The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 04, 1903, Image 5

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    flsima im
for ttireo years. I purchased tro
bottles of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral,
largo alio, and It cured her com
J. H. HurRo, Macon, Col.
Speaker of the House
of Representatives.
Use Pe-ru-na for Coughs, Colds, Grip and Ca
tarrhA Congressman's Letter.
Probably you know of
cough medicines that re
lievo little coughs, all
coughs, except deep ohm
The mccjlclno that has
been curing tho worst of
deep coughs for sixty
years Is Aycr's Cherry
" i'
Ttifej iltMl tie., enotif ti far an otdlntrr
tSl fi .lull rljthl rif Xionctilll., brntit.
Itt mvuli ra.M nd in kn nn hand,
J. V. AVKtl CO., Liwall, jjut.
Didn't Inlcrtit lllm.
lfi lloru' n book you ought to
n-nii, my denr.
Himlmiitl Wlint'a tho liamn of It7
Wlfo "Tin. Golden Wedding."
iMiring tiiolr lllty yearn o wedded
lidi thu liiixbnml and wlfo novcr "jwiko
an unkind word to each other. It's a
wonderful story.
Iliubnud It certainly must bo,
Hut you know I don't mru for fiction.
l'or forty jrrir'a IMio'i Cure for Con
sumption tin ourrd coughs iml colds. At
druitgUli. 1'rlci aa centi.
flood Night.
Mr. Ht1nt IKnt lhoo trolly cars
mitku mi awlul ruokut ulivii they go by
tlm door?
MIm llonl Ye, nml tlioy pan nt
nuiih inoMirtiuii) iiioiumits. It was on
ncitoiiiit of them thitt you illdu't hear
tint ol( k tlm Iml two Union It strmk.
Philadelphia Pre.
Colli Storage.
"Ah, yen," Mid Mrs. llackby, "Km
rnxiti ii)x arn to usd women of Boston;
although lm linn panned Iwyonil, wo al
ways keep lilin In ixir hrnrt,"
"You don't say?" replied MIm Wa
hash. "WoikUt how it feels to ho kept
In rolil storage after death." Phila
delphia Pre,
In Chicago.
"Tho Imly noil door la celebrating
her golden wedding."
"Married 60 yeAra?"
"No, tlmcal"Puck.
Notary Public
Pension Attlorncy
Solicitor of Patents
Sunut, Main IS&9 InJ, A I WO
304 rcw York Block ,
My m . .J j j r .f a
jf r j w -. r , i x
JO J fiMfrXi'&
JS "
f r "
roa sail erAii
JjM oUourwaftrwocf
tootj. wti and tat
for oJIkwuh of wvt work.
it Ik often muted but
rvtr fiu4ll C
f-W In LImK or vellsw
6Mruipcu&ranicc tr
I liitTln uttoi tiAai!AHKTfaaiu
mil.) kill) BMIIf iillf llur ( luiplj woo
dtrful Hr daujhlM and I ! tiollitrtd villi
IcK ttomioli anil our broath aTtrrlad Aflr
Uklna a '" iIimm of Catcarata a Lata Imprytad
MOudarTullr 'Ihe; ara a iiaal halp lu lb f aullr."
WnniiJilHa Naoiu
ll lllltanbouaa Bl.,UucluuaU,tKUO.
W jW cathartic
TUttl U MMTfM0
rUaaant. I'alaubla. Io(nt. Taita Oocd. .Do
flood, Narar Hloktn. Waen. er OrFpe. lw. aas, MM.
Ilaril.f ...4j (rur, nlM. lrl. If Trt. Ill
bi'i:aki;u josi:imi o. cannon.
Hlx linn In tho offlclal directory of Congous compriae all that "Uncle
Joo" Cnnnon, tho novy apeakrr of the Ilouae of KeprcacnnUvc, baa to My
about bta career. The moat of that la doToted to an enumeration of tho four
trcti CoiiKrcmwa to which ho baa been elected, Mauy othern doTOto half a
pABti to tho atory of their Uvea, and yet Mr. Cnnnon'a metuory awoepa tho
period of aliuoit half the existence of the American republic He hna lone
twn a leader In hla party. It la aald that Cannon haa never net out to cot a
thlnic without putting Into the effort everything that could be honestly nit
Juited to the end In view. Ho waa born In Grccniboro, N. 0., In WOO, but
hla parenta moved to Pike County, Indiana, when Joo waa 4 yeara old. Tho
elder Cannon waa a farmer, and. when bo died hla aon, who waa then H.
continued tho work of aupportlng the family until bo waa 23. Ho had Ions
been determined to become a lawyer, and In pursuanco of hla purpoio en
tered tho Cincinnati Iiw Rchool. After praduntlon ha went to Terre Haute,
whero ho remained until 1850, when bo removed to Tuscola, III. He act out
to Ket tho ottlce of proiccutlng attorney, and ho cot and held It for botch
Thom who have heard, or perhaps It would be more to the point to nay
aeen, Mr. Cnnnon speaking In the Houso will appreciate the humor of tho
situation. When bo beglni, he Interlocks his two little linger. Aa he pro
gresses he struggles vainly for aomo time to get them opart. Suddenly they
ncparnto with a Jerk, and Mr. Cannon then begins n violent assault upon tho
pnlm of bis left hand with the Index linger of bis right. Ho pounds It, bo
digs It, and Anally, possibly when ho can no longer stand tho pain, bo puta
tho palm out of commission nnd depends entirely upon his Index Anger,
wbtcb, In turn, bo points In the most aggressive mntlner at the various mem
bers of tho opposition. That la tho beginning of the climax. Gradually
working hla way to a desk, he begins to pound It In cmpbasla with bis 'left
hnnd. Tko temporarily relieved right hand la not long permitted to rest, for
na tho finish approaches It altcroatca with tho left In the pounding, until
when tho grand climax la reached Cannon la stooped over, hla hend tho
hub of a rapidly revolving wheel, of which tho spokes nro his rapidly gyrat
ing arms. It makes a convincing spectacle, though Mr, Cannon's warmest
admirer will not contend that It la a graceful one. ,
Ono of tho most amusing Incidents of tho past decado In tho House
occurred when Mr. Otey, of Virginia, rising to reply to a speech by Mr,
Cannon, gavn a marvelously llfollko Imitation of the Illinois Congressman's
method of delivery. The House was convulticd, nnd no one enjoyed the hit
more than Its victim. '
In fact, Mr. Cannon takes good naturcdly tho stories told of him. They
may not bo true, but be never denied them, aa ho aaya there nro so few
really good stories that It la a pity over to spoil one. An anccdoto of this
class, almost manifestly untrue, is told In Mr. Cnnnpn'a home, Danville, III.
He went to prayer meeting ono evening and, having bad a "long session"
with some friends tho night before, waa naturally rather drowsy. In n
short Ume he was fust asleep; bo even snored. Tho minister waa Irritated,
but Anally dotormlncd to let Mr. Cannon feel the humiliation of his posi
tion. Ho without warning he aald In a loud voice:
"Will Urother Cannon lead in prayer?" Cannon novcr moved, and the
minister repented In u louder tono, "Will Urother Cannon lead?'"
Cannon looked up stupidly. '"Taln't my lead," he grunted. "I dealt
Inst." And then bo rolaptod Into slumber.
It would tnko n book to hold all the stories told of Mr. Cannon. This of
Itself Indicates thnt ho Is good-naturwl In prlvnto life, though ho frankly ad
mits that bo likes to Imvo bis own way. Mr. lloutclle, of Maine, on ono
occuhIoii, angered by Mr. Cannon's objections, said, "There nro some men,
Mr Hpeuker, who would break up n funornl If they ucra not selected to
drlvo tho hearse." lint Cannon novor winces when tho laugh la turned
against him. Ho merely tries harder to have things different next time, and,
what Is more, bo generally succeeds.
As chnlrmun for many years of tho appropriations committee Mr. Can
non's InAucnco on legislation has been greater than thnt of any man In Con
gress savo tho Hpeuker. In nppearnnco Mr. Cannon Is uncouth, no given
tHo impression of being "aa tough na a plno knot." Ho dotesta being reforrod
to as "tho watchdog of tho freaaury." Ho declares thnt bo only listens to
tho barkings of the numerous self appointed "watch dogs" and then investi
gates for tho purposo of learning whether or not their growllnga nro worthy
of Investigation. Thnt Mr. Cannon is sturdily honest even his dotractora
Imvo novor denied, and be Is a concededly nblo parliamentarian and force
ful debater, though, technically perhaps, rntbor a poor speaker.
In every country of tho civilized
world Sinters of Charity arc known.
Not only do they minister to tho spirit
ual and Intellectual needs ofthochnrgca
committed to their care, but they also
inlniMor to their bodily needs.
With so many children to take enro
of and to protect from climate and dis
eao, tbemi wlw and prudent Sisters
Imvo found I'erunu a never failing safe
guard. Dr Hartman receives many letters
from Catholic Bisters from all over the
United HtaUs. A recommend recently
received from a Catholic institution in
Detroit, Mich., reads as follows
Dr. S. B. Hartman, Columbus, Ohio:
Dear Sir: "The young girl who used
the Peruna was suffering from laryngi
tis, and loss ef voice. The result of
the treatment was most satisfactory.
Sho found great relief, aHd after furth
er use of the medicine we hope to be
ablo to say ho la tnUrcly cured."
Sisters of Charity.
Tlm young girl Mas under tho caro of
tho 8lsUfH of Charity ami used Pernna
for catarrh of tho throat with good re
sults as the above letter testifies.
Bend to tho Peruna Mcdicino Com
pany, Columbus Ohio, for a free book
written by Dr. Hartman.
Tho following letter iafromCongrwe
roan Mceklfon, of Napoleon, Ohio:
Tho Peruna Medicine Co.,.Columbafl,
Gentlemen: "I Imvo uped several
bottles of Peruna and feel greatly bene
fitted thereby from my catarrh of tho
head, and feci encouraged to believe
that its continued uh will fully eradi
cate n diroaxo of thirty years standing."
David Meeklson.
Dr. Hartman, one of tho beat known
physicians and surgeons in the United
States, waa tho first man to formulate
Peruna. It was through hla genius
and perseverance that it waa intro
duced to the medical profession of thia
If you do not derive prompt and aat
isfactory rcsulta from the use of Peru
na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giv
ing a full statement of yonr caro and he
will be pleased to give you his valua
ble advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
Tho Hartman Sanitarium, Columboa,
A Fraternal Bent.
Teacher Tell me tho name of tho
animal which provide.-) you with most
of your food and clothes."
Tommy Tho reindeer.
Teachor And now, what is the ani
mal which provides you with most of
your food and clothes?
Tommy rather. Sydney (N. S.
W.) Uulletln.
7b lalurlcs Boamcratcd.
Caoey Shure, they do bo tellin to)
that Big Moike Monohan whor knocked
down bo an autymobilo yisterdaj.
Wor there any bones broke, I dunno?
Conley Troth an' there wor. The
owner av the divil wagon got his noee
broke, tho chaw for got his jaw broke,
nn' Ilig Moike broke the siconnd knuckle
av his roight fisht.
Bvcry Catarrh sufferer dreads the coming- of winter, for with the first
breath of the " ice-king " this miserable disease is fanned into life and all
the disgusting symptoms return. The nostrils are stopped up and the
throat can be kept clear of mucous secretions only by continual hawking
and spitting. Catarrh is a nuisance
WatMDtowa, Pa., July tj, ipoj.
Iar Blrai
X hT usod 8. S. 8. for Oatarrh of th
lunar ear, and havo found it avm asoal
lant remedy for tame. X h4 ba
troubled with tali dlieass for rra
and tried xnuqr Uuan In aa effort to
sret relief, but netblos; did me ur
permanent rood until batran a, BL at
I had A Usoaararo freaa lay ear ejd but
hearina was ea badly affected that X
could not hear the tick of a dock. Ini
in bad abapa when X beran your aed.
lclna. S. 8. S. baa done away with the
diaobarre and my heartac baa beea
wonderfully lmproyed; so much bo
that I can now carry on a oonveraatton,
In an ortiiuiry tone, whereas a year
ar" this was Impoaslble.
Tour mediolne haa done tae a world of
a-ood and I do not haattate to aire it the
credit It desirres.
allaalOouahSruu, YuteaUooii. the M
In lima Bold brdrutLl. W1
Tolerates Nothing Home Made.
Mrs. Gnddlo I see you're going In
for socloty. Has your daughter mnde
her debut yet?
Mrs. Nurlch Well, I should Bay not
Sho got all them things made to orier
lu Paris, Pblladolpbla Press.
One-Silted Mutual Admiration.
Ho Lot's form a society for mutual
admiration. I, for Instance, admire
your bcauUful eyes, Aud what do you
ndmlro In me?
She Your good tasto. Household
and source of annoyance, not only
to the one who has it, but everybody
else. The thick, yellow discharge
from the head produces a feeling of
personal defilement, and the odor of
the breath is almost intolerable.
The catarrhal poison brings on
Stomach troubles and affects the Kid
neys and Bladder. It attacks the
soft bones and tissues of the head
j nnd throat, causing total or partial
deafness, the loss of smell, and giv-
j ing to the voice a rasping, nasal
twang. No part of the body is secure
' from its ravages. Catarrh makes
i you sick all over, for it is a dis
cash of the blood, and circulates all
through the system, nnd for this
reason, sprays, washes, luualers,
powders and salves have proven
The way to cure Catarrh thor
oughly and permanently is to cleanse
the blood of the unhealthy secretions
that keep the membranes of the body
inflamed, and nothing does this so
surely and promptly as S. S. S. As
lomr as the blood is poisoned with
Catarrhal matter the discharge of mucus and other disgusting symptoms
of the miserable disease will continue. S. S. 8, goes to the fountain source
of the trouble and purines and enriches
the blood, and so invigorates and tones up
the system that catching cold and con
tracting Catarrh is not so likely to occur.
Keep the blood in order and winter's comiug
brings none of the discomforts of Catarrh.
Write us particulars of your case, and
let our physicians help you get rid of thia
blood-tainting and stubborn disease. We make ao charge whatever foe
medical advice. xNc JVWfT 3KCIRO C0 ATIAUTA JL
Xrebs, Xud. Ter., Aug-. 1,1003.
Abeut thirteen years aaro X used your
mad v far Catarrh. I had been troubled for about nine yeara, but atnoo
taklns B. 8. H. hs8 never been worried
with It. I feel able to recommend 8. 8. 8.
as a sura cure for Catarrh.