The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 20, 1904, Image 7

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Spring Medicine
Thorn-is no utlior season whon (food
innllclno li do much noodod m lu tho
Tlio blood U lmpnro, weak and
Impoverished a condition Indicated
liy pimples find otlior eruptions on tho
faco mid body, by deficient vitality,
Ion of appetite, lack of strouirth, aud
want of animation.
Hood's Sarsaparltla
and Pitls
Mako tho blood pnro, vigorous and
rich, crcalo snpotllo, fflvo vitality,
strength and animation, and euro
nil oruptlom. Ilavo tho wholo family
begin to tako thorn today.
"Hood' Harinpnrllla lii been urd In
our family fur aoina time, and slwsy with
good icaull. Last irltm I was all run
down Hid cut buttle of It, and a uitlat
rrcelvod rjrret bentM." Mm Hiulah
lluU's, Blow, VU
Hood's Snranpnrllln promlsoa to
uro and koopa tho promise.
Aiinllirr 1'ulllnir Out.
Hhnrpe When Crnnker trie to mn
tip mountain with lilt automnblln lio
always toll liU friend some funny
Wlirnltnn Yea: ho told mo om of
Hlintpo DM ynu ratrh on to theiuT
Whealtou Oh, I tumbled all right.
Deafnc Cannot He Cured
br lorel aptlekUutta ai ihejr rannot reerh tho
11mu4i1 urltun of to car 1 t.ate U only una
wajriueure ilea net, ami that la lir ninitllu.
tlonal ft itiedlea lialntMlirainnl bjr ail In
turn. '1 cimllllim nl lliamuntua lluliia nl Ilia
Kuilaelileu Tul When Dili lul la rntlainail
ruu haa a rumbling; xiqml r lmtrUct hear.
III. ami whrll 11 ! entirely cIommI. Dofiirii !
Uiu Miutt, ami inilitu the liirtunniation can l
laianuuiaiiu uiuiuiwie imei lo ua normal
eowlllloil, litarliiKMlll lx itritrnjad fnrotrfri
dIim taietmilut tell am earned bjr Catarrh,
which la null In Ihii an InlUmed cunllllon of
tliruiuroui lunarn
NaMlllglv (ina llttntr1 DolUrt for aiii
rm of limlmit (ranted lijr ratarrhl thai ran
iml I cured bjr Mali a I alarm Our, band lor
Irculan, free,
V J ('IIKNKY A CO., Tuledo.O.
KoMl.r lriitit.?e
Hair I'amlfr I till aia tha beat.
French Auto Train.
The cliaraclrrlatlc feature of the
automobllo tniln Invented In I'miico
la tlio prliiclplu that each car propcti
Itself; tho propelling force only U fur
nished by tlio locomotive. Tho latter,
therefore, a It ha no pulling to per
form, hut only to aupply power, can b
built proportionately very light.
Oregon Blood Purltler Is
rightly named, Uvaum It purities tho
blood and tone up tho Ixxly,
A Terrible) Dlaouvery.
Ha What? You ran't so to the opera
Willi ma to-night? You protnlaed to.
Htie I know, but It la ImpoMllilp.
"Hal I aca It all! You lort auothrrl"
"Oh, no uo. Indeed."
Tliea you have determined to tram
pi eu your own heart mid marry eouin
man fur hi money. Aim! You alirlnkt
You expect liltn to call tlila evening!
I'crfldlou "
"Pleat, pleaae don't. It la not so."
"Then why don't you an?"
"I I can't sat my new enat on over
the aleerea of my new ilreia,"
ehronic Sores
Eating Ulcers SM
Nothing is n source of so much trouble ns on old soro or ulcer, par
ticularly when located upon the lower extremities whero the circulation
is weak nnd sliiKgisli. A Knnjjrcnous eating ulcer upon tho leg is a
frightful sight, and us tho poison burrows deeper and deeper into tlio
tissues beneath und tho soro continues to spread, one can almost seo tho
flesh melting away nnd fcol tlio strength going out with tho sick
ening discharges. Grcnt running sores nud deep offensive ulcers often
develop from slmplo boil, swollen gluud, bruiso or pimple, and aro
a threatening danger always, becuuso whllo nil such sores ure not can
cerous, a great muny nre, nud this should mnko you suspicious of all
chronic, slbwheuling ulcers nnd sores, particularly If cancer runs la
your fumlly. Face sores nro common nnu cause mo greatest annoy
unco Dccauso iney nre so
persistent and unsightly
and detract so much from
one's personal nppenrance.
Mlililln nrroit nmf nld urn
f.i ...! !; ,u,,. i,nn,l dor tbt Ulaoouras-lng report I loft off tholr treat
lie and tlioso WllORo blood jnontandreaortedtothouaoof U. B. H. Itaeff.ota
S contaminated nnd tnillt- wore prompt and a-ratlfylnir. It took only abort
,l ...t.l. l.n ..nrm. .....I ..r.1 wUllsforthomedlolneto euro up tlieeorea, audi
ed With tlio germs nnd pol- Bm not dead aa tho dootor intimated I would be,
01) of miliaria or somo pre- nelthorhavo the sores evor broken put aaln.snd
, . . .lite aomo 10 year bavo elapsed alnoa what I have de
vious sickness, nre tlio clliof aorlbodooourrod. ,,
ulTrtrrr from clirnntc sores JOHN W. VUNDIO,
uiierera i rom ciiromc sores Ciro BohmuU),oh nrewing Co.
and ulcers. While tho
blood remuins in an unhealthy polluted condition, and tho sore will
continue to grow nnd spread in splto of washes nud salves, for tho soro
h tlio outward sign of somo constitutional disorder, a bad condition of
tho blood nnd system, which local remedies cannot cure. A blood pu
rifier and tonic is what you need something to cleanse tho blood,
quicken the circulation and invigorate tho constitution, and S. S. S.
is just such a remedy. It counteracts and removes from the blood
purely ycgetablo, a blood purifier and tonic combined and a safe and
permanent cure for chronic sores and ulcers. If you have a slow-healing
sore of any kind, external or internal, write us about it, and our
physicians will adviio you without charge. Book on "Tho Blood and
Its DitcatM " fre. 2MT MWfFT 9KCIfiO CO, ATLANTA CM
Neural rnalilonnbln 1'nt,
Btriingo nru tho puta that London
"fashion" compels ItH follower to
liocp, nnil various na they nru strange.
A now Cuban poodlo wna tho rngo
it for month back, A apodal camiry
follow. Now It I a llah nun In, and
tho strongest of (lull at that. Tho cold
flali will Iiuyo to look to Ita lout eld,
otherwise It will moat certainty bo
auperacded lu popularity by the devil
(lull, n moat pialut-looklug reptile, for
which, a lenillnu dealer state, thcro
have been liiuumernble domnuds of
Tha real homo of this flub 1 Mexico,
nud owIiik to Ita helui; somewhnt rnrn
tlin coat of a (IovIIIImIi in conaldernbly
higher thnn that of the Kohlflah, which
fin i ho ImiiKht for a fow pence, whllo
tlio prlco of It rival varlea from flvo
to ten nIiIIIIiikn. A curloiia chntticter
latlc of thu diivllflali In thnt It alniOHt
luvarhihly ri'iimlnt at thu bottom of
II bowl or tank, nnd It I moat uuuaiinl
to see It awlmmliiK about, tlnllko Ita
Koldi'U-acnh'd relation, It doe not do
miinil a freiiieiit chnnuo of water In
Ita hoiu, hut will live quite well In
tho aaine wuter for week together,
while It tnato In tho mutter of food
I not hard to plroap, for a devllllidi
like nothliiK better than a very mall
worm. A a general rule Ixindon deal,
cm sell these flih by pairs. Loudon
Dally Mall.
Kor ootijthi and eoldi there If no better
medicine, than I'iio's Cure for Gontuinp
Uon. Price a cf nil.
A Ooort JHory.
When Hepreai'iitatlvo Morris Hlicp-
pard, of Texaa, was nominated for
Couereis as the aucceaaor of bis fa
ther, bo was hut i!7 year old, and hi
opponents loat no opportunity to mako
capital of hi youth. In Joint debate,
one day, otiu of Kheppard'a opponents
proceeded something Ilka till: i
"Why," ho said. "It Is ridiculous to
think of sending a tuero bo to Con
gress. It I a tlmo and plaro Where
we need mature men with malum
mind. It remind me of the old dar
key who thought the end of tho world
wna at hand nnd who got down on hi
knee to pray. I
'"() I.ord,' he pleaded, 'come down
aud save till sinful world. And como
jouraelf, !.ord; don't send your son.
This ain't no time for boys.' "
After the Tip a.
"How nttouthe your waiters are to
that ostrich," remnrkrd the lion to
tho caahler of tho Jungle restaurant.
"I nerer aw monkeys so polite be
"Yes," rrpllcd the beautiful tigress.
who acted as cashier, "they were read
ing lu tho 'Jungle New a' this morning
that ostrich tip are very valuable."
I'lilladelpbla I'rcss.
What Did Hhe tTantT
Mrs. Nawllwed I wsnt to ftt some
Dealer Yea, ma'am. How mauy
Mr. Newllwed Oh, oodnsa! I
thoiixht you took, the head off. I Juit
waut plain rhlrken aalad. Kxchsnga.
The porke nud cardeii In Alliens had
protecting deities who, It la to be pre
atiuied, eiifnrced attention to tbt alju,
"Keep off the grsaa." I
Whssllnr, W. Vs., May OB, 1003.
Boms years aso whllo at work, I fell over a. truck
nd aavorely Injured both of my ahlna. My blood
beoame polaonad na a roault, and tho doctor told
roe I would havo running- aorea for life, and that
If they eloaed up tho roault would be fatal. Un-
nit tne impurities nnu poisons, nnu graa
ually builds up tho entire system; and
when tho blood has been purified tho
hcalingprocesi begins and the ulcer or
ore is soon entirely gone. S, S. S.
contains no mineral or poisonous drugs
of any description, but is guaranteed
In an artlclo entitled, "After Illg
Onmo In Wyoming," a writer l tlio
l'all Mall Miigazluo tell of an exciting
innetlug botwciii hlmnelf and n largo
grizzly bear, Tho Interview was somo-1
wnai unexpected on both aides, ana
It lntel only it in I mi to or two; but
whllt It did Inst It occupied tho undi
vided attention of all tho participants.
I chanced to bo riding ahead, anya
thn nlltlior. "ThiTn'n n biinrt" wlila.
pered Jack, aa a big gray bend np-'
poared over tho fallen treo. What fol
lowed In thn next fow minute takes
longer to tell than It did to happen,
Aa I sprang down from tho sndillo to
shoot, an enormous grizzly of tho
Inrgoxt kind Jumped up on tho trunk
of the tree, behind which hu had been
feeding on n dead elk,
Aa I pulled tho Hrat trigger bo
sprang down, all elnwa, hair ami teeth,
nud charged straight at us. Tho shot
was n clean miss over Ida back n ho
Jumped down; and hero wna grizzly
not thirty yard away, on n down
hill run, nnd obviously Intent on get
ting first blood.
Tho second bullet went home, right
In tho center of tho broad, furry
breast, na wo afterward ascertained.
Ho turned n complete somersault, nud
lighting on Ida feet again, caino on, ap
parently uninjured. i
My rifle was now empty, nnd thero
was no tlmo to reload. Tho next few
aeconda wero a kind of nightmare. I
turned and Jumped at tho saddle, but
my horse, seeing tho bear closo behind
me, swerved nnd bolted beforo I could
mount drizzly, now only n few yards
away, was rising to atrlko with a gi
gantic, clawy, sinewy paw that could,
with a single blow, brenk a buffalo's
back or tear out nil Ids ribs.
With a cold thrill down my back I
also swerved and bolted up tho hill
for all I was ever worth In what Jack
afterward described aa ten-foot
atrldes. Up, meanwhile, with unload
ed rifle thrown on the ground, ant on
his horse fifty yards away, nnd emp
tied his six-shooter at tho bear with
out apparent effect.
I glanced nervously over my shoul
der as I ran. and then aaw that tho
fight was done. (Jrlzzlr, obviously mor
tally wounded, having missed hi blow.
was blundering on downhill, not
knowing where he went Uven an old
king of the divide, weighing a thou
sand pound or so In sinewy, muscular
flesh and bone, could not long with
stand the effects of a half-Inch ex
panding bullet, propelled by live drams
of black powder through a good rifle
Thirty-two stalwart young men,
some over alx feet high, have formed
themselves Into a cooking class, which
Is nrobahlr tho only Institution of Ita
kind In the world.
All of the lo belonir to lh nrnm-r..
N. J high school, and tlio cooking
class meets after school hours. In
quiries have como from Hngland con-'
1 cernlng It, aud slmllnr classes arc to
bo started there. Tho class has tieeni
j In existence over a year, and tho pu-
ptls nro athletic young fellows who
have no Idea of taking tho places of
cooks, but who want to ahlno at sum
mer enmps, whero the gentler sex .Is
not present.
flood, plain, old-fashioned faro Is
prepared and tho dishes nro made up
lu thu most appetizing manner. Kvery
kind of vegetable and fruit that growa
lu tho garden, bread, blHcult, old-fush-lonod
buckwheats, stows, roatiU and
soups nro prepared by tho boys.
Tho fact that tho good things cooked
nro onton by tho chefs, Bitting com
fortably at a tahlo whero thu lady
toucher do'es U10 honorn, Is 0110 of tho
reasons why tho boya enjoy their nov
el lessons, and a larger number of
boys Uinu can possibly bo Instructed
uro clamoring for admission.
A niaoovery,
Tboy had been discussing tho baby's
ears, oyes nnd noso,
"And I think he's got his father's
hair," snld tho Joyful young mother.
"Oh, la that who's got It? I no
ticed It was missing," snld tho girl
who know her beforo sho was tunr
rled. Uxclmnge,
nut for tho frames some pictures
wouldn't bo In It.
runnro cAiir chew. I
AuBBBpifeMlslsBssfes &
Most of tlio Ailments Peculiar to the
Female Sex ore Due to Catarrh of
tho Pelvic Organs.
Itacbaet J Ktinball, M. D., 334 Vlr
glnla St., Huffalo, N. Y is a graduato
of tho Untvctsity ot liuflalo, clans 188-J,
and has Iot'n In tho practice of medi
cine In that city since then. She
writes as follows:
"My conviction, supported by ex
perience. Is that I'eruna Is n valuable
preparation for allcatarrhalaffcctlons.
I hno taken one bottle of I'eruna my
self nnd Just feel fine. I shall continue
to take It." Kachacl J. Kcrnball,
Poruna has cured thousands of cases
of femalo weakness. As a rule, how
ever, beforo I'eruna is resorted to scr
otal other remedies have been tried in
vain. A great many of the patients
,m0 ,a,ken ,octtl t"-'n"t, submitted
themselves to surgical operations, and
taken ail aorta of doctor's stud, without
any result.
Tho reason of so msny failures is the
fact that diseases peculiar to tho female
Pcmala Trauble
rial RacafriLiad
aa Catarrh.
sex are not common
ly recognised aa be
ing caused by ca
tarrh. These organs
are lined by mucous membranes. Any
ruucoui membrane Is subject to catarrh
' Catarrh of one organ is exactly the
arce aa catarrh of any other organ,
What wilt cure catarrh of the head
will also euro caUrrh of tho pelvic or-
i K"n- I'eruna cures these casea simply
becaueo 11 cures the catarrh.
Most of tho women afllicted with
pelvic diseases have no idea that their
troublo is due to catarrh. Tho major -
The) Money Went.
Uncle Wajbnck I Jua' tell you, th'
city la an awful place. Skin ych alive
Parmer Meadow (gloomily) That's so.
"Kli? Did yeh meet aouie grvru-good
men while you was In th' city)''
"No-o, but my wife met somo dry
good men."
riTP rnnaBnUy unrto, woeuornrrontmaf
fl 10 aruraratilar'auiturDr.Kllnt'fUnalhrrr
.,?rT.r,Jf.nd f?' Kr Walbnnlaemj Irtatlt
Dr. It. U. K1Id. U4..W Artii bu. lbtU4lpiiU, 11.
One pound of cork Is sufllcleiit to sup
port a man of ordinary sixe lu tho water
A Bad Fix
trtki up aehlnc from hed lo fo
indcr to the touch, when
Whei one vtkoi vp aehlnc from htti lo foot, and with
Ua Hash Itadcr to the touch, when
Soreness and Stiffness
- nukts arcry motion of the body ptlnful. the surest
and ulcit way out of the trouble It to uw
St, Jacobs Oil
promptly. It wutos. roLue, curat. Price, 23c, and SOc
1 un- i mi.
SV.-. .,
.. ::-
..:;7" 'v'risv
300 Plrat Mtrot,
Tali i iflr n i Trnri1
TTT-sssUsHrrVsMi IWLW-'
- Urunotieati
Ity ot the people think that catarrh is
a disease confined to tho head alone.
This is not true. Catarrh is liablo
to attack any organ ot the body;
throat, bronchial tubes, lungs, stom
ach, kidneys and especially the pelvic
Many a woman has made this dis
covoiyaftera long siege of nselesa treat
ment. She has made the discovery
that her disease Is catarrh, and that
Peruna can bo relied upon to cure ca
tarrh wherever located.
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from tho uso of Peru
na, write at onco to Dr. Hartman, giv
ing a full statement of your caaso, and
ho will bo pleased to give you hia val-
1 noble advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President ot
The Hartman banltarium, Columbus,
1 Ohio
Perrin's Pile Specific
No Case Exists it Will Not Cre
HOWARD E. BURTON. Afuyrr od Qeaht
Swdnin rrlcra. Hold. Wlver. Ld, II i UoU. H1U
1? r;Tl ''. .Wnewtow-eMI- iyanuJltSa!
'aln( nTlor anil tul prlr Hit pent on annllca
linn Cnnlrol ami I'mrlre work anlklird I.rml.
vllle, Colo. JlerrnncaCiutiooaUNari Hank.
f. H. U.
No. 20-1904.
fVJllKN Trrlllnc tonilvertUeraploa
lneull.iu tlila iapar.
Aro not manufaelurera
regular couatructlon, but
Our Own Special Construction
Put up with full knowledgo of tho re
quirements of-thls rough western coun
try. Made to stand up, and will stand
up, better than any buggy sold at any
thing liko tho price. If you want a
good buggy at a moderate prico, try our
" lfco lino." You can't beat It. Wo
Jiavo tho "Bco Lino" Itoad Wagons,
portuand, orteaoN
-at .-M