The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 25, 1903, Image 6

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    v7- -""vvfrr
, 1'
Timber Land, Art June j, tS;S.
U. 8. tanit Office, The Dalles, Omroii,
October 19, iAJ.
Nttttee i hereby given that In compliance with
the uretUlons ol the Act or ConKteta of June j.
ML willlled, "An act mr the sale of timber lands
In the atalm r California. Oregon. Nevada, and
WMhlMKlon Territory," n extended to all the
tmuic land state try Act 01 amkiiu 4, " l"
roUening-named penwma hare filed In thia oake
their awern statements, lo-wll.
Kleliani J. Gorman,
of The Dalle, county uT Wasco. Male of irrou,
swujt statement No til tied Pebv i. i"t.
for the purchase of the. nf iwj and H Hwkj
trctt, ti it a, r lee. w m.
of IttUyanl. county of Spokane, lale of Wash
ington; amn Matemcnt Mo fry. Med Mirth 1.
ivttTwr the purchase oftheeH ef nwst.neVj
ami X serf sec 4. tp ij . r n el v m.
tlMtnir V. MsrtiM.
of tea )tat Hvereti Mreet, IMetland. ettmtty of
N tyjf, tied March t7. 194, for the imrvhnas of
IHC m c .tp l J s. r i , w .
Hugh I'armer.
af The Dalle, emuily or Wasco, Mate tftieegou;
awtxti Uinwt No i6t. Mot Vet? J, IM, lr
Oit tiBw of the sht nelf. w, e& sneJ V
nwf wsjjt, Ipi5.r we, w m,
Rnrit VeM.
of OarnVie, ewutty f Pembina, Hale f North
Dakota; aurora Matentcnl No Mil. filed Pby V
ISM, fee the pureh-w ufthe wK !, t is a.
r e, w in.
lteife We Mi,
ofOailM. county of ItmMna. Mate of North
Dakota) an ortt statement No ic.17. Med Heby 5.
It, for the purchase el the avK ec jt, t 15 a, r
l w at.
Thai Ibey wtU offer proof to show that the land
sntftttemiwevnaMMe for Ita timber or alone
thai Mr acrictdiitral purwt, and to eatuhtUh
tJeseTeUhnate mitt laad before the KcglMrr ni
Keeeirer at The Dalles, Oregon, en Tlturwtay.
January tirt, io4- . .
They name witnesses. iWirtn II Graham
ami Joe A Graham, of Sitter. Oregon. Itevfc!
llurton and Colby Ware, of Whcaton, Minnesota,
Ceeriie W Martin, of PortUwd, Oregou; Nichacl
Otnnor, Martin Oreumlnateraml llush I'armer.
of The Itallea, Oregon; I O HollU and Ida M
Hcmtlrret, of lirthatU, Washington: Oeonr
Webb and Ileile Webb, or CarlMe, N IVtVota.
Any and all peraon etalmtnc aderl) th
abqroHleKribed Umlt are rmMCMrd tu file their
flilm in lhl office on or twlw e the uid fiat doy
orjanuary, 194
MICUAItr, T. NOUVN. KcsHter.
Timber Land, Act Jiutc 1. 1j5.
U. S. Und OMee. The IalW. Ore.
October ti, lou.
Notice la hereby fie tbat la coaapHaMv with
the proWi of the Aet of Cimre of June f.
it entitled. "Au au lor the lie of Umber lamfc
in Ok Matmaf Cdifurnia. Orgon. Neeodb. aod
WahinVjn Taerttory." a catrmled la an the
public land Male by Act of Aiuaat 4. . Uir
foltowlag-waiMd perauoi bare Med In tbi afaci
their awr ta(reat, to-wtt
Artbar Callihaa.
of til ColltnaMatWtag. Seattle emtnty of Klat.
Mair of Wataiagtoo, tworn Matrateat No 15,
bled Jaty 11. iom, for the mvebaar of tbr Uof
jaadtaadeb erh; hc i. Ip ao , r it e, w ra
(Mthard VovoaiaKer.
oflHtrtoa.amntyoi'XlBi. atale T WaahlMtltoa.
worn MatraMHt No 101a. alcd AaeuM 11. i
ArlhepaKaawoftbe Lot 4. eH w aadawK
oK 7, ,B r it c, w m.
That they will offer oroofAo ahow that the Uad
oucM h more valoablc for Ita timber or atovw
tbati far acricuriural parnova. aad to eUbttb
tlxtr dabaa to mM Uad beibre the HegKcr aad
Kmiatr at The Dalle. Oregon, oa Wedaaaday.
Jaaaary ij, iao4.
Tbey same a witneotea. Obadiah llewiaii.
&tHa llewaon, of Green Lake. WaaWagleei
&Vab A Oraltoa and Arthur Calltban. of oeattle.
tVMtvEtaj John Mom. Matera, Orei;; John
Kramer, at Green Lake. Waaaragton.
Any and alt penoaa dalmiag adrrrwty the
above deacrilnrt made arc reoaeMad t Ma their
cUlmalntbtoecotiorbeBttb ultiijthiUy
of January, y.
Department of the Iaterlar.
U. S. Laad OAoe. Lakevtcw, Oregon.
November j, 190
A (uflMent central anVbivtt harlag beea Ckd
In thU office by
John W. White, conteaUnt.
agalatt bomeotead entry No . made April 5,
io fori,aK.nHeKe j. tp 4 a. r )r,
w m. by lame Ilobaoa.eoateeU. in wbidi It w
allrgnl that aaid Jama llobaoa baa abaodoaod
aid iluim tor a period of eta month or more
Ut paai. that aaid alleged abfecacc from aabt
Uad waa not dne to ma employaat la Ibe
Army Navy or Marine Crop of the I niud
Matr aa a prieate aotdier, anVer, eamaa, or
nurinr during Ibe war with apaia, or daring
any other war In watch ibe United Male may
it rugeged. Hid paHica arc hereby notiaed to
appear, reepoad uad oner evidence touching
aaid allegation at MO'ctork a. m. on January is.
IW4, before G. II. Wardwdl. V. H. CommHaloncr,
at Mirer Lake, Oregon, and that tfaal hearing
will be beld at a smock p. m. on January fi,
114. before the Kcaiatcr and KeceWer at the
I nned SUIe Land Oakc In Lakcview, Ofnton.
The M caotaitaat hariug, in a proper anMa
H, filed Jnty m, 190, aet forth act which abow
that after due daigence penonal aorefee of IhU
notice can not be made. It i hereby ordered and
directed that audi notice be given by due and
proper pubtknlien.
nao-dit it. M. R ATTAIN. KegWer.
Timber Land, Act June j, i8.
V. . Ijirnl Office, The Dalha, Oregon,
October to, iyj.
Notice i hereby gleeir that in compMaHce with
he urovt4ojM aftne Act sf Lonare of June l
IV, rntHhni, "An act for the aateof timber bunt
it thetaMofCaUfornk, Oregon. Nevada, and
Woaiiiagton Territory,' a extended to all the
puTMic lami atatc uy act or AUgnM 4, ia, ine
followiuc-aanaid peraon have on Oct iu, vn.
nlcil in Ibi otnee tneir aworn atntemewt. lo-wit
Carrie . Ilurd,
ir ijo twd Ave, (pokaRC. county of Kpukane,
iau of WarhitiKMrn; aworn ttatrmewt No ijjj,
fr the iMircbatcoflne K ec If. tp tea, r 10
e, wm.
Oora A. Ilaker.
of ijo tad Ave, Spokane, county of Spokane,
Male of Waabliigton; aworn atatcawHt m ijit,
fortbeiHircbakcofthcfwi ae 14, l M I, r It
c, w ni.
Tbat they wilt offer proof to abow thattheta mi
ought la more valuable fur it timber or atune
than few agricultural puriwiaea, and to mtabilah
their claim to aaid land before lite Kegkttcr aad
Kecairer at The Dalle, Oregun. on Monday,
January 4th, 1904.
Tbey name a witiive: Mice Harper, Cora
A Maker, Harry C Jlrowu, Maud Wadaworlh and
Carrie 11 Jluid, of Spokane, Waklitiigtau.
Any and all twroin claimhiK adrerely the
Bbovdrile41iHlare reuueated to file their
1 (aim in thi oiner on or before the Mid 4th day
of January, 1034.
owi MICHAKL T. NOLAN. KeidHer.
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at The Dallca, Oregon,
Icenilr, 1901.
Notice It hereby given tint Die following
named aettler ha filed notice of hit Itilentkin to
niakecominutatloii prouf In aupport of hi cUlin,
and that aaid proof will be made before J. M Law
rence, U. 6. Coinmlulouer, at Deacliute, Oregon,
on I'rUay, January 19, 114, viz:
Arnt Aunc,
of Dtacliutet, Oregon, II. ). No 1 178,, for Die
w aec if, tp 19 a, r 11 c, w m.
He namet the following' tritnettet to prove hit
cautlnuout retidcuce upon aud cultivation of aaid
land, vix:
Oliver Johnton, Jonpli N. Hunter. Throphite
St. Micbcl aad Maxein Lcl'age, or Dtachulct,
J4IPIAKL T. NOLAN, Kcgltfer.
Tintbf r t,and, Act June 3, B;8,
U. S. I.aml omte, The lMltea, Or.iiii,
Niivtmlier u, iM
Nollce U hereby Riven that In cinnpMaiwe wllh
the pruvilona ofllie Act of Coiilei of Junej,
is'eulltlel, "An aet for the lef Umber lanJa
IntheatalMorcnlKornla, Otesen, NeeaiU. and
WnililiiKlun Territory," a exftiHiwl to all the
public land Hatea by Act of Augml 4. 8. the
roltonlnti-immrtl tieton hare tiled In IhWulRce
their awnrn Malemenu tawil:
KitUi Itehlen
ofnj Peyton IBocl., Spoimue, cwinty f ipV
ane, atatenf Wahlniton; wru ata'.rment N
I9, Ated June ioj. (or the ttHnhaae of lh
K H ev ' "K eH and 11 H un h arc it. tp
iS , r to e, w m
Hilnard I tluiley
of Cam tjtke. county ofCitu. aiate f Mlnnoia,
awwn atatrnicnl No taja. fllnljmtv t. laoi. for
the pHiekKMr of thett t, J awl t of aec i, tp if ,
r 1 e. w hi.
(teofi W. Morrow
of ij nh Mteet. 1-wtlaud. nmnty f MiiltHowah.
atalrof IHeton; vnm autettient No laf tiled
fjmte 1, loaj. (or the prthMrirw tH ec it.
lip I7,r lie, irm.
I Campbell HaUnwti
Fof 4M Jlkt Hhoemake Mieel, Walla IU.
county or wana raiia. Maw in wnwinon,
irt-wit Hatrraem No ii 1, fllni Jnne 4. 'VJ. fur
IhepttrrtMtcefthciicb ij tp it . r 11 e.
w m.
lTank W. lVr
of rwnh Atreet. PorUaHtt.euuutyuf Maitnomnh
rtalc of irrvfiwi: mwn utatemeut Xo ram. HUM
JMHe 1. imuj. for the prbae of the awj e ij,
tp 17 a, r 11 e. w m.
That they will nllcr pntoftoahow tlwt the Ih1
vooghl i more vnhiable for lit timber or atone
than for aaricuUural purlins, ami to awUMUh
1'ieir cUn to Mid land beibte the KexMer and
Rrceiver at The IMtln, Oregon, on IIMay.
febrnary ioth. iu4
They name aa nrltuewe J 0 ilorranee, I'mnU
W Po. Ilarrj II Thowa. John Kilch. Oeoiac W
Morrow. I'red Henley and W A UMUw, of PttrV
land. t. tsam CoHiMt. of Prineeille, Or, I' J
WhaWy ami Itlha A Whaley. of wWane. Wah
Mtliroull McCaiiH ami HtHjamtit Mranbrtdve,
of Cax Lake, Minn. Walter Mrint and M be
Paer.of IHmchute. Or; Campbell KoMutoti. of
Walla Walla. Wah.
Any and alt perwn ttalmlne admrly the
abr-dVrttxl (ami ate reuMl t Ale their
cbiiMit in thl odiee on or before the ubl 4th y
of February, iom
IICHAIiL T. NOUS, Kegliler.
Timber Land, Act June y 17.
S. Land Otficv The HatVe. Oregon,
November it, raaj.
Notice t hereby riven tbat In 1
pi la ace with
uf Jane 1.
the proviilouji of the Act of Congrca
.ma kUUJ . u m ,L ul. nf IImIm.
land In the atalea of Catilornia. Oregon. Nevada
aod Washington Territory," aa extended tn all
the BubHr tend Mate, by Act of AnguM 4. !.
ibe IbUowiag named Deraona hare (led in tbla
office their aworn vtatement towit
Hltliam ; Maaan
of The iMltca. roaaty of Waxen. Nate of Oregon:
woru aiatement No ii. tied June ak lea, mr
the purcbaM' of the hj eK mt W K e t. Ip
1 j a, r 10 e, w m
of Uorrl. roaaty of Steven, Ute ofMntneaata;
vwnm Matement No naa, Biol Jtarca 10, mm. ax
the parrbaM of ibe thj nw( and h) acK e I,
tp 1 , r. 1 e, w m
Xtlaa C. Aliertaa
ofCa Lake, nmaly of Caaa. aula of Minnesota,
tworu Matement no mas, aieo Maren '. iaj, nw
tbt parcbaMof thceh acK.awK neM aad nek
aebi ec jb. rp u , r i e. w m
Maanibal K Chalfrc
of Can IjiVe, caamiy of Caa. Mate of MianeaaU,
aworn Malemeal No itaj. tied May ft. laaj, tar
the purcbaae of Ibe nwK c 11, tp ij a, r Mr.
w m.
That thev wiM aiTcr nroof to ahow that the bind
ought ia more valuable far it timber or atone
than lor agrteultural putpoM. and 10 ttabilah
tatlrcUimt la aaid bunt before the Regmter and
mrmr at 1 we iimii anvvvti, m n wpwj.
Marcb a, iaa4.
Tbey naate at wkae. Ibtward 1. CTrkh,
Mbdniat CauneT, Matitn araundwMer, Thaiiiai
Mabef, NevlH Jftlatjrte and T J DriveT, af Tbe
Dalle. Or. II T AUetlon. 101m C AlWrton and
chrleTedlbrd.ofCM Lake, Mian; Ida A Per-
n, ar ilarrt, Minn.
Anv and all wtinm aialmtiMr advraelv the
alwve ilaciibed land are iwuiaWad In tie tneir
claim in Ibi oc on or before the aaid and day
of Match ujat.
dia-fi MICHAKL T. NOLAN. KagiMer.
Timber Land. Act June J. ttm
V. S. Land OMce. The Halle.. Oregon
November l), lyuj.
Notice I hereby given that tn coiupitxrwr with
the peovtatuna of the Art of Coagr uf June 1
lV, enliiled. "An act for Ibe Bale of limber Uad
tn the Ule uf California. IHegoo Nevada, ami
Washington Territory," aa eafended to atl the
paMIC land Mate by Act of Aujruat 4. lbt. Ibe
following-named perotar have Hied in Ibnt ofnee
tbetr aween Mauaaeau. lo-wit
Janw M. Crowley,
0 Manama!, county of folk. Male of Oregon,
aworn Matement No ijn, Htcd April 11. iw3. for
the purctaa of the e hK c . and eH uwk
ec t, tp it a, r 10 e, w m.
Jotcpu D. llarrlgaa,
of KnumcUw, county of King, tiaU of Waehlag
lou; awurn aialement No IJto, tied April 14,
iyt, for llMpurchaee-ftbeM H and Lutaj,
iandsc 11 a, rf e, w m.
wniiam Mottoy,
ofaealllr. county of King, Mate of M'aablagtou
awurn Matement No IM. filed April 4, ium.
fortbepurcbaaeoftneMiofaec 16, and Lot
1 and t and nK aK aec Jt, l 11 a, r 9 e, w m
CharieaA. Hunt,
of The Dattea, county of Waaco, Mate oi Oregon
worn Maicmeal No 174, flted April 9, 190). for
the parehacofthcnw;aci4,p ! a, r 10 e.
w ra.
Tbat they will offer proof to bow that the land
ought ia more valuable for Ita limber, or atoue
thaa for agricultural purpe, and totatabliab
their ctaltrw to aaid tend before the Itruialer aud
Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, oh WedncwlBy,
January ty. mm-
Tbey name a wilne: W II Page, A C Har
vey, N WaealdoH. Ntebotea Smith. It Conner
and T C Klethky, of The Dalle, Oregon; I. It
Altinghaw ami Kdwtn Oraham, of Warm
Sufinir. Oregon; WIIMam Moiloy, of beatlle.
Wab; J I' itukirk, of Poftkwl. Oregon. J I)
llarrlgaa, of hnumciaw, Waih; D Mark, of
llaje. Wath-
Auy and alt ptnwnt olainilng adveneiy the
nove-deaci read land arc riueiel to We Iberr
claim iu tbia ontcc on or before Ibe aaM tth nay
Tlmlier IikI, Aet June i, itya.
U. n. Land Office, The Dalle. Oregon,
Ottober ti , 190J.
Notice I hereby given Hut Incompliance wttb
Die provialoH of Ihe Art uf Congreaaof Juuei,
iej, enlllkd, "Auact for the ulc of tlmlier tend
iu tliettatt of California, Oregon, Xevada. and
Wathlngtou Territory," a eatrwlrd U all the
public tend Mate by Act of AuguH 4, iaj,
Daniel Kutlivan.
of I'hllllt), county of Price, Mate of Wltconulu,
Iu on Oct 10, i'i. filed In till office tilt aworn
M.temriit No irj, for the purcliaae of Hie wW
nr tec is, tp 19 , r i) e, Lot 1 and 1 hc i, tp
jo", r ue, w m,
And will offer proof to bow tbat the land
Mught i more valuable fur it tiuil cr or tone
than for agricultural purpotrt, and 10 etabliili
Ilia claim to aid land iKforc the Prgi iter and
Kenivcr at The Dalle. Oregon, on tiaturday,
Die tnd day of January, l'4-
IIeiiamcawltuc'Kt: John It KnamuMrn,
fiul Nclton, Jacob kmucii aud Han Itrcr
011, all bfl'hiriipt, WlKoiitlu.
Any and at! pemone claiming arlverely Ihe
abovc-dccrlbcd Until are rrquetted to file their
clalrm in till office on or before the tald aud day
or January, 104.
ojoji MICIIAUL T. NOLAN, RegUter.
Timber Land, Act June 4. t7.
U. 8. taint Offiee, The tWII, Oiegutii
Ntivrmlirr 11, tvvj,
Notbje U litrtlj' given ihal In cointillnnee with
the vwnetetoitt of the Act nf Cmime r Jinn i.
176, eiitiUer), An rm theanleuf tliMWrlamla
litlbeaWIrtofUalilottila. Orr Nnda and
WaanlligliHiTWriitn. aa ealvmted In atl tbr
putdtebiliiltlnlwbj Act of Aiiuuit 4. i. ,
Ktltowlug-naitrtil peiaoiMi have ifleit III llllaulliee
their awurn tateuieul. to-wit
tr! 11 WeMull
.if North liraurli, iiily or tapret. ttfte nf
Mkhlgaii; awoen Mnleiurnl No tou, HVmI .Ihhc
ij. luoi, for the pimhiaror the ui awK, "K
w(4 ee 14, Him u)i nwri t, M' ,
w Ml.
OacirW Otlltln
of Nceth Knuieh, county r Lapeer. .Mfie f
Mtclliaall; awutu Mattiuriil No 194. rlletl June
i.l. j. for (Ita tvMhae of Ihe K Hl (Mad
11H w$ k ay, 1(1 1 . r 1 1 r, w m.
ArchiltaM l McKlltep
of North luaiieh, Miiinty of lpeer. Mate ul
Michigan) ittsftt statement No tut;, filed Jhh
ij. iu, for tli puithawof the eh) h)( aec J
ml wh) K, Ip if a, r i e, w in.
1 Karl M Harbour
kr Nwtln Itrnneh. eounly or Luprer, lale ol
Mieliigaa; awnetj atauweul Nu 194ft, tied June
M. iM. for the pHtthMeoftheunU wc U. Ip
19a, r lie, w at.
That they will aetVr proof hi bow that Ibe bind
nraght la more valuul'li for II Umber nr Hon
than for agthMllural p 11 1"", and lo MaMth
their claim M MM lamt Kforr lite KvgMer aud
Heeicrat Ttta Dalle. Oreni, nn Kttunte),
Krlirwaiy tlth, IUM
They naute M rtlirMei ArveilbiU II MKU
WKarl M Marbour. ihttr wrtttmiiand Awel U
wVMon.ofboriTrKc.aO.. Mh. A hbda,tjr
Port laad. Oretma
Auy and an vietaon dalmbiK adirrtely the
luMlet1tellaHl ate itneAed In tie tbe.r
ilalmatn thfeionVe oa or befotr the aaal tlh
lay uf February, ivm
diifbj MlciiAIIL T. NOLAN. KrgiMtr.
Timber Land. Aet June J, lJ-
U. H. tand OUke, The Dalke. OiefMit.
November it. 194.
NaMre U berefay gitvn that In compliance with
Ihe prorMon uflhe Act of Couere of June 1,
ibi, entitled, nvu act for ibe aaleaf limber ten.
Iu Ihe ttalcaaf California. CHeaon, Nevada, ami
WatnlngtoM Tetrtnw) ,' a ilendM to all Ibe
public tend Mala by Act of AuguM 4. ' the
foltowiag-nameei enwn have tied In Ibi. in)
their aworn Matimcnu. lo-wtli
lllrttk llelty
ofOiaetvltle. omilrty f Hie Muwe. Mat of Muf
OTW14, WMtli SWmWfH 'W .fe. mrr " ""
aal-aveytnit eeiiain JIBNIR
10m. for the pMfchaac oi
e, aec 4, Ip la a,-r m r.
of Ibe H nen ami en
r. w m.
Latbmn II. MtCnun
of Ca Lake, oouniy of Cau, Male of MlnneuXa.
worn MaetmevH lea lje. thai Aped tub. ivh.
for Ibe purv-bae uf Uw vet, MW 1. tp w a, f 1 e.
w m
HiajJaaltB A. Mrawbrtdgc
of Caaa Lab, anaajly ot Ca. aiate of Mlnueaate;
worn MatemeM Ho itv?. Sred April jnib. mw.i.
for the parch of Ibe ewfc are 1. tp if .rite.
m m.
inwara 1. 1 irwa
ufTnc DUe. eanntyof wmv. Male of oregem
wont Maienwnt No 190, hhm June to, ivi. roe
(be purvbmr af Ibe H c 4- tpija. 1 ia.
w m.
That tbey wW onvr proof locnew that lb tend
ought I more valuable for tla umber ot Mune
than for agrwwlturaJ purpuw. ami to etabidi
their claim ttiMhl land before Ibe Ragteter awl
Maceivcr, at The Imtie. Orvtm. on Tnewlay.
March ia! n)4.
Tbey name wttaeM. KUaahelh U Mor
gan and I rederick J Whalev. of apnbaac. W.ah.
Iver Roe ana N U Keteuu. of bend. Or. halward I
Harte) . beatemiM A rMrawbratge and LMbrop
II of Caat Lake. Mian, Walter Men
and M LP.of DoMbutea, or; llKfmetCnnmrr,
William U Uaui. btarun Groundwater and
Tbcmaa Maber, ofTtw Jmlle. IK.
Any aad all 1 in ina ctolwtng idvataete Ibe
above-damrtbed lanaV are muiaand te Me lhair
aftav on r agsnie) nm nn att.
dfMl3iAJaI, X. fBttAJV. timu
Timber Land, Act June J iM-
V. S. Ind Otnat. The Iteuea. Oregon.
Nave tuber it, teat.
Notice ia hereby given lanvl m compliance wttb
the provitaontuf ibe Act of Cottgraaa of Jan .1,
iri, entitled, "Au act for lb aateof tlmbtrUm,
iu the Mate of California. Ureajua, Nevada, and
Wathiil.ton Territory," a eaUnded to all I If'
roMur 'aad Mate by Art of AuguM 4. f, Ine
(llowlng-namol peraona bavr bled In tbla oOtre
their aworn Matemeute. to-wlt:
Willie W Orctttl
of The Dulle. rotiuty of Waacu, Mate of Oregon,
twutn alatemeul No im, Med April , 11,, for
the purvhaa of the all bK aati i nlt ec a,
tp 1 . r 10 c, w ai
William I. Downing
of The Ualtr. i-'Unly efWaaao. Male of Oregon,
aworn Matemeni No int. bled April fa, ivj. foe
ihe purchase of ibe nH hV aec to. e) n
aud swH h 1, Ip Ml a, r m , w m.
Prank naraabaw
of The Italte, cuonty ofWaou, Mate of Ore,u,
aorn Male merit No teat, Med June t, lunj, for
ibepurchateofibt lot I, eK ncf and Hk
tec 6, tp it , r 10 e. w m.
HuuKbard . Aten
r 434 r.lenn Ave, Council Htafft, conaty of
I'oUwaUmte, au of Iowa; aworn ataMaeut No
lyiu 6l'-'t June 1 ivj, r the tmrctuw of Ihe
m 14 mx jt. ip 1 1 , r m , w m.
That they will onVr prootothowthat the tend
ought it iiiurr trainable fur it timber or etun
than for agricultural pnrpoar, and to eMaltliab
their daima to taut tend before the Kefteler and
Hcuiver at The Italia, Ipfecon, oh Tburntay.
Matili ird. 19U4.
Thry nam a wi In aura: Willie W Orcnlt.
Wlitui.i I' Duwoina, atWsarl Conber, William G
Uaaou, Churlct A float a ltd Prank Kentnaw, of
The Dalles, 01, Juhn JUaMI, of Dracbulea, Oi,
onn J . ray, of Prlttavflte. ur; Oeorge nababnry,
ofiiraad Porte. N Dak; J A Araham an I at A
(.rabani, of Mtkn, Of, llHillil N Aten, of
Council Hluift, Iowa.
Any aad all peraaUH btebulHg aatverwly lb
abuvcescrtlied land arafoauetl lo 61 their
cbdma la thia omc on or bHH Ihe tahj jfd day
ofMarch iw?u
dia-f iv nMICIIAIU. T. NOLAN, Kegiater.
Timber Land. Aet June J, t7.
V. 8. Ijimi Qffiaa, takevtew, Oreseu,
October J.I, I9,
Notice I hereby given thai In compliance with
Ibe provlaion of the Atl of CiHtuiea of Jane 1,
JS, anlHted, "An act for the sateof liiubertenda
In the MaleauT CaliAtrnte, orenou. Nevada, and
WatblugUm Territory," a vxleinlad Ut all In
uuUle tend Malta by Aft of Augutl 4, taut, the
fonowlng-tianied person have tiled In I bit olliee
their tttorn stateiutiit, to-wlt.
Neil Hilillh,
of Deschutes t-',uuty uf Crook, state of Oregon,
worn Matement Hi fatte, for the purchase of the
h H . nwtf mrJJ see 9 and ir aw toe
4,tp tt, rue, w in.
riiils It.
of iiJ4ltaxltr Ave, Superior, county of Dougbt,
Ut uf Wbwoutliii aworn stntcmtnl No fAi, for
the purchas oftlir wH aw cc th, u)i itw)( ace
U, l Jit, rve, win.
That tbey will offer proof lo allow that the Und
sought iaiuore taluuhle for ita limber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, ami to ctlabllth
lliclrdalint 10 s.iid land before G II. Wjrdwfll,
U. H. ComniiMitiiier, at Milvrr take, Oregon, on
hatur lay, the 6th tiny of I'tbruary, 0.
Titer iiamr as lnctvrt. Nell Hmllli, fllentil
Marsh, J N Hunter, Uichard King, ofDcscliutra
Oregon, Loult Y. Lee, of Huprrior, Wlaconaln,
Any and all persons clttiinlnc adrertcly the
aboTc-descrilKdlaiitUare rtUctlfd lo file their
claims in thl office 011 or before the said 6th day
ofl'cby, ifu,
u7d JlilJUATTAlN, UrgUter.
Tlmlxr l.ttiul, Act June 3, 17
U. H. Littitl (llllre, Tbr ll.illra, Otrgon,
ottnlier iu, to.
Nellet I Iteteby ulveii Dint lit etniiplwiirt) wild
Hit jirvlMtHoftlie Act of CuMBtrt nr June 1,
lavg, entitled. "Aiiiirt fortlir wleoftlHiMrUii'lt
In tilt Malm of CallloriiU, Oregon, Nevmbt. ami
Wablailoii Territory," at ettenOed In ntl the
Kihllc taint ttMt by Act of Aiu;iit 4, ibM, the
llowlitf'ttainut pvrauna hare tiled In thbtnlHev
their anortt tlHtrw.'itt, ln-wll'
Nellie Cntler,
ofttramt forkt, cmtuty ofi.rawtl Porkt, bUeuf
Norlli Dakota, awurn atatemeul No 1440, IllM
01 ,m. 19.1t, for the puiebaa of the t)( tea a,
Ip 19a. r tit. w nt.
Amelia Halltbiuv,
fp. t. bwk ji, uraiul Pnrha, roHHly ol Of ml
loka. Male nr North Itebntai twwu MnteHteill
No 14m tied tin ui, iji, for Ibe pHrcba-t tif Ibe
hK tee is, tp 19 a, tijr.ii m.
Maud hnilth.
of The Dalbra, twenty uf Wsaro, Male of t)rgv;
swum Mahrtset.l No u.t. Hkd Oct as, tau. Rir
Ibe utHCrutte ol th S twft tee 19, hwK "K
sec ai ami it m arc 19. tp 19 a. r 14 e, w m.
H. rtufttt autlih.
of The Dattea, county ufWatco. Mate of Oregon;
.tu. n imm !. iw nri i.w. .
u.. ...k.u, W.. .... tl. Ik., k
inae, mr
the purchase uflhe wb) nel(. K nl wt Hut If
: IV, Ip 19, r ije. w m.
Albert Inckauti,
ol P. 11. Hoi 9U. Grand Pucka, county of Orsmt
rurka. Male r North Hakula aworH Maiewetll
No it, tletl Oct t. tv', for the pureuatc of
tht ah) nH, nM aekj and aw) neb sec it. tp
i.r !.-, w m
Thailhey will nlfer iwof Itt abow that the Unit
wugbt la mure valuable for It Umber ur Mane
than for agrkultural (mrtastra, and to eMaUtth
thtr Halm lo aht lamt Vfnr th HrglMrr and
Receiver at The Dalle, trregwi, on Prtday.
Jaeaary ij. 191
They name aa wUwmsc Chariea II llrtebin,
H Sufi. bmlUi aad Mauri Smtlb, af Tin? Ittltet.
tlretoa. Albert IHciwsH. Amelte taltebury and
Nellie toiler of f.rand Potk. North Dakota)
M try C hiiabtn. of The Dalle. Oieaon; Mr tbto
Salituury. uf Grand Porn, North Dakota
Auy and all pron claiming advvrtely the
abeve-dvtcrlbed Und are teaue.tVd la tb thetr
claim In thte otSar on nr hefot Ihe tid ilh day
of January, ifM.
ajali MICI
Timber Land, Aet June j, tajd.
U. a. Und tlrntc. The IteHtu. Oteamn,
nrtuWt it, iet
Nottrr k hereby given that in etrntpUanr with
Ibe provtttena or tbr Act of Conarve nr JnM
rait, eatltted. "An art for Ibe teteaf Umber la
Act of Conarve af June a.
for Ibe tte af Umber tend
ate. Car cats, Nevada, and
in the
p Malm of California. 1
Wathtagtea Territory," a ctfeuded la alt Ine
ibitr tend Male
et of Attgn 4. Mat, the
nave nt m ink
It, ttt-wlf
Loaat Jobnaan.
uf Mlaaeapnlt. euunly of llennenvn. Male af
Mlaaeaota, swtm Malentent Nu tgt, Ited Oct.
i. iwt, for Ibe purchase of lb Uitt j and
ami eH twh, tc 19. tp m rite, wm.
Andrew Anneison,
of Mlnneapoll. rouuly nf Hnnentn, Male af
Minnvsuia weit tratemenl Nn iM, tied Oct.
14, met, lor the punhatr ut tb nwkj tee A, Ip
a,r 14, w m
P Adatpfc Pet mm.
of Mlnneapulte. ruuuty erf Meoaepin, Male af
s,laneau, teurii Matemeni Nu i.tM. tied Oct.
it. ivw. for the puirhaa of th aH aetj. h
neb. ami al H e 'J- Ip m. r ij. w m.
Atturew Johnson
of Mlnneapulte. conaty of Hennepta. Male of
Miuasi4a. ewnrn alatemeul Nu tif, tUd Get.
'. iv. fur Ibe pure ba uf la nh tec n, tp tu
a, r ij . w m
Andrew Cnrteoa,
of Mlnneapulte. oouuty of llsrtnenttj. Mate oi
Mtaaaataia. sworn steteateut Jto Ija. tied Oct.
it, mat, for la pnrrbaa af Ibe eh) K s .
aaslM nKc 7, Ipaat, r ije. wm.
Thai thev wtil osier nroof to show that the at ml
aonabl rt nVure vatatable for Ma Mather nr taae
than tar tgrtenllnral parnmai, aad In ulaMlib
their ctedma in aunt bunt bevate Urn ItetaMcr abft
Sacereer; at Tb UtHct. Ofngaii, am Ttwtdny.
TaaaE analbljm MaktaaSal' sVnliMw t
AanfannT I 'Pfnil WL TTinWgaVlSTi tt-BIT lolt
twa aaeJ Aatfrew aWalstaii af MhtMraj
aboegcbmt :Sg
niiMli MICHAKL T. NOLAN. Htntfster.
Timber laad. Act Jaa j. prnj,
V S. Laad ofltoe, The Ualtee, mcaan,
October it. tea,
K,4m 1 luwebv eivea that la eomolwaee wttb
in ptuvittousof it, Act of Couaress uf jaa L
1-,,-t eailil- "Antt f-r the ml of timber tends
in thi .uu-sof i.i,.rwiute. rrregon, nevaaa, arm
U-.hliia-t.tu Territory." aa etimded lo all Ihe
ruMwUrblMalmby Aet of A utual 4. iSat, the
ft-iwiui: natutd peranaa have Ited la Una otNor
their awuta Mctcmenla. to-wlt
Abtar L Whltlea,
f Portland, rouuly of Multuuman, state of Oee
gt,,i, le.ittt Mali meat Nu ijyv. nled Oct. fa, I,
for lite purchase of Ihe aeK etc t.lpot, r IJ e,
w m.
Mary at Tb-bnor.
of Po'eal Grove, county of Wathlagton. Mate af
ureaon. om Utement Nu ijai, foe lb pur
tbaaeofthesHowKanunhj k aocv.lp fa.
r its, vr m
Neltl A. Shaver,
of jfc. Vartcnuver Ave , Portland, county of Mult
nomah. Male of "rrgon, worn tatnsvnt No
iM, for the purchase of Ihe twl HWkiMCl.tK
neK and nwHtek) MCt,tpeaa,r, itc, WW,
Anaa I. Knullsh.
nf PoreM Gnree, nualy of Watthlngton, slat r
Oregon. wuru Matement Nu 1197. Med Oct to,
190J. for ih puKlu. of lb M wW. wK K
trt-to. nelf nwl undnwlf M)f sea fa, tp Ma,
r it , w m
Vaunt M. Mcltonabi,
ofCteiakaaie, euniy uf Columbto, Mate af Oro
on, sworn Malt merit No 194, Alcd November
it. 190. for the purchatr ol the S nf , sw)j
ueW and iw arS sec w, Ip to f , r it. e, w m.
Tbat thry will otter proof to show that lb tend
aoutht I mure taluahtr for Ita timber or atone
than for agricultural purposes, ami to eetardisti
their rUlin to aaid tend before tb HeglMer niut
keeeiv -r at The Dalle. Oregon, an Wednesday.
December tj, 1903.
Tbey name a wHitci Abblc I,. Wblltetj,
Nliie Sbaver, id Purtlaud, Otegou. Harry W
Mvlhmabi ami Pauute M Mrllpuablof CUUktJule,
lirtgim. Mare K Tlchuur and Anna I, Knaliah
of PoreM :iove, Oregon; and I' C WhIUeti, Ilea-
thuiet, Oregon.
Auy aad all person ctelmlHf HlvTly the
ateive-tteacrlned laud are rvguevied to tie tlinlr
cUiai in-thla aAce on or before Ibeaabi Mrdttay
iSm,Mn MWfAm. T. NOLAN. KegUler.
Tliulwr taml, Act June j, i7f.
U. S. Laud office. Lakcvtew, Oregon,
October f7, IvOJ,
Nolle If Itereby glvatt tlutt In eutuiMltiice with
III priwlaiinis orilie ActofCotigrraa or June 1,
leys, tililletl, "An act rorllteaawof tlnilterlttinlt
lit tbr slat of California, Oregon. Nevada, slid
WaaillHgloti lerrttiHy, - ttmw. i 10
KihWIc Uml latea by Aet of Augtitt 4, iv,
Mllltou I. ROlteris.
of Drachute, county or Crook, ttute of Oregon,
has filed In till olliee lite aworn sttttriiiciii ho
fJ7, for the purchase ofllie nit lie),, ) "Hi
ll)( !f aec I, Ip . rjr.W in,
Am! will offer ttroof lo show Unit llic laud
aouglit I more vIualle for Its llinlier or alunc
than rornyricullunil piirw, and lo e.tabllt 1
hUrlaimlo aalil laud liefore G. II. Wardwcll,
V h. Coiiimlttlontr, at Hllver Lake, Oregon, oil
Tiiesttay, the lli day ol IVby. iyo4.
He name as wllueaaes; li W KoIkH. Klcliard'
King, of Deschutes, Oregon, Oeorge llogur, Chat
Vauuevert, of Kolntid, Oregon.
Any aud all persons cUluiliiif adversely thr
abovctlrscriUd land are requeued to tile their
claims lit Ibis olllcc on or before thesuld Kilt day
lZn' yM' M. M. IJKATTAJN'ucglslerr
Tllllber Land, Ail Julie 1, t
II rl. taint OKI, The Itellea, Oltgtlll,
orinher 19. ifij,
Niillce It hereby ulveii lltat In cuinpliance Willi
Hie prttvlsiiHiaufllir rt nr lonam of Jang 1,
tslit, vullllett, "All Urt flr the snleof tlH1lr taitils
Iu lit Male ufl'alHitriils, iirtiun, Nvvada, al '
WaililiiHton Tvtrttnry," tiMirlrtl tn all lit
IHlbltc land stair by tut ul Atiifutt 4, lS, tilt
feUowlngiiHitl mfiaxiis liavt nirtl In lliUaSiaa
their twoiu Malemcnl 1, to wll'
Alinl Ramt(t,
t.fflwml I'otWt, aminiy nf tlraltd Korlt, atsia af
Narih Itekuini worn tlanvni Ma MJ4, RIM
IUIij ij, iuu, for tb pnrelm of the Vat 4, )?
uwR ami wh twit see J, Ip ma, r tjd, w St.
Maris Ulebaau.
Maria Dtchtam.
ufOHtud I'otbt, etntsly oftlraud Porks, t
eoualr ofuratid PbrVn. ttslit sf
Nmlli Ihikotn, witH Matemeni No ijg, ilaej
Peby ij. twa. for IS puitMas of Urn nw(
IT, Ipif , r ijr, w m.
(Veaegr Salivbury,
ufftiaiHl I'mit, tsjHHtv of Draiiti rba, aiate sf
North Dakota, tworn Mat no i No l4j, nHti
rby 1 j, rysi, for Ihe muhtr of the swiftec t.
tptua, r 11 . w m
JMward I' hnrlghl,
Portia, tmlj ufpattb, ftaUSf
MlHHeaida, aworn ataleinviil No 1, l4 Pgcy
ixttstt. foi the ptirehaavotliie LottlSMls anw
en nwkj ste , tp 19, r ij e, w tn,
oft trend Potk?maty VJ Grand' Forks, atste af
Ninth Itekuta, sworn Matemctet No list, tloH
Petty 1 j, luaj. for the pnrchaac of lb tK ate t,
Ip so . r II e. wm.
That tbey will oftet nrwflo show tbat la Isttd
sought It more valttable tn? it limber at ataae
than for ftartostisrat puruuast, and b rataUMt
their ehtltna to Mid tend belike tb MenteteT ami
HecHter at The Dallrt, Orcgoa. rta ttetsrtmjr.
January to, 191.
Tbey aatae a wltaeaat tleorgs SaUalmif,
twee 11 nallarmrv, Marts Dtekamt ami Aastr
tmoted f Gram Porfca. NuHh Dahuts, fM
warn P HnrUhl i-f tfaal iVraml "urb, Mlajae
tots. orin J tliay. hu.brd King aad Jons nteWt
of Deschutes, or.Mii Jubu KlUer, of rriat vtlle,
oeaaoti. Janvfs I'twtehi. of rtraad Parks, NutlH
Dakota; J J llerrbh. of The Dalle. Orcgoa.
Any and all pvtsnnt ctelmitg deieiy Ibr
sUitSstescrtbvd btm'4 are rtMbsafsd la tic laSft
csltlnvt la tbUctfltee on ae before the aaM istirdty
ol Jaauary, mat
wtaHt MfCHAKL T. NOLAN. Ketrtater,
Timber taml. Act laae j. taa
tl. h. Land OAw, Tb thtftet, (Htwan.
Notice to bcube gieen Ibat rsmmBttfHtcc wi
in prnvtu)Osu m in Aft m umoaaa
laps, entttted. "Aa art the MnToll
tn ibttaiearraiisu-nt. t
Waanlnataa Temtuev.'- aa
pnblsv laad state by Act uf
milnwlns-tiamtil awiaa ml
tbeir swmn Matement. 10-wit
JnbnM.CSmdt. .
ofnai UalversJty Ae. tlrnd Poena, eosmly af
Grattd Pnrfcat Mat uf Ninth ItekMU. atvaen aittt
aural No iij. tied Marsh IS. vtu. for tb bM
cMtseof In iR svett. tp ma. r 11 . w as.
Mary J Ostrnll,
of list Ualveearly Ave. Grand Porta, canaty sf
Graad Partis, stale of North Itekuta; swwaetate
meniNo 1714, ttert Marcb iS. tb Mr
rtett of Ibe . K at It sec tj. h K sad wK
sett uit,liat,riir,a
Ruth M Whstey.
uf iStTJftJ tt. spoka, cnuaty of snubs at. atete
ol Waabiagsua. swurn atateateal Na !. Sbnt
Man-h is, tnaj, for tb aarelut of lb tats 1 anti
t and H srk m 1. Ii 11 1, 1 i,t e, w m
Btepaewn Dtwht,
of Kcbo. nmnty of Vell.w Mtdtetas. ttaU af
Hlaaeeata. aworn Mateutcol N it. tied mar
II. Hwvfor Inepurebase uf lb an H aacaj. la
t, r tee. wm.
Halvyeo llnntca.
sf Mcbtt. cauatty of VethSw Medicine. tat sf
MiaMata.troraMateaMil Nu tart, tied KeW
11, ivaj. for Ibe rena of the sty est tt. Ip fS
s. r ive, w tn.
Thai they wM eVr proof In lnw thai lb
tsBsabl la amen raluaaia foe lu Uatber or 1
limn tar eat
tbVW?aWtVMIam baflaf TtWt
'Thf Rjtianm, Oteana, da Tbaranny.
tJi assaill dittHkat mMaail tie tteMr
cteima ill late tsnas un at ht tb id Mb stay
otfil7' MICHAKU T. NOLAN, HatMCf.
Timber Land. Ad Jan j. itys.
V. S. Laad OStee, The Oallee, Oregon,
October is, 191
Notice i heteby given that in aompiwiK trtlb
the prosMton uf tn Art of Concraat of Jaas 1.
ara, euilUed, "Au st (ur lb sfcof timber tesaja
in the auteauf taUfemw. oregun. Mvada,satt
WathtaattMi Territory." aa eatrnuM lo sit lbs
l-uNtc tend state by Act uf AtuuM a, it
ajuowing-naawo peraona nave awa a
tbeir wrn Maunwnu. to-wit
of Rarnni
arnum, aaanty at Carltoa, Mt
, awnra BuMeatent No ia, Sl4 Mar. It.
. for tatM,rcblMMKa,lp if a, r
11 , w
r m.
Maty jUblusnU!
cbalea, stntply sCrardl. Maw af Oregani
WnsMtHi 17. Ski May Ij. 1910). tor
tall i if Ihe aeb: aec r, Ip as, r 11 e.w St.
of Dasebele,
lb pa
JobM Alkii
Croat Ulf of OiegMIl
j, ttedPany. fi, tuaj,tor
' arc at, tp as a, f tl ,
at iMtcnuwa, coaaty or v
swors atatesteat No aajji
Um pnecfttetof lb aek? 1
Klcharsl Kiaa;,
of tbmrbatoa, esuaty of Crook; Mat of oregoni
worn atatemeai no mjtt. ntesi 1
at No tatf. ttetf Peby. si. iubj. for
of ibe awl,. aM melt awl
tb punbase or ibe wks H. a)
nwhTseb' sec , Ip n) a, 1 11 , wm.
That tbey will titter nMof to abow ibst lb html
touglit te nture vuluabte for Ms Umber or atone
IbBit for agrtcullural purpuae. sad la eatabslati
tbeir claim In aaut toad brtbre J. M. Lawret
U S. Commlmluutr, al Pstcbsias, Uregntl,
.iloutiay, jauuaiy 11, 1904,
Tbey naate as witnesses joss swan, jaaii
tabbin. Jubu I WeM. VT II lensk.nvis liW,
1 Marsh. Hlrttard Kiss. Johu AlWasus. Msry
AIMnsou, J N Hauler and Jsanw llitster, all f
Doacbulea, Oregon.
taMHljarilwd Ltuda are reuutsTM to tt I
ctelmt lu thl ofoCB ua ur before the asbt nth day
urimarj. HjCIAKJ T; M0USi Matfotw.
Timber taml, Act June j, 17.
U. s. taml Oflbm, Tti Dalles, Oregon,
October ft, laaj.
Not Ins it lierebjr given that In lUMpllauec with
the Motlaionsorthe Act uf Connies, of JSBC 1,
1S7S. eiiltUetl, "An act for the safe ufllnilifrlantlt
In th stele uf California, Otegoti, Nfrndit, ami
WstlilugtiHi Terrilury," as eaieiMlnl tn all Ibe
publk land Mate by Act of August 4. Itv.
Herbert C. Gresg.
or Walla Walla, county of WalU Wnlta, stole of
Wutli hut oil Oil 4, i9f. ll In "'i office lila
worn alnlrliielit No 171, for the purchase ofllie
11 J nw)( rj nliil nH lilf ofsectu, Ip ly, s,
r IJe.w lit,
And will nlTcr proof lo tliow tint the laud
sought It more talualile for its timber or Muue
llinu for agricultural purpose, 11 ml tn otUltllth
their claims to sji.I I.1111I Ufore the Mrglttfr ami
Kecclvrrttl Tb Dalles, Oregon, oil Wullicstluy,
the litli day of January, iv t 1 '
Heilnmvsat wllncstea ira I'Qliiilestcr, l II
I'olndexter, f I'rlnevillr, rt-gfil, Vrrd W Witt
on, Jotcpli I'llrrt.iif'l'lie Dalits, Oregon."
Any ami all nrtons clalnidig bitversely the
abAvc-iUsrrllicillniiilsarc rwiuwtrtl to Ale their
claim lu Dili office 011 or hcltite the sshl 13II1 day
of Jauury IW4.
ojo-jl MICH Alii. T. NOLAN, Keglttcr.
sr ! -Pit ... ..( . .
JShiiasll.Byawianiii 11 tuietettim iiuriarpurrT-
"' frafcgaTO ZoZZZXZStfn
Otsstaay naabjas. bf PiRtei ids. Orvataai Mpm
OJIatam saafWtjaujsi bTtesttSjaf JfaHnstjy.
TCtPrtlg3'i iTrlTlS
sftllnRlls lslet, Jllnwnmabi
T' "