r tfi . THE k I..' - , h Js- VOL, II IHtNI), OKKCOK, 1H1AV. lni nu. 1 BEND I i. . r IV ' '""I STAGE LINE CHANGES' or the pumped of a daily government mail service to Mend the Sister IH'ople and those on the direct route betwern the two places desire the establishment of u new postal route liorcnild n petition for such u.r.I i .ttiiv Im-Iimp nftMllnffWl fvr t .- Il-ll.. CI.... tl.lulMMll.Hil . '',M ' " " w'"o """ "" '" and Prlncvltlo nnd Triweekly ll-f" ,8! ,,,", AI.LINOIIAM TAKIS OVIiK THAT TUB VANUIiVliRTS. twocn Hcttd nuil Sliver l.nko Will Iks Under Una MnnagamcntMnll Contract Inclitdad. hereafter In the afternoon instead of morning nnd returning in the morning instead of afternoon. Tilts Is to accommodate the mail schedule, which cannot for the pres ent be chunked. The stage will run daily to Hcnd, and from Hcud southward to Silver I.nke triweek ly as now. Thin stage will make headquarters at the Pilot Huttc Inn and livery stahle. I'KTITIONR I'OH MAIL C1IAN0IW. People in the country between Hcnd and Sisters want a mail ser vice established 'direct between the two places. Now Sisters gets mail only from iprinevillc. It is only 35 mites to Haul and 40 miles to Priucville. Important interests ore growing up between liend and Sisters and the places arc coming to have much in common. With $5: TOR A POSSIBLE PARADISE 27,000 Acres of Land IN OROCJON Fukh to those who will pay from $$ t0 ?'5 Pcr ncre fr Perpetual Water-right TO TlUt COI.UMMA SOtlTHKKN 1HKI0AT10N COMl'AfcY. LoYidfi located in the Des ch'ttttfij Valley, Crook county, Oreg'tffr. SVnter now on land. Scud for descriptive pamphlet B. S. COOK 251 Alder St., Portland, Oreg, HiaaVia mi ment is also on foot for umkiilg the PrinevilleMichd until service daily by the government. Heretofore thin service has been handled by the Allmghnm stage line without uxeitM. to the govern ment, but hercilftcr it is desired to have the government stand the ex jwusc. A ctitiou for iivcrqasc of the set vice on thin route to liend from tllwcekly to daily is now re ceiving slgitaturerslHli here and at Priucville, nnd Uierc is little doubt that it will be granted. DESCHUTES U CROSSE MJMIVft? INVEST M(M,i fetffc 7 iff IPHi llvcrytlilnz SntlM.try mrf port nt Ion, nnd thi ay m an ctl through an l!n rmdTo Huy Hi.lld Mill. aituk oiisciiLrrns lands. I heir People I 'n 1110 Spread I'ar artd Como to Occupy 'Ihciri. Willinm Ilrtice, J. Wood oiid V. W.Long.ot Waitsbtirx, nh , wore in the Deschutes country this week and udected JMo ntVei of Columbia .Southern if'rigitK-d lauds for liiomsclve nnd n few friends who will soon come to occupy them. All thasc latuls arc In i6-ii. W. It. nuil L; J. Shell and their families, recently from Tennessee, have come up to improve 3?o acres of Columbia Southern landv most of which arc held by their Port laud friends. They cxjcct o get a considerable area in crop this scawn. They ary much pleased with this country'? Mr. Atkinson jWitt of the week in UerrtM into the lumber sitti- 'toa. Tuesday foY Witt ,c there goto to StxilA-u wilt return to Hcud lot fwi nminatiou. Mr. Pecknrt is to Lprnclicnl lumbcrmail hesitate to say he wj the outlook here, cxt single point of His jteoplc want thousand acres of &,, put In n mill at once, big not want to eUblM It where they cnunot uio Hut for lack of tran ti.' concern would cugag 't here at once. Mr Put t the opinion that an ew 1 road will, after all, be , tench Hcud, but he dot it within two years. Ut road informotiou that tt&s ly not obtuiti'id in Orcna- After standing scuaJ in looking carefully o.ct of Oregon, Washington. fumillss arc to follow later It. Cunningham, of Silver City, Idaho, cumc iu Sunday and yes terday the Kev. Father I,. l Quit laumc, of Ontario, arrived to look over DoKchutes lands. These men have hnd considerable experience with irrigated lauds nnd they arc to find locations for about 50 fami lies who will come iu a little later if everything is found satisfactory here. Dr. M. V. Turlcy, of Weston, Oregon, left for home the first of this week after n brief examination of this lotnlity for a company of about i'i families who have sold their hoMtttgk iu the Umatillacouu try ainl at turning this wa for new honits. J. A. Campbult, of the Uockford (Wash.) Hcgister, Dr. James Kel ly, nlso of Uockford, Thomas I.usk, of I,n Grande, Or., and Amos lied rick, of SKknuc, arrived Wednes day, driving in Iroin Shntiiko by way of Madras and Trail crossing. They left this morning by way of Priucville. Their visit was for the purpose of examining the Vlescrt latuls of this locality. Mr. I.usk represents a party of alput 25 fami lies looking this way for location. More Land Withdrawn. Dyau order from the general laud office at Washington, under date of April i., all the vacant un appropriated public laud in section 7, sections 17 to at, both inclusive, and sections 28 1033, both inclusive, Tp. 10 S. K. to 15. are tcmiwrurily withdrawn from settlement, entry, sale or other disposal, excepting under the mineral laws, pending determination as to the advisability of including said lauds within the Coscade Range forest reserve. This takes 12 .sections that are jo rough and poorly timbered ttlmt no entries have been made ou .them. Ilcrmnti Pluck the estate of N I I.a Crosse. Wis IsVHl Monday morning I.oreu It. AllirigWu will take over the stage Hue and business of the VnmWvurt Hros. between Prinevillc and Silver hake. The bargain for the transfer of the propekly wusmade between the VniidcvcllHMtf Ct. M. Cornell witly this wtek lul It wns turned over to Alliiigiuttu Uy Cwtnett the name day, so AlliUXlwM wilt take M)iassiou illrcct fttni theVande Veils. This includes lt hc Mock but six horses ntkd all the vehicles hud paraphernalia isel III the stttge bUsiUons UtwevMi Priucville and ftllW Lake, including the uiuil UOttthict. Dick Vnudcvcrt has been pro prietor of this stage line for about five yours and has been assisted by tits brother, Waller, iu the manage ttibnt of the btnltia.it. They have also Inicii engaged iu the livestock ' nnd ranching business, which has grown to such proportions that it required time and energy that has been put iu the Mage. Sale of the stage Hue leaves them free to pros ecute their ranching and stock raising. '-fc- MrwAtliugham expects to re 1Tsc!uVsJto"geoJicduIe lctvccitfi!ahktf.i1nij liend and Priucville, leaving Hcud from Portland nnd scvcroT "other yellow pine belt of the '.- rnuiir Wan mni laeMiOg W, fl W kttif ii iEBENDMEHCANTILE A. . 0NT Manager. REND UKfcUWW MwaMMtwiMnHM flWWWr'"'" mmm himmii W Btry Low m V CII That's Biwmth Sensel A s ;v;, that's Ptygi'pSlvz Sense! t Y .ti JfciU , lint' C mitioti SiuriseJ m 1. 'jt m? of ui Thai toBh)f I Doll irs nnd Cents n r " I 1Xcrff,Orrucrfeif SI WiaMv? -, cba WttdavJ' fc: ics, VI Ml T1PI WW I It is almost too easy to 1 lumber made from it is to most other for genera He says our yellow pine i4 superior to the white piu?$ It is not, like the sugar pbr heavy to float, it docs nr uy$k easily nnd it lasts well. On tho Ocnliam Pall C. M Ked field nrnv night to tnkc charge of Utt (fff of locating the Heiiham I of the Deschutes Irrigatic cr Company (the old Oicg lion Company's route) at ing the lands laying u proposed ctnnl. With 'tip Robert Hick son, of M'W Lawrence Allen, of Port later. They will assist ii field in this work. He ffl a party of eight men, fi ca will be chosen from enumeer force of tn This work will tukc jHtattjM (I Mr. Ked field was about four Years ago with the Columbia wav sttrvev. For the nast three years, however, he has been located in Omaha, with the engineer de pjstrnent of tlui Union Pacific rail road. His futility is at Moro, nnd will Yctnain there wnne ttino, Mrs Kcdficld befitg a daughter of Mr. FiUmaurice. of that place. Later they will probably move lp liend. Last Friday the blocks iu the Bend townsite were marked by fur rows run with a plow so it is now easy to find ones way 011 the various streets. The work of finding names for the streets is now engaging nttptitioti. The street to the west ward of Wall, near the river batfk.i will probably be colled bumimt, and next to the eastward of Wall will be Hand street. Names of trees will largely be employed in the cross streets. The work of grubbing out most of the trees tu the street Hues is going forwiird; tf" BtWWViBbMMbBMMmMM4bM !g&felfciiimr m mi i mmmmnti Smmafmnip iwnHa"! T1,' xtj.iTj Ii : .j j in y.,-otrVj o it "' iiuxlBll,, S " .rtk a I'l ;1U U J Wl'' .ar..tWHfjxaus . Tl miff of the Phet I5ttp Develop v 4jnp.in v ftt tagfr' a v. ftic nv jit . t, k ajritf tbtsni'tef v k:? b? taG k. L.uuiULii ami o niviJUCO AT REASONABUE PRICES ar: PILOT BUTO DEVELOPMENT t f iW ii r L y It m V!l I) m 1 M Y .x- Jkta, IouJL,