The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 08, 1904, Image 1

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1 JrtC
blWI), OKI((U)N. l'MDAY, JULY 8. i..
NO. 17
: a
People front nit Parts o( Crook County
Camo to Participate In the Peiitlv
Itlcs and nil Hml n (lomt Time
(lcncrnl Interest In the Hxcrclscs of
the dn 11IIU all I'nld by Popu
lar Subscriptions.
Delightful wcutlicr, a large nnd
orderly crowd nnd plenty of cuter
tniiimcut combined to make n very
successful Fourth of July celebra
tion in licnd. The fore part of the
day was a bit lowery and a
couple light .showers laid the dust
nicely, but the sky .soon cleared
mid left the weather ideal.
Mnuy twople arrived Sunday
night for the celebration. Half a
dozen teams front Priueviltc drove
in then and went into camp on the
river bank west of town. Another
party came in from Madras Sunday.
From Sjuaw creek came another
delegation and from Pott, 75 miles
to the eastward, and from points up
the Deschutes, came still others.
Most of them brought their own
camps, but every hotel was filled to
the bursting point.
The celebration began Monday
nt 10:30 with a parade which start
ed from the Pilot Htttte Inn. The
chief participants in the day's pro
gram, in carriage, home of the old
boys in faded blue, mid uniformed
Woodmen of America, with a h timor
ous itivision, made up the proccs
The horse rneeH
Wall strwt at t : to.
sion, which passed down Wall street and the home plate. Wcitlcr and
to Ohio.-tljJiic-ctoTlJouaumt-tlicncoitMal.eoa. bout,
to Minnesota, where a pavilion
had been erected, fronted by sev
eral ranks of seats.
Mr. Grocsbeck acted as president
of the day, W. K. Gueriti, sr., hav
ing arrived but the evening before
and being somewhat fatigued.
The invocation was by the Kcv. O
W. Triplett, after which "America"
Vas sung. J. I. West and G. W.
Triplett, the former having served
in the Union and the latter in the
Confederate army, exhibited a flag
that had been carried by the former
at the 29th Indiana infantry through
two years of fighting with the
army of the Cumberland. The old
ensign was much tattered by many
storms of shot and shell and the old
veterans who exhibited it also
showed evidence of rugged exper
iences. They stood there clasping
each other's hands and testifying
their devotion to the flag that makes
us free.
Then came the oration of W. Iv.
Guerin, jr., which was listened to
attentively from start to finish and
evoked frequent applause. It woh
well lecuivcd and highly commend
ed by W for txith IU mutter and
A quartet sahjr "Conic wheVc the
I.ilKes lllooin," Which Vn followed
by the reading of the l)cklarul)n of
luuepeuuenee oy j. 11. uvcruirr.
Then came the final .song "Tim Star
Swingled Haulier" and the audience
dispersed to the other attractions of
the titty.
took place 011
The llrsl race
was the pony nice in which J. lf.
Circle's jioiiey was first, C. W.
Wols.'si second nnd J. W. Overton's
third, 515, $10 and 5 re.sxretivcly.'
In the saddle horSentcc Jack Peak's
horse was first by half a length,
James Taylor's second and J. V.
Citcle's third, the money Iniing 10
S7.S0 ar ,1 The" broncho
buying took place shortly after the
liorsciuces. Cleve Dmiklc rude the
gray hoise of the I). I. & P. Co.
and Jnme-s Tavlor rode the dark
brown horse belonging to Lee Cald
well. The was divided Ik
twceii the two riders, although
Jimmy Taylor made the better ex
hibition of broncho riding.
The Imsc lmll game Ixtweeu a
Untfl September It Will Hun U Tliare
May lie llifducM llcuinmllng It, tuit
oil That Mouth .Mali Will he Hand
led on Pils Houto mill It Will run
MkIH nnd Day livery Day of the
Week Thereafter.
lime coittH).sei 01 1). i.&p. men
and the lieud tettut was called at
3:30 with the lieud nine at lsit;
they failed to score in the first inn
ing. The toirvcyors made three
runs in their first inning and things
l)cgau to look us if they would
have a walk-over, but Decker, the
lieud pitcher, got down to business
and up to the seventh inning held
the enemy uowu to six scores,
while the licnd team took 16 runs.
In the first half of the eighth Mc
I.cod was put in the box for Ueud,
and the first batter up knocked a
iKm-up lly between the first base
I Wc are ready to receive I
nrft1irnt Jmic fttf ft nrit rirtn H
M'l'".nwiin ll'i tttlKV tllVU H
under the canal of the
This laud is IJastward
and Northward from lieud
on the I?ast side of the
Deschutes Kiver, Only
water is needed to make it
fcrtil. This is now provid
ed. Special Inducements
to those WHO SIGN
For further information
rati lor. -it -ana
they came together 011 the foul Hue
with such force that they both were
laid out for a few minutes, though
they continued in the game. Char
ley Hrock pitched the next two inn
ings for lieud and the surveyors se
cured three more tallies. Mc I.cod
pitched the first half of the ninth
for Demi.
Jack Peaks pitched the first half
of the game, but the lieud batters be
gan finding him too frequently, so
Parry was put in the box for the I).
I. & P. nine the latter half of the
game and the lieud team failed to
score during the seventh and eighth
innings. The score resulted 16 toy
in favor of the Ueud team, which
r.ot S50.
The platform dance was an en
joyable feature of the celebration,
especially to the young people,
wiiue not it low older persons
thronged the pavilion until the
gray hours of the Tuesday morning
appeared. That the lloor was
much letter than was expected was
the verdict ol the dancers, while
j the music was all that could be lie-
sired, the orchestra Injing composed
of James Sharp, Prince Glaze, IM.
Gerowe and Jack Glaze. The im
mense crowd was on its uood be
havior. Seveuty-threo numbers
, were sold, which is a record breaker
for licnd ball room events. The
receipts from the kill were $1 to and
its cost s75 f0r music nnd caller.
I W. E, Gukkin, Jk,, I
6 O C HTJilNHMANN, Hhchiitahv. 1
There was a brilliant display of
of fireworks in the -veiling, the
i main illumination being on the vn
icaut block on the east side of Wall
street between Ohio and Minnesota,
i At the Ii. M. store, at the dance
pavilion, nt the Anne residence
' and a few other places there were
interesting fireworks displayed.
The barbecue was served in the
evening. Though the roasting
was not n perfect success in all re
spects many found it very satis
factory. Quite a company came up from
Haystack country, among them be
ing uon i Ken, Martin Pratt, J.
O. Rose, James Reed, Mr. nnd Mrs.
, Charles Wilson, Miss Lovolnud,
Dr. Snook and fnuiilv. W. E. Halo
nnd family, Mrs. Perry Rond mid
Walter McCoiu. They drove .0
miles or more 'to attend thecchj-oration.
G. M, Cornt't was hi lieud Mon
day and Tuesday and made wrung
incuts for running stage between
lieud and Shauiko. Two rigs go
into serviie on this line this work.
The intermediate stations will U- at
IIuNIer mid at Porest's. Por the
present this line will serve the hiiM
ues as it olTeis, both MiiM.-iigcrHiid
express, and will not ocratv on a
regular schedule. Hy Scplcinlwr
it is uxected to have the mail route
changed to this hue and then there
will be regular night and dnytngtM,
The PniU?y Post, skiug of the
movement for a direct mail route
between Demi and Shauiko, figures
it out this way;
"lly this route n Portland Mon
day morning (sqier will reach lieud
o o'clock Ttteiulay morning. The
distance from Demi to Silver Lake
1-185 mile, and the J'ortlaud mail
should reach the latter place about
midnight Tuesday night. This
would give us n days drive through
Summer latkc and deliver the Port
land mail here Wednesday after
noon, o to lit hours ahead of the
present schedule.
"Silver Lake in time is bound to
get its mail from licnd rather than
from UrincvUlciut.. a measure of
economy. What wc should have is
a through route from Shauiko to
Madeline several times a week.
This in time will be established."
All Want the Change.
Madras, Oregon, July 3- Every
one down here is in favor of the
pro)oscd chaugu in mail and stage
and I am sure that if enough pres
sure is brotigh to IxMtr, with the co
ojienitiou of everyone along the
line, wc can get the route.
I have heard some talk about the
department not being in favor of
sending two mails out over the
same route, that is from Shauiko as
far as Heisler's station, but that
can easily Iks obviated by the estab
lishment of an office at Heisler's.
In fact I have asked the keeper nt
Heisler and he is wilting to apply
for ntt office, and that will Rive us
n direct shoot from I leisters to
lieud. This line would then sup
ply Wnrnupring, I.umontn mid
Sisters and other offices that are
sure to be established, ami the sav
ing in cultiutf down some of these
"Jerk-water linen would nearly
e.xpanditute for
Mowers, Rakes, Plows,
Harrows, Drills, Wagons
PI vc-Year Guarantee
Order it Tor Your Now Koiifco
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, etc.
Glass, Pambs,
Window Sashes,
counterbalance the
the new route
Don P. Ren.
new bank mm HI2N1).
Incorporated with Capital of $25,000
--To IJcrIii nt Once.
Articles incorporating tho Central
Oregon Hanking & Trust Co. wen
signed yesterday and have-been scut
for liliug with the county cleik at
Priiieville and the secretary of .state
at Salem, The iucorKrators are
W lv. Guerin. ir.. A. L. Goodwillie
nudj. M. Lawrence. The author
ized capitnl is 35,000 divided into
shnres of $100 oach. The place of
business is lieud,
The banking corporation will be
organized and ready for business tit
n few dnys. It has been about set
tled thnt the first banking house
will bo a frame structure with stone
vault, ns it will take too long a time
for the erection of the projected
stone building. The bank will get
in operation right nwiiv nnd put
up the stone structure n little later.
G. C. Stuiuumnuu is out nt
Shauiko attending to some shipping
matters this week,
The Bend;
Mercantile Co.
A. II. GRANT, Manager.
The mill of the Pilot Butte Develop
ment Company lias begun sawing and
hereafter will bo ready to supply all
kinds of surfaced and rough
K .
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