The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 11, 1903, Image 6

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    Timber Land. Art Junci, l,-1.
U, 8. t,ind Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
Octolier ith !
VfblVe Is hereby given that In compliance with
Iht prtivWon uTlht Art uf Congr of June A,
1SJ8, entitled, "Ah art for the aale of timber lami
lu Hi Mate uf Callfnrtibt, Oretou. Nevada, ami
Wnthttiiiteii Territory," a extended to all the
mthlt Urnl Mate by Art nf AueuM 4. iV the
fbllowtiijiiml pe-rwm have ftletl in thin olrltw
their aworn amletnent. lo-witi
Miclmrtl I Oorniau.
ofTlmlM tie, count) oTWaa.Mle of Oregon:
aivont iHdWHIl No lM. Bird Itby i ly,
for tlirtmrciiof the n' wj mid mvK
we ti, tn a, r 10 e. w m
Ida M llrttiMrert.
of ItlUranl.cotMHy of Spokane, Ute of Ual
Instati; wch Matement No rjij. Med March tx
eat, 1st the pxtrx-ha-c ofthe e ae!". nwl e
aim nek! H)J hcx, t 11 a. r to e, m.
George V Marltti,
uf fro MMt Hveretl Mreet. Portland, comity nf
Multnomah, Male of iMeiroo, an am Matenienl
No m, iM March 7, im, for the puretaaac of
inn m jo,ip na, r ie, w m.
Hugh former.
ofTba ImII, count of Waaco, Mate of Oregon;
worn statement No ii, Med l'eby 4, ioja, tor
theBMrcuiweof theH ueH. hkH H ami Me K
nwjf HC)i,tis, r toe, w m,
lle-artc Webb,
afChtttde. roanty of Pembina, Mate of North
Itk;!wxra Mitemcat No lata, tiled Veb J.
ixjnj, for the purcta oflhe aeH mcj. tp is a,
r to e, w m.
lv-4e Webb.
ofCariMe. count). of Pembina. Male of Narth
Dakota: nwxmi Malemetil No iei7. tied Feb) j.
too,, tor the pMcehaac of the X aec . tp i a. r
ro e, w at.
That tbev will niter nronfto ahem that the land
MMigbt tt more vataabhr tor Ita limber or Mime
than tor agricultural pwrpuar. aad to ertabltah
their (UUm to mM land Mure the HctrlMer ami
KeOdvor at The Dalle, Oregon, on ThttrKlay.
January . tat
The) mar a wttacaxe lidwlu II ttraham
and Joe A Graham, of HaMer. Oregon. Davhl
Hurton aad Colby Ware, of Wticatoa. Minnesota.
Oeorjr W Marttu of Portland, Oregon; Nlcbael
Connor, Mania Onmndwateraad llueh Parmer.
f The italic, Oretom I O llollla ami Ida M
lUiatlml, of Halyard, Waxhlncton. George
Webband Hemic Welm, of Catii!, N Dakota
Any- and alt person eialmtae advrreiy the
aliuvt dttcrilW land are ixmueMed tn Sir their
claim In tkfe oimx on or before the Mid iittday
h lanuary, nH-na-li
TlmtxT Iind. Act June j, 17.
V. . Uami tMBcc. The ImUe. Oresem.
October ti. 190J.
Notice ta herehr rKc that in cownlmace vrtth
the DfOTfehmaoftha Act of Coaareai of Jam k
i78. ceMHIMI. "Au act tor the Mlrof tlmbrrlaada
in thcatacnorcalltoinia. oreaon, Nevada, aad
Waaktaacaai Tatrltory." aa ralraded to all the
paMtc laad Mate by Act of AamM 4. itr. the
'"UowtagHMatM iteraoaa nav
their hvojh atateeacau, to-Mtt
harr (IVd la thh otAce
Artbar Calllhan.
of u Cbttrmi rmihttac. mrattkr. coonly of Kiac,
Mate af WahtNgtoa; aworn Matement NoMfi.
Kled Joty . ran. for the wtrctavx of the IM
i aad i amt eM X aec it. tp aaa. r if r. w m.
Ootlhard Yoovioi-r.
of Honen. amtaty of Kimj. Mate of WaaMHCtoa,
atrora Matawtat No iaa. Med
XUUTMt i, .oat.
for the pal than of the Lot 4. ebj
eK ? IP . r it e, w m
K amliK
That they will offer proof to above that the land
auugbt la oner valaabW for Ha timber or Mone
than tar afrieattaral pariMMea. and to eMabrHh
Ibelr claims lo aaid laad before the Kcettter and
Krreiecr at The Dalle. Oregon, on VelnrUy,
January' io
They name a wttneaar Obadiah Ilewnaa,
Stella Ilcwaoo, of lirren Ijl.e. Wahiaaton.
.Sarah A Oration and Arthur Calllhan, of Seattle,
WatMngton. John Mom, MMera, Oregon. John
Kramr. el Greea Lake, Wathlnsten.
Any and alt peraoa daimiaic adversely the
alxwetliMrtlalalhndtarartqucMed to (He their
claim In tjtl orticc on or beftVre the aatd IJth day
i jnuuir, y-
1CH.MIL T. NOLAN. KrgiHtr.
Department of the Interior,
V. i. Laad Omoe, Lakerltw, Oregon.
November j, 19.
A uflMtflteulta9Wavh liavW been filed
in thieotfievhy
John W. White, contestant,
ajtaliHt bomcatcad entry No tyft, made April 5.
iv t,, Ip 4 a, r 7 e.
w m. by lama llobaoa.conleaicc, In wMch h 1
ullfvcd that MHl Jamr IlubMm baa abandoned
aaid cUlm tor a period of Ma month or more
laM pt, that aaid alteaed abwnc from aaid
lana en not au to M vmptoyment In tbe
Army, Nay or Maria Crop of the I nttcd
Malra aa a private eotdtrr. oAcrr. twaataa or
inartue durtag th war with htaain, or daring
any iMbrr war ia which the I'ttflrd ntaUa may
1 ngacd.aid partlr are hereby notified to
appear. rpoud aad oiler evidence touching
aaiU allcgathm at 10 o'clock a m oa January ij.
ivu4. betorc; R Ward well, r S CommkaaumeT.
a,,.'J'!rf '.-. or". ad that tTaal hearing
will be held at 1 oTdock p. m. on January ti,
i4. bafore tbe Keglater and Meeadtrcr at the
I nlted Stat Land OMce In Lake-view, Oregon.
JH. iu ?iat hartrw. In a proper affida
vit nMJidr.itarj.tferla fact which atum
that after due (Ullccna Mroaal aervicc of thh
notioe can net be made, U ta hereby ordered and
lirectcd Ibat audi notto be given by da and
proper paWteatfon.
ntdil jj. ji. HKATTAIN, KegiMr. ,
Demrtmawt of th Intwlor,
Laad Olhceat The Dalle. Ornn,
November x, !).
Notiea t iMrcbv givu that the failmvliw-
.mm ar ft aran Honor ll MM HManttOM IO
lake Baal proaf la ausport of hit ctoim,
and that aaid proof vrtB fiTmade liXe jVj'
niith. County Clark, at PrimnrUW, Orosou. on
rhuraday, Dembr 17th, lyoj, via:
KoUrt II. Kru,
of MMcr. OrcgoM, II K No s44, for th lot t,
wK nw-land , at uelf aec II, tp 14 , r ia e. w ih.
lie namaa lb following n-iln to nrorc bit
''iiiHuoa rcaideao upon and culllvotloa of
a.nd Uad, via:
.KJ YJrtr""' W T wilaon. Mark WIHand
1 hartea lilndaun, alt of IMMer. Oregon,
iifcnln M1CIIAXL T. NOI.AX, KtgMer.
Deaert Land, Kin at Proof.
U. 8. Land Office, The Dalle. Oregon,
., , . . , . Nrmljr. ioj.
fl2Lifi,wJf hy "V Omww i'. 5ru,
ft I'rineWlbj. Oregon, ha filed notice of Intention
to make .woof on hi dcacrt Uud claim No ret,
for the ar), aexy tp 15 a, r 1 1 e, vr in, before J. J
hinitli County Clerk, at Prlnevlllc, Oregon' on
Monday, the tatli day of December, lyu
He name the following wltueaae to prove III
joniplete Irrigation and reclamation of taid
J V Winter Herbert Otatier and Andrew J
Kuble, bf blktera, Oregon, Walter K Kublc, of
lulver, Oregon.
116-du MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Kegliter.
Deaert Land, Pinal Proof.
U. 8. Land Olllcc, The Dallca, Oregon,
.. ., , . . . November , iooj.
Notice la hereby given that Jerry Cramer,
AMtgnce of lea Harcrow, of hutcra, Oregon.
haa filed iiotiro ofintcutioii to make proof 011 hia
iiraen-ianu emim no ioj, tor tlieacW awW tecao,
"H.5f -C3, In 16 a, r 11 e, w m, before W A.
Jtell, L h. Commlaiiiouer, at I'rinevlllr, Oregon,
on Saturday, the j6th day of December, loot.
Jlc uaiiica the following witneeact to proie the
complete Irrigation and reclamation of aaid
Jeaae Harcrow and Walter II IXxlge.or Dca
chutea, Oregon; Kobert McGowau and Matule
McOowau. of I'rineville, Oregon.
6-du MICJiAliL T. NOLAN, ItegUUr.
Timber I-ninl. Act June j, S?S
I'. H. I.nttct OlTice. Mkcxtcw, Orenun,
September 1, Iffaj.
Notice la hcrttiy clxcn that In coilipllanre lth
the provident of the Act nf CoKtip ofjnne j.
i7, entitled, "An act for thenl
icoi umoer utun
in mi itiicui .ntiiiiiiim ifinuii. ,rvniia, nun
Waahlngton Tcrtltnty," aa Fxtemlrtl to nil Die
public land alatea hy Art of Aukum 4. iSft. the
fllninifiiaiitrlperaoiiliavc tlii ilnv (ileil In
tlit4rtkc their ammi tatementa, to wit
111 I att,i
riltmnl, cminly of Traill, Matcof Netth IM-
knia; anorn ainiemeiit rso tirn, tor tue pureiiate
afthettivK ank ac n iiH aeV ami ir!( ttc
aec ta, tp t a, r u e. w hi
IVder II ltatennen,
f Climax, county nf loll.. Mate uf Mlnnaantn;
aworu Matement No ihjo. for the purctiaae of tlw
nHwH, wt"S arc it ami net cH aec t,
tp ti a, r I4C. m
lCMcn ( l(trnon
MlUl&kJI Mall.Mtv a,r lfe,!l .1,1 ..T
w, ..un, . .., .j ,. a .via. v. iiuvnin,
ovorn atatciuriit No ikti. mr the ihiicIvav; uf
im nH "re it! tp m a, r 14 e w m
That they will oiler itcvofluabaw that the html
ht H HMtrc valikible tor Ita Umber w alone
lltaa mr agrKaUMral (mnmaea, aad to eMaWUli
their claim to W land before J. M. I.Hrnce,
0 8. CmmUloner at Heud. ()rUH. on Twe-
fajr tirt mu "ay 01 itecemiier iyu.
They uaate a wHncwea (Me Ijtraem af Pel
tmmt, Notlli ttakutu. iyr It ICMeiKcn at Crl
tttax, MlnneMtta. Klcn ti lbteHm, of CUhmk,
.Mllittaaota, Louia Neton, of lieml, Oion
Any ami aU patwua dalmlnc adversely the
atHteedeMtlbedlamWnre rtMiKateri lo Hk their
CMinm in thta otuce on or Ixlotc th
theaaM 15th day
. 1
It M
Timber Mini, Act Jane y i7
8. Ijml oMee, I.aV.vlw. Orefmi,
ceiixemier i. 10a).
Notice 1 hereby giien that In comidiance with
tbe pravMotxuf the Act of Cmifre of June t,
ia. entitled, "An act tor the aahrof timber land
ta the Ma tea of CxllfornU. Oman. Nevada, and
WaMaaaH Territory,' a extended to all th
uublic hUHl alate by Act of AajaM 4, laat. the
ajlkmiiifiind tietaon hav lihsl In thia unWc
thctr aworu Malewetita, to-vrlt
Atnc Aiuaudouu,
af Whtta Itatth, coanty of Ward, atale of North
Itahota. anorn tlntcincut No tea;, tor the pur
ehaae of tbe nwtf nwy are as, nh neK awl K
nek; aec ta, tp 11 a, r 14 e. w m.
l-eter Nerseth,
ofWbitc Itarth.cooHty of Ward, Male of North
lUkfli. .U.MSH ...Lu.-... u .aw aVl a. .
anaavaaaai, aauin waaiia-niv-iii u Tpa. ro IffTT pwr
chaw of the nS uwfc,. w4 nh ta, and ne(
ttcri :v wjt ii i v a v. w m
tiettrudc tunerwl,
ofWhltellarlh.cxmntyofWard, Mat of North
Dakota, atvoen Matement No laay, for the pr
ahaoe ofthenH neK. wjf ifK. K wJf er
4, tp at a, r 14 e. w m
John A CarlaoM,
of WbHe Uarth.conntrof Ward. Matr af North
Hakola man Matement No ti, tor the mr-
i" w tn h. awji ec JJ. p tl a.
aec 14 e, and n H aa If wc 1, tp n a, r 14 , w m
Helta M Mua.
of White ltarth. county of Ward. Mate of North
Dakota, aworn autement No , tor th par
ctaaaeoftheaeK ee jt.tpti a, r it,w,w
That tbry will oifvr woof to ahow that the land
I HaM n more vaiaaoie ror na limner or Joate
than tor aurkaltura! puriitMe. and to oMabhh
their ctainM 10 aald Uad beiore J
M Mwreaca
V S Caawhiioaff at H. 1 tt. ntu. , tfnataav
the 1 ith day of December .y).
They name a wtlne- Lout N'tlwa. (tie
Krkkaon. of Mend. Oreaon. Arne Amundwtt.
Peter Neraeth. (Gertrude hmef ud, John A. Carl
aonand llelga M. 5!ua. all of While Itarth.
North Dakota.
Any id all teron etalmlng adveraely Ihe
atwve-ilt-tcrilwil Uh1 are retpwied lo fit their
dalm Ih lh4 oflie en or licforc the aM nth
day of December, J.
olil H M HKATTAIN KegiMer
Timber Land, Act June J, IJ8
U. 8. Land Omce, The lull, Oregon,
October 11. ,
Notice i hereby given Ibat In compliance with
Ihcprovkumaofthe Actol Con err of June j.
M. enlillexl. "An act foe the uliriimirL,uU
rln Ihe Mate of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Wahlngln Territory." a eatendtd to all the
ixtaaicmnaaiaicaiiy Act ot AuiMtt 4, !. the
followinifnamed iwraon hae Bled in thl otfiee
their aworn atatementa, to-wit.
Kobert U Ilowter,
of ltarnam, county ol Carlton, atal of Minne
sota, .worn atatcment No lso. Bled Pebf. tl.
yaj. for the porchacof theecK!. IP 17 . r
11 c, w m
Marv AILItaaaam
of Iteachatc. cxmaly of Crook. Ule af Oregon ;
worn Matenaetat No I, Abrtl May tt, iy4). for
uc pu.cnave at tn H a J7. Iptaa. r II cwm.
John Alkinaon,
f Dechutc. coaaty of Crook. Mate of Ottawa,
aworn auumeat .No 141, filed l'eby 11. to. for
the purchase of the nehT , Ip 1 a, r 11 e,
Kicbanl King,
of Dochntee, county of Crook, Male of Orraau:
aworn Matement No Mat. filed Petty, tl. maiTfor
the imrehae of Ihe awK aw. nH awlf aad
nwtf el tec to. tpiya, r 11 e, wm
That they will offer woof to thow that th land
ought i more valuable for M timber or Mow
"J fo,,rlaral purtto. and lo eMabtMi
their claim lo mM land before J. M Ijiwrence,
V H Commliouer. at Deachute. Oregon, an
Monday, January 11, lytj
They name iaa witnewea John nteh.1, John
i.",' ,W" I WeM. W II Wk. David llltl,
l Marh, Klehard King, John AlUnmn. Mary
Alkiaaon, J N Hunter and Jam Hunter, alt of
Deachutea, Oregon.
AHV aod all taWta. aataffnlua. A.laavaa, tt...
afaovtMlcacrtbed 1 land are rniumted to file their
dalm In thl omce on or bfrc th aaid utli day
ttl tti ia a pai irti
.y-a" ' 'T
Timber Land, Act June y w.
V 8. Land Office. Lalsavtow, Orctton,
hptmbr ta, 19i.
Notk U hereby given thai In compliance with
the provMoua oflhe Act of Cengr af June i
J. entitled, "An act for tlieaateof ItmUrland
I nth atale of California, Oregon, Nevmla and
Waablagton Territory," a extended to all the
pabflc land alate by Act of AuauM 4, 19., the
roilowliig-nainrd peratjna Iwve ilUd lu tlilaoflk
their aworn Matemeuta. to-wlt
Oualaf Tarii.uiMttt
f Climax, county of, 1-olk, Male of Mliinrwtta,
worn Maiemeui wo layi, tor the (HircliaK of
'" " -i n' i .r 14 e, w m
,,, John lldward Johuaon,
of Climax, county of Polk, alate of Mlnuraeta,
aworn Matement No laju. for the purclwae ofthe
liw qr aec 4. Ip tl t, r 14 e, w III.
i, Allrt biKtkely.
of Climax, county ol Polk, itate of Mfnueaota:
aworn atatement No 1840 for Ihe purchaac of
Ihe 11 H nw r,ae qr nw rir.nw qr lie qr aec 31
a. r ije, wju. r
. , iierniu Hjiokely,
of Climax, county of I'olk, atate of MlmiMuiia-
aworn atatcment No 1841, for the purchase oflhe
"ti !!, n qr cv i.ip .1 a, r 1 C, w in.
Alexander Bpokely, "
of Climax, county of I'olk, atate of Mlnneaota,
aworn atatcment No 1K4J, for the purchakc ofthe
aw qr ne qr.w, ae qr aw qr ace it a, r
14 e, w m.
That they will offer proof to ahow thai the land
aoughtltmoretaluahlefor Ita timber or atone
than for agricultural puriioaea, and to catahlUh
their claim to taid laud Wore J M Lawrence,
v n v.""'""iwiier m iicna, urrgon.on Weiluca
day. the 16H1 day of December, 101
fhey name aa witucaaca. Ountaf Taniqueal,
John JWwarilJohriKoii. Albert Hpokcly, ilcrdln
biKikely, Alexaudcr hpokcly, all ol Climax,
Any and all pcraoua claiming adveraely the
abovc-deacribed land arc rcqueatcd to file their
ciaiiua in tm omce on or before the aaid 16II1
tlM ftt llrainr.a irua I
oll ' . M. mtATTAIN KcgUtcr.
Timber l.nml Act June ', IH7S
V. , l,.lul ttlllcv, LaVcvlcw, (lirunn,
riilrlnlet la, taoj
Nlk la tiertlu ulx-en that Innirapllaliee wlllt
tlu'tmivlalnnaonlic Ait of Conuma uf Jiinei,
ifljit. eiiUltnlk"Auact fr Hie aaleof timlwttainU
IlitliratatMiiruMlluriiia, tireaoti, Nevaita, ami
Hi'lilnulwiTrtrilw exleiideil t Itll III
immic mint atntaa lit at 1 i UBtvj
imunvtiia-namrei rtat.m
otnee their avurti atatrno nl lo-wll:
Ikiwaid H Ihinliralii
af litla t, cxnuitv ofi uliinilda, Male af WIkoii-
alu. anom Maiemant ni i, tor lit pirlMe
iim,-,wn,a;i.,(in aro a. ip ft,
r 0 e, w in
latlek 1 Mvnnaii.
ofC)ilpieva PalKeotinit ufChlMarwa. Matr of
laconMii, anarti atatt lunit No iWu, tor th pnr
cttawufthe H wK atv 1. and n ttwfc; aec 11,
Ip tia, re, w m.
, . Tkandor Ituvland,
of Itloonier, cttnr of Lhiunewa. Male of Wl-
cohMii, aivocH ataiMueiu No tMM. for the pnN
:firortlnH uK, ' "X e l. Ip t a, r
9 e, w m
Ok II MfMad,
or Rice Uake, coMtily of lUimn. Male of Wfracotf
alu. atvoru MaleMetlt N i". for the parch
ollheas av. K an. i, ami neK NK
ae i. Ip at a, r , w tn
Tlvat the) will itrftr pruoTIo ahuw that th
lainl MiH4,ht hi mora vntimblt for Ita timber or
Mowe utan lor aaiamltuMi parpoam. and ta
laldtah tlirlr claim t mhI lami befot J. J,
nrauii vvutiiy xaiiria, ai iinriiuv, 'rrrooa, 01
Tuewla) the ijlh day of lH-ii.bei tfwl.
Tlaaa laaliaia, au. arhaa. ft..ltaaia4 H Ii.iIbm.
of lsmK-, vkx1h, Knew J Merman, of
t mppvwa patu, wicoiii. Theodor ItovUad,
oi Plwimrr. WtnMti. ! It mat tad. of Khar
Lab, WiaxxtHMii, I) Wilhrlm, ofUaea, iirrmm,
IVrry p putndcxUir. tlra IMndext, Wm K Nt
Partaml of rrliteviUa, Oregon. IKatald I' Melta,
William Hroct. of ry-hiii. inaKatt.
Any aod all leiH ilaimiHC advetwiy the
abtnre detcrild land arr rraio-Med to HI I bait
clalata In thia olim tm or brtur the aant iAh
da uf Ueveiubee, na.
Kill ' IT.M
nrnher IiHt. A,l Jnne i, iha.
U,8. Iiml Omce MVrvVrw, Oifffan.
twptcmtxr it, tfuj
Nottcc la hereby itlveti that In cwmplMuot with
lb provMana of I lie Act of CtMMt of June i.
i7. entltWo. "An act for ibr aale of timber taiMr
lathe Mate of CaUfoetHa. Oregon. Nevada. Md
Waahiniston TvrrrVwy,' a vati-mlad to alt the
public land atalea by Act of AuhM 4. It.
Ot lobll laaalBMa
of pitnevitt, coanty afcruov. Mat of Orroi;
aaanwtiiniNM Mua hi aworn Matcrmmt No
11 j. for the pnrctua of the ra awh, c to,
eH K . aw K mm t arc 1 n or ae qr m-c
II a. r 16 . w m. aad wilt utCrr taouf lo UuAir
that the land aoamht l awrc valaabl for na tlm
ber or Mutt than lr agricultural purpwf. and
lo eMablwh hia dalai to aawl Uad Wfor J. J
Mnith. Conaty Clafk, at Prlnevllle. trc.i
laaaaaar. lilt l1R WOy Of lMCwmV9T, 10
II name aa wttaeaaca II A KwUr,
all of
Malph Jordan,
Prthcvtlle. iMegvm
Any and
I all pe
peruana etalmlng advtely th
lanM ate rt-uacaied lo Ale their
cteha In thl onUo on at before th aaid rh day
atf f nil I l' - . .a
o-dii K, M. hh ATTAIN Kitr.
TlmlvVr Imt. Act Jaa j, 17.
V 8 Una OHMe. The Imttra. taOH.
Octobrr m, ia.i
Notice' I hereby given Ibat la camtpUaMC with
Ihe provtMotMof la Aat of loajirm of June 3.
laya. entitled. "Aa act tor the aale of timber Umla
In thlateofCalitorma. flrema. Nevada, aad
Wahlncton Tetrttorr." a extended lo ail the
tmhllc land Mat by Art of AacuM 4t iv. th
rottowlngHtamed fieraon have ahM in thl ofctc
their tworu Malrtttetttt, to-wit
AtlMlt, tlaaaaat
of O rand Pork, county of lira ml Pork, atate of
Nor th Dakota 1 awarn autmnt Nn 144, liled
rey ij. tyu. tm me purcnawe m inl.t 4, wm
nwKaud wMawK mcj. iptaa, r tj. w m.
Maria IMckii
aftlrand Parka, anouty ttfOr.iut wk. atate of
Ninth Dakota, aworn alaletncnt No iaa. file
l'eby ij, iooj. for ihe purrhaae af the tiwh aec
17. tp iv a, t lie, w m.
Ocurg &aUhuty.
ofOrand I'orka, coaaty of Ornttd Hoflta, Male af
North Dakota, aworn aUtmwfd No iJj. Med
fby 1. tyti. tor th parchoa af the awfe 17.
tpaot, r 11 . w m
ltdward r. Itarhrbt,
of ICaM Orand I'orka, aaunty oflalk, Mai of
Mlnneaota. aworn ataleiaaat So 111. filed Hebv
iju met, for lb parr bate ol th Lot 1 and tan
k) nwK we?, tp iv,rij, w m
IllOn II. BaOlaWwv
of Orand Pork, coaaty oftataiii Pock. Mat of
notta iMtuna, awora Mauineat no ioij, BleU
Peby it. i,i, for the aurcbaac uf the k aec r.
I aa , r 11 e, w m
That they will otter proof lo ahow that the Uud
Hmght I mure valuable tor Ma Umber or alone
thaa for aNrtxaHural parpttaaa. aad to MaUlh
their dalm to aa4 laad beta Ih KegiMrr and
Hecelver at Th Dalbr. Oregon, on aatwday.
January i. 194.
They nam a witn: nvrn Sttlitbury,
lame H fudttbary. Maria IHaaaott aad Annie
KamMad of Orattd Porba, North Dakota, lid
ward I' ICnrlaht of llaat Otand Pork, Mlnne
aota. Orin I Gray. Mtc turd Kluir and lobu aidt
of DexcbMlea. orogon. John lOir, of PrlinnrUkt.
Oregon, Jamm llartght, rOrami I'oeba, North
akou, J I Derrick, of Th Dalle, Orgna.
Any and all miiui. atatultae auitMwIv ike
abovr-tleaertbixl (and are iwueatcit to Ale their
dalm In Oil olfiat oh or txHHc Ihe aaid Mth day
ot January, 1904
otodl MICIIAKI, T. NOLAN, KegiMer
Timber Laud, Art June j, 107a
U 8 Mud olaca. Th DaHe. Oregon,
Notlec la hereby elven llatllanMuliaim vrllh
tbe rovMoua ofthe Act of (Swire of June t
;7, eHiniexi, ah an lor 1 He mi 01 iimiixruutli
in theelaleeorCalirrui. frreaan. Nevada, ami
Watblngton Territory ' aa xtartdl to all the
laibltc land Mate by Act af Auguat 4. '. the
fothrwiMg-named rmmt liav tt.ed III thU olrlce
llwir aworn atatriaenla. lo-wit.
, , John M CarroU,
of 1101 I'nlverMty Ave Orand ParLt, county of
Orand Pork, atale of North Dakoiaiaworn atale
luent No 1711. filed Mai chit, KHJ, for 111 put
eluaeofllieaeK tec a, Ip Mt'.r 11 e, w in
, ,. , Marj J Carroll,
ofnai VnlvrMty Ave.OraiHJ lrk, eotinly of
unminiH, auii ui Morlli Dakatta; aworn atate
ment Xo 1714. filed March It. 104. for Ihe Hir
hae of the act, ec)i aec i awij and aw
aaec4, Ipiaa rue.wm.
Kuth M WlwU;
of tStf.jrd tt, tiHikane. eutiulv
ftpekane, atate
of iahlngtaii. aworu Molaiuenl No 171. filed
March ifi, iyM, for the ur,iate oflhe f,ota 1 ami
aaou-n, "fJl , ll I S , T 1 T, W III,
btetiheii 8. Drake.
of Hcho, county of Yellow Mrdldur. atate of
'iiuiicwna; aworu ttattmtut No Mi, hletl l'eby
ll, '!. for the purchaae ufthe awU arc at. tn it
a, r 10 , w tu
iiai.., it -
of Hcho, county uf Yrltow Medicine, Male uf
- .....,, ., a.u.ii.iai..
tiiiiiirwia; aworu ataicmtiil No I6J, lilctl l'chy
II, IW). for the punliaM; oflhe acK aec m, tp 16
t, r toe, wm. " '
That they will olTer proof lo ahow that the land
ajiughl ia more valuable for Ita tlmlier or alone
!.," for,Krl-'iiltural purpotr, and tu eMabllah
their elalma to aaid laud before the KegiMer and
Kcccltcr at The Dalle, Oregon, on Thuraday,
January 14, io4
They name na wltneaaeaj John M Carroll and
M.'a.y i J-.rr?n'"f ''"! I'orka, North Dakota,
Kuth AWhaleyand p,a M Wualry.orBpokaue
Uaaliltigtnn Orlu J i.ray, of Dechute, Oregon,
Orange I' Hodge, of Prlnevlllc, Oregon- Halvor
0 HoiiiineaiidHteplieii h Drake, of licho, Mliiuc
apta.Jolinmcldl of Deachutea, Oregon, Tliomaa
Twei, ofThc Dallct, Orcgoni Henry Homme,
. ..,..,, i-anv, iiiiueaoia.
Any and all peraona clalmliiir adveraely the I
alwve-dcacrihedlauda arc rcqueatcd to file their
elalma In thia office on or before the aaid 14th day j
or January, tvn.
ojoHi JVjJt
J1WJAI',I, 'f, NOLAN, RtKltler.
Tlmlier l.iiinl, Atl June ,t, i7H
V, l.nml Olllcc. The IMlIra, OrrKon,
Octttivr is ifeta
Nnllt l liercliy jjln that lit Vumplhiuge with
the iirnvMmia nr lift Act of CniiurMW of Juin t.
ill, mil Itleil. "Ah ait for Ihe mP lnn
!!,.,H'.,,.,'m,,ifc'!"M'"lM',"u". Nai. nml
Wiwhliititini Tcnllwr," ttleiidml tn all I he
lHiMlf laud Mate by Att or Auaud 4, tin, I lie
UMhmlii.iialned tterauMa httvc filed In Hit uUitr
tlirlr a4tll atalrmetila, titlt
Nlll I'M 1,.
ufOraiwI Pntlia.oniiil) of tlrand liailw, male or
North Habota, awotu Matement N6 urn, filrti
i j... iv, ior iitv pniinaae at in keli aye ,
Anielbt Pallabnry,
Putka, Mai of North IMknl; awairn Matemetll
No nj, Hlrd Oil to, 1 tot, for th iMtch oTlh
tin H i. Ip it) a. r ij , w m.
,,.. . .. MandHmllh,
af 1 h liall, couHly nf Wavt, atalr of Orir.
aniiiHMalemrcilMo iita, died Oct jd, im, for
the HtKhc oflh aVt ar aec nriiV'vU
e to and HeK aK aec 19. tp tt a. r IJ , w m.
Uufala Klttllli
ofThv ls.ll, cmnt) ofWaam. atalr in'tlranon,
awora Halewent No mi-. Alrtl Oct jo, i.tT for
the parch of the tt nek. H IwH ami HWW
ell aectv. I iomr Me. w m.
'''"J..! JMf- OH!' .SfaOwf.
. w,,. 7 . ,,
eka. Mat f North Dakota, awont MatmNt
. m, ahrd Oct as, iom. for Ike tatrclM of
' NH mK. aivk H ami awjf nV if, tp
i a. r lie, w ih
That they vHll alfr Wf lo iliaw that the land
aoimhl I more valuatur for It timber or Mtaw
than a agrtcvHarat tmriHatra. and to eatabllah
Ihelr claim to antd brad Nrfore th HecMrr and
""""" ai 1 m Maitea, urtmim, on rralay,
lailwaarm ta.u
Titey nantr a w Itneaiei
Churl II MUbtn
naimi amHk aad Maml amilk. of The Halle.
l!rTilUH'.Anwrt irtrkawi. Amrlto -llbury and
.c,',..C.,,ra," " '". Jth Dakota,
Marv C HrtaMu, of Th Imlhr. Oreaon. tr Ova
aalUonry.oftlran.1 Pork. North lltkoU
Any and all perxjm rlalmlaa adxvrly the
abuvxhMC1-ibnl laiut atv ramuaafi! ,.. at. tta.i.
elalma in I hia tame on at before the aaid ixlh day
of January, in, '
ojo-Ji MICIIAKI. T NOLAN. KegtMrt.
Timber Land, Act Jan j. Mya.
IT. t. Und lira. The Dallam frenon,
tkttober ia. taut.
Notleel hereby gtvtn thai tn emttiallaaer with
I be provhrnNtauftbe
aAaa .a..i.ia ,, a . .. .
,Xet aat Xikt4a,,aaa. aaT laaaaa,
W, entitled. "Am a.t for th Mfoaf timber bimfa
IM lb Mate uf Cakloritla, IMefam, Neve-la. aad
waaaiutoti Terrtlory. " at exlemled to all th
Kbltc lami Male by Act of Aagant 4, ma tbe
nmlnaoamed prvm bar UleM In thl
aemtt Ihelr aworn Matewvaia, to-wit
Louie Jobnawa.
of MlMaraptdla, cxmaly of Hennepin, Mat af
MtNHcauta aworn etalcmeat No ify filed lirt
ta, iot. for Ih vurcbaa ot th Lot a and
4 ami tex nalpma. t 14. w m.
Andrew An troa.
of Minneapntl. county of Hranepin. atal of
atiaaeataa. woen Matement No 1 tft. ed Oct.
14, ioj. fur the purchaacuf th awK , Ip
ta. r ije. w mi
P A.btlpb ptton,
of Mlaarapolia, rmmly of Hennepin. Mat nf
Mlaneauta aworn Matr mini No ijar. filed Oct
i. luet, forth purrhaae nf the at MK. awb
neK and Melt nwi aeti it, Ip to a. r 1 j e, w m.
AxOKw labnaan.
of MlaneupotX, camnly of lleaaepin, Mai f
MiaavMata. atrorn watemeai 10 1 iaa, utt txt.
i. iJ. tor the parrha of the nef,' e aa, Ip ta
, r 111, w m
Audit 11 Catkatt,
oi Mlnnvapoll, coaaty of Hennepin. Male ol
Minaeaota, awxtru atatement No I., filed Oct.
ift, ivat for th purdae of Ik eh) !( .
aad eh) neK ex- ;, tp au a, r ij e, w m
That Ibey will otter neunf to ahow thai lb land
amigbt la moro valnahl for It timber -or aton
thaa tor agrMMttarat piitae, and ta mlaMtah
their eUlm lo aaht laad befot tbe Hhter and
Maerlvet at Th iMlka. Oregan, on ISvmday,
iNcambvr. tt, ifaj.
Tmry nam aa wltaaaip- Andrw Ghilattn. p
Aibilpri lVttr;tn, Anw Jahnaon, Untla Jatn-
m aam Anarew Amwraoa of .MlnneaualH
Any aad all
II Pet'
oh Ctaimlnc ndiay lb
ar reulMMed lu ate their
Ulma In tbt oaV on or be foe lb aaid aamiday
of December, ivvs,
Timber Mad, Act Jaa J, 17.
V . I .and IHMer. Th Dalle, titaaon.
IkloWr it, taoi
Notk l hereby glvra thai ia oumptmuc with
Ihe provMoat ofthe Act of Coagrea if Jaa 1,
1117. ealllled. ' Aaact for the aale of Umber lamia
lu the atalea of California tartguit, Ncratta. and
Waahlngloa reertiory.' aa ealeadvd to all Ih
uoblh laadautcb ,Wt ta Annual 4. Iat. Ihe
foltowiag-aamcd Utsr fclexl in Ihtaomc
their aworn Mrtenirnla low II
Abbte L VTbltlen.
of Pot Hand, count y of Multnomah, Mat of Ore
gon aworn Maiem nt no ijvv aiexi iict , loi'l.
tu, tar purcnaae or inc aH tec
J. Iptaa, r 11
Mary K. Ttcbrwr
of Pareet fireve, caanly of Waablagton, atate f
itiehoa. xwora atateaieal No ire, for lb par
chaacof tbcaHHwK and nh wt aex-ta. Ip taa,
r it, w m
Nellie A abater,
of o Vancimver Ave , Purllaml, ciatnly of Malt
aotttab, atal of Oreaua aworn ttalemeut No
I nf for the aafcaate V Ih awlf gwl( ae I, )
Hk; and nw atf aec t. tp at a, r, it e, w m
of I'areat (I to, ctwaty oil Waahiagtott. atale of
Aataaa, t UumII.L
wrrgoii. eworu ataivmrai an 197, awn tan ta,
ioa, for lb parrha of the M ewk , tw( ael
ac . iwlt nwK BHdHwK Helt etc IV, Ip I,
r ill, w m
Pan Hi H. McDonald, ,
of Clalekanl. camnly of Columbia, atale of Ore
gon, aworn ataUmcnl Mo 1404. filed November
it loot, forth porch of the rU tHrlf, awH
riX and nwf aeK tec tu, tp to a, r it. , w Ht.
That they will offer proof lu ahow that th land
auugm w more vaiuame ior 11 itmrnrr or atone
than fur agricultural purpu, ami In eataltllah
llteir dalm lu wid land before th KegiMer and
Keceiver at Tbe Dalle Oregon, 011 Wrdueeda) ,
Decrmltcr ti, lyui.
They nam a wllncaae. AUbie I, Whllleu,
Nellie hhaver. of PorlUnd, Oregon: Harry W
Mi-DoimldaiiU I'aunir II McDonald ofClaUkanie,
Oiawtin, Mary 11 Ttchmw and Anna I, ICngllah
of I'oreal Drove, oreitam and P C Whltbrii. I)
crimen, wrgiHi
Any and all tiaraoH dalnUiig mlvcraely lb
lioltctllaiuuhi are tHiiieataxt lo rile llietr
dalm In Ibbt alfic on or bafore lb Mid ijttlitay
lolt-ftbljUHla arc riur.rd to file their
claim in una
of DtcentlrH.
I A 1(1, T. X1IUN, KtgtatH-
T1mlir Land, Act Juur J, ifiitl.
11. H. Mud Office, Lkeviv, Oregon,
Hetdeaihar jo, Pt.
Notlec la lirreljy given thai in compliant with
the prorjaloua ofthe Act of Ciiugrtut of June ,
l7", entitled, "An act fur the ant of tlhllwr Alula
III the tut uf California, Orcgou, Nevada, ami
Waahliigtou Territory," k extemlrd to all the
public (and Ut by Art of Auguxt 4, Si',
William A Taylor,
of Chicago, county of Crook, atale of lllliioi,
haa fi I. tl ill Ihl office hi aworn atatement No
i6j, for Ihe purchaac ofthe cH ae qr, aec ty, elf.
lie qr aro si, ip 21 , 1 9 civ 111,
And will nffcr proof to ahow that the laud
aought la mure valuable for It timber or atone
than for agricultural purtMixct, ami In catahlUh
hia claim to aaid land before J M Lawrence,
t' H Cumin aaloucr at Heud. Orci'Ou. oil l'rldav
the nth day of December tyot
He name aa wltiiraaee William I Ht. Thointa
nfforllaml, Oregon, 11 W Iterd, John Httldl, W
VOiiuevert, 01 Dcacnuic, urcguit
Any and all tieraoiit claiming adveraely the
alxivc - dcacrlhcd lamia are rcqueatcd lo filt tlieli
claim lu thia olllcc 011 or before Ihe aaid nth
ouy ui iiccf inucr rM.
viln Ji! M. HKATTAIN Kegliter.
Tliuher l.nml, Atl Jillieju isH.
V, It. Laud Dillm, l.nketltw, oreguu,
bciitettitiet tt. 101.
Nolle It Imebt tjlvtn Hint lu (tttinplliuw with
t lie li ittaJMitj f lit Art of CnugrtM uf Jim x,
ptf, enlllletl, "Ail wl tor lii Mlf aftntrker lamfi
WaxliliiglDii Tatrlliiry," at lrtnld In all die
imhIK- laud Male by Act r AngtlM 4, tui,
.. .. Allll 8 ltatHH,
arilMklayjiHliilt oriHeKv, Male of WMbllujt
tonihflldlnthlaorr1iv hia tworu tttntil
No ii. for lb imrchaa of Ih w nr ae 11,111
ta , r ia , w m,
And will ntrtr 1 ww if in allow that Ibr lami
Mnighl I nutrv valuable tot II timber or Moll
hh cUlirf lo mm) land beWr J J amlliiV
Couuli ilelk.allTlaevllle.OrraoN on Wnlaaxv
bay. lb 1Mb day nf lHmbrr. iani
n name aa wiliieaem Hubert I, MttMurlity,
ttiirm Cady. L It Alliugham ami OiaTxdnttraiaA,
afl uf PrliievlU, Ortatm
Any and all nrraun claiming adveraely th
aboveracTlbettJanda are rruuratett to file their
rUlina in thl oV oa or brKtr Ihr MM ithdy
of Ihrernibrr, iti
llaitwt Land, Art June j, ia.
I' It Land otflc. Ukevlew, trrvgrm,
(h t.itirr n, ixi.
Notice I beirby given that In cttmrtiaaee with
the itewlahm ofthe Art orCeaaar ofjnnr j.
17. atiilthnt. "An at tor lh4mroftiaiaVlami.
Sfk'ailhvtim, Onraoa, Nevada, and
Waahlnglon Teeritory." aa Teded to all Ih
public laad Matr by Act of Antrutt f, itx,
Mlllmtiti J HulitVtte.
of lbHlea.ct.i.iyofCrook, atal tf iirvgam,
ha filed la Ihl 'dhi hi awom atalrmeut No
ft;, an ina lauriaaae w taena nt, aw new
rK H ; 1. tp rr a, r e. w m.
And will Mlrr pruof to ahnxe that Ih land
bt m B'.ore valuable for na limber nt aau
.l "a ... .. . .--. . ...
inaa mr agtwatturai purpuara, an)
hi claim lo
0 It
t a caaaati
ialatoaer, at Mirer Uk. Oreicm, oa
th ith dav ol P.hv. itma
11 MdHMM aa wHaoaaea II Tw HoUrta. Waaard
ning, 01 iwacauua. ui
ilaun Huaa. cha
iaw.ini tw ttionaiiii, mrim
Aar aad all aaratiita etalmlaw adtaaixatli' ita
n'ni-T dmltnil lamia ala laonaJtl la au aakatt
eUlm In Ihw otXc oa or bemreib ailtt itk day
..r w.t. ...
... a ,a, eX
Tlmbat Lami. Act Jan j. ,
I', a, Laad lMcv at Uarthw. Orvfoit.
taptiawr ttj, iaa).
Nalir I heeehv attwat laxal in uli
th inuviahawafibr Act of Ctmgre. ofjaa ,
Iki. rutlllrtl. "An act for Ih Mk at timber lamia
iainairu lalllurxtla imtaow. Nvvada
waaaiaatwa Ttrruoet .' a atotutl to a!
puutc latat Mat by Act of Amjaat 4, I
William Parkae.
f larlhi. ramaty of Mrdwoutt. Mat af MlMarttaU,
naa aien ra lau atac aat aatxara Mataait Na
!. for Ihe purxhaar ul lb wl nwlt iwet.H
aetf are t. IO ll X Ml 1. m. ataajl mtIII ndi,
pruof lu ahow that the laud aamgwi la aaava aM
Wr foe h limber or atuae thaa tor aark'uUurat
ouipnee. aatt la eMabifah hi dalm lo aaid laad
before J J htHtlb. Coaaty vtrek at Prtawtlt,
oteaxm, on Taeaday, th 1Mb day of December.
r It aaawnaa wiiaiwea Malah
extaa, Ptry
CharW If.
H. Poiaahraler iKa PtUadeater,
HnrkatM, an of rrlavtl,
Any and atl peranaa
rtalmlag adVeraely lb
atayrt-tiextfriMHl Iaa ar reoweMed ta M tbetr
efath In Utt udk-e ua or be&re th aW ixlh aa
an aWVXTHIial ,
Tnatbet Laad. At Jaa j. tfiyfi
II. b. Uml tHc, Ultnnr, Oman,
"fa- aa, tvaj,
Natter I betvby gtrvn liaal bt aniiialtaMf vtrlh
th lavvidta aniur Act taTcwuneii Jaa J.
17. Htkld. "Aa act tor lb taSailtBlfewtaiiai
l(mwbKOtMiiub.Qrttb il'Hia.aM
Wajaittiilaai TiftjfV, a ajKaHJMi t a 11
pablar tand M.I. 6 act af AugaM t. ia.
Itea.4 iPwalta,
of llinevill. cajaxaty afcix-k, Mat af Oragon.
ha Mod la tbU dfW Ma twtjrr) ataletatal Na
171, tor Ihe tmrrima af th tU , 4, aetf
wlofccii,iBit a,ris,w m . aaVitl oriat
taroof. W how thai lit Uad amaaM to aaata
valuahi tor iu ttmran- m Mom) thaa for aarbiij
tural jaaruate. aad ta .laMWi afct dalm la W
laad befitre J. J aatHa, Coaaty itork, at Prh.
vllbr. Oregoa. aa Taeaday, the 1Mb day at
December iiy.
II aame aa tvatinmiaai Henry A Peatar,
Chartea M Krhrtuoa. Ralph JotxUa, Artlaglan
Dan, all of Prtaevtlle. irregoa.
Any and all urrautt daimlMg advrtr Hae
abuekacrbrxi laad an rauaaaiml ta Ma w
ctaima ta thl oaVe on ar haaftr lb aaid itUday
of December, lobx
otrdll K M HKATTAIN, ..
Timtmr lmt, Art Jaa j, 1,
V. b. Land olmje, Lakrlw ,
fiataalarr a
' a. ieJ.
. Notlec b batftjy gtaau I hat bt uHHlaiHa wilh
ta lanvimain at in acim v
Caantraai af Jut .
lar. amttatd. " Aa 1
tMHtaxt, ,ia act wr liar mi at tMNrar ta
Ip ill Mate of CabfofMt.
Oiaaam, Nevada, tl
mwUtTtonu amlaaby Art T ABcual 4, iM, H
Mtmwiaay-aamad peiaona hav Aad la thia oM
their awotN aUletWeWto, tawlt
af Vaahoa. nmnty oflfiNC. Mail af MMilaaltHi
awxn-a atalenurnt No 1714, for lb purrhaae tit lie
HH Mbj tee 17, ip tl , r 11 , w tat.
Chart W Jaeoba,
ofVaehea cottaty of Klag. Male af Waahlnatoa,
awutn ataUtuai Nutria, forth parchaaattf the
H hwM aad Mb) l ae 17, ip 11 a. 1 it, w at,
Ultra HaniMitoa,
uf Vaatwm, eoaniy of Kiug. atale af Wahlab 1
awxan Matement No 171, for Ibr puixbaa of Ih
aK aW ) K ifi, w(wS aeeir, Ipli,
r it e, w hi
Thal they will ofler Itrxwf tu ahow thai th land
aougkt 1 mar valnaw for Ita timber or rtaita
than for aarMullarat tatriioaat, ami lu tMabUali
inetr claim ta taw ian ueior j ji. Lawreuea,
If, a. CmaiamMuaer at head, ONftw, oa tblar
day th lath day of Drx,xrmbr, Hjuj
Thry uaute a verlataatai At'allaa M. Hall,
ChatUi W Jaaoba, HiWtt llaniHiloa, af Vaaaoitt
Waahlnjtoti, lata W. WllliaiM, Amoa kiratl
ahaw, PorlUnd, Oregon; V C WhlticH, Head
Any and alt fltraoo tdalnilug adraetcly the
abov-tlKribtat Uml are tiuiad t file Ihtfr
dalm In thai
on or btfote lb taw iith nay
uf Deetmliar. iao.1
uealll ll M
Timl-rr Mini, Act Juuej, 17.
U. 8. Mini Office, The Dalit-!, Oltiju
Oetabar it, .
Notlec It htrtrtiy f.lveii that In euutpllauM wllh
III irovilouaorihr Art uf Contioja of juiic 1,
178, rutltletl, "Au act fur.the aale uf llmbfriami
In Hi aiataa of California, ureKoii, Nevmlu, am)
WaahlligliHi Territory," a txteinlttl to all tlm
puhtle laud atate by Act of Augurt 4, .
HtrUrt C. Oreififi
of Walla WMlhi.eouuty uf WullS WalU, Mate uf
Watli lm 011 Oct 4, is", fill lu Ihlt ulnre hi
aworu aliileincnt No ti;, for the micliaijof llic
III iiwjf aec to wild 11 W ncjf ufaeevi, Ip 19, a,
r ite.w 111,
Ami will tiffer proof tn ahuw thai Ihe laud
ouiilit It more wiluahlr for Ita tlinlxT or atiiue
Hum for agricultural puriioaea, and lu cwtaUUh
their claim to aaid laud before the lleglxter nml
Kccelvcr at The Dallee, Oregon, oil Wrdlittday,
the ijth duy of January, i'n
He nuiniaua wlliiette; Orn I'oluilcxler, I'll
roinucxicr, 01 rrinevnir, tircuoui itch w Wil
ton, Joacplt t'clert, uf The Dallrt, Oregon.
Any and all iicraoita claiming ndteracty the
uliovcMleacrllKil Jmuli are muictlcd lu file their
clilma In thl olncv 011 or before Hie aakl IJth duy
of Jauuryi90,
oxo-ji MICIIAHL T. NOLAN, Kegliter. -