jK" i .i t O I 9 s Snrsnparilla Is unquestiona bly tho greatest blood and liver medicino known. It positively and permanently I cures every Inimor, from Pimples to Scrofula. It is tho Best Blood Medicine. DUcoumclnj;. "IM ymt make, any Iinptoralon on the young profwwtorT" "Uoodnowi, riul? Three of his Mints, his sister nnil n foimlu wore there listening to evDry word I said to him." I)trolt I'reo Press. riTQ "Hr Jurl. tenlinrnrrcuiM 110 nirnMil.'.hMu()r.KMM'.ilr.INrv ?t?'r.'".'.,'P'PFr,'iifiiimiiduriik .(Ml., I, Wyndltntti and hnvnl. During ii recent dolmto In tlio hous of commons on tho Irish land bill nn opponent of tluit imsisiiro lofurn.-d to Mr, Wynillmm, cliluf seunilnry for Iro liiml, who Im viry hiindmimo, us n charming highwayman who wn rob bing tho llrltluli taxpayer. IIIm rrltlo applied to tho ohluf secretary tho epi taph on Claud Duval In Covout Gordon Hitirolu "Mcr.t Huh Duval. Howler. If inulij thou url, look on thy purae; If female, to thy heart." Clone Unoujch. Flrnt Cut Wlllln Pursy and Tommy Klttlu had n milk-drinking contest I nut nllil. Hecond Cat Which Ixjnt? 1'lrst Cot Tommy Klttlu. by a lap. IltWrf Til 1ST Ur, 1UII. Kilt Ml Areb M . rhffwliliU, J Jfi! Ilcwlldcrrd. "John Henry, I'll tliniKh you found ly If I over rntclt you willing another story thnt len't truo." 'Ami yet, iiia, I heard you ny to tho milliliter thnt I bad great Imagination." Tlxm SharlnlWar ml t m ttu t Rheumatism Neuralgia or ffa offer On Ilnndrcd Uollarn Itewird for any etmol cattarrli tiitcu notbocurtd byiiaii? t-'aiarrh t'Hir. ' K. J. CIIKKKVAOo..l,rr-Tollo.O. Vt a the utidei tinned, hare known P. , lutney forth" ti.tt lirr,inl hellere lilm pnrfecilf hum r.bi in i i u-Iiimi lt.iiiutliiia .ml nri. Stielallr able lutatrjroutanyobllg'allulis made by lb bl firm. Wait A Tntfix. WhelMl KnusUU. Toledo, WALIilKU KlN4N,t MAHVtlt, .. ii. r. . VVhtilel Iiri.(ciii., Toledo. O. IfairsCaterrh Uare taken lutf rn.llr.ncilnir llreclly en the blmt .ml mtioiiui urf.eraol Utetriteia. I'rlc7p.r Ihiiii. Bold brail 1ruli. TitlncmLiifirc. Hail' Kemllr I'lll. r. the bcit lltSUM St Jacobs Oil Which ..twill rt crif aw rM. WjI premH fv' It amOi.i, wUmi, and ndt Ilk ftrfl.ru. Price, 23c. and 50c. MEET ALL NEEDS rixperlenfe ha eetatilWhed It M IkL Hold byeil denier. You wtr llicr crntr, 1904 Kccd Annual poatpald free to all ap plicant. D. M. TERRY A CO. OSTHUIT, mint). lire' Discovery, "lly observing the frill of nn apple." remarked tho morallxru, "NowUin din covt'wl tho law f Kruvlty." Yen," rrjolneil tho ilumorallcr, "ntul tlioiiwindH of yrarw jirevloun Mother Kvo (Uncovered thu Krttvlty of tho law by inorcly biting an applo." Cblcaco Ncwh. - Too Kuggcitlv. "That now walln'iii mimt go," nald tho lnndlonl of tho nultHit lioarillng Iioiim. "What bait idio iJono?" "Why, wlittn bn wati to ik the KiifnU If thoy Moultl bavu ton or ooffi'O ho vald, -Natnu )or drink ordur. " Chicago Jtvcord-Ilunild. When It' Ncceaiary. "Ifrru'M an nrtlclo for wommi," h oald, "on Mfow to Mako Younwlf At tractivu to a Man.' " "llofore or after inarrlago?" tho In quired, thinking It nan about tlmo to buvo a Uttlo nK)rt with blm. "After, of court)," bo rcpllwl pnimptly. "No woman ever loa tlrtt knack until after nho' married." No doubt bo wan, an ho naid, "a mean old thing." New York Tlmca. riio't Cure W a cixxt coutttt mrdlclnn. It Iim curnl fouclu and coldi for iorty ytan. AldrUKxI'U.SScttntf. Prldent Dlax'a Costly Saddle. Col. Cortina of tho Mciican army bait prrtHinti! I'n.iiilcnt Diaz with a raddle thnt rottt t-'0,000. Tho colonel baa nont mivon yiant aujicrintendliig ita produutiou. i I Cold Dcauty. Towne What a haughty creature ' alio la. hho lias rather a foreign look, hasn't ho7 i llrowmi Yea: but I'm nurti ibo'a , from Iloaton. Her name la Klalierg. I'hllndelrdiia l'rcait. AS OLD AS 3SPYRAMIPS Wm HAS ALIi TUB BYMl-TOMD. BaarSlrii ARrultofaaerloui blood dl.orJtr nr blood bscams polona and X uf. f.red aaTaroly with ltbaumatiim and tlon. other symptoms not uuoenury to men- line ly t u inn It uio, Aiwr u.inir It (or otno tlmn my blood wan thorouulily oloanieu of alt huh, Ainonu oi mine ioiu ine ihm no had been cured of niy troublo by U. H. 13., u ua reooi After u.lni Tliat blood poison existed amoRg the anclenta has lccn proven beyond question. It bns been traced back tliotisaada of yearn, and is as old rut the Pyramlda. This blighting curse baa been banded down front nation to nation and from individual to individual till it lias spread to nil parts of the world. Contagious blood poison, as It is called in modern times, begins with a small core or ulcer through which tho virus enters the blood. This is followed by inflam mation and swelling' of the elands of the jrroins, a red eruption breaks out on the body, sores appear in the mouth and the throat becomes ulcerated, and as tho discard takes a deeper hold mid the blood becomes more thoroughly infected, tl'e hair and eyebrows drop out, Uic Bkin is spotted with copper-colored splotches, the bones and muscles ache, and it seems to the victim of this monster ncourgo there is not a sound spot in the whole body. .Tho horror of this awful disease can never be told. The one who con tracts it sufTers in bodyavd mind, and if the poison is not eradicated transmits the taint to his children, and Contagious Dlood Poison thus becomes responsible for many of the ills of childhood Skin Kruptious, Catarrhal Troubles, Sore Uycs, Scalp Disease, White Swelling, Scrofula, and others just as bad. S. S. S., the great vegetable blood purifier and .tonic, )ins long been recognized as a radical and safe cure for Contagious Dlood Poison, It counteracts the deadly virus and cleanses and puri fies the diseased blood, and under its tonic effects tho general health im moves aud soon all slims of blood poison are gone. Tho strong mineral remedies, Mercury and Potash, which are so often prescribed for the disease, dry up the sores, eklu eruptions and nil external siens, but leave the stomach aud digestion ruined aud the system iu ouch condition that the disease usually returns in worse form than ever. S. S. S. Is guaranteed a purely vegcta Va remedy, $t,ooo is offered for proof that it contains n single mineral ingredient. If you lmve blooU poison write for our special book, describing the different stages and giving all the symptoms, with directions for treating one's aelf at home. Our physicians will furnish any information or advice wonted free of charge. THE9WIFTJHEGIFiG CO., ATLANTA, Ma end upon lit recommendation I beam VuUoii Riut tnnde purn and itronif euiiln 1 wi.ii hi.u io epenic oi in louto prop, ertl. .While nurvlnir my blood of .uuiit up my sonirai , it lmnurltli health, improrod my apnotlte, kuto mo inoreaaed ylronsth, and I fait better la orery way. lam , vreat bollerer in fl.0. 0.,and with pleasure oeramud It to all la noJ Of a blood inedtolue. Your Terr truly, . HOIIBUT&KWBXTZXa. 008 Walnut tit., X,ebnon,riu Tlio bird of I-iiplaiul are rcportitl by II. tJocbtd to number JOS Kneclcm. Of tlieo J.'W certainly brnil In that country, thirty-four probably do m, HuvonlHi'ii uro atmgglerri and lx win ter vIMtiini, ono Ih an ocoau upcelM iiutl Hovon nro seen only In the Solo vetakl IkIiiiiiU. A novel watuh In Zurich Is In the form of it ball which movea Impercept ibly down nn luelluod piano without rolling. Tlicro Is no spring, the alldliigj giving motion to the hnuds.nnd tho trip1 from top to Imttom of the Inclined atir I face, n (IIhI.iiut of nlxtecn Inclien, re quire twenty-four hourM. 'J'ho ball Ih' then llflitl iignlu Io the lop. Tho Illghlaiid 1 tail way Company of Great Krluilu announce that it 1ih, cotuplotetl nrrnngmnonti for tolupliouh ' eommuulentliin between train and ntii j tloiiH on It Hue, tliun not only greatly j lirsiionltig thu danger of wrecks on the ; road but also ennbllng Its pajiaengerH I to commiiuleatu wltli fncuus and IiiihI : nea nxHOclale while traveling from placo to place. i A tree using aluminum almotit to the! exclunlon of other mineral c-loiuendi! ha bion rejmrtcd In New Botith Wale by II. O. Ktnlth, of Kduey. It I known Iwlanlcnlly na Orltes czccUa, It. Dr., and tho aluminum I deposited na n basic succinate. Other flowering plant allow only a trace of aluminum, although It aecins to nerve as a food of cryptogrnina. Hugo llalbcrgcr, of Munich, Ger many, lias foifnd that when an elec tric current Ii sent Into the earth by thrusting one of the terminals Into the ground, Uio worms and snails within n radius of six feet or tnoro crawl out and get nwdy from the affected area. Their behavior seemed to htm to Indi cate that they were distressed by tho electricity, and he suggests that the i remarkable effect of an electric cur- rent In stimulating the growth of plants may bo renlly duo to the exter- mlnatlon of paraMtea about their root, rattier tlinn to a directly beneficial in lluencc upou the plants tliamnelvca. A comparison between the heating properties of acetylene and coal gas nuowh that tho heat units developed per cubic foot arc 18.V) and tVW, re spectively, tho tempcrnturo of the ncetyleno flame being about 2.C0O do-' green Fahrenheit. With nn acetylene burner consuming two cubic feet of gas per hour a quart of water was brought from a temperature of about oQ degrees to tho lulling point In about eight and a half minutes. Under sim ilar condition It required teu aud a quarter minute for tho Illuminating! gas to accomplish the same results,' though the burner used sixteen cubic feet of gas per hour. King Mencllk of Abymdnla, pidom Ing to take advantage of the scientific methods of minting coin which prevail In tho civilized world, bns Just Import ed from Germany nn outfit of machin ery for his mint, which Is to be vet up at his capital, AddlsAbaba. The Inst stage of the long Journey of this ma chinery will lie by caravan, and n month will be occupied In thu trans iwrtlng It from the nwirent railway sta tion. It Is Kild that Mencllk. who for several years has had n limited silver coinage circulation In his kingdom the colun were struck for him In Franco ha accumulated more than 110.000 pounds of gold bullion, besides a still larger' amount of silver, nwnlt lug Uio arrival of tho uilntlng-ma-ehlnuit. Wh7"Ciin Not" la lMpulnr. "Have jou ever noticed," Kuld the muu who tluds fault, "how many peo ple itvold tho contraction can't' now adays and make use of the two words, Van not?' I have lnen so much struck by tho prevalence of the latter expres sion Unit I took pains to Inquire Into thu cause of It. 'I Ilud that many peaplo hnvo adopt ed the double term becnuse, having hecu brought up In a locality where the short sound of V prevailed, they find It Impossible to twist their tongue around 'oahn't,' ttiitl since thoy believe that plnlu. even-day 'can't' stamps them hh being of Inferior origin, they culthate 'can not.' "That requires no short 'a, and til llintteh Its ix-rhlnti'lil live lnitv savor of affectation, It htrlkes the persons who can not get around Vahn't' as a great Improvement on the short V 'can't.' " Not All Ills. A bnuul-now young futher had been talking u bluo streak about his baby at ouo of tho llrooklyu clubs. After ho hud gono away one of tlio weary listeners said: "To hour him lake on you'd think his was' the only youngster ever. Why, linns It, they say u baby Is born every llvo minutes In Now York City." "Yoa," responded nn elderly man, who had onco been a young father him- Belf, "but, you Bee, they'ro not all his." Come to think of It, that's probably so, A bride is highly prized, yet sho Is Wise Old Alan. MelhiiKolali was showing bis friend around tho premises. "And what is that vast wnrehoiico fort" nRkcd tho friend. ' "Oh, thnt is to storo tny birthday presents Jn," replied tho old man. Thus wo rco that a green old age ha its advantages. Vfithn. Milt And Mr.. Wltulow' HnotMrt up inn ee.i rirnt UalUilJtf )o;u tytup tlm bc.t romodr to ui lor Uidr eblldttn ii, The Difference. Miss Languish Merry I You don't moan to say you destroy nil your lovo iuttors! I save mine relfgioiiHly. Miss Portly Of coureo; but, then, you know it mak a difference where one ban only a few. liostoti Transcript. IZTAHTTnT Itti- ttn r woman no In WAIN 1111 tl,a1 " ,w,r" ,h ,it'' ood wr,r lolntrnetttiaSt praetltr. 1 lw ni.lhol I. rltii and ll prke Mid iimm rtnuln) lll IhI mlM to ) pittfttAtKotr ti(MilH. Write Tor Ml ptrUniUni I" h AilMltMAfl 1IAKIIHII C'ol.MitiH (Inc.), 2U Rr.f.lt it. rortland, Of.jon. Wood fnwt, llras Hw run by trnm or Mia line enslne, alo the latent In .aw mlMrna rhlnery, Humpmllr, well drilling maebln trr. rtr.ete. Write for our need. RUIURSON MACIIINniliY CO. Toot of Moi rlion Street Portland Oregon P.H.U. tit 30-1001. TTTIIEN writing- to advert l.er plea.! V V uienllon this pr. I VMJXZus.Y2MEXKIX&M&Zm&.X KJHUJKZa Tlio Kind Yon IIuvo AlwnyH JJought 1ms borno tlio fllfjna turu of Clins. II. Fletcher, ruul has Iicou niatlo under lila pcrxonnl Kupcr'IsIon for over HO yenrs. Allow no one to deccivo you lit tills. CountcrlcItH, Jinitntlons nud. ".Tttst-nH-fjootl" oro btitlSxpcrlnicnts, and endanger tlta licultli of Children lixpcrlcnco against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Costorhi Is a IiarnilcsH hubstituto for Castor Oil. Panv sroric. Drops und Hootbuitr Syrups. It Ih I'lcaitnnt. It contains neither Opium. 3Torpliiiio nor other Knrcotlo ntibstaiicc. Its ago is Its guarantee. Jt destroys "Vornin and allayH Fcvcrlsbncss. It cures Dlarrbrcn, and AVind. Colic. It relieves Tectltiiif: fltomach and Teething; Troubles, cures Constipation. S, It assimilates tlio iood, regulates tuo ptvels, giving liealtby and natural sleep. nud Flntulcnc: Tho Children's Panacea Tho Motltcr'a Friend. The Kind You Me Always Bought Boars tho Signaturo of QzzfU4K i 2iai4 9cra(. I MMHMHBH In Use For Over 30 Years. TMCCIMT.UN WMMITi Tf MWAAV aTatcT. MBwroaacrTT. irri?K5ci NOTHINO SO GOOD TOR CHICKENS AS THE PRUSSIAN POULTRY F Mtkti lltoi Lr i.J Kc M tka lijlax C.ttl Csalcti, Roap u ill DIkiki. It Iticatlkcoi Ymc Cbttti aa4 IKI.I Tbca Crow. WOULDN'T BE WITHOUT IT.-CW. UK lkdU,Wa,aaj. K. -oaU.'ll-Ii.omI l-ruUl-oUrr fool. PRODUCES EQC3, - u rr prcw llwiaa Foattrr Taod tuu a wtiwl-Tl Ji T'.jn. rala.tUlUIl. rnu.Ua rwltrj Book, FRCC raoaatui Hnm Co, St. Paal. KUa. 1'OItTt.ANH B:i:t) CO.. I'ortUnd. Or.. Cua.l Ascnta. OOO'l m Sanders Disk Plow Hlmpleit and tnot perfect made. Before you rlvo your order for a I)liK I'lovr be lure to ex amine the Zanders. 1-oriale by the old rell alio houicol MitchelUewis & Staver Co., Send for Special Circular Portland. - - - oreqon SPOKANB SBATTU3 UOISU SAUB.M MBDPOltD , WE HA VE FEELINGS AS WELL AS YOU V v Or. W. A. Wlia ha found a tafo and aboluty )utlnlraa way of extracting-teeth, and M 17 yean' ex pertence In plate work enable him to tit mouth wnifortablr with any Und of laLe teeth wanted. Ilr. T. V. Win la an expirt at crown and bridge work and guld nillnr. w si.sW ua. 1 I' All. WIST7 R'fm Dpnti?t; "The Falling," Third ; Washlngtoa FOR CHRISTMAS PIANOS AND ORGANS A Hore full of perfect txautln de signed c xprttdy for the holitUy trade J J 0 Largtst, flntit collection ever shown at any season of the year o . j o o The same low prices and reasonable terms of monthly payments prevail now that do at all other times at our store. Write us for cata logues and prices. Christmas delivery when desired o o o o o o Stores 351 Washington Street, corner Park, Portland, Oregon, Spokane and Seattle, Washington, San Francueo and Sacramento, Cal EILERS PIANO HOUSE; the largest, leading, most popular and reliable pla.no concern on the Pacific coast J J & 0 ot I I given away.