ON THE WEST SIDE. Manager Lalnillaw and Land Agent Cook HcreMoro Settler. Manager V. A. Laidlaw wid Land Ar.ct B. S. Cook, of the Columbia Southern irrigation Com rviny, arrived Monday from Port land and are spending n few days looking over the field work. They deny the report that 15. E. I.ytle and Walter Moore have sold their interests in the irrigation company. They are greatly pleased with the popular interest in Columbia South eru Irrigation lauds and sec great advancement coming for the region west of the Deschutes. G. L.. Simmons, of Rigsby, Idaho who was in and selected land some tine ago, is now on the way back with a carload of stock and equip ment for the new ranch. When the Columbia Southern construction crew moved on down the line it lrf the Becker camp without a. cook. Mrs. Arnold has tow taken charge of the Becker boarding houses Albert Carlson, with his wife and four children, bas arrived from Fort Calgary, Alberta, taken 40 acres- of laud uudcr tht ditch in 16 12 and has set himself about es tablishing a home there. Robert Forbes, of Aberdeen. Wash., has taken rao acres and G. W. Homer, has taken 80 acres nd Joseph L. Caron 120 acres, both the latter men being from Airlie, Polk county, All this land is in i6-n. Change at tho Oregon Kin?. The Sumpter American speaks of the transfer of the Oregon Kinp mine, the chief mining property in the Ashwood district of Crook county, as follows; ''The Oregoa King mine. Crook county, which b pronounced by some who haye examined it eae of the greatest mines of the state, has been taken by the Geiser-Hesdryx campany, of this city. Albert Geiser, one of the members of tht firm, is at the property this week, making arrangements for opening work on a larger scale, and effect ing improvements that are contem plated with a view of increasing the output of the shipping product and concentrating the milling grades of ore. "As an index of what the pres ent management proposes to ac complish, Mr. Hendry x said that before the year closes he expected tha& the company would be send ing from the Oregon King 50 tons of concentrates every day." Manager Edwards and Superin tendant Thomas, of the Oregon King, deny any knowledga of a transfer. Flinch Party Miss Marion Wiest gave a flinch party to 1 8 guests Thursday even ing. After several games of flinch, music and a dainty luncheon was enjoyed. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, V. S. Land Office, The Dalle. Oregon, April JJ. 1904. Notice la hereby given that the following-named settler hat 6I0I notice of hit Intention lo mak6nal proof in support of hla claim, and that aald proof will l made before J. J. Kmilh, County Clerk, at frincvilte, Oregon, on Jane II, 1504. vi Hirrison A. Mclvln ofSlsteri, Oregon, II. It. No. 1194). for the eW tw(, switw'i sec 4 and pow; tccj, tpioa r 10 e, w. in. lie name the following wltnestet to prove hit continuous reslJcnce upon and cultivation of aald land, vlt: Thomaa Arnotd, Warren farthing, Herbert Oailer and WUtlim 1. l'ryrear, all of bitten, Oregon. ao-ji MICHI'.AL T. NOLAN, Register. Desert Land, J'lnal Proof NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. B. Land Office, The Dallet, Oregon, April 16, 1904, Notice la hereby given that James D. McCallls- tcr. 01 rnncriiir. urrgon, naa mea nonce 01 in tention to make proofon hit desert-land dtlm. No. 119 for the Mtfnetf sec. 31, tJiuwK and iw)( neW aec. ti. to, is a. rue. w m. before 1. I Smith, County Clerk, at Prlucvllle, Oregon, on me mc loin uay 01 June, 1904. He name the following witnettea to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of Mid, land! John W. Louden, France! M. Dencneld, WU1U W. Deneficld and John C. Bcncficld, all of Sitter Oregon, a9- MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. united statu na om, Th Dallet, Ortgon. April i, lp4 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCKRNt Notice It herebvglven that the Slat of Oregon ha Med In Ihli office tht following Hit of land, lc-wlti lamdi rea i-ayimt. Set. T. R. Acreage m.m I4 40.SO I WOO (M Mm ItlM Mo boo 4000 4.oa tMM 40 m.m 2 ltM I60M 4o 4o to 40.0 m.m M 4io 4M 4.M 4 to 4m I.m to.M 4M 4.M IS4.M 4su 4M mjm M.M ooo M.M MH JSe.HO Imm IM.M 4-M 4S.M M.M M.M 4.M 4. 4M 4M mm 4m 4M lOM MM ttM MM MM MM JJI. ij4U l7 jta.M JO.JI )KW 1UM MM JMM MM M.M MM JM.M S XffSKW Loll 1. t and A ot M m Loti I, a, 3 aad 4 Vf 8K 1 and 4 SK V swg t.o 4.m jo.M M.M MM IH Jl-M JIM :z Lota 1 and 4 S NX U of SK K 2 M aw Lati i ad 4 tf 9Ja 4.M IMP MM 4M WW tea 4M ttOM 4M JMM IM.M IMM 4M t: 4.o Mao AU NKK Lot 4 4 K or Nwy NKV WKV wu aw g ll.- and hat applied for a patent be aald Uad aader the acta a August II. ilM, (af Mat JIM"). Jaa I, l9. ( Slat. 4J4). end Karen j. tailUilt'l iita-UMi. rtuuac lain a-raniinc ei not 10 cz of not laez- eeed a rauliaa acrt a of and land to each of cer. WIS .,., sn. .. in wmm ,m, wim..,v cosnpauyiar proof, la open for the inspection of -, MMm. .. iLal .1.. .ti . I .. !,.. lis m. - all pcraoaa laurcatca. ana in pouc generally Willila the Beat titty day following the dale of thla notice, prottsts or eoalctta aralast the etalm of Ihcautc to ur tract described In the llat. oa the around of failure to comal with the taw, on the ground of the aaadctrrt character of mc um, on ue rrnaa a pnor aovrrs rigai. or on the ground that the Maae la tuovcvalMbte for mineral than agricultural purpoaca, will be received and noted for report to the General Land OBee at VTasbiartoa, D. C MICUAXL T. NOLAN. Keglater. aijia ANNS M, LANO. Keceirrr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Departmeat of tie Interior, Land 04cc at The Dallet, Oregon, April 11st, 194. Notice la hereby given that Ihe following, named settler thla filed notice of hla Intention to make final proof in support of hla claim, and that said proof will be msde before J, J. Hmllh County Clerk, at rrlnevllle Oregon, ou June 10th 1904, via: Desalt W(bb of Kilters. Orexon. II. X. No. imtt. for III M twtf, nwsw and twtfnwtf aecw, tp IJt, r 10 e, w m. He namea the followlnc witnettea to Drove hit contlnuoua rctldcncc upon end cultivation of said land, vis: J. B. Clavpool.IohnW Wilt. K. R. Jonc and P. B. Davit, alt of blilers, Orrcon. MJ HKIIMliT, I4U1.AJ4, KCglSltr, Timber Land, Act June J, 7t. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V 6. Land Office, The Dallet, Oregon, April H, 1904, Notice It hereby given that In compliance with the provltiont of Ihe Art of Congress nf June 1, Il7, entitled, "An act tat Ihe Mle of tlniberlands In the state of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," at extended lo all the fiubllc land states by Act of August 4, 1891, the ollowlng-named persons have filed in thla office tneir aworn statements, to-wit Alice M. Ulrlch of Bandpolnt, county of Kootenai, atat of laako, tworn ttatcmeni no. 1117, niea nepiem ber 14, 193J, for the purchase of the iwf, of ace it, tp 16 , r 10 e ,w. m. Mary A. Ulrlch of Bandpolnt, county of Kootenai, atate of Idaho, aworn statement No. tut, filed Septem ber 14, 1901, for the parents of the J( of tec J4, tp 16 a, r 10 , w. m, That they will offer proof to abow that the land sought It more valuable fur ita timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims to uld laud before Ihe Register and Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, on July list, 1904. They name at wltnttset: Michael O'Connor, William G Mason and Martin Groundwater of The Dalles, Ortgon; Mary A Ulrlch and Alice M. Ulrlch ofSaudpolnt, Idaho, Any and all persons claiming adveracly the above-described landt are requested to file their claimi lu this office on or before the uld ml day of July, 1904. ma-jij MICUAKL T. NOLAN XrgUtcr. r Timber Land, Act June 1. lift. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Laud OHce, Tht Dallltt, Oregon, April il, IM. Nolle It hereby gUen that In compliance with theprotlalomofllie Act ofCougreti of June j, lt;l. entitled "An act for the Mle of llutbtr limit In the ilatet of California, Oregon, Nevada and Wathlngton Territory," at titcmled lo all the public land ilattt by Act of Augutl 4. lti. the following aimed pertont have Bled In thtt oOc their tworn alaltmt nta, to-wlli Cltra M CampUll of Stillwater, county Wathlimton, alale ol Mlnut tola, tworn tltltuicnt No itjt, ft It. I Octolxr l, Ipij, lor Ihe purchaieortheaeU of Heel, I p. iSa, rue, w. m. Wltllam Wagner of Hoarhead, county of Clay Hate or Mlnnetota, tworn itatcment Nu 1170. turd Novcnilxr o, imj, for the purthiM oftht nw4" ofacc.tjtp. ifra, r, te c, n. m, Thit they wlllorTcr proof to ihow thatlheland Mught la more vatuable for Itt limber or ttoat than for agricultural purpotet, and lo etlabllih their clalmt to aald land before the Krgiiltr and Recelrer at The Uallet, Oregon, oa July 1;, IM4. They name at wllueaiet Thomat Hutwll of Rice Hake, Witcontln; O, K Cimpl-ell of Still water. MlnntaotaiJ. A. Campbell of Kockfordt Wathlnglons Jahn Hlcldlor IkKhutet, Oregon) lohntton Wagnrt of Moothead, Mlnnetota, Thomaa Tweet of The lallr.OretonJ It. Camp bell ofTckiM, Wuhlogton, Nlcholaa Hmllh of end, Oregon Any and all pertont cttlmlng adrerttty tht aboic-dcKribed landt are regut tied to Sit Ihtlr claimi In thlt once on or before tht tald trlh da of July, iw. ij-Wt HicriAni. t humk, aegiHtr, Timber Land, Act June j, v'Jl. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, The Uallea, Oregon, April J, 1(104 Notice It hereby glren that In compliance with the provision! of the Act ofCongrrM nf June J. S;9, entitled, "An act for Ihe Mre of tlmt r landt in the ttalea of California, Oregon, Ntvadi, and Washington Territory," aa eatended lo all the JiuUlc land atatea hjr Act of AoguU 4, 155. the illowlng-namrd peraona have Bkd In thla office their tworu atatetneuta, to-wlti Harriet K. Martin of San Joae, county of Hanta Clara, ttale f'CaK' fornla (301 aoulh loth alreel). tworn altteiMnt No. iim. Alrdltepl l. 1941, for Ihe purthaaeof thewK iw'.kHiwW KC . d nwuwtf arc II, tp la a, r 10 e, w u. Thomaa Meagher of The Pallet, county of Waaco, itaU of Ore gon, tworn atatement No. aoitj. Sled Augutl I, itoj, for the purchase of Ihe iwtf aec J4, tp It a, r 10 e, w, m. That they will otTrr proof lo thow that Ihe land ought la more valuable for lit timber or alone than for agricultural purpwea, and la eatabllih their claima lo aald land before the KrgUter and Receircr at The Dallet, Oregou, on July loth, 1904, They nam at witneaaet; I.. H. Alllngham of rrtncfllle, Oieronj R. J. Gorman and Michael O'Connor of The IaUc.Ore . J I). Writ of Han Prancitco, CallfornU; Prank Wrt of HI, Paul, ultiHnla florv rlavr tif l-ark kauida. Minn caota: J. A. Martin of Han Jot, California. Frank Oroundwattr of Klma. Watlilngtoii. Martin Ground water and Nevin Mclntyrc of The Dallet, Ortgon. Any and all pertonl claiming adversely the above-dcicribcd Jaodt are requested lo file their claima la thit ortke on or before the Mid Nth day of July, ivM roH MICIIAKL T NOLAN, Keglster. Timber Uad, Act Jue j. lljl. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. H. Land Offlce. The Dallet Oregoa. April iv4 Nolle la hereby glren that In compliance with k twovlsions of the Act of Coneresa of June e. I ITS. entitled. "An act for tht aalc of Umber landt in in aiaiva 01 wauramia, urcivu, , mu Washington Territory," at eatended to all the public land state by Act of August 4, 19ft, Ihe loUowlng-named persona have en October t, lp). Sled In this ofllc their tworn ititementt, le-wit Lawrence Rusell of Rlc Lak.roaly of JUrroa. state of WUma. tin, aworn atatcment No. 4. for the purchase efthetKawX and loti land 4 ofae ji, tp it a, r l, w. t. Ceorg X. CaaapbeU f Stttlwatrr. ctsaaly of Wa.hlagVxs, title of MlaacMta, tworn ataUtMnt No. 1144. for the parchaa of Ihe fK of tec, Ip it a, ? ite.w, as, That they will oaVr prMfto thow thai the land Mgkt la aaor valuable for 1U Umber or ataa lhaa foe agrtcuttaral pwrpoaea. and to Ullth their clalsa to aald land befoe lb Register a ad Receiver at The Dalle. Oregoa, oa July, Mtb, IM4. They naat aa wllacaaeai Thomas RuMelt, Lawrene Russell and Thumaa Demers of Rice Lake. Wisconsin; 1 A CampUll f Roekford, WMhlagtont O. )'.. CampbeU of MlUwalti, MlaatMtai John Sttldt or Dctchvtea, Oregoa, Any and all peraona claiming adversely the above-described la nda arc macettd ta SI their dalae la Ul ac oa or heUre the Mid rath day r.'.;:::..::'.,.i.j. . , .. I July, ia4. . ifju Mienaab 1. nuwn, stvgvivv Timber Land. Act Jaa . lljl. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Oatee, The Dallet, Orga, March 5, 194. Nat lee I hereby glvea that la taaapliaac with the provisions of la Act or Coagrs of June 1, ilyi. entitled, "Aa act for the Ml of timber taod lu the stale of California, Oregoa, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa eatended to all the public una aisles py Act 01 August 4, int, frank L. Bramble of Watcrtawn, county of Codington, South Da kola, hat oa October th, loot, filed la thla of fice hi tworn statement No 1441. for th pur chsseoflk aK acX and nJ4 awacci', tp 19 s, rue, w m. And will otTrr proof to show that th land sought It more valuable for ita timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and lo tatabllah hit claim to Mid laud before th Register and Receiver of Ibis office at The Dallet, Oregoa, on th 14th day of May, 1994. He namtt at witness, I J West, of fit Taut, Minn; OL Buck, of Tacouia, Waih) L K Ailing him, of Warm Springs, or Kdwlu Graham, of Blstert, Or; Jamea Maawcll and Michael Connor, of The Dallet, Or, David Uuilon and Anthony llardy.of Wbeatou, Minn. Any and all persona claiming adversely lh above-described landt arc requeued to file their claima In thlt office on or before the Mid 14th dty of Mty, 1004 iaii-mij MICHASL T, NOLAN, RtgUtcr. Timber I.snd, Act June 1, 1I7I. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. aaiuvttmautxr U. B. Mod Office, The Dallet, Ortgon, March so, 1904. Notice la hereby given lhal in compllanc with the provisions of Ihe Act of Congress of June J, 1)71. entitled, "An act for the Mle of timber lands lu the ttatet of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," at extcuded to alt the public laud ttatet by Act of August 4, 1I91, Ilenlamin K. Hover, -..,,.. . ....:. r ,,.i. .,.,. .11.. Ha ul wsuius, oiuuir ui nauciia, aia.c o, miui- .. ....H ,..-...1. ... (!( l .1.1 aW. gn, ilUII j.ll. (JIU, IVJ, m,.u ,M ,,,,. w,v. hit tworn ttitemtnt No 1979, for Ihe purchite of MH I, sec l, ip 19 t, r 11 e, ton j ana 4 sec o, iji 19 . T )i e, wm. And wilt offer nroof to show that the land sought la more valuable for Ita Umber or stout thin for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claima to Mid land before the Register and Receiver ofthlaofhcc at The Dalles, Oregon, ou the 6tli day of June, i4 He namea at witnesses Henry J Sotlong, Cora KUoycr, Ulysses ( lloyer, of Wadena, Mlnuj Delia M Palmer, ofDululh, Minn, Any and all pertont claiming adversely Ihe above-described lands are requested lo file Ihelr claima In this ofiice on or before th tald olh day of June 1904, at-lna MICUAI'.L T. NOLAN, Regliter. Timber Land, Acl June j, lljl. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. II, H. Land Office, The Dallet, Ortgon, Apill , I9"4. . . Notice It hereby given thai In compliance with th prutliloiuorttie Aclof Coiigtrti or June f, ill, entitled, "Alt acl for the sale ol timber UmU In the states of California, Oregon, Ncetita, ami Washington Teirlloty," at caUmted lo all Iht public land ilatet by Acl of August 4, tv. Ih foltnwlng-namrileisoiit have Sled In thlt office Ihtlr twurn ilaltmenla, tu-wlti Johmloii Wagner of Mootliet.l, county of City, title of Mlunesoli, tworn itittiiittit No. 117J. tiled November ft, Ipai, for the purchase of the nlineM', tM nK aadueK(teV(ofiec ), Ip lot, r te, , m, M Kdwina Metlray f Stltlwtltr, county of Washington, tlata of Mlunrsota, tworn ttslemciit Nu, H4 nled Octolwr 1, 190.1, for the purchase of Iht ttM of irciMptls, r lie.w.m That Itwy will offer ptooflo thow that Ihelnnd sought It more valuable for II Umber or ttone than furtgricntlutal purposes, ami lo establish their elaluitlu Mid land before the Mrglstrr tad Receiver al The Dalles, Oregon, un July J. IPN- They name a wllnc" William Wagner of Mooihtad, MMMola Tlmmt Tweet of The Dallet, Oneont J Caintilwllaf Tekoa, Wath lagtan, Nicholas HmKa of lieiid, Orrguni Thom at Rutwlt of Rice Lke,WIceiailm,il. . Camp pellofHIIIIwaler, Mlunesoki, t. A Campbell of Rackford, Washington! Juhn Alehtl of DcKhule Ortgsn, Any and all pertont claiming adversely Iht tbove-desctlbeillaniltare requested to file their rltlmt In thlt office on or before Ihe tald i)lhday of ily, 194. mil J11 MICIIAKL T, NOLAN, Rrgltlrf Timber Land, Act Juue j. lljl. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. land Office, The Partes, Oregoa, April 1. lp4. Hd usHrehy given lhal In wra4laiice with the pravtsMns oflh Act of Congress of Jno 1, ll;.ntlKed. "An art fcr the Mle of Umber lands In Ihe stalet ofCallftirnta, Oregon. Nevada, and WaahlngonTerrltry."at eaiended lo all thr nubile land ttatet by Act of Angus! 4. ll '' fbtUwftsg-Boinrd persona hwv n tiiKr',lwJ filed lu tale oMc Ihtlr awarn itatcmenls, lo-wll William r rrftaard ufHeatlle, rmintrcTKIng, state of Wathlngto.1, I roi (09 j aworn titiincni ro. mi, iuvibv purchase oflh netjfnwjf, nwaneW ee ), sehftwVand IwJl'tey ae 19, Ip. It a, r 11 e, w. at. Kdmunit tl Tuwn.end of Seattle, county of King, atate of Washington, tworn iiiiemeni no trir,iir tne purensse 01 iae wMtwK r lu.MVrseXwndnetfseJ,- te jo, Ip. 11 t, r 11 ., w m Thit thry will offtr proofto thow that the laud Mught It more valuable for lttt(mrr sr.toae than for agricultural purposes, aud to estahlhh Ihelr clalmt to Mid laud ixforc lire Register and Receiver at Tht Dallet, Oregon, on July ijrd, (V4. They name at wlthnetse. Locrn l( Alllnghsm of r-rifievlll. Oregon. Richard J Gorman aa Michael O'Connor of The Dalle. Oregsa, William I. ITichanl and IMinund II Townsend of Brattle, Washington Any and all persons clalmlug adversely the abovcdr,ribed lauda are requested to file Ihelr clalmt In thlt office on ur before Ihe ttld IJtd dty of Julyj 1004 intjjn MICIIAKL T NOLAN, Reglstet Timber Land, Act Jan j, 117. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. . Laud Office, The Dallea. Orcgaa, April 1Mb, 194. Nolle la hertbv elvea that la coMDllaaee with th provisions of lb Act of Coogieaa of Jaa 1, U7. alltled, "An act for Ihe ttteaf limber Uadt us Ik tutet or ciurorai. urtgoa, rstvsaa, itt Wuhiagtaa Ttnilory," aa (tteaded I aU Ihe ablie Uad ttatet b Act of Auiutt t. IMl. Ike IsllawiagHiamed person! htv oa October 1 19 uea latauomc laeir sworn siaiemeais, ia-wii Vhomaa Demers tfClce Lake.eoMatr ofrurroa.stsle of Wlaeaa ia.iraratlemal No. lltr. foe th parehase iw a ea mvai aa m a a wart tjf t a'a i"v f ' Ihe awWnwW sec ;, seJt'aeJt' and hH :l, Ipilt, r 11 , w at, 4 MC foMeh Ooodchlld of Rlc Lake.eoaalyaf hsrroa.stst af Wlaeaa. tia, twora tlatcmcat Na. ls, for Iht partatse f tht wHaeU c tj and wUseU sec tl, IP II a. r III, w, at. That they will rr proof U show thit Ik taa4 Maghl la mar valuable for Ita timber ar ataa lhaa for agtlcaltural purposes, and ta ttabllth their claim t Mid laad before th Register tad Receiver at Th Dtllet, Ortgea, aa July, Mh. ipH. They ataa aa witnesses: Thamat Russell, LawreaceRUMsU, Joph Ooodchlld aad Thasa aaDemertof Rlc La he, WlscaatlatJ A.Camp betl t Roekford, Watklagtea, Aay aad all persoa cUlmlag adversely U ahw-dacrtbd laad ar reauettcd ta II their cUlaas la (hit oc aa or be for th Mil Mk day f July, ipM mil u MICUAKL T, NOLAN, Register. Timber Laad, Art Jaa j. lljl. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U, S, Laad 0c, Th Dtllet, Ortgaa, April w, lt. Nolle It hereby given thai In complitat with th provision oflh Act af Ceagrtst f Jua 1, 1171, tatllUd, "An act for th til of timber land In thtitattt of California, Ortgon, Nevada, aad Washington Territory," as (tended I all Iht public laud title by Act of August 4, li. th lollowlni-nsmed ixrsons hav en October I ll filed la tbit office Ihelr tworn ttalcmtntt, to-wlti Ida Campbell of Btlllwater, county of Washington, state of Minnesota, aworn tut cm en I No tija for the purchsMof lb aw Kef sec 17, Ipilt, r II, w. ta, Thomaa Ruasell af Rlc Lake, county of llairou, alale af Wiaroa. sin, tworn tlateinenl No 114J, for Ihe purehta ofthcuw)4of tecia, Ip ilt.r lit, w m. That they will Oder proof lo thow thai Iht laad sought la mure valuable for Itt timber or ttoat than for agricultural purposes, and to es tablish their claimi tu as Id find before th Kegla ter and Receiver at The Dallet, Oregon, ou July 1Mb, 1904 They name aa witnesses Thomat Russell, Lawrence Russell and Thumts Demert af Rlc Lak, Wlscousln John Hleidl of Dctchatct, Orexon. M Kdwina McGlay and () It Csuiu- bellofHtillwatrr, Mlnucsota, J A. Campbell of Kockioru, wasuingion. Any and all pertont claiming adversely Ihe above described landt are requeued to Ale their claimi la thlt office on or before Ihe Mid itth day ofjuly, 1904. raijjil MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Regliter. CONTl'ST NOTICE. Deiuirluieut uf the Interior, U. n. Uud Office, 1 he Dalits, Oregon. April I, tH A sufficient contest affidavit haviiiK been filed lu this office by Dan lulling, contestant, against desert laud entry No, 119, made May 11, 1900, forscWc!f,stcJi,sM'iw!,swJue!f,sccjl tp is , ril c, w tu, by lanira D, McCallliltr, cuiileatee, In which It It alleged thatinid Jamea D. McCallistcr lis not conducted water upon the aid laud aa it rsiiulrrd hy law In reclaim II, nor made any other Improvement upon nor culti vated the laud a it rcqulrtd by law to reclaim It, aaltl pariir jre iicrtny liollucil lu appear, respond and olfcr evidence touching Mid allega tion at 10 o'clock a 111 011 June 6, 1904 liefiirr J M Lawrence, V H, Commissioner, al hla oince at Drscliutrt, Oregon, and that lliml lieariiig will lie held at 10 o'clock a m oil Juue 17, 1901, before the Hrglitcr and Receiver ul the U H. I.uml Office In The Dallet, Oregon. The aald contestant having, lu a proicr affida, vit, filed January 16, 1014, act foilh fuels which allow that after due illllgeucreroiial service of this notice cannot lie nude, It Is hereby ordcriil and directed that such notice lie given. by due and proper publication, -1 MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Ucglilcr.'' '' Timber Land, Act Jiint j, iRiB. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 11. H. I.aittl Offlct 1 hi Dallet, Oirgon, April t, tyi4 Notice I hereby given thai In nmipllaiic wllli Iht ptiivltluiitiif the Acl nf Ctingrt of June J, iljs, eiilltlnl "An act for Iht Mle nf limber milt lu the slain of California, orrguii, Nevada and Washington Trtillotv," a rittndrd In all the public laud title hy Acl of August 4, ll, the following named iwiwui have l.lrd (11 thlt nince ihtlr awutn atalcinttitt lo-wll. William t I'lrkli ofDMliilh.rtiiiiily of HI Louis, tlalt of Mlntt esola US West hux:li)r sliest) twoili slalriiient No IIIJ Alrd Nuvrmtier I, ivi for the puttlias oflh )inwU '! '"(" ''l"J, ' l . w m J11I111 A Campliell af Rockfoiil.ciiuiity ufHiohane, tlal iif Wnslv lugliin, awoni ataieineiit Ni lit, filed (Kinder t, IVU for III piiichts uf tht trH of aec It, tpilts, rtltw in That they will ulTer pro.iT to llinw thai UirUuil tnughl It lume talualile (or Itt tliuUr ur atoii than for Bilcilliirlputliiw. and lu establish) their claims luaald laud Uhn the Utglslrr anil Receiver al The Dullet, tltrgon, on July find PV4. . .. They name a wllnrawsi William O Mason .!,. ..! ,N-n....... mm Hl. IiaIImk IWm,,i, IBIll 111. M. MHi, " . . ... -, .-...... Mttlwarit R. Vh-kh ami Roy Lrnuard tif Hand imlut, bUU-i TlHiinaa Uurtcll mid l.awtrnr kustvllofHIc Lake, Viliillslili It It lamp twit nf Hllllwater. Mtnurswtai aud Jnha Me Ml ofDeKhutrt, Otegou Anv ami all twrwrita ttsHnni edvtiaelv 111 alxivedescillwd lauds ai reiiueiled lu file Ihelr ililmsln Ihlturnc tntM keM Ihe Mid lima ml .1 JUlMll!ilAI,L T. NOLAN, Rrgltler. NOTICE FOR PUBLICaVriON. Dtpailaiculof Ihe Interior, Laud OtTic atThe Dallet, Oregon, Awll iMh, lyt Nolle I hereby t) lhal the following ,nt salitsr has illeil nalire of his Inleiitlnit loinaha risialpiooflu aupwit of his (Ulm. and Hist sauapiuulwllllw lus-it befor J. M !. rrnre. V H Commissioner, al his oflire at IKUJ. Oregon, an Jtus nth, syat.vla. fllllwtl lltgan of Deschutes.Orrion.il K. No l)il, for lha 4wK swliswlaei.aednwKn)4 ae Jt, Ip g;a,i lie, w. in. He namea Ihe folliiwfng wllntwt tn pr" hlsmnlliiuout rctldeiUT ut-isaiulciallvaOuu t Mid laud, vlt. Johu J. laikhen. t)l Itlkkimn. Vlhr Tf Hlrph. cut and John Hlsemor. alt of DehiUa-ss.Ovguis ;H MICIIAIILT NOLAX RgUter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICA710X. ivptilmrnt of the lalrrfor Laud Office at Iht iHllet. Ortgon. My T I1M Noilee It hereby glveu IImI Iht follawlng named aettler hat hied notice of hit Intention U make final pluol In tuppatt of his claim and ih.i ui,l iitnorwlll be made befoie I J hmllh CountyCleth al ItlneMlle, Oiegou.ou June 14. 1904, VII- llatl McUuthllo. or Itlaevtlte. Oregon. II I' No is.74J. for th s), taU.aeM i)fniK seVM t, iput, r ne W M He namet thr following wllnetsi ta ieve hi contlauout retideare upoa aad rililtatloa of tald Itnd, vlt ItdgirT Htitton, Oiln A tultla. lmttTtih trow, John Ttlhetow. all of I'llnevllle. Oregon ti)-i; MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, RegUtev, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of Ihe Inleilof, Land OfBc alThf Dallet, Ortgaa, March I. I9M Notle I hereby give that the, followlig. named Miller hit filed attlr of hit lalealiaaf make final proof In tupaaet af hit claim, and tkat Mid proof will be mad befoe I. M Law re ace, V . Cammltstoner al kit attM at tN ehulei, Ortgaa, an My tl, lyM, U Millard ToTllplttt M , r Dcschatta, Oregoa, haaseatead Na IMA for Ihe awW e li, tp ll a, t 11 a, w. n lit aamet tht fotlawlag wllaesae la prav hit loailauaut realdeae aa aad talUvalUa af Mid Uad, vlt Tkaenat W Trtntttt, Jh L Ktw. Jaha R Brack, aad L C Waltttd, af DMcaaln, Orea-a. Mlt-sis MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, BtgUttt NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of Ihe Inleikw-, Land Office al Th Dalle, Oregon, April l, 19H Natlc It hereby given lint the followlag aimed aettler hi filed not kv of hla Inlentlun lo mtkt Baal proof In tuptutl of hit claim ind that Mid t,rf wllll nmtr twfirt J M !. rnce, U A Commissioner, at his olbrr at licud Oregon, on June Ijth. iyM, vlt Cltui Aamut of Dttchatea, Oregon, II. It No 111. for Ihe scKf "CM, IP 19 s, r 11 "' He namet the following wllnesw lo prove lilt coiitlnuau retidenr upon aud culllvstlun of Midland, via- Will Marsh, John llarnea, John Hlseinure and fred Marth, all of lieschulea, Oregon, aivjl MICIIAKL T NOLAN Regliter NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Departmeat nf Ihe Intetlor, Laml Offlce it The Dtllet, Oregou April 16th, 1904 Notice It hereby given lhal th followlag named Miller hat Med notice of hit Intention 1 1 make final piuof lu auppurt of hit claim, ind thai Mid proof will he mid before J J Bmin County Clctk, at i'llnevllle, Oregon, on Juue lllli 1904, vlt John II. Taylor , of Bisters Orcgi-n. II l. No. jno, for the tw, rf ec5, Ip 15 s, r 11 e, w in He namea Ihe following wltnetsea lu prove hla conllnuout tcaldciice iioii aud euttlvtliun of said liud, tli Janice II Tatlnr. C I. Johnson, M M Thum is and D. W. I'arthlug, all oTHfrrtrodlrBtWU a9jl MICIIAKL T NOI.AN, Register t NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Deparliiiciitoflhe Intetlor. Ijnd Office al The Dalle. Oiegoo April 16II1. loi4 Nolle I hereby given that Ihe follnwlug iitinrd setllrr hat filed notice of hi niteatlwl I'1 make final proof In support of lilt slalm ami that aald proof will be made befor J- M I-", rence, II H Comiiiltiloiicr, at hit office al Head Oregon, ou June ijth, 1944, vln Olc Kilckson , ,. of DcKhiitrs, Oregou, II K. No H.lVi fur 'he uKe!4,et(se), sec Hand lie), n c I lp t,r 11 , w 111. He nninrt Hie following wllneise lo ptove hi ciiiilliitiniii trildciicc upon and ctilllvillou 01 mIi laud, vlt, Gilbert llagin, John J. Dokken, Unlit Nelwi ami JohiiHIseuiurr.allofDrschiites. oregou ai-yjj MICIIAKI.T, NOI.AN, RegWrr Vfi 1 III ' ibmstNbr: - -: .ivvi-jti mx. '"IRWHWIIW