,1 City Meat Market. J. I, WltHT, l'ii... pmiiim in MEATS OP ALL KINDS IJutter, Hggfl, Ihmltry, Potatoes, Vegetable-- In Scuunn. Nearly Oo-lto Pilot lltitte liiu--Wnll Street. MILLARD TRIPL15TT, BLACKSMITH All kinds of wagon work done. Horseshoeing a Specialty Shop OppiiNlto Scliooltioiixc. IIHXI). OUIIUOX. .1. Al. LAWRENCE, If. H. COMMIHHIONIIU. Notary Public, Imurancc Towiinlil-i Pint for Upper Ddittiiuteii Valley. II UK 1 1. HHItOMN. II. I' IIMI.HKMI M I Cllt H UOWAMIMI yt. It. Drs. Dolknap &. Edwardls, I'HYSICIANS AND SUHGKONS. PRINIiVIU.H - (WUOON. Oflkf al Ntur of WiHtk' llrw Mmr. AtWantay atw Nvry. Wilt prwtte tM mi felt In Itui alaki M. R. BIGGS, It R CnmmiwJHtr. IKINItVlt.l.H OK WOO. LaimI 4llMfl twoneauf all kiwi OHW atf-ret tnulMg Ih tworthouw. Sunset Magazine Hull of Hasciuatitift Peaturc of the Wonderful West, lleatttifully Illustrated. $I.M Per Year 10 Cents a Copy A l'i (UMpIr Copy to alt rHmlliiK AG ENTSW AN T ED SUNS1ST wants a subscription representative in every city and town. To those who will give all or a ortiou of their tune it offers attractive work and jkiv exceedingly lilicral comniiss.ons It will jMiy you to investigate. A lostat card will bring particulars. Write at once so as to be the first in your field. Sunset Magazine -I Montgomery St., San Francisco AN ILLUSTRATED ALL THE MAGAZINE FAMILY FUlt TimlHr Mini, Act June J, ' NOTICK I-'OH I'UlUiICATION. I'.H IaiiiI Offic. The Itallw, Oivcuii, NunrmUrr II. itnl nulirr i iviy sivcu iiii m huiiwh m he irt4ilHi',f Hit Aft uf CunjircM ut Jhhc lfi ciillllnl, "An Mt fur llir wit of tlHilicr Uu hi ili utM uf CalllMtiU. OrckWi. NWMla. Sutler U lvtljy given Hut in imu)4ihi with l Ul LIHIJirCM M JHHC i. uiit U'n.liliiiitiKi Ttllllwy." rtletHltil te nil I .lllilillHl Ttllllwy. rmiRMU is nil inc ijrflc Uwl UIm liy Act uf Aiijt 4. IH. Inc ItOwlllI'lllimot IMIMIIIt lir filed In IliUofllcc So'J, IhelrtMUiii UleBienU, Iu-mII Clot W. SJuliulm of Motelieail. wuiily ofCUy. ute ufMlnneioUt warn luiemcnt No if4, nll May i. ivm. ir tlie iui(li untie mM -c u,ln9,r ikc.whi. IiuU l. llcrKtlcu uf Nt'wn, fennly or OoujUti, ilite of Mlnne- uiU, tworn kluUmeiil No IS', nlnl June I. li, ml, tworii kUUmrni Mo 11 fur tlie purclmc of thr licit ' K iic)mii, Itl7. r lc. , )(, Ki UWf IIKI , W III. Million Mr I. II of AtcxAiidrU, county uf DuucUi, Ule of Mliinr. ott, tworii ktilrmtnt No bv. fileil June 1, lyu, fur llie iHiieli.if of Hie nc)( lull U. H MfJ e K mil N wji IJ. n iy . i n e. w in. t'ir.t t.aron of .N'cUun, county of l)uuU, tle cf Mimic xiU:iwornllciiicul No im, lilnt June I, km. for llit ltuKhaac of the nU H Mf A, ) "wft ml nw wl'Kij,lim,ruo,w in Tint tliey yrlll offer proof to liow that tlieUml ouglit It more valutmc fur lit tlinluT or atone tlun for OKricultiirnl mriK)M, anil to e.tolill.li their cUliiit to ulillaml lfire the Kriitnlcr unit Krcther t The Dullet. lircijoii.on iltuifcUy, 1'ebrutry ltli, ivm They name at wltnoxi John llratm, Autuiic Itroiui. 1(11 Toytor and II y( l'lilUI, uf Hwk. Bur. Wn.hit'reil Lartoii anJ lul J leliitcn, ofNttMiii, Miniii hlnion Stelill, of Aleiauilrla, Mlniii John rilciJI, of lXKhute. Oregon, John lurnra, of rdneWlIc, Oregon. Any anil alt iicrnoiit clulmluit odkcmcly the atiofcHtvM.ratliiiitUure ieiienicitto file their CUlnia in IhU ulilcv on or licfoic tlw ailit nth ilay Wr,Ury,,-Xtl-UA.tl.T.NO..AN.Heltl,ter. list ray Notice. A dark red, natural mooly cow, branded with italic "b", under sloje in both ears, was taken up on the i ath of November. Owner can leurn of her whereabouts by calling or addressing The bulletin and paying for this notice. TO 1101(12 l)Illl'l'OWWABIil(. CliiliiilioldorA III 19-U. WW Try ftr Artesian Well. The holders of eight claims out ill the northeastern part of 19-12, at the Iiuad of whom is I,. II. McCntiu with two clalii'iH, have agreed U) (;hih toftuther and put down an ex purlmutitat bore for an artesian well. Mr. McCauii in faiitilar with the biwlnu.sH of. loriiiK artesian wells and lie will probably have charge of the enterprise. Just whore the experiment -will lie made on which claim has not yet l-eeii deteruniiud. TIihI will be governed b the re anil ol 11 close cxaitiinnllon of the land when the plant if obtained. The most favorable ipot will be seluctcd. Mi'. MuCuuu'm aoc!aiett in this commendable project aie George Hltteh, George V. liuckctt, Jo.suph null Iletijamin Struwbridgc, T. J. Gardner uud Hdward J. Hurley. AH 1 1 lose will put money into the experiment, a total of $5000 or more. The design is to go down at least 3000 feet, unless a antis factory reault shall le reached at a les depth. Most of the, claims represented in UhL attempt to gut water .arc under the timber and stone act. Thnt contemplates non-agricultural laud. Hut the dryness uf the .toll and the distance to the river 13 to J5 miles Is the chief roM)ii for clarifying the land as non-agricultural. It is kLso too high In be irrigated from the river. If an artesian flow can be obtained there it will make the soil productive and add vastly to the wealth of this region. Mr. McCauu will go oast for the boring outfit nud expects to begin work on the well early in the spring. Unrncy Lewis nearly killed two men at the Triplett & Broker build ing Tuesday morning. He was on the frosty roof near the jwak work ing with a heavy scantling. The frost caused him to slip and drop the scantling, which clattered down to the ground, missing Creed Trinlett's head by less than a foot. Hartley slid down the slippery roof and miraculously caught a pro jection that held him just as he was balancing over for a i6foot drop on irregular boards and timbers. It was too close a call for both men to be much of a joke, hnwevur. Tlinlxr lnil. AM Jiiur j, HfX. NOTIC13 KOH PUBLICATION. IT. H. Uiul Offlv. Tli Dllr. Orriiun. Nsvtiiilxr 11. iwu Nolle l titrrliy ulvni llwl In mmIUw with 1 ike provtiuMia unlit Act 1 ia,a tnililMt. MAn iti Am i7. cnllllnl. "All art (W III mI f (IwilKf UiiiU 1 inr ac vi 1 Crilattf4t HI lunr 1. ... ... w.- w. ....... nn., . .. wwr. ncN. wnv. Vaahliiiln TtilltiHy," vxtiiHlrtl to alt the iwltllc lauil atatr tiy Art of Auiruol 4, !. the fullowlHK.iaiiitl )ititii Imv lilnl In thl. ollWe llirlr iwoni alatcHltiitl. to-wlt. lleriunl A ShtltMra ... fit k.M.H CrllfnulA n.dau " .ul uf NriMn, OHinty of IkMgUi, tklr of Mlnnt- wU; anorn laltliirnt No imt. hint June I. 11 lor the tmiclitK ul the eM )( aiuf aw) aw n, ip if a, r k t. w hi Ouv K Mannlnr of tKmllne. county uflifriy. Wale of Michigan tworn laitiHtni no in, man iiay . llie puicliaKoflhe n)t nc)V ami H ') 91. fut H ij. nw ip la, r iac, w m . John NlcliaUi llrown of Alraamlrla, county of IKigU.tteof Mlnnc ota. Mocn lAtcmtut No iay, fllcd May m, Hwi. fur the purcliatcofthecH ne) mil eH au .re m, tp r 11 1, w in That they will ulfcr proof to ahow that the la tut aooiht U more vatual lliau fur aiiiicultuial piupcwa, am! mc 1 ur ut iiuiuvr or Monr Mm. ami to etaMIh their clalim loaakl laud litfore the Kriil.ter and Krcttirtr al The IIjIIm. Otfgiin. oil Wtilntiulay, I'rbruary i;tli, iuo( They liauie a wltncwi. (luy K Manning, of Duwllnu. SllclilfiUll. John N lllowu. of Alrxan- Ilia. Mlniii John llloia. ofHItlcra. Or. Malhlat J Kline, of ItcKhulca. Or. llernaril A Hhtllwric, of Ntlaoii, Minn Any and all iwraant claimlnK adverntly the aixiYeiicKiiieu uimaure leiiumeu 111 me ineir cUlini In thl ollic 011 or btfbrc the aald 17th day of I'etiruary, 10&4, . dffs XIICUAI'.I. T. NOLAN, KekUter. Tlmlicr Land, Act June j, Sj8. NOTICK KOH 1-UULICATION. V. H. Iimt Oirtcc, LaLeilew, Orrsoti, October it. iou. Notice U hereby glicu that In coniplianee with the provlaloua ol llie Act orcontfrrat or June A, ;H. cullllcl, "An act fur the aulcuf Umber laniTa III llieatAttaonanioriilA, H'n.hlnittmi Territory," n cxtemlcil tu all the public laud aUtea by Act of Aitut 4, N;, I.ouIm M Murah. LanmriiiA. orciron. nctiuIh mul of Dttchntn, county uf Crook, atfle of Orecou, 111 LfMIIHV., VUU"I t liua filed In thin olllce 11 icr auoru atatemtut No 17.W, for the purchnK- of the w)i uv)( aec 16, )( ncU arc J7. tp tl a, r 9 c. w in, And uill olfjr iiroof to ahow Ihut the land kftiUht It mure vadmble fur Ita timber or alone thiiu fur aKilcullural jmriH), and to catnbllah her claim to aAld lutut before (1 II Wonlwcll, U. H. CommUiluuer. at Silver l.nk, Orruou, on Tliurwlay. the nth dny uf I'chy, m. She URiiultAtNtltueaKai Itlcliaril Klne, Wll- llniii lArli. I M lllllil.r. lfrr.1 M.rtfli. nil ,l llH. I rhutva, oriuuii. Ally uuu an penuinv cuiniiug nuvcraciy me alHive.dcacrlbed latuU are reoutatcd to file Uicir clulma In thin office on or before theaAld nth day uf I'aliy, 19-4. lUJ-liy U. M.UKA1TA1N, KcgUter. PUSIIINU THIS 1)1 ICII WOUK LnrKO Porcc to llcj-ln Uxcavafinj; I'lnU of Next Week. . Pour big wagon loads of scrapers uud a bremkiuir nlow arrived Sim- day morning; for the Pilot -Mutlcl'lowii from his clnini Wednesday. Development Company. TJTay wore This shows the difference in ciinutte taken up to tlie mill, thru lilfles above Ileiid, where work at o-xoawtt-ing the ditch will begin next Mon day morning. Kvcry thing vTJr be in teadinem for setting a do7.eiror fifteen teams at wrk then but ft is doubtful whether o many will re Mt for duty the first dity. .There will be Mifliciuiit men to' handle (tie cpuipmeut to Advantage. W T. Stewart will be foreman on thwork for the present. Por a team and driver 1 1)0 py will lie $.1.2; )er day. The com jmuy furtifiilies only the sliulter for man and benst. The feed for Jjptlj must colnu out of the iy. UorSl feed is high, but the days uicsllort. Men alone are paid $2 to 2.35 Wf day and board costs $4.50 per waekj Tents will lie provided for the men and sheds are being erect ud for the tcHins. The camp' head ipiarters for n time will be at Ike miw mill, the ditch work expending northward toward liend from that l)lnt. Two-thinls of the flume franie above the tww mill are completed and that work k going steadily forward. All the rock work along the line is finished but a good deal of heavy blasting at the intake re mains to be done. It will probably I be a mouth before that is completed. HUTCHINSON AMAIN llliKU. Urines New Vorkora to Look Over Ills Irrigation Priiject. C. C. Hutchinson, chief -promoter of the Oregon Irrigation Com pany, spent the first three days of this week looking-ovcr the field of oxrntions in this section. This is his first visit for a year or more. With him were W K Gtirrin and II I) Turney, of New York.who repre sent capitalists favorable to invest ment in such properties. The re sult of their inspection was not made known before the party left for 1'ortr.uid Wednesday, but there was more or less talk about start ing operations on n- large scale in the spring. Sunday Mr. Hutchinson cnt Surveyor Mcl'arlaud out from l'riuevtlle to run a line with refer ence to n project for taking water Sut of the river at C. J. Conor's 1 place, the Lytic townsite. There has been some talk with Mr. Cottpr about taking a caniilout theie but 110 definite arrangement has been made Mr. Hutchinson said, he saw great improvement in this region since his previous visit. The men who accompanied Uiin were con vinced that this is a country of great possibilities. As to the par ticular errantl that brought them here, however, they were bilent. Head Weather for November. Following is the tenitwrature rec ord for llciul as,kent by Voluntary Observer Stntiborroui-h, for the month of November: Date Max Mill lute Max Mill '- ' " ail wawaaaa-(MtawaH a i I M 41 17...... A 34 9 i$ 4 IB 31 ! 3 3 . 4 1 i 44 6i 1 31 50 30 i S3 J4 7. i J 3-....- 4 S 4 ll J4 - 4 31 V- J7 V S - S7 3S 10, . J4 it 13 ji .34 II ... 4 a 17 Kj 1 II - 39 34 " &l V 3. 3 ) S7. 3 U it 19 3 J J IV,. .... ,..., 34 '3 31... ... 16 37 3 lcn,. 49 ii Maximum 66 degrees. Minimum 9 degrees. Total precipitation 4.94 of an in. James and J. N. Hunter report eight inches of snow on their home steads 17- miles up the river, so it is not practicable to do any farm work there. At Vandevcrt's, and Atkinson'), however, on the river lass than live milea southeasterly from fhe Hunter places, they wore plowing this week, according to the report of Tauten mil whV entile iietrrwn river-lautH ami neighbor ing timbered uplands. Wlefft'H lloucc on Hire. L. D. Wicst rose early yostordny morning and built a rousing fire in the sitting room heater to beat back the frot line, which was un usually aggrcMivc.. The stove did its work right energetically Jitid after awhile, when Mr. Wicst went out to feed his chickens, his atten tion vut drawn to the poak of the hoiiKf, where a small bla7c had been kindled by falling sparks No time was loat in bringing a bucket oi water to Ixatr and the fire was extinguished after a square yard of the roof had been charred. This is the second time the Wicst house bus caught fire, the first one leu)K about two years ago and more damage was done then.' Injured liy Dynamite Cin. A pecuiiir incident Saturday re Milted inn somewhat painful though not serious injury to Mrs. J. R. It rock. In sweeping her house she got a dynamite cap amongst the ref use and when she put the whole in the stove there was an immediate explosion. A lot of iron scales wore driven into her right hand and a fragment of metal struck her over I the right eye but did not break tlie Skin. It was with considerable fiflt culty that the scales were taken out of the wounded hand, but it is now healing satisfactorily. The stove lid was off at the time, which gave vent for the explosive without wrecking the stove. LOCAL NEWS James Hunter drove to I'rincvillc yesterday, returning today. II. W.' Doukcl returned to the Meadows Tuesday with a load of freight, Judd Palmer made proof on his homestead before Commissioner Iawrcucc Saturday. 1 uc roau to irincvuic is a regu lar boulevard, with the exception of three miles on the Priuevillc end, where there is much rock and mud. C. H. Garrison, of Portland, was a guqst ut the Pilot lJutte Inn Tues day, going 011 up into the timber witlt Hill Vandevert the next day. R. II. Caldwell made n trip to Prfneville this week, driving in with Messrs Ackerman, Rife and Zell mer, who made proof here Tues day. L. D. Wiest is laying in a stock of grain for his poultry. A load of 1 16 bushels arrived Thursday from Powell buttes uud much more is coming. Triplett & Broker expect to have j their stock of furniture in about tlie first of the year. The roads are not favorable to rapid trans portation just now. Mrs. Hawthorn, of Lava, was a passenger on the up stage today, having been in Priuevillc to attend the marriage of her daughter Sadie to James Carter. The November wet spell brought the Deschutes river up about six inches to extreme high water stage. It has now receded nearly to low water mark again. County Clerk J. J. Smith stated Tuesday that he had cancelled more mortgages during the past fall mouths thuu during any like period of his four years service. This is ij.fair index to our county finances, atid while the slump in stock prices have been demoralizing they rhave not been sufficiently so to cause any marked deprcaaion to financial af fairs. Priuevillc Journal Hokm To Charlos Cottor and wife. Tucadny of this week, an 8 pound girl, mother aild child dolng well, and with cftrefull nursing Charles will recover. Among the laud claimants to make proofs here this week were Cecil A. Ackerman, H. V. Rife and Christ Zellmer, of ir-mendcii, N. Dak., each of whom has a timber claim. Mercury went down to 1 1 above zero Wednesday night within 2 ol the loweat this season.. The recent wet weather had loft the goouud moist so it froze ttudtf this tempera ture. C. A. Dano was down from Ros land Wednesday and returned home next day. The l;nno party will imike proof op their timber claims January 0 and will then re turn to the Last. - Kobert G. Honker wn down frcm his homestead !-aturday nud repcrt cd 6 inches of snow on the livel be tween Vandevert'a anil Hog lie's. Theie had !cu 16 inches of snow but it tliawed pretty fast. The Booth & Corhett stage line between Hetid and PrincviHc and the livery stables at both ends of llie line were transferal to h. It. Allittghmn l)t Tuesday. Hooth & Cornett retire antintly from busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. L. II. McCnnn have moved down from their home itead for a fmv weeks while Mr. McCann is wDrlflng at the Stcidl &. Reed mill. The McCann's arc occupying the old Reed house, the Heeds having moved to their new liouse near the mill. Every puddle in the road between 3end and Priuevillc has plcuty of oatrons. Tlie fobbins'and juiitpcr ays get refreshment there- instead if being compelled to fly away off to the river for their drinks. Where the puddles are big enough even the horsfs patronize them. The muddy water does them good. A party conjposcd of Mrs. C. O. llrown, of Moscow, Idaho, Mrs. Ulia A. Ball and Miss Alice M. Hall, of The Dalles, Mrs. Sophrouia S. Kdj-comb and Lewis W. Silli man, of Galeton, Potm., and Mel vin G. Dresser, of Park Rapids, Minn., were at the Pilot Butte Inn Tuesday night on their way to make timber laud proof at Silver Lake. "Dcmpsey" Cantrcll drove them up to Silver Lake and ex jiects to return with them Sunday. S. M. Bailey, of the Silver Lake Central Orcgonian, spent Wednes day night in Bend on his way home alter a week's visit in Prine ville. He took iti a lot of stock for bis paper. While coming out last week he lost a horse at Vandevcrt's. The animal showed evidence of sickness and was turned out in the pasture for awhile.' After dark he could not be found and the next morning his body was discovered in the river, where the beast had evidently fallen when he went to drink. t "Dad" West goes to school to wood rats now. Tlie other dny he harvested n lot of cabbages and put them in the Drake roothouse. He left most of the leaves on, intending to remove them later and feed to the cows. Some turnips were, in simi lar condition. The rats knew it was not n workmanlike job and they at; once set at woik and cut off all the, offending leaves, neatly and com pletely, piling them in a heap at the other side of the roothouse. The lesson sank deep itito "Dan" West's soul and he will not hereafter give the .rats occassiou to criticize his work.