ifvmmr : NO APPETITE - EMACIATED - NERVOUS. wwsy fllnkn Tiny nay tlint ttmr nt ton of trioiimiiulM of fnllli ciirlnti In tliln country. Wlnkn Wn, ntnl there'll bo Inns of lliniinniuln innri', If tlio tloctnrn don't como down In their prices, iiow's Thin y Wo oirr ono lliiiiilrml Nollsrn itewnnl foi aiiycnaunlt'ntnrili tint cannot tiu enroll liy ,lJ,,,rTO.WV CO., Pro,, !Wo,n, Wo, thn iiiiIoiIkixhI. Iiavo known K J, (Ihniiar fur tlio laal Jftjfmri, ami lo hint i-rfoolly liunoritiila In, nil liutlnoaa traiuao. (lima mid nuetielaily M "y out any ot liKiluiimialiy tlilf linn ,, , , wxariti inn i. Vlinlinlolriitttiit,1iilflo,0, WalhlNtl, KIHKAN A MAHVIH, Wlioloaalo llrtlg Klin, IiiIwIii, t). Halt a l-aiarrin lire 1. la.on inidriiniif , ac.- IliK illrnrtlr uikjii tint IiIihmI unit miiruua anr lauea i inn ajraieiu H.1I1I lir all lirtnmlala, llall'a l-nmllr i'llla to ilia heat 7o. itnnUli leaiiuttinlata (tec. Camilla's .Monopoly uf Aaliraloe. While unhcMon U fuiiiiil pretty iimcli nil over tint world t'timiilii cniuen ncnr IiimIiik n monopoly In Mm net mil jiro. iliiftloit, Twenty live yearn lit!" mil)' .KMI Imm, vhIiiimI nt IVtMMKH), wan mined In ('unaihi. Now Hid ntimml export of unbenton In nlmiit -KMKM) toiin, vnltinl nt l,MiO,W0, nnil tlio Industry In nIIII KiowliiK. About Ml pur cent uf (hit world's product In mined lit tlio vluln It)' uf Itlchinond, Canada. To llreak In New Mmta. AIM)ra dliiakn III .tllru'a r'tmt'lUte, .imlr. Itcntea Iml, r-atliiH, HrlilHK. awwllm left, llltra wtrlia. IllKnirtltIK lill ami Irtllilinia At all ilniKKlla ami tl aliirta, V.' m.n't arrl aiiyniUllitile Sample waltn) r'HKK. AiMieaa Alton ft. Oluiatvl, 1.0 Hay, N V IWia ISipcrlnitor). "Hay, pn." ipifrM lltllt Jnlittny Ilimipertllvklr, "iln ni'tloua apeak lottilrl tlinu words,' 'Civil nrikins tin, mjr non," amwrrrd tlio n!i I nmn. "A Judgment U worn than iluu." Koreniifiha and colda tilers li no better medicine than l'lto'a Cnro fur Coiiiuiiijh tlun. I'rUo'Jfircnta. I'ttlly Oootiplrit. HIip- -I'spn'a chief iitijectloa to jrou li tlint yotl lnre ll occupation. lit No occt.psll'iii! (lood swsrlfltisl Dovait't Im know llmt t ui waiting tnuaiarlip) KnulUli Hulled I'luldluu. llollod pnslry should bo prepnrod with chopped niid sifted miut IiinIimiiI of litrtl or lintliT, but otliurwlitu In tlio ilium iiiiiiiiicr tin pin imnlry. Itnll J11111 nr iirt'Hcrviil fruit out Into it tlilu ulii'iit; airuntl ovur 11 thick Inyer of fruit, nnil tlii'ii, coinint'iK'liiK nt omi will, roll rmnfiilly until till tin fruit In Inolomil ulthlit thu pnatn; pluoh to MI'IIiit nt thn i'ihIn, mid tin iii In n Htroni; cotton cloth, llimi drop Into a pot of IioIIIiik witter Thn cherry lit tint lie M for thin piirpnc, or nomo other frtllt pllMKaalllK Mulillty. 'J'o bit RvrVitl with nwptit mnicc. Many Women During: the Spring: Months Suffer From Extreme Lassitude, Loss of Appetite and NervousnessWhat They Need Is PE-RU-NA, THE ABSOLUTE SECURITY. IViiniit dimly, After nhellliiK ur pimnutn, tnko th nine iuitutlly of Kniuulntcil itiuitr Unit j 011 hit vo of thn mit, Tut thn minor Into n hot HpltlHr over thn Urn. nllrrliiK It btlnkly till thv tluin, mnl when It In iliorouchly (HmkoUiiI, titko 'I re mnl liiiinetlliitoly ntlr In which linvn bticii choiipeil linn, l'otir on a buttered pluttnr mnl npretul out thin, ,uy Ulml of Mil tuny Im iicl In the nmno wny, nltvuyH inoimurliik' be furo thu inctt nre cltoppcil, Minn llortlm M. Ihihlt, fii;)5 Kin cnrilc ntroot, l'ltlnliurK, I'a., Kiipuriii tciidciit Jiiulor Hoclcty of Mnthodliil I'rotcntaiit Church mid IcndlriK noptuno of tlio choir, wrlten- "Wonln cannot ilencrllxi my tlinnkftilne'n to you for I'timim. I won a mifforer (rout !)' tniulc cntnrrlt for yentn ami wan In a wry much run down condition. I wiih extremely nnrvotm nnil hitil tlio mont fool lull fenrn ovur notlilnu. I wan thin and uiiinclutnl, '.My phynlclmi hiIvImi! mo lo Icnvo thin cllionto but an It Man not convnn lent to 1I0 mi at thin time, I took tlio atlvlco o( a friend to tmo a ImjIIIo of IV- runa. I took It faithfully and when tint llrnthottlu nan uono I felt no much front tho I lttor that I boti;ht nix morn nnil took tho initn, I I'lt'iii althfully, aftor which 1 looked like n innv woman, "I nit I tied In flcnli, my appotlto rv turned ami all my old nymntomn had Gcnuino C Oliuc Nilta. Makn n nlrtip of a pound of cniuu lattil ntiKitr ami a Kill of water. Iloll without KtlrrliiK until n drop put Into Ictil water iHiHimtm Itttmctllntoly brt: tie. Tnko tho MUiccpnii from tlio flro mid nt It lit nit outer pan of bolllui: wntur. Add to thn nlrtip thn Julco of a ipmrtur of a nninll leiiiou. Hurt a thin nkttwer or a film wlrn through cneli blanehetl mid drlfd nut 11ml dip It up aiid down In thin nlrtip. tiprtmd on waxitl iwjHir lo dry. Apple Know. Htew n iliHMUt lance Juicy applet In Jul emiut:h water to Uiep tlient from liurnliiK'. ! the pulp thnitiKh a ' nli've, Mir In half h cttpful of Krnnu- Inliit ntiKnr, ami a teMaxoiiful of ex- 1 Intel of leitioii. Heat tlio whiten of nix t'KK to a ntlff froth, anil then ntld thu tipple and lieat, nddliiK. a little at n lime, two etipn or miwiIitiiI niiKnr; llHijipcnnil, I nut moro than thank fill to Puruna." MIm Itortlm M. Kneli. I AM TIU HI). arters Little Liver Pills. Muot Hoar Slfjnnturo of IW-Wmll. Wrarixr IWIow. Hvcrybody In Tired Spring Wcatlf cr Dock It livery One Should lie Cnutlojn. Dcprvmilon of tho nnrvotm nyntrm at thn approach of nprlng In tho rauro. Ouuural IniHiltudc, tlull, heavy Minna tloim, wmtlnunl tlrcil fcclliiK, with ir riKtilnr appetite, and njiikUiiiwi low ol nlecp. IVruun tni-ctn every Indication ami proven lUelf to Itopurd'CtlyailaptiMl lo all their arhil pi-cullarltlen. IV rutin Invltfomten tho nynteui, re)uo nnten 'thu fettllni;, ren'orm tho normal apHiilto and prmluton regular nleup. That tlnnl feeling wlilch in tlio nat ural renult o( tho ilepnnain uffect ol witriu wettthcr immudlntuly niter the ItivlKoratliiK cold ol winter, quietly ilia npern when IVrtwm In taken. Thotin uhiIn aru dally tontlfyltiK to ita pileulc U'liellt. Mrn. II. Knmttt, 1.100 W. 13th Tf 11 aa4 aa euf (a laJta tun nncar. ICARJEKS fllvER rOR HEADACHE. FOR DIUINESS. rOR BlUOUSKLfS. FOR TOnFID LIVER. tt)R CONSTIPATIOrt. FOR SAU.0W SKIN. FORTHE.COMPLEXI0N gj inn valval wwa,Mt..vM, tit? I Pwrlr YnrtnMaviv? au vi un wn 11 a 1 CURE SICK HCADACHE. heap the "apple nnow" on a larjje Klan ! J,r,,lt l)v -Molmn, la., writes; Ml an, illnlt, ntld to It bltn of htch-tfolorvil cttrranl or raaplmrr)' J"ll". SlL MMmna MMBBI lift tfSS itifv"; 'aMe7, MaKjaTatiTju Mj'f KILLS tr M nil vtrniln tli 4 1 tufrti ttor-wiiattl oi rj tr INiir e tivl U t nor t uu (vt tfrw LICE! mism it 8AVCU r.ii.m. lt iiin tin Moad hUh luiull au to .u.i.ih III. a vtt.iur lich ro IT -I Itiui FEED aa ll lnw.l bat,.n imartffHjhl oraarwla aO'ftMtop ilxliit. 11 kx A 1m fnuaattN ncmcdtoo. T fAUL, MINN aa laiia llan.1 lleok I'm. Ilnnniin Hhiirl-Cabr. Ilminnit nlturtcnkt In it very tcood nub ntltuto for ntntwln-rry nhortenko mid In mitdn In exactly tho name ntnuncr. The enko In baked, cut open ami nprcntl with butter. Tho bnitanan, allccd ami nuu-aretl, am put iM'tween tho layern mnl liter tint top If preferred. Mko ntrnwberry nhortcakc, thin In much Im proved If whlppml cream In poured over It, but, llkn ntrnwlK'rry nhortcaku ncnln, It In dcllcloun without tho croain. Cliocolitlo I.u)cr Cuke. Crenm a hnlf-uup of butter with n cup of niiKnr, add n cup of milk, four beaten okk" ami three otiucon of Krntiil cliix-olitte dlnnohed In 11 Kill f fold milk. Kent hunt, then ndd n pint of prepared Hour mid bnke In layer tlun. Cover for tho llrnt ten minutes with blown pnper. linked lio Crrnm. Over a ilrin brlek of Ico cream npreatl n ntlu nierlnu'iiii In a ctmtliii; over half mi Inch thick. Met lit it pan mnl place- ImmmlUtlely In an luttuiNoly hot men. It nhotild bo no hot that thn merliiKtie will brown In a inluttto. Turn iifou a chilled platter and norvo at once. hnppy lo rIvii my cndorreinent for your valuablo medicine, rerttua, an I cuiiid or it a vuluablo tnedlclno to take whun tho nyatem in run down from ocrwork About two yearn nn I full that I inuat tnko a long teat an I had btvn unable to work for ovur n incnth and rotild not rrcaln my atrcnuth. I could not nlecp at nlrht and wan In a wry nerv nun, hlh ntrtuiK, condition. I dccidcii to try what ruruna would do to build up my ntruiiKtii, and am plcaacd to an) that I lt);an to improo very ahortly, anil in lein than two montlis I wan able to tnko up my work, and folt butter than I hno for yearn. I tnko it now twlco a year anil llnd that it keeps mr in jmrfpct lieatllt." .Mm. Kaanatt nan foi over ten eani tlio inunuor of a plant furninhinK indlua' wear and cm ploying hundreds of women. GREAT TM1G. " . yi 1 illinium nmmmm i jajaMaaEnanjBaaMaawa ?fM!Y iiartf fflrjTt waBtaHaEBEfFl', Jzwtn WSmWm, - - Mm wSBmBsF wk iMISS IJURTMA M. RUSM-PITTSBURO. Ml Rush Suffered With Systemic Catarrh- Was Nervons. Had No Appetite, drew Thin and tlmaclated. Slto Now Looks Like a New Woman After a Courso of I'c-ru-na. Tired, Nervous Women. Tltero nro tboutandn of thoiii every where. A few bottlen of Tortiiia would do them untold benefit. As a tonic and neno InviKoratcr it ltan 110 equal. It builds up tho norve, it gives ntreugth to tlio circunltion and at onco rentoroa If you do not receive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Pcruna, write at once to Or. llartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will bo pleased to give you Ills valuable advice gratis. Address Or. llartman, President of tho nppetito and digention. No feeblo The llartman Sanitarium, Columbus, woman should bo without Pvruna. ' Ohio. Tltoas tlint tin re loam a tiny aro dan crrunaly prodlcal; tlinan llmt dnro lata npond it art) ileaporntc Hlaliop Hall. riTO rrmanntijr uiirivi. nonuornrrrooaiwM rllo fcnrllrtrtr'aUMi.fI)r.HIIHu'ailrrl.Nrnr llMlw.r. HimI f I'rpwai'J tltAllwlllf n.llpwllU lc.ll.ll.Klln,UJ..u Anlim , 'bllaUtlptila, I'a. Tito Why of It, , flrfon You and Klmrt dnn't aoein to be an Intliunte an juu rore. l)ea ho owr yott iniiiiey? liiiiwn .No, imlccil; but lie wnttted to, The no-calird oil of mien In manufne turrd from tho craaa AuJixpoi;on aobocn-antltua. hICcfiley liouor-morfhine-tobacco CAn-J ron ruiL PAArcuiAas tMttm.nnttyimimiiCyPowTi.AND.owr. AtJUVTS WANTHD FnrourNrwaaaolene Prag Paw. We aet en- slu onljr onto fur eaoh lg. One wan can tnuve iir We handl tho onlr Maltabl i.riibWn Maollno Mlto ua your wauulu the inachlnorT line .. KKlKhMiN JIACIIINKUV CO. lKlt MorriMin M tsrtlaiwl. Orenon dT The Korean us cltnlrx. ' ' itetthor bedatcadn liot Motherawlll flmt Mr a. W'lnitowa'a ftootht iyrup tho beat remeily to ttao for lhlr children 1 .Mnnlna. ! 1 Ono quart uf Imltennllk, 0110 ten nMonful of hihIii, 11 pinch of n.tlt, Hour Juttun tho tocthlusjotloO. 10 11111K0 ntirr muter, nun lliree titlile MpiMtnftiln of Hour creum. Ilnl.e In gcui pntiN lit a hot oven. Bf Perrin's Pile Specific Tho INTERNAL REMEDY No Cojo Eiists it Will Not Care Tho ArchbUliop of Citntcrliury rank an II rat peer of tlio realm. tales 1'UUTI.ANIl HKIC1I UO 1'urllaua. Uoaat Ag.nta. Or., W. L. DOUGLAS $3.S&53 SHOES W ' XV. li. Dottulnn nhoen Inivo by their oxciilluiit ntylo. eitny.lltllliK, 11 11 il superior wcurltiu: ituiilltlot, neliloveil tlio Inrxent nnlo of liny nltoun In tho world, 'i'lmy nro lint at goo.1 m tlioao tlint cost yon l to 83 -tlio only UlfToronco U tlio price. SolJ Cntryuhtt: iook for 11111110 and prlro on bottom. Itimulit nana ('oronu illaklii,liluliUovnrjrvlinra ronreileil to iioiiin iiini I'nieni j.fHiiinr yea iroiiiireu. nit Color fyl.lt und. Nhua trmall.tSf.ailra. Will for Catalog-, W.L.l)uaiaa, llrocltoo, Data. 'Sj V& rf) Bzinx iiimw.usuj TianjaiiaMAwJaLJah" 1 1 taJjaTaawAAJaTJa fM FtJ In lima. Hold brarusiUU. Ml Hliort Hllktvrallima. Mill; will keep nweut lougor In it nlinllotv bowl Hutu lit it deep Jug. Keep pnrntoy nliut up In mi nlMlgltt tin mid ntore It In n ctnil place. It will hint much boiler thun tlitin If put Into Milter. To cleiiu the nllter npoottn, etc, lit ilnlly iiho, rub thorn with it dump cloth dipped In citrbnmilo of nodu mid pollnh them with it witnh hmtlinr. Cnyennn pepper nprlulslctl on Hhelven iimt lilowii Into tho crackM of whIIh in mount whcio itutri nro troublesome will hooit elTect a clottrmico of tho litlrudcrH. To Keep In end unit butter frenh mnl moist put It lit it cool place, cover close ly with it Hcrvletto or clean cloth wrung out of cold water, mnl many bourn after It will bo im inolnt ua when cut SounttliiifH it will bo found con vculeitt to prepare bread mid butter, for afternoon ten In UiIh wny. Tho Hhell of mi Kdmu ehecno, If Hcriipcil clean, olfcrn it uiilquo tllnlt front which tit wrvo muciuonl, which, If wnahetl mill tlrled aftor each mr vice, ciiii ho lined moro thtin onco. Af ter tho inucatonl 1h icntly for Hcrvlng, pour it Into tho heated hIicII nnil Mprln Ulo grated chuono over tho top, Rersj When the nerves are weak everything rocs wrong, You arc tired all the time, easily discouraged, nervous, and irritable. Your cheeks are Sarsaparilla pale and your blood is thin. Your doctor says you are threatened with a nervous breakdown. He orders this grand old family medicine. Fur mora than AA ttur, I h.v. ui.,1 A... 'a Sariaptrllla hi mj fatullr. It ta a araml (onlo at all Unlet, and a womlrrf nl maitlclna (or tin pure mood "-u, u. holt, W tit llatan, C6nu. J. a a For Weak Nerves l W bottU, All ilnisirUit LAYIR no.. IjAwftlt Mai. BUY l PROM YOUR DI2AU.I5R LLl C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT Thlt wandtrrnt llil rae doctor la tallnl t ral 1um h cur iwuple Kllliout oi ra tion ibat araglTtu up lo Ula, Ita curt with tliot. wnltirul I hi una htrb. roola, huua, Utna ami rtfllili- that art ntirrljr on kiwiwn to mnllral td- m in 1111. rountrr Thronxh the nta o Ihoaa haroiltu rturdlra Ih't UniiHit doctor aiwwa tha action of ovrr UJ diatrvnl rm tJlta. which ha BurcMtfuilr utva In ilitrnt dtaraata. 11. (uarantn-a to cure cattarb, asth ma, luiif, throat, rbtumallam, nrrvouantaa, jlomach. lUrr, kidnrya, tic., has hundmU of ItatlUHMilala. Chart luodrratc lalt and ; him. t'atlrnta out of tha cltr writ, for riVoMriSAUw,iaw,fc wiiHVu The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. (Hx-tUnJ, Urfo4. mm 231 Alder St., atrUtuuou vaptr l. N. V, No, 15-1004. IIlN wrltlua; tottdvertlaernuteiaao lueutlon tbla faper. TheimprovodAlvord Sage Brush Grubber and Land Cleaner Tnkca out nil for bo Koop tho bowola rocular with Ayer'o mis, juhi one pin tcn niflnt brush by tuo root.i louviiur Riimo In piled nt regular Intervnla. Tenth am automatically cloanrd. No cloKcingr. "Will work on nlony ground. Our booklet descilblti(,' the macblno in dotnil Itn nilvnntni'efl rrwt. uhlnnlno' .... ...-,.-., ".. ., -iss nui(jui, uiu., nuiib irco uu uppuuaiiuu, THE BURTON MFG. CO. 1822 ARAPAHOE ST. DENVER. Will romovo Sago Urueh. Eabbit Brush, flnvann WrA Cblco. otc Lonvea tho Ground In norfoet eomlltlnn "iiuiiui toe ixj nso of n plow at a coot "mtfL XxV n pr -3$&0AB COLO, SSaSir,fi::5aj V !' '1 I i S 1 I- a -K i u I