The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 13, 1904, Image 2

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Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happening of the- Past Week,
.(Presented In Condensed Form, Most
f Ulccly to Prove Interesting to Our
. Many Reader..
' Sam Parks, Uio noted walking dole
" gnto Is dead.
S The complete isontlon of Port Arthur
seems now highly probable.
'f Viceroy AloxloiT has left Port Arthur
to confer with General Kouropatkin.
Secretary Taft has asked an army
officer why ho jilted a girl ho had
. promised to marry.
P Tho Japanese forced tho fighting on
tho Ynlu in tho hope that Russia would
'' rush troops to that district.
i Postmaster General Fayno has or-
dcred an investigation of tho official
conduct of Pjoattnaatcr Bancroft, of Port
land. Many people were killed nnd much
property and llvo stock destroy ed by
a tornado which Bwept over a largo
area 18 miles north of Fort Worth,
. !J -
A scvero rain storm which visited
Kansas City washed out ono of tho
water mains leading from tho reser
voir and left the other main in such
condition that it may go.
,' A second big bstth) is reported from
k St. Petersburg in which it is said the
3 Russians lost 7,000 and tho Japanese
9 10,000. No confirmation Is obtainable
4 and tho report is discredited.
Tho Japaneeo is resting, burying its
1 dead and caring for tho wounded.
f A cablegram from Chcfoo says tho
? Japancso aro in possession of Niu
2 Chwang.
Tho Russian losses in tho Yam fight
ing are estimated at between 3,000 und
-4,000 men and officers.
Tlatt will not accept tho chairman
ship of tho canal committee but will
glvo way to Mitchell.
Russians, on account of reverses in
tho Far East, are charged with venting
their anger on tho Jews.
General Kouropatkin says the
alana retreated from tho Yalu in
Commercial circles tnrougnou.1
sia remain. in a totally doprcsscd
dition. Financiers fail to see whero
' any benefit will be derived from the
war. ,- .
r" " It' is said many Santa Fe machinists
have not respected the strike order and
that only 6,000 num are out. Of this
number 1,200 are machinists and tho
others follow other work.
Convicts at tho Oregon penitentiary
' nave struck for better food.
If A strike on the Santa Fe railroad
' ' has been inaugurated and 8,000 men
aro out.
An Ohio man is on his way to San
Francisco with a wheelbarrow, paying
an election bet.
The divers who have been searching
for tho body of Admiral Makaroff have
abandoned their efforts.
lie Will Remain There Till Troops
at Another Point.
St. Petersburg May 7. With Vico
Admiral Togo hovering in tho Immedi
ate vicinity of Port Arthur nnd trans
ports loaded with troops lying nt Fltse
wo, northeast of Hint stronghold, Rus
sia has braced hermit for impending
coufllcts with tho foo in which slio will
again play n defensive rolo, this time,
it is hoped, with bettor success, and
therefore witli less sneriflcoot life, than
in tho engagements on tho Ynlu.
The wnr commission sat until S
o'clock this morning, and nt tho close
of tlib session it wns announced thorn
was nothing to communlrato to tho
public. It is known, however, that
tho emperor has boon informed of the
presence of tho Japanese fleet off tho
Lnio Yang Shan promontory, nnd tho
appearance of transports nt Pltsowo.
Tho fact that tho two events occurred
simultaneously mny havo signitleance.
If a landing should tnko place nt Pltso
wo it is anticipated that Admlrn Togo's
bntteslilp squadron will bombard Port
Arthur in order to prevent tho garrison
from sending reinforcements by rail
road to tho troops opposing tho Japan
ese there
Neither tho ndmiinlty nor tho war
office believes that a disembarkation of
tho Japanese can bo prevented, ns tho
guns of tho Japanese cruisers could
command tho point of landing, hut
after the Japanese aro ashore, tho Rus
sians will strike and olltccrs say, will
strike hnrd. What forco they will lx)
ablo to bring up to resist tho invaders
cannot bo stated definitely! tho
strength of tho army on tho peninsula
of Liao Tung having been kept a strict
It is expected tho railroad will play
an important part in tho effort of tho
Russians to push tho Japaneso into the
sea, as it will permit tho rapid transit
of troops.
now anrs lands.
good Rns-
Hitchcock Renders Decision In Favor of
the State ot Oregon.
Washington, May 7. Tho trouble
which tho state of Oregon has been
having with its selection of lndomnity
lands in lieu of school lands embraced
within tho dsiputed portion of Klamath
Indian reservation lias been satisfactor
ily adjusted for all timo by tho
Mitchell nmendment to tho Indian ap
propriation bill, which specifically
gives the stato tho right to mako In
demnity selections on such school lands
as base, following his action of yes-
areat Dravery Uxhlbltcd-Otllccrs Were
Ready to Lose Malt Their Men Men
Who Took In Plreshlp Persuade
Admiral to Make Attack In Daylight
Instead ot Nlcht.
London, May 0. Tho opinion unimt
ground hero that tho Japnuoeo linvn nt
mat eitectunliy mocked Port Arthur.
No otllcinl Japanese lophrts hixvo boon
received, but tho Toklo correspondents
aro very positive regarding tho inntter,
.itid describe tho determination with
which tho enterprise was undertaken.
Tho Dally Telegraph's correspondent
dcclatcs the ontrnnco to Pprt Arthur Is
"nbolutoly waled," nnd adds that tho
Japanese licet, in effecting It's purpose,
steamed into tho entrance nt fall speed.
Tho naval officers who mndo tho two
previous attempts bogged itorfnitslon to
carry out tho next attack by daylight,
that being easlor, and their request was
So determined woiu they to succeed,
adds tho correspondent, that they de
cided, it necessary to. lose half their
man. Tho number of casualties sus
tained by tho Japanese has not yet been
Tho correspondent of tho Dally
Chronicle is also positive tho harbor is
In favor of tho supposition of Japan
cso success in blocking Port Arthur It
is pointed out that tho previous nt-
tempts had left tho channel so narrow
that n couple of vessels sunk In tho fair
wny would probably sullleo to seal up
tho cnttanco, whilo thoro is a notice-
ablo evasion, and halMieaitedness. in
tho Russian denials of tho enemy's sue-
Thoro Is no confirmation hero of n
Paris rumor tlint on cugnicomont be
tween tho Russian nnd Japancso squad
rons had taken place off Vladivostok,
and St. Petersburg knows nothing of
tho rumored cnpluro of Niu Chwang.
It is said the Japaneeo havo advanced
to within 18 miles of Fang Wang Cheng,
and another engagement la expected al
most immediately.
Reports havo been received hero that
the Japaneso captured a quantity of
railroad material after Sunday's battle.
This is supposed to indicate that the
Russians had mado great progress with
tho railroad from the malnManchurlan
lino to tho Ynlu. If this is so, it
would bo a simple matter for tho Jap
anese) to repair this lino, which would
Japanese Make Another Alter
Port Arthur llarboi
mpt toCtoso
Port Arthur, Mny 5. Another dar
ing attempt was mitdu by tho Japnncflo
yestotdny morning to block tho on
irnnco to Port Arthur. A few minutes
Iwforo 1 o'clock tho first shots woru
tired, awakening tho town with thnlr
thunderous nniso. Tho gunboats lying
nt tho mouth of the harbor joined in
tho cnniionado of the hnitorlcs, tho fir
ing gradually Increasing In volumo un
til there was n continuous crash of
great guns. Homo of tho enemy's tor
pedo boats wcro discovered, lint they
woro llnally swallowed up In the d.k
uc, and tho batteries nnd warships
niter -10 minutes' activity were ngnlu
shrouded in gloom, though tho Hashing
searchlights showed that tho military
wero nllvo to tho warning convoyed of
the approach of tho Japanese ships,
Shortly before !1 o'clock a searchlight
played from tho sen directly upon tho
outrunco of tho harbor, lighting It up
to show tho wny for tho llroihlps.
Tho projector moved to tho right from
Liao Tishau to Golden Hill. For n
quarter of nn hour tho light was
wntched with curiosity, nnd then n sec
ond cnniionado began, thu heaviest lire,
being directed to tho loft ot Golden
Hill, whero the (heshlps wero located.
At nbout 4 o'clock tho batteries ceased
tiring, save (dr an occasional shot.
Just about dawn the bark of tho rapid
fire guns nnd tho crackling of tho ml
tralllousu was heard from Golden Mill.
Occasionally there was sounds of ux
plosions, as of mines going off. It wns
tho enemy's ships striking on Russian
The flrvshlps woro ten In number and
of nbout 3,000 tons each. It is re
ported that two Jnpanosu torpedo boats
wero sunk, tho remainder withdrawing
in n damaged condition. Right lire
ships woto sunk nnd very few of their
Crews woro saved. Most of them Wwro
tcrday. Secretary Hitchcock today ro-l
turned to tho general land office four (materially assist them in tholr advance
school indemnity lists which through a difficult country, I-.nglish
Baron Hayashi, Japanese minister at
London, says the mikado's troops will
push on to Mukden and probably to
Russians will continue to retire, as
they asy they will not offer any serious
resistance until the fighting forces get
into Manchuria.
The central military admlnsitratlon
has already dispatched all guns and ar
' tillery stores necessary for tho rearma
ment of the Russian army in the Far
In memory of the first American gov
ernment west of the Rocky mountains,
many people visited Champoeg May 2,
whore 61 years before the Oregon pro
visional governmnet was established.
Speaking and other exercises were held.
A larger crowd was present than at any
timo since the annual celebrations have
been held.
Russia has Issued orders forming a
third army corps.
In the battle on the Yalu the Japan
ese had 10,000 men and the Russians
The trouble between the Santa Fo
road and its machinists la still far from
The William O. Whitney mansion In
New York has been sold for (2,500,000.
Flans for the government building at
the 1005 fair are likely to be delayed
The lumber mills of Washington and
Oregon will demand a rate to the Mis
souri river.
Superintendent Potter, of the Oho
mawa .Indian school, denies the
charges made against him.
Frince Outomeky of Russia who la at
the St. Louis fair says the world does
not understand his country.
Oregon school indemnity
had heretofore been disapproved be
causa, the state was unable to establish
its tight to use the school lands in
Klamath reservation as base. These
lists wore before the secretary on ap
peal. Today he directed Commissioner
Richards to reconsider the cases in tho
light ot tho Mitchell amendment,
which is equivalent to ordering an ap
proval of the lists. These lists aro
No. 104, in Hums district, involving
270 acres; No. 107 and 181, in Lake
view district, involving 8,405 acres,
and 400 acres respectively, and No.
201, in Tho Dalles district, Involving
(1,617 acres. Other lists of a similar
character that nru tending, or may
hereafter bo appealed, will be similarly
disponed of.
Russians Find the Roads on the Yalu
Afalnst Them.
Berlin, May 7. The "Russian mili
tary authorities aro in n stato of ex
treme anxiety regarding tho charrco of
saving the baggago of tho Yalu army.
The roads are so bad that wheeled
transport ia only ablo to more five miles
a day and it Is feared that tho Japancso
will capture ail tho stores accumulated
at Feng Wang 'Chen. Dispatches re
ceived yesterday afternoon and from
Niu Chwang Wednesday, report no
change in tho situation and so far no
confirmation has reached London of
the Japanese preparations for landing
on the coasts ol tho Lioo 'lung pcnln
correspondents with tiie Japanese
forces on tho Yalu ant permitted to
send tho most ampio descriptions of
the people nnd country traversed, but
not ono word about tho fighting.
The Standard's Tientsin corres
pondent says ho is convinced that tho
Russian position in Southern Man
churia is exceedingly weak, ns a conse
quence of tho enormous number of men
detached to guard the railway nnd to
obtain provisions.
Oreat Strike Imminent.
Chicago, May 7. Fifty thousand
workmen employed in o building
trodetf in this city will bo thrown out
of employment within 48 hours, ac
cording to tho stateacnt of tho Associ
ation of Manufacturers and Builders,
unless a speedy settlement is reached
between tho stone, llmo and cement
workers and thoir employers. Nearly
1,000 teamsters hauling building and
street work material wero locked out
today becauso tho union had called a
strike in two cases, and work on a num
ber of buildings has been stopped.
Nonunion Men Installed.
Topcka, Kan,, May 0. Santa Fe
officials anr.ounco this morning a re
sumption of shop work all along tho
line from Topeka to the Pacific coast.
They stato that in most cases tho shops
aro running with a full complement of
men. In many places union machin
ists have gone out, but their positions
will all bo filled by tho closo of the
week, say the officials.
Russian acncral's Ofllclal Report on
Yalu Uattle.
St. Petcrsbuig, May 0. Tho Russian
losses at the battlo of Klu Lion Cheng
wero 2,000 men nnd 40 officers, far
greater than previously reported.
This is tho official estimate of Major
General Kashtalinsky, who directly
commanded tho division that suffered
tho brunt of tho attack, and whoso re
port has not !ccn received by tho em
peror. Many aro Inclined to place tho
Russian losses oven hlglior.
General Kashtalinsky mentions also
that more than 700 wounded had ar
rived at Feng Wang Cheng, and theso
may not bo Included in his calculations.
lie mado no to estimate tho
Japanese losses, morely stating they
mum nave ncen coiossai.
The magnitude of the Russian losses
had an almost stunning effect on the
authorities, and, aroused general grlof,
m'tlgated only by satisfaction nt tho
bravery displayed by tho Russian
Not Jor a moment was thero any in
tention to pay such a terrible prico for
delaying tho enemy's crossing of tho
Canadian Commissioner Is Preparlng
Dispatch Surveyors.
Ynncouvor, 11. C, Mny 6. W.
King, Canadian boundary commission
er, la on the way to ancouvrr to ar
rangu for tho dispatch of thrco Cana
dlan parties of surveyors, who nru to
work jointly with tho American sur
veyors In delimiting 'tho Canadian
Alaskan Iwundary under tho Imlon
nward of last year. Two Canadian and
Two United States partlrs will survey
tho country whero tho boundary will
cross tho head waters of tho Lynn canal,
Chllkat ilvcr. A Joint party will
mako a survey on tho Stikino. This
will delimit tho more important dis
tricts through which tho boundary will
pars. The total distance to 1j stir-voyed-oxtends
about fifiO miles from
Mount St. Kills, east and south. But
It Is not tho Intention to survey the en
tire distance, only that jxirllon of tho
boundary which crosses tho rivers, val
leys and platcnus whero travel and
prospecting will lie probable, I. J.
MoArthur is also en route to Urltlih
Columbia from Ottawa to continue tho
work of relocating tho boundary lino
between British Columbia and the
states of Washington and Idaho.
Crossing of Troops t Islands Abort and
llelow WIJu Was Only to Conceal
the Routs of Thilr Principal Move
ments Their I'ront Extended lor
Twenty Miles.
Toklo, Mny 4. As tho details of
Sunday's battlo and tho Jnpnneso vic
tory nt nrms, nnd maneuvers preceding,
ruriiu to hand It Is plain that the plarut
of tho Japanese general staff wero fol
lowed to the minutest detail, Tho
main attack wns mado by the Japanese
right wing, which consisted ot tho
Twelfth division. It crossed tho Yalu
13 miles ahovo WIJu nt tho snmo point
whwro tho passago of tho river was ne
gotiated by tho Japanese army of Inva
sion in 1HIH.
Tho -Guard's division, constituting
tho center, and tin Second division,
forming tho left wing, crossed rect
Ivoly to tint Islands ahovo and below
WIJu. These wero feigned advances,
designed to cover tho main movement,
nnd wero to bo contlnurd'in tho event
of thoaucccM'otthO contemplated ad
vanro. Opposite, SitkticJiln ties llu
shan Island, In tho cenlor of which In
nn eniluonco called Tiger's hill, which
commands both sldws of tho rlvsr, tho
'P.. .11.1. .II..I.I...: I I r. .. ... 1
inuuui UlTiaiUII, linVIIIU CIICCIC4I lOtliM
merit, on tho Island on April 21), drovi
tho enemy from tho hanks, nml crossed
uio main cunnnoi oi ino river tlitt iiexJL
day. .Moauwhilo tho Guards nnd tlj
Second division nlsocttttm-d, tholr Hull
extending nearly to Among, with 1
reservesju tho renter on tho miiln
iiius, ni unwn oi .tiay i, Win nyiny
had n front of 20 miles, with thn tloft
nenr Antung nml the right oppohllo.
Mako. When theadvariro wasotdcrlcd,
tho Twelfth division, wading tho riV'er
witli tho water wnisl deep, rushed Ijliu
enemy's entrenchments, ultlruatilly
swinging nround toward Chin Tll-i.
Cheng, while thol.uard nnd tho HcV
ond division converged near tho saulo
point. Thereupon tho Russians ictlrcti
Morn tho fierce Japancso attack, whicli
was dlreclrd from tho threo jkjIiiU.
Dulldlne Torpedo Doats for Russia.
Berlin, May 0. It la reported that
tlio Vulkan Shipbuilding company at
Stellln,' Is busily engaged In tho con
struction of torpedo-boata and destroy
ers In sections for tho Russian govern
ment. These sections, with all needed
machinery, aro to ho shipped to I.lbau,
whero the boats may bo compiotod, or
they mny be sent by tho railway to
Fort Arthur or Vladivostok. Whether
tho construction of thoso vessels in sec
tions is a breach of neutrality la a sub
ject upon which it ia impossible to se
ra ro an official opinion.
Steamers to Enter the War.
Berlin, May 0. A special dispatch
from I.lbau. Russia, says that the
former Gorman liners Columbia, Bolgia
nnd Kalsorln Maria Theresa havo just
arrived there to bo fitted out for war
Colorado Railroad Traffic Is Agala
tlcally Suspended.
Buonn Vista, Colo., May 6. Aftar
an abeyance of Hovoral hours, tho storm
whicli has practically suspended rail
road traffic In this section, resumed
with added forco this afternoon. Six
feet of snow has fallni In tho moun
tains, nnd whilo tho fall hnn been
heavy In tho valleys, only nbout six
inches remains on thu ground, tho rest
having melted. Considerable appre
hension Is foit for tho safety of tho
twin Lakes reservoir, whicli is report
ed to ho running full of water.
The Colorado Midland railroad has
abandoned its tracks in this vicinity
and is using tho Rio Grando tracks,
Tho trains on tho latter road aro 12
hours behind the schedule, Tho Colo
rado Southorn has operated no trains
on fio Gunnison branch since Monday
morning on account ot deep snow which
is piled high at both ojKinlngs of the
Comment ef Press Shows 3he Was In
Doubt as to Japan' Ability.
London,' May 4. -Tho latest dl.
patches rcenlved hero confirming tho
completeness of tho Jananeso victory
on tho Yalu river could hardly have
given greater satisfaction In Toklo that
In London. Tho editorials In tho
morning papers ring with admiration
at tho success of Grnoial Kurokl'a
strategy, In a .manner Indicating that
Great Britain had Wen In consldetshto
doubt as to the cnjmolty of her ally'
troops, when matched against tho itus
slans, nnd despite tho lank by tho Jap
nneso of good cavnlry to follow up ,or
victory It Is bolUm-d that alio will
cHly drive the Russian! out of Fenir
Wang Cheng also.
Tho Japans victory has ratucd com
plete surprise In thn European capitals,
nnd Is expeccd to lead to difficulty In
Russia's ufforU to raise a loan. "
Russian Officer tllamcd.
May B. Tho St. Petersburg
correspondent of tho Kcoh do 1'nrls
General Kouropatkin, In telegraph lug
to tho emperor, blames Lieutenant
General Kasnalltch's obstanncy In refus
ing to retreat in timo desplto the orders
no rccoived. llio Japancso artillery,
tho correspondent says, included 18
soige guns which woro brought from
Yokohama on gunboats and landed on
the Corran bank of tho Yalu. Tho
long range of these guns enabled tho
Japanese to silonco tho Russian batter
ies on tho opposite bunk.
wires trip cxar ns Is OUd tht
ants Mava Crossed the Yalu.
Paris, Mny 4. Tho St. Petersburg
correspondent of the Kchn do Paris in
n dispatch this morning, says a high
officer of tho general staff mado tho fol
lowing statement to him:
"General Kouropatkin has telegraph
ed tho emperor expressing satisfaction
that tho Japanese havo crossed tho
' because this lengthens their lino
ot operations, whereas tho Russians
aro approaching their base,
"Gcnoral Kouropatkin will probably
allow General Kurokl's 20,000 men to
advnnco and attempt tho siego of Port
Arthur, but General Smyrnoff and Gcn
oral Btocssolnro discing of, tho 33,
000 nietvundor tholr command so as
not to allow tho Japanese to reach that
Insurance to Us Higher.
Chicago, May 6. It lias boon prac
tlcally settled by tho commit too ot tho
Union Firo Insurance association toad
vanco premiums in the West at least
20 por cent within a month. By Juno,
It ia holloved, tho Insurance rates in
Chicago, St. Louis, Denvor, Salt Lake,
San Franclcso and othor largo cities in
tho West will be increased,
Cloudburst Causes Damsfe,
Florence, Colo., May 4. -A cloud
burst in tho Oreon Horn rango. eight
mllca south of Florence, today caused
tho Arkuneasrlvor to rlniu.u..n..i..i.
nine feet hero In loss than an
Hour, i no unexpected rush of woter
caused groat damage. Ono bridge
across the rlvor and tho Santa Fo nnd
Hprance A Cripple Creek rnllrosd
bridges nro In Imminent danger. In
tho northern end of tho town tho strcotH
havo bcon transformed Into rlvors, and
collars nro being flooded. Business la
New Russian Uattleshlp Aground.
St. Petorshurg, May 4.-Tho now
Russian battleship Orel, to which tho
finishing touches are bolng put, ran
aground on u sandbar in tho Nova yos
torday. As difficulty is expected In
refloating her, tho icohreakor Krmak
has been Bent from Constadt to assist
tho tugs in pulling her oft.