The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 25, 1903, Image 2

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The Bend Bulletin
Hntctwl March it, ij,
r Miillnv taatter.
nt Definite, Ortgmi,
frnuftiiHt) kvdkv raimv at mchiTI,ohhA.
ler yr fi.a
(lavartaMv Ih edraaw.1
DEC. 25, igo3
Unci Sam is ready to spank
Colombia if she cannot get along
Without it.
15. Rytin, ns wits at first tupottud.
When Mr, kynn whs hunt with Mr.
Simpson, it member of the linn,
Inst Scptoinlwr, hs expraagiKl the
opinion tlmt the hunberiuK activity
of this section would center at Heud
or nt the Mi (lows, mid this pur
chase of ranches wilt be convenient
for either place.
There is no delinquent tax list in
Arrest of John A. Benson, if.U
was not prematurely made, wilt
have a jtood effect. He has been
at the head of the most industrious,
and unscrupulous ting of land
Uke county the first time snch a thieves the West has over seen,
showing has been made by any finbakkned by long snrrru he had
trouittv in Oregon, we belies toe teratrity to go to Washington
.. i I and try to bribe government officers
The late Pope Leo was a thrifty , Rt tita whcn he kttw h,K COH
soul a wellasan able administrators duct 8 ndr investigation by'tho
Gftbeluerarcuy, If the story tele- jnnea ot me tana aqwrnntni.
graphed from Kome is to be credit-! Tne Wing persistent of such
cl. Ten million eight hundred frequently leads Warn
Ciflv thousand dollars is anile .jight through the dtwrs of the rui-
tidy sum to liave iu cajh concealed j tentiar- fo they realise time Ib
sucn n ming as justice ami iniu
there is a decent public sentiment
which will sooner or later bring
them to account.
about one's apartments, and it is
no wonder the' church feels richer
by its discovery. Any other church
would have been banktupted by
the withholding of such n sum from
its treasury.
Pew maiden speeches have betm
delivered iu the United States
senate under more favorable con-
It hn lvf,t tflnrLf?Mi that til tuvt
republican national convention shall dllkms or rlw" " lh" ' U ,,0,Wy
be held in Chicago beginning June attended the apial made by Fcna
21, next. St. Louis and Pittsburg tor 1?uUo FrWy for A mral
wanted ifbad. the former offering Pwleral pproiwiation for the Uwig
$40,000 and a halt and the latter ,ml Clark Imposition. The junior
$100,000 cash. Chicago offered 0reon 9nnlor Pke from dk
S75.000 and a hall and got it by 43 ; on republican side of the center
aisie o me enstuocr. ne spoce in
the present Columbia Southern will
eventually be cortccted and tlmt
this loiul.vvill be used for iniuscoii
tinentnl trnfltc when the trnnspotUi
lion saliQiu'c now forming shall be
completed. 1
According to the best bible
clironologlets, Christ was born
some time tu the month of April,
when sheep fornx iu Judea was
good; at any rate not iu December,
which is thu height of the rainy
season there, when shepherds could
hardly bcwajichiiix their flocks by
night on the plums. The obser
valice of this feK.vl is traced hack
to the time of tturor Comniodtia
in the latter putt of the second
century aJW$,Christ. While In this
country it is given more or less
religious signiuVaiice. many Christ
inns entirely rej.u that a petit of
the. celebration as a "human inven
tion". The Atootch Presbyterians
and English dissenters are among
these. It is highly probable that
the popular Christinas would soon
become u dowl institution if it were
not for the part taken by St.
Nicholas, or Santa Clans, or Kris
(Cringle. This indirtdual keeps
Christinas green in tlie hearts of
the children, and that present
AihI Wend children
are 116 excopUon to the rule
Forwarding Merchant
uencrai lomniissioi.
Prompt attention jwld to those who favor me with their patronage.
Under New
Hoard by the
Dny or Woolt.
A. C. I.UCAS, Prnttrtstor.
ltooth A Coriifftl Stages atop at the door. Only
1. ivory Haiti on the Deschutes, run in connection
with the Motel. Tables supplied with ail tlw '
ItalicflHes uf the Season. Mrst'clatui tKiuiHteU '
iMue Rooms ami Ilea.
votes of the 51 present at the
"national committee meeting. If
Roosevelt could be put iu nomina
tion right now it would go far to
relieve the business tension of a
presidential year, for there would
be no doubt about his re-election.
Such improvements as Mr. Wiest
is making for his poultry yard are
important to the community. He
is organizing a really productive
industry, an industry of the kind
that makes the individual and the
community self supporting or bet
ter. We have the elements of self
support' if we will but use them;
but so long as we depend on the
outside world for the necessaries of
life we will be industrially weak.
The homely developments of the
small farmer will make any country
an easy, off-hand manner, without
manuscript or notes. His delivery
was pleasing, and his remarks,
which were easily heard iu the re
mote corners of the Senate chamber,
were attentively followed by a large
circle of interested senators, and by
the large crowd in the gallery. At
the conclusion ofhis speech Senator
Pulton was warmly congratulated.
The days have not yet gath
ered increased length enough to
invite tjvlliglit strolling in Uend,
as the dkl song might warrant,
but the winter solstice is past and
from now on the days will grow
longer till the tropic of cancer shall
halt the northward sun next June.
The season of lengthening days is
the buoyant time of year, inviting
hopeful, aggressive work. We
have six of these buoyant I months
now before us. "What will they
bring us?
Sheriff C. Sam Smith, who is
president of the Columbia Southern
Irrigation Company, with a segre
gation of 26,000 acres in the
Tumello valley, has bought a h'a'f
interest in a 3000-acre reclamation
enterprise over in the eastern part
of the county, just west of Buck
mountain. This, also, is under the
Carey law. Storage reservoirs will
be built for the water. These irri
gation projects will soon transform
Crook county from a desert range
to one of the most fruitful in the
It is already a market worth cater
ing to. William Casey, of Powell
bmtes, 33 miles away, brings his
chop feed, apples, xatches and pota
toes here. Pent McCallister, of
Cove orchard, 45 mites north,
comes here with his apples ami
peaches. Ranch cured boms,
shoulders and bacon were teamed iu
from Tygh valley, 100 miles north,
in the fall. The up-river catllemen
look to the Hurid market to take n
considerable part of their stock.
Gradually the whole Deschutes
country is coming to recognize
Heud as a growing market for its
produce and trade is definitely set
ting tliis way. Partners buy mer
chandise where they sell tlieir produce.
The Crook County Journal can
see nothing to rejoice over iu tbe
announcement that tbe Columbia
Southern railroad will advattctt to
Hsnd 'iiwet o'oar. It affects to be
lieve '(& the announcement was
designe & stimulate a towusite
boom or something else but that
there is no intention of building a
railroad. The Prineville Review
discusses somewhat ijuerrulonsly
the effect the Bond railroad will hae
on the county seat town. We regret
to sec such spirit exhibited. Wh
cuiiuot Prinevilk tejoice with Hcim
at the railroad. prosjxjct? Prineville
Ilend's influence on the tributary twill not ahrink because lkmd art-
country is already Tjuile manifest
r 1 1 r r
!L4 V JiU 1 &
Wholesale and Retail Liquor House
I'IiiaM llrnmls of t.htiors ami Cigar. Two dtmrs South of Hank.
-DUAL tft-
The news published in The Bul
letin last week that the Johnson
Powers people had bought the Pal
mer and Montgomery ratiches and
the cattle belonging to the latter is
confirmed this week. If appears,
'however, that the titles "nnVtb Mr.
jjtjuusbu'person'ally uhd 4,iiot Hb J.(
President I.ytfe's announcement
that Harriman has signed the con
tract for financing the Columbia
Southern extension to Uend and
that construction of the road will
begin iu the spring seems to re
move all doubt about the matter
The survey made by the Columbia
southern, however, npiMjars not to
be entirely satisfactory to Mr. Har
riman. Doubtless the mileage is
too great. By putting more ex
pense into construction the mileage
between Shaniko and Bend may be
mrfterially reduced. Certainly the
"f route may be made 10 miles shorter,
possibly 15 miles could be cut out.
The cost of the road would be no
less because of this reduced mileage
but something would be gained in
running time and ease oi operation
when completed, and those con
siderations are important iu modern
railroading. The great care taken
to have this line in all respects up
to the best railroad standard is as
surance that it is to .be no mere
local feeder. It probably uiontis
that'the, alignment "and grades of
vauccs. .More him larger towns
arc inevitable as the country In
comes developed, and a neighborly
spirit of helpfulness will be to the
advantage of all. Wend is not get
tine the railroad to discomfit or
annoy her neighbors. We need it
iu our business sud we also need
the geneous good will of our coun
ty Mtat. If Prineville weru getting
one or a doseu railroads Heud J
would be right glad of it. And she
is bound to have a railroad before
many years nm.
TtMber IamA, Act JtMM j, MfS.
S. Mud OSto. Tlw ItattM, Otnow,
OCfeteWr ft 9(M
Motlar U bmfcv aim that la mmmIImmi vttb
Ik arorajtoiM orikc Act of Caiutnm at Jum i.
it, mlHM, "Ah act for It aHt afUiiiacrhifi
iti Uw UU oTCaUlbtBto. Ontwt, .Wdt, a4
W4ilK(m Territory," m MUadt4 to ll lt
Mk Uh4 Mate by Act at Asaa i, (
KIStMrd !C. CsStffOM.
of Itootl HI w, cvuiilr uV Waeco. HU arortaoa.
ia thl dy AM in IhU ce iwikr tt
Mat No jfj. for Uw parcbaat of tlw vH K
w4 UMiwl4 ufxc 1 BwlkK I, m 1, li Wit
10, W HI.
AmI will o(Tr ynat la How llwt lh InJ
MNtf M la murt rafiublc for It thalMr or Moat
than for grtcultural iMirwHt, a4 to tttaWMi
hR claim lu Miol land before the UrgMr aad
Kacelvar at Tbe IiU, otaaaa, m Mimaay, taw
aiat ilmy u( Deeemb, r. iV J.
He iwui a wHaamai lldmHwl K While,
Cbaile P alattr, Hod N SfMt, utllw Kierr,
OrjMt; A K hrck, u( Bead, Qmkwn.
Any awl all ueraooa cUlwtnx atlvrely tbe
aboreleKtlbed la twit a le raatteoUNl tu flic Ibcir
ttalm In Dili uiltce Ht r imimc I lie mM 11M
y tl December. y-
A-dti MICUARI, T. NOLAN, KeuLler.
Furniture and Undertaking
Stoves, Wall I'apr, IMktisg Jlalirial, Oc.
L-.UM B-E-R-
--. . !()i SAI.F. -- &-
If you want n deoil or mortyage drmvu
or iichuowtudgud or tiny busiunsji panur.i
praiKirad sac J, M. I.swroncc about it.
If you wish to know what the nublio
laud law.s, iustructioiiH ami ruliug.s arc,
or whnl the .state or United Stntas stnt
Utas .iuy you enn find out at his ofTicc.
He has full sets of nil these books,'
Tlmlxr J.awt, Art June. 3, i(jfl.
NO'rrcis Kou plhlioation.
U. K. I.ln! ome, The Dalle. Oregen.
iiibr v H"ti.
Notice U betebr given I (Ml ill auiiiilhiiicc with
Die rovtJoiu orthe Act of CciireM of June 3,
117a, entitled, "An l fur tlic wlrol llmlerlaiiir
III the tau of CaliforiiU, Oregon, NevoiU, ami
Wathliivtoii Territory," u. Mtcixtml to all the
puUic luinl ktatee ly Act of Augu.t 4, 1S91,
John Ken
iiv 01 11
11 I'elirunrv u. I'di, filxl III
thleoflicc I1I4 eworn tatemciil No 1M6. for the
01 tirjiid I'orfcj, county 1
Norili Dakota, iiaeon l'
Onunl I'orkf, ttatcof
purehaecuflhc nwj kc 17)11) l8, rnc, m,
Ami will offrr proof to ehow Hut the land
aought l more valuable for It timber or alone
than for ORricnltural purixxea, and 10 colabliih
III. claim to uld laud before the Ktul.ltr and
Kceclrcr of thltoirice nt The I'atlee, Oregon, on
1'rlUay, the iitliduy of Mureli, 1904.
They name m wltiu'e: lame. II HalUlniry,
Idlirard I' Itiirlaht, (Uorge linllliry and Altiert
Count, ofdranil 1'orl.n. K DaLi Michael I.el'aue.
ol Dceehuta. Or, rtiuuiu Twcct, of The DMm,
Anv and nil liemona rlalmliiir ndvaraelv llir
aliova-0jrll)l luiiaarrniiftil In file (lielr
clalmit In thin oiFk-c on or before the aald nth
(lav of March, tool.
dii-f J4 MICUAW. T. NOI.AN, Keglttel-. 1
Columbia Souttel Hotel.
Hot ntitt cold water on both floors. llatlis for the'usc of gticjsf.i.
Uvcry modern convenience rit hand.
The dining' room, under the direct supervision of Mr. Kconey, i,n a
very model of tasteful, spotless elegance, and the service, is equal to nuy
in the state,
All'stages arrive'nt rind leave the Columbia Stfuthqrn.'
J. MjKUUNlJV, Proprietor,