The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 25, 1903, Image 3

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Program uf Pilot IluKo Development
Company's IrrlKNtlim Hntorprlno.
lfor a week In-fore Wednesday
the work on the Hume frame of the
Pilot Unite Development Conipnuy
wn very difficult mid mIow, the
ImuitlliiK uf Hi long, gretii, freahly
vt jKilen to niipH)rt the Htruc
tui being attended with consider
nll danger to thu man well as
bdng the Imidoat kind of work on
account of th rocky ground, lint
tlmt Wrt of the trcille wnn com
pleted without Accident tind since
Wedutmlay ptngrcnti Iimm been fnt
ur. It Ih uow given out tlmt the
trcallc to the headworks will Ix
completed by next Wudnenday, If
no mifoiMcn delay occurs.
Men arc added to the construe
tion force hs fast ns they ciui lc
obtained, though, of coiiim, there
In wioie or le change, iin is usual
on work of tlmt character. Some
i lift i go, other come.
lMve team Hre now engaged on
the ditch excnvHtion not nearly as
runny at, mc wauled. A nninber
of others Hie protnihcd unci they
will probably go on the work after
the holiday. At first the jwy, in
view of .lie high price of feud, was
deemed too small, but n couocgaiou
in the price of suppllw lifts been
made tlmt gi-cs satisfaction nil
President Drake is expected
home near tlte firat of the year and
then the working force i to he
doubled awl the canol will be
crowded forward to completion.
All the men and tea nut that can Ik
had will be put at work. Now that
the railroad i aasured It is evident
there will be ue for the irrigated
land and no effort will b pa!ud
to gut a targe acreage under water
ervice for the coming staaou.
mas iturciiiNSON soi.i) out?
Story to Tlmt lirfectlrrlj-itloii Proj
ect tit On Forward.
Ju3tt Harerow, who is looking
afUr the Columbia Southern ditch
in the TunwHo vnlley, was in ltend
Wednesday on his way to 1'riueville
to xjwnd Chriatiuas. lie had with
him h letter rtcdved from Colonel
C. Ir. Smith, who was the chief
engineer oil tire Columbia Sotitlieru
ditch construction latfl auintncr and
who recently returned from a visit
to Portland to consult the Columbia
SoMthera Irrigation management
regarding field work. At the clot
ufthia letter wa the brief stato
uttitt that C. C. llutchiiuou. of
the Oregon Irrigation Company,
had sold out to a company in New
York and that work 0.11 that enter
prlee would go ahead.
Three weeks ago Mr. Hutchinson
visited ltend and drove' out over
th prospective ditch line of hi
company. With him were two
New York men, W. It. Ourritt and
II. D. Turney. They gave out no
intimation of what bearing their
visit had 011 the Hutchinson proj
ect, but trom other ' sourcea the
nevs came t)ial the visitors rejwe
sunled men likely to invest in such
unterprisee. If they have taken
over tbc Hutchinson interest, or
otherwise arranged to push work
on that irrigation scheme, it is im
' (Mi Unit for this locality, livery
movement for development of our
native resources, for making and
ljiuds fertile, should receive overy
passible encouragement.
A Mll.ll 01' WIRE NliTTINU.
Pence to Keep Chickens In ami the
Coyotes Out,
Mr. Wlost bus completed the
fencing of .0 acres of his homestead
with wire netting so us to keep bis
fowls inside ami the coyotes out
side, This is the forty on which
bis dwelling and the present chick
en house stand. The fence is made
of juniper pots set eight feet apart,
with 11 wide busuboiird and above
tlmt the wire netting of 3-inch mesh
is Ktictchcd, Three feet above the
Iwncboiud a narrower atrip is fast
cued. The netting extends a foot
above that strip, so as to catch the
chickens that fly up intending to
alight on the board 011 their
way ovur the fence. Six inches
alwvu the top of the netting a sin
gle Imrbed wite is strung to stiffen
wild support the fence and turn
Animals that might lc disced to
disregard the warning boards.
Holes under the hntctxHird due to
inequalities in the ground are now
being slopped. When that Khali
be completed Mr. Wiest will have
a very stilwtnntlnl and effective
The .o-Hcro lot thus unclosed is
to be subdivided by similar fences,
though they will not be so substan
tial. Their purpose will Iks simply
to tiu'mrntc the various varieties of
fowls into their own yards. This
improvement will give Mr. Wiest
very complete runs for bis fowls
and enable him to branch out in
the oultry business,
Suspension Order Revoked.
Tltnhsr mid Slonc Entries to Pas
Promptly to Patent Hereafter.
l.nst Monday afternoon Secre
tary Hitchcock, of the department
of tuu interior, issued thu following:
TS voter rftxWr which Snal MUoa m llav
btt and Moh rnlrtr vnit MMpMl4 kw b
rma4 by lh ncrtUry or the laWrtur, aad all
Mich rntnn wtll ihm ht acl4 apm lac Omwfal
Uaad OStev la rrgalar 4r.
The suspeusiun served a good
nurtKMie, and was the means of
preventing many fraudulent onirics.
While a rigid scrutiny of all entries
under this act will Iw continued, It
will have the effect of allowing all
valid entries to 1 patented.
At the conference at the white
house Monday morning the public
laud situation in Oregon was
thoroughly reviewed. The j!iin
tort stoutly protested, against the
contfiiunuceorthc suipeusfou policy
of the interior department, on the
ground that it worked inexcusable
hardship 011 bona fide settlers, and
was seriously retarding the devel
opment of the state.
Secretary Hitchcock, in a state
ment submitted to the president,
explained that the extent to which
frauds had been perpetmited in Ore
gon made it necessary that the ut-
most precaution sliouid be taken to
head off other fraudulent operations,
under thu timber and stone act.
President Roosevelt, after con
sidering both sides, directed tlw
secretary to revoke his former
order, ami hereafter timber and
atone entries will pass to patent, as
soot as they hnvc been approved
by the commissioner of the general
Jam! office.
Itnnklni; and Investment Hnterprlse.
Olof M. MtitiH and Peter Ner
scth, of While Karth, N. Dakota,
who were, in Ilcud on laud business
last week, looked over the general
business situation here and were so
favorably impiesscd that they said
they would probably be out here in
the spring and engage in business.
Mr. Mutts now runs n retail lum
ber yard in White Karth and Mr.
Ncrseth is in the general merchan
dise business there. Closely affiliat
ed with them is J. P. Smerud,
cashier of the First State Dank of
White Hnrtb, vlu is also said to be
desirous of engaging in business
here. Arrangements have been
talked over with reference to the
erection of a substantial building
on the bank of the Deschutes
opposite Sisemore's for the accom
modation of a banking and invest
ment house by ' the White Karth
people, and other lines of business
are to be gathered about that.
These are conservative, substantial
young btiHiiicM men and will ben
notable accession to Ilcud.
" " 1
Christmas Celebrated.
The usual ChriiUnas festivities
occurred in Ilend. The Union
Hominy school had two Christina
trees in Grant's hnll, with fire place
letweeu out of whiqjl Smitu Clans
en me to distribute! tli'u xood things
from the trees. Tudre was n short
program of appropriate music, in
cluding n cantata In which a com
jmny of childreinhoived to advan
tage. Miss MarfOif' Wiest is en
titled to great credit for her work in
training the chiklran. There was
a goodly attendance- and thu affair
was entirely successful.
At the whoolhousi the new Sun
day school hail A Christina tree and
a suitable program ami tlw house
was well filled with sjwetators. At
this tree, as well ns nl the one in
Grant's hall, all thtf children were
rememlerttd with bugs of nittfi and
candy, and other presents were
Work of Legislature.
The legislature adjourned Wed
nesdas night after three days .ses
sion in which it rejxmlcd the
troublesome PIlul'M tax law, re
storing the old One, appropriated
$100,000 for getting canal right of
way at Celilo and attended to seW
eral local monsuros.
"Dud" West was a Prinevillc
visitor Sunday and Monday.
Joseph V. Tsggart returned Mon
day from a two weeks visit in Port
laud. Postmaster and Mrs. .Slants made
the round trip to Priucville the fore
part of the week.
New Yunrs eve there will be n
grand ball at West's ball. Kvcry
one come and bring somebody.
About two iiiche& 0 snow fell
Sunday at Lavn, 'but trie weather
was warm ami there was 110 wind.
Thirty-two horses were quartered
at Sisemore's last Sunday night,
which indicates that travel up the
Deschutes is not scanty.
A fine Hock of audacious mallards
came down the river Tuesday and
speit the afternoon feeding un
molested along BcjkI water front.
J. N. Hunter returned Tuesday
from n week's trip hi the timber up
in Klamath county. He found .that
country under nbotit 8 inches of
After thu Christmas tree festivi
ties there was ft Umice at West's
hall, which was well attended and
kept the young folks merry until
nearly daylight.
Charles Iliauk, of Antelope, was
In Heud Saturday night. He was
enroute to Silver Lake with n load
of stock and furniture tor the
new saloon of I. W. SHvertooth.
C, A. Daito and Charles Turney
were down from their cluims in
Klamath county this week. They
went to Priucville to attend to some
business matters and returned up
the river today.
Lewis McCullistar is hauling lum
ber from ltend this week for a
house and barn on bis place over in
the southeast comer of 15-11. lie
Is putting nlwut 5000 feet of lum
ber into those structures.
Ford McCnllistor was up from
the mouth of Crooked river with a
load of apples this week, He finds
Heud so good a market that he
makes regular trips here to dispose
of his fruit. Hut this trip closed
out his supply of apples at $1.75 a
The grossbeaks and the juniper
jays, returning from the desert,
have been with tin the past week.
Hut not a robiir or 11 blackbird has
been in sight. The chick-n-dccn
have come and they make them
selves so much at home that they
must expect to remain till spring.
William Vand evert and C. H.
Allen have just moved the old post-
office building at Lava from the
Wes A Id ridge place to a site be
tween Allen's ud Vaudevurt's to
use as a school House this winter.
This location is mo convenient for
the scholars of the district
J. M. Iawience has moved from
the Garden How cottage his family
has occupied since last June, to
rooms in the federal building ad
joining the office of United States
commissioner. J. N. Hunter has
taken the Gurdcn Row cottage
vacated by the Lawrences.
John llloss is over from his
homestead near Sisters this week
on business. In November he
killed two bears near his home
stead, getting from them 20 ouuds
of fine lard for domestic use. BIoss
says it is equal to the finest hog
lard and superior to much of the
alleged bog product in the market.
L. D. Wiest set out his traps
again this week nud yesterday
morning there whs a good sized
lx)bcat caught. Miss Marion took
her rifle and ended the troubles of
thu beast with a bullet in the eye.
The fur is thick and glossy, this
being tlw time of year when fur
bearers in this latitude are at their
John Stekil Is down with typhoid
fever. He had been ailing several
day but last Saturday his condition
was so serious that Dr. Kdwards
was summoned from Prinevillc.
I Ie was out Sunday and diagnosed
the case as typltokl, but not a very
severe one. It is expected that Mr.
Stcidl will be up again in due time,
but there is no hurrying this
Road Supervisor Sisemore has
completed the planking of the coun
ty bridge at his place and finds that
he will lc able to collect jicxsoual
poll tax enough in the district
nearly to pay the cost. Thu county
will be called on for the balance.
Mr. Sisemore pakl out of his owu
ocket $386 for the coustruetiou of
the bridge a douen years ago $1
for each running foot of the struct
ure. A wove is on foot to add greatly
to the capacity of the Pilot Ilultc
Inn. The plans contemplate the
erection of a frame building 34x4$
in front of the preseut structure,
with dining room soxaoon one side
of a central hallway nud office on
the other side, and guest's chambers
overhead, the whole to bo neatly
finished and furnished and painted
white. Landlord Lucas is bound
to have facilities for accommodating
his growing patronage.
"Dad" West celebrated Christ
mas by presenting each of bis
daughters n corner lot from his
acre tract a short distance onst of
the school house. To Mrs Kva
Poiudcxter he gave the lot 50x100
feet at the northeast comer of the
tract and to Miss Ivn the lot at the
southeast comer, of the same she.
These lots arc rallied at ioo each.
It is expected that Mrs. Poindexter
will build n dwelling upon her lot
About 100 persons were photo
graphed this afternoon by Messrs.
Weider and Cramer at the Lytle
towusitc. The first view was
photographed across the rapids at
the Deschutes Lumber Co's mill
and another near Low's store.
The Oregon Concert Uniul furnish
several pieces of music and held
first rank in each of the pictures
taken. It is the intention ot
Messrs. Reed & Steidl to have the
views appear in the Portland Ore-goniau.
Newly Refitted and Furnished
and under new niauageiicnt.
William Marsh, Proprietor.
Ikst of accomodations for
regular boarders of
CI ni. Teams in Connection.
Travelers up the Deschutes
Find comfortable quarters '
and a well supplied table
at Willow Ranch, jj mflaw
south of Ilcud. Good ac
commodations for travel
ers and teams. Also the '
only General Merchan
dise store iu the region.
BOGUE & SON, Props.
City Meat Market.
J. I. wnST, Prop.
Butter, Eggs, Poultry,
Potatoes, Vegetables In "Season.
Nearly opposite Pilot Butte Inn ,
Wall Street.
All kinds of wagon work done.
Horseshoeing a Specialty
Shop Opposite Schoolhouse.
I!, r. llaUCHAF It. D. ClIAS. S. HlWAB JI. I).
Drs. Belknap &. Edwards,
OfSwat Kearrwimick' Drc SWr.
Attar war imi
WOI practice In a'l
eearta in tkt ttatc
V. a. Cowna!tipnr.
numtviujc orkcon.
Laad ftltaei awi yraafc of all kuvU. o Are on
Mrwi lidlxi to umrUMHt.
For choicest homemade
MIncc Meat, from mate
rials carefully prepared
for the purpose and prop
erly combined, see Miss
Hunter at the Federal
building. This Mince
Meat will produce pies
like your mother used
to make :: :: :: :: ::
Sunset Magazine
Full of Fascinating Features
of the Wdudcrful West.
Beautifully Illustrated.
$!.C0 Per Year!0 Cents a Copy
A l'rce Sat4t Copy to all rojuHritig
SUNSET wants a subscription
representative iu every city and
town. To those who will give
all or a portion of their time it
offers attractive work and pays
exceedingly liberal commissions.
It will pay you to investigate. A
jwstal card will bring particulars.
Write at once so as to be the
first in your field.
Sunset Magazine
4 Montgomery St., San Francisco