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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1904)
n " 'f'WiPWl,,! .-,-, :WW K5-", - V "';T;-,'.j.'. VW.kl443lMXK M '.4. JL JTaC JL3JLcII- JLiJJLIJL 1 !! .( "JUli VOW. II HKND, OItl(U)N, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 19'M- NO. 5 fEPS TO GET GOLD llH HOLDERS ON CUNK UUTT1-S ORGANIZE LOU WORK, Jntiori Pec Paid nnd Coinmltlco ppolntcd to Prepuro n Plan for eveloplng tlio Lcdj-cRcport to bo (ado next Monday NlchtTwenty l;iit Claim aro In tlio Deal. VIofe tllMtt 50 mining claims were feted on Clinc butte Inst week pr the gold lUscovery there hutl omu known. Mo.n of the avail ic ground dins been staked off, ugh there is said to be a vury imising ridge extending over to i westward. There wan a dis ct stampede for claims tlio latter If of last week. Now steps are wg taken to organize for develop mt. A- score of ctaimholdcrs met at fc office of J. M. Lawrence Mou y evening and appointed the fol ding committee to prepare a plan organization for development of c Clinc buttcs property: Joseph Taggart, J. N. Hunter, J. M. iwrencc, George H. Robbins and L. llrock. It is expected to form corporation that will take over c claims and prosecute systematic rk to prove their value, The mmittcc is instructed to report at lothcr meeting to be held at the ue place next Monday night. J. t. Lawrence is chairman and Nick .Welder secretary. It wus agreed ,at the claimholders should put 1 $s cnc'1 M a location fee and st of it was paid on the 3ot. So far as the record is availble re the following have located ms: i tla OtWrr Johnton J O Keller kUhtrii King je Aunt fcetkfr J M MwrciKC Maitm .lg Idlnjuuil Llnik K U M utile V A McCinti Mr. U II MCiin Wm MtCurty W orerloti otto xtuurr O l( KobUii It W Kotxtti M MotitfU Y C Kuwlee Mr I' C Kowlet T ttl Xlfhel f llfb'uitl I) itmllh J I' Tfitt NT Welder iutrr My JBrixk Cik fctwk kt)u4l'7 tot I" lWrI MftokKin V-fUkd UrrjTc.r r.rorac it Oilffin Griffin untcr tinitfr ijuj Hunter 'filler II WtjtllllltQII I. O Wlctl 11 $ 'i AMnjumbcr of years the im tjuhuina I. t Wlctl II' tsiaii linn heen strati rr that there tx - "o 'told in Cline buttcs. Fifteen tars ago a little proscctiug was ?n there but the results were not cli tiiough to satisfy the miners of Sat day. About six years ago Fosrectors made a brief cxninina- n and scut specimens to assaycrs Portland and San Francisco, but c assiy rctwrts varied so greatly at n development was under Ikcn. Two or three times since (tention has been drawn to the tcality as promising gold, but ere was no move to organize for jrstemutic work. M. C. Awbrcy !d the Kdwardscs, were among the ople who thought well of the Id prospects there. Mr. Awbery lys the rock is exactly like the fh gold quartz on the California He of the Siskiyous and he was jnvinced there was gold in it. Since the gold was discovered it fa been ascertained that there is a fjUity of limestone in the buttcs q is probable that steps will be irfcfy to demonstrate its commcr fl value. The building pceds of ifraud the heavy cost of lime here will warrant efforts to get a supply near homo. It would not take n great capital to put lime ll.M.i. I.. ill. ...!.... If .1... .....1. I., Kllll. Ill U)UrilllUII II I "C ItlVK. m found to be .suitable. The Cllue falls tKiwer is only a Unit a mite and a half from th buttcs where the mineral has been found and that power could Irt.' utilized to advantage in developing and working the minus or quarries The lode that outcrops in Cliue buttcs is supixi.sod to In: the .tunic as that at Ashwood on which the rich Oregon King mine is located. The rock is of the Mime chnractcr and nppoarimcu. It is .said that lode Strikes southwe.stward across the country 1 outcropping at Smith rock and also at Clmc buttcs. If so it gives great promise to" the Clinc buttcs discovery. M. C. Awbrey regrets thnt the locality of the new gold discovery is given the name of Cliilc buttcs. He says the laud mark is properly Carintchael butt&s, named after the pioneer settler, Robert Gariniehael. Clinc catne into the country com paratively recently and Mr. Awbfey thinks preference should I' glvfcrf the pioneer when it comes to Martf iug geographical fcaturef (if the country. A meeting of the miners contriiir tec was held Wednesday cvcUhig and imiuires weic set on foot as Ui the IwMt method of ascertaining the' worth of the newly found ledge. A definite plan of ocrattons will be outlined for the general meeting j next Monday evening. It is prob auic mis win lucuuic n ieuiorary organizatiou for prospect work with a permanent organization later. ALL LIKKWTCir LAND. Applicants Take Columbia Southern Tract and Will Improve Them. Last Saturday was Laud Agent Cook's busy day down on the Col umbia Southern sogrcgatiou. He disposed of 1300 acres of land to seven men from Portland, Knlamn and Kelso, all of whom will start improvements immediately. The party was composed of J. W. Wharton, treasurer of the Kellogg Transportation Company, Portland; R. II. ltaylcy and S. S. Strain, of Kelso, Wash,, and C. Peterson, John White, Jens Hassulbcrg ami Peter McKinuon, of Kalama, Wash. They drove in from Shauiko by way of Hcislcr's, Trail crossing and Tctherow's bridge. When they left Webfoot it was wet, very wet, but when they reached the Colum bia Southern camp they piled urn brcllas, gum coats ami goloshes in a heap and went forth to enjoy the clear, warm weather and examine the country. It did not take them long to make selections. All these investors will clear and improve their holdings this season uud Messrs Peterson, White and Ilassalberg will settle upon their laud. The others will not occupy their lauds until a little later. All were greatly pleased with the out look here and their representations are likely to bring other land seek ers this way. I H. Dayton, J. C. Ilurstpool and Karl Kastnian have taken 340 acres of the Columbia Southern lauds and O. W. Fickel has the contract for grubbing and clearing them of sagebrush, , George Ur'ostcrhous has just got three acres cleared on his home stead on the west sltfe of the river ami is preparing it for crop. WORK ON THE CANAL T!M!I'K MM! AND ItlUD ON Till! four llrldxoN Have (Icon Completed Now Unxlueor Crew (I11I111: to (lie lrront"'lhlrty Men Added to Coif HtruclliMi I'orcnllrcuk In tlio Hot (mil of tlio Ditch. Telephone olas have licelr set altliig about two aild n half miles of the Pilot Huttc cfttutl, and the wag on fOsd dil ihe citilal right of way halt lCcfl complelt'd for the .same distriflcc. A gooM wngoil tdnli alid (cleph'MC iilic will accompNtliy ihf crtlui! Its t'utife length. PouF bridged where the colinty foad crosses the canal have been completed and tiuibefs are on the ground fbr others. Alrout thirty men iiave iwen add tftl tO the construction force in the past week. The ilitch cxnivatiou from the flume down to Wiest's homestead is nearly completed, with the cxccptlonfof the work to be done by the roml iimcliinc. This leaves but a small gapbetween the two sections of completed work. Purchasing Agent Lovell is out at Princvillc with instructions to buy several more teams and outfits for the coni'vany. Another survey crew of 14 men will le put in the field in a few days, away in advance of the canal construction. Its work will be to contour tlic coilfifTf'ib' s to" klirjtv where tn locate laterals and sc vices ditches. The company's stable has been completed and a lane fenced off in which the horses can exercise and reach the river. The blacksmith shop has also been finished ami fit ted out for work and Mr. Circle is as much at home as if he had been there always. The company's stone vault is about half done and work is progressing on the adjoin ing office building. Yesterday noon a peculiar break occurred near, the foot of the flume, where the canal descends over u rim of lava just above the waste way. A little water had been run ning through the flume to test the ditch. At noon everything was safe but at 1 o'clock the bottom had droptcd out of the ditch just !c!ow the lava and there was 110 telling how far down it hod gone, probably many feet. Of course when the bottom dropjicd the banks caved in, leaving a large and ugly chasm which may require 11 short section of flume to repair. The damage is not great. PROORHSS OP IMPUOVRMRNTS Maklnt n Model Lawn Hulldlng Lots Taken Now Structure. A. M. Drake is devoting a good deal of mention to the improvement of the 34-acre lot in which his res idence is situated. It has been plowed and harrowed and rolled and planked and scraped to' perfect smoothness and given a sufficient slope for convenient irrigation. It will be converted into n model lawn Foundations for the additions to the Drake residence arc under way, Work on 'the- cottage of Hugh O'Kane, about two' blocks south easterly from' the IJ. M, Costore, was begun Wednesday. The, house is to be 30x32 feet and will conhVin six rooms,' All the lumber is' 6W "V2l213K$SSfiBg! S THE BEND MERCANTILE CO I A. II. (WANT, MannRcr. BEND OREGON We Buy as Low as We Caul That's Business Sense! We sell as Low as We Can! That's Progressive Sensel VWI liiy as Low as Yoti Can! That's Common Sense! Yon Biiy of Us! That's Dollars and Cents For Both of Us! Dry Goods, Groceries, Glass, Paints, f , A , J DOOR.S, CLAIMS IWTIMATHI) AND SOU) KINO & Tlinlcr Cruisers HfiNl) the ground but more careutcrs could be mod. Mr. O'Kaue has 8000 tKHiuds of household effects at Shauiko, which will be brought in as soon as there is a place for them. Mrs. O'Kane will ulso ar rive soon. MiilsouJ.aud Ulwood W. Rob erts have taken a lot in llcnd and will build a substantial dwelling when lumber can be had. For the present a small cottage for their own accommodation will be put up. Creed and Carlyle Triplett are to go partnership in a building to be erected 011 the west side of Wall street, which will be occupied partly as a barber shop and bath house. The apHtanuicc of Wall street is greatly changed by taking out the umbrageous pines and junipers that formerly flourished therein, The new Pilot Butte I1111 has re ceived its first coat of white paint and stands forth quite proud of its new garb. The interior work is going forward as" fast ns materials come to hand. Cli'aiiiro In CuV Marttct. A ibangti in the City Market of Ii'end wilt go into' effect May 1; Ralph IL Caldwell takes in three partners his brother Hubert O. and thi) Muyfickl brothers, Michael and William, of Kbsland. This will be it co-partnership for the con duct of a butchering uud general riVarket business. The new nr ifrftt'gvmVu'tr brings ah abumlunce of Hardware, etc. Window Sashes, OILS KSTIMATINO A SPECIALTY HUNTER t nnJ Lmid Locators ORIKION ready capital for the rapidly ex pauding trade and it also brings in men who have a thorough know ledge of every branch of the busi ness and who are' acquainted with the country and know all the sources of supply. They arc also men of good business standing, are hustlers and art square. The Caldwell ranches oii Paulina prairie and the Mayficld cattle will be utilized id the hew Arrangement. A lease of the Drake garden on the river front has also been taken and that will be run iu connection with the market. There will be n delivery rig and everything for the conven ience of the trade. After Mend Trade. Commercial travelers have come' to the conclusion that Bend is n field not to be neglected. Half 11 doen of them have been here iu the past week. First came A, C. Stubllng, the wholesale liquor mau of The Dalles oud chief of good fellows, with E. Jacobson, repre senting the J. K, Gill Company, of Portland. They came iu Friday' and got away Saturday, Tuesday r came four more of the drummers C. Iv. Dawson, representing LaUg & Co., W. F. Marshall, of Zan Ilros. & Co., and W. P. Fuller & Co., Fred Closset, of Clossct & Dcvcrs, W. A. Johnson, of the Pa cific Coast Vinegar & Pickle Works, all of Portland. They did a good business for n first visit and left out Wednesday.' ' !?-- . 4X JL ""! 1 9r 'wliwriiMirwiiryt' v.iitvmS!&.?m rim'0Mive rTStSTi jTy-?W ilj 1.1 7 l.,lj