The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 29, 1904, Image 7

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II .
Spring Medicine
Tlioro U no other season vrlion rocmI
tncdlcliio U 10 much needed ru lu Uio
Tlio blood Is Impitro, weak and
ImpovortnliLMl a condition Indicated
by illusion nml other eruptions on tlio
faco and body, by doflolont vitality,
Ion of npputlto, lack ot strciitflh, mid
vnt o( animation.
Hood's SarsapariUa
and Pilts
Mako tlio blood puro, vigorous and
rich, crcato appctlto, glvo Yltallty,
trtn(jlh mid animation, and euro
nil eruptions, Ilnvo tlio whole family
begin to toko lliom todity.
"Hood's Harioparllla list been uaed In
our family (or ouia lime, nml alwaye with
Koort remit. Mil etirlng I was all run
Oown nml sot bollla of It, ami m tiiual
received grrat benefit," Mm lliuua
llotcx. Htowo, Vt.
Hood's Unrenpnrllla promises) to
ure rr.1 keopa tho promise.
(lelllim Itlcl of Matilda.
Conjurer (pointing to liU cabinet)
i.adloa nml goiillnmiiu, I now coll your
attention to tlio rcnt Illusion of the
evening. I will (ink nny lady In the
nuillt'iieu lo sti'P on tlio hIiiko nml enter
tint cabinet. I will thou rloao tlio door.
When I open It again tlio Indy will
bnvo disappeared, leaving no tract.
Iltulmnit (to hi wife) Matilda, my
lovo. do olilluo tho ccutlumaii and walk
UA AllMWcrrf.
Tor Infanta nnd Children.
TfialKInd You Hayo Always Bought
'iJorlra tho
Dlijuuyuro of
Tim Native.
Wronger Van yoii shoot Tory far
wlllic that ancient looking rlllu you
NrJllve Hhoot far? Why, Iinlf the
tlmtl wo have to put pepper nn wit
In ho load to keep tho Ktttno from
spllflii' till we can git to It. New Or
IcaAis Times-Democrat.
.' Mow' This?
We offer On Hundred tolUri Reward for
i(t ru of Catarrh that cnnol bo eurtnl by
lbaire Catarrh lur,
i V, 1, CIIK.NKY A CO., I'roi. Toledo, O.
We, ibo underilgud, !? known Y, J.
bbr (or Iti lait lAytau, and believe hits
ifterfeclly honorable In all builoua wenMO
(lum and nnauclally abla to carry oul any ob
ligation mad iirlaalrarw. . .
wiur A Thoaz, f holetale lirurfl'K.Toledo, O.
WtuiiNo, KixNiM A Mabvim, Wholeaala Drug
eWli. ToIkIo, O. ...
llali'aCatarrhCurela taken Internally, act
ing directly upon the blood ana mueoua aur
lacai ol lha lUut, 1'ftra lie. ir bolU.
HuM by all UrugaUU. Teillmonltla tit,
llall'i Family fills art ha UtU
Anulhnr Ijonjfl'elt Want.
Toogb Hare yer cot pull enough In
YVaiulngton to sit a patent far me?
Pateut Lawyer What I your Inven
tion! Touch It'a a pneumatic tiro far per
Ilea clubs.
lrt-llamlU INinineii Not Witntarl.
Vow business men will omploy
left-handed person an n clerk or bool
koepor nnd thoTroJudlra rufnlimt thoi
cxtondii to thoKovcrnuirnt depnr
iiiontfi at WnaliltiKtoii. Tho chiefs c
llioso departments aro entirely wjllln
to overlook had poumnnahlp on tb
part of n really good and Industrial
clerk, but It ! tho limn or woman wt
write with tho loft hand at which tt
lulk la mode, Tho dead lino la draw
Jiint the tiioinoiit It la ascertained tin
n clerk la Icft-liniuli-il nnd he I fort)
with luformod Hint If It la Ida desh
to continue In government service
will ho necessary for him to write wll ,
hla right hand. Thla Information
alwnya a hitter pill for tho loft-hai
penholders, hut there la nothing to I i
dona hut liffln to write with the rlcl1"
hand or "throw up tho Joh," and tei
aro anxloita to (pilt Kovornment aervk
oven for thla caimo.
OihiiI Tluin lo llln.
(lloomr Man Who U the fool wp
wmto "1 Would .Nut Dlu lu Mprln
Wlfo I'ooll
(lloomr Man Ym. Hiirlncllme
Jut the aeniou to die ttacape (bit aytlll
bout clennlnir. you knatr.
That Acid Trouble.
Colu-n, Cat., April IHtli. Much h
Iwcn aald and written recently alx
Uric, Acid lu tho ayetem; what call
It and how to gut rid o( It. It
known to bo tho II mt rauao of Khmii:
tlaui and many other dlaeaaei and liaa
therufriro rem I vis I n great deal o( atten
tion from medical men.
Mr. 1.. F. Moulton of thla nlaro
clalma that bo bna aolved tlm problem
of bow to Kit thla acid oul ol tho '
lam. lie itaya:
"I bad thla acid trouble myeoK for
yeara At time the Klduoy eecrellona
would ho very profiiKO ami at other
tlmeaecant but tho acid Ma alwnya
my ureoteat trouble. Medicine falhsl
to euro ma till at laat I .hoard of n rem
ely enlbxl Do-ld'n Kidney 1'llla and
alter taking ft box I acemed to Ihi en
tirely cured. However It camo back on
mo and thla time I took eevcral boxr
with tho reault that I waa completely
and poriniuimitly curinl. Thla wan
three yeara nno and I have not bad a
IiikIo ayinptoin of the acid trouble
alnce. I am 76 yeara of bko and 1 am
well aa ever I waa."
A Mlttn .MUtakti.
Younit I.eily What la the price of
thnt bicycle cottumn?
Dealer Tlmt la not a bicycle contumt,
tulia; It'a a ault of aanltary underwear.
You Can Oat Allan'a Poot-tUir VW.U.
Wrlla Allan H. OltnilrJ. I IIot.M. Y.. for a
fit lami'l ol Allan'a root-KaM, It curra
waatln, liot iwolUn, ehln leal. Il rnaict
atwnrlliht thora mr A roftaln cur for
coma, Inarowlnfualla and lunlon. Alldni.
(tiUMlllt. 23c Don't accept any auballtul.
Hllll a Child.
Old Man What! Marry that child)
Hultor Your daughter la no longer a
child, air; aha la a woman.
Old Man Nonianaal Why, alia Ua't
a lit bony yet.
fine, mixing them with the while of
an egg, a little aui;ar and Juxt enough
ahcrry to flavor, and preaftlnK tho
paato Into the cavity mnde hy rcinor
Inic tlio alonea from freah pruniM nr
datea. The fruit la then rolled In pow
dered aucar.
ir lam . HIHlK: WQBKl ISHbbk
Uncoil Hon p.
Cut two a) Icon of hacon Into amnll
dice. Put them In n kettlo nnd fry
brown with an onion, allccd, nnd two
tahleapoonful of flour. Add n quart
of IkjIIIiiic water, two cold boiled pota
toes, a cup of atewed tomatoo nod a
llttlo celery. Keaaon to Innte. Thla la
n quick and economical aoup and very
nice for a chance.
MIm Marjory Hampton, 201(1 Third Avenue, Now York City, writes:
"Pcruna Is a fine medicine to take any aeason of the year. Taken In tho
uprlnjc It tones up tho system and acts as a tonic, strengthening me moro
than n vacation, lu the fall and winter I have found that It cures colds and
catarrh and also find that It Is Invaluable to keep the bowels regular, acting
as a gentle stimulant on tho system. In fact, I consider It a whole medicino
chest." Miss Marjory Hampton.
Itnapberrr Trifle."
Line tho bottom of n deep dish with
thin slice of sponge cako and squeeze
arer this a little raspberry Juice. Cover
the cake with a thick layer of sweet
ened red or black raapberrico. i'ut n
layer of cake on top of thla and more
berries, and when the dish is three
quarters full pour over all a thin
boiled cuatard.
nt..j i ! r - I
diuuu impuiiuus oi bH i ul
timo Cause, Preven
tion and Cure,
Chocolate llrrail I'liddln-.
Chocolate Ilread Pudding. Soak
two cupfuls of bread crumbs lu two
I cupfuls of scalded milk, add two-
1 1 hints cupful of sugar, two aquares of
I chocolate previously melted, and ono
teaspoouful of vanilla. Mix well and
bake In a buttered dish one hour.
No Nonseneo Nowadays.
Modem I'oet Give we a rhyme for
Krlend What are you writing?
Modern l'oet An ode to aprlug.
Nn rcmedv ever vet discovered has met with tuch
popular favor as S. S. S. The people everywhere imlorso it, '
ml tbero nro few homes whero S. S. S. tor the blood is
not known nnd used. It is superior in many wnya to the ordi-
nary blood medicines. In the first plnco S. S. S. is n gunrnnteed
purely vcirctuhlo compound, mnde exclusively of medicinal roots
, .l f II.hIm ..ilMrr.ilv 'llrtl
ICICCICU IUI lliun niiiiuuiiui
upon tho blood, purging it of
natural condition. At tho si
eral system improves, tho slu
strength and vigor and better
follow the uio of S. S. S., n,
containing atrong minernls, v
and in oilier ways dnmngo
such a Chronic Sores, Rheu'i
AZ.WATD KItBl'S B. B. 0. ( -'
Mincemeat. One cup chopped meat,
three cups chopped apptes, ono cup su
gar, one and one-half cup raisins, ono
and one-half cup currants, one-third
cup molasses, one cup liquid In which
meat waa boiled, two tenapoons each
salt, cinnamon, cloves and allsplco,
ono-half cup vlnegnr.
Krult Jumble.
One pound of sugar, ono pound of
butter, ono pound and a quarter of
flour, alx eggs, Iinlf n pound of cur
rants, n little soda nnd nutmeg. Mix
tho butter, augnr, apices nnd eggs,
then tho curmntN, next tho soda, and
' lastly the flour.
Dr. Hartman'a medical lectured are
eagerly scanned by many thousand
Ono of the most timely and interest
ing lectures bo ever delivered waa bis
' recent lecture on the blood impurities
of spring.
The doctor raid in enbsUnco that
every spring the blood is loaded with
the effeto accumulations ol winter,
deranging the digestion, producing
sluggishness of the liver, overtaxing
the kldnoya, Interfering with tbo ac
tion of the bowels and tho proper cir
culation of tho blood.
Thla condition of things produces
what is popularly known aa spring
fever, spring malaria, nervous exhaus
tion, that tired feeling, blood thicken
ing and many other namei.
Sometimes the victim is bilious, dys
peptic and constipated ; sometimes ho
Is weak, nervous and depressed ; and
again bo mny bnvo eruptions, swellings
and other blood humors. Whichever
it is, the caueo is tbo same effeto
accumulations in tbo blood.
Nothing is more certain within the
wbolo rangfl of medical science than
that a coune of renins in early spring
timo will iterfcctly nnd effectually pre
vent or euro this almost universal affec
tion. Everybody feels It in somo degree.
A grrat majority are disturbed con
siderably, while a large per cent of the
human family aro made very miserable
by this condition every spring.
Peruna will prevent it if taken in
Peruna will cure it If taken as di
rected. Peruna is tho ideal spring medicine
of tbo medical profession. '
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory reultt from the nso of Peru
na, writo at once to Dr. Hartman, giv
ing a full statement ol your cose, and
bo will bo pleased lo give you his valu
able advice gratia.
AddreM Dr. Hartman, President ol
Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
A huge eunflili, the la rent arer attn,
waa recently captured near Santa Cats
Una Ialand, off the coaat of California.
It weighed about 1.000 pounda.
Montloello, Ark, I
for about twelvf
your B. B. B. aa a bo
taken II aa a tome ana as
ia none bettor. X baf
I at varloua tlmea for Uttv
been ualnr '
Z hare
Have there
t.Hn nit nflliflni cauaod bv ula
D. B.H.Ia my standard, novor i'
matter. If I uea a bottla ot U. B.J
eyatem, olaanaas tbo blood and
aa-eln. Aa an all-round family m
8. 8.0. the beat remedy of the
var uaed, and generally keep it ou iwuu .
it act
b fleets
J Pirn-
lire or
I upon
f whero
predisposition to disease,
S, S. S will search out and rcmova from the blood the fixed poison and
build up tho health ; it enriches and purifies wenk, thin blood and stim
ulates the circulation. Puro blood is essential to health. You can
exiit without good blood, but can never be robust and strong; for every
organ, tissue and nervo in the body looks to tho blood for nourishment,
nnd unless this vital fluid is kept in a pure, healthy stato, tlio rest of
the body sutlers and tho system soon breaks down. Nature has pro-,
vided in S. S. S. a remedy for diseases of tho blood which long
experience and n thorough test have proven superior to all others, and
tho acknowledged "King of Illood Purifler8.M
OUR MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, in charge qf graduated physicians,
ia nn important part of our business, maintained for tho benefit of tlioso
who neod advice or special information in regard to their case. Writo
til, and our physicians will adviso you without charge,
Cocnutiut lllacult.
Orate two ounces of cocoanut, mix
with a quarter of n pound of powdered
whlto sugar, and tho whites of tliroo
egg, previously benten to a stiff
froth. Drop amnll pieces of this mix
ture on paper, plnco In a baking tin.
In a alow oven for about ton minutes.
Pemn's Pile Specific
Ho Cass Exists It Will Not Car
Lemon I'le.
Lemon Tie. One lemon, using rind
nnd Juice, one cup sugar, ono cup wa
ter, one tablespoon flour, three eggs.
Hake In rich crust and cover with
o "aaA 7
P. N. 0.
For our"New Oaaolene Drag; Saw. We Mt en.
rlne only odco for each lot. One man can
move taw. We handle the only Malleable
Urubblur Machine. Vttite ui your wanuln
the machinery line.
Foot Morrlion HL 1'ortlanil. Oreroa
I T- fl 11T-
ui. K,t ucc vr u
llila wondrfal fhl
n doctor U rallxl
tral btcauM b curta
ITOpU WlUlOUt Optf-
iton Ibat mr flTt a op
la dl. II rum wlih
lbo wondtrnil ChV
lira harba, root, bud.
brk aod rrolabl IuoKktSatSCi
kaown to mdlci ct SklJJjiJw
ion In Utl cvUBlry. Tbrouxb lb u o'
Ibo birmlf riurdla Uil funou Jootor
know lh actloa of orr KO diBrrvnl rnv
rdlt. nblch b omrully u la dlffrol
oIwmi. II curnt to cur caltara, ia
No. 17-1904.
ninta for tbo Ilouaewlfo.
Iteforo chopping mint for sauce,
sprinkle It wltli sugar. It will then
be chopped Ono easily and quickly,
A woolen cloth Is far hotter than a
brush for polishing n grate, for It does
tho work moro cleanly and produces a
softer gloss. ,
After Ironing shirts, etc., place them
by tho fire till perfectly dry, for this
quick dry Insures tbolr being as stiff
as possible.
It is a good plan to partially fill
valuablo china vases with sand or to
place shot In them, for thus thoy aro
rendered too heavy to bo easily upset,
IXemember that stored blankets and
other woolon articles mny be kept from
months If somo well-dried yellow soap
bo cut up and scnttered in their folds.
To servo stowod flga with whipped
cream, put each fig on a small squaw
of spongo enko neatly cut and pile
whipped cream on tho top.
Drain oysters on a napkin before
making a stew. Hub the saucepan
with butter, heat very hot, put In tho
oysters, and turn and stir until well
plumped and ruffled before making the
stew proper.
-XXTIIEN wrltlnr to a4 vortlaera pleaao I
T mention thla papar. I
m. lanf, uroi, riituinuuiu. urvouDu.
leiokcb, ltvr, kldnty. tlci ku hundrvd of
IttlimoBiaia. uiuim mnlinla. lil na
him. I'allfnl out or lb rllf writ lot
blank and rlrruUr. K.od alaiup. CU.NttUU
TATI0.N ruKK. AllUHkiUi
The C Gcc Wo Chlnrac Medicine Co.
ISJ AIJr St.. PuriUiU, Onita.
sarMuuou pp.
r '
sHjai 'fjiaHaill
Kill IJroon ronlti-y. Toq
mint tho pcrchra, tbo
rumra kill the lire. Ilona
canuot trod lire nnd feed
you. Price, OOo and B1.00 u rati. Bold by dealere,
1'HUUUK RKMKOT CO.St rul,Ulwi.
Urntlaman 1 am a brrad.r or nm-rlaaa ail l- WyaDdotto.
1 won can of jour J'KUfSUN LIQUID UCEKIlXMt
rrrmlum at Ik St I'aul INiultry Show ot 1, and Hai It ! all
rlf bt Thr art Mitral br that anl a rMMe lie killer, and
Yuural.allrli-M WVI ti aWAOIICKT. Wayiata.Mlin.
J II MlJ)NK.of Ad.l.Mo.Mjathal'KUSSuVucKKlLUai
U Jult lb IblBf tor lie o boa, and la worth Oi Urn It ook
l'OUILAMU HKUU CO.. Vortland, Or., Coaat Aceot
Th improved Alvord Sage Brush Grubber and Und Cleaner
out all
brush by
tho roots
leavine Bixmo in
piles at regular
Intervals. Teoth ars
automatically cleaned.
No cloecincr. "Will work on
atony ground. Our booklet
describing the machine In detail
Ita advantaces. cost, shlnnlnir
weight, etc., sent free on application,
will remove Sago Brush, Rabbit Drusb, Grcnuo Wood,
umco. etc uunvca me ground in perfect condition
ror oeeuiur- wunout mo
v. llftA nf a Tilnnv f n nAflf. .awBfea Bwl.v
k.kv rinf in atoaaii "UrvjafTTTS?lv
axV 91 Pr -MaBIPaiMaiai
HtsJx. ncro ...dalBaaaV&v'JaSaaaaaaaaFS?.
-T SMSJUllli H I'SBBl II '! SJki I fl'l
VStSS?R5a!S!Sii: r&H
i&3 ?faE?M'