressed to the president
and secretary ot the interior, has Wen
circulated among the business men and
citizens hero. The remonstrance cites
the fact that this la known as tho
Oregon City land district, that Oregon
City is centrally located with reference
to tho district, Wing accessible by rail
and boat; that there Is no demand on
the part of settlers or the coplo at
large for the removal ot the oflke.
Qrastboppers In Grain.
Pendleton The army of grasshoppers
struck the alkali wheat raising district,
about 20 tulles southwest ol tills city,
a few dayi ago, and has wrought much
damage to grain. Monrad Fix Is thu
heaviest loser, grasshopper having
eaten down 600 acres to such an extent
that tho grain Is scarcely fit for hay.
Other croju In that vicinity have Wen
more or less damaged. A visit of grass
hoppers in this county is unusnal.
This Is the first year tho Insects have
done any damage to grain.
Looking for Big Run.
Astoria The salmon pack up to tho
present time Is far from satisfactory,
but while the proaitecta for tho balance
of tho season are purely speculative,
there is every confidence that an Im
menso run will come later. Thu puck
of tho canned product la full 26 per
cent short of what it was at thu corre
sponding timo last year, and then the
season was considered a failure, but
tho big run that carnu tho latter part
ot July brought tho pack up to nearly
the average figures.
Valley Hops In Need of Rain.
Salem Fat mers and hop growers In
this section of tho Valley are very
much alarmed over thu continuance of
tho long dry spell, and say that gteat
and irreparable damage has already
Wen done. Farmers (rout the Waldo
hills and from Mission bottom wild
that grain and hay will not yield more
than half oops. Hop growers say that
the yield of hops has already Wen les
sened, aud that, unless a good rain Is
had next week, tho loss will hu consid
erable. Spruce Lumber Ratea Postponed.
Astoria According to advices ro
coived from Chicago the reduced rates I
on Eastern shipments otspiuce lumber,
which were to go Into effect on July 1,
will not Wcomo effective before July
16 and possibly not until tho first of
August, Tho postponement Is under
stood to have Wen caused by a delay in
Issuing tliu tarllf slicots.
Harvest Ilcslni.
Pendleton Whoat harvtst has com
menced In the Cold Springs country
noith of Pendeltou. Wheat matures
earlier in this section than elsewhere,
Results so far nru' very ftatfufactory,
soma grain going as high as 40 bushola
to the acre.
Ledge on Thompson Creek la Over 4,8(10
Feel Long.
Medford A. L. Muirls has Junt re
turned (mm thu strlku of gold mi the
headwater of Thompson ereek, near
Graylmek mountain. He brought with
him over $76 m gold taken lroin the
ledge, which shows on the surface over
4,600 feet lung. Tho llrlgg buys have
taken out $18,000 and havu as much
mure In tight.
Most ot thu people going lit leave
Medford ami go by way of Jackson
vllle, dousing thu divide ut tliu head
ot Williams creek. This route Is oluy
60 miles from Medford. Hundreds ol
people are leaving, mid the town Is In
great excitement. Claims are Wing
staked ami placer locations filed.
II. K. King washed $100 (rum four
pans ot placer dirt on his location K00
feet from thu Urlggs find. Thu Mite
Is 460 feet on the Oregon side ot the
Cul'foriila line.
A townslte has Wen located and
tents ate Wing pitched. Nut since the
days of Gold Hill or Steamboat Springs
has so much Interest lieen manifested
In a gold dlcsovrcy. It Is claimed that
the ledgn is the same as the Steamboat
strike, but tho values are much higher
aud the ledge larger.
Prize Products of Polk.
Dallas Polk county will W among
the first counties In Oregon to apply
for spaculnthe big hortlcultuial build
ing now In course ot construction at
the Lewis and Clark exMsltinn grounds
at Portland. Mrs. F. A Wolfe, ot Falls
City, has Wguti tho preparation of an
exhibit that Is expected to take first
rank umoug thu county displays at the
1006 fair. Mis. Wolfe has had charge
ot nil the prizo-wluuliig displays from
Polk county at the Oregon stale fair
for many years past, aud takes a great
Interest In thu work.
Rosd to Santlam nines.
Salem With a view' to oculug a
read leading to thu Qnartivlllu mines,
thu mumWrs of the Marlon county
court will go over the route. The
Quaitxvlllo mines are nWut lit miles
north of Gates on the Cnrvallls & East
ern railroad. A wagon road extends
about half the distance. Considerable
work is Wing done at the mines, hut
all supplies and machinery must W
taken in on horses. Machinery tor a
sawmill ami a quart stamp was trans
ported to thu mines In that way.
Wheat Walla Walla, 00c; blurstem,
77c; Valley, 78c.
Parley Feed, 23 jier ton; rolled,
Flour Valley, 13.0004.06 per bar
rel; hard wheat straights, $404.26;
clears, $3.860 1.10; hard wheat pat
ents, f I.40W4. 70; graham, $3.6004;
whole wheat, $40 1.26; rye flour, $4.60.
Oats No. 1 white, $1.20; gray,
$1.16 percental.
Mlllstuffs Ilran, $10(320 per tut;
middlings, $26.60027; shorts, $200
21; chop, $18; linseed, dairy food,
Hay Timothy, $16010 per ton:
clover, $800; grain, $11312; cheat,
IJutter Fansy creamery, 17J02Oci
store, 12(Jil3c.
Eggs Oregon ranch, 1001031c iter
Cheese Full cream, twins, new
stock, 12012c; old stock, 708c;
Young Aineriia, 13014c,
Poultry Fancy hens, 1212)c per
pound; old hens, 11012c; mixed
chickens, 10011c; old roosters, 80
8c; young roostets, 12013c; springs.
1 to 2-pound, 17018c; broilers, 1 to
l-pound, 18020c; dressed chickens,
1301.1Hc; turkeys, live, 140111c; do
dressed, 160111c; do choice, 18G20c;
geese, live, 708c; do il rot sod, )&(
10c; ducks, old, $07 per dozen; do
young, as to size, $2,6007.
Vegetables Turnips, $1.26 per sack:
carrots. $1.60; Wots, $1,26; cubbngu,
y&nei lettuce, head, 26040a per
do; parsley, 26c per doz; tomatoes,
$1.2601,60; TOilllllowor, $1.7602 tier
doz; celery, 76000a per doz; ciicum-
bora, $ lut 1. 26 per doz; asparagus, COu;
liens, 40(lu pur pound; beans, ureun.
600c; fquash, $1,25 per box; green
corn, flOu per doz.
Honey $303, 60 per caso.
Potatoes Fancy, 76c0$l per cen
tal; new potatoes, $1,7602,26,
Fruits Strawberries, 60fle per lb:
cherries, 406c; gooseberries, flu; rasp.
nornes, i. so per crate; apples, new,
$101.76 per box; apricots, OQi0$l;
plums, $1; peaches, OOc0$l; canto
loupes, $4.60 per ctate,
Hops 1003 crop, 23o per lb.
Wool Valloy, 1020o por lb; East
ern Oregon, 10017c; mohair, 30u per lb
for choice,
Reof Dressed, 60fl)fC per lb.
Mutton Drousod, 400a por lb;
lambs, 0c.
Veal Dressed, 100 to 126, (107o per
lb; 126 to 200, GQSJjJc; 200 ami up,
Pork Dressed, 100 to 150, 7Q7tfc;
1C0 and up, O07u,
He Saa the Force el the lliumy Was
mull the Stronger.
Ht, Petersburg, Juno .I0, Thu em
peror hurt received thu (ollnwlrg dis
patch (rom General Kuropatkin, dated
Llan Yang)
"Thu Japanese attacked our forcea
occupying Mo Tlon, Fen Him 1 and Tu
Pusses. Our Infantry ami cavalty re
(toiled peisuaili'd that the advancing
d slsloiis ot the Jiipanesu army which
were operating against each ot tint
thteu passe were stronger than our de
tachment. In the attack on Tu Pasi,
the Japanese guards, besides other
regiments, participated. The Jiipanesu
made a frontal and flank attack In con
siderable force on both sides of this tin.
sltloii. The Japanese troop iHTiiplcd
leu Shtil and Mo 'lien Passe.
"Our forces, which retreated (rom
Feu Nhul Pass, went attacked by small
detachments of Japanese. They were,
howuxcr, easily repulsed.
"Alter pushing back our advance
guard (mm Vanillapudre, on thu Slo
ven llaicheng road, to Ta Pass, Urn
Japanese continued their avdancu
against out position In a defile. For
some time the attack u( the Japamso
lulautry brigade was replied, Thteu
b.itullon were engaged In the ftontal
attack. Hut Wing menaced by other
1 1 oops engaged III a Hanking movement,
our force retreated,
"Kcrununltcring parties report that
the portion of the southern army la
moving northeastward, with the Inten
tion id Joining General Kutokl'a lone.
"All 1 1 thu report ot the last tow dayn
state that thu forces ol Japanese at
rayeii against our Manchtitlan army
consists ot eight ot nine Infantry di
visions and several brigade id re
serves, which also occupy positions in
the fighting line."
Thu dispatch from General Kuropat
kin, a published In a special edition
ot the Official Messenger, Informed St,
Petersbuiger that General Ktiroki'n
army had crusted the thteu passe ot
thu Feu Shul mountain and was ad
anclng In sitting columns (mm Siti)u
on llaicheng, ami (mm Feng Wang
Cheng on I lao Yang, while portion of
(leueial Oku' army were moving
northeastward along mountain patlm
to strengthen the attack on Mai Cheng.
The same telegram repotted cavalty
engagement nt he nil ('line, Indicating
that the Japanese retreat southward
was only a feint. General Oku haw
again assumed theofTonlsvo, and I sup
Mirling General Kurukl.
Uiploslon of Firework Causes Threes
Deaths and Heavy Property Loss.
Philadelphia, June 30, Three per
sona were killed ami a hall doint wire
Injured a a result ot the explosion ot a,
small bundle ot firework In tho store
room ot the Diamond fireworks com
pany, at UHtl Arch street.
The fireworks concern occupied the
first Hoot ol thu building. I'll second
(loot wa vacant, and the third floor
was occupied by thu French Hat A Ron
net Frame company.
JaucovlU'h, the ptopiletor ot tho hat
and bonnet concern and two of hi em
ployes wero the one kil,cd. There
three were the only (arsons above tho
first floor. About a dozen person
were employed by the fireworks com
pany. The cause of the fireworks ex
plosion Is not known. Thorns Con
way, one of the firm of the firework
company, wa wrapping a small bun
dle of firework for a customor when It
uxploded. Almost Instantly the entity
room, full of fireworks, Wcame Ignited
from flying rockets and flriciackera.
All the employes on the first floor es
caped without set lous Injury. The
front of the first floor was blown out by
tho explosion of powder, and soon the
entire building was In flames. Every
effort wa muda to rencue those on the
third floor. Firemen climbed laddor
In the midst ot the pratechnlcs, ami
finally reached those on the third floor.
During thu lire's progress tluee fire
men were injured and thteu others
were also cut and binned, but their in
juries are not serious, The Harnett
spread to tho building occupied by O.
H, Illlnor, publisher of Cathlolobook,.
and that occupied by J. L, G limey &
Ilros, dealers in automobile supplies,
but did no Bullous damage. Thu entire
loss oil all three buildings Is $30,000..
Holler flxplodes on Cruiser.
San Francisco, June 30, The steam
er Muripsoa, which camu from Tahiti,
btoiight a story ot a hollurexploslon on
tho French cruiser Durance, resulting
in tho death of 16 men, Thu explosion
occulted while the warship was on her
way to Noumea from Papeete and Urn
last reports received by the French offi
cials at Tahiti wore to the effect that
thu wutshlp had made Uoumeii ami
Captain Rozler, who was prostrated by
the disaster, wus slpk on shore, Tho
Durance, for n numWr of years, ban
been stationed at Papeete,
Movement on Foot to Honor Clioate,
New York, Juno 30. A movement
is on foot to present to Joseph H.
Ohoatu a portrait of himself, In iccog
nltlon of thu fact that ho has sorved n
longer term nt tho court ot tit, Jamoa
than any of his predecessors since
Gharlos Francis Adams, buvu u HorulL
dispatch from London,