The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 04, 1903, Image 7

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TtwilKT Mini, Art June i, Win.
I). K. LmihI orrUe, Tlir Utile, Oregon,
IM, MrtMlwr, "An .H for lh. mm- effimtMn UlHf
OTJH TtiH.iry," ilii.)M lu nil III
mum ny act Ol Align 4, I no, lilt
PWttM-aaaiar) twri ha
Ptl III lilt Office
llrawfffn ataUhwuta, Ik Mill
l-llwllla HUluar
v(gHm,miutv of mmkuMg, tilr f vii
atalvmetil Mo
m. iM April i, 103, (W ih iw
iwRii,tpia, r 1, m.
Hchwtl ThaMiiaaii.
TO PawkaB,,
elan. nMH atmniuaiit iiu iea.
ana. lor Ih norrh ef lh H
mhK at , ip i 1, 1 in, w m.
r4 CarlM Av7 MpokaU, MMHIV 1 pokH,
Mai if Waahlaatiiii awnm elaUrmvnl flu 177.
0W4 April 1, Ha., for IH ptmhaa of Hi uK
) fi. Ip i a, r i . w hi
...... MKhael II Hutlrven,
nf The Hall, con til) ,1 Warn, atat of Oregrmi
want tUWW. hi N11 1,41, fled April , laot.
Or IM pnrrnaw ( thr wM a- . Ip 1 1 , r lu
, W M.
TtMrt titer will ufT r n..f to alum lhal lhUnd
'Will I mw vain W. fur It Inalwr or )
UNl fbf artc1tarl iMtiMNM, runt In MmIiIIIi
(Uair (talma luaahl Und tHlor lit Henl.Ur and
Kereleer il Th Dell, Itam, mi I'rWav,
Januety ryth. im
1H MBBaaIIIH-aaM' jtm wmii.iK l(lH,
anaeri inriuian, HuHirtThonip.uii,
MMkatr. Luwltta B neural, at (Haaaiaa.
VMKMIMH MkMl CwRMr. R. La tWWwii
a hat IJafliM raaBBi.w..t Tb lttiM imimh-
TlMMtlatjt'.niMiMV N Dakota; AlW
(tT4iiw, of apuaan, W'aah.
Any and all pr,r delating mlHwHv Hit
aborr-lcarrtlwH Und off r .-unrated lu Mr their
am In IhU wnkv wit in Mum lb muI fvlhitay
"""' fHu
Hirn.Ki r. .tiii,Ar, iir(HlH'.
TMHlwr U I. A Jmif i, i;.
1 V. Uwl Olfif, Th lttM, Ofi-gon,
)HIr k Wantgr ( lll In iplbH hHIk
U pravMotM ofifc AH of CMigim or Juh 1.
IML mhMM, "Ah ait Nh llir 6 ttTUiiilwr Wild
U'lMMalMafCatUurNU.ririaiHt. .14k, ImI
'.-guw Irllll.nx. riitrfnt l nil III
Hi4t MmI y Aft UAUal , iN.
Hkhartl It Vtrntutt.
f( HaW Wr, n,aMir uf HVko. aial ef Drtw,J
niiwwMnininM um iih AafH wnir
iMtii Mu jbj. for la pMrclMMr ( iht nwlt
h4 Iota jawi irfxci w4hl 1, rc , li is , r
tar, w at,
Aad wilt mttrt mwJ la ilw Dial iUr Uu4
aMkl I mmw mifuaiit for lu ilwauf or tatt
(baa) far rcIUrl parMin. nwt la aMaMMj
Mi atolM la M lJ
irm ww w aara nau nturv ih Kt"tT ata
Hawlwr 4 Ttw lailt. Hfim, an lnnit)-. Ihr
aa w uktmiiki. if ij
II uaiaM aa intmiii
MmhmI K WMis
CMraM ! IslaUrt, kwil ft fttwual
wkil J ataualkiu IImm Hi.
Oratroa. A K rVrk. u? nai, Drapm.
Aar at4 all mtobh tUiialwi mirttiiy Ihr
aaailaaa Ual ar miaa1ad la U Ibatr
Wtmm la tNM a ar ajut th wM iM
lUjr af llawwiari. i
Tlaibri kaail, Atl Jhm l. 17
U- Laa4 (MHat. TVr IMIaa. IHxw,
atplvatbcr. i.
Matlaa at Wrrbr gtvrn thai In nHMptlaiir with
law piuraami f taw Art al Cawrrro of Jaa y
l?a, 4U11. "Aa att far In Mli WluaUr tawM
W th aiatM uf CaliAirala, tiraaoM. Mada, and
Waakautaa Tarrllar," aa tiaila la all lit
ipaUa bm atatca a M vf Aa.a 4. !.
Uaart W. Oara'avr. uf llalaih, coaalf f M
loala, atat of Mtuamta, ha on Mirth u.
Ifat. Ma la IM uHnm bl wam ttatvMral
to 1)0, aar lh aanhaa of tin lati 1. I awl 1 of
M, Ip if .r 11 , w m. atta IU uttrr lauotto
lanrlaat tnvlaad a'Mi aaar valnalil fur
Wat ar )M ihui tar aarwaHarai ht
ah4 Iw aataWM Wi rlh v M lH4b
lalhiilmr wTliaiwlii 7 ifc ttk ai
, Of4MM. a lihataVy. tliaaaaWi .
aaataiM whiniawi Jtui H. MiaHo af
I, lllaaaaau, im J (Vaf. or Rm.
1, Jaath A. Tnny, OlH Mtuxh of IXa
or aau.
Ah aaal all pcranmi rblatlHr a4araV lh
ait ilaniauil Uad at rqarr4 to HI their
aMaatlnlaa aaV on ar bribr lh mM Hh
iMyaf IHaaaiaar. tail
. l.Iam Im
aniinnii 1
NOI.AN, Ka4rr.
Tlmaar Land, Act Jan j. ij
V . Uaad ttaV. Th llallra, ittagaM.
Uctobc (i , 191
WoU I atraht lrii that lacuaipluiacT with
'liar pratMoa of ihr V " KwirrtanaTjah y
rtja, Milkal. "Aa aut for lh alt.rf'liwtwrUHU
W lh Mata M i'altlur.ita, thTaun. rvarla, and
Waaalagloa Trrriiiir," InWd to all th
liaMIr land taia by Act .a" ahium t. ityr.
IWII aJ..liiK.
otMUIh. eaonty of Prtca. ata
baa aat fiat i. iihi, hbnt In llila
HalthHilit Wo iw, far th unr
VinvaTI twlaahia j
tun m wii-riNMtM
oVm hat awora
unrhaar of Ih w H 1
HK ta J. Ip a. r
, UoU 1 aad 1 mc 1, la j
it.r iiv. a ai
'?. "-la." jar' . . .... .
win one proof 10 rinwiwi in lami
alETlda IW aftuaUr ar atoNc
T-: -1. ...1 .-.. . .T AMLa
7&S JXnaaar"0"' -71toUH"")'-,
llaowawllnrit. John K Kwaln, ,
Jobu K Kaamuaaln,
-i. Mriaan larob Haaaaaaam and liana hver 1
Mnlll Ut MlaaWUMilwiar """ ,
II !'
' """"f j"'?.1'. jt
aal laaula OHi raaaiun
oaaav oh or hcjUrt On aM md day
aia raaneaicH 10 11 ia-11 .
'altniAKL T. MILAN, KWr
THMbar Uait. Art June y iT-
V Und ObVw, Tb Ihtllaa. Oregon.
Moramber 1;, im.
Nottra I Htbjr giwn lhal la annpluuc with
lb tttuvlelaaa ofi'i Art uf Conar. aa uf Jnn y
tttKitmim, "A mt tut In lof ilmbrluia
'la (toajaiwaf Caltfurala. Oreawi, Nrmda, mul
Valaru TcMtoiy' a r.Tl.-d lo all in
MitilW land BlatM by Art of AaaaM 4, thai, lb
lalluivlag.Baawd prraoMi tiav flianl In IhU orncc
'I Mr awora autoou-m. to-wll
Jatawa M. Crowley.
awwrtt tuttthaut No ttto, III11I April ti, itKM. 1
'(Iw iwrcBBia afllteilf awlf ac Jo, ami eft nw
arc lii ip 1 a. raa , w in.
Jpli II llnrrlgan,
,uf ItehaMCtaw. eatiaty uf King, "talf of WaaWus-
'IBHI fwW8 ataWtTit No iTfta, fllnl April 14,
HAU, fur tt4 nurchaav oftheah! )( ami I.uti y
and t ,), IP H r. w 111.
M'illlaui Mullnv.
nfttaattU, cminlr 1 Itlug, autc f Waaiiltiiton
luani aaatameut No lias.
April 14. lyoji.
wr lh imrclnta of the l,t ,uf ac ,
I aikI I Bin) ii'K W arc j), tp 11 a, r u e, w 111
mm lAiia
UMrlcaA limit,
of Tli Dallw, emiiityof Waaeu, atitt ol orrEun:
aivoru turtitiimit So 171. filed April 9. ltJ. lr
Hit piilfliuaorilicliw)( aecil. tp t a, r lu ,
'w lit.
That thry will uirriirnif tuahon' that the Uml
'Voiujlil li more vatuault for ita tlmlwr ur alone
Hi. 111 fur uurlsnllnial iiuriHa. anil to ralitlilUll
their cilm lo Mhl Uml mrfurv Hi KriiMer 11 ml
Receiver nl Tin lull, (Iroyoii, mi UVInro-Uy
Jniimtry 17. "CM
Thty nam at wiliivwea V II 1'iiKr, A C llur
vey, A WliartUJon. MchnUa 8111IH1. M Conner
iiilll T 0 KlrlllUl'. of The D.illci, Orcein. I, It
AllliiRliaui nud IMnln 'ilruhiiui, of Warm
Hlirlue, lltaunu; William Molloy, of Heutlle,
Wnahi j P Ihnkltk,, ut I'lirtlainl, OrriioiuJ n
llarrlgnn,' uf Itiinmcliiw, Wuali, II Mack, uf
Ha). Weill.
Any Mini nil run clalmliiK ailvrrcly Hie
nlmvcileicrlliiil Uiolmie rnue(rl to tile their
' elulma In till office on ur before Hie anlrt 17th ilny
'ot Junuury, lyot
'lllllj u
lCHAHl.-T.NtiI,rtN KegMer.
Mf TmW rH
il UM
tar ah ai
'Iliiidtr l.miil, Adt'jl.iicj.m?"
V. H. f.nitil KI) t Ikvltw, Oifn-111. '
HrplrtuWr n, !!.
Miillty U lietilf given Hint In lunipllane wllli
lie tifuvlmmi ur III Art nf Cuiiuimi r ilnn ,
1)7 rilllllt't, "AH act ItH- tlir KaKf tlnL.r IhjiT
im 1111 "tiilr tf tliriiriil, Ortsaii, NvnU, nd
Waililnuluii Trrllury," ti McihIkI to ill III
liulilkliiihl Hint by Act of A.uiM 1, i"y, llir
(itlluwIllK-linlllHl wlin liiira Rlril III Dili uln
llirlf mtiirn ulrtlriiirnta, t(ctti
ItlllllW J.-fltOHIMl,
llHjJiriiittKvauilMty U! Pulk, klntr f Ur-I
giHh (Kuril MtiHnl No rftin for U ptirehai
uf tneii)( na it. tpii , rii a,,w w
. , WltlMiii A WMt, '
of iHctwitilriM, auiiiity i.f ftilli, tl ol orcavit
woiiilHuriit Su f.i ftftlh jwrilta ur the
H Mtt aihl hh H mi. n ip ji a, rid , w hi
Jrnnl M UVtl.
at lHi)ctuiliicT, coiihIV ofl'ulk.Mnlt uf()run,
worn rtliiini Nu iftxi for lh iiarnui rtlivil
WK rK MM II. WM Ulf U ItHd UHrW lU MMT-l
Iprt , r 11 , whi I
llmu A -U'.tU
f (n4prHtlnMt, annul f) I'atV, atatf f (l-,
ion, iwora niaivrawii iuii iur ih BHraruM m
lh vH )( mc Mautl y, U MC 7 1 1' , r
11. w m
Haiah t Ull.
if Iri'lrfMHilliir. eoHittrM t'ulk, Mat f Dr
koh, (oura atatial No i forth mrom uf
the Hhi?( hihI 'W) " f lpi, r i ,w m.
llrtilrou W Jlifri4i)',
""; '""":"". ."rrs.i.'.T-'.rr: ;:""
iw. vwiiru tatirim nv i?i an mr twrwwt ui
ilia M wf arnl M (( mc I
f7l, l 71
r 11 r,
wr ti.
UtNiilai l U'atla,
f, mty f I'alh, atat
bom, in-om talmMt nn IM Fur lh
f Ihr nU Mir tpi , r 11 r. W m.
Hale of nroWj
I'ranL I' tituuini,
of HatM Vliln, MMiity uf Nk, Ule uf Oirgmi,
worn MalrmrHl Mu n for Id Hirrh uiHir
11 W at Ip 11 , r 11 , w 111.
Thai Ihry will ntf.T iifiKif lixliuw that tlir laud
ni)j til hi uuhc vniiwWr fur lu timlirr or hUhic
lhu (ur agrlcutlHtal tnit(. ami to rttllli
ItMlraUluHlo Mhl lainl Ixror J. J. Huth,i
Coniily Ctr'rb. l I'flncrtll, llrrituii. on Wlur-'
itty Ihr till ilay or lrrinlir, lauj.
TM-Y nmr at wIlHrwr Prank I1 lliotuul, ofl
mwna A'lMa. Utcruti, iiuiii A uIM, wtliunij
A. Mull. Ilmltiii w. Miiipby, Cmmwirr I',
WrlUitr tHlttrHtlir, Orrtuiti I'. C. H'HIItm
uf IHiillnmt, iiti;uii.
Any itJ ill tirriHHii cUMIhji kdrfily llirl
alliaiaa4airaltaMi1 lat lulal ara fAiiiiaatlMl 4 Jk III fltalr
tlHli'iliM 11 (tie on or twiur Hi ukl -sill iUyl
oi imrwiar, iv
mxU II l. IlKATTAI.V, Paciilrr
Tlmlir'l,atHl, At Jiitio i, raft.
V. rt. tnl 0Srl Mkctltw, Orrnaii,
tit. ti, rvng,
Matlrr I hrVy lwti Ihui Id vatHpllanar with
in prvnOTwtHoi ia acih vongrva i jmir j,
lr. MtUlhM
AH aat
for Hw
of llmbvr
laM In la MalM
and VrhiH1iM Trrrt4Hy.
01 vaHrorwaa, iprvjaa, .-imua f
Mm.u ' &a M - m I.. all I
m rttpdd lo all
Hi mihHlHd aUlra hr Art of Aavant t. ittui
la Mlowlaic Hamad prtaotn ba 1114 In tliU
ohV lhte mimii allnnta to-wll
ChaiHM II llnhMtaw,
of Thr IMHM.cmialy of Waaau. atat ar t)ron.
awora MatmHl No 170) for lb porcha 01 Ihr
thwu, hK K. and K H mt i Ip ji
a, r 11 , w hi
Hannah A. Hnuiihaw,
of Th lull. eouHty of Waro, alatr rotuji,
aaoin tatHMnl No i for thr pfcrea 01 fllr
HK wH- nH r. Hd wt( tt)f arc tip l . r
Harry W Mrllonabl,
af CtalakaHl. nauHty of CulaatMa, atalrol Ore
gon, awaxu autatturnt No ir for th putchaa
of lh HK arc 11 Ip 11 a, r 11 c. w m.
Thai thry will un"ar itroof to alww lhalllirkud
MMjhtlaHMHt raluahl for It timber or atone
than far agrlcallural pnrpu awl to tMfh
IhrlraUlma lo uM lawl brfoe J J Hllli
Coaaty CWrk. at PfHwnllr. ng.n, on ilonitay
lb n ilay of Injcrmhrr. ioaj
Thr iiaiar A Hltura. Chart II. Ilrail.
haw. Hannah A. Ilr4haw, of Th Ihilln, Ore
. narry ieikiM, o( cialtaHt, Ure
mi. Amo HtaiUlMw. I'.C Whltlta.of PortUwI.
Af.y aii'l all twtmna rlalitilMe adrrrady tie
iWn 4aibd Jandt ar rmatad to filar their
claim la Ilia oMt an or tatfurc lh aatd ylli day
of IhantHtrxr, lyaj
Tttylitr MrM. Act JtHir i. 11)8.
U. 8. Utnl tlMkc, Ukaf(w, trtn,
Oajahir m. nja.
Notla I hfby glN that Hi winjailoncc with
lh provHuoi of th Aat af Conataa af juMr ),
iaa, M1tll. "An art fur lb aal of timber lamia
lu th atala of CaltlurnMi, Uragon, Nevada, and
WaaWturton Tvnltury," a tnd4 to H lb
politic Mad tal by Ad of Aaawtt 4. . ihr
Mhm tug-named Htraon haw nld Ih Hit ONHM
their awora ataleaarnta, lu-wtt.
Nll HaaHh.
of lleachulca. ronnty ofCrowk, atat of (rn;
moth uttarnt No aoto, rvr lit tiurchae of the
rH ae wca.auK awlf c a and nrV aW ac
4. Ip lie, r a, w at.
ImUU i,
lf '" HKrloe, cnoHty af tajlaa,
:" " P"W"" """ . "" r
Thai y U'l affaV ,rof ,0 .how that ,,, la
ooWJ mor ralaaWe for Ita Umber or ; auw
auuabl I utor ralaame Tor Ita limber or atone
twn for agrkwiiarai pnrpu, ami to naUMth llmii..Nit4 toudl biEr. II WardwaU.
i.rTr.J7,.iirr:r "-
ir- i1 T iTr jm.'L'v ..
1 wry wioe oa wnmaa nii rwnii, itivniil
Marah, J K lluutcr , Hlchard KIiir. of IteadiatcM
tm-aoH, Uouta k t, of naperlor. XvlaeatttlH.
Any ami all iNrramta datmlna adrataely Hie
avuvrdaacribad laod arc nquratad to Al their
ctaiuaa In Ihla o4kv on or before the aakt tth day
of Prby, i4.
UM It. l. IIKATTAIN. Ki4lr.
TlMber Iml. Act Jane y i7.
l'. rt. Lainl Offiat, likevlew, Oregon,
IK. .tier
Moll I )irby litveu that lu eowplmucc with
lu ptovtaMwaoriHr Act ur CongrcM of June j,
l?A. ailtttled. "All net lur Ihr Ml uf llitMrlau.U
llitfie itatiauf Callfornu, tireaon, Nwinla, auJ
WHlHL-tun Tarritort.
tMiultc taml atatea by Act uf Auenai 4, iriy. thr
fnJIowlBc.iiaiHeil itranna li- till iUv nl tit
Ihf Ir atturti atatementa, to-wlt
Ira A Martin,
uf The IMUaa, wmily uf Vau, atate ef Oiegom
attorn auicim no taga, ror Uievrcliu. ul t!
nU 11, ip 11 a, rii c, r 111.
May Uuitoil,
sfna It IhiruahleHt. t'orlkinil. euutitv of Molt
uoiuaJi, atate of orgtni: aivoru rt.lmcnt No
H, ior in piirinita ui in nit awij, a)t IIW
ecu, tp 11 a, r 11 e, w 111.
I'mucl M. Horn,
of Olivet, anuulyiif litoii, atnlc of Mltlilk'aiii
worn alnleiiienl No 1IJ4, for llto punihaie of the
w HM. elf, aeli 'itw)f ami lota j and 6 it a, r 11c, w 111
(ieoriic W. Kcyoi,
uf Olivet, county ur Ihitum atate of Michigan;
anoru ntatrnicut NoJ, fur the purcjiiue ullhc
M w, Iul7, arc A, lota iamleu 7, Ip al a, r
11 e, w in.
That thry it 111 offer proof lo ahnw thitt Hie land
loiia'il U mure vulnnMc for Iw timber ur atone
than fur ai;tlcultural purpiatf, and to eatahlrah
their clnima lu attUl luml Ufore Jul II. Iltiaeull,
Cmiuly CUrk, at Kliiiniilli 1'alW, Oregon, uu
hntunluy, Hie 6th day of l;liy, 1004.
They name aa wllnesteii Ira A Marrlu, of
The lt.tllca, Orcfion. May Huaacll ami I'rcil c
Whltteu, of Purtmmi, Oreuui tlcurge W Kcyei,
I'ruuct M Hunt, oftillvcl, Mlchluau.
Ally mul nil persona claiming nilvcmelyllic
nliuve-JewrllnU lituiU urc reilticated lu file -their
clnlmi in IhU otricc uu ur Ixfiire IheoaUl 6H1 ilay
iifl'eliruary IV-4.
iuJu K. M.IIHAITAIN, HesMer.
U. 8. Laitrl Oflh-i-, Ukratew, Orrn,
itollllwr ft, itiy
Notice I lifffliy ltli (hut In aiimplhiiic with
tin- )irollaiiuril Act '' funxrat of Jiilit 1,
i7, liilllH, "Art l rirr tlirMhroriliiilMrliliHF
In tfi Klwit orutilllwftiu. Oregon. Jml. uml
U'lililiiiiliiii Ttr tlturyi a cM'IhoI to all the
luil'll U111I Inlaw lltr Art uf AuauH 4, i. tlic
folloivliiK-namnl fitrMli Imvr fllwl In IliU ulDrc
lliilr tirii nuinflt, l wit
IU11HI II. rtcllli'irn,
ofllticktiiii, niriHUf ml y.M Ijnn.iliteiif.Mlnne
aula. wirii tlatvaMtit No i'.7. for Hw jxirchm
uflhlt rH m, ip r 11 r, w ih.
WIUh II 1. hM.
iflurl HrHtoit,a6unUr)iciMiau, rtntrof !
Imi.. nworii mtataNiant K" i'-, for lh purch
ortpr )t !. wa; mim , ipti.
r 11, w hi.
I'rxlartaL IL TuwnMHd.
of.lMnfini ntulytriltllr m: rkat uf Mire
iMMH,wn Matmiiiiii no ik, ior in ar
trir ''l-r'ii',V Awp iiu, r il. w m.
. ii'tlrriyrwHi,
ilrCrlnrm MtHUufillll' l. Mate of IIm
ihvim. trn (mil Nu iai, for lh par
elimr iif4hr HMti aMMbtp 'i. r 11 e, wm
WlUhtw IMhw,
of l'rlmi roMKljroT .1111 Iim, atat ofMln-
llMlltil ftMMH blalMftlMlt NO lAAVV. fnt I tup Wf.
rtiawin ! iio'H.K'iwS nwjwKjJ
lia, fn in.
kbtriyll. I'rnrni,
uM'rlnra'oft MMIUITKf MUhr Lara, itatr of llln
iMwta, wutili.etHiriil Xo-ftisfur Hit niiehr
01 iur nrii '""fliiip , r 11 c, w 111.
HHtraMge ( I'aralwiii,
of I'rluMtim ily ol Mills l4f4, atate uf lln
naiotii aint milriaatit No 'irvkt. tar th nor-
panlMi?ieliaroflhr H"alt "'". H rx. wK U
tfv i)i j v. n , rf
arwitrfK-i; P Kmt,
of I'rliiMK-n.rouilyHjf Jllll U, atat uf Jllli
lirtii awnni XalrtHotlt Mo 171. fur the unr
cIhwt uf th nW K' K ! 'd K i)!Ht
7,Vf. r 11 r, w m.
Xleluel .Mahoury,
of lrlncrtnn. county of XIII lc. atat of llln
iiraula, worn atatMHcut Nu 167a, fir the iiar
cli iHrwny hx n, Ip i . r 11 r, w ni.4
Wary J. Wpoilooek.
of I'lliiMiir.owaiiliral Mill !x, itatt of llln-
imnta, worn iulrinnl -No itu far I la par
liiiw-.'4liwK k)i, tp i r it a, w m.
rhll C. TIioiik.
iHvl'.tAN tinlyf Mill Ik latrorMln
liraoii, awurii (Mipnt tio iftjn, for '111 wr
chaw of th iW , n trf( i,p ij a, r 11
. w HI
Ot-aAn A, Daka,
ufl'rliMimii -rnfiiV el llllle L. Hntcof Mlu
titvoia. aituru ltMiil Jo i6v 'fur thr imr
fhaWlMhri ,vaoil Jtji, Ipija. r 11 r,
ww, andaev nDf i,ti i. r-u , wm
rTtthorW Wnnlncli,
of Itliptrtuu. county ef SIIH Iac. atatcof Mill
tinota awirii alatcmtit No i7. for thr xir
ha oftli iK ni;. wJ4 aw and !( w
v a Ip-at a, n , w 111.
V.lltiatji ll.Oakt.
imiYlntlBii ronHlyuf Mill l, tatruftln.
iirot. wori feWKHWM i lor lit par-
ita-- nf Ihr aa mb In aa a. r 1a w tr m
"" ' "' "- J- '. -m - -
That Ihey will offer proof In tlwwtliat HkUihI
MMight r HVtre vataaU far lla tlatbrr or atone
Ihan'fol ngilrultiiral puriioi, and to eatabMiu
lhtr Haian In aakt Uml ltforr J J. HmHh.
County OHrb. Croik County, al I'lffinrltlr, trrr
Cou.uii AVeliWTUy lh vh jlay of DntmUr
Thry rtaiitr -wltneei: WUIIam II Oak,
Arthur YVolik PrrrhrrUk Townacnd, I'etcr
IVnon. wtllaam P. Cha, Harry II I'amham,
mbrtiLvr il I'arHliam. I'rtdrrlck 1' Kem.
ImMumI Mahmi.y. Mrfi) J Woodcock. I'kHc C.
TiMHai. inarira a iikm an 01 rniKtion, jihi
Huta luntat M bellhoru of llrtckton, MIhh
aoto, Wallarc-K'tilHwe uflWrt HrMufl. Xoatana
Any ami aH trctaoin dalmlng adreraely the
ali'lwTlMtUiidarervnwtd lo tile their
taaJiM In IhU oKcc on or iKlorr the aatd tli day
ui irraeiawr iwa.
Timber Ijtnd. Art.Jutiei. ;.
U. H. Ijind Uffice, Lakeelew, Oregon.
etintiT 15, wy
Nbtlrr la hereby siren that In compliance with
HaUk Und alal by Art ol Aueunt 4, ife. lh
laUowtug-iiamm irasa hate lhl day filcJ In
thta otfee lhir uihh aUlrmeHta, lo-wit:
Mritu M llcatan,
at MKnw, anty of ll.ih. atate of Utolaa,
awortt alaUHwnl No i. for the purttiaa af lb
) hwK. HK uH- nwfe eU aec 14 a. r
ije. w m.
KnIU C. Htonr.
of Moaoaw, county of Latah, atate of Idaho,
worn atatrwrut No laai, iur th porcliaae of th
'H nh c aa ata 17. tp ' . r 14
Mm It. ltrtton.
of Maaeuw, ronnty of Latah, atate of Idaho,
aurenn ataltmcnt No IJBa. far Ihe ptirchaa of
HtecM nwK. wt hH aarn.lp 11 a, r Me, w m
Amanda t. ritwoe,
f Moaoow, eouHty of, ttc af Idaho,
worn ainuiitanl No tJB. fbr the mrcJuw of
llrlwH tit aecli.eVt lfU , tpii a, r M
tt, w in.
Jeu A. htonr,
ofMeaeawr, amtniy of Latah, atate af Idaho,
worn atateateHI No ija,, for the mreha of the
iK " uM nwt, 7, ip 11 , r 14 rt w w
llattt It- hradley,
of Spokane, eoouty of bpokane, atate of Wath
(Hgtoo, awwru atat. mM No isai, (ar lh pur
ebaofllici aarh. K uK, a'w)( neK
7, tp 11 a, r 14 . w m.
Klla C. NilM,
of Mokuw, count) of Latah, atate of Idaho No I, fur lhpurhaeof Hw
avj(,aw)( eK.l ueli accy, Ip it a, r 14
w in.
That Ihey will offer wtxif toahowit the Und
ought I mote ratuabi for ita (Ruber or atone
llMiiforagrM.tiltural urpoi, ami la etoablUh
lhtrchtliuatuiwhllantllefute J. M. Lawrence,
V. h CutnwUtoer at llend. Ureguiii oh Mom
toy Hw 14th tUy of December, oj,
Tliry itaue aa wtluc llattk H llradhy. of
apukan. Waahlngluu. Kolkt C S(oe. Mac It
Itaatoiu.VntaniU M alone, Jeaw A Htuue Itlla
C NtUa. Maivtu M Proaiuti, Wftllam W vvlllua.
of Moaeow, Idaho. Low It Alllngliam. ura
lHilnikxter, of liincvllle, Oregon,
Any ami all iierwn claiming adtersely the
abuve-deaerlbrtl uml arc rcqnealetl to Ale their
eJaliua In IhU oflic on or before the ajld 11th
day of lciubr, im.
uuHiii it 1. iinAiLiAi.i,nri;iiiu
Timber Land, Act June J, 1B7R.
U. H. Land UlTicc. Lakcvlcw, Oregon,
tfeptcmber I, ivJ
Notice U hereby givcti lit cuniplUiicc with
the prorUHMiiofthe Ac! ofCmiprcii of June 3.
tbjS, cutltlctl, "An act for the le of Umber laud
in HicatitteaufCultfurula, Oicgou, Nevada, ami
WahliiKtun Territory." aa citcnUcit to all Hie
public lainl atate by Act uf August 4, iboj, 1 11 1' Kelley,
ofCrookatuu. county of Pulk, atate of 'Miiinc
aula, ha tiled lu Hit office Jill atvoru thttcment
No IK14, for the putxhaie of the H nw )r. vw qr
tic ur. nw qr ae tr ace b, tp 11 a, r M'e.w-ui.
An il will offer prouf lu ahow thtll the land
ought la more valuable fur ita timber 'Or atone
than for agricultural purioac, ami to eatablUtt
lit claim to rntivigna neior j. .m. i.awrrnee.u
H. C
uii. .l7 ..f ii?e. mber loot ' "
?" r - v
He name, an wUncwcm Mxun i.Iiikv,
M. NS""'.-J.tetlr iViii "S'.'LiL.S-
-V." ' "-" " ---l wi v.trw.rtvti,
I Any and all heraon ctalnllng adverarly the
abovcteMllbed'f imU arc reqUctttU'lo hlelhetr
ciatuKiitinuoinceoiior uciure tiicvml4inaay
of Dcct mher.'toM
jvoodtl -H M 'UHATTAIN Kegltttr I
incnlaMMtoiin ACLOI cenpeaa ul June t,
life, enlHtat. "Ah art lurthe aalruf tliulxrUuaa
(nlHcalalraofCallrorul, Orrgua, Nevada, and
Weabuaatmi Trfftorr.A aa ealended t all the
Timber T,nd, Act Jnnei, 117.
U. H, Land Office, Ikevlcw, Oregon,
Heptenilier s6, lsJ.
Notice U licrcliy given that In cotnpllariec with
lh pfohlafioflbr Act of Coriitr of June;,
17. (ritltleil, "An art for the unleof Ilm1erlam
lu the atate of California. Oregon, Xevaila, and
WaahlHglon Territory," a exiendtd lo all lb
imhlk Und atate by Ait of Aiigott 4. rrVrt, Ihr
(tbrwIng-iMimcl ierona have IhU nay tiled In
IhU office thrir aworrt atatementa, to-wlt:
Charlra K KtotkUnd,
ofatlilin, county of Marahall, alale of Minn
aota, aworn atalmnl N017J1, for the tiurrbaae
of Ihr w arU.aH ilt ami nwjf awaeca, Ip
, r 10 , w 111.
Jiolttl L. Mlkkelaon.
of rHfibn. aourit of llafahalL atate of Mlnaa-
ota, aworn tatmNt No 174. for Ihf perch
oflbaK K arc i,M neH and ue H aec
if, tp n a, r o r, w in.
Italhrr M. lUrnanl.
af Mglaml, aounty of Polk, aiatr of Minneaota,
awora tatuieril No 1747, for the pnrehaae of the
U H " 19, n H iiwji and aw!f ivi c ,
tp Hi,r,w in.
Hoawetl A Whltnev.
of Mpbn, erraNty of Marahall, atate oflllnHe-
ivu, aworn naicmcm no 174a, tor ifie pwrcaane
01 in K aec . tp 11 1, r ra , w in.
Hannah Ilovee.
of Oram! I'orka, county of Orand Pork, itate af
nor ia iMKoaa, aworn atatenirai no 174. lor ih
purchaaeof the ae'f liw, nji )( and awtf
X aec j. ip 11 a. r 10 c, w in.
1 (leorre llamerr.
ofMcpbcn, county ol Marahall, atate of Mlnne
miU. aworn atateinent No 1790. far the purcfaeae
oiiiichw;( aeco, ipiia, r roe, w in.
Joaeph (1 llrliikrrhoff,
afmeittitn.eaKintr of Marahall. atate of Minne
aota, aworn atatement No ij&t, lor thr pnicha
01 me ik;i aec 7, ip xi , r 10 e, w m
Carrie O. Mlcketaon,
of KUptien, county of Marihall, atate of Mlnnc
aoU, aworn atateinent No 17JJ, for the purdiaae
of th Hwf aec 7, Ip , r i c, w m.
John II Mrrdlnk,
of Stephen, county of Marahall, atate of Minne
aota, aworn atatement No I7M. fur the purchaae
oflht nJiaVj aec;, tpii nor, win.
Tlial Ihey will offer proof to ahow that the land
ought I ntore valuaUe for Ita limber or atone
than for agricultural purpo, and lo ralabtUh
their etaitu to aald land before thr KegUter and
Kelvrr at Mkrview, tlrrgou, on Friday, the
nth day of December I9j
They name aa wllneaae Charlra K. Block
land. Botctl U Mlkkln, P.oawdl A. Whitney,
Oecaie llamery, JCMph . Ilrlnkrrhoff, Carrie
O MkkelaoH, John II. Mrrdlnk, all ofhtrpheir,
Mlnnawla: Huhrr M. Ilaniard, of nlghtnd,
Mlnwt; -Hannah Iloyce, of Grand Pork.
North Dakota.
Any and alt perron claiming adrrraely the
aba-dacrttied lamia are requested to fil their
claim In tW office on or before the aald nth day
uf Icmbr, itnj.
M. IIKATTAIN. Regtater.
Timber Land, Act June j, 17,
V. H. Land Office. The Dallr. Oregon,
October , I9t
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
the provlaion oflhe Act uf Congre of June y
17, eat it led, "All art for the aal t of timber land
la the atale of California. Oregon, Nevada, and
Waahlagton Territory," aa extended to all lb
Kbtlc Und at! by Art of Augutt 4, . the
lowtHa-named peraon hare on (Xet i. ryai.
a led la tnU omec their aworn tatemciila, to-wh
Carrie II Hun!,
of it) ind Are, ripukanr, connty of HpokaHr,
atatcof Waililngtou, aworn atateancnl No iaj,
gar lb purchase of the aeK aec IJ. Ipxi.t M
. wm.
Cora A lUker.
of ilj h! Ave. HKkue, county of Kpatranc,
.lair v i,NwHwii,.nwiu wn.,,.iii , ijaa
for the purchaae of InrawK arc 14, Ip 70 , r
c. w m.
That they will offer proof to ahow that the Und
aougltt la more valuable fur ita Umber or atone
than for agricultural purpoace, anl ta caJabhwh
IH(r etalrm to aald land before the Kajitcr awl
Kcarrr at The IJjllca, Oregon, on Jloaday,
January 4H1, 104.
Thty name aa witneaaea. Klcc Harper, Cora
A taker, Harry C Drown, Maud Wadiworth and
Carrie 11 Hurd.of niokaur, Waahingiaa.
Any aad all urrwne claiming anrerady the
abotrxlaaerlbral land arc renueated to Ale their
Cbthna In IhU office on or lieftirc the aald tth day
of January, km.
Timber Land, Art June y ta.
U. 8. Land Office, The Italic, Oregon,
uctwwr il. loaj.
Notice U hereby riven that in eaantdUucc with
taw priiwaauii ai in Act w iHjgTcaa or jua J,
l7, catltted,' " Aa act for the aaft ol timbt r Una
Ih lh Mate of Callfornu. Ktoti, Nevada, aad
WaahiBElou TelTHor." aa iUndd to all the
ttabWc lainl atate by Act of AHjguat 4, , the
fotlowta-nnied wriow hate oted lulhtaoAor
there aworu iatrout. to-wit-
IjiwIi C William.
of Buekly. couHU' of llercc, tate uf Washington,
aworn ataleoMnl No nig, filed March If. ifag.
for the purahaac oflhe uwVf accjl,!!! 17 a, r 11
e, w m.
Andrew II. flrmlne.
af HauMlt, county of Cavalier, alale af N. Da
kota, awora auttemeni ;o 1717, in! Marcri a
loaj. for the purchaae of Ihe awbj ac 17. tp 17 ,
r 11 , w hi.
Kate bnilman.
of MeckdHck, county of (Wtrainl, atatcof Mlnne
aut. aworn atatiineut No iut, flletl Starch 11.
lyaj, far la inirsn 01 lite awx ac . tp 17 , r
11 , w m.
llllia Miirnhv.
of Newlrry, county of Luce, atatcof Michigan!
aworn auiawem k lata, nam iaoy ai. ty nw
thc HirchaauftheueSaeca.lpi7, r w.
NUlc O'Lrnrv.
of KemblJI, eetiuty ufllUraml, atate of Mtnn
ala, aworu atatement No i4i, died Itby tt,
loos, Iur the mirchaac of the nejf ac 8, tp 17 , r
1 1 , w m.
WlllUm T Murphy,
of Newberry, county if Lute, atatcof Michigan;
awum aiatcHieul No 1A47. flint I'ctiy. 11, ifm, for
the purchaae oflhe nw)J lee n, Ip 17 , r 11 ,
w m.
Thatltvey will offer proof to ahow that the land
atiuglit t wore valiutlde for Ita timber or atone
Hutu fur agricultural purpotr. and to citabtuh
their ctatuui to M land before the Kegtatcr and
Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, on Saturday,
January elh, is4.
They name a wltneaiea; Mark Maynanl,
l'red flame and It M Ilaaae, of Kuninr, Waah
tngtou; Andrew It. f.rodar, of Ilauiwlt. N Da
kota, Niohula Smith, of The Dalle. Oregon;
Lottly C William, of llitckty, Waahlnalon; Peter
Spllmait and Thuuiaa Ttveit, of The IKallea, Ore-
on, Joint Dokken of Drachutca. Oreguu, Will
tin T Murphy and 1(1 Ita Murphy, of Newberry,
Michigan, NrlllcO I.eary.of llrmidll, Mlunvaota;
WlllUtu N ltowaer.uf llcmltlji. Mtuueaota
Any and all ticraou cUuiiiug iidrcraely the
alHiveleM.1 HhI laudaurc retietedto lite their
clalnn in thhr otficc 011 or before the oatd yth day
01 January. 1
Department oflhe Interior,
Land Office at The Dallca, Oregon.
November 13th, Ivo
Notice i hert-by giten that the follouing.
named arttler ha filed notice of hi Intention 10
make commutation nroof in aunnort uf hli claim.
will be made before J. M.
Iwrence, U.' H Cominlaalouer. nt Deacfiutea,
i iratni nit HalMltli-V rfrXVIIltar 9M
titvpoti. mi Sfitunliiv neorinlier Sth. c. via
johu-J UlKiUkcii,
J?'.'PJ?P . IU5S. for the M
WU UVVT, II) 7,l rl'll
I lie liauir the hilif wINj-wittieaae to prove hi
coutliiuoh rmldcticc't'i'JrtiHtildlHilUvrttloiiofaald
uiinert iingan, trie i-rwrwn, witiiani 11
BtaaU, John sUemore. of lchhtc, Oregon,
no-dij WWIIA-Iil, -HitN,Kigiter.
Tlmlier Land, Act June J, 1I7I.
V. H. Lund Office, f-ikevlew, Oregon,
ScptcHiber , ivy
Notice I litreliy given tlrjt Ih aamplUnee with
Hie prorUlou ofili Act of Congre f June j.
17. entitle! "An act for Im) t of tlmlier
Uihm In the alale of California, Oregon, Nevaila
and Washington Territory," a extended to all
Ihe pulille land atate ly Act of AllgtHt 4, Bn
th following-named peraow bate Tlleil In tlila
office their aworn laterHnta, towiti
AtagnalH II. Cnrver,
of Ilralnrril, enmity of Crow Vlng, itateof Mill
nearata, aworn atateinent No 1644, for tb pur
chaa of Hie wM nwH and wM awjf 17, ip a 1
a, r Me, w m
Mary M. PhllHp,
of MlnncapolMi, coataly of Hennepin, atate ol
Minneaota, aworn taiat No it, for Hw
nX aec ta, Ip ij , r 14 e, w m.
Tliat they will offer proof lo (how that Hie
UmlaoughtU more vttltubte for it limber or
noHin4ii loragncaniarai jmnio, ami to 1
aaneantaTBi m
UblMh Ihelr dalnu l aahl Uml Nfkee J. M
Ijiwrena. V. k Comwtaaaaaar at IKtad. Oraaon
on ttatatday th ilh day of Deeembw, ioa
TKey name a wtlneaaea L. IL AMiHabam
Ora Pofndexter, Prtneettle, Oregon; Augnatn II
Carver, of Hralnrd.tinniHa; Mary it. Phill
ip, MiiiHcapolU, Mlnnewla.
Any and all penona claiming adrcrady the
above doacrrbed Und. are ranutated to flic their
elalmaln IhUomce on or before the aald inh
day af December, 1.
09-dlt IL M. IIKATTAIN. Kegiater.
Timber Land, Act June J, 17.
V. ft Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
October 11, ij.
Notice la hereby given lhal In cemjHUnec with
he provitlona oflhe Act of Congrerw ef Jane 1
17, cnlltlrd, "An ad for theaafeof timber land
In the atatea of CallfornU, Oregon, Nevada, and
Waehlngton Territory," a extended Is all the
twMic Und atate by Act of Auruit 4, lb), th
leltowlng.nanied peron have bled in thU office
their aworn aUtcmenU, to-wlt;
CharlnX. MorrUon,
of Monmouth, county ol I'olk, atate of Oregon
(worn atatcKient No 1741, filed April 1, iyu, for
the purchaae of the Lotai and land i nef ace
6, tp , r ije, wm.
fame Malion,
of North Dranch, county of Lapeer, ilnte ol
Michigan; aworn atatement No 17JI. nled March
. I'oy for thr purchaae of the nt5 aec ty tp iv
a, r lie, wm.
Charle II. Downer,
of North Dranch, count of Lapcer.tate ef Mich
igan, aworn atatement No I7j&, wed March f
vjol for t he purehate of the Lot 1 and t aad h
oe4 aec 3, tp M . njt.wra.
William Mahon.
of North Dranch, county of La peer.atate of Midi
Igaa, aworn atatement No 17J4, filed Marco r
ayij. for the purdiaae of Lou 1 and 4 and .
nwi aec 4, tp a, r ij c, w m.
That they will ofTrr proof lo ahow that Ihe Und
Bought i more valuable for it timber or atom
than for agrhwltural purpo, and to oatablUh
their claim to aald Und before the Kegiater and
Katetvcr at The Dalle. Oregon, on Ttteauai
January Jth. 1934.
They name a wllneiweai William Mahou
Jamea Mahon and Charlei II Downer, of North
Wrench. Michigan; Albert li Phot, afuoi ut..
at , PertUud. Oregon; C K Murrtaou, of Pair
wwn, ,wMiixVH, AHIVi tttmmmnmvwt w iwi
bind, Oregon.
Any and all tieraona ctaltnlnr adernelv the
alio deacrlbtd land arc rnucd to file the:-
elatm In IhU office on or befare the aald Jth day
ai January, ryM.
d3 MICIIAHL T. NOLAN, Regiater.
Timber Latni. Act June j. f.
U. 6. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
October 11, 1903,
Nottce-I hereby given that In cotnplUnee with
the provUiona orthe Act ofCongrrv of June 3.
ib9, entitled, "An act for the aaleottln.berUnc
In the atate of CallfornU, Oregon, Nevada, and
Waahlugtou Territory," aa extended to all the
fwlilic Und atatea by Act of Augtut 4. ifgi. tb
ollowing-namcd eraona hare oa Oct 14. lytrx,
filetl in IhU office their aworn lUtemrnli. to-wlt
Gertrude Olaon.
of BatUrd, county of King, atate ofWaaalngte-M
i-orH aiaicment .-to 1331. ior inc purenaae 01 11 c
nhj K ace vande acjf rc3, tp laa, r ur
w ra.
OU Chrlatenaen.
f Mallard, county of Klnc, atate of Woihlneton,
warn atatement No 133J. for the iMaaafaaa of th
M HwK, awf( netf aec is and aeff nef hc 3
Ipita, r ite, w hi.
Mary A Pateraan.
of Mallard, eannty of King, atate af WaWatoui
iMtf. ..Ijmu.iiI Vu 1 ta.a far tit lunllli.iii of lb
i aw)j and rH aw V aec 11, tp (. r lie. w Ul
John Kramer,
of Hcaltl, county of King, atate of Washington;
worn atatement No 1130, for the purehnee of the
h nw)4 aec it, audela aK ' tp a, r 11
c. w m.
That they will offer proof is ahew thatlhelaud
Bought U more valuable far Ita timber or sloiiv
Ibaa for agrlculfurul urpoti aud 10 eaUbtttli
their cjalm ta aaid Und before Ihe KegiMer and
Kcceiver at The DaUea, Oregon, on Mondy,
Deeanilur II, raoj.
Th)' name aa wilnaaaea: Oertrudc Otaon.
Mary A hlrrtwi and Otc Chrittruava of Hailar-I.
WaintHgten; John Kramer of Seattle. tahin.
tou; O Hcwaoa of tUattl. Woahtnalou, John
atltu. of Hend. Oregon, Andrew CarUett, I'
Adolnli Peteraoa. Andrew Johnaou. Loui John
an, Andrew Andcraou of M luncapoli. M da
Any and all prraoaa datmlng adveraviy Ihe
abtvMlrctiUd Jalate requcated to blc lh ,r
daim In thU o(k Mt or before the a id 11 at 01 y
of Deeembet . KkH.
Tlmbtr Land, Act June 3, U7.
V. S. Uml Office, The Dalle, Uregajo.
Novembers, tty
Notice ta hereby giveu that lu with
the provision oft Be Actor Coagmi of J.HK t,
i7, Htllld. "An act fortheaaleof titular lai.da
In the atate of CallfornU, Oregou. Nevaoa, ud
Waabiugton Temtor)-," aa extended to all . w
public land atatea by Act of Augruat 4, ikot, Hc
folkiwtng-namol roua have filed in thi 011.0;
their attorn tatemenu. twtt:
Herman Dumkc
of Medford. county of Taj lor, atate of Wiaeeuatu,
aworu atatement No iSu. filed May ih. iw3. for
the purchaae oflhe nwjj aec I'i, Ip ly , r 1 ,
w m.
Lvt W. Rtbaon
of Medfurd, county uf Taylor .atate of WUcMti!'i;
aworn atateunmt No iaJ,wlrd May ia, i.j, for
the purcltaae of the ) nw) and h uri aec 17,
Ip H, r 11 e, w m.
1 Mlkkd A. Langoien
of Deachute. county ofCroot, atate of Orf 01.;
atvoru atatement So 1707, Blait A in 11 t.. it
for the purcltaae ofthr X owjf ax- 14 mid 'i
aet; ac 13, tp 1 a, r 1 c, vr m.
Heltihan Pctrou
of DcKliutea, county of Crook, atate of Oregon,
atvoru aiatemeut No ITH, filni April 13, te, for
Ihe putchaac of the wh ami k "'i aec 1-1.
tlxtaa.r toe, w 111.
That they will offer proof to ahow that
the land (ought I more valuable for it timber r
atone than for agricultural purpotei, aud te v-
iaotiri tnctr tauua iu aui.i tauu uiiorc ineftck la
ter and Kcceiver at The Dallca, Oregon, ou fit
day, l'cbruary jth, 1004. ,
They name a witnea-sea. Levi W Olhaon aud
Herman Dumkc, of Medfortl, Wtwoiiin; t.utv
Mlnuth, L011U NeUon, Thouia Juhuaou and
iulm Mcidl, ol Devchuto, Orv;on; Will..,iu
riapien, of Phillip, Wiaconilu, Joliu y iUtutu
of l'riuevllle, Oregou, Kcinliart l'ettraon uml
Mikkcl A Laugoicii, of Lake Park, MiHticaotu,
Charle Wilaou, of Mulchcad, Mlnucaata.
Any and all pcrnon clalmliig adt-craely the
abovc-deacrlbetl land arc rcqucaled to file tlutr
claim iu thU otficc ou of before the (aid sthda)
of l'cbruary, 1004.
ui7u4 -MlCllAliL T. NOLAN, Kcgtatcr.