The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 25, 1903, Image 5

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Makes its jjrosonco known
by many signs, glandular
tumors, bunches In tho neck,
cutaneous eruptions, in
flamed eyelids, soro cars,
catarrh and wasting diseases.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Effects pormanent cures.
A I'sthsr at H2,
Tim Marquis of Donegal, who, nl
(li(Mtli lio Iiih Ihtii nmrrliil three
times, linn hitherto Ih'vTi childlrss, hits
heeoiuo a fatlmr nt tliu n of H'.', lio
iiutrlrrd hi tlilnl wife, n dntiKhtnr of
llonry TwIiiIiik, of llullfnr, Novu Hco.
tin, t tho ih'uIiiiiIiik of the yesr. Hho
U 22 yniri of bko. TIio child, who It
it hoy, will Inhtrlt tho tltlo, but com
tmratlwdy little eltii, nst Konorsllotis
of tho family huvlnu; iiiaiidurrd ths
Vot bronchial trsuMrs Irr IMso's Cur
for Consumption. It li ol cough
medicine. At druggl'lt, pries 2i ctnu,
Tho Practical 9 Id of It.
'Hither, havo you Trad my odo 'To
tho riiir.7' " usktd tht youthful poet.
"No, John, I linvm't," wnii tho old
man's reply. "Hut you junt tuke this
Intro ax an' cut down u fow of 'me.
Tho nliirs aro owlu' mo about ton cords
o' wood!
I'ras Hank NeNs.
In ordor to advertise It. Roods a Gor
man firm la piicIoiIiir a bank nota of
tho value of 10 shilling in ono of ev
ery COO bate- of wool Bout out.
An Instance o Growth.
It la n tdcHinuro, In thin day of Ktetl
Industrial combinations, to note an
Inxtauco whuro an liuletMitidoiit conroni
has nttnlnod to mammoth itrotxirtlom,
and hna thrown steadily but suroly for
ywtrs from n small hu;lmilii; Into tho
fullnotw of tho tirosoiit tlmo. Buch an
institution I tiled In thn,M.'cd huslnciw
of I). M. Forry A Co., who for nearly
half n century havo kouo forward enrh
ytr, constantly addliiK now customers
and retaining nit II old ones, until It
la today tho source of seed supply from
which tho jtmit cropH of thin country
oprltiK. Hee houses havo cotno and
(one noma survived and Nourished for
year, but finally succumbed for ono
reason or nnothcr whllo lorry's kept
(trowing nil tho time. Thousands of
Farmer, gardeners and ((lower grown
look to them year after year for tho
sends from which tho prosperity of
their field and gardens Is to grow, and
tho (act that they nro never dlsajc
IKtlnted In Kerry's reeda I tho secret
of tho wonderful expansion of thla pop
itlar firm. You can buy their seed In
every city, town or hamlet of this land,
and you aro nlwnya certain that they
nro frcidi, true to namo nnd aura to
grow. Their 11)04 Heed Annual, a vol
tiablo Kitldo in tho selection of tho
proper seeds to plant, will Ims sent freo
to nil reailera of thla paper who apply
to D. M. Ferry A Co., Detroit, Mich.
How About lloma Displays?
He It seems to mo that tho prac
tice of sending clothing to tho heathen
In In direct opposition to Scriptural
8he Why, how can that bo?
He It teaohes them to tako thought
what thoy Khali wear.
Too Much Argument.
Dar'a n good deal In nrgyment, but
It can also bo overdone. An long tin
Undo Moms Ixilleved in sulphur nnd
brlmstono ho lot my cabbages strictly
alone. When I had nrgyed him into
bulletin' dat no sleh pinto existed ho
cleaned out my truck patch in ono
Dath to Convicts,
filnro 1852 morn than 20,000 con
victs havo been sent to French (itilnim,
of whom 84 per cent tiled of dlheitt),
hardship nnd insulllclent food.
Loner Hair
About a ver aco my hair was
coming out very fast, ao 1 bought
a bottle of Aver's HolrVlcor. It
topped the railing and made my
hilr trow rery rapidly, until now It
Is 45lnches In IcnRtli." Mrs. A.
Uoyditon, Atcrtison, Kans.
There's another hunger
than that of the stomach.
Hair hunger, for instance.
Hungry hair needs food,
needs hair vigor Ayer's.
This is why we say that
Ayer's Hair Vigor always
restores color, and makes
the hair grow long and
heavy. $m wttu. Aiunnun.
If Tsar druggist essnol supply yeu,
sena as on doIUr and wa win express
o a kettle. surssadjUathsiisms
0t70urtrMlaxprisKc. dj"t
Fools and Money. Hhe A fool find
IiIn money nro noon parted, lis True,
nnd a fool nnd Ikt money aro noon wed
ded. VonkerH lUutriiimii,
"Docs yoiirtluughter's liUNbnml lore
her uh dtiotlly na ever'" "IIo does
when I'm itrouiid," replied Ikt daugh
tcr husband's mother-in-law, grimly.
Houston I'onl.,
Fond Mother My dnrllng, It Is bod
time. All the little chickens have gone
to bed, I.lttlo IMilUxMiher Yet, mam.
nut, and oo hits tho old hen. Womnti's
Homo Companion.
AnxlottM Mother Willie, dear, do you
eviT hnvit any troubln with the other
llttlo boys at school? Willie -Nawl 1
lick ono of 'em amy once In it white,
but tlut ain't the least bit of trouble.
Chicago Tribune.
Mrs. A. Your husband smoking
again! Why, 1 thought you mfllstad
that ho should give It up. Mrs. .I
did, ttair, but then 1 found Htich a pret
ty smoklng.Jscket nt a Imrgnln wile.
Chicago Dally News.
Helping Ills Wife: Wife I hnvo
ai thinking I ought to glvo you u
birthday prcm-nt, Howard. UtiHbaiMl
Oh, yvrj well. Jtnrt wrlto down wlint
It shall be, nnd I'll buy It on my way
uptown. Town Topics.
Friend Now that you havo made
million, what will you do? Old Ilul
lion I nhnll retire, and amuno mym-lf
Mllng tKiophi wlint a burden wealth
K and how happy I was when I was
poor. Svw York Weekly.
After tho Wedding: "Hut Xlvry told
mo you had money." "AihI they bun
coed me Into Uilnklng you wen? rich."
"Well, what's to bo dono nbout It?"
"Let's fall In love Jmrt for spite." Cin
cinnati Commercial Tribune.
"Do you Mlevo Uuit tho American
people llko to tto htimbuggnl?" "No,
sir," nnmvertl the sturdy patriot.
"hut when they find nnyono smnrt
enough to do It thoy can't help tnkln'
off tholr hats to him." Washington
Ileyond KxH-ctatt(ni: Mr. Jontn 8-e
IktoI This horso you sold me runs up
on the sidewalk every' time he ait's nn
auto. Homo Dealer Well, you don't
expect n llfty-dollar homo to run up a
telegraph pole or climb n trco, do you?
"Do you bellovo that every man has
his prleo?" "I won't dlsciu that," nn
swerdl Kenntur Horghum, "but I will
nny tluit tho reason Domo men stay
honeat la becsuao the price asked la
so much higher tltnu the price bid."
Washington Hlar.
Ctrl In Uto Ornnd Stand Isn't that
a cruel game? Do you think It's fair
for a doxou men to pile thcmaelves on
top of the !oor fellow that has tho
hall? Her Kscort No; thero oughtn't
to bo more than eleven of them, any
way. Chicago Tribune.
Information: "Hello," said tho
neighborly Iwre, "what nro you build
ing tho now chicken 1ioiuk for?"
"Why," replied Nettles, "for n dock of
pink enrmela, of course. You didn't
stippoao I'd put chlckiaui In It, did
you?" Philadelphia Public Ledger.
"Weren't you nervous nt the wed
ding," naked tho sympathetic chop,
"with nil tlioso people looking nt you?"
"I nervous?" reiwmtod the recent bene
dict. "Why should I he nervous? No
body looked nt me; I wns only tho
groom, you know." Cincinnati Tlmcs
Htar. In Kentucky: Ascum I don't know
whether your head over Uto nrtlclo
nbout Colonel Lunltmnn's donth wns
prluteil tho way you Intended, but It
wns a good one. City Udllor Lot mo
s What wns It? Ascum Una
fought his last bottle. Philadelphia
1 PreM.
Oltlman Wtint'n tho nmtter with nil
I you LoneMHiieliuntcnt? Newcomb's n
I decent sort of n fellow, nnd yet you nil
I npponr to hnte him. Suburbs No won-
derl Ho went nnd Iwught his wlfo nl
sealskin coat Inst week, and our homes
nro no longer peaceful. Philadelphia
I "Mamma, what Is Topsy's other
nnino?" "Topsy In tho play? I don't
! know, dear; Jtmt Topsy, that's nil."
I "Oh, sho has another ntuue. I lxnrxl
papa inienk It yestetilny, but I can't
think of It now. Oh, yes, I remember
It's Topsy Turvoyl" Kansas City
"How did you llko Dr. Fourthly
last Sumhty morning?'' nuked Mrs. Old
castle; "don't you think ho Indulged
rsther freely In mixed metnphor?"
I "Ooodnertsl I didn't notice. Did ho
have It right thero In tho pulpit? This
will be n terrlblo blow to Jotdnh. Ho
thinks so much of tho doctor." Chi
cago HccoriMIcmld.
I The Hulo of Three: "Ono week from
to-duy, Undo John, 1 will he n miirrled
man. Yea, In sovcu sliort days I will
be Initiated Into tho mysteries of mat
rimony." "No mysteries nbout It, my
boy. It Is just tho plain, slmplo rulo
of three." "Hulo of three? Kh wluit
threo?" "Wife, mother-in-law, nnd
hired girl." Ifunsas City Journal
Pe-ru-na Drug Co., Columbus, Ohio:
Gentlemen "I can cheerfully say that Mrs. Schley
has taken Pe-ru-na and I believe with good effect." W.
S. SCHLEY, Washington, D. C.
ADMIRAL SCHLEY, one of the foremost
notable heroes of the nineteenth century.
A name that startles terror in the heart of every
Spaniard. A man of steady nerve, clear head,
undaunted courage and prompt decision.
Approached by a friend recently, his opinion
was asked as to the efficacy of Peruna, the
national catarrh remedy. Without the slight
est hesitation he gave this remedy his endorse
ment. It appeared on later conversation that
Peruna has been used in his family, where it is
a favorite remedy.
Such endorsements serve to indicate the
wonderful hold that Peruna has upon the minds
of the American people. It is out of the ques
tion that so great and famous a man as Ad
miral Schley could have any other reason for
giving his endorsement to Peruna than his
!)ositive conviction that the remedy is all that
ic says it is.
The fact is that Peruna has overcome all op
position and has won its way to the hearts of
the people. The natural timidity which so
many people have felt about giving endorse
ment to any remedy is giving way. Gratitude
and a desire to help others has inspired thous
ands of people to give public testimonials for
Peruna who heretofore would not have con
sented to such publicity.
Never before in the annals of medicine has
it happened that so many men of national and
international reputation have been willing to
give unqualified and public endorsements to a
proprietary remedy. No amount of advertis
ing could have accomplished such a result.
Peruna has won on its own merits. Peruna
cures catarrh of whatever phase or location in
the human body. That is why it receives so
many notable and unique endorsements.
Address The Peruna Drug Manufacturing
Co., Columbus, Ohio, for free literature on
Ask Your Druggist for Free Pe-ru-na Almanac for 1904
Kttdoxus, born 400 II. C, was the
first man known to history to explain
plunetary motion and to make a map of
tho heavens with tho planets and fixed
stars marked.
Dombsjr Roads.
Tho streets of llombay aro excellent,
as are generally the main roads through
out India. They aro thoroughly ma
cadamized or metaled and made smooth
by heavy rollers.
Perrin's Pile Specific
No Case Exists it WiU Not Cera
The best evidence of a bad condition of the blood and unhealthy state of
the system, is ao old festering sore, running ulcer, or abscess. They show
Ihc bodily impurities arc not passing out through the proper channels, but
are left fa the system to clog and poison the blood. So thoroughly docs
the poison permeate the system that every little scratch, cut or bruise
inflames and festers. Everything about an old sore or ulcer suggests disease.
juey auect me general neaiiH, mey
GU Helen's Mall S
Jtn-c and dar tchflol fnr rlrli. Ideal (S)
loratl.iti fraHoni ImlMinr Modem fit
cquli-.cnt Aradem tr. Coll ce I'liiiM- (ij
Mon ati-l tcllrourtc Jlmtc. Elo- St
cutlon. Art In char, at (peallits. (S)
llltidratol catalogue taster Una
op-n mUruary 1 l A
ULiiANOK TtiUUBTTS, Prtndpat. $
require constant attention, and are a
source of anxiety and trouble all the
time, and in some cases highly oitcn
sive. There is danger, too, of these
places becoming cancerous if sot
treated promptly and in the right
way. Washes, salves and ointments
are good for external use, but they
can't stop the discharge or change
the condition of the blood, and for
this reason the sore never heals per
Not until the blood is purged of
impurities and the system cleansed
of all harmful substances should the
ulcer heal, or the c fleet upon the sys
tem might prove disastrous. S.S.S.
goes into Uie circulation and searches
out and removes the cause of the
old sore and invigorates and builds
up the polluted, sluggish blood
again, and as the poisonous matter
is driven from the system tho sore
begins to heal, new flesh forms nnd
New Castle, ?., July SO, 1003.
Threo years aco a common tfiU ap
paired on tha calf of myllmb. Not yield,
inff to simple horns remedlon, I consulted
a physician, who prescribed a poultice,
flax seed, supposedly. IJy soma fearful
mlitaka X was given corroilvo aubll
lasts, nnd after harms; it on for a tr
mlnutea X could endure the pain no
loncer, ao took off tha application and
found that ny limb from th calf to tho
i ankle wns In an awful condition. X im
mediately aent for another physician,
who told mo X htd been poisoned. My
limb from tha ealf to tha ankla was one
solid inflamod sore. X was advised to
begin O. 8. Q. and tmprored rapidly
under ita use, bnt about thia time X had
an attack of typhoid foyer, and thla Bot
tled in tha original soro. This, of coarse,
caused a back sat. but haTlnir confldonco
in the ability of H. 0. 8.. X began it ntrala
aa soon aa X waa over the fever, and to
tnsko along-atory abort, was completely
and permanently cured. Twoyearahara
lapsed. andXhaTO never had a return of
ttiotioublo. BilltJ.IC.A.DUFl'Y.
Sla W. Washington St.
the place is soon coveted over with
fresh skin nnd the sore is gone for all time. Where the constitution is
debilitated from the effects of chronic sores, ulcers, abscesses, carbuncles,
boils or other severe shin eruptions, S. S. S.
will build it up again and stimulate and
strengthen all parts of Uie system. S. S. S.
contains no 6trong minerals, but is guaran
teed entirely vegetable. It is uncqualcd as
a Blood Purifier and invigorating tonic.
Do not depend upon local remedies alone.
uct vour blood rigut, anu as ic lorccs out
the poison the sore must heal, because nothing is left in the system for
it to feed upon. Write lis should you desire medical advice, which is given
MMsMsVr sasjaflii Hfjf J isjsjsqjjgpgj--sjajpjasaasjjsjsjsasjagj
Fbtt ui Kaalrncrr SU.. Portland, Bern
TiWlooc Kiht iH.
C. Gee Wo
Till wond.rtnl Cht.
une doctor railed
grral bfcmuM ht cum.
prul without opera
tion thai arartTm or
to dlt. lie rum wlib
lbc wondrrful iiu.
nn he tba. nnu, hikli,
harts and vrcllln
tbal ar entirely on
known la mrtllcal ki-
rnr In thl rouoirr 1hrmi! the uh '
intM carmieM rrrorcira h ramoai doctor
knowt th action or uver fcJO attlrreut rem
edlr. whlrh h earreurutly ne In
diaraM. lie guarantee to rura cattarh, aaltj
lua. lung, Ihruat. rheumailtin. nerrouiueae,
toinach. Uver, kidneja. etc; baa hundred or
IMIimonlaia, ttiargva nioderai. Call aaj
him. ratlritia uot or I be city wrlta for
Mankt and circulars, fendsiamn. CXl.NSUL
The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
23 Alder St., furUand, Oregon.
aa-Vleuiiou poper.
Ma 31-103.
WHEN wrltliig- to advertiser ploasa I
luenlltin title tar. I
Ilinro used your valuable CA!CA
ItltTS and nnd llietn portcct, CuuUln I do
without the in I hare used them foriome tttue
tur Indigestion and lilliousnrM snd am now coin
filetelr cured Ittcotcnicnil them to every ue
nce tried jrou will nerer be without them la
the (amUr ' Kuw. A. Manx, Albany, N. Y.
k,-etyaV1y-eA, 'A&SVjW,'WVV'Vf-
!just Stop and Think JSJ. "XiSti
Pleasant. Palatael. Peuit. Taite Oeod. Da
0a,eTerHleaea.Yeakea,ur Otlse. leu.Juc.Wc
BUrlUff Se..4y Censfts, Cklie, Seelnftt. Sew Terk. in
W.TH.lin Sold aid ausrsniaed j alUrug.
lU'lAb lUitio tfuKU'l-csaoooXlablL
CtllEl WHIlt All LSI lAltl.
IHmI Comb, Srup, VutasUeod. Un
la lima. Bald kr sruuuu.
ou ore in tho crcat orth.
haw to do is to stretch out '
your hniid niiti tnko liolil of your opiiortuuity. Sit down ttxlav and write
for our catiilonuo. o kIvo you tt practical husi- BllBfcWilfca Boslctu Collrre
ncss ctluctttion niitl assist to get you a position when competent. IVrtUaJ. Orttoa.
JTOtft-fOOD fii
lajaa mm ska u4 mb
a . kaT
The Orcat Conditioner and Stock Pattcner. ItORSUS do
Mora Work on Ltss Peed. COWS give More and Itlchcr
Milk. IIOUS 1-atUn Quicker II given this iVxxi.
Pnokago, COu and $1.00.
makes nos anow-uoon von stunted calves.
I'avstuN Xkiibuv Co., 8t. l'ntil. Minn.
Okntlkukn! I littTC been fccillng your ruiUH Stock Pood to my
thoroughbrtil swine, it rItc tbcm on appetite, uil mukes tbe pigs
grow. I also tried It on stuuted cnlrcs with satisfactory rcsnlta,
V. V. QkOOUK. ltlln Krtv
VOKTI.AKD SEED CO., Portland, Or., Coast Agents.
Sanders Disk Plow
Simplest and most porlect tnado. llefore you
give your order lor a DUk riow be tuie to ex.
amine the Sanders, for aid by tho old rell.
able bouie vt
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.,
Send for Special Circular