The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 04, 1903, Image 6

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    mtfitm .
Timber Und, Act June j, .
V. 9. Und Office, The MnllH, Oregon,
Oclotier 19, lMJ
Notice In hereby given that In compliance with
tin provision ui ine ftci wi viniv VM , '
th Ait of
.o.i a..III.I ft ...a IV-,,
In vhe stales of California, Oregon. !. and
Washington Tettitor ," a extended to alt the
public In ml Male by Act of Aueuot 4, lipr, the
following-named persons have filed lit tilt omce
lh-ir awortt statement, to-wlt
Richard J. Oorroan,
of The Dnlle. county or Wnsea, atate of Orirm.
stvorn statement No ibm, filed 1"Ny i. iM
lot the purvhase of the life W and H H
sec it, tp us, r loe, w in.
Ida M. Hrtaslrect. , . ,
ofllillyard. county of Spokane, stale uf VMh
uiKton sworn statement No 1711, tiled March n,
..!. for the mirtbaw of the eg '.. nwtf nejt
and neH aetf ec Jt. t 1.1 , r to e, w in.
Oeorge W Martin,
r6- ltat liverelt street. lortsse,. county ef
Multnomah, state of Oregon: ttroru statement
N . i-ti, flletl March tr, roej, for the pwrthase of
the ne( see a, tp ij , r e, w to.
Hash .farmer,
of The Dalle, county of wascay stale of Oregon;
orn statement No lata, led Patty v ti. for
the purchase ofthe HacX,awK atK aadncX
nwlj kc ji, tp tj , r roe, w aaj
tltr Wehb.
' MIV VI ftHHUft ...-
nf Carlisle, county of PembiiM. stale of North
it kota sworn statement .o tors, nicn rrov 3,
iru for the purchase of the K nc, tp is
r io e w in
Wr., ! WC&b
. f Carlisle, county of Pembina, state of Notth
Dakota sworn statemrnt No 117. Met! Kebv, j,
1 t fir the mrchac of the X ee ja, tp 15 a, r
. t 111
Thai thev wffll ofler proof to abaw that the land
aoocht i mocc valuable fur its Umber or atom
hait for agricultural purpose, and to eMabllsh
Uinr claims to mM land before the Recstter and
Krcrivrr at The Dalle. Draw, on Thar
lanitarv list, ioj
Tht-v name as wllnee. Kdwdi II Graham
and 'oe A Graham of atsters. Orfoa, David
Hurton and Colby Ware, of Wheaton. Minnesota.
t.corgeU Martin, of Purttaad, Oreaou; Ktchatt
Cmint'r Martin Orottttdwateretnl Itusli limter.
ofThe Itallrs, Urnanst; J O llolllt and Ida M
llrtnstrret, of llBlMrd. WMttlttgtuu; Oeorge
Wrbb and Ileislc Wrt. of Carlisle. N JvtLota
Any ami all prraM datoibw Itdevrwljr the
tarTrcrttdkiilsar3twted to aUe their
claims In lhi oMee on W Iktut the said list day
of January, i-tt6-i!
Timber Iviml, Art Jnae J. t7.
V S.LandOJUie, ThtHp. trtn.
October i, tfoj.
Notice la hereby gttrea that In eosapUancr with
the provtskHMtsfllte Act of Cdimcm of Jtme J.
i- enlillrd, "An act for the MboftisaWrkiHdi
11 thr stairs of Califoraia, Orasnm. Jtersnla, and
Wathinirton Territory," as extended to alt the
puWi- land sutca h Act of AttatsM 4. , the
r.iMnwing-naracd pcrnoan hac turd la ihm otfttx
their sworti statensenla, to-wil
Arttrar CbIIUmb.
..f 111 Collins BoUdiaE. Seattle, coautr of Klnar.
state of Waahia(toa: awora statcaicat Noaaj.
hltt July i. ton. for the itha of the '.
3 and 4 and eH wj ate il, lps. r ire. t m.
tiotthard Yooajfiaeer,
ofDurton county of Kiaa;, stale ef Washington;
ssr rn statetncot No lea, died Autttst It, iM, thr purchase of the Lot 4, eM awK andtw
ac4 -v - tp os, r it e, w w
That they will offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for it Umber or vtuor
than lor agricultural purpose, aad to establish
tneir claima to saMUnd before the Keriatrr and
Krcetverat The Dalles, Oregon, oa UVdaeaday,
January ij. 1904
Thrynaoie at witnesses- ObadUh HctTSoa,
Stella llrwson, of tireen Lake. Wasblncton,
sarah A f.ratton and Arthur Oalllhan, of Seattle,
Washington. John Bloss, hitters. Oregon, John
Kramer, ol Green Lake, uatin(ton.
Any and all persons daiminc adversely the
above described lands are requested to tile their
claima in this olScc on or before the aald ijth day
of January, 191.
ojJt MICHAHL T. NOLAN. Register.
Department of the Interior.
V h. Land O0ke, Lakeview, Oregon.
November 3, VfH.
A sufScient contest aflWavit having been filed
in this office by
John W. White, contestant,
against homestead entry No sjoS, made April 3,
jy. for eH new. nM eK. set jo, 141 n 1, r ?c.
win by lames Hobsoa.coatestec, in which ills
alleged that said James Ilobson has abandoned
said claim for a period of six mouth or mare
last past that said alleged absence from said
land was not due to hw eanptoyraent in the
rmv Navy or Marine Crop of the United
hut a as a private soldier, orKerr. seaawn, or
in..!. nr during the war wtlb ttpatn. or during
any ther war In which the United States may
k inaged saW partus are hereby notified to
appear, respond uad Oder evidence touching
said allegation at 10 o'clock a m. tm January 13,
1 4 before O n. Wardwcll, V S Commissioner,
at Silver Lake. Oregon, and that ffnal hearing
will be held at a o'clock p m on January 11,
i4 before the KegUter and Kcceleer at the
I nued states Land OflSee In Lakeview, Oregon
The aaid contestant having, in a proper aoida
vit filed July m, 190J, set forth facts which show
that after due diligence personal service of this
notice ran not be made, it is hereby ordered and
direi-ed that snail notice be given by due and
I o,r publication
iidi8 ). M. IIKATTAIN, Register.
Departatent of the Interior,
Land Office at Tlie DaKea, Oregon,
November 7. lyoj.
Notwe is hereby given thai the following
named settler baa filed notice of Ills intention to
make final proof In support of Ills etalnt,
and that said proof will be made before J. J.
Hmith County Cleric, at I'rlHCVille, Oregon, on
Thursday, Deceiaber 171I1, loss, six:
Hubert If Krug,
of sisters. Oregon, It It No jmi, for the lot ,
set. null and sViueW see it. In 11 s rut.w tn.
He names the following- witnesses to prote hi
continuous rcastleuee upon and cultivation of
sato lauil, viz
IJ A cjraham, W T Wibou, Mark Wilt and
manes innainan, an of biitar, Oregon.
li(lii M1CIIAXL T. NOLAN, Register.
Desert Land, Ilual l-roof.
V 8. Laud Office, The Datlea, Oregon,
.... . November a, iwt.
Notice is hereby given that Oeorge H. Cyrus,
of l'rineville, Oregon, hat filed notice of In trillion
to make proof on his desert land claim No 10,
for the eK ec7. tp 15 , r 11 c, n m, before J. J.
smith. County Clerk, at l'rineville, Oregon, on
Monday, the a9th day of December, 190J
He name the following witnesses to prove the
complete irrigation and reclamation of aald
J V Winter. Herbert Rlailer and Amlrrw T
Kuble, of bisters, Oregon, Walter K Kublc, of
vuinii wicjjuu,
116-dll MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Register
Desert Land, J'inal Proof.
U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
November a, 190,5-
Notice i hereby given that jerry Cramer,
Assignee of Jesse llarcrow, of bisters, Oregon,
has filed notice of intention to make proof 011 his
desert-land claim No 105, for theae vti sec tg,
nM nwf sec 3, Ip 16 s, r II c, w 111, before W. A.
licit. V i Commissioner, at l'rineville, Oregon,
on Saturday, the a6th day of December, 190J.
He name the following witnesses to prove the
complete irrigation and reclamation of said
Jease llarcrow and Walter II Dodge, of De
chutea, Oregon; Robert Mcfiowau and Mamie
McRowan, of l'rineville, Oregon.
jiWii MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Register,
Tlmlier Lnnd, Act June J, !;!.
II. 8. Und Office, Uketlcw, Oregon,
rscpuu oer 19, iM-
Notice la hereby given that In mpllniice with
letirotitloti ofthe Act ufCaHutewi of lime 1.
ISj, entitled, "An actfor thesnleof tluirwr land
In the states of Ca!ilriilA Dreeou. Nevada, and
Washliixlou Territory." as clrmled to all the
Kibllc lauil alnles by Act of Auu"l . ij, the
UowiiiK-namcd erson ImIi thl ly Mini In
this olTire their attottt slatrVKtiK, to wit
Ole jtsn.
ofllelmout, county ufTrnill.staleof Notth Da
kota, aworn statement No tajj, for the purchase
uflhcnwt, ant) sec M itH se'i and w( seU
sec 19. tp it , r 14 e, vr tit
lVder It. Itsleiiseu.
of Climax, cuttHty of Polk, stale of Mlmirsxta.
stwrtt 'Ulemeiit No la?, for the purchase of the
nhj !(. "! awlfaecwniid nct( H sec 11,
tp 11 a, r 14 e, w in.
ICsten O. Itslrtisou
of Cllitvav. county of l"lk, state of Mlnnesata:
svtotn rtateinenl No ia4, for lite HirelHse of
the netj- nx 10, tp 11 a, r 14 e w tu.
That thev will uir.r tweuTtn show that the la ad
ao(ht is mote valuable for its timber or stone
than for aaTKnltural iHtrnoaes, and to esiablish
their claims to said laud before J M Lawrence.
V A, Cosnaalssioaer at Head, Ofeott, oh Tues
day the tjlh day of Deeettther iuj
They name aa witnesses, ole Lanott of Del
mont. North ltakota. IViler It IMenseH of Cli
max. Minnesota. atrtcnO tfrilriim, of Climax,
Minnesota, Loat Nl, of IKnU, trtm.
Any ami alt ikimhis etalinhig nlverly the
abswe described land are reuuestett to rile their
ssalmalu ihisoaVeotior liefore lite said ijwhiaty
of Deeember. lyAJ.
K. M ItRATTAIN Hegtsler
Timber Land, Act June j. i7.
V s ltid Offtee, Lakeview. Ofeatm.
September y. lyoj
Notice ts hereby gien that in cwiiiplMiice with
the roeisTM oflhe Act of Congress of June j.
17, entitled. "Ah act for the saleof limber tamta
in the stales of California. Oreauti. Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
public land stale by Act of Aiuum 4, iBat. the
following-named person have filed in thH otfke
their aworn statements, to-w it
Ante Amuadson,
of White llaith, eotinty of Ward, state of North
Dakota: aworn statement No itx7. for t lie pur
chase of the uwt nwh sec j, nhj iH and )(
lie!,' ec 3. tp at , r 14 e, w at.
l-eter Nerseth.
of White ltarth, euunly of Ward, stale of North
Ikskota, swurn stabnaeat No i&. for the nir
chase ef the 11M nU. WK nN ec aa, aud uK
ne) sec w, tp ai s, r 14 e, w in.
ISettnsde batetud.
ofWhrte llarih. coaaly of Want, state of North
ltakota. sworn statement No law, foe the par
chase ofthenH neb;, sw)( ueh. aeK hwj sec
H, tp ai a, r 14 e, w m.
lolm A. Carlson.
of White ICarlh. count) of Ward. staU of North
IMknta, aworn statement No lyii. for the pur-
cnascoi ine w ,, n aws see OV lp ai a,
ec 14 e. and awfcj nwli see a. tp ai . r 14 c, w m
llclsa M. Maus.
ofWhlleltaith.couatyof Watd. slate of Notth
Dakota, sworn statement No !, for the pur-
chskoi iiieseK sec , tp ai s, r ife, w m.
That they wilt oiler proof to sbow thai the Und
sought is more valuable for lis timber or stone
tnan ror agrtruuurai ;mhpoos. and to estamisH
their claims to said land before J M Lawrence.
IT s. CommlssHHier at head, Oregon, on frvday
the nth day of December ispj.
They name as wilnesws Louis Nelson, Die
Krtckaoti, of Hem!. Oiecen. Arne Amandson.
1'eter Nerseth, tlertrudc tuaerud, John A. Carl
son ami Ilelga M. Muus. all of While llarth.
North Dakota
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aborc-descrrbed (and are requested tu file their
claims In this office oil or before the said nth
day of Deceiaber, KJ.
odll H. M. IIKATTAIN Register.
Timber Land, Act June i, fr.
U. S. Land Office. The Dalle. Oregon,
October ir. I9j.
Notice is hereby given that lu compliance with
the provision sortbe Act of Consresi of June J.
lays, entitled, "An act for the salcof timber land,
in the stale of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a extended to all the
Jiublic laud state by Act of August 4, 1894, the
ollowlng-named person have tiled In this etftec
their sworn statements, to-wlt.
Kobert O. Dowser,
of lurnura, county ol Carltos, state of Minne
sota, aworn statement No iota, Aled feby. ai.
1901, for Ihe pnreliaKofthe soji sec a, tp 17 a, r
11 c, wm.
Mary Atkinson,
of Deschute. county of Crook, state of Oregon,
worn statement No 170, filed May aj. iyi. for
the purchase of the n)i seer;. Ip, rn t.wm.
John Alkinson.
of Dewhule. county of Crouk, state of Oiegon,
sworti statement No iei, filed l'eby ai. 10, for
the purchase of the nefi sec at, tp ae a, r 11 e,
Klchard King,
of Deschutes, county of Crook, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No t6$i, filed l'eby ai, fu, far
Ihe purchase of the swjf awif. uVt swT and
nwM aejf sec j, tp 19 s, r 11 e. w in.
That they will ctfir proof to shew that thr land
sought is more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
their claims to said land before J M Lawrence.
V . Commissioner, at Deschutes, Oregon. 011
Monday, January 11, nx
They name aa witnesses John MeMI. John
Dokken, John I West, W II llrtxk. Davtil Hill.
II Marsh, klchard King, John Atkinson. Mary
Atkinson, J N Hunter and James Hunter, all of
Desehutca, Oregon
Any and all person claiming adversely the
above-described lands are rciucMed to file their
claim In this oflicc on or before tlic aald nth day
of January, 1014.
oaj-daj MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land', Act June J, Iftyt.
l S. Land Office, Lake-view, Oregon,
September as, loaj.
Notice is hcreliy ghen that In compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Coiigresa of June J,
1878, cnlitled, "An act for IhcsahWlinibcrund
lu the stale of California, Oregon, Nevada and
Washington Tcrripary," a extended to all tbe
pulillc land state by Art of August 4, iSya, the
fDllswIug'iiamed arsons have Hied in this oflicc
their aworn statements, to-wlt;
of Climax, county of 1'olk, state of MlnnesoU.
sworn statement No lajR, rur the purchase of
the nr qr ace 8, tp ai s,r 14 r, w in.
John Kdward Johnson,
of Climax, county of 1'olk. slate of Minnesota;
aworn statement No I8sj, for Ihe purchase of the
nw qr sec 4, tp 31 s, r 14 e, w 111.
, ., Altrt htwktly,
of Climax, county ol 1'olk, state of Minnesota:
aworn statement No 1840 for the purehate of
the njj nw qr nw qr.nw qr ne qr cc i,tp at
a, r ij e, w in.
Ilerdin rSpokely,
of Climax, county of folk, stale of Minnesota;
aworn statement No 1K41. for the purchase ofthe
H e qr, eh aw qr sec I. tp ai a, r IJ e. w in.
Alexander tipokcly,
of Climax, county of 1'olk. slate of Mluiiesota;
aworn statement No 1841, for the purchase ofthe
aw qr lie qr.wft se qr aw qr ate i8,tp ai a, r
14 e, w m.
That they will offer proof to aliow that the laud
ought U more valuable for It tlmlier br atone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
their claima to said land before J JI Lawrence,
V. r. Commissioner at I lend, Oregon.on Wednes
day. the 16th day of December, loj.
They name aa wltucasra, Oiutaf Tamquesl,
John Wward Johnson, Allien bikely, ilerdin
siiokcly, Alexander Hpokely, all o Climax,
Auv and all nersona claiming sitwrsrl. 11,
Blwve-described laud arc requested to file their
claims 111 fills office oil or before Ihe ubl ii'.ili
day of December, l)j.
oshIh V.. ii, BRATTAIN Uegiatcr.
Tlmlier Itud, Act June i, i)..
V.H. t,nml Olllcc, Lakeview, tlrrgoit,
v Hcplnnlier n. loii.
Nutlca la hereby Riven that Incompliance with
the pnttlHlunsurihe Act urcongtrat of June 4,
t, entilUd("Aiiatt flir the s.nuf Uinlx-rlaiim
In Hie stales of Cnlinrnlii, Oreaou. Nevada, mid
Wnshliigtsii Terr Itury," as exi lnirAl tu nil Ihe
public laud stales by net of Aumist 4. ItMl. the
followlnv BUmeil iietaoii h.iu- lllnl tu this
ulnce Ihclr Msarn stalcment In wit
'Mwnrd 11 liuninsii.
of IVrtngevrtmuty ufCutunibiii state of Wlsetm
ln. sworn atatement No 1W1 fr tlie piirchaai
ortlirefc eslfindwjwf . P
r v e, w lit.
Ilrlck I Mtimaii.
ofChlpieiva I 'alls, county fi liiiiina stale bf
M iwtiiMIn; swHrn sUleuieut Nu iaaj, lur Ihe pur
clMse ofthe wbj awj( sec t. and uH nwjj sec 11,
lMs, rye, w m.
. . Thctnlor lluttanil.
oriHtHimer, OHitlty ClilpiMrna slate f Wis.
cumin, snorn sUteiik-iit -No i-N. for the (mr
:haseof IhcaM intjf, w), V it sec 11, tp at a, r
a e, tv in
Otc II Mgstail.
ofKkrlrfike, eoiinVfuf luir.ui stale wf WWwu
stH.sworu statement Nv hn- lh puiotsasa
of the t set,,aK nfc s.c iu. and nel( liwVj
ec ij. tp at a. r , vr m.
Tint they will ulfvr ttiMiflo lww iImI the
i.?.i mmam 1 mv vaioaol Hir ivs iimnr w
stone than for agrtoultttrMt purposes, ami Io es
tablish their claim tu said Und berare J J.
SMiitb. county Cterk, nl l'iiueillr, tircgon, wi
Tuesd) the ijth itay of t)Miitr ivuj
Tbev Hatue tk ullsw-asA itiiwui.i a ImiiiIl'sm.
of Portage. Wisconsin. Kriok j Mriuan, of
Chippewa Palis, Wisconsin; I lle.hw HiwianO,
of Wuonier, Ulscunsln, Ole II sikld. of Klae
Lake, Wiscsiuslii, llHWIthtlm, I Lava.tiretnm
ferry 1' ISUmlexier, On poind. l r, Ww K Mo
PailalHtuf I'llluvlllv, Oivkoii. Donakl I' Ht.Cts,
WUIUia HrMkofDeicliiite, Ora"H
Any dud all persun etalmiiia adretaety Ihe
abuvt deacrdifd lauds ate mjucsltd lu file their
rtnlHis la this oMtts 1H1 or before the s-itd Ig-tti
nay of Dtvemuer, leaj. X
ontli ft. M ilKATTAIN KegMer
Tiintcr Mud. Act June J i7-
V M. Itnj OInee, Lukrview, tliegvn,
aeptember , lav.
Notice Is hereby gtven llwt In nmti4latMe with
lac ptuvrio oTllw Actf t'oaiim of June J,
jSfS, entitled, "An art (or ihe sale of timber mints
In thealale of California, oroaon Nevswla, and
Wnshlngton Territory," as extended to art the
public land stale by Act of August 4, lv,
Ole lolm lftriiftiSMMi.
uf I'rtnevilie. cvunQptifCtuok, stair of Oiegtiu;
ha flled In this uflice hi twwin stalcmeiil No
I9ii. for the mirchae of tar ml, swb. wc jb.
K e!f ec jo,Hwb; 11 w I, sevta. nc qr Meqr sec
11 . r ate, w m, and will ntfer uruof to show
inai ine una knuh is more valuable lor lit urn
her or stone thuu foe agitcnltural ptnpuc. and
to establish hit claim la said laud b.foee J I
NMllh. County Clerk, at rrineviiie itregsm, en
aiuay, ine iin usty M lec)air, lyoj
II name a wlfakr II A I'uaer. C II
Krtckaon, Mbs lltaige, Ralph Jordan, lt of
rrineviiie, uregan.
Any and all s.)ns elalmlug advetsely the
above-4ectlbsil brnds are miHesied tu die I heir
claims la thts oe on or bsfore the said lth amy
n iimnKl, TJ-
o-dii . M HKATTAIN KeglHer,
Timber Land. Act Juue J. 1I7.
f H. Land Ofoee. The Ixslle. Oregnn.
October . rtj.
Notice It hereby given that Ih rvmtktianee with
the prorlsHMt ofthe Act of Congress of June t.
17. cntltlest, "An att for the braftlmbr tands
In the state of California, Oiegvu, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a extended to all Ihe
public land state by Act of August t. . the,
folUmlnit-tiamrd iri have bird lu IhUolHve
their sworn utemeuU, lu-wlt.
Annie Kamstad,
of Rrand forks, county ofCraudlierks, state of
.-.oitn iraxoia: sworn siaieuient rio 1J, niei
utth Dakota; aworn statement No 1J, filed
eby IJ. lioj. for the purchase uf the Lot t.awjf
wjl and wH sK sec J tp , r ij e, w m.
Maria lliekscin
of Grand l"orks, couuiy effjrand I'orka, state of
.en.,, i, .,,-, Matt-ttieni in isa, iikOJ
fby IJ. ivtj, for the purchase of the uwj( sec
17, tp 19 s, r IJ e. w m.
tJeorge Hatlsbury,
ofRrand forks, county of (If ami fork, stste f
North Dakota; sworn statement No Ml, tiled
feby Ij, hij, far the purchase ofthe aw K sec r),
tp aa , r 1 1 e, w m.
Kdwsrd I' linrlght,
of Itast lira nd Porks, euuuty of 1'olk. state of
Minnesota, sworn statement No toji, tiled feby
J. for the purchase of the Lots 1 and a and
eh nwX ec7, Ipiy. rijc, w in.
lames M Kallsburv.
oRrand forks, ctmuiyiftf drain fork, state of
"win immms, sworn staicutem lOja, niett
feby 1 j. iubj, lot la purchase otlh aeK sec 17,
tpa, r 11 e, w m
That they will offer proof Is show I hat thr land
sought Is Hsocr valuable for II limber or stone
than for aernaittaral nurtwse. ami tu estaMl.h
their claim to mhI Uad Uforc lit Register and
Receiver at The Dalles. Oreuuti. an Aalurdsv.
January 1. iy4
They name a witnesses. Oeorge Kallsbury,
James II Salisbury. Marl Dickson and Annie
Hamsian 01 i.raim forks, Mori 11 Dakota, ipi
ward f Iturlttht of tast rtraiMl llurks. Minn.-.
Mrfa, Orin Jllray, Kuhatd King and John Mtdl
of Deschutes, Oregpo John ICUer, of 1'rlneeille,
Oregon, Jamea l(4iriKhi,uf (Iraml I'otks, North
iMkoia. j 1 iierrick i,r The Dalle, Oregon.
Any and all miwh eUlmiiiir aderrsclv the
aliove-tecrilMd lands are ructed to file Ihslr
claims lu this oflicc 011 or before the said loth day
ol tatiuarv. iu
oi MtctlAKL T. NOLAN. Register.
Tlmlier Land Act une j, 171.
17. 8. Land Ofoce, The Dalle. Oregon,
. October M, itM-
Notice I hereby Klvrn that in euinutbitiee with
the proetsioii or the Act of Cwugr of June 1,
17. (iitilled, "An act for the Jl ef llmlur lamls
In the slates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territor " a rxtendexl to all Ih
public land slate by Ait ef August 4, l, the
followillL'-liamed Iwrsoils hav IiImI In llilsfifltee
their sworn statements to-wlt:
loll II M f-srrnll
ofuoi I'ulverslly Ave l.rand fork, county of
.,11.110 rum, siaicui .'sunn IMkOta.aworn siair
inent No 171J, filed March 18, iy)j, for the pur
chase ofthe se)i sec j e, w 111.
of net University Ave i;rand forks, county of
Oram! fork, stste of North Dakota; sworn slate
uicm in 1714, met! .M1M1 is, ij, for the pur
ehaseof these! aeH sec aj. awjjf and aw"
se't! cc at, tp 19 , r 11 e w in.
Ruth M Wluley.
of i87-tril st, spokane county of Spokane, alale
of Washington: aworu statement No 1715, filed
March 18, iyjj, for Ihe purchnsc ofthe fAl I and
a and iieK ec a, tp s, r 10 c, w 111.
, ., , t Nephen H Drake,
of Kcho! county of Yellow Medicine, slate of
Minnesota; aworu statement No l6rj, filed feby
11, IVJ, for Ihe purchase ofthe w ace aj, tp 16
, rioe, wm.
HolvorO Homme,
of Kcho, county of Vellow Medicine, 'late of
Minnesota; sworn statement No 161J, filetl fehy
II. ltJ, for the purchase of the eW ace il, tp 16
a, r 10 e, w 111. '
That they will offer proof to allow that the land
ought I more valuable for its tlmlier or atone
than for agricultural purpose, mid to establish
their claim to sad land before the Rcglater and
Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, 011 Tliurmlay,
January 14, 1904
Thcyiiaiiicaawltiicasei John M Carroll and
?,".rr?,l'of0r"di'ork, North Dakota,
Ruth A Whalcy and Klha M Whaley.of btiokaiic
Washington: Orln J Oray, of Doschute, Oregon!
Orange I' Hodge, orprluevllle, Oregon; lliilvor
O Homme and suphen b Drake, of Kcho, Mlnne
apta; John Kteldl, of Dcschuirs, Oregon; Thoiima
J"'.,?.,',"'. ffj". nr lloinmg.
. ......... , ...., Mft,,,,,,.,
Anv and all nersnns riai,..i.... ii,
oliove-deacrlUdUiidaarereqiiesfcd to file their
claims lu this office 011 or before the said 14th day
of January, 1904,
ojo-li ill
Tlmtier Land, Act June j, ij. '
W. . Land Olllcc, The IMllea, Mirgmi,
. .. , . . . tlclnber ig, loy
Notice U hereht- mvm thm tu ctiiiiplliiiiea with
I'1' ttovNmis nflhe Acttif Cmiittwi ut June .1,
iSfH, willlletl, "An ii for thr iwle iiftlmberhiiltU
iitheUitufCllfotiil. Oik.mi. Nrvrnl. and
NUshlligtimTcitltury," as estruded In nil the
ii blla land stiitea by ,ut of .11utut 4, K, lr
foltowliiii.iiuiiinl pets,iii h,ite tiled In thUolliee
men snurii siiiiemeiits, 111 wtl
NfIII l-.illvr
iifnrand I'nrka, euunly ofi.rniid I'oik. stnleuf
"""it iMMtia, swum siaumvut Nu Ml, flleil
Oct ., isaa, fur the micliae uf thr sf see B,
lpiv. Mje, wm. ' '
. , Aiiiellrt tMlldmry,
fl. n. Ihi j, tlnind l'wk, rwiuly ol lliniid
I'oek-, Mate uf N.nth Imaiita, awuei vtalemcHt
No u, ti left ixt t, icasi, for the mirchas nfthe
nwf sec i, tp iv a, r ij e, w m.
.... . .. Mand BihIIIi.
afThe Istltes, cumiiyur Wo, slate eflhi;ni
anorustaftinent N 14s, filetl iKt jo, ran, for
the Hiitliae ifth at, ikW ee io, iihM wh
sec aamid neli self ec ra.lp is, r Ije, w m.
.... . .. It. KiifiHHmlth.
of The Dalle, cuuuty ol Wa s.u stale of I trefoil,
aira ValeateMl No I4JT. filed Oct Jo, it. for
trs (mnhiseoftlrr wJ,iU,)i HcHnwtnwM
X' 1. tp i , r ij , w in.
. , Alhett IHaksun,
ufl. 0 llo oM, OimihI INHka. etmnty ofOrawl
I'mka. abate ufNMlli Dakotat swani staieweiu
Nn Ul. file. I Oct aa. toiai. for the lairclmae of
me H w)i. uH sstj ami n( neK see
r Ije, w i-i
17. tp
That they will ctftr nroofto abuw thai ibrtaiul
puglil Is more valmifd for it Umber or Hour
wan ir aaitmiltiiml iMttanrs
mt lu
their statins n Ml Uiwl Im fore the Kegtster and
Keeeivtr at The
January ij, iu.
Itathm, tHvgsat. I'll I'rauiy,
They name a
CtmrlM II
K Mnfa
as H.ultti and Maud mirtlb, of Tht Duties,
iheatmi Albert IneLsou
Amelsa Haltsmiry ami
Nellie cotter uf tlraad I'ork. North Dakota.
Mary C llltsbln.tif The Dallea, (Hea.ui, Mr lieu
aali.Wry. ufnraml t'otaa. Notth lhkta
Any aad all imtssm dalmlH d wisely the
buc-dcrtbi UihIs art rwiariited to Nl tbelr
ehliiKiln thwowMsrosiitr belbte the aahl ijlliday
of Jamury, iat.
taJl MlCIIAIII. T NOLAN, Register.
"limber land, Aft June J, tar.
V. a. Laml Ollkr. fhelMllya, triegah.
Notice U beteby irtven that in cmtrlatSr with
the urovtsMM of lbs Act of CotursMs of JHH j.
t7, colilted, ' An act for tbe amortlinleVmHls
In toe stale of Callhsriiia. uregtMi. Ni'sinla. ami
Washington Tetrilnry "V exletnleil la all the
iMiblH land Act ih August 4. Mot, lh
fotRiwiHC-iWHMd wrswas have Alsl In Ihs
ami Ihvir aworn statement, to-wlt
Loal luhnswn.
nf Minneapolis, csmuly of HrHaeidH, stale of
Mlnaeaota: wm slaumeal No ixlt. Aled (art.
1. raus, for the purebaa ofthe Ltd J and
4nd eh) aartt c HJ, Ip as, r 14 e, w m.
Andrew AimIimi,
of MlnneapulH, oastaty nf HesiaeptH, stale of
Minnesota, swaea staUsacal Nw Ijot, lied Met.
14, iy-sa. foe tbe tatrxtM ofthe Mw); sec as, I p
. r ij . w M.
I'. Aasdpli tvteroon,
of ,Mtaneadi, nsunty of llenaeMrH, Mat of
Mlnne-otitwnra staunwat No ijt. Ud Ikrt
to, issm. Sir the parelkiw f Ine MH BeK, nH
neKaadaeUNwkjsec ii.lpaas, r ije, w m.
af Minneapolis, eeatiily o? iionneplu, UI of
Mlnneaoia sworn slaltmeul No ijaa, Aled Oct
a. ivj. foe tbe purchase ufl be nfi( sec a, tp a
a. r 1 J e, w m
Andrew CaiUon,
ol Mlnneapnlts, nmnly of llennetdn. stale 1
Minnesota; sworn Malemeal No ijAs. AbjettHt.
1. lyws. forth tmiclsase ofthe IK ! ec a.
ami cm neti ec ay. Ip a, r ij. w in
That they will offer proaf to show that Ihelaml
srtughl It iiBHv valuable for lis limber or stone
than for agrstHllutal iwrpuse. and to esUUtsIt
their ctaims to sabl la ml Ultiir lh Register and
Reedier at The Ixtllr. Otegau, on Tnlay,
Deeeiritwr. n. tyaj.
They name a witnesses Amliew Cailm, I'
Adolpii Pslerson, Andrew John-111, I ami Is John
son and Andrew AudcrMHi uf SllHHutts,
Any ami alt Iwrson dalmlux adversely the
abrc-decTtlixl land are rmueslol lu file their
etalms tbt ufhee oil or bean e the aald Mad day
hi iieeetniier, ivsj.
IAKI. T. KOUN, Rtgisr.
Tlmlr Mud. Act June j. taaa
V H Und Olfie. The I Miles. Oitgtnt,
Ortatirr II, ifA).
Natlee I hetets elveu that In esmuaktaae wllh
the prsnrtslon ofthe Act of Ciingria of juue J.
117a, eatrUed. "Ah act for the sale of limber lands
Ih the stale of California, Omumm, NceaaV. and
WashlugtoM Territory." a extended to all lh
fHibtsr land states b Act af Aaewst 4, iv. lb
folluwIng-Haased wrsmsHve Ad la thuaeaoa
Itieir sworn stctemeats, la-wit
Abbte I. Whltten.
of Portland, county of Maltaoiimh, stsle uf Oie
gon. aworn statemrnt No ijyv. Bled (HI f, t,
fur the puic4issaftbeset( mc .tp MS, r ij c,
Msry It Tbjhiwr
of ferrst flrosr.cBsiHly of Washington, slate of
Oregou. sworn tatement Xn iy, for the pur-'
chase ul the HuwK and HMawK ac a, Ip Ms,
r ne, w m.
Nellie A Itbaver,
of jo Vancouver Ave , lrtlMHd, comity of Mull
mmtah, slat of Oregon, sworn talemanl N
imA for Ihe imrcbase ofthe w)f nwij seat 1, ah
ue!( ami nU )( sc a, Ip o s, r, II e, w 111
Anna I. ItnglUli,
of forest Orove, euunly of Washington, stale uf
Oreoaa. sauen sialvmftit No IsttT. HbM Oat an.
Kfn. for Hi purchase of the self Ht ,WK elt I
mm- -m. ii.ll Mu,fty aiL.lf.ft.'ll' 11 mtf mM sa I (. a a I
r ia c. w in.
fannlr II McDonald,
ufClatskanie, county of Columbia, alate nf Ore
gou: aworu statement Ku 144, filed November
a, I'fH. tot the ircluise uf Ihe rM ne)(, w
neW uinl nwti seK secaftpM, r II. e, w in.
That lliey will offer ptoofto show llwt the laud
sought it wore valuable for ila limber or atone
Ihau for agricultural purines, and to otaMlsh
their ctalin to Mid lawl before the Register awl
Receiver at The Dall, Oregon, on WeduesOay.
Dcinlr aj, v
They in me a wilnc. AbWe I. Whlllen.
Nellie nhaver, of IVirtlaud, Oregon; Harry W
McDonald and faiiiile II McDiuiaMnrCtalskaiilr,
Oreepu, Mary It Tlchiior and Anna L Hiigllth
of I'.Trest C.rore, Orrgunt and I' C Whitleit, Ilea
chulre, Oregon,
Anv and all tM.r'soii clalmluc adversely the
iM!vc-dccrihd land are rciull to file tltalr
claim In tht ofhec on or Ixfurc the aid ajrd day
of DccemUr, I'rtJ
016-dia MICIIAHf, T. NOLAN. Hrglstrr.
Timber Und, Act June j, ih7.
V H. Und Office, Ukcvletv, Oregon,
beplemlier yi, IWJ
Notice la hcreliy given that In compliance with
the provision ofllie Act of Cougrem of June J,
1878. entitled, "A11 act for the salcof tlmlier lamia
III the state of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a extended tu all the
public land state by Act of August 4, H;j,
William A Taylor,
of Chicago, county of Ctook, state of Illinois,
ha filed lu till oflicc hi sworn statement No
I6j, for the purchase of Die eMae'lfi te 'ViCjj
ne qr ec jj, tp la a, r 9 ',w 111,
And will offer proof to show that Ihe land
ought Is mure valuable for Ila timber or stone
than for agricultural purimse, and Io establish
hi claim to said laud before J. M. Lawrence,
V. H, Coiiimlailoutr at Ileiid, Oregon, on l'rlilay
the nth day of December lw
He names a witutses. William I Ht. 1 hoiiiaa
ofl'ortlaud, Oregon; II W Reed, John riteldl, W
Vaudrvert, uf Deachutca, Oregon.
Any and all perwiit claiming adversely the
above-described land are requested to Ale thcli
claim lu thl office on or before the aald nth
day of December lJ. ....-., ..
ooiil if. M. IIUATTAIN Krgljttr,
Timber l.nml, Act June j, 1S74,
U.H, l.nml Olilee, LuWetlctv, UtHin,
rtrlruibtr at, ifit,
Nullrr Is hvieliy ulve-utlifl III wniplUitfe wllli
tlielnorl.toiiMinhe Mt of CimgrtM ef
iHe A,
iri ciiiuivu, LAii.itciiuriiirasuciiiiiniiii
Millie) tlnlMarCaliniNila.'IffMIl, Nae.bUi, intl
wiKitiiiaioii'ieriiuiri,'' us. rattliileil lit 1 lit'
IHibllr land atalea by Act of A.igiM 4, taag,
Allien n rarnons,
urhiii-klry, euunly ofPlvrr, alals uf Watfltiiij.
Inn, ha niril In iliniilllue lila nwein staJtkAl
Nn iMi.for the purt-henfllM w ijr JI, tp
, r me, w In,
And will vhVr proof to sln.w thai I land
suiight I unite vnlimbl
1 ir
Us tlnibet nr atmie
tlmii for aurieiilluml iwrn
rnnse, ana 10 eataniiiii
his i-ul 11 to ski I Und bfoiM I I. Knilth.
! U'ru
t'minl Herk, at 1'ilneHlle, Ore on or) Viai
nay me luiuuaj 01 pecemrier, luni
II HanwaM sl
lit Min Cadv L It ,
AlllHTtam amlrtra Tot ml xlf J
uil of rrineviiie, Urrfjnli
Anr and all nerauna dnlmlaa
n claiming adversely lilt
are rvawrt&d ro ftat IrMfr
or ben tbt aakl lathtmy
anuvr irvtnwu tatsaa ar
. . - . : . .. : . - . -w
cwlm 111 tliH mite mi 1
ul lieveHibtr, ioj,
raHn K M nhATTAIN HtMer
Timber Land. AM Jane 1 !.
II. .' imml llwee, I.akevUw, Oregon,
1 'ctiiher a, laui.
Nnltee la hetvliy given thut In campliaiiee
lh pruvtTii of Hie Act of v'miarea of jaam j.
17, enlllled.
.-, vnuiiv. nm n sm isv awr i sssaasv aasnt;
aukmj . .,... .T....iLZ.K.-.r:
aw iuv aart VI iHiWaaWi
!, in. goo. Nvaia.aB.i
in in stales w vannirni, in.aon, leeei
Washluaton Tetrrtiirv." aa rtu
piiWlc wml state by Art nf Aiigast 4, it
awoq 1st all IHe
Mlllsusi I HiiImU.
of Dft'ltule,eiunly ofCr.Mg, Mat of UteMl,
has nlavt in tht hn uura aUtctactrt Ma
,. foe the aarehaas oflbeal.aK. M awK.
HK aK see 1, tp l s rv. Bi.
And will lfer,ptsr to srow lint, ht bjH
sonahl la mine valualde foe lit tlwovtr or iMh
than for aarirultural uurnos. ausi to eaUlststei
bts claim to aal.1 lamt Ikv f) II. W4t3wn,
l a CummlMiinier. at atlv 1 like, Orvajaa, tat
, iKwMft ,wv ,fti mmj w r , .T-
lle HaniMa, witneaavs H w kohrn
King, of iK-attatr. 1
.ih. uf IH-wttaU. lareaon. ibaargo maM, CMs
uaaektrl. of Hustanet, OreaoM.
An and all berami ctalmlnaj ahearty Ufv
bwe-iafribtt laaO af r4Isl to ska IMt
Claim in Ibis owe on or kxfor b aaht I
of febs . ium
Mr II M hUATTAIft. HtajatMl.
Trmher Lamt. Act Jaa , atfo.
t) a Ui.d iMHce at lswvbm, (Iratast.
awtHNtstf aa, toaaj.
Kotsta i beeeh given taat la aomadtaaea srlak
the aenvlasomiortbe Art f Coaaieo m 1mm t,
it), eatllle.:, "An et foi ikw aatool laawlaani
la Um tieuf CatifornlK. t'regejk. Nsasf,aM
Waanlaalna T'trtbat." as rsleVided to all tie
pabUr dad stale by Art uf Asajatt 4. areas
William Parker,
of lavlal, rtmaly of Keelwoud. elate of Mtesw.,
hw tkd la I hi tttaes bts swiw-a stateasenl No
ISta, ror Ibe mr.liwe of tbe wh) aatj
stK.Hti), tp 11 s. r 11 . w ai.aadi
prout to .bow laal tbe html omgbl I 1
aba the 11 limber oe ateav lUaa bar 1
rmrtftcms. aitd la est iamb blctlm
beraeej J ataHb, Cuaaly Clerk at
Ors-sat. on Tuesday. Ibe itib stay of
Hameaa wiluease Halisti laiastii. Hav
H. IMaalcstrr. or Pmadt.r. CtsaaWa If.
KrickMM. all of frlnveille, (trrgisN
Any tad M
oeroasa esatsalaur adsaroale llsw
as rtatmlag
abosv-desrrlbsst laasas are raoovMcd 6 It Imrrt
ctaint In Iks oaVr oa or befoer Ihe aald Igife
of DeeewUr
II. M "RATTAlat R.
Timber Land, Act June j, IOJ.
II H Uad oaVe, Ukevlew, Orvaan,
Sept. ai,iya.
Notfre Is berebs ,seissal In eaiiililalMaai w(i
the pnwlMoas uf Ibe Ait uf t'omttswi of jaae L
iM eatnissj. "Au act fan
",1!.5 5
ralheataeAarkaHfornm, Hevm. Wvaa,aa.
Washlsulvu Tcrr.l.H'y . ' a lHd st an lh
IrttMtC mna, stale by act td" August 4, lata,
kraem Ii Wain,
of IftneetUe. cwualy ofvruab, stale of Otegoti.
has Meal Ih Iku 1 like hu swura staltstttf lag
171, for Ih rmrcrMftC of ihe Lot a, i, 4. mff
aw'l of sv xi. In as . r is, w aa.. aiidwsstanst
IpTMuf to shstw thai the laud OHght k-Nari
vaiHaow anr 11s iimoer or na unhi apr auttfav
tarnmrio, aad tn eataWlth has atalm Msald
Und bmt J J atnith. Custaly .lrk. at Prtmf
vIlb.tlirviM, on Tmrsday. the l(4h Vy Ol
lieeembsr iaj ,
lie names a w Hawse. 1 1 vary A fM.
ChartM II llttrkstin. Ralph Jordan, Arttogfau
tMets, all of PttIM vtll. IMegTOM.
Any and alt per etssmlac adversely lie
sbsrvsleseribed land are ruaart Is! Ma IsMf
claim la tbts oasvc oa or beture ibe aald ifjbday
,f rxnemmr, 'J
aswll II M Hit ATTAIN. Haslatat.
Tlmbr Uad. Act Jaa J. lojaV ,
U. H. Und OMca. Uka-etew, OrvtjsHli
ieptembar a, njoj.
Not Ire Is hereby given that in eomplmaoc wHh
the irMtshiit oftbr Act of Coagtcaa of Jatte J.
IM, eNlllletr"Asatt mt tta sat of limbs lamt
In the state of dtffomM, (Hegon. McvaaVt, and
Washington Trrrltory," aa eatasuitil la all tar
public UimI slalca by Art of Aaamsl 4, laaa, thr
formwliig-naiH! Msrauaa have iM lb lhMarW
tbir wutu statesaeHta, to-wil
Wallaca M ssmll.
uf Vaslton. rounly of King, atal of WaahlHttaHi
sworn stale Htiul No 1714, Ttr Ibe tmicasMf otlha
"M Ul sss- ,, I. s, r , w m
Chatt W lasaib.
of Vashou, county uf Kjug. atate of WaattlHitoti,
worn stalmiit No I7I. w tin patstw of Ihe
I 11 w) andnH aw), 17, Ipals, r 11 , w m.
Illbrii HarriHgtail,
nf Vathoti. nmtily of Wing, atal of WaaaluBti 1
sworn statement No 171a, loe Iheparcbast of ih
eM K. W c mi l. awK vft see If, Ip tl
r ia e, w at
That they will nlfer proof tuslww thai the laud
sou. hi 1 iwhc valuable fur ll I unbar or, hNie
than for agrtculluial pnriu, and to cstaMHli
their claim 10 said land before J M Uwiantr,
I' a CoinwUsHHicr at fu-rnt Oregon, oil aalut.
day the talhday of DecemlKr, ii
They name a wIUmsuhs. Waltaee M. I leal 1,
thaiK W JtwoU. Illlan llarriiigtun, nf VfthrHj,
Washltigloii, Iac W. William, AHto fjfaij
shaw, Poitwwl, Orrgoii; I' C WIiIIIkii, lnd
Oregon. .
Any and alt penton dalmliig advagacly .lue
alMivcMloKribed UwUaie retiuestesl la lilt tJjfTr
claims lu ttila olftce 011 or hfeic Ihe Mid ath day
oniecember. IVU- mATfMS ,.
Timber Und, Art June j, isfd.
U, H. Laud Ofllce, The Dalle, Orrgou,
. October II, Vfii
Notice I hcreliy given that in rumpllauce with
the provisions ofthe Act u Cougreas nf June J,
178, entitled, "All art for the saleuftliiiherlauds
lu the stale of California, Orritou, Nevada, and
Washliigtoii Territory," a cxlciuM to nil the
public laud atate by Act of August 4, iSat,
Heiliett C. firriig,
of Walla Walla, euunly of Walla Walla, 1
late of
Wash, has oil Oil 4. 10.14. filed ill (hi ofllce hi
swum statement Noll)), fur the pmehaseof Ihe
Ills w)i acciy and uh neM c'co V, tp ly,,
r lie, win,
And will offer iiroor to show that the U')
sought I more tamable for ila Umber or stone
thuu fur ngrlcnlturul purpose, mid tu establish
their claims to said lauil Uforc the HrgUtir and
Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, oil Wednesday,
the ijth day of Juiiimry, I'n.
Henamiau wlluessv Oru I'lilndcxter, I'll
I'oliulexter, of l'rineville, Oregon, l'ml W Wll
son, Joseph I'ctera, of The Dnlle. Oicgou.
Any und ull prisons claiming adversely the
almtcdescrllied lauds are militated In file their
claims In Ihla office on or lie fore the tuld 13II1 day
of Jauury I'M.
ojo-ji ' rMICllAI!,T. NOLAN, UegUUr.
1 1
fr f
rTaii. --