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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1904)
THE BEND BULL i n ! .' m vAI i.i ,.... .. L .4W-. ' J -1'JM "- '- TlllllfM 'oi. ii .JUiND. OKKCON, I'UIDAY, JUNH 3, 1001. NO. is "T tun r" l"l b. Hi JLr H SA p -'-fcmvt. ) . t, h I t STATE BOARD'S VISIT CAMIi TO INSIWT RECLAMATION DESCHUTES VALLIiY OF tlovernor Chnmburlnhi, Secretary of State Dunbar ntut Stato Treasurer Alooro iMnko Personnl Hinmlttntlon of (his Plcld nml nro Pleased with What I hoy Seo"Plrst Stato Officers In Crook County, Governor Chamberlain, Secretary tf State Dunbnr mul State Trwns ircr Moore, constituting tlfc Mate laud board, were hi Heml three days this week IoaIcFAk ,nl de hrigntion situation. They were Accompanied by A. W. Prescott, the Orcgoninn'.s Snlein representative, fiYtfl by W. A. l.nidlaw nml C. C. IttMimwn. Tliey arrived from ShMrHco by woy bf Tniil crossing find I'diat s Sat urday night nnd departed Iffeftdtvy. morning, KoiAfe fdi by wfiy of Priuevillc. Personal inspection of the country and the works for its reclamation won them completely1 from a critical, doubting attitude of blind to a faith so strong that it amounts to H).sitlvc enthusiasm. Two members of the state IkxihI hnd never before seen the Upper Duschtites valley. Governor Cham berlain nearly 37 years ago wan lientuuRiit of a Mint county mili tary company that .scut two months this side the mountains pro tecting settlers from renegade N'ez Perce Indians then on the war path. The governor then rode over this country and got 11 pretty good idea of its physical character but it did not occur to him that the dc crt would ever be reclaimed by cxtuusfv cent jff.cci ot the board having gcucro supervision of this irrigation devel opment, he came to renew his at quaiutaiicc and qualify httuselt for intelligent action in the premises Secretary of State Dunbar had never Iwfore visited tl.e upper Des chutes valley and the whole coun try was a revelation to him. State Troasurcr Moore wont to Klam ath Prill about 30 yours njo and he has taken an active interest in the hindering and irrigation oper ations of that anility, .so he wax a.imtrunun wurasvr.iiiuiAinr ! i.n iiniiiHiiyi'nniiiwinirrBiniic iniiiii . ir ." r. ;.. T . ' . .- - ri. ix I ccirmiu mipSMtBdV9eiMmXWtXmittlM,TmxiaaMbiUlll vcortuc stnte onu- nrosm lorn ijii KWwRviifiMTtpf.t jMirtially prejmred for what he sHWiami,,itehMM were made by Charles Here, liioujju ue iiau never iwvii 0111 this ground Iwfore. liven to him, I more or less familiar with such con-1 ditions as prevail here, the visit was an cyc-opeucr and a miud-oeuer. Sunday the party drove over to the hendgate of the Columbia Southern irrigation ditch 011 the Ttimcllo. Prom there they fol lowed down the line to the Swalley bridge, getting nil idea of the dis tributing system and of under it. Mr. Giterin the lands , lllld Mr. , Kowiee accompaiiieo 111c visiiurn on nmj ulfucltvu ailtlress, well pitlict this trip. j tinted with applause His coin- Monday the party drove up thH imi 0f fCW VVc i the local west side of the river to Ilcnham Hulcl where he has lived but 11 few falls with Mr. Drake, Mr. Howlee, . wcck, was complete, his delivery Mr. Steiuemniin and a Bulletin mlHyt uH argument Incisive anil inun. At the Hrowucll bridge 11 forceful, halt was made and 11 flue lunch prepared by Mrs. Kowlee was stow- l. I. & P. Co.'s Lands Clolnsr. cd away. On the return trip a, cimrliw P. Church, n contractor stop was made at the Dutch John , runi wXnXe ,.,, 0f Seattle, was f . a , . . 1 nruigoior an uour s usuitig aim me , jjemi fuw days this week look govenor cuught his first trout. Mr. iK Ver the irrigation lauds of the Prescott, the Oregonian man for,i) I. t p. Co. nnd has contracted the first time saw u trout caught. , wt, t,tf company for 1930 acres Coming down the cast side n stop 1 luier ,ts hcgregatiou near Forked was made at the licaclworks ot the, 'Pilot Hutte canal and the visitors Vulked down the flume and ex amined the construction. Then Hh'ey drove down the canal line to "Ucild.Vupping nt the first diversion 'gtU'es ;tb "Vee how the turning of water from 'tlfc main canal into 'laterals is accomplished. In the evening there was a recep tion for the officers at Grant's hall 'and the largest crowd ever assem bled in fiend attended nearly 300 people. A. M.' Drake presided and remarks we're jnade by Governor '.Chamberlain, Secretary of State 'Dunbar, State Treasurer Moore' mid V. It. fluerin, Jr. Alt steered clear oT polities.- The ttovunor told a couple oT funny Wtortos nml spoke oftho miirYelonsdevclopmnl which had nliottdy Iwgttn in the Deschutes couiitiy. Mr. Dtiubai expressed his gritliflcatio'h n't wlint he had seen in this region and his great faith in the progicss of the coming years. Mr. Moorv had hd experience in irrigation and 1iiiuIm.t ing in Klamath county, from which he formed the judgment that the Deschutes valley would soon lie the home of many thousands of people drawing wealth flout the .soil mid the foruM.s, The most significant part of the I remarks or nil these olhcors was the expression of unalloyed confidence' in the .success of the reclamation movements now in progieM here.. Iherc was no balancing 0! qualifying phrases, the subjunctive mood was ruled out of the sjKxchos; personal examination of the field had driven away nil doubt, loth us to the pos sibility of successful irrigation iiere and the good faith of those engag ed in the work, and enthusiasm and admiration 'entirely supplanted hesitation and uncertainty. There were unequivocal pledges of support for the development agencies at work here and a promise from each to visit this region again within two ears. Chairman Drake ad led iixn Mr. Ciierm to make resjHmsc to the sen timents of the visitors and he did so in a brief seech that found favor with all. A formal vote of thiluks for this visit from the state IkmihI was, passed and an invitation to return here was also voted. After this, opX)rtuiiity was given for the iwople to erect tiersotuilly the visit- , ors and half an hour was Hissed in pleasant social intercourse. ritcsdiiy mnruiugjU" visitors lea . iuntill'-mit. llin Hr-il , i n .1: uiid I'hursdiiy reached Portland again While in Ik-nd the vhifdra Were iiu ru-re'i ai ineiiui't-iiiiiiiiuigoiHiie D I P Co and most of -a hi. time thc ate at the home of P. C. Kowlee, assistant general manager of the coutNiuy. Sunday evening they dined at A. M. Drake's McpuMlcnn Rally Tuesday Night. The republicans held Mil enthu siastic rally at Crnnt's hall TtiPMlny night. The hall was well filled with vi)trs. A. M. Drnku nriviiilMl a. Gilchrist nominee for county cierk; j. j,. .tcCtillocb. for awiessor: William lloeit II. for suiMriiiteudent of schools; Prank Ivlkuih, for sheriff; and W. A. Nell, for county judge. These cnudidatos did not waste nt'ich time in elocution but spoke 1 briefly and to the point on local I issues, and all wore well received. I Aftur the nominees had Ihjcii heard from W. K Gtieriu, jr., dis ciismmI for half nu hour the milt Ion 1 iskltDSof the dav. makitivn nlinirdtii' n , ---o noril jmtte for himself and other settlers in 160 acre tracts. These settlers are exacted to ar rive early during the coming sum mer nnd begin clearing the laud for seeding next fall. Mr. Church in tends to make another visit .to Ileud in about a mouth. The D. 1, & P. Co. has con tractcd for over 3000 acres of its lauds this month, and is receiving every day numerous inquiries con cerning its segregation. Sheriff C. Sum Smith was out, tp fix up his political fences hi Heud precinct this weeks' " ' "4",, FIRSTWATCR ONSOlLl WlliST IIOMLSTEAI) IHIilfiATIlI) 111.0T iiurrii canal. Wnter'ts also Delivered to the lloiul Townitlto-I:lrtt Diversion (Inlott Jtmt SoittheaMt of lown-'Clik'f Uniclnccr nml SiiperliitenJcnt Joint (i. Kclloy l(cslKnsHMtliifiictory Prorcn of Rcclnmnllon Work. The homestead of KnghlfoV I,. D, Wlcst was watered from the Pilot Hutte canal this week which is the first actual irrigation from that rvelnmation plants W-ntw is now delivered at lite lleitd tOwnsite also by a lateral leaving he Ttiaiu canal opKsite the Wiest iateral. This diversion of wateV front he Pilot llutto canal is historic Ijccaiise it mm ks the lirst actual use of it on the soil to produce crops, Alter iiImmiI four years of work and the cxiKMidituic of tens of thousands of dollars the soil buck from the river is slaking its thrmt and pushing plant life in 11 surprising manner. The first diversion gates ate at a point where the canal drops alxmt two feet. A narrow stall or Hume about 13 feet long mrullel with the ditch sets in at either Hide, leaving the center of the chauunl unob structed. At the lower end of each Hume the box turns outward, deliv ering water through n gate into the lateral ditch. Mr. Wiest has sever! miles of ditch completed 011 his home forty. Chief Kttgiuecr John O. Kelley resigned his jxmitlon with the D I & P Co Ttiisdav and left next d (or Poiuml, being drivt-u to Pnnr m jumaiti iictc Initial a( thtfutcf No Hi-tioti has vt Ixjt'ii tutcu tofil 1 me vHcniiry Mr Kelly took the stiptriut end em of the work on the Pilot Jlutie , imiihI in the later part of Pebruur.x nnd has pttuhcd oientioiis vuerget-1 ically since then, accomplishing very subritnnliul result. Ilisrep utMtiou a an engineer of ability has bevu iKjrne out here and tlnw with whom he Iih Inteii aiuuciutd regret to s him go. Poreniau Uoldeu, who cm me with Mr. Kelly, rciiiniuti. The work at the front has been Koing forward sutisinctolrly, both as to engineering and construction. The Pilot llutto Development Co. is planting some sugar boot seed on the ground just across the river from the sawmill mid also near Pilot hutte to try their adaptability to fhis soil ami climate. If this veg etable should do well here it nitty lie the menus of cotablisliiug 11 new industry and in the course of n few years there would lc the possibility of a sugar mill Imiug located in this vicinity. Mr. nnd Mrs. George O'N'elll, of Prineville, wero in Ileud Tposdav and Wednesday. Mr. O'Nell is looking after the matter of furnish ing the luitiler for the bridge to Ik. built til Forest's Three other mills expect to submit bids, but in view of the rapid development of this portion of the county, which will furnish the greatest patronage of the-bridge, Mr. O'Neill thinks the contract should be placed here. O. II. Ilclkuap, of Culver arrived in Huud Monday, and is looking over the lauds coveicd by irrigation projects in this vicinity. His ex plorations are made in the interests of prospective settlers from Astoria, Oiegoit, and upon his repoit de pends whether these cop!o will come to make their home here. So far as he has seen Mr. Ilclkuap is favorably impressed with this country, and no doubt will be the means bf bringing 11 number of set tlers to I the Irrigated lauds. r -viiicuyAsiniani iienerjij au.i . non ffSwltf 'waSqy MT lMJ, "IV "vl L rti nmi7. i am .. .,.'. amsuu&ilAki&.wr tiuvj, JJllBntlfTfT'JiiKl'ne llMniud fi( mtvrna ryz3Mmc:ts&iatsaxsxwamktx'' zssaisvzsz&mmmxMiE, w T Il.?il!?l ;ie M ercantue GEND We buy as low ntt Wd rtiil fiuiVs dusinVss WVr sell as low its we cirti VWs I'ftonnHssivK Yrit 1fty aS low rfs Vo'u enii That's l.rdN ..-- YOU BUY OF US That is DOLLARS and CENTS For Both of Us! Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, et.c. Glass, Paints, vm - ' .4 r. Ji . VJ r -W 4 "7 ui4.f !; kv i m & WM wmammmmmmmKmmmmmmummmm.i "utn,. m m-n t' m t "r"fp v r5 ,1 if- - - m ""'' ' r ' "- r --;" LUMBER The mill of the Pilot Butte Develop ment Company has begun sawing ami hereafter will be ready to supply all kinds of surfaced and rough LUMBER and SHINGLES AT REASONABLE PRICES PILOT lUTtli DEVIiUfeNT COMPANY w Sil itoi&imivBSmM 11I1 iTiii i5ijS A. II. ORANT, AlxuuiKcr. OREGON SENSE Window Sashes, m m s 2SSli njik.? .Mi WWWll IWflPWMWWII 1MW L1I rVit "1 iff .j lit ? ( 1