THE BEND BULLETIN 4. M. LAWRtjNCl, Publlfher BEND OREGON EVENTS OF THE DAY Comprehensive Review of tho Import' ant Happening ot the Past Week, Presented In Condensed Porm, Most Okely to Provo Interesting. Tho czar nml n council ot war havo decided to advlso Kuromtkiu to en deoVor to relievo Port Atthur. Russia has dispatched tho first of eight submarine bonta to Vladivostok by mil. Tho Japanese nro landing n second army nt Takushan. Tho president has ordered nr attorney to Alaska to investigate, tho otliccs ot governor nnd judges. Superintendent Potter, ot tho Che mnwa Indian school, may bo trims f erred as a result of tho charges ngainst him. Largo forces ot Chinese bandits nro collecting in the hills northeast of the Lino river nnd nro prewiring to cut the railway north of Mukden. Transports loaded with troops con tinue to leavo Western Japanese ports daily for the theater of war. A largo proportion ot thoso dispatched during tho past week vrcro to rvinfoico General Oku. A new strike of what promises to bo rich ore has been mado about 13 mites from Cripplo Creek. Over n thousand claims have already been staked out. A severe battlo is reported to occurred six miles from Port Arthur. JAPANESE MINUS UXPLODP.D. Russlnns Continue to Clear the Part Arthur Roadstead. St. Petersburg, Juno 4, The follow ing dispatch from Viceroy AloxlefT to tho emperor has been received here: "Hear Admirals Wittsoeft and Grlg orovitch report that up to Mny 28 nu merous. Japanese mines had been dis covered nnd exploded In tho roadstead of. Port Arthur. Tho Japanese evident ly have replaced tho ilrcships which they formerly used, by mincB sown by merchant steamers in their service." Tho emperor has received tho follow ing dispatch from General Kuropatkin: "All is quiet in the direction ot Feng Wang Cheng. Slu Yen has not been occupied by Japanese, detach ments. "On May 30 two camps of Japanese infantry nnd 30 dragoons advanced along tho Takuslinn road towards Ona lassl for the purposu ot turning tho loft tlank ot our outposts. Our scouts dis covered tho movement and tiring en sued, in tho course of which one Cos sack was wounded nml one horse killed. "Tho Jnpaueso datachment, which our cavalry successfully engaged May 30, is now stationed four versts from Vnfangow, fortifying its position. "There have been further Japanese advances from Saimatzn toward Feng Chow Ling Pass on tho I.lao Yang road." THEY ARETO RETIRE PUSSIA WILL ABANDON ALL I'O SITIONS SOUTH OP IIAKHIN. Reside That Manchuria Cannot lie Held Czar (lives Ills Consent livery Pre caution llclng Made to Withstand Siege Hope Entertained Unctny May Find Too Atany Lines to Uuard. PORT ARTHUR. SITUATION IIAU. FLOOD IN HOnOS. Cloudbursts Compel Six Hundred Kansas Families to Flee. The Russians cannot hold the second line of defenses and must fall back to Port Arthur. An Alaskan hermit has died declar ing ho is Tascott, tho long sought Chi cago murderer. Tho Washington, D C, Post advo cates John Barrett, ot Oregon, for tho Republican candidate for vice presi dent. Franco has been asked and has agreed to assist in securing tho releaso of the American held by tho Moroccan bandit. A friend of General Kuropatkin says that the general will not make a move until July when ne will have tho over whelming masses needed. Tho Moroccan bandit demands n cash ransom of 170,000 and a subordinate kingdom with the right to levy taxes on travelers for tho releaso ot his cap tives. A Tokio dispatch says that General Kuroki has completely defeated General Kuropatkln's forces near Saimatze. All the positions east of Hau Chang have been abandoned. Several guns have been taken and tho whole forco of Cocsacks captured. Attack on Port Arthui is expected to begin about June 20. Clashes between Japanese and Rus sian skirmishing parties continue. General Kuroki is harassing Kuro patkin so as to give Oku a clear road to Port Arthur. Mayor McLean, of Baltimoro has committed suicide. No causo for the act Is known. A bridge over tho Arkansas river at Salida, Colo., collapsed and four peoplo were drowned. Tho Russians havo abandoned Cheng Ko Chen Pan, Huang Shan and Liu Shu Tun, moving in closer to Port Arthur. Fire in Cleveland, Ohio, destroyed (100,000 worth of property. Tho prin cipal loss will bo that of tho St. Clair stroet school. The czar is very much displeased with both Kuropatkin and Alexleft and it is said ho would relievo them wero it not that he fears tho effect of public opinion. It is said an agreement has been drafted whereby Germany promises armed support to Russia if necessary to prevent Knglund and tho United States from attempting to submit tho Far Eastern question to an interna tional congress. Senator Quay, of Pennsylvania, is dead. Tho Chineso are assisting tho Japan ese In every way possible. Tho Presbyterian general assembly will ask tho senato to oust Smoot. The Baltic fiVet cannot bo in shapo to sail for tho Far Fast before October at tho earliest. Major Langfltt has asked that Oregon bo allowed (60,000 out of tho emergen cy river and harbor appropriation. Black smallpox, brought from the Orient, 1ms stirred tho peoplo of Vic toria, B. O. A passenger from ono of tho liners died of tho disease soon after reaching shore. Tho news of tho fall of Kinchou was first published in Russia while tho peo plo were celebrating the coronation of the czar. Topeka, Kan., June -I. Kansas streams aro rapidly rising tonight. Cloudbursts are reported from hmorin, .Newton, strong City, Florence, Man hattan, St. John and Salina. At Lin coln Center moie than four incites ot water fell in three hours. Heavy rains aro reported from up stream in the Kaw valley, but most ot tho high water trouble is being extwri- enced in tho botom lands lictwcen Km- porta and New ton. At Emporia tho Neosho and Cottonwood rivers nro re ported ob rising a foot an hour. At Florence, the Santa Fe tracks aro washed out in several places. Six hundred peoplo wero forced to leave their homes in Newton, and res cue parties will bo at work all night saving peoplo from tho Hood. Tho town of Elmdale, eight miles from Cottonwood Fulis, is reported as being under three feet ot water. A seveio wind accompanied tho rain, greatly damaging fruit And growing crops. Tornado Injures Twenty. Omaha, June 4. Additional reports from Tekamah, which was struck last night by a tornado, indicate that nlxmt 20 persons wero injured, somo ot them seriously hurt. There wore no fatal ities. Tho storm wrecked most of tho build ings in its path, which was a block in width and several blocks long, "flie opera house, two general stores, a blacksmith shop and several lesldences were destroyed. A high school com mencement rehearsal was in prourcss in tho opera house when the storm struck the building, cairying away the toot and partially wrecking tho walls. A number ot pupils weic injured. The people of the town had little warn ing of tho coming storm, and many had narrow escujies. Tho proiwrty loss is heavy. MEET AT rULL, SI'IiUD. Moscow, Juno 3. Tho Russian gov ernment Is beginning to reality that its troops in thu Hold will hardly ho able to retain possession of Manchuria, and that even more reverses are in store fur General Kuroi ntkiu's army. It is learned from an absolutely de pendable source that Harbin Is being lortltled and placed in condition to withstand n stegu and that It Is goner- ally Inilloved in government circles that tho urmy will bo compelled to abandon Mukden and all positions to the south ward and retire to Harbin, there to await tho Japanese armies. Thu in formant states that all tho heavy siege guns which havo liocn reported as shipped for uso in tho Jtusaian tortlll cations in Southern .Manchuria during the lust fow weeks aro in reality In tended for service at Harbin. Nor Is that all. Kruustadt nnd other tlrst class fortresses are being de nuded of their heaviest guns, which aro bleng prepared for shipment to tho Muuchurluii border, there to be mount ed at Harbin. It is tho hope ot tho czar and lits advlseis that tills place may be mado Impregnable, and the Japatiesu can bo compiled to extend their lines over so much tenitory that they will exhaust themselves guarding their lines of communication. It Is certain that General Kuropat kln's Inslstauce that it is Impossible to retain control ot Manchutla has had a painful effect on the czar, who lias trusted implicitly to Admiral Alexleft. Thu latter declared that no Japanese army could ever secure a footing north of Yulu, but this dream has been dis pelled and now tho Russian govern ment Is facing tho fact that tho Japan ese not only lio obtained a foothold, but also that their foices arocuunl, If nut suierlor in numbers, to thu Rus sians, and at the s-tmo time are much better equipped. . famine Price Hxlst nnd Mnny People Hat Chinese Food. Nlu Ohwaug, June 2. Some Chinese, fugitives from Port Arthur, who lmvo Just arrived here, describe the situa tion of t5io Inhabitants there as desper ate. Famine prices exist. Tho cost of provisions Increases weekly, Many persons nro reduced to eating Chineso food, and even that Is dear. Millet Hour costs tfll a bag. Whole streets and several public buildings have leon wrecked by Japanese shell tire. Tho hospitals aro packed with sick and wounded. Tho work of repairing the damaged warships has been stopped. All civil ians have been given military duty. Tho general health of thu Inhabitants Is good, except Chinese, who nro dying of starvation. Theft has been made punishable by death. The railway Is completely destroyed as far as Klnehou, and there aro fre quent gaps iHitwooii Kluuhou and Wn Fang Ting. There are 16,000 Japanese troops there, hut no signs of troops fur ther north. During the lighting nt Kinchou 200 Chineso wore killed by the Japanese lire. I ho very highest Russian authority here, while not Indlevlng that Port Arthur wIM fall, ndmlts Its loss would le a terrible loss to the Russian arms. The same authority says Russia may send a laigo army to tho south of Nlu Chwang In tho event nt General Sloes sol being able to hold his own at Port Arthur. This, however, Is not possible nt present, owing to the positions oc cupied by the Japanese armlen operat ing from the Ynlu river and Taku Shan. Thu Rusilnns are not sanguine as to the outlook for Port Arthur. Motu contraband of war Is arriving here. Two cargoes of Hour and tinned meats nnd some spelro wero rushed to Mukden as soon as they were unloaded. Heavy rains are daily mnklng the roads almost Impansahtu. The Chinese brigands nro becoming active, NEEDS A RAILROAD CHNTRAL ORUOON IS RAPIDLY INU TO Tllil I'RONT. COM State Land Hoard Touring That Section Examining Irrigation Projects Mem bers Surprised by What They Saw Lately Only Sagebrush Now Thriving Farms are to He Seen liver) where. OLRO LAW VALID. WILL UNO KIDNAPPING. In Electric Car In Ohio Collide and Six Persons are Killed. Norwnlk, O., Juno 4. Six persons were killed and a dozen or moro hurt this afternoon as a result of the collis ion on tho Lake Shore Electric railway between an eastbound fast electric pas senger car and a westbound '"packuge freight" car at Wolls Corners, n fow miles east of this city. Tho acident occuirod at a point quite distant from any immediate means of communication, and assistance was sent from Norwalk, where every phy sician and nurses in the city was hur ried to tho place. All those killed wero in tho smoking compartment of the passenger car. Tho curs were su burban electric cars of tho largest type, and were smashed to pieces. I hey met in collision at full speed. One Squadron Annihilated, St. Petersburg, Juno 4. General Snkaroff has telegraphed as follows, under today's date, to the general staff: "According to reports, tho Japanese commander in tho action of .May 30 near Vnfangow had three battalions of infantry in reserve. Our losses wero 17 men killed and 23 men wounded and Lieutenant Meyer and another offi cer, whoso namo has not been ascer tained, wounded. Tho Japanese losses were very considerable, Ono squadron of tho Thirteenth Japanese cavalry was annihilated." Reports Uattleshlp Aground. St. Petersburg, Juno 4. An uncon- Armed rumor has readied hero from Mukden that tho Japanese battleship Fuji is aground on a reef off the MIuo Tao islands, between the Kwun Tung and Shan Tung promontories, whore she la being guarded by torpedo boats, France Will Exercise More Authority Morocco In t-uture. Paris, Juno 3. Tho request of tho United Mates for tho co-operation -of Franco in bringing about thu release of lYrdknris and Vurley has produced a very favorable impression at the foreign olllce here, where much significance is attached to thu request, ns embodying the first distinct international recog nition of France's paramount Influence in Morocco. It Is expected that this will lead to a moro emphatic exercise of French authority over Morocco with the view of suppressing lawlessness and thu protection of foreigners, but the nature of thu futuro steps Is not an nounced pending the negotiations on the subject. Ambussador Porter called at tho for eigu olllce this morning and conferred with roreign Minister DolcasAu relative to thu course of tho Washington cabi net. Yesterday M. Delcasbosluted that negotiations were now progressing at Tangier and at Fez, tho chief reliance being placed on tho sultan's ylcldln tHilore the unitcii representations r, Fruncu, Great Britain and tho Uultfd States, Will Olve Japan Large Sura. Chicago, Juno a. Ito lilmatsul a Japanese merchant of New York, lias arrived in Chicago with a com uou split-lvather valise containing f 1,'J J0( 000 in United States monoy, whlcl he will give to tho mikado to help ih feat Russia. Thu cash Is all In Ui Hod States gold notes and bunk bills. u'ho money was deposited hero with a trust cornpuny on tho advice of tho local Jap anese consul. Ito lllirmtsu expects uo sail from Han Francisco on Juno 1. Ho Is n recognized authority in America on Jupuneso art, and his discourses lot; thu lust five years have been the subAj Jeet of muny written disquisitions on tho influence of Japanese arts and Jap anese ideals upon modsrn nesthotlcUm. Japan Willing to Prohibit Emigration. Victoria, B. O., Juno J. A passen ger by the steamship Empress of Japan war T. Aoygl, siecial immigration com missioner from thu Japanese govern ment, to confer with the Canadian nnd United Stutes governments regarding tho immigration of Japanese laborers. Ho says that ho comes empowered to accopt the suggestion of eucli govern ment that still further restrictions bo placed on emigration from Japan. Tho Japanese government is perfectly will ing, ho says, to prohibit tho further emigration. itfhre United States Supreme Court Hands Down Decision. Washington, Juno 2. Tho supremo court of tho United States, in an opinion by Justice White today, uphold tliu constitutionality of tho oleomargar ine law. Leo . McKay sued the gov ernment in tho Southern district of Ohio, to recover f 60 paid by him ns a penalty for the sale of n 60 pound pack age of colored oleomargarine, contain ing a stamp tax of three-quarters of a cent n pound instead of 10 cents a pound. McRay's counsel argued first, that, although the "oleo" was colored to look like butter, the coloi was obtained by tho usu ot butter, which was Itself artificially colored, but thu use of which as an Ingredient In tho manu facture of "oleo" was authorized by law; and, second, that tho tax of 10 rents n pound was prolbltivo and eon flscntory, and an attempted federal usurpation of tho police owers ot tho state. The court said tho tax contem plated thu finished product nnd not tho details of manufacture. Tho court therefore ntllrmed tho Judgment ol the lower court, upholding tho validity ot tho law ami tho tax. Tho chief Justice nnd Justices Brown and Peckharu dissented. MACHINISTS OO OUT. Thousand Chicago Men Protest Against 10-Hour Day. Chicago. Juno 1. Tho 3,000 ma chinists employed In tho companies that compose that Metal Trades associ ation went on strike last night ns a pro test against tho 10-hour day, and prac tically nil of the 116 shops represented in the association nro closed today. No effort will bo mudo to operate the shops until tomorrow, nnd then the forco of thu employers will bo central ized at n fow plants. Tho 10-hour day was Inaugurated by thu employers for thu purpose of bring ing tho strike to a crisis, In n state ment sent out tonight by thu olllcers of thu association, it Is declared that tho employers hail no intention of return ing to tho 10-hour day, hut thuy weru cornHilled to tako this stop to combat tho slow individual strlko campaign, hwiilch was commenced by thu Math In pus' union somo tnqu ago. Russian Commands Consolidated. St. Petersburg, Juno 2, By nn im perial ukase Just Issued, tho control of thu ports of Roval, Sveaborg and Tihati and all thu naval forces of tho llaltlo has lecn transferred tothocnmmanilant of tho port of Cronstudt, with tho title of commander In chief of the fleet and ports and of the defenses of thu Baltic sen. ilio omcct ol tno cotiHoiiiintlon ol tho commands Is to insure uniformity In tho measures adopted in tho defense of tho coasts of tho Baltic during thu existing statu of war. Haystack, Or,, Juno 1. "I niu as tonished that Central Oregon has not long ago been tapped by a railroad con necting this section ot thw statu with Portland," said (!oernor Chamberlain today upon his arrival here from Shan Iko, In company with Secretary of Statu Dunbar and State Treasurer Mooro, These statu ollleuru, as members ot thu state land board, ate uu their way to the Upper Deschutes country to exam ine the Irrigation projects which havo lieen started under the provisions ol the Carey arid-land net. They enmo out to Slmnlku, In tho southern part of Sherman county, over thu Columbia Southern, and (ruin there took a private conveyance and nro traveling across Crook county, learning what they can of tho country, so that they mny tho morn Intelligently net iin questions that will nrisu in thotronsao Hon of business relntlvu to the Irriga tion enterprises. Though thu inerulieis of the hoard know something of the general cliarno ter of the country nun have read statis tics showing the quantity and values of the products of this mrt of the state, they admit that they had no fair con ception of thu progress that has been made In the development of Industrial resources and of tho Kslhllltles for future growth. With una accord thuy express the opinion that Oregon should Iw looking nfter her commercial inter ests In Central Oregon and not ermlt California to step In and take trade that naturally belongs to Portland, While they have nut yet visited the Ir rigation projects, they have seen enough of tho newly-settled country to convince them that this section of Ore gon is destined to bo a great producer ot wealth through Its agricultural re sources, and thnt If tho Irrigation enter prise prove to lie tho success that In now expectvd of them, Crook will tm ono of tho most Important farming counties of thu state. IIANDIT TOLD TO IIUWARH. Hall Ureaka Car Windows. Hutchinson, Kan,. Juno 3. This section and all southwestern Kansas was drenched by u heavy rain, accom panied by hull. Between Bucklln and Meado, on tho Rock Islund road, hull did much damage to crops, Hall broke nearly every window on tho north side of an eastbound Rock Island train, arid J broken glass cut several passengers. America Will Hunt Him to His Death If Captive la Harmed. Washington, Juno I. Italsulll, tho Moroccan bandit, was today notified by Sucrutary Hay, through United Htnton Consul General Uumruern, that If seri ous Injury comes to his American cap tive, Ion I'erdlcarls, tho United Staten will hunt him to his death. This will Imi done whether It takes weeks, months or years. Consul General Guinmero was Instructed to make this messngo to Italsulll as forcible ns hs slide, nnd to Inform him that no Euro pean nation will lo permitted to pro vent his punishment. Tho cablegram was sent in lesponso to tho ono from Mr. Guinmero advising that Italsulll would kill I'erdlcarls and his stepson unless tho terms of hi pro poses! ransom met with prompt com pliance. Mr. Hay has reached the con clusion thai the terms Imposed cannot, and will not bo accepted. If Raisulli carries out his threat and kills his enp- uves, trie suiran or .Morocco will Dultn mcdlatolly notified that ho must hunt down nnd execute the bandit. Ameri can ships will remain In thu harbor of Tangier until the matter is settled. If necessary, American cavalrymen will Iw sent there to assist In capturing thu brigands. Such nn intervention will bo a friendly ono nnd would meet with as sistance from the sultan. Secretary Hay Is still hopeful that ho will tako up tho matter and Insti tute the necessary measures to capturo and punish thu bandits. In any event, hu feels suro that Great Britain will assist tho United States, ns Cromwell Varley, kidnapped with M. Pordlcaris, is a British subject. Disproves Koch's Theory. London, Juno 2, Tho roynl commis sion appointed In August, 1001, to In quire Into thu relation between liumuri and animal tuberculosis has arrived nt a conclusion Justifying tho issuanco of an interim report according to which tho commission finds (hat human and bovine tuborcolosis aro practically luonticai. Two Hundred Mado Homeless. Ottawa, Kan., Junu 1, Tho Mario dus Cygunos river hero Is higher than ever known, nnd tho overflow Iiuh caused a serious flood. Alxivo hero. however, tho streurn is falling, and thu worst probably is over. Two hundred families aru homoless In tho lower por tions ol Ottawa and vielnty. In North Ottawa several business hoiwoH aro Hooded, there aro two feet of wator In tho Santn Fo depot, nnd tho lower floor of tho Marsh hotel is covered with water. Tho Santa Fo yards uro two feet under wator, Mined by the Japanese. Vladivostok, Juno 1, It Is bollovotl from information received hero thnt tho Japanese huvo mined Peter tho Great Gulf, on which this town Is situ ated, it task of easy accomplishment bo cuuuo of tho recent heavy fogs. A small Corcnn sailing vossol was blown up yosterday. Tho rogion Is quiet so far as military operations are eon. corned. uJuS'