The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 15, 1904, Image 2

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oppici sncmiTs our.
Comprehensive RcWcw of the Import
ant Happenings of the Past Week,
Presented In Condensed Form. Most
Likely to Proo Interesting to Our
Many Render.
Russia will endeavor to Join its fleets
nnd nttngk Togo.
Tho Japanese lmvo crossed tlio Ynlu
nnd occupy several important posi
tions. Kouropntkln hns now massed tlio
force ho desired bofore bediming active
According to tlio census bureau but
22 states now lmvo lens than a million
Inhabitants nnd 14 exceed two millions.
Joint W. Kalna, United States judge
ol tho Second ciicult, at Honolulu, hns
been removed from olllco by tho presi
dent. Ground hns been broken at the I.cwls
and Clark exposition site (or tho tint
building of importance, tho states
A special car bearing 03 Indians en
rou to to sco Roosevelt collided with n
limit train in Illinois nnd threo braves
were killed nnd SO injured.
The census bureau hns issued n bul
letin which gives tho estimated popula
tion of tlio United States for 1003, ex
clusive of Alnska nnd tho insular pos
sessions, nt 7l),000,3S9. Of the cities
of tho Northwest, Portland Is given
03.055; Seattle, 02,020; Tncoma, 46.
102; Spokane, 41,027; Butte, 33,127.
Russians will not allow Servians to
enter her army.
Republicans elected mayor of Kan
sas City, Mo, and will control tho coun
At Mlwlaukeo the Democrats elected
their mayor and 24 out of 40 council-
The Labor Union tickets carried in
the towns of Colorado where elections
were held.
In Nebraska tho Rcbupltcan ticket
has GOO to 1,100 majorities. High
licence carried in most cities.
Neither fleet Is to bo seen at Port
Arthur and the only indication of war
is tho ever active searchlight.
Republicans carried Topeka, Law
rence and Wichita, Kansas, and elected
a majority of candidates at Kansas City
and Leavenworth.
Franco and Britain hove reached an
agreement regarding Newfoundland,
Egypt and Morocco. Newfoundland is
to bo given up by France.
Republcans elected 18 aldermen and
Democrats 10 In tho Chicago city elec
tions. Municipal ownership of street
railways was favored by a largo ma
The house has been aBked to see that
Jews get better treatment in Russia.
Tho Poit Arthur channel Is not so
well closed as Adml'nl Togo reports.
The Prohibitionists are likely to
nominate Gnecral Nelson A. Miles for
The house committee has decided on
a lump appropriation of 3,000,000 for
livers and harbors.
Tho opening of tho Cuban congress
waB attended by wild scenes of disorder.
Fights were quite numerous.
Russians will only harass Japoneso
force in Corea, playing the waiting
game decided upon by Kouropaikin.
Secretary Hay will Intervono for the
release of two American newspaper cor
respondents held by tho Russians at
Niu Chwang.
Stenographer (lives Alleged Methods of
Land llu)ers.
San Francisco, April II, Sensational
testimony was given today In tho hear
ing bofoto United States Commissioner
Hencock In tho Hyde nnd Dliuoml land
conspiracy case. Mrs. Itulle A. Curtis,
who was n stenographer for llydo fioin
October, 1807, to November, 1800, was
the chief witness, and her evidence
went to show that allhluvlts Here man
ufactutcd by wholesale in tlio olllco;
also that Hydo nnd John A. Benson
wero partners In the alleged conspiracy
to defraud tho government. She de
clared llydo nnd Benson employed
"dummies" to make out applications
for school lauds, and that tho colored
janitor was frciiunutly Instructed to
bring In his friends to apply far school
lauds for their own use, and were then
piloted to n neighboring notary to
make nflldavits. She said that assign
ments of these claims to llydo nnd Non
son wero often made nt tho same time.
She said tho plan of Hyde nnd Non-
son was. to have thesu school lands in
Oregon and California transferred tn
forest reserves, with tho assistance of
corrupt government olllcials. When
the lands wero so transferred, the as
signees of tho school laud scrip had tho
privilege of exchanging their holdings
for more valuable lands outside of tho
Thomas McCuskcr, freight ngent of
tho Southern Pacific, at Portland, Or.,
testified thnt he had secured many up-,
plications of school Innds in Oregon for
John II Schneider, who was Hyde's;
ngent. Mr.McCusker said ho received
pay for his services, but ho did not
know that ho was engaged in an illegal
Miss Marian Doyle, who succeeded
Miss Curtis ns Hyde's stenographer,
will testify at tho next hearing.
Senator Gibson, of Montana, declares
tho hue and cry about a land lobby
urging the repeal of several laws to be
largely baseless.
Satisfactory negotiations are proceed
ing rapidly for a settlement of tho
strike in Colorado and it is believed
tho trouble will soon be over.
Japan will faco big odds on tho Yalu
river as tho Russian forco is tho larg
est. Russians believe that tho Chinese of
Manchuria are secretly aiding the Jap
Wichita, Kan., women show their
disapproval of Smoot by hanging him
in efilgy.
Officers have a bandit rifle for a clew
in search for Oregon express robbers.
Circulation of counterfeit Japaneso
money in Corea is causing great an
noyance. Japan expects a long war and urges
all her citizens to come to tho defense
of tho country.
Russia will let China mako protests,
if any are made, against tho British
advance in Thibet.
The Santa Fo is building stockades
around the Topeka shops preparatory
ffor the expected strike.
Mrs. Dotkln Found fjullty of Murder
the First Degree.
San Ftnncisco, April 0. Mrs. Cor
delia Botkin, accused of killing Mrs.
John P. Dunning, of Dovei, Del., by
sending her iwlsoned candy through
the malls, was tonight convicted of
murder in tho first degree, with the
penalty fixed at life imprisonment.
The jury was charged lato this nf
ternoon, and nt 4:30 o'clock retired to
deliberate. Later they were taken out
for dlnnor nnd upon returning asked to
lmvo somo testimony read to them.
At 11:15 o'clock tho the Jury reported
that an agreement had been reached.
file omlnousness of tho announce
ment was apparent in tho attitude of
tho defendant, who buried her face in
her hands and remained in that po
sition until the foreman of tho jury
had finished speaking. Tho court In
quired if a verdict had lccn ai rived
nt, and tho foreman handed him n slip
of paper upon which was written :
"We, the jury, find the defendant,
Cordelia Botkin, guilty of murder in
tho first degree, and fix tho punishment
nt imprisonment for life."
Mrs. Botkin looked up as the court
was thanking the jtt'ors for their close
attention to tho case, and presented a
woe-stricken countenance to her coun
sel, who spoko some comforting words
to her.
The court named April 10 foi formal
ly pronouncing scntenco.
Court Sentences Mini to Six Mohtlu' Im
prisonment and I'lno of $2,500
Case Will Ho Appcatcd-lt Is Only by
a Strong Uffort Ho Suppresses Ills
Emotion When Sentenced.
St. Louis, April 8. Senator Burton,
of Kansas, was today dented a new
trial and sentenced to six mouths In
tlio Iron county jail and to pay a tine
of U'.oOO.
Senator Burton, accompanied by his
lending attorney, Judge Chester II.
K rum, came into eouit nt 12.30. A
case was being tried, and Judge Adams
granted a recess to tako up tho Nurtou
case. Judge Adams summoned Senator
Burton to stand up, and then spoko of
tho motions that had been tiled for a
now trial nnd for ntrest ol judgment.
Tho court, niter briefly reviewing the
motions, overruled them both, llio
court then said to the defendant:
"Ilnve you anything to say as to
why sentence should not bo passed up
on you?" Trembling ami evidently
suppressing his emotions with a strong
effort, Senator Burton stood leaning
with Iwth hands on a chair back as he
"Your Honor will please allow me
respectfully to decline to say anything."
Tho courtroom was almost ofupty
and tho silence was almost oppressive
as Judge Adams, in low, modulated
tones, began delivering the scntenco to
bu Imposed.
At the conclusion of the sentence,
Senator Nurtou, who had not taken his
eyes from tho court, and who had
scarcely moved ns he supported him
self by tho chair lwick, turned and sat
down, with his head bowed and his
eyes on tho floor.
Attorney Judge Krum immediately
filed a bill of except loin in the enso
and offetcd a bond of $10,000 which
was accepted, and court took n recess
until 2 o'clock to resume the previous
ease. Senator Burton and Judco Krum
then hurriedly departed from tho courtroom.
Tho case will now 1ms appealed to the
Oreiionlnns Expect I00S Hill to Pass
the Homo Soon.
Washington, April 7, Tliorti l
prospect thnt tho IaiwIb mill Clark ex
position bill will bo passed by tint
liinisu the hitter part of tho present
week, niter being considered under spec
ial rule. Chairman Tawney tislny In
troduced n resolution authorising con
sideration of the bill t any tlnut dur
ing the remainder of tho session, and
had his resolution referred to the com
mittee on rules. Them Is oory usAir
nneo that this committee will favorably
report tho lesolutlou nt Its next meet
lug, notwithstanding the fact that
three uiomhcis of tho committee voted
ngnlnat the Portland bill,
The strong showing on both rollcnlls
establishes Itoyoml question tho fact
thnt the bill Is favored by a large ma
jority of the members of the house, and
It Is believed by those In touch with
tho situation that the committee mi
rules will iceognUo the wish of the
majority, and consent to consideration
of the hill. HTnwnoy'a resolution Is
reported us expected, It will bo tiiuhn
lint ton special rule, and will gUeniu
pie opportunity (or dclxito on tho bill
and permit Its passage by a majority
It Is now retarded as certain by Ore-
gnnJnus hero that the bill will ho
passed by the house and that the meas
ure slimed by the president will appro
priate at least tho amount catrled by
tho house bill, namely, M"6.00O,
The stiength of the bill, demon
strated by the votes on Monday, testi
fies to the effectiveness of the elforts of
friends of that measure In woiklng up
sentiment lit its behalf.
America Warns Marines and Seamen
to Take No Sides.
Washington, April 7. The Inlmr
troubles on tho Isthmus of Pnnnmn
growing out of tho stilko of the em
ployes of the Panama railroad couixuiy
have taken a serious turn, ami llm facts
have lieen icMrtcd (o the state depart
ment by the United States charge nt
Panama. The matter was deemed of
sutlli'ient inixirtanco to warrant consid
erable discussion nt the cabinet meet
ing, nnd the unanimous opinion was
United States. llstrlet court of, , ""1 " " . , u Z2
tho highest tribunal In tho matter. ., , -" "" "
It is a coincidence that the amount ",,,,,"I,JP "' "'0"y- l '
of the lino 2600 imposed upon 'kmutor . wfl" '"'m 'l",1 tlw 1,mnml""t
Burton Is identical with the nmoiiut , '' t withhold In any degree the
pruieeiiuu ui me i million imironw,
which It has assumed by treaty, and It
was directed that the railroad projx-rty,
Military Expert Predicts Success of
Move on Port Arthur.
London, April 8. The naval expert
of tho London Times, in an extended
review of tho aspect of tho present situ
ation, exprossos the Iwilof that Ad
miral Togo will succeed eventually in
attaining his object in blocking tho
entrance to Port Arthur harbor.
"If he does succeed," says tho cones
pondeut, "tho Russian fleet cannot pre
vent the lauding of Japanese troops in
Manchuiia, or anywhere else, while
the Japanese fleet will bo freed from
the trying work of holding the harbor
entrance, and will bo available for
service elsewhere. It can then return
to its original base, nnd after refitting,
proceed in the search for tho Vladivo
stok fleet."
which according to the evidence ho re
ceived from the Itlatto Grain A Securi
ties company. Tho Iron county Jail to
which Senator Burton was sentenced
for six months, Is located in thu county
seat nt fronton Mo., on tho Iron Moun
tain railroad. Tho Jail is a two-story
brick structure and in n poitlon of It
Sheriff Polk makes his home with his
According to tho rule of the jail
which shot tens each year's sentence of
a prisoner by three months for good le-
fiavlor, Kenator Burton's period of in
carceration there may bo reduced to
four and one-half months.
Strict Censorship Prevails.
London, April 0. Tho brief dis
patches from the seat of war In the Far
r.uiti appearing in tlio l-ondon news
papers dining the last few days havo
all been of a curiously stereotyped char
acter, Indicating thatl an nctivo censor
ship Is prevailing there, nnd lidding
nothing to the information contained
In tho dispatches of the Associated
Press. This applies particularly to
points under Japanese control, but
from tho Russian side also it is evi
dent that care is being exercised to
prevent news of operations leaking out.
Mcyburn, of Idaho, Uriel Senate to Take
Some Action.
Washington, April 8. After watting
with much patience for many days,
Hoybiirn of Idaho today found oppor
tunity to seak to the senate on the
subject of pure food. Technically, thu
speech was in support of a resolution
calling on the secretary of agriciiltuio
to send to thu senate tho results of thu
Investigations made by his dciHirtmont
Into ndulteratod foods but In reality It
was in supori of too puro-iooo inn.
He burn contended that a very large
proportion of foods, drugs and liquors
wore ndulteratod, and many drugs were
absolutely poisonous.
The greater part of the remainder of
tho day was devoted to Quartos' amend
ment for grading the salaries of rural
free delivery carriers. Finally It was
declared out of order. Tho oommlttco
amendment bearing on the salaries of
carriers and regulating their service for
private Individuals wiih accepted,
Tho postolllce appropriation bill was
still bofore the senato when it adjourned.
rolllnir stock, track nnd terminal
should Ikj protected by forces from the
United States warships nt the isthmus
If thnt liecnino necessary.
There will, however, Ihi no compul
sion exercised ngninst tho strikers to
coniel them to return to work, If
tho rnllrond management can secure a
sulllclent force of men to operate tho
road they will lo upheld In such nu at
tempt. This will lie done with the
full consent of thu Panama government,
though under broad treaty provisions
this is not absolutely necessary.
Secretary Moody wos charged with
tho duty of carrying out this decision
and with Instructing Admirals Ola
and Sigsbco ns to the (our so they shull
pursue, lucre is ample force on the
Isthmus for any emergency.
Japan (Had Russians Dought It.
Berlin, April 0. Mr. Inouye, tho
Japanese minister here, docs not share
tho vlow that the sale of the Hamburg-American
lino steamship Found
Bismark Is a breach of neutrality.
"From one viewpoint," said the minis
ter, "we aro glad to sco tho Russians
buy good ships, Tlio Russians buy
them and we capture them,"
Canal Deal Soon to fie Closed,
Paris, April 8. After n conference
between Ambassador Porter and W. A.
Day und Charles W. Russell, the assis
tant attorney generals, who came from
Washington to assist In tho transfer of
the Panama canal property, It has been
arranged that the signing of tho con
tract whereby the United States will
acquire tho ownership of the Panama
canal shall tako placo at the United
States embassy, which Is now nominally
American soil. Tho dato of tho sign
ing is not yet fixed, hut probably it
will be about April 25.
Missouri Convicts Hold Up Guard, but
Are Soon Overpowered.
Jefferson City, Mo., April 7. Four
convicts nt tho penitentiary today at
tempted to escape by holding up the
guard with revolvers. They were
forced to surrender, nnd when searched
several sticks of dynamite wuru found
In their tosseslon.
They had succeeded in cutting their
way out of tlielr cells, and when Guard
John Williams, in making his lounds,
came upon them in tlio corridor, they
called upon him to halt. Williams
lied and gave tho alarm, and n corps of
guards responded and soon overpowered
the convicts und placed them in other
cells. The convicts assert that they
secured the revolvers and dynamite by
express, hut thu prison authorities lie
Hove th. weapons and explosives were
smuggled to thorn by friends.
Necessary Iwo-Thlrds to Suspend Rui
Lacking Tawney Not Discount,
and Will Try to Secure Special ,
and If Unsuccessful, Appruprlat)
Can lie Placed on Sundry Civil lllll.
Washington, April 0. Thu In
nnd Clark uxosltlmi hill scored a grr
victory In the house yistcrduy, s
though the necessary two-thirds
to pass tho measure was not secure
On two separate votes, ll was thou
that there was n very largo majority
tho house III favor of an nppioprU
It now remains to ho seen whether
majority of the house, desiring to it
n laudable undertaking, can lodiifn.f
through lualillllyto bring tho bill!.
fore the house.
Tho llrst vote was on thu hill ditto
and tho second mi n proposition i
make It a privileged measure, so an
make It mmmIiI to call It up at it
time. Three mcmliers, or the luajfr
ty, of tlio committee on rules opi.
tint suspension of the rules on W
votes. Home might take this to mt
that It will lm Impossible to seeuu
rule bringing the bill to a vote, jiqti
Sputter Cannon Is undoubtedly In (.'
of the appropriation, nnd General Ord
enor, of Ohio, a member of the cue
mitten on rules, Is with him, the prwi
abilities nre that tho committee ft
decide thnt the majority of the IiWi
Is entitled to pass this legislation, ','
therefore n sptclnl rule will i)
Ihe Oregon delegation la ifi
pi eared with the character of the hot
who voted with them. Tho inaJwHJ
was coiliNMied of the lending repretfsJi
athes on Imth sides of the part sWij
piouiliiuut llepnhllenns ami DmixrrtM
both giving voire to tho Mm that ttj.
exposition Might to he encouraged, t
least to the extent of government pwj
There Is another feature of this Mitt
ositlou which Is encouraging to Orrro
eoplo. If there Is any gieat delay t
the matter of securing u siwclnt riWt
consider the bill, Ihe aiiriiritti
will Ihi put on the sundry civil bill it
the senate, ami It Is certain lltat lift
House will stipiicrt It, the vote rMttA
ol today Mug inch a guarantee. Tkf
sundry civil hill Is still In the lists)
the senate committee on approwl.y
tlons, hut More It Is rcjuirtn! tmk
that committee, the Oregon men nj
definitely ascertain whether there kip
Ihi a special rule for the cousldrratiti'
of tho bill In the house. If tho tk.jj
members of ihe committee on nlf.
who voted against the np;.roprltl?
adhere to their position, then tho Hi'
will lm cnrrlcd ns part of tho su&i
civil hill. n
Nearly Every llouss In Town Is Occusit
by Soldiers. "
St. Petersburg, April 0. An Amtft
ated Press corresiHiiidtmt on routs rjj
the fnuit. writing from Harbin, Mir-d
13, describes the scene there ns hifu
served it. Prom all sides soldiers f.l
pouring Into Harbin. Tho minn',
plotcd railroad station there had lWl
transformed Into a barracks, aiilift
most every house In the town wai sVj
copied by soldiers. ,'
Frisian, a short dlstanrnawav. wbkl
iiiiiii recently nan isen a small villa,
on thu hank of the huuunrl river. l
become aellv Willi liumuiraiv LnllilK'
which wero Inilng useil by the trrj
and with stores, a hotel and reslaurjL
Merchants ami lostniiranteiirs thoospi
respondent adds, wero accused of mt?j
Hon, but money was cheap. if.
Last of Russian Troops to do Soon.
St. Petersburg, April 8. It 1h stated
that thu manager of tho Trans-Siberian
railway has been personally thanked
by the czar for tho rapid work of trans
porting tlio Russian troops to thu Far
Kast. It Is stated that within n fort
night all of tho men destined for ser
vice will bo on tlielr wuy to Man-
Russia Will Apreal the Cases.
St. Poteishurg, April 7. Russia
oomplotod arrangomootH throuuh
French minister nt Toklo to appeal thu
cases of the Russian merchantmen now
lKiforu thu Japanesu prize com Is.
Three Japanese lawyers huvo lieen en
gaged to present tho cases. Appeals
will bo made on various grounds.
Most of tho ships were taken before the
actual declurutlon of war, several of
thorn wero captured on thu hleh in
having left port lniforo the outbreak of
hostilities, while othoru wero in neu
tral ports.
Uattleshlp Virginia Slides Into Action.
JfowportNowB, Vtt., April 7. With
bauds playing "The Star Spangled Hau
lier" and "Dixie" and 30,000 people
cheering Godspeed, thu battleship Vlr
glnla was launched tislay at the yards
of tho Newport News shipbuilding com
puny. Miss Mlhluy Guy Montague,
daughter of Oovenior Montuguo, wus
WILL SINK STONII t. At) I IN Slill'l , '
. ini
Russians Hope to Thus Keep Japan.
Out of Nlu Chwanc. ,!,
Nlu Chwnng, Apill 0. In coiWQr
tlou with thu Hiisslan plans for this "t
lltlcatlon of Mu Chwnng, the RitSI'.
port commander has prewired 'i Jusi
indoii to water edge with stonos, srMc ,
will be settled on the first BpiKarWgoi
ui uiu enemy in such n position ini'
will bo Impossible for nnv oss.'s rW
erio enter or lonui the luirlxr Tt'j
river between hero und Ylnkov li "tlo"
tromoly mined. j()'
Railway Traffic Not Congested.
St. Petersburg, April o. A Mt,rfl
Hussion olllolal, who has Just return aj
from n trip ovei the Trans HI!bIi,J
railway, contradicts th rm.ort tbi..l
there Is great congestion of trulllo. Ij&
declares that ten trains dally trflVtfflrJ
lite road In either direction as hi '
Irkutsk, and nlnu freight trains, ln'wt
dltlon to many passenger trains, "nlcH
run irom beyond Ijiko Ballknl to iu I
bin. Ho says that there is no contf
for tho safety of the line, Kvorjr l f,
of it is strongly guardod, Thin li x.i
jieoittlly so nt till bridges. "
Again Shell Port Arthur. i8'
Chofoo. Anrll (I ItiiHsian oi UMt
huro admit that tliero wnsanotlicriji
minimum oi rort Arthur by tlio (ally;
wieso on nuiiuny, April i, cii
thentio particulars of tho engage
arc obtainable.