The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 10, 1904, Image 3

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LOST 3,500 MCN.
wool at man pkicij.
Million nnd m Hull I'oamf Change llnnili
at Mrppntr 5ale,
Iloppner Tlm llrst wool snlosdny In
Iloppnora arranged by tlm Orison
Woulgrowora miroqIiiIIoii resulted In
l,f00,000 pound of wool changing
hnml, bringing lo tlio grower n lltttti
over $202,000. TIiIh Ih Ity far tlm hirg
t salo over made In n single ilny In
Iloppuor, nnd from ovory point of view
wiim very siitlhfnolory. Previous condi
tion thin year hnvo lieon illMcoiirnyltiK
to tlm sheepmen nml tlm ImliiNlry in
general, owing to tlm Imil sheep uinrk
tit, lint these wool salon added wo much
oneotirngoiuont Hint tlmro In n diffoicnt
fooling, not only uniting tint grower
Iml In nil lino of buslne, for tlm
rdieop Ik n prominent factor In tlm bti
lues nihil of Morrow county.
Tor nlmiMit ovuiy lot of wool offered,
tlm grower received moro tlmn thoy
oxpeoted. Tlm average I"'"' recoUod
was about VM4 cent per potinil, which
In fully n cent letter tlmn received hint
year, owing to n bettor quality ol wikiI,
thU Mug ciiiiimhI by tlm iiH' wlntcir
wml favorable spring, causing slight
shrinkage nml good staple. Tlm early
Urns roused sheep to take on flesh nml
tlm lleee worn hwivy, ninny flock
averaging n oiiml morn to tlm sheep
tlmn lt your, Tlm advance In price
nml tlm Increased weight of tlm fleeces
Iirn nddod thousand of dollar to tlm
pooketliook of tlm proiHirou sheep
grower. Tlm sale will tnko out nliotit hnlf of
tlm wool which will U handled In tlm
Hoppnor market. It In estimated Hint
ftlxiut 1 ,600,000 poiimlN yet roiiinlu In
tlm hand of tlm grower In thin terri
tory. Other nledny hnvo Ih-oii ar
ranged for Juim H nml 23, to lie hold
hero for tlm snlo of thlN wool.
Tlm renled-lild method In which
enlesday nro designated when n mini
Uir of grower nml buyer run get to
gether, wa Inaugurated three year
ngo. Tlm bid of tlio buyer nrn placed
In n hut, tlm highest offer taking tlio
clip, If tlio grower desire to accept It.
ThU method ha been very ticcosful,
tlmro having been hut very fow prlvnto
To Da tlrtcted at Astoria by Hammond
an Other InUrcata.
Astoria Negotiation are said to ho
In progress whorvhy tlio Interest of A.
II Hnminonil nml tlm Seaside luinlcr
company In tlio southern nml western
(Hirtlon of this county nro to ho united
nml tlm largest sawmill on tlm coast la
to ho erected. Tlm lumlior coiiijiatiy la
composed of wrnlthy F.aatorn men, who
own n In run trncl of spruce timber In
tlm Necnnlcum district. Mr. Ham
mond also hn extetiHlvo IntoreaU In
Hint Miction, nml hy comhlnltiK tlm two
nillllclenl tlmhur Ih avnllnlilo to keep n
lnrito mill In operntlon for ninny yenra.
UmpiiMtlounhly tlm climliiK nf tlila
lenl would menu tlm oxtomdon of tlm
Aatorln A Cnliiinola Ittvor rnilrond
eouth to Tlllmuook.
New State Orange Offlcera.
Corvnllla Tho fitnto OrmiKO cUctHl
tlm followlnit ollkera nt it meeting
Imld hero laat wook: Mnttor, II. Q.
I.ccdy, Tinnrdvllloj ovoraisir, J. Cloin,
1'reowntei; lecturer, Mr. Clnrn II.
Wnltlo. Mncleny; ntownrd, 0. L. Hlinw,
Allmuy; nMintaut ntownrd, W. A.
S'ouiik, Olntaknnlo; trennuror, II.
IIIriichborK, Indopondonco; recrotnry,
Mra, Mary I.. Howard, Mullnoj gnto
keeper, 8. N. Wnrlluld, Alaen: Ceres,
Mrs. Ituhy Imyd, llcnvorton; romonn,
jl r. Anna Crnawoll, flrenlinmj Flora,
MIin lAilla Wont, HcnpMM)o; lady hh
dntnnt ntownrd, Mm. Ida M. Thorp,
OroHhnm; tuomhor oxeciitlvo commit
too, AtiMtin T. lluxton, Foreut Grovu;
moinhcra leKinlativo rominittoo, J. Vor
Iiooh, Wootllmmj W. M. Illllenry,
linker City Prepare (or Fair,
linker City At n iiiiihs mooting of
cltlxoiiH hold hero It wna renolved to
orKnnlro n fnlr naaoclntlon for tho pur
jioho of providing n riico trncx nnd
roiimln for tlm Knctorn Oregon DUtrict
J'ulr, which will ho hold horo thUfnll.
Tlmro wiih iv hiro miinhor of prominout
iiltlxeu proHont, mid most of whom
nluulllod thwlr Intention to iiiliBorllMi
Ilhumlly for tho ntock of tho noaocln
tlon. Two years iiro tho dlatrlct fair
vh n failure horo hccaimo there wna no
rnco track nml no miltalilo buiUUnga for
tho uccommodatlon of oxhlhlt.
Scourlnz Mill Operate,
rondlton Tho Bcourini; mllla Rot
under way with night nnd day ahlfts
Inst week, nnd will run full tlmo until
tho wool clip Is exhausted. Thirty-six
hands are o in ployed In nil. NVuslilng
ton wool haa boon coining in for oovoial
DougUi County la I'aclllcd With a Caah
llonua or $800.
Kugeim II. l Trnver, V. A. Itnnkln
nnd J. M. WIIIIiuiih Iiiivo returned
from ItoHohurg, where thoy wore sue
ceicful in ftecuriiix tlio hx'ntlou of tho
next inhibit of the Hecoml Houthorn
Oiegou IHatrlct Arlonltuinl nocloty nt
Kilgeui). Tlmro him been it atrong do
alto to hnvo tho fulr horo again this
full, nml I ho local dlrectora hnvo lieou
working for aomo time with Hint end
In vhiw. DoughiN county nt 11 rut ob
jected on tlm urotiml Hint thoy wore
Htlll In debt t'.'.OOO on tholr groiimlN nt
ItoHohtirg, which limy Iiohm1 to honhlo
to ritlMo If thoy hnd tho fnlr tlmro.
At n meeting it wiin nrrnngixl Hint
tlm fnlr hIioiiIiI room to I-'ugeno thla
year mid that DoiiglnN receive from
Ijiiio county $500 boinm, nnd nlao Hint
two now dlris'tor will Imi clmtien from
thla purl of tho dhitrlct to aucceed thono
from Dougln county, who iM retire.
Ueacrvatlon Land Tor Sale.
Oregon City The Oreogn City Innd
olllre linn heen niithorUel hy the Inter
ior department to offer or mile town
ahlpa 6 nnd (1, rnngea 7 nml 8 weat, in
tlm Grand Hondo Indian reservation,
The ante will ho made hy aepnriite
rented hlda, which will Ik rtselviil he
twee n Augtiat 1 mid Auguit H, mid
o hi ned nt 1 o'clock p. in. Augtiat 8.
Knch hid In to lie nccompnnicd hy a
certified ehtok for i.'0 .t cunt of the
nmotiut hid, the anme to lie credited on
the purchniM' price mid thehnlmico paid
on eatnhllnhlng IiIn cltltenahlp.
To lllot Out the Mange.
Halein I'rnnk Hplko nnd A. H.
Thompaon, of Umatilla county, hnvo
Ik-cm appointed locnl lnKctoiN hy the
Domratlc Anlmnl commlaalon to con
atruct vat mid dip the rnmigy hom-a
that arc worth mvlug nml to kill riich
of tho animal na are pnnt curing,
TlmiKi npM)intinciita nrn made nt the
attention of tlm Stockmen's nxaocla
Hon there nnd thoy will hnvo to hour
the uxpelima.
Dakcr City Wool Sale.
Ilakor City Tho'flrst wool nlea of
tho acaaou in linker county were con
an mm a tol In this city lt week.
Hhrarlng has only jat coininenctxl in
thla section, and theno aalra woro made
In ndvanco of the clip being dollvercd
in wnrchoiiKO. The price paid innge
front 10 to 1" cent xir pound.
" Wheat Wnlln Walln,7172c; blue
atom, HOY; Valley, HlH'Jc.
Itarley Feet), ".1 cr ton; rolled,
Flour Valley, I3.00Q4.05 ;mr hnr
rol; haul wheat straight, t-t-l.S5;
clear, f:i.8,1-1.10; linnl wheat pnt
ruts, $1,-10(34.70; graham, .60(S4;
whole wheat, HGJ.-6j rye flour,
M no.
Oats No, 1, whlto, 1.S5; gray,
fl.'JO er cental.
Mlllatuns Ilrnn, 1U20 par ton;
middling, f'.'fU0(427; shorts, fS0
21; chop, f IH; lliiHcctl, dairy food,
Hay Timothy, 11601(1 per ton;
clover, tUOlO; grain, IUCJ1-'; cheat,
Vegetables Turnips, 80c per sack;
carrots, HOc; In-etn, f 1; jinrsnlps, 1;
cabbage, '.'02)(in; red cabage, 2jc por
pound; lettuce, head, l.'50-IOc per do;
parsley, 26c; cauliflower, 7600a;
ciicumbera, 11.26(3 1.60; nuparngui,
fl.26; puns, 6a per pound; riiubard,
3c; beami, green, 16c; wax, 16c;
squash, $1 per box.
llonoy 13(23.50 por raso.
l'otntooa Fancy, 76c(3fl por cental;
now potatoes, 'ii & 4c per pound;
sweet, 6c per pound.
Fruits Htrnwborrlea. f3.2CQ-t.50
per crnto; cherries, 76c(2 per box;
npploa, fancy lUldwina nnd Hpltzen
berga, 11.50052.50 er box; choice, 1Q
1.60; cooking, 76c(Jl.
llutter Fancy creamory, 17WQ20o;
store, 12K3i:io.
llutter Fut Bwoot cream, 18c;
sour cream, 17c.
KggH Oregon ranch, 17Q17Ko per
Poultry ChickeiiH, mixed, 13013v'c
por pound; Hprlng, small, 20022)vc;
hona, 13WQllc; turkoya, llvo, 103
17o; drcHHod, 18320o; ducks, 7tH
per dozen; goose, llvo, 7Q8o por pound,
Choose Full cream, twins, now
stock, 12v13o; old stock, 10c;
Young Amorlrn, lie.
Hona 1003 crop, 230260 por
Wool Vnlloy, 17Q18?40 pot pound;
KnBtorn Oregon, llQHc; mohair, 30a
por pound for cliolco,
Hoof Dressod, 6(38o por pound.
Mutton Dressed, 46o por pound;
lambs, Co.
Veal Dressod, 4Q7c nor pound.
Fork Droeaod, 77io por pound.
Lackawanna l.oici I'lve Millions In Tire
at New York.
Now York, Juno 1. Hcven freight
and coal pier of the Delaware, Lacka
wanna A Western railroad In Jersey
City woro destroyed today by u fire
Hint sfarted on tho barge Allen O.
Churchill, which lay alongside pier 12,
on which n lot of barrel cf oil were
stond. Tho Ion I estimated nt $1,
000,000. The flame spread rapidly.
J'ler 12 was 800 feet long mid wn soon
nbhizo It entire length, and the fire
men who were trying to fight the fire
from the shore were able to accomplish
hut little.
The flames swept ncro lo pier 1 1
and beyond, lielng flnnlly checked nt
pier 6, which I n new coat trentle,
steel-framed nml iron-clad. Hero the
firemen and flrobont made n don pel n to
stand nnd stayed the advance of the
fire until the burning pier crumbled
and foil Into the water.
Although there wn llttlo wind,
spark fell all along the water-front foi
nearly it mile, endangering the J-ecka-wanna
station and even tlm Hamburg
American nnd Dromon line piers, where
the firemen were kept busy playing
stream of water upon the blaze mid
over the ship nt their dock.
A number of canal boat mid severnl
tug were burned, the ! of small
boat being variously estimated nt from
30 to 200. The uumlor of freight car
Is not known, but the loas on thi class
of rolling stock will be heavy. The
Lackawanna road moved It passenger
couches out to the Meadow, nnd ono
train of freight car wn moved out and
Tier 11 mid 12 wero full of gcncrnl
moM'hnndiso; piers 7, 8, 0 nnd 10 were
UK-d for conl nnd pier 0 wn n grain
loading pier. No person was seriously
Vlce-rresldent Loom Is, of tho Lacka
wanna, placed the total lo by tho fire
nt 16,000,000, baled on the original
coat of the piers burned, on the freight
stored on thorn and to some extent tho
loe of huslnes which mint noccsNirily
eriNtio. It nlso Intitule the burning of
tho cannl Ixuit nnd barge thickly
moored lietween some of the pier.
The I-noknwutma company carries its
own inKiirmico.
Marine Could Accompllih Little In a
Hough Country.
Washington, Juno 1. High officials
of the administration nro considering
the expediency of making war on tho
Moroccan haudlU if Franco declines to
land troop nnd asrumo responsibility
for tho bandit' punishment. These
olllclal have dircuened tho bett method
of proccduro and hnvo reached the con
clusion that nothing hut cavalry ac
customed to campaigning in a moun
tain on country would be of rcrvlce.
It wn nt first suggested Hint several
hundred marines should bo landed at
Tangier mid mounted. They would lie
sent In pursuit of tho kidnappers of Ion
M. 1'ordlcaii and his stepson. This
wa considered inadvisable, n tho
marine would not be exierlcnced in
Hint kind of wnrfaro. If nn expedition
1 sent it will comprise trainod cavalry
men from the United State.
The president and general staff think
thi government should send an armed
cx;edltion after tho brigands. Secre
tary Hay and other ndminlstintion
olllclal discourago tho Idea nnd think
Franco should take the ncccsrary steps.
There haa liecn no intimation, however,
that France will do this, but Mr. Hay
feels sure that she will lake action be
tore Great llritaln or tho United States
send an armed force Into tho sultan's
Death for Wire-Cutting.
Seoul, Juno 1. M, Ilayashi, Japan
cro minister to Coren, has notified tho
foreign ofllco that the Japancso military
nuthorltie nro constantly complaining
that telegraphic communication with
Genornl Pan I frequently Interrupted.
The Japanese military authorities sus
pect Hint tho country pooplo nro cut
ting the. lines at various unfrequented
place. M. Hayashl state that tho
Japancro emperor has Issued n procla
mation inflicting tho death penalty on
all persons caught destroying telegraph
lines, mid asks that tho Corenn govern
ment tnko similar action.
Japan Want Reply Soon.
London, Juno 1. Tho Standard's
Tientsin correspondent telegraphs Hint
Uchldn, the Japanese minister nt Po
kin, hna demanded nn Immodlnto reply
to tlm inquiry previously rent to tho
Wnl-Wn-1'u as to whether China la
prepared to hold nnd administer tho
territory tho Japanese hnvo conquered,
adding that otherwise Japan must ap
peal to other power to undertake tho
responsibility at tho expeno of China,
Minister Uchldn haa notified tho Chi
nese government nt l'okin that Port
Arthur will soon bo captured.
Two Dlvlilon of Fleet.
Tnrla, Juno 1. Tho Kcho do Paria'
St. Petersburg correspondent learns
that tho llnltio fleet will leave in two
detachments. Tho first, consisting of
four battleships, is duo to start Juno
24. Tho battleship Orlo will bo ro
ll oa tod. Tho dynamos, tha only part
of hor machinery seriously damagod.
will bo changed.
miliary tfxpert Deemed the Position
Impregnable Advance on fort Arth
ur I Uxpccted to Follow at Once
Mutilans finally Nested In a Hand
to-Hand Conflict.
Toklo, May 30. After two day of
depcrato fighting, tho investment of
Kinchou ha becomo a foot. The pre
paratory engagements of Sunday, Mon
day and Tuesday led to the final effort
on Wednesday to tnko tho height of
Kinchou, including tho fortress known
a the cantlo. An artillery engage
ment, beginning nt dawn on Wednes
day morning, lasted five hour, after
which period General Oku, command
ing nil the army divisions, sent Lieu
tenant General Union Kawamura, of
tho Tenth, Twenty ninth, Thirty-ninth
mid Portleth regiments, to storm tho
heights. Thin w the beginning of
tho gteat battle, which ended at 7
o'clock on Thursday night, when the
Japanese Infantry, in a hand-to-hand
conflict, drovo the Itussinn defender
from the Nan Shan hill, said by mili
tary nuthorltie to he practically im
pregnable. From thi hill, Dalny is
alwoliitely at the mercy of the Japan
ere from the west, ai are tho hills lead
ing directly to the Port Arthur fortifi
cations. Whllo General Oku, through Ad
mlrnl Togotclrgrnpha that the Japan
ese loss was heavy In tho two days
fighting, Toklo Is wild with Joy, and
the strretfl nro filled with men, women
and children, marching in line be
hind hand, and nil carrying lantern.
Tho great triumph north of Port Ar
thur has confirmed the always strong
belief with the Japanese that their
soldiers aro moro than a match for the
Mufcovlto enemy. A all the dis
patches show that the Russians fought
with desperate valor, there is no doubt
also that their losses wero henry.
Laboring Men Have Had Unpleasant Ex
periences In the North.
Seattle May 30. A year ago 2,000
tecrago tickets had been sold by thi
time on tho Nomo liner. Up to the
present timo 600 havo been booked on
tho first boat out of this port for tbe
From these figure operator me
drawing tho conclusion that there will
bo a shortngo of common laborer :n
Noino during the coming season. In
view of Hie fact that the Council City
A. Solomon railroad will use about 1,
200 men during the season thcro Is ap
parently some basis for tho contention
that moro men should bo tnkon North.
laboring men aro not apt to flock to
ward Nomo this year, for those who
went North last year had a hard seas
on. Most of them loafed about Nome
without work, and tho season was so
short that thoeo who found plenty of
employment did not mako much.
While there is promlso of n long season
and more work than usual, laboring
men regard tho situation na ono that
only benefit tho steamship companies.
Norman William Found Guilty of Mur
dering HI Wire.
Tho Dalle, May 28. Norman "Wil
Hams, forger, bigamist, uxuriclde and
murdoier of women, slta in Hit shadow
of tho gallow now. Last night at 8
o'clock tho clerk read from a typewrit
ten piece of paper the fateful words:
"We, tho jury, find tho defendant,
Norman Williams, guilty of murder in
tho first degree."
Out of Norman Williams' mouth
came the evldenco which is to hang
him. "A self convicted murderer,"
Deputy District Attornoy Wilson
called him, nnd truly It was the amaz
ing contradiction of Williams' stories
a to when ho last saw the murdered
Nesbltt women that fastened first the
suspicion nnd then tho certainty of
guilt upon him.
Russia May Favor the Jen.
Bt, Petersburg, May 30. Interior
Minister Von Pleliwo has propoeed to
the council of tho omplrn nn important
project for tho ropcal of tho law under
which Jowa nro forbidden to realdo
within 32 milea of tho frontier. On
account ot tho provnlenco of smuggling
soino year ngo, tho Jewish palo was
drawn back from tho border. Tho
now departure is considered one of tho
Important steps in tho execution ot
Kmporor Nicholaa' uknso, Issued in the
early part of 1003, promising freedom
ot conscience to his subjects.
Russians Not Using Floating Alines.
St. Petersburg, May 30. A high nn
thorlty at the ndmiralty said to tho
correspondent of tho Associated Press
today: "It la false to assert that the
Russlnna uso floating mlnea. They are
not known in tho Russian naval
service, The Japanese used them con
stantly oft Pert Arthur."
Japanese Paid Dearly for Kinchou Vlc
tory 2,000 Rusalan Killed.
Toklo, May 31. Tho Jnpancro casu
alties nt Nan Shan aro now estimated
at 3,600. Tho number of Russian guns
captured exceed 70.
Whllo Japan paid heavily for her
victory sho scorod a sweeping and val
uable victroy over tho Russian, in cap
turing 57 guns, clearing the way to
Port Arthur and inflicting losses on the
Russians, which, in tho end, aro ex
pected to total 2,000 men.
It is doubtful if tho Russians wilt
stand again north of Port Arthur.
They retired from the Held beaten, nnd
thoy failed to rally at Nan Quan Ling,
where it wa anticipated a second stand
would bo made.
Tho deierato onslaughts of tho Jap
anese on the height of Nan Shan were
telling, for the Russians loft 300 dead
in the trenches thcro. A complete
search of tho field is expected to show
a greater number of dead.
Nan Quan Ling wa occupied yester
day morning by a forco of infantry, ar
tillery mid engineers under tho com
mand of General Nakamura. Tho
main Japanese forco spent Friday night
billeted in the village around Nan
Phan. Tho soldiers wero greatly fa
tigued as a result of the constant fight
ing, but thoy entered with much spirit
upon the new operations.
A forco fo Russians held San Chi LI
Pu station, which la northwest of Dal
ny, but tho Japanese drovo thorn out.
Tho Russians abandoned and burned
the station and retreated In tho direc
tion of Port Arthur.
Tho estimate of tho Russians engag
ed in tho defense of Kinchou, Nan Shan
hill and tho south shore of Tallenwan
hay vary, but it is evident that tho
Russians drew for men from the force at
Port Arthur and offered nil the resist
ance possible. It la understood here
that Lieutenant General Stoessel, com
mander of the military forces at Port
Arthur, was in personal command of
tho recent operations.
RuIan Now See Object ot Movements
ot Japanese Troop.
St. Petersburg, May 31. Tho nows
contained in tho following dispatch to
tho emperor from General Kuropatkln,
is all that was officially given out to
night: "On May25 a Japanese force con
sisting of a battalion of infantry and a
squadron of cavalry advanced on the
main road to Liao Yang, but was soon
compelled to retire toward Tkhouine
nez. "A second Japanese detachment, con
sisting of a battalion of Infantry, at tho
village of Dapu, in tho At valley, fired
heavily on our Coisacks from 10 In the
morning until 4 in tho afternoon, bnt
tho Japance infantry failed in an at
tempt to turn tho Cossacks' light flank
and intercept their retreat."
While the dispatch I brief and bald,
it I considered extremely significant.
Tho fact that the Japaneso com
menced to advance along tho main Liao
Yang road immediately they had forced
the neck of tho Liao Tung peninsula
and cut off Major General Fock from
any co-operation with the Russians in
the north shows a thorough understand
ing between the Japanese commanders.
Tho authorities here believe tho ad
vanco from Feng Wang Cheng has only
been suspended, lending the elimina
tion of Fock's force, and they expect
that tho advance upon Liao Yang will
now be pushed In earnest.
It la evident that the continual shift
ing ot nnd skirmishing by the advanced
posts of the Japaneso around Feng
Wang Cheng have been mersly success
ful In masking tho real form, consist
ing of the third army, which la mov
ing north from Takushan. It is ex
pected that this forco will bo hurled
upon Liao Yang, while tho Southern
Japanese forco is busy wtlh Port Ar
thur. Tho fact that there ia almost a com.
pleto suspension of press messages
from Russian correspondents at tho
front i taken to indicate that import
ant moveents are pending.
Russian Mutt Seek Fort.
St. Petersburg, May 31. There la
no attempt hero to disguiso tho fact
that the successful forcing of the neck
ot Kwnn Tung peninsula proper puts a
practical end to resistance to tho enemy
until ho reaches Hie actual fortifications
around Port Arthur. Although thero
nro many strong positions in the more
than 25 miles before tho perimeter ot
tho fortress la reached, the authorities
admit that tho Russiana can offer llttlo
resistance, nnd must now retire within
tho fortress and proparo for tho final
Declared a State ot Blockade.
Washington, May 31. Minister
Griscom cables to the state department
from Toklo under today's date that the
Japaneso government declares the Lino
Tung peninsula ttom Pitsewo to Pe
lentan to be In a state of blockade.