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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1903)
iii wipufcn mf .ni.wp'r - i i qyy; ChrJuutA , aZ 5-e6r THE BEND BULLETIN. VOL. I. JSKND, OHJCGOtf, FItlDAY, DECEMBER 18, 30(KJ. NO. 40. ny wf EVENTS OF THE DAY (MTIIUKM) FROM ALL PARTS OP TUG TWO HUMISPIIfiKGS. Comprclicnalvo Review of (he Import ant Happening of the I'tut Week, Presented In Condensed I'orm, Most Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Many Reader. Spokane U on tlio vorgo of n hcrlous InlNir trouble. Tlio attending physicians certify Hint Herbert nK)iii'vr illou of Mmllo iiuuny. Tlio nppolutiticnt of flenornl Wood to ltccumn major general has again leon Milt lo tlio HllllltO, Anotliur itntiucconftiil attempt ha lieen made with tint lnngloy Hying inn chine. Tim airship In lying nl tlio lot loin of tliu Potomac rlur, n totnl wreck. Iiiillnnn scholars cut n hole In tlio Iro of n Niml near tlio school house and nf tor tying tlio feet of thu teacher placed htr In the water. She was reined half nn hour Inter nenrly dead. At the Inauguration of TJovornor Jllckhntu, of Kuutuoky, some of hU 1'iiKiiilfM turned looto 2(1 skunk in the vicinity of the rapitol In nn endeavor to break up thu crowd witnessing the ceremonies. Germany In much pleased with tlio message of thu president. An InilojK'iiilent eoniMiny to flwlit thu iMi'f triiht In to lx established In tit. Iuln. A I lor nn elapse of 10 moiitlin tlio Tracy reward is to lo paid by the state of Washington, his Imve I'lUltr TO Till! IIITTUK UNO. Dow In hat straightened out financial tangle mid thu receiver been discharged. Ittissln has nindo n counter iiropoalt Ion to the demands of Japan, which, It It ballnved, will bo accepted. - American marine have gono Into camp near Panama, and thn Colombian Invasion linn revolved n not back. Thu secretary of war ban asked con gress for 11,000,000 to deepen the chan nel through Wrntiol Narrows, Alaska. Ilevenuu figure cent to the sonata bow that the nation can I Unroll recognise thu fair, and then be Mt 111 dimp ly in debt to Oregon on a re von no basis. Thu Panama canal treaty ban started on Hit way to tlio United State. Jnpnn his postponed tlio meeting of thu diet in thu Iiojhj of receiving nn answer from Husshi, Hath houses of congress enteral upon regular from sicclnl session without any notable transition. Dowlo alleges Ida asset are four time hi liabilities, nml makes an offer to hottio with lit n creditors. Secretary Shaw estimates tlint tlio entire appropriations needed for gov eriiinunt um for 1005 will bofUSMO:!, 1-10. Tlio steel trust will reduce expenses a hundred thousand dollars a year by dismissing n mimlHT of ''Carnegie' pots." MlulHter I.llton, of Caunda, declare that country Ih loynl to llrltnln and regret Hh liifantliio nttltudu over Alas ka decision. A party of Colorado nonunion minor woro ambushed near Trinidad. Of flvu only ono OMOiiptHl to give thu alarm. The Blierlll with bloodhound linn gono to thu Hceiiu. Conference Ilclween President Mitchell and (lovsrnor Without Avail. Denver. Dee. II. President John Mitehull, of thu United Miuownrkor of Atuericn, and Governor Pcnhody had n conference lasting three-quarters of nn hour today, nnd tonight thu settle incut of thu iitrlku I u far distant an over. Mr. Mitchell Informed the .governor Unit thu strike will conlinu) to the bit ter end, nnd tlio governor Just at posi tively informed thu strike loader that bo will tolerate no vlolrnco, but will order out thu troop at the II mt tirovo-' cation. I While the conference enmo to nauubt, J liotli Uovernor rcalMMly and rrcHldout Mitchell exprexHMl theinneh'e a jienw with the Interview, ench nny Iiik he hail n better conception of tho ponltlon of tho other. Mitchell re fiiMil to dUciiM tho conferenco other than to nny that bin tnllc watr very plenrant. After thu conference Mitchell loft for Chicago to attend a conference there In thu Intercut of thu Illlnoln miner. An to hi reliiri to Colorado, be In unde cided. KpcakhiK of bin talk with Mitchell, Governor Pcalwdy Mid, to night: "Tho conference wo very plcanant, although productivo of no remilt. At Hn conolunlon, President Mitchell ntnted no far an be can m-o there in no liiiiiitxllato probability of settlement of tho ntriku." Thu governor added that when bo nuked Mitchell If ho had any nuggen tlnn to make tho latter mid bo believed If n committee of tho minor could meet with tho oiKirator nnd talk over tho nltuation, n nottlcincnt might bo effected. CONSUL INSULTED TURKISH POLICE GROSSLY ATTACK AMERICAN DIPLOMAT. Affair (I ret Out of Arrt of Naturalized American They Were Hoarding De parting; Steemer When Officer later, cepted Them an J Moit llrutat Attack Folluwi-KfUtlon are Severed. nn- PAVOK TO MIVUHS. Secretary Shaw Make KecommVnda- lion for Northweit. Wnnblngton, Dec. 0. Among eti maten nubinllted to congrc today by BicrcUry Hhnw nro recommendation for tho appropriation of (600,000 for continuing tho improvement of tho mouth of thu Columbia river, tho namo amount for tho Willamette and Colum bia river Ik-Iow Portland nnd f 300, 000 for The Dalle-Cclllo canal. Other rtlmntcN aroi Willnmetto and Yamhill, (00,000; Coqulllo rlvor, (30,000; Coon river, C, 000; Clatikanln river, (500; Columbia rlvor below Vancouver, (10,000, Co lumbia river at Caonden, (H0.000; Upper Columbia and Hnake, (10.000: Coon bay, (00,000; Tillamook bay, (10,000; Pugot Hound, (30,000; Tu- coma harbor, (6,000; Olympla hnrlmr, CYiOO; New Whatcom, (.15,000. Gray harbor, (30,000; Wlllapn river, (5,000; Oknuogan nnd renti OMteillo river, (7,600; Co wilt x and Ixiwln river, (7,000; Itcntal tempo rary Portland pontolllce, (24,000; Knlem Indian tchool, (108,810; Pugot Hound navy yard, $3'.M),600; nubiunrlno cable, Hitkn to Foit Llreuni, (321,680. Tim appropriation nked for nggre gate (024,606,140, un ngninnt (680,180, 112 nidsed for tho year ending in 1004, and (006,280,000, thu amount of tho appropriation for that year. INDIGNATION AT ROOOTA. of An anldemlo of dlphthvrln nt Htnn ford unlvernlty Iiuh put 12 In tho lion pltnl. l'opo Piun In trying to itecuru more cordial lelntloiH iHitnecu Franco and thu church. Tlio IlrltlNh codriiI flndH tho outrage in Congo Free Hlate fully equal to thu tlrnt reportn. Tlio wngen of nomethlug liko 14,000 minor nt Illrminghutn, Ala,, have I icon reduced. Mnro creditor of Dowlo have como to lilnr chciio nnd it I thought ho will yet coiuu out nil right. Hcorotnry Hitchcock rotiiHcn to rein ntntu Ana II. TIioiiiiih ih receiver of tho Ln Grande, Oregon, lnnd.tylleo, Hunntor KoHtqr, of Wnnblngton, linn Introduced n bill giving tho Puynllup Indiana' tho right to noil or lease their land, Prctldent Koovcvclt's Recognition Panama Severely Crltlclied. llogotn, Dec. 0. Secretary Hny'n Htutement Itiaued Novemlntr 0, regard ing tho action taken by President Itoon- evolt In recognllxng tho provlnlounl gov ernment of Pnnnnm, in which tho dec retory declared that plain duty dictated that thu prenident nbould act a ho had Inuo in tho circumstance, ban lust won puullRheu hero ami Ih caualng gen eral Indignation. Tho llogotn nuwHpapern crltlolno It ndvertiely nnd declare that It irf Inukiug In Ingle nml vernulty. Government olllclaln uy that hIiico tho wnato failed to approve tho canal trotty no over ture had boon inndo to tho American government lniyoiid tho declaration of thu llogotn government that it wiih pro paied to begin uegntlatlona for n now canal treaty ut tho earllent posHlblumo inont. KleetlouH for inombornot tho elector Inl college, by whom n now president will bo chosen, will tnko placu noxt Bunday. Contnntinoplo, Dec. 10. Tho United Slate flag over tho consulate nt Alex nndruttn, Asiatic Turkey, line been hauled down, and Consul Davl has left hi pout for Ilclmt, in consequence of a serious dlpolamtlc incident, during which Mr. Davis wnnjn suited and saultcd by tho local ollce. Tho affair grew ou of tho arrest of an Armenian, Chnnncn Atlarian, a nat- urnllred American cltlen. Attnrlnn had ix-cn In prison at Aleppo during tho last two months, and had just been liltcratcd through tho intervention of tho American consular agents on condi tion of bis leaving tho country forth with. Mr. Davl was accompanying Atbtrlan on board a departing steamer, when tho police intercepted tho party, assaulted and Insulted Mr. Davis, and, despite tho resistance of the consul and his attendant guards, ream etc I Attar Ian nnd took him back to prison. Mr. Davis immediately lowered thn flag over tho consulate and formally broke off relation with tho Turkish authorities by quiting Alesandrotta and leaving the consulate in chargo of thn vice consul. A number of Moslem sciied on tho occasion to tnaka hostile demonstra tion against tho consulate nnd against tho Christian generally. Tlio focal nuthorltffa assort Mr. Davis ntiuck the jhiIIco with n cane, and that nfler tho rearrest of Attarinn tho con sular envnsnen (military courier) at tempted to rescue him, and in tho frncan which ensued tho envaese broko tho windows of tho prison. Tho matter is engaging tho energetic attention of tho United State legation hero. Mr. Lelshman hn made urgent representation to tho porte.ond i now awaiting n full report before tnklnir further step. The outrage, it I nn- uciaiei neni, win lean in ntrong no tlnn nn tho part of tho United State to obtain full reparation, especially nn full satisfaction for tlio Ilcirut nffair ban not yet In-en given. 1 DO YOUR TRADING IN BEND I SAVE TIME SAVE MONEY Prices Same as Prineville Bend Mercantile Company incorporated A. SL GRANT, Manager Carries a Complete Stock of General Merchandise. Cimrpricc. PrivicJrmc Tirtr flrwJe T 'lAlec ini4 Gents' Furnishings, Stoves, Tinware Saddlery, fir S? Harness jfijt,jfijt.jijjtjjt& GENERAL OUTFITING SUPPLIES, ETC. AGENT FOR RUBEROID ROOFING Cheaper Than Shingles Doors, Window Sashes, Glass, Paints, Oils, Etc. BUTTER, EGGS AND FRUIT ft Bend Mercantile Company Wall Street, Bend, Oregon. ((SScSSP ft PRINEVILLE-SILVER LAKE STAGE LINE DICK VANDUVERT, Proprietor. BATCM OP DILLS 1IY CU5IIMAN. Want ot Washington and Set forth. Alaska are Russia Recognizes Panama, Ht. Petersburg, Dec. 1), United Rtntrs Ambassador McCorincik ban been oflleially notified of ItuRsin'B re cognition of tlio lopublio of Panama. Thu sinin of tho decreo was ono of tlio llrsUnutH of tlio czur nfter lila re turn boro from Hkiornicwlc on Satur day, Wnsblnitton, Dec. II. ltcpresentativo Cusbtnan, of Washington, today Inl re duced thu following bills: Increasing the limit of cost of the publlo buildliiK nt Taeoum to f 1,000, 000, nnd nt Kpokano to 11)00,000 ; pro viding for the erection of public build itiKt nt Olympla, Alwrdecn, Kvorett and Jlclllnglmin; to establish n mill tnry post nt American lake; dividing the state of Washington Into two Ju dicial districts, north and south; entalh- llthing n mint nt Tncoum; enlarRlng nnd Improving the Puynllup Indian school; creating n game preserve in tho Olympic mountains; to construct n government bridge across Spokane riv er: appropriating f 100,000 for the im provement of Mount Itainler national park; establishing u life Paving station at Cape Flattery! amending tho con stitution to provide for tho election of United States senators by popular votoj Alnsknn dolegato bill; providing n ter ritorial government for Alaska; appro priating f 150,000 for n tutlmon hatch ery ln Alaska; prohibiting tlio location of mining claims In Alaska by power of attorney; making nn appropriation for government roadways in Alaska. Venezuela May Invade Colombia. WllloiuBtnd, Island of Curncno, Dec. 11. Tlio Venezuelan government has purchased 15,000 rltlea and 1,000.000 cnrtrldgos, nnd it Is roported la prepar ing to invade Colombia in case of war between tho latter country nnd tho United States. ' tllllllt I S. Bill II MSSEIMS Leaves Princvlllo Mondays, Wednesdays nnd Fridays. Freight and passei. 5ers wuybilled for Bond, Lava, Itosland and Silver Lake. Good rigs, careful rivers. C. I. WINNEK, Agent. , Timouan prom bend to shaniko in one day. SHANIKO-PRIHEVILLE QTflfiF I IMP PRINEVILLE-BEND O I H U L L I IH L BOOTH & CORNETT SCHEDUUE SOUTHBOUND Leave Shaniko 0 p. m Arrive Prinevillo Ou.m Lcavo Frlnovlllo 1 p. m Arrlvo Bond NOnTIIBOUND Leave Bend C;S0a. m Arrive prinevillo , 12:00 m lA'avo Prinevillo lp.m Arrive Shaniko...... la, m FIRST CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THE TRAVELING PUBLIC PASSENGER AND FREIGHT RATES REASONABLE. CLAIMS ESTIMATED AND SOLD ESTIMATING A SPECIALTY KING & HUINTER Timber Cruisers and Land Locators MEND OREGON SANFORD'S CASH STORE OARKIES X BIO LINE OV dcnernl Merchandise, Groceries, Clothing, Furnishing Goods Call on llta Prices Right. SHANIKO OREdON