'. . v . r... U LOCAL BITS See J. M. I.nwruiicw about iitnur Utic fur yotn buildings. Tuesday fight l(W(U of ftciht arrived fur lli Ilwiid Meicautile ComMtiy. lUtcuslve pre tmratlons are buitiK , initde for the basket social Satur day craning. The .annual school meeting will be held it week fiont next Monday ut Hit schoolhous. Mr. oml Mrs. A. M. Drake left Tuetday for a few week' visit hi Portland and other place. C. It. Iovll, purchasing Ngeiu or the ). 1. Hc 1'. Co. lei I Monday , on N business trip to Portland. lrutl Blasts, of Deschutes, who was seriously ill the hrat of the woslt, ia cotlsidetably improved. II. Goldstouc, was in Iteud the first of the week representing the shoe firm of lluvkingiiam A ilccht, of San I'raiicisco. Mr. Urctut ii putting up a store building adjoining his son's hotel in I.) tie ami aa noon a it i coin pluted will oien h notion itore. A. II. Kennedy, ol the Prnievillc Review, was in fiend Smnrduy a no Sunday and took back with hi in hU nana I quota of lXschutes ttout. W. W. Urcutl has completed hi htHel in Lytie. The furniture ar- tired Prtday and the hotel opened Tor business Monday of this week. Mr. atid Mrs. K. A. Griffin and Mrs. W'eider were out to their home steads the first part of the week Slanting garden aud doing some i icing. The Hcnd Mercantile Coniny and Mayrield jd Caldwell have agreed to close their places of busi ness at noon on Sundays beginiuiiK July io. Mra. A.. II. Limuan and daugh ter. Mias Preictn Lipman, who have been camping in fiend for several days, returned to their home ut Princvillc yesterday. . Mtaa Kthel IJdwatda left for liet home at So,umw Creek, Monday. She will remain there for the sum- mir. Miss Mollie ICever tttta takn "lift 4aci at the hotel. Mr. and Mrs. K. McGowcn. who Imvu lived in theDatchutes country Tor the past tour years, kit TucsdAy for Portland in order to give their daughter educational advantage. A leather pocket book containing some papers of value to J. W. Noble waa lost on the road south ol Itcnd last week. The finder will cooler a favor by leaving at The Bulletin office. K. W. Richardson, or Wulla Walla, Washington, and C. A. Cochrane, of Moscow, Idaho, are In Item! this week looking over the lauds of the irrigation companies in lliitf vicinity. Insure your buildings in the American Pire Insurance Comiwiiy, of Philadelphia, a conservative old company that is thoroughly Amer ican in its methods and solid as a rock. J. M. Lawrence, agent. Amos llrfldshaw, who had a thr lxr locator's and cruiser's camp lust summer half way between here and Silver Lake, artived in Iteud Wed uesday drum California via Kluiu nth Palls, uiiroute,to Princville. The iJend Mercantile Compauy has added a platlorm aox6 feet on the north side of its warehouse, for futiu machinery, barbel wite, etc. It has just received a curload of bsrbed wiiontid is teady to fill nil demands for that article. Steidl & Item! have the new mill wheel in and the mill is now rttdy for operation. The capacity of tho mill is now inct eased to.u, ooo feet per day, and they have put in a new 6-saw gang edger with a cnacity of 100,000 feet per day. Herbert Paulson, of Minnesota, who came to the Deschutes in thu Inst stage of consumption two weeks ago, died at Siseinoie'a last Priday night mid was hurried uext day. Ho was tut unmarried man about 35 year of age and a county charge, Freighters George Peuliier, V. 0. Killingheck, I,. P. Killiugheck, D. A. llnlpen, J. Kdwimls. W.J. Pitts, mid A. S. Phillips all arriv cd with goods for the Ileiid Mer cantile Company mjd the , UejuJ PurnHura- Compnny 'tlm this week, first of The Hon Ami club met at the home of Mr.4. llntsliman Tuesday alternnoii, mid nfter a abort bus iness meeting the Indies wete enter tained by the phonograph, ami a light lunch was nerved. If the weather is fair on Tuewlay, J tine at, the ladies ol the club will go for a picnic in the woods, but if not they will meet nt the home of Mrs. I.ovell. Max I.ticddcmatiu 17. S. Com missioner at Antelojie, and Ur. C. C.Tuggert, diovu in from Ante Ioih! this week arriving Wednesday anil dfurtiiig yestciday. It has Iweu neatly a year since Mr. Luede inaiiii visited lkriul before snd be was gratified to note the great changes that have taken place here. He and Mrs. Lueddemaiiu will coiric up the Deschutes on a camp ing excursion later in the season. "Dad" West took mi extra hitch in his trousers this week and retried an egg Ntory that 'heavily discounts his previous achievement in that hue. Tuonday he gathered In from Ins hennery an egg measuring luetic in length, and 84 inches In ta shortcut circumference and the shell contained three full yelks "Dnd" West now comes out boldly and challenges the world foruu egg laying match with Ins Poland China pullet. Prank Fleming and a number of other horse-owners in the Hake Oven neighborhood, have been dip ping their horses for mange during the imM week. The dipping vats ire at the head of Make Uven, and over ooo head of horses will be dipjwd there. While there are not great many mangy horses in this Nirt of the state, the horses on the range have been exposed to the dis ease, aud they will le rfipted as a precautionary measure. Antelope Herald. W. K. Gueriii, jr., went out to Shuuiko last Monday to meet Clif ford King, son of Mr. GuerinV lormer law jwrtner in Sandusky, Ohio, and Mim Praucea Tessier, who comes out from Sandusky to lake the oaition of steuogrpher in the office of Guetin A .Steinemaun. For a ntttulwr of years he was Mr. Gueriu's stenographer in Sandusky. Mr. Clifford was recently graduated with honors from Cornell university, where he received the distinction of Sigma Xi membership. He will be identified with the ungitieer corpse of the D. I. & P. Co. The party is oxjwcted to reach IJcnd next Monday. While he is out to Siiauiko Mr. G iter in will make r rang menu for improvmeut of the stage service this way. There was u large attendance at the Pilot Mutte Inn reception Fri day evening. The following out- of-town guests were present: Dr. ami Mrs. Clark. Mrs. Schooling, A. II. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. I,. K. Allingham. Miss lill'ie Dobbs, and Miss Pivtda l.iptuann, of Priue- vtlle, W. T. aud John hdwards ol SVptaw Creek. Dancing nnd a midnight luncheon were enjoyed. ti... ....... i....i :.. .... ..... 1. ..i i ire nuw iiihci in vvi v iniivii ui uu improvement Ukii the old one. and the large, roomy office and diuing MKiiu with the fresh mittt aud wall paper, aud new furnishing of ipiar-ter-onk are n treat to the eye o the weary traveler. Mr. and Mrs. Lucas are to be congratulated upon, their good taste and judgment in the arrangement and furnishings of their hotel. Literary nnd Dcli.itlujr; Club, The Heud Literary aud Debuting Society met Wednesday evening with tut attendance of over 50. Alter a short business session, an iutcrutiug nnd enjoyable pro gramme was rendered, aa follows: Violin solo, Miss Ivy West; reci tation, Fred Lucus; "Old John llrowujlad 11 Little Indian Hoy," chorus, the Mi Wiest and West, Mrs. Hunter, J. II. Overturf. S. I). Percival; they responded to the en core with "We're 11 Baud of Broth ers;" recitation, Kruest Sandy: vo cal solo, "Auona," Mrs. Hunter; debate, "Unsolved that cheap novels are detrimental to good literature," nflirmative Miss Wiest, Mr. Over turf; negative, Messrs. Lawrence aud Sheridan. The judges Miss Mabel Hunter, Messrs. Helms aud Amnions decided the question in favor of the aflirumtivo. The subject for the uext debate is, "Uesolved that labor is justified in organizing against capital;" .Miss Ploieuce McCatiit is leader on the nflltmative and I. 1J. Meeker takes thu negative Thu uext meeting of thu soeiuty will bo 011 the cvoniiiir of J tun sad, to wlitqh the public is exttuutu iv cordial mvuuUou. NOTION l-'Oll PUBLICATION. llrHirtttiriil of Hie Interior. Mini Oirtcc nt Tlir ImIIm, Orison, My 7. "W NolliT l lirrliv itlrm llinl tlir MIwlM iimiiMt wlllr Imm iMm! iintkruf hUlnlMitlun ti Minkr fliwl )ituir In iw4t u( III dlm,inl County Clrrk.M rtliiertTto, Ouk'hi, pi Jmir n. iniiNHiwwHiriu 1 ui(e uiorr j j amiwi, lji, vt I'.ail Mrliiiilillii, of tinrrte, (i.in, II It. No. iu,;4j, fur In H mrK, mK wf m1 w mltiwi , tji 14 , r ur.. w. SI. II nmr ihr ratlnwlMK wltncwn to If0- hi CSMIIIHHUtM thlrfK HMII DHll CWlUvnUotl o Hid ltMl,lr. ICd(HrT SImvIhii, OHh A. IWittln, ImnkhTHh f, joh Ttiitmitw, nil f IflMvvlll, Otrihtii. Mfyin MICIIAJIt. T. NOIM, ktftt. NOTICK FOIl 1'UHLIOAfriON. OctMmMl rf Ow iHUtlar, 11)4 Ufhmt ( Tht IXillr., Otcgim, Murch (a, 1904. Nnllc U btrhf Riwi iN-t Ihr MIowIni namcil Kttlrr lm nlrl nolle of hU InunOon l hnik. Anl printl In MifitHMt or hn lUlia, and Out Mid iirnur will bt nudr hxfunl M. Law fine. I', n ComMtMtutm t III ofscv at lit. 1 hutrt, (trMt, un May i, ih, via MlUard T Tripitt M Orwhiltn, Of(l, houiniriMl Nn l4t. Sit UnmtKHC J. Ip l. r 11 r, w. m. r Hamnlltr I'jUoti lag MltnaMaalo IMfttr W runtlnwriu ttUnr upon and cultivation of aid land, vl Thomaa W TilttMl, John U Krvrr, IoSm K Srark, and I. C Whtltad. uf frrhal, tnttnu MitaM MICIIAItL T NOLAN. HcguStr. TVmhr MttJ, Atjnf j, ij. XOTIIM! KOU J'UHLICATION. KAIVKNllKMKt. W. S. I.iikI )irr. Thv Itallva, OftvM, April V, lf4. Notlcv la hf irby -trH that In rumpUatK 0i tb tnvTlaumtof the Atiit cictr of Jmmc j. I4L mtWUd, "An act far Oh- Mlrof tttntwr Undi In In )lf. of CallfwtHla. Dragon. Nrvada, and WaahlngMii Ttf f llory." a ratrndtd to all tb nubile teadrtalaa by Art of AHt 4, iaj. Ihr rollowlnt MHwd itaona hr on iRtubrr y lont. Hlad In tnla oaler tbrlr tworn lUlenunU. town Ulllla in II Holtuma, or Sotkfiwd, rountr of StaAanr. atatr or Waah itigtuo. awurn atalrnu-nl No. 1 s6i. fur Ibr pni ihaar f the H of arc 11. If. Hi i.riit.w nt CbarWa A. Mott-rn, of Bnrlilbrd nmnty of Sfikana, aUI of Waab melon, aworti taiMnt No iah, fur Ibr pur chaarof the artf ofaac u, !( it , r II , w. m. That Ibrjr wtU oSVr Moof to ibow that thr land anuglit M Morr ralMtaV for Ha tlmbrr or atirtir than Un rfartculturat iwiwn, and In re tabltab Ihrlr vUfin. la mM laud baior? thr r latrt and acdvrr. at Thr Oallra, IhrgOM, An gnat H. HM- Trw-y wnt aa wan: 11mm laM. Charte A Motlvrn. William II NoUont and LualaC KopMuc. of Hurbfotd, Wahlnton, jnbn MrMII ami i harl S Tw Inrbaia . of The llnlt. ttrrgon . Any and all mixmm ctalmlac admiy tb abuv4lrrlbd land atr rvgncahd to At lbk rlalana In Ibl aSUc on or brfer tb 4d 4lhday of AuM lym. ihm MICIIAIII. T. NOIN. Kir. Timber Land. Act J j, S. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Land OoVr, Tb llall, Oregon, May it, nm Notlcr I nr4 ittrvn that In coaidWnc with in prrmaiun m in An or vongr 01 jam SSftr 'ciSnto-S Wuhtnatoa TrrrMorr." M rxtcadad to all th pnMnr land um by act ax AkalaMt 4. the tjuoiilng annma r;an mt lu hh. their mini rtaUmrnl., l-tt Loot C Koatadk. ofBartlbrd. county at StanVniM, Mat of Wah inf. awurn avwaairiu no . nam wnonar . not. far lb porch. of Ike K a- M. If . r 11, w m. t3orj ford, of Srattl. connly of King. UU of Washington, worn UlrwHt No. irij. Ald bBMbr a. 10m fa lb nnrchaM of Uw hK ace. ,l , r Ur.w. n , That Ibry will offer roof to how that the land aoagbl at war valuable fur t limber or atone than far acrtmllnral nnitanK and la eatablMi tbir rtatma to aant land brfut tb Reitatrr and Krrdver, at The Halt Oregon, on Auguat tj. IM Tb-y nam a wltntai Thorn liahl. Ull Haw II Moitoma and Chart A Mottirn. of aUM.kf.Md, Waabmgtua John Mtdt, of Send, ore.ou Iharlc V. I.rl, Jnllm Muarr, Juliu M TuUfarn. Krne II Murtoa and Jubn II HuolnnJ. if nattlr, Waahingtoa, CbarUr K TMlnrham. uf Th Halt, Oregon- Any ami all khmih rlaintlng adrtiarl) tb aburr-dcaciibed land arc tnca4rd to Sir their clalma In thla omce utt or before the Mht Mth day uf Angntt, iM luaii MICIIAUI. T NOLAN, Krghtrr BEND FURNITURE COMPANY MATTING Several very pretty patterns of, Japanese- Mattittf , sultabrt fe- dining or sleepitiR rooms at 30c, 35c and .oc par sq. yard. SEWING MACHINES T and machines are FURNrTURE Our stock of Purnituro hns. bgiyji.to arrive aud you onn find many useful plecas of these goods at n vary roasouable cost. Get the pricos. LHT USlUrvbUR'ilOUSK FURNISIIISUS BBND' FURNITURE COMPANY muoKmmmmmimimMuM 11 ii mi 111 iiir--'''rrri''CTTiarTi Tho BEND Restaurant I'ATT J KHUN At H II A K I', I'KiM. Men Is Served at All Hours TASTY PASTRY Always on baud. Lunches Prepared for Travellers TRY OUR Fresh Eastern Oysters Hoard by the Day, Week or Month I'UICIIS IU! A SON A It 1. 1! C. E. RANOUS Contractor Builder Estimates, Plans and Spec ideations furnished P K R 12 OP C II A ! 0 R Leave orders nt Pilot Butte Inn A. NALE Contractor - -- - and Builder SATISFACTION OUARANTHBD Office at Pilot Butte Inn Grazing: Ranch FOR SALE 240 acres within three miles of IJend Under, near-by Irrigation Ditch Water can be had on Favorable Terms Half the laud can be Cultivated Remainder is Kxcelleut Pasture Title Completed aud Perfect Offered for a short time at A BARGAIN Apply to Mend Bulletin. LAUNDERING 11 Ifltlfli! ttl tttj luiL't AStnt- at i r-"oWc prices. Special rates on laimiy wu.iiiiiij;. v.uncu tur a dulivered 01 rimy be left with C. M. Trlpltttt, the barber. Mrs. J. L. Kkvkk. CREED At. TRIPLBTT, Barber. Hery thing ertainiuf; to the Craft neatly aud correctly done. PRINEVI LLE g.I V rnp r-n Mm. C. A. McOvM-Mt-L II V 1 JLi IU I'Tor-riHor Tables and Rooms always clean and well supplied-Untes reasonable 1'KINKVII.t.lC OKKGON ,'he Sewing Machines sold and lipdhid U$ us are g uamntjjul fc rio ymn nil it will be to your interest to Me us baforo placing ybur ordar. 'i'Jiose now in stock. :Jr ixmmrtm Jlfllfllf ll 1 o. C. firniKitMAtor OUORIN & STEINEMANN Attorneys and Counsellors At Law 1I1SKM, - - ORHGON. II. I'. Hklknai- M. 1). ClUa. s. Kwakm M. t). Drs. Belknap & Edwards, PHYSICIANS AND SliHGEONS. PklNttVILLH ORnOON. OfSwat Hr f Wlnsck'a Ordg More. DR. W. W. TAGGART 1CYK ai'JtCIAMBT JHndnter IIM4 PRIMKVILLH 'OKlfeOK AUorHcy and Kotnry. wpjtrsgtjs. m Stt M. R. BIGGS, 0. s. rnnml'i4iaT. 1'XrXKVH.t.K OKaWfMf. Mnd Sling and proof of sU brad. OStce an Oet hading to oarthHc. J. M. LAWRENCE, V. S. COMMHMjrOMXK; Notary Public, Insurance, Towulhip Plats for Upper Deschute Valley. HKNO, OHNOOK. "WORKMEN WANTED ON PILOT BUTTB CANAL. Apply to J. G. KKM.KT, Super intendent, at office in liend. FAREWELL BEND HOTEL WILLIAM MAKSII, I'nor. Newly Refitted and Furnishad aud under new umnagemeut. Kt ol aaccomuiliHoan far ragutar baatdexa or tranjaiaat. BARN WITH Plini) FOR TCAAIS IN CONNUCriON. Travelers up the Deschutes Find comf9rt,ablc quarters and a v.eU .suppUed taWtj at Willow Ranch, 32 miles south of lituid. Gool ac coHtmodations for travel crs aud teams. Also the only General Merchan dise store in the region, ALL 1' KICKS RIGHT BOGUE & SON, Props. 1 - mMnmwmtinmMtMTwmtrtt Mtmmutl W. H, OlrHIUff, JH.