,7, Sii" &WW,-J'J4jl''vtvJ?ia Vwt ",. ,H ?- H 11 1 TImtwr Umi, Act June i, iS"l- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon, Octolier 19. IWJ. Notice In hereby Riven that In compliance with the provision ofthe Act of Coiigresl of June S. iI$ .entitled, "An act for the te oftlmber lauds In the state of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory." extended to all te puMIe land slates by Act of Auul 4, ije. the follawiug-natmd person have filed In lhl office their woru statement, lo-wlt. Richard J. Gorman. of The lull, county oT Vco, state or Oregon; aworn ltcient No ito, filed Kelp' it iom. for the purchase of the nft wX and eH nwU secti.lp it i, r i , w m. Id M. Itemstrcel, of liniytvt, county of Spokane, state of Wash ington: sworn tuteincnt No i?jt. 6tl March 17, .yoi, for the purchase ofthe e'sneU. nw, ue( and tie eK seejl. tp U . r to e, w ra ft-rrtT U. Msrtln. uf Uat Hvetelt street. Portlaud, county of SIuftmnhvtete or Oregon. awoeti statement No ITS, filed March 17. I9. for the purcluse of tne nejt are jo, ip s , r iv c Hugh farmer, of The tulle, county ofWacu. state of Oregon: sworn statement No I19. filed I'eby J, iu. for tile purchase eflhe K ncK. uwj netf and nV nwK ee jt, tp i$ a, r io e. w m, OeorKC Webb, of Carlisle, county of ItraUnn, state of North JUketa; imim statement No ii, filed l'ehy J. Ii), for the purchase or the eH aecja. tp IS a, r io e, w m. lleie Webb, or Carlisle, county of Pembina, ttate of North lukttt. sworn statement No 1617, filed J'eby 5, 9CJ, tor the purehaae ofthe ae aec . tp IS a, r That they wH! oficr proor to ahow that the taml nought It more valuable for it Umber or atone than tor agricultural purpose, and to establish their cUlm to ld land before the Kerjtter and Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, ou Thursday. January titt, 1014. . . , They name a witnesses- Itdwln II Grahtm nml Joe A ttraham. of Sitter. Oregon; David llutton and Colby Ware, of Whcalon. Minnesota; l.rorge W Martin, oflNirtUnd, Oregon: Nkhael Connor, Martin Groundwater and liuiih Parmer. orThe Dalle-, Oregon; I O ItolIU and Ida St Hematrtvt. of llllhard, Wathington. Ceitrge Wetd and Rae Welib, ofCartMe, N DaVola. Any ami all pcnwna ctalmins adrenely the ahot-dtcrihnI lamia are rrnueteil to tile their cUlmt lit t.ihi olce ou or before the auid jiat day of January ' no-ja MICHAHt, T. NOLAN. RetWer. Timber tand, Act June , iH- NOTIO-a FOR PURLICATIOX. HaDi;arininsT. V. S. Land OSvce, The TMUea, Orrjoti, October 11. yJ Nottee h hrtbr clren that In cvmUanee with the prerWiooa orihe Act of Conjrrcu of June J. 17. enittkd. "Am aet fcr the aaleof tlUrrUwl in Uieatatcaef Catlfornta, OfecoM. Nrva4. and Wahltoti Territor)-," aa eatended to all the tMblic land Male by Aet of Anat 4. '. the MIowtnfHtMBed pcnorH harr Sled la tMa oftec I new aworn iuwikuii, in Arthur Caltlhan, of titComsaMniMia&.KatUc. county of King, Male of WaatiiMftoa. aworn rtatcmcNt NoMK, filed July i, it, for the jwrehae of the Loia 3 and 4 and cW WK aac 1. tp m a. r it e, w m. Oetthard YotnifiHger. ofnurtofl.coaalyof King, Male of Waihiacton, worn auteaaent No mat. Sled AucuM 11. im, furtbcMirclMortheLot4. eH aw aadaw ( - 7, tp . r u e, vr m That they will offer proor to ahow that the land ought la wore raluable for il timber or atooc than for acrteiiUural purje, and to catabHah their ctairna to aaid land before the Kectater and Keceirer at The Uallca, Oregon, on Wedneaday, January 15, 19&4 They naane aa witneatcii Ohadtah Itewwin, htctla llewann, of ri recti Lake, Waihlncton: Harah A OratUmand Arthur Calllhan, of heatlle, Wathinglon: John Mlou, Mitm, Oregwa, John Kramer, elttrven Lake, Waahlncton. Any and all perMua clalmlnn adrerety the above dewrtljctl tand are requeued to file their claims to thla office on or before the aahtijlhday of January, 1904. o3Ji SMCHAHL T. NOLAN. Kesbter. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, V. S. Land Offioe, Lakeview. Oregon. November 3, 1905. A aufSaient conteat affidavit baring been filed in thla office by John W. White, centeatant. agalnat hoiaeatead entry No 159. made April J, .. for eH aeW, nK aeX aec jo, tp 14 a. r 7 c. vr m, by Jamea llobaon.conteatee, in which it ia allege! that aaid Jaraea IIolMon haa abandoned MkTctolm for a period of fix month or more ant paat, that aaid alleged abwncc from aaid land ma not dnc to tils employment In the Array, Nary or Marine Crop of the I'nltrd Mate aa a private aoldier, olficer, teaman, or marine during the war with Spain, or during any other war In which the I'nltrd nlatea may t-e engaged, aaid partiea arc hereby netlSed to apjxar, retpond und oflcr cvhltncc touching Mid aUesatioa at I o'clock a. m. on January IS. i9ut, before R II. Wardwell, lT h. Coatmltaionrr, at Mtver IjtLe, Oregon, and that ffnal hearing will be held at 1 o'ctoek p m. on January 11, 404. before the Kcgltter and Keceiver at the I sited hutet Land Office in Lalcvicw, Oregon The aaid coateatant having. In a proper amda vit, filed July JJ, !- aet forth facta whkli thow that after due diligence personal aerricc of thla notice can not be made, it it hereby ordered and directed that tuch notice lie given by due and proper publication. njo-dr K. M. I1RATTAIN, Kcgltter NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department ofthe Interior, Land Office at The Dalle. Oregon, Not ember , vy Notice it hereby given that the following, named tattler haa filed notice of hi Intention to make final proof In upport of hi claim, and that aaid proof will be made before J, J. Hiulth, County Clerk, at Prinevfltc, Oregon, oil Thursday, December 17th. i'oi, via; Kobert Jl. Krug, of rVtater. Oregon, II I No ym, for the lot J, aeU nwifawl tKlieJi aec 18. tp 14 a, r 10 e, w m. lie namaa the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon and cultivation of aaid bind, vil li A Oraham. W T Wilson. Mark Wilt and Charles Hindman, all of Sister, Oregon n6-dii MICHAHL T. NOLAN, Register. Desert Laud, I'inal Proof. NOTICE FOR PUHUCATION. U. 8. Land Office, The Dallea, Oregon, November , im. Notice I hereby glveu that Reorge I'. Cyrus, of PriHeville. Oregon, haa filed notice of intention to make proof oil hi desert-land claim No icri, for these aec 7, tpis. r II e, w ni, before J. J. hmlth, County Clerk, at I'rincville, Oregon, on Slouday, the atrth day of Icccmber, 190s He name the following witneuc to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of aaid land: I Y Winter. Herbert Olailrr and Anilrrw I Ruble, of Sister, Oregon; Walter K Ruble, of luivcr, urrgou. 116HI11 SIICJiAHr, T. NOLAN, Register. Desert Und, I'inal Proof. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. K. Mnd Office, The Dalle, Oregon, Novemljcr a, iwj. Notice it hereby given that Jerry Cramer, Aaalguce of Jesse llarcrow, of bisters, Oregon, ha filed notice of intention to make proof on hi desert-land claim No 103. for these;,' uvti arc ), 11H wi( sec it, tp 16 , r 11 e, w in, before W A Hell, U r Couimislouer, at 1'rlucvllle, Oregon, on Saturday, the 16th day of December, l's He name the following witnesses to prove the complete Irrigation and reclamation of aaid laud: Jesse llarcrow and 'Walter II Dodge, of Des chutes, Oregon; Robert McRowan and Sfanilc McCowan, of I'rlnevllle, Oregon. 116-dll MICIIAUL T. NOLAN, Register. limber I.aml Act June J, I;1 NOTXCPa FOR PUlUilCATION. V. . Land OCIce.MVevlew, Orcson, 8eptemler t, tovy. Notice la herebv Rlveil that lit compliance w Ith the pros Wlonaoflhe Act of CoiiRtraa of June A, IH;H, entitled, "An nctfur theaaleortlnilier lamU In theatateaofCalllorula Oreton. Ncx-aila, anil WahluRtou Teitltory," aa catetiilrit to all the public land alatea by Act of AiirikI 4, lt, the fuUonluR-namcd petin Imvc thla day riled In imtomce tneir awuru iairmeni, lo-wui t)le Laraon, of Iletmoiit. niiintv of Trnlll. atnteof Ninth lta Wota, amirn atatemenl No ij, for the purchase oltne nwx wt uh c ami utij cu aec ly, tp ii a, r 14 e. vr in. leder It. Htenen, ofCtlmaK, county of INilk, atate of Mlnncaota. airotn laiemenl No ir. for the purehateof the n aV, aX tw)j ncciiniid ueK aeS aec tl, tp II a, r 14 c, vr lit llaten O KateiiMin f,MI..... .....au ..r Ik.,, -. ..r lllHHulai Ul a.1111111, VV1IIMJ VI llltk, ,17 V, JIIIIIIVIWi norn a.atcmcnt No itt;4, lor the pttrctiaic of the neK ec 10, tp 11 a, r 14 e w m. That they will offer proof to ahow that the land aoug.it U more Mluable for Ita timber or atone than for agricultural piirtH-a, ami to ealahtlli their claima to aahl laiwl lefote J. M Lawrrnce, V S. Cuimlloer at lleud, Oregon, on Tuea day the Ijth ilay of lecemlcr lu Thev name ai wllneawa Die Mron of Del moHt.'North Itokota, l'eler U liatenwn of Cli max, Mluneaota. Hlen O Ifotenwti, of Climax. Mluneaeta, LouU Nelaoii. of Heml. Divroii Any and all peruana ctaimliiR advetaely the aborc deacrllinl lamia are minuted tn flic their claima In thla office on or liefore the aaul 13th day of December, iM oydii It M ItKATTAIN Kegiater Timber Und. Act June A, IS?- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V A. Laud Office, Lakevlew, OrrROn, September N. -oAS Notice It herein- given that In compliance wlih the proiHtts oflhc Act of Cotigrroa of June i. 5;. entitled, "An act for the talent timber lands In the states ur California. Oregon. .cmwi. ami WohluelBti Territory." as extrmteil to all the putdlc Uud stales by Act of August 4. itfe. the foirawtng-nameti persons nave nieu 111 mu omee their sworn statement., to-wlt Arne Amiimlton, of White Harth, county of Ward, state of North Dakota, sworn statement No IM7. for the pur chase of the nwU nwU sec is h "H ana an ) ncU sec J. tp 11 a. r 14 e, w iu. Peter Nerseth. of White ltarth. county of Want, atate of North lukota: sworn statement No lay, for the pur chase ur the nS uwt(, swH nw) c aa, und neji ueK sec 7. tp l a. r 14 e, vr m. Gertrude Smerud, of While Itaith. county of Ward, stale of North Dakota, sworn statement No Ify. for the pur chase ofthe HWlieK. wi nK, es "wt; aec S4, tp it s, r 14 e. vr m John A Carlson, of White ltarth. county of Ward, state of North Dakota, sworn statement No iwn. for the imi- chascofthe wS swtt.aeK H sec js. tp 11 a. sec 14 e. ana nwi hk sec . tp m a, r 14 e. w m lielia M Mukss, of White Harth. county of Ward, stale of North Dakota, sworn statement No iojo. for the pur chase of the seH sec M. tp Jl a, r 14 e. wm That they will oiler proof to thow that the land taught Is more valuable for its timber or ston than for agricultural purLoes, and to establish their claims to said land before J SI Lawrence, V H Cosnmtsiviottcr at Mend, Oregon, tm rr4ay the 1 Ith day of December !, They name 4 witnesses Louts Nelson, Ote lirtcksou. of Kend, Oregon, Arne Amundsun, Peter Nerseth, llertruJe bmerud. John A. Carl son and Iletga SI Sluus, all of White ltarth. North Dakota Any and alt person claiming adversely the abave-dracrtbed lands are re-ranted to Me their claims In Iht uBtre en or before the aahl nth day of December, iys-oo-dll K St IIRATTAIN Kegfster Timber Land, Act June J, l7- NOTICE FOR PUBLICiVTION. U. S. Land Office, The Dallea, Oregon October f J. iys. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ofthe Act of Congress of June s. iSrJ- eutltle.1. "An act for the sate of timber lands In the atate of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory." as extended to all the public tand states by Act of August 4, 1(4, the foHowing-namcd persons have bled in this ofbee their aworn statemcnla, to-wlt: Robert O Ilowaer. of Marnum, county el Carlton, state ef Sflnne suta. sworn statement No rtM, filed I'eby 11, icai, for the purchase ofthe ac aec I. tp IT , r 1 c, w m Slarv Atkinson. of Deschute. county oi Crook, state ef Oregon, aworn statement No 1H70, filed Slay ij. lyej. for the purchase of the tiefi sec 47, Ip . r 11 e.w m. lohn Atkinson. of Deschutes, county of Crook, state of Oitgwii; aworn statement No MV51. filed l'ehy. Jl. Ktj. for the purclusc of the ueU aec S, tp is , r II r, w m. Richard Kins'. of Deschutes, county of Crook, state ef Oregon. aworn atairmeui .o last, Weil reity ti, syu, ler the purchase of the iw)( swj(, 11 K wif and pwjf teH sec 9, Ip 19 , r It e. wm. That they will offer proof to show that the tain! sought la more valuable for lla timber or stone than fur agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims to aaid laud Wore J. SI Lawrence, V. H. Commissioner, at Deschutes, Oregon, on Slonday, January II, 1904 They name a wltiirasea- John htcidl, John Dokken. John I West. W II llrock, David Hill, II Slarsh, Richard King, John Atkinson, Stary Atkinson. J N Hunter and James Hunter, til of Deschutes, Oregon. Any and all Dersona clllinlnr adrerselv the above-described lands are requested to file their claims tn this office ou or before the said nth day of January, 1014. oij-ds SHCHAI.L T. NOLAN, Register. Timber Land, Act June j, 1078. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 17. ft. Land Office, Lakevlew, Oregon, September to, 190.1. Notice la hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of Hie Act of Congress of June 1, 1878, entitled, "All act for theaaleof tlmberlauds In the slates cf California, Oregon, Nevada and Washlugtou Territory," a extended to all the fiubllc land states by Act of August 4, 191, the olluwlng-uamed person hare filed In till office their aworn statements, to-wlt: (Justaf Tarn(iiest, of Climax, county of Polk, state of Sllnnesola. worn statement No idyl, for the purchase of the ne qr see t, Ip n s,r 14 c, w m. John lidward Johnson, of Climax, county of Polk, atate of Sllnnesola; worn statement No tHy. for the purchase ofthe uw i;r aec 4, tp Jl a, r 14 c, w m. Albert Kpokely, of Climax, county of polk, state of Sllnnesola, aworn statement Ho 1R40 for the purchase of tlienW nwrqr.acqniWfpMiwqrncqrscc l.tpti a, r I e, w 111 Ilerdin Hpokely, of Climax, county of Polk, state of Minnesota; aworn statement No 1H41, for the purchase ofthe wJJ te qr, eJJ w qr aec 1. tp 11 , r 13 e. w 111. Alexander Hpokely, of Climax, county of Polk, atate of Sllnuesota. sworn statement No 1H4J, for the purchase ofthe aw qr nc qr,w J4 ae qr.ne qr sw qr aec iS.tp Jl a, r 14 e, w in. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought I more valuable for it timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish their claims to Mid laud before J SI Lawrence, U. S Commissioner at lleud, Oregou.on Wednes day, the 16th day of December, 1903. They name aa witnesses Custsf Tornquest, i oh 11 dward Johnson, Albert Hpokely, Ilerdin pokely, Alexander Hpokely, all 0 Climax, Minnesota. Any and all persona claiming adversely the aboic-detcribcd laud are requested to file their claima In thl office on or Iwfore the said 16th day of December, iqoj. 09-dll l, H. BKATTAIN Register. Timber Land, Act June J. i. NOTION FOR IWJIIjIOATIOM. HM-AtlVKMTIaltMKMT. 17. H, l.aiul Office, l,i0.cvltw, Oregon, heplemner n, ivl Notice Is lictchy given that In compliance with the provisions orthe Act uf Congress of Junes, 187. eiitltltil, "An act for the aalcortlmlnrUiuU In the atate nfCnlirorula, Oregon, Ncxaila. and l ashlugion Territory," as uTenilcd to all the tuiMIC lnlul stalas by net of August 4, Iful. the folliiiiiig-uamcl peraoli have filed In Hit olHdnUielr aworn-statement, tu-ll lltlnMnl II tlii.il.,.,,,. of I'ltrtnge, c)iiulysiIColutibm siateof Wlscun sin, swirn statement No nut, for the purchase oft)ieo),seV stc7, anil wSisvvW sec , tp ais, rerw 111 lirlekj. Slytmau. otChlmiew Valla, esHinl) utUupew, stale of Wlscoiitln, sworn -nnteutenl No iJ fur the pur. chascoflhc vt awX aec tauduS uw( c II, Ipti, re, w 111. Theodor lluvtnnd. of llloumcr, county of Chlpiwna state of Wis cotislni aworn statement Nu iM, for the pur .hasenftlie s uw)(, H awtf tec It, tp ' 9 c, w m. Ole II. SlR.ta.l. of HloelJiLr. nullity of luirun stale of Wlscou sin, sworn statement Nu ks, fur Hie purchase uftheaw av'i.seU swU. kc i and iu4 llH sec is, tp tit, rye. win That they will uftvr pUKiflo show tltal the taml simght Is mule valualtc for Its limber or alone than for agtlenliural ptupu-- ami to ea tabllsh their eUima to mUl Isitd bsUHC J J, hmlth. kuuuty Cletk, at I'lineMlb llirguli, uu Tuesday the isth itay of Deecmbrr i. Thrv name n wlltios.ti lhli.sm tl fltiiiiuail. of Pottage, Wiseunslti, lirlrk J Slyrmsn. "f s.nipiewa rails. niK-oiisini Tli-tsior iiauanu. of llhKHuer. Wis-Miislm ole Mt-.i.. of kKe Lake, Wisconsiii. H Wlthalm, rUvj, ntegon. Perry P ltimlelcr. Or llndrxtei . Wm K Mc 1'aiUml or Pritievlllr, Oiegmi, Donald I' Mifla, William ItrtKk or Destitute. Oregon. Anvamt sll lkeit-jus cUIiuiiil advefsetv the &1kivc deseritie.1 lamia arc teitut-tel tu Ule their minis In Hut uliicc ou ur before the said ijth uay or oevtmtr, iov ivdn ll St I1RATT UN Register. Timber l,nnd. Ad June ;, ll;" NOTICE FOR PUBLK'ATION. V S. Laud Office, MVcview Oregon, peptemlrfr a 1114. Notke Is hereby given that In MiiptiMcc with le tfrroviskmt uthr Aet of Cmur iT June J. l78. eiiHtle.1. "All act for the talcut limber lamfs III the states of California, Oitgun Nevada, and Washington Territory," as cxHmle-j la all the public Uud slates by Art of August 4. lsa, Ole John Isiaetsuw. of Prliicvitte.eimiity ofCruik, stair of Dregou, ha filed In this vffio hi sworn stsleturnt Nu isuj. for the purchase of the w s-' sec t. eii selj sec jmuwli uwl, se)jt. iw r He qr aec Si a. r e w m. ami win otfrr prouf to slutw that the Und sought la HisH-c valsMhle for llUm ber or stotie Hmh for aartctttrat purpovs. ami to establish bis claim to said Uud Wfor J J Smith. Coualy Cletk. at I'rtneeilie. rego. m Slorsttay. the ilh day of lleevmber. i lit isaNse wttwesaes. II A 1'o-aer. C It KrKkwHi. MUs Hodge, Ralph JssUh. alt of Prtoevtlte, Oteitan Any ami ail peisuns cietming advet-Mty lite above Wcf .bed WskSs Me rtsinnlesl tu file thetr cJoImm in this oswee o or belVr c Ihe sfci 14th easy of December . UfA- 1 it. i. ukattaijs negtswr. Timber Land. Att June s, 17 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V 14 Land Office, The lutlrs. oregH. October iv il Notice U hereby irievu that in estmolsanco with the proetiMSHs of the Act of Ootigfew of jmse j. i7, eHiitHst, -an act roeinesJWsH limner iana In Ihe sUtesofCatifornU, OrtgeMi, .NtnuU, ad WashlNgton Territory." as exlcHded to .all Ihe pstUic laud states by Aet of AHgwst 4 raot. the foUowing-named wrsiis ve Died In thts ofM their sworn statements. to-wHi Annie Ramstad, ef tlraml Horka. county of tlraud Peeks, sUte of North lukota, aworn statement No 14.1, tiled Hetry is. lyu. for the purchase of the Let 4, swj( nwji and H awK sec 4, Ip Ma, r II e. w 111. Slsrta IHekaoa. of tlrand Porks, county of Or rid Porks, state of .noun iMkota, aworn sistement rra iirjs. nn.i I'tby is. svJ. for Ihe purchase ef the liwK sec 17, IP 19 , r ije, w m. ofRraml Perks, csmnty of t.raml IVrks, stair of norm iMkoia, sworn Mairment ah 1011, nieti I'eby is, toss, for the purchase ofthe swff see tf. tp ws, r 11 c. w m. Kdwanl H. Untight, of Hast tlraml Porks, (smuly ofPutk, slate of Mlaneeota; sworn autamcnl No utfi, filed He? It. I9"S. for the purchase of the Lota 1 and t and eH nwW sec 7. IP '9. r ij e w m Jsmes H. oalistmry, of llrand Porks, county of (.raud Perks, stale of North lukota sworn statement No lejt, filed I'eby ij, I04S, lor the pure haw. of the sK sec 7. Ip jos, r 11 e, w m That they will ufler proof to show that the Und sought t more valuable for us limber or stouc than for agricultural purposes aod la ostatduh their cUlma to aahl Uml before Ihe Register ami Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, ou Saturday, January 1. ivm. They uame us witnesses George Salisbury, i sines It rwllsbury, SlarU INcksou and Annie ;amsiad or 1 J rami Porks, North Dakota, lid ward P Itiirlght or Hast Grand Porks, SI in lie sola; Or 1 11 J (.ray, Richard King and Juiin Stoidl ui ucKiiuie. Oregon, jonn I'JMer, al frtneviue Oregon, Jamea Kurlght, of Oraml I'urks, North akota, j 1 iierricx, 01 The Dalles. Oregon. Any ami all person claiming adversely Ihe abuvr-descrilied lamls arc requested to file their claims in this office on or before the aahl leth day ol January, iy4 ota-i MICHAHL T NOLAN, Register Timber Land, Act uwe j, 1(78. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Land Office, The tulles, Orrgen, October 14, IVS- Notlcc I hereby given thai in compliance with Ihe provisions of the Act of Cougtes of June J, i7, cnmicu, in set iwr tne sale oilimneriaiiua In Ihe stale of California, Oregon, Neveda.and nasiiiiigtuu lerriiory, as eairmirel 10 ail tne public Uud state by Act of August 4, 1891, the followiiig.iiaiBed iersoiis have filed III till ufilcc their awum statcmeuta, lo-wlt lohn SI. Carroll of 1 wi University Ave, llruiiit I'urka, county of t.rana roras, sutie 01 norm iMkoia, sworn aiaie ment No mi. fileil Slarch in 1..,. for ilia nur. chase of Ihe aeJJ aec it, Ip Jos, r 11 e, w in. SlaryJ Carroll, ofnai University Ave, Oraml I'urka, county of Orand Pork, state or North Dakota, aworn state ment No 171. filed Slarch ig. 1..1 fur Ihe tiur- chasc or the seK seW aec 31, S swjf and awtf -t s, v V ii I 11 e, s m Ruth SI. Whatey or iBiy-wd at, apukane, county ofHi-okanc, afate of Washington, aworn auttrnent No ITii, filed Slarch 18, 1901, for the ptirihase oflhc Lota 1 and and s) ncH sec 1, tp 18 a, r loe. w m, hlcphrn H. Drake, or Kcho, county or Yellow Slrdlelne, atate of Sllnuesota, sworn statement No I'.ii, filed I'eby 11. i9tS, for Ihe purchase ofthe ( cc tl, Ip 16 a, r 10 c, w 111 " llslvor O. Iloiiime, of lcho, county of Yellow SImIu-u, rlalc of Slliinesota;sworn statement No 6J, filed l'ehy 11. ivn, for Ihe purchase of Ihe se. kc , IP 16 t, r 10 c. w in. That they will offer proof to show that the land sought It more valuable for Its tiuilwr or stone than for agricultural purposes, ami to establish Ihclr claims to said laud before the Register and Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, on Thursday, January 14, 1904 Theyiiameaw(tnce. John SICmrollBiid SlaryJ Carroll, or (lraud I'urks, North Dakota, Ruth A Whalcy mid Hlha SI Whaley.of Spokane Washington- Orln J Gray, of Deschute, oregom Orange I' Hodges, of Prliievllle, Oregon; llalvor O Homme and Hl nlien S Drake riM.T-i. silnne. pta. John Hteldl, of Deschute, Oregon; Thoino rwect.orThe Dalle, Oregon, Henry Homme. of Oranllc I'alls, Jlliiuesota. ' Any and all iieraoii claiming adversely Ihe . ve,.escTll'edlnda arc requested to Ale Ihclr vMiiii mis umcc on or ociorc the said lithuay of January, 1904. " ojodl MICIIAI'.L T, NOLAN. Kcgltter.' Tlmlier Land, Act June j, SjH. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. H. l.amt Office, The Dalles, Oiegtui, Octuber 19, tvij. Notice I hrtehy given Hist In coiuplliiiKc wllh the prmltlimaufthe Act uf Cimgress nf June .t, l7, entitled, "An act foi the aAleiiftimlxrlamls In lite stausuf California, Oiegmi, Nevmla. mid Washlngtun Territory," as vtlriitlril to all Ihe public land state b) Act of Aumi.t 4, lf, Ihe fntUinliiR-uamrd iwimiiib have ftlcsl In llilsfilfke Ihclr anuru staltmenla, tii-wlli ( Nellie Cutter, of tlrand I'urks, eouiily of tliand IHiik, stale of Nuttlt IMkot. awoiu statement Nu 14 to. filed t)ct jo, lout, for Ihe piituhate of the s)( aec H, tp iv a, r ue. w m. Amttla tsallslmry, ufl O. Box JJ. t'.raiul PoiU, rounly ul Otnnd I'urks, sUte orNrnth Dakota, sworn stattweHt No MM died Oct so, ivi. for the purchasr orihe nwl( see 19. Ip iv s, r i) v, w III Maud hmlth, of The tulle, omuly of 'io, stale of OiegsMi, sworn statement Nu 111. filed lUt , ivot, for the ptltehasv uflhe sV se( sv iv. llV M sec a ami lie I, se sec i, tp It a. rir, m. H Hufos Hmlth. of The tulles, tsmut) ofWiHew, state of (rti; aweHrn sUtemeHI No 14,17. ftlrd Oct , tfoa, for the purchase uflhe WH ueK, self nK ami nwj( seu sec K. IP iv , r 1 j r, w m Albert IHckssni, oil'. O lloi ssM. tiiaml I'M Vs. nmnlv of Oruml Pork, slate or Nwlli lUkotai awotH sUieHHl No I4,v. flletl thl 190. for Ihe imrehaac of lite ii swj(, nwij sen amt awft; iich sec 17, tp , r Ue, w 111 That they will offer mnuf to shuw that the land sought Is mute valuable for Its tlmlwr or stone Umu for agrlcHltiiral pMrpoae. and tu eabllsh Iheir tialma t saht laud before Ihe Register and Krctivcr at The IUI, tHvRon, on t'Ttday, Jammry is. r4 They name at wllneasra. Charles II llrtsWri. H Rufits Hmlth ami Stawl timllti, of The lUUes, Oreaen; Albert DlekHou. Amelia) rUllsststty ami Nettle Cutter of l.ieitd Porks, North lukota. Stary C llrlsbiu. of Tlie lulles. tifeaoM. Mis (leu ruli.lmry. of tlraisd Porks, North Dakota Any ami alt ikis-wis cUlmlsur adversely Ihe l,rele-rtlwl Uudsare rvquesTed la Hie llsetr rtslitis In this olnee ou or l-tfore the sbt tjth sUy of Jamwiy. i4. oja-Jl .MICIIAKI. T XtM.AN, HegLter. Timber Laud, Art June J. tatyaV NOTICE FOR PUHItlCATION. I', s. Mnd ortw. The lUUes. Ofetm. orsoher it. it. Not lee U hereby gis-rM that tw comottasiee with the vroiseHS of the Aet of Coaaraw of June 1. 117a, entitled, AN aet for Ihe s(ewf llmbeeUHsIs 1st Ihe s4ale-s ef CalltueHia, ttrsraoai, Mevado. and la Ihe vreahli wagon. Ni eslemled iltgtun Tsrrltaey ' a to all Ike Cotsc hlNd Male by Act of AagwM 4, atta. Ihe lowing Heaaett perwMss have AWd In lhs ofhec their asvotn stalemcHU, to-wtt Lusu Johnaoa, of SHMweet-utla. cusMily of HeNSMsdst. stele of SlinneaeU. sworn Malemeot No ijri. llett Oct lis, ifPi, for Ihe psmhese of Ihe Lots 1 ami ianiN h c ay. ip ass, r 11 e. w m. AHdrew ANtUtson. Ihf SllsMseatmlU, eosmty of Hennepin, tut of Sliwiiesaea. swotH steseoveol No IJM. Ud tsrt. M, oa, for the porch of the HK sec , ih ts, r ije, w hi I' Aiiolttlt ISrtetMO. of Mhsn ssi potts, eonaty of HeMeeasw. state of simuesuaa; sworw ssatrsnent rso las, nsasi uos. v. lost, for Ihe Morehase of Ihe NH neK. swX weK and mH nwH sec i. Ip to s. r if e, w m. Awtnw Jokaw, of SUnneehuU. csmoly of II swiitotn. statu of SlhtlietaU. swswm stalsmsut M, Pfo uH, RUel Oct. NX ios for Ihe porchase of Ihe hen arsi M, Ip to s. r 11 c. w m Andrew CarVsoei, of Minim porK eosmty of lleHtw"- slate oi SIlNnessrta. awotH ssatemeot No IM, RdasltUt. io. ito. for Ihe purchase ofihr eS t sot M. and eH Net, sec . Ip to . r t e. w m That they will offer proof 1st show Iballhcasmt sought Is more voltsshl for Hs timber or sttmc than for agricultural ptwtmisw. ami to esMWltt, thetr tUIMs to sakl Umi before the- Rfgtsfar ami Weeeiver at The tulles, Oregon, on TW-Uy. December, tt. lyJ They name as h Unease Andrew Carlson. P Adetnh lelrsmi. A mile w Jolmm, Loot John sou ami Andrew AuderssHi of SIlHKceputte, Sllnuesota Any ami all pet son ctabsilng adversely lite above-described Und ate resiisestod to Ala Ihalr cUHhs hi IhU owVtc on or before the wtd ttswt day Urn Wlf ll"! Wf lek'L otodw 'stlkllAKI. T. NtlUtN. Megtster. Timber Land, Aet June S. MfS- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V- H. Mnd oAww. The lutVas, Oregon. i- . Notlee U hereby given that hi compile not wfth Iht proeiasoK ofthe Act of Csmgtoos of Juste , iT, cHtltlsst. ' Aa aet for the sole of llsjoet Utttsf In the stales of CallforHU, Oregon, Nevada, awl Washington Territory ' a ealemtesl to all Ihe public Uud stale by Act of August 4, loss, the following-named person have litest In IhneJhce their aworn stetemeHts. t-wil. Abide I. Whllfon. of lertUnd, csmnty of SlHllHomafi, state ef Ore 7 oh, tworu stalertWHt No io, filed Oct to. tost, ur the puiehssc ofthe sW sec s.t's, r 111, w m. Mary Ii TUhimr. ofl'orest tlruvc, roUNly of Washliiglfii, state af orrgun.wernlatemrnt No ijv. for Ihe pur chase of the ah, nw)( and nil swjf sectv, l Ma, r ue. wm. Nellie A. Hhaver. of sa Vancouver Ave . ItirtUml.emiHly ofSlult nomah, stale 04 Oregon, sworn sutement Na iyi, ror the imrcHase ul tne m), iiwjt sec 1, H uKaminw)( teH sec , Ip Jos, r, ue, w m. Afiiut f.. ltlitftlsh. of I'orrsl drove, csmnty of Waslilngtttii, state of Oreguii; sworn slaltiutnl No 197, inrei Oct X. IVM, for the imrclnse of Die eV W, swtf sejf sc jo. iie uw)f amlnwK ue)( aec af, tp Ma, rite, wm Pantile ll SIcDuneld. ofCtatskaiile, county of ColumbU. stale of Ore gon, tworn alalriiieiil Nil 1491, filed November It, . forllie purchate of the elt ne(, sw(t ncK and nw( sK sec r, tp to , r 11 e, w in, That they will offer proof to how that the Umi sought is more valuable for IU Umber or sioue (Ivan for agricultural purposes, ami to establish their claim to aaid Und twfore the Register and Hrcclter at The Dalle. Oregon, oil Wednesday. lUccmUr Jl. i'M They name as witnesses- Alible I, Wlillten. Nellie Hhaver, of PortUmt, Oregon, Harry W McDonald and l'auule llSlcDouaMofClatskatile, Orcjgoti, .Mary I'. Tlthnur ami Anna I, llugllsh ofl'ortBt Grove, Orcgoui and I' C Wlillten, Dea dline, Oregon. Any and all pvraout claiming adversely the aiKivc-dtscrlhwlUudt arc requested to tile; thtlr dalm In llilsnniee on or btfiirc Ihe aaid tint day of Deceinlier. ItfU olfMllll SlTlSlAHL t. NOLAN, Register. Homettead CMolldtod NQTICB FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Laud Ufficc, The Dalles, Oregon, Octolier is, IVU- Vr.llr 1. hrrrhv vlvell that the following- named persona have filed notice or tittle Inten tion to make commutation proof In Riipiiotl or their claim, and that wild proof will be mane Ufore J M. Lawrence, V. ri. Comnilssloiier, at Descliuic, urrgou, ou naiuiuy, uinimi .,, loot, lit. CarlyleC.Ti lidctt. . of Deschute, Oregon. II No ioJ7 for the J( sec Jl.tpiSs, r ue, wm. TIioiumW. Triplet!, ofIechulr, Oregon, II l No 1079 fiir the acw awXaect.1, 11X lic( and ne iiwJV a-cjo, Ip lb V, r 11 c, w 111. ,fi.-u ,., It,,- rv,lturiiiir tiersjin to nrove Ihclr contlnuoiu residence Uoii otid culllvatlou of ald laud, vlti L C Whltted, J L Kever, Caiuuiidr A Urock, Thoma W Triplet.!, Cailvle V Triplet) ,ia JK llrock, all of Deschute, Oregon, OJJ-IU7 MICHAl'.I. T. NOLAN. Regldtr, Timber Laud, Act June .1, H;H. NOTICE KOR PUBLICATION, I. H. l.amt OlDcr, Laktvlew, Oirguti, nrptembet , 1044, Notice It hticUy tjlvrii Unit In euniplUjiie wll Ihe piulsloii(irthr Act of Cnngresi ur June, ifrie. rnlltlnl. "All set for Ihesale fllialuH' Lin, nu J. III the siMrsuf California, Otetmi, Nevmln, riiul Wiishliigtiin Trnlluty," 11 eaUiiiletl lo all the public land tta by Act uf Aiigiist 4, , AIMl rt Pnismis, uf lliwkle,i.tmiity uf PUiev, state uC MsvtlHg tiHii haa fileil In this ofnee his sworn slMlettHMH Nu 1M1, for the pun has ef the sw qr atst jl,li tta, r in, w m, And will ollei pnmf I" ahow that Hit Umt sought I moi, aliiaiils for lla timber or atoHe I Its 11 loragtiiiiiiurai pur inset , ami la WtMMtsIi hi vialin tu atil lanl before J J. atMiiRi s.smniv s.ierh, i iTiHeviinr, trregsw un wvaiHoa I sty, tne 1MI1 iluy of Ih-cemWr, loat. lie numr as Millies Kobert I, StcSlutliriy, llyroH Cady, I. Ii llliigrmmrtml ills l-otHdexleT, ail nf I'll in-ville, Otvgoii Any ami all txiwm etalmlHc adseattr Ihe abovtHUscrlhtd UiiKis are letjiHrsfed to Hhj tlrtlr rtalms In ihu odU-e uw or be fore lh said Mhilay of December, leal. ovdil II M ItKATTAIN Kgtc Tlatiher Land, Aet June 1, 17 NOTICE POK PUIIItlCATION. f.H UmlOR MhevUw, mefott, ttctolMr 1 7- " . NMke U liereby ei-niN thai In eiMNplhiM with lb i-roviaums orlhe Act orConrets af jHtet L 17. eNtUUd, "An act for ihrsaleefllmawtMiMfs r-wwy, n.1.1, rnno- it-ra-Mt. rtvgiU. oshI aUii'led Iu nU lite Ul t stats 04 kaltmtNsM, iit-nrMt, 7 WaahlNiitmi TcfvlluMr. " aa aUii,Uaf pubtk Und stale h Art tvf Asigawt 4, Itot, Mlllsott J Hotwrts, L t hat lik.1 in this ewve his snoru r-WtottrtgrT Nil at 17. for the porvhas uf thr nU nK, K Mff( lielf KK sec 1. Ip is a, 1 9. w m, Ami will offer i-ttjof to show thai the Und smut hi U mure valuable for H timber or dajse than for aarieolluVat puipo s, and lo tatolaajTi his claim to aahl Una before ll B. Wtjrdwtil. I' n. CosnniIs iiooer. at Nilsve l.abe. Iheooa. M uesday. the 1Mb day oi febv, teai He h-Ihss-s a wHNOsar HAV lioorrta, HMMtd lag, of Ihnchs-tr. Oregon; iloorae H.e,o, Qsas IhcswbttMeli) Timber Lewd. ,H Jeoc J, feVt, NOTICE It)lt I'UIIIalCATION. U t Umi iMJlc at Uat4es. Or mill. Me ,11 . vee" thr jfvra that la foaialuaat wh oTthe Act of CattfMn of jNOr 1, AaasWUMseleoTllmh-ttasews INrtataahort a. loa-. Itellee M aevaii Ihe if-ositrsM u iswa. eointrd. , in the Matt of California, rweaoo, Nevada, aasl WaeairNjrtan Territory. ' aa tatrarltg to all Use wwblar Umt state by Act of As-M 4. isat, Winuaa Pat-her. of Delhi, ttmaie i.f Meebmnrt. stage of Mlaa ha tleel In IslsuOtte hi estora taleowat iau, tw the perth,. of Ihe wjs) aH , j ncH tec ;. Ip i tut, m. aisd srttl otj oruuf to ahow thai the Una toaattt U atore vol able for Ms timber ur s4 I baa fot aavtcaMata) mtruwea. ami iu rs4i4Uh hU oUlut lo sold lead before J J Nsnllh (.outigr Ct.rh at Prtjteepit, ur-e-oa. ua Tin lay. Ihe lath day of liocrmeaw, PtMtsdeaur. oca rxNodealat, CI Krkkst-at, all of s-tlaestlte, iMtshjo Aay aad all arrtntn cUtmlof orfal the abuvrdeKtibed UasUare ts-ooeaiod to IU OMfr efotaw In thia oaat-e a ot aclote lot aba !JM Jsit of lues aaber. o-i K. M NHATTAIW hatjl'llt. Timber Laad, Att Jee 1, !), .NOTICE 111R PUMUtTeXTlON. I' is. Uud (agUa. UWttrw. Oftgaii, Boat. Ra, raftj. NetrM la kartohy iptm UtMHi tmpmmm wji ac loevsorsasi 01 star not ot m iSti. auirti. "Aa Mlit lot fa the sfle cCadtiuraii. lrajt 11. jeo 'M4MMsa rerrsmei - at tssoteetoa at umi Hare or ots at Aitafevt 4, luwest sr veaite. of lttrsevllU.coai.ty of Crook, state of Otaan, h Ud h Ihu oefsre hU aseora atetetaeot Mo 171a. fot lh tmrcaaa of the Ub a. J. I. HeM w of sat 11 In tt a. r it e. w ua.. 4MI wttl olfef urouf te Jsow Ihsl the laaat soatUji to Ntoijj vabtahU fot Us timber or ttotst tfosa for artsts larat jtaruusra, aisn lo estahtuh hlsdalm to cafe) laral jsarpuss-a, eitri lo taistUe u claim to oj Uud before J J aasilh Cusuttr cletb. at Pttne. eltW. iwvgoo. ua Teesstoy. the isjh sWr 4 lUeember iot He name aa wttMeaatra II ester A. Koslt. A. Kotit. , ArUaitan .-WaiSt .idiltheVy Chart II Krukaen, Maloh Jorsteu. Artiaftam IMvWs all of ITIervllU isreeoa Auv anal all tsrrssMM rlalBsiua above dwctihtsl UsnU are iiaaieTed to Cealar M Ihoi oaVtc on or betur iht) sold at lueetaher. Ml. uwdil K St HKATTAIM. Reetstat. Timber Uud, Act June 1. ia7e. VOTICE I'OR PUBLICATION. If. b. Uud iMAot, UUrvhrw, CMoftrH. Mtitttebef to, totg. Notice I heretji' gtvert thai In comratajica with Hie Hovtttosis anhe Act of Oangtes f JUHC i, M, tutlttrd, "AN all for lh sU uf IteeWTlnds IN usVMateaei uatuorusa, tirtgwi, reTuM. ami WaShliiatuu Ttirlteiv. ' a asleudttl lo W the 1 Itirwaiy, a sieuotst ti asalta by Act of August 4, public taml sUte by Act of AHgusI 4, iaaj, the lothisiiig-Namm tm have filed III Ihu erne their si, tan ualraseHt. lo-wlli WalUco St MsstU. of Vslmn, ctmuly of King, st-l of Weshjnaum sworn atalemeut No 1714. for (he imrchaM oTllic 11 H mm see 17. Ip . r , w m. Charbm W. Jacob. of Vesuea. csmnty of Kimj;. sUIs of Washliiglun, worn sUbMneul No 171s, for the mtehase ofthe K nwK amt hit w, sec 17, tp it t, r it e. w m. 1 1 lie 11 llarrlMBtmi, of VeshoH. eouHly of Klug. siau of Wsvsblugt. I worn atalemeut Nu 171a. for the (HHeluss ol til e( WK. H setf sec It, aw( awl sac 17. Ip tl r is , w m That they will uffertu-eoflu ahow llat the land ought U more valuable for it Umber or stone l ball for agricultural purputea. ami lo establish their cUlm l said land bsforc J SI. Uwltntr, l H. Commisskmer at fund, oteguu, all Ndur day the lath iUy of lUcemUr, isM They name as wlUteasts Mallaec SI. IHssll. CliaiVrs W Jacobs, lllleu HarrlugtoH. f Vaslwni, WaahlngtiMi, Isaac W Williams, Amos llrad shuw, IShiUihI. Oregon, I' C Whllttii, lUmt Oregon Any end all person cUlmlng adversely Ihe alMjve-drsertbcd UswU arc reomndrd bt file Ihclr claims in Una olyC wi or iMforc the aaid Itlh day of DeeiHtr, lOJt IIOHlll If SI. IIRATTAIN. RfKlslrr. 1 1mUr Laud, Act June j, 1070. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. MKAUVUKlUIUIKNr II. it. Und Olhrr, The Dalit, Oregon, OctulMir it, tyej. Notice I htrtlty given that In ttmiplUuat M Ihe provision orili Ait of Cotikl of June j, 1(78, eiilllltd, "An ait for the aafo oftluibfrUuih In the states nf California, Oregon, Nevada, ami Washington Territory," u raUiules! to all the public Und stale by Aet of August 4, nty, Herbert C. Gregg, of Walla Walla, county of WulU Wullii, stulc of Wash, hu on Oct 4, l'oj, filed In thl ofntc hi worn alntcmeiit Nu 1471, fur tin purvhus ofthe ii im c y uud nit, laH of arc to, tp 19,, ruc.wiu, , And will offer iniHif to show that the laud sought It mure valuable fur lit timber or stone than for ugrluiilturul iiir)Misea, uud tu establish their claim to S.1I1I land Ih fore the Register and Receiver at The lUlU, Oregon, oil Wednesday, the Ijth iluj ufjauuaiy, 1914 He name us witness. Ora I'olnclexltr, P II PoluilCKler, of I'rlnevllle, Oteuoii, l'rrd W Wil son, Joseph Peter, of The Dalit, Oregon, Any and all pcison ilaluiing adversely the above-dtmcrlhcd Uud ure requested to hie their claim In thlsulncc on or befoie the aaid tjtli day of Janury 1904 ojo-Ji &I1C1IAKL T. NOl.AN, Ht-gistcr. toTilsSoafswMlrr " " swata. atal aSlkr ao. P. u,. 'SJ vm ,4r r-a