The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 15, 1904, Image 3

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( -OMiAHMnar
ill! 1
f "--.' i - -' - --17" r
lure of Discharged Men No Longer
to lit (liven Out.
Hsloin In accoidntiru with Inatriic
rlatlo4f(,n from (louirnor Chamberlain, tho
HII. iftuttontlnry atithoiltlc linvu dim-on
tinned thu prnelleu of furnishing JK'iiro
. fiflh'crii wllli plenties nml description
utM "" dlnchnrged prlHuiinm. TIiIh
yK chnngo In tlio mien of Hut liiHlltutlon
, wh Hindu n fow win ngo upon Hio lx"
..... i' Hit It would oiirotirngo ex-eonvlctn
l! " uy 10 icnu lumen, lives.
fllv liiTlHU'iiHloni ' ""tiding mil dcncrlp
:. 'tlotin of discharged tirlnoiiiirn. wnandnpt
i '. ed In iinmiiM) to request from chief
ilJ pollco In tlio vltluM. Tlui pollen olll
. Vror wnntcd tlio ilwcrlnlloiie ho Hint
illi'wlirn ronvUt lind Imoii dlnchnrged
"Hiuy could Imi on thu lookout for liliu
,. atitl could moro ennlly locnto him If ho
(" Winn iltled nny oiioim
Sletitn which rnmn In
. M Uho governor convinced lilm Hint moro
..'liVrrn than gothl remitted from tlio wind
j, iK out of thu descriptions, iiihI ho ill
hS0,1" '" ",u I""0''1'" 'M1 "t,I'lH-H'
lilt f
list A
tret finace unuer Kauway wini ".eveea
Will lit Provided.
) Milton Thin nenson will prouably
rrtlneo tlio Innl Illicit wntor dniunKit foi
) vffibiiiu tlmu Junt Iwyond Hm Junction of
nwilliti Wnlln Wnlln nvnr nun me u. h. v
'. uW., mllo north ol Milton, wiiern thu
II kTlver hvd In nlmixit on n luvel with tho
fiat on cither side. For several yearn
iftwflhn I'Iith In tho 0. It. A N. trcnlln over
fcttUia river liava cnuuht brush, lloutlnu
'IwiUPioi mid debris of nil kliulu, oauslng
Hlio current to cut Into tlio gravelly low
sMtbnnU on either aide and wirry over
"cTHtlm Intnl. Tim olcrn aro only 10 feet
t tttfiwrt.
1, iUTIih rnllrond hnn material on tho
t efkrotind to hulld it now npnn which will
1)0 imported liy nlono plow on ellhur
ilind, 10S feet apart. Thl will ItKivr
hrffnn uninterrupted space for thn river,
ay innd the county commbwdmiorn of Wnlln
tttJftWnlln nml Umatilla counties will ill
"liJttvldu thu uxiienso of lovro to roulliio
ihuiio niHiiitiK wntarn oi inn mm uowinj;
it tjnVnlln Wnlln imnt tho ilniiu'or point.
noon i'uiciis i oh siiiiauiimx.
"f 'Work Will lie llipeaitcil Owing to the
'" OuoJ ConilUlan.
0j,rnndlton Kcvim mid right renin,
rHJ ." '"r,,ll'r 1"ru Including uonrd, nro
hrttp nlioArlnn (irlrcn tlirotlnliout Hunt
njcrn Urcuon thin ix-nnon. Khrrn nhcnrurn
rllTfl" ""l tnrvu nt thin lli;urf, nn n komI
, al'rninr will Intudln 100 hrnd n day,
,uavrllllo fttt tiion will tnko llrwcn off
inoro. Hlionrlmr will lw fiinlor thnn
uiiunl thin ccnuou on nrcounl of tho
lil.t Kl" condition loth liwi mid wool
fuJHuS' onlnldo profciwlonnlii hnvo romo
inynt, whut n hiihiIht ol local olHnr
ortfaro nt work nround Haho mid fnrtli
3r went. A crow of bImjiU n dowm hnvn
utt rjoftffor townn nloiiK tho Nortlmm l'n
''clflfl In Frnuklln nnd Lincoln potintltHi,
'nWMlilin;ton, Tho nmlorlly of outHldo
"'flicarcm will comu In In nhout 10 dnyn
intiiffilr mlKrntlou northwnrd mid oat
I wrl. Aftor tlnlnhliiK In Umntilln nnd
"Bnaritl llnntcrn Oregon rountlvM they
ntlih on to Iilnho, Wyoming nnd Mon
. Jan.
Vllk,a Coming IWenU.
'.' n'' Jtjtcpuhllcnn convention, 1'lnitr
"'"'elpmil dlntrlct, Hiilom, April 13.
r'4 TRopiihllcnn convention,
convention, Pcond
""cprtgrcMlounl umirlcl,
rortland, April
n, 3n
' fHrpuhllcnn ttntu convontlon, l'ort-
lami, April H.
iue "Oii'Kon Cnttlcmon'enioiixjIaHoii, Tort
11 ''lnml, April 10.
I)c'iuocrntlo ntnto convuntlon, l'ort
f'lntui, April 10.
Convention ntnto federation of Inhor,
oiWQrcRon City, Slav 2-0.
MM luto KrniiKo, Corvalllla, IhIdi Mny
I Jo'yetiornl election, Juno II.
wbfc Annual reunion, dunrtmunt of Ore
ttrtHgoii, O, A. It., Hood Ulvor, Juno 15-17.
1 rtf M Porm New Creamery Company,
. '"Iii (Irnudo Artlclen of Incorpom-
1 tlon hnvo InHiii filed by tlio Grand
Hondo Crcninury compnny an micccHcorrt
tojtlio Covo Creniiiory company. Tho
Vii"ow co,"lmi,y IhIuimIh to opornto cream
.crlcH at I-ii Clrnndo nr.d Union and vn
turwj,";,, thu miiniifnctiiro and k1o of
ilUhiutor, Ico cream, chceno, oto. It will
'fiinvo HklininliiK HtatloiiH nt Covo and
o- 'jlolllcnl HirliiK8. Tho crenmury at l.u
rovtffltamlo will ho in a now brick bulldlnc
'" 'onlKlin Htreot, which In -IOxoO fot,
. Itjlwlllt a cellar. O. K. llarpor Ma proa I
i jilbHt of tho company.
"h Ic' l)' WndB Cattle Dipped Agntn.
f(i L JJndloton Tho 0. I). Wado herd ol
tlioroiiKhlirodfl, Mold at tho recent anlo
ofthu dufunct rnBhlvr'e Union county
'etock, hnvo OKnln been dipped mid can
, f 'ow bo Hhlppod out of tho ntnto. Thu
! iKc('ru llonl wn" '''Wwl 1,1U rB ',ni
urp9i11o only thoBo wlioeo purchiiHora in
'" SlUlHhlppiiiK out of Orouon underwent
"'mrUrinHt oporntlon. Tho herd was
bulrihtly Infected vlth manue.
Piled With Hit Secretary ol
Hint at flalcm.
rJalem Articled of Inrorporntlcn
woro II led In thn olllro of tho nccrotnry
of ntnto hint week nn follown:
Hnillli'l'reinli)r typewriter company,
HyrniiHo, N. Y., 1 100.000.
Woixloy Inlnnd IIhIiIiik company, l'ort
land, (11,000.
Orphiiiim nmiiNumuiil cotupnny, l'ort
Iniul, fun.OOO.
Ilutto 1'iitln miKnr piuu liiinlxir coin
pnuy, Medford, f 70,000.
NortliMcnlcrn IokkIiik compnny, Col
tnti drove, f 10,000.
Iit Valley laud nnd IiiiiiIrt com
pnny, ImI Vnlley, fHOO.
C'lintlu Hock bind nnnoclntlon, Tho
Dnllen, '.'0,()00.
Medford nthletlc club, Mrdford, $1,
Hxpim telriio'ni nnd teleKrnph
compuiiy, Dnrkee, linker county, $1,
500. Oregon luinlMtr, wood nnd llylit com
pnuy, I'hIU City, 1 10,000.
Ilridnl Volt box factory, Ilridnl Veil,
Whito Itock Irrigation mid powrr
company, Tetlierow Uridyl, Crook
county, I'.Ti.OOO.
(Irnuilc Hondo crenmury compnny,
Union, 110,000.
Clntnknuln IuiiiIht compnny, Clntn
knnlo, I'.'O.OOO.
I'UAK iikiii WATHH.
Heavy Snow followed by Hln and Chi
nook tlndanger Pendleton.
1'cndlclon HIkIi wntur njcln Ihrent
eiiN lVndloton. During tho int tw
weekn tho vfl,'lcr ban l-. 'ox'trvmoly
cold mid n"l. mw (ell In thn inoiin
Ifllni. Kvcn tho lower foolbllla wro
covered1. Uklnh bnd 17 Incite of now
niiQW and tho fall wan heavy nt Mencli
nm nnd other Hltto mountnln point.
A chaiign for Urn warmer with bmvy
rain nnd n chlnook hnvo net In. The
now I fnnt melting nnd trlbutnrlen of
tho UmntllU n-nr tho Ihim of tho
moiiiitnlnn nro overflow Inc. Tlieni In
fear If tho river get loo IiIkIi that the
town will 1h Hooded on nurotint of n
mnn movinu nwny .riprap work from
the tipKr end of tho loveo. Tho city
council nt itn hint meetliiK ordered tho
rlprnp replaced, but It linn not been
done, leaving n broken point In tho
Hlch Dnd ot Iron Ore.
. Oregon City Henldcntn In Went
Oregon City thin week discovered n
rich deponlt of iron oru In tho vicinity
of Wlllmiietto Fill In. Tho oro nccayn
54 wr rent metalllu Imn, and tho do
ponll In lxdlevel to lie ipilto extrnnlve,
rluro tho name ipmllty oro linn been
found In n ntimlor of thn ravine nnd
nldn hill nurrotiiidlnt Willmncttufnlln.
Tho lmid on which tlio dlncuvery linn
liceii made UdoiiK to thn Orison Iron
A Kteel compnny, nnd iuciulMrn of tho
corporation are now InventlKatlmii; tho
extent and aluo of tho find.
Whoat Wnlln Walla, 70o:
nlniti, HlWH'icj valley, HIc.
Harley l-'ii-d, ('.M xir ton; rolled,
I'lottr Valley, f3.004.05 jxir lwr
relj hard wheat ntralghtn, l(8t,:H);
clear, f3.H5lB4.10', hunt wheat pat
entn, $4.40&t4,70; grnhnm, 13.50
3.1)0; whole whent, f3.H54.05; ryu
Hour, $4.6034.75.
OntnNo. I white, tl.15ttl.17Si;
grny, ll.lOitl.r.' per ccutnl.
.Mlllntuffn Ilrmi. $1U:0 per ton;
middling, $'.'5,5097; nliortn, U'0
'Jl; chop, 18; liiwetxl.dntry fotxl, flO.
liny Timothy. 1510 per ton;
clover, llOMll; grniit, fll12;
client, (lial'.'.
Hggn Oregon ranch, 17H(3lHc.
llultet Sweet cream butter, 80c ior
pound; fniicy creamery, "6c; cholco
cieamury, 'JLikot-lo; dairy nnd ntoiu,
lluttcr l'at Sweet crenm, 28.S)c;
our cream, lido.
i'oultry Chicken, mixed, 13 13c
per pound; npring, mimll, 1701Ho;
hen, l30iHe; turkey, live, 10
17c; dionneil, IHL'Oo; tluckH, IHQI) per
tlo'cn; geene, live, Kc ier pound.
VegutablcH IurnlpD, HOc per unek;
enrrotn, KOc; leotn, lj painnlp,$l:
cabbngo, lQ'.'c; lettuce, lil-ad, 25
lOu pur dozun; parnley, 26o; toiuntovn,
'.'.'.'ftiaL'.fiO porcrato; caul lllowur, 76c
QUI pur dorun; celery, tlOOiHOo;
pipianh, 2u pur pound j cucttmburH,
1. 7602.25 pur doen ; nRparauiin, HJi
(ijllc; pen, He pur pound; rhubnrb,
7dJUuj beaiiH, 10c; onlona, Yellow Dan
vers, t'ti2.riO per unek.
Potatoes ranoy, $101,15 per con
tnl common, OOQHOoj nuw potntoe,
3uo pur iound; hwooIh, Co.
l-'nilt ApplcH, fancy llaldwlna and
HpitzuuberKH, $1.6032,60 per box;
choice, $1(31.50; cooking, 76cO$l.
llcof DroHned, 6Q7o por pound.
Veal Drc.Hcd, 7Q7KC
I'ork DrcHBcd, 7i(iiHo.
HopH 1003 crop, 23025c por pound.
Wool Valloy, 17018c; Knatorn
Oregon, 12016c; mohair, 30031c per
pound for cholco,
Kunlan Aulhorltle Do Not Deilre Kepe
tltloii ol HMnler Outrage.
HI. rolornburir, Ajnll (I. Iloport ro
colved by tho tnlnlntry o( thu Interior
Indicate tlint thu irecnutlonary mean
tiron taken to prevent mitl-JuwlHb iIIh
turhiiiicoM during Knitter week, when
thu Ignorant aro ennlly muiined U a
ott of rellgloun frenzy regarding
"blood atonomunt," will rentilt In tho
nvoldanco of nurloun trotihlo.
In nplto of tlio precaution, however,
it In coiinldered ponnlblo tliero mny bo
attumptN nt rioting, hut thu nuttioritlcH
mny 1)0 rolled upon to mipprcftN thenu
with n ntrong lintid. Tho following
privnto tiilegrnm wnn received today
from Odennn!
"Iteportn of mttl-Jowlnli tlbitiirlHincen
which nro common at Hunter time cauno
moro nlnrm tluin untinl thl year, bo
cnunu of thu occiirreneco Innt year.
Tho Jowh hero nro nurvoitn hut tlio
niithorltle hnvo confidence In (lover
nor Kldhnrdt, who In In chnrgu of tho
city, nnd who In mi energutlo mid hit
uinnc mnn, nn well an In llnron Knul
burn, commnnder-lu-chtuf of tho troop
In Southern Ilunnln. Under thu clr
cumntnncen, therefore, niiythlng like n
Dorloun dleturbnncu In re)iiirdcl nn Itn
ponnlblo, "Tho olllclnl pnjxirn hnvo published
ntrongly-wotded wnrnlngn, and tho city
in placarded with notlcen that all who
dlnturh thu enco will bo Hevuruly pun
Japanetv Can ,nlly Plnlih the Mottling
ol Port Arthur.
London, April 0. Further report
of nklimlnlllng lxitwinin thu ICunalnna
nnd Jnpane) In the Yalu river legion
nru reaching IMidfitl, Hut n reliable
detail nro glTit.
The Dally Telegrnph'n Bwul rorren
K)ndtnt Imllevr that tho dufennoi of
l'ort Arthur hnvo been no weakened
Hint tho early capture of tho port In to
Imi exee!cd. Tliero I little doubt, tho
forrenjmnilent nayn, that only a narrow
pnnwigi) In left and Hint nt the ilrnt
favorable opportunity tho Jnpanene
will block thu chnnnel. Tho Itiinnimtn
have taken many 12lnch gitun out of
their nlilp to nrni the old nnd new do
fennea of l'ort Arthur.
A correspondent of thu Morning I'ont
nt Ylukow Niyn that tho jhmIHoh tliero
In dnlly Womlng atrouger. A fort
night ngo thu Jnpnnunu could hnve
Imidrd with comparative rnne, while
now they would exerlciice great dill!
culty. The rormiKJiulent wy ho ha re
relvcil tritntworhy information Hint tho
concentration of troopn along thu mil-
way linn born no rnpld tlint It in now
linKnnlhlo for thn JnpnneHj to carry
tho war Into Manchuria, with any liopo
of nuccenn and Hint thu most they can
do I to Inolnto l'ort Arthur nnd ponnlbly
Ambnitador Working lor Protection ol
American Corporation!.
Kt, 1'eternburg, April O.Amlmnnador
McCnrmlck In negotiating with the for
eign olllro for a trinity with llni-ln
which will give to the United State
corporation thu right tonne in IliiMiInn
onurta and to Itunnlan corporationa thu
right to auu in courts of thu United
Under tho llunntan law, United
State corporationa can bo ailed, but
cannot auo In tho court of the empire.
Thin hna ratified United State llrm
great annoyance at well aa losnea in the
pant. In addition tho aiuhnHMilor
hope to (H'curo in the trentj- a broad
clnuao which will authentically give to
United State corporationa all privilege
en in whatever character, now enjoytnl
by tho corporationa of any foreign
Although there aro (lllllctiltlea in tho
way of acoompllahliig the denired ro
null, the Anibnnnndor'H advanced hnvo
Imhih met In thu frlendlluat vphlt nnd
tho iudlcntlotiH nro that bin ncgotla
tlonn will terminate auccenMfully.
Thu only couiitrlea now enjoying tho
privilege which AmbiiMndor MeCorin
ick la striving to obtain for the United
State aro (lermnny, Greece, llulgarla
and Italy.
Coal Pound Near Port Arthur.
St. l'otoraburg, April 0, A corres
pondent of thu Ahtfocintod l'rera nt l'ort
Arthur telegrapha today an followat
Tho Chinoau jiroplieaylng now nttumptn
to blixk thu channel nro nt the present
moment awed. All la (pilot in port
mid thu situation ia unchanged through
out thu peninsula. Deposits ot coal
almllnr to that of Catdin.'Walee, hnvo
been found In tho viuinlty of l'ort
Arthur, Tho dlecovory iann extremely
timely one, in view ot tho necessity of
obtaining an nmplo supply of fuel tor
tho licet.
Cannon Ilought In Unglatod.
l'arla, April 0. -Tho St. Potoraburg
correspondent of tho Fignro anya that
ltiifala lua ordorod 250 cannon in Eng
land for tho Manchurlan army,
Will Try to llrlng Matter Up Under Sua
petition of Kulca Houm Lcadcra
lledtate About Granting a Special
Rule and the fleijlon I Drawing te
Washington, April 4. The leader
f the house hesitate lo Invoke the
power of a ajtcolnl rule torecuraconild.
cratlon of tho 1jwls and Clark expo
Itlen bill, if it can I mi avoided, and
Chairman Tawncy ban decided to try to
bring tho mennuro up under suspension
of rmes. Ho will call tho bill up to
day, unlesM the Oregon men do not
deem tho tlmo opportune
Thoeo in charge of tho bill believe It
will be better to And out just what
strength the bill tin In tho house, and
this will lo shown on a autcni!on
vote, even If two-third of tho mem
ber of the house nrcensary to nupnend
the role do not rote for the measure.
The time I drawing ao near tho end of
thu nennlon that further delay may bo
Panama Company Ha Perfect Right te
Sell Ita Property.
Paris, April 4.-Tho first ciyll trib
unal of the Seine Unlay decided thecami
of tho Republic of Colombia against
the Panama Canal company in favor of
the defendant. Tho decision hold
that the complaint of Colombia I not
receivable, and condemn tho plaintiff
to pay tho cost of the action. Thin
decision ha the e fleet of removing the
legal obatacfca In tho way of the trans
fer of, ,l") canal couccraion from tho
company to w.e United Stales.
The decision ia a 'ong document,
fully reviewing all clrcuhiaWincca of
tho oommisslon and reviewing tho ar
ticles of tho treaty, etc., principally ar
ticle; 20, 21 and 22 ot the treaty of
March 20, 1R88, whereby tho company
acqulri-d ita rlsht.
"Those right," the decision Mya,
"have the manifest purpose of aaatir
log tlio full exercise of sovereignty over
he cnnal. It remits from what ia es
tablished lcforo this tribunal that Co
lombia i not In possession of tho terrl
toiy traversed by tho canal. Ily com
ing before tho French court in order to
obtain itn rights over tho canal, Colom
bia tacitly admit It inability to itself
control tho canal. It therefore follows
naturally that it has lost sovereignty
over tho territory traversed by the
canal. It also appear that this sov
ereignty la maintained by tho new re
public of Panama, which ia in actual
poasennion of tho authority and power
and administration nnd Ita policing.
Undor such clrrumstancea it only re
mains for tho Panama company to ac
cept tho actual situation of nuthority
nnd the facta relative to the territory
embraced by the concession. There
fore tho action commenced by Colom
bia ia not receiva ilo."
Although no fi-rrnal notice of appeal
waa given, it wm Mated at tho close of
tho coutt that Colombia and llonaparte
Wyso, Hm- onginnl concosaionalre,
would rV' It is said that an ap
peal will not cattio delay, since today's
decision ia held to confirm the com
pany's full right to transfer to tho
United State.
Consul Miller Olvcs Notice Regarding
Martial Law at Mu Chwang.
Niu Chwang, April 4. United Statea
Consul Miller today Informed tho cltl
xena of bin nationality of the United
Statea' ncquiesenco In tho proclamation
ot martial law by tho Russian authori
ties heie. Tho United Statea gunboat
Helcnn will leave Niu Chwang tomor
row. Tho Ilrltlsh gunboat Ksplcglo ia
awaiting additional Instructions.
Hum I nn authority has been estab
lished bore without friction. There la
no apparent nlnrm, although movable
property In being partly removed. It
la undei stood that immediately after
tho 11 ships now here nru loaded, tho
port and river will lo closed, aa the
work of providing for a system of do
fotiHO at Niu Chwang la prorgoHalng.
Nation Wlna Point In Land Prauds.
San Frnneieco, April 4 Tho govern
ment won ita kk-oihI Important point
in tho technical battle over the aliened
land fraud caeo today, when Commis
sioner Ileivcock donlod tho motion of
the defendants, F. A, Ilydo and Henry
P. Dlmond to dismiss tlio complaint
and diechnrgo thorn. Commissioner
Hoacock ia deciding against tho conten
tion ot tho defendants, said that tho cer
tified copy of tho indictment established
a prima fncio en so ngalnet Ilydo and
Dlmond and tlint the competency of tho
Washington court bad been proven.
Draft ol River and Harbor Dill.
Washington, April 4. Tho houso
committee on rlvora nnd barbora today
completed Ita draft of An appropriation
bill carrying approximately $3,000,000
to contlnuo existing contracts for river
and harbor work.
Unglneer Arc Ready to Report on Great
Irrigation Project.
Washington, April C Tho IJolso
I'ayetlo Irrigation project in Idaho ban
reached (he atage where, having re
ceived the endorsement of tbecnglnecrn
of tho reclamation service, It in ready
to bo reported lo the secretary of the
interior for hi approval, aa toon an
the stnte land board hna designated
w.. disposition it will make of the
00,000 acre of land belonging to the
late and lying under thl project.
It la doubtful if tho secretary of tho
Interior will pass on thin project until
a clear and explicit statement ha been
received from the ntnto authorities nn
to the policy which will be followed by
them in disposing of these lands. Un
der Hi" provision of tho reclamation
law of Juno 17, 1002, tho right to use
water of landa in private ownership
cannot bo aold for n tract exceeding 100
acres to any ono landowner, and audi
landowner must bo an actual bona fldo
resident on audi land, or occupant
thereof residing In tho neighborhood.
It is within tho discretion of the secre
tary to set tho limit of area for each
homestead, which limit shall represent
the acreage which, in hi opinion, may
reasonably be required for tho support
of a family. Under tho terms of this
law tho farm area under tho Iiolse-Pay
cite project will probably bo set at 40
to 80 acre, according to tho locality
and character of tho soil.
Taft Say Philippines Cannot Oct Nec
cssary Railroad Without It
Washington, April C -Secretary of
War Taft waa before the senate com
mittee on tho Philippines today to go
over tho Ixxlgo and Cooper bill for tho
amendment of tho act providing for tho
civil government in tho Philippines.
Great interest waa manifested In tho
Btction providing for aid in railroad
building by authorizing tho Phillppino
gnvn'nnient to guarantee an incomo of
not excelling 5 per cent on capital in
vested in thn construction nnd equip
ment of ancb road. Referring to tho
sections of the 'Mil providing for tho
government building u railroads in tho
event willing capital wns not found to
undcrtaku the projects. Se-retary Taft ,'
said that he did not favor fiorurnment
ownership of tho system, but bo had
offered It aa an alteiuativo, after bal
ing investigated thoroughly the cxperl- "
ence of the Ilrltlsh government .in In-""
din and tho Dutch government in'ita ' .
colonies. . "
Senator Burrowa inquired if it were
not possible to interest capital In rail
road building In tho Philippines with
out government aid. Secretary Taft
said ho believed a few links of a sys
tem might be constructed, but not tho
general railroad building needed tor
the progress ot tho islands.
Diplomat Confident Britain la Moving
liecauie Ruisla Duty.
Pari, April 6. -The British advance
on Thibet ia attracting widespread at
tention, the general view being that it
in duo mainly to Russia's preoccupa
tion in tho Far East. Government
olllclnl aro inclined to share this opin
ion. An ambassador said today:
"It .a manlfeat that Russia'.) handa
lielng tied gives Great Britain an op
portunity to advance in Thibet. Aa
part of tho aamo diplomacy. Great
Britain ia re-establishing friendly rela
tion with France, thus neutralizing
any French opposition to tho Thibetan
In this connection the ambassador
related a conversation with Foreign
Minister DelcaBse regarding tho Faah
oda incident. It waa pointed out dur
ing this conversation that if tho Inci
dent had occurred while Great Brit
ain's handa had been tied by tho Boer
war, the future of Central Africa would
hnvo lieen entlroly different. It waa
tho conclusion ot those taking part in
tho conversation that the titno to settlo
minor scores was due to the preoccupa
tion of your advoreary elsewhere, nnd
it ia tho diplomatic viow that Great
Britain ia now adopting that principal
and advancing in Thibet wbilo Russia
la elsewhere engaged.
100,000 Men Have Creased the Lake.
Berlin. April 6. Ono hundred thous
and men and 0,000 horses, besides con
siderable artillery, have crossed Lako
Baikal slnco tho outbreak of the war,
according to tho Tngeblatt'a military
export. Writing from Lake Baikal un
der dnto of March 10, ho says that ho
found tlint tho authorities had done
everything imaginable for tho comfort
ot tho solidora on tho railway nnd tho
hike, nnd Hint the railway equipment
waa admirable, All tho bridges aro
steol, with alone abutments and aro
carefully guarded.
Working Hani to Oct Fleet Ready.
Parta, April 6. Accotdlng to a St.
Petersburg correspondent of tho Echo
do Paris, work ia carried on night and
day at Cronatadt in order to prepare a
licet to leavo there at tho end ot July
or tho beginning of August tor a war
port in tho Far Eaat, which ia expected
to be free from ice in three weeks.
glftl - . 1-- . ,