mvvm mmmmwM'mmwmm . h- 1 Eruptions Dry, inolHt, Hcaly tottur, all form or oozoiim or milt rliuiim, plinploa und othor oittuiiumtH eruptloiiH pro. oeocl from humorM, tillliur Infiurltcil, or tuuiiilroil through ilufoollvu tl. KstIo mul iihkIiiiIIuMoii. To trout tlitwo oriiptlonn with drylnj? nitxllolntw In (luiigormiH, Tlio thing to do 1h to Uko Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Which tlioroiiKlilyolomiHotho Wood, oxpollliiff nil liiiinorH mul building up tlio wholo system. They ctiro UwmI'i Harianarllla irmanrutlr turnl J, (I. Hlnaa, I'urikt, III,, of Miami, from wlilcb lie had etiffarH for lotm llinai ami MIm AUlm Volr. Iloi 111. Alifnu.. Wit . nt ,,!.,, ple on her f ami dark ami f huM akin on Ucr iHhlr, br wlileli ilin had bn rrratlr troubled Tliere are mora Untlmonlale In Urur of llood'e linn ran la (xiblliliad. Hood's Onmnpnrllln promlsoa to euro n nil koopr tho promlso. Chicago lloomtra. Don't toll n Chicago man thai liln oily ha loHfi tlmii threo million popu lation unlit you nro prepared lo fight. Iloomers of tliu I.ako City havo rcorganlied their Two Million Club, nvchrlstened It tho Thrco Million Club, donned their nggri'sslvit club buttons iiml promised nllcglanro to tho club constitution, which prtivldes that each iiiitmbor must clnlm nt nil time tlmt Chicago lim at least tlirco million pco' pip. CITQ rtf m.ntniif v arm. rafllDrnamniina II 10 anrflfilda)r'aMiirir.Kllii'tlitlMrrre !i,",W,4 rf ' ItUII'HllaanillrMillM. In. It. II. Kiln, Ud ail A ttli hi . rblladdplila, la. (tabid. Nooxoy I'vo hoard n rumor that sho In to tin uinrrM. Oh) bache Yes. Noouiy Who's tho lucky one? OlilbAcho Neither of thorn. If they only know It. Philadelphia 1'ross. CATAIHUI CANNOT IIB ailltKII VWlh local application, e lhr cannot reetlj lltaaratiit IbaijlaraM. talarrli It blood ur vuiiiiitulletialilifcraM.inillii onlar lo cure It you mutt lak Internal rvmedl.a. Ilall'a Ca Uithl utaliialiiiliilrnallr,anUctiiltectir on Ilia blood in4 Murom autlarra, Ilall'a Ca tarrh Cuie It nut a nuark medlelnr. It wai prpwilbvd ij una ul Ilia beat ptiyalcUni In UiW country lur jar, anil liarrmUr turn-rli.tlon. ItKeuinivaailoltlia tt lonlca known, com Mned Willi the bt blood lurlflcra. aellnir itt. reetlr uu lltt rniiroiu turiaraa, tlia perfect TOtaimi nation ut Ilia two Inerrdlenla la wbatpro nth wondarlul t nulla In cuilngeautrn, ritifra bend lur Irailmnniali. Irra. iui irviimumiu., irra. jr . i , . ,. , n I i,,i I f VIMI M br ilritjigiiU, iirlr;M. llallt faullr 1411 ale lb beet. r.y.i, rrorri., joiooo. o, ft ........... .'.... .. . Called Hint Brother. Ilnrlow I noticed you rolled Trod "brother." Doom ho below: to aomo ao orot aocloty that you iloT Hlmllop I don't bcloiiK to nny bo orct nocicty. I call lilin brother bo cnumi my wife onca proinlicd to bo n alitor to him. Malhara "III Dnl Mri. Wlnttnw'a Kootbtnc titruti tha Utt ratfiadr to lur thalr children rup ijii imii rauia I twining aaaaon. iia An Allccilnr Scent. Mr. YounRhiiabnnd Unrllni;. you lmvo been weeping;. What la It, my awcetcat loroT Mr. VounKhuiband Homo rndlah! RHEUMATISM HOT A SKIN BfSEASE. It is natural to rub the spot that hurts, and when rheumatic fialna arc shooting through the joints nnd muscles and they are nflamed nnd sore, the suiTcrcr is apt to turn to liniments nnd plasters for relief; and while such treatment may quiet the pain temporarily, no amount of rubbing or blistering can cure Khcumatism, because it is not a skin disense, but is in the blood nnd all through the system, and every time you nrc exposed to tnc same conditions that caused the first attack', you nrc going to have nnother, and Khcumatism will last just P3 long as the poison is in the blood, no matter what you npply externally. Too much acid in the blood is one cause of Khcumatism; Btomach troubles, bad digestion, weak kidneys and torpid liver arc other causes which brine on this painful dis case, because the blood becomes tainted with the poisonous mat ter which these organs fail to carry out of the system. Cer tain secret diseases will produce Khcumatism, and of nil forms this is the most stubborn and severe, for it sectus to affect every bono nnd muscle iu the body. The blood is the medium bv which the noisons nnd ncids nrc carried through the system, nnd it doesn't matter what kind of Rheumatism you have, it must be treated through the blood, or you can never get permanently rid of it. As a cure for rheumatic trou. bles S. S. S, has never been equalled. It doesn't inflame the stomach and ruin the digestion like Potash, Alkalies and other strong drugs, but tones un the ccncral health, rrcntly Joints and the Bore and tender muscles are immediately relieved. Our special book on Rheumatism will be mailed free to those desiring it. Our physicians will cheerfully answer all letters asking for special information or advice, for which no charge is made. TIIE SWIFT SFCClflC CO., ATUWTAs fUL 'I ben lie (lot I'oollMt, "No," mild tint now nrrlvnl nt tho tmnpuntiicm liolol. "I cim't umlnrRlnnd why all IIioho iioiihIIiIo men tnko thnt foollah tm iiii overy Hundny inorulnff to hi;o mo norniit." "Xurd undnrHtnnd It If you wont mow?," mild tlio w ho iriicnt. w It h n wink. "Tho hornilt Is bnrtondcr." CIiIciiko NiiWH, A AHiguliled Thunderbolt A lllllvlllo luclmni'ii tmvft! "Mrrbt, iiIiik Htruck it OuorKln inuln In thin iiolKhborhood tout your. Tho mulo Hiirvlvod tho ahock, but wo hnvon't aeon uny IlKhtnliiK around hero aluoo." Atlanta CoiiNtltutlon, Don Carlo. Don Curio, tlio prctondor to tho HimnUli throno, who, It In reported, Ik prepnred to rollutilith htn clnlinn In thnt direction, In 03 yearn old, and tho father of ono aou and threo dniiKhtern. AccordliiK to the Ht. Jnmea Onxclte, ho baa frleuda In KiiKland, nnd In dellKht m Ui ahow them ovor hla wonderful prlvitte armory nt tho Ilnzr.o l,oroi.nii. vonico. it im nn uneriunu-d collection. I'reildent Olar.. Outaldo of Mexico thero In n Rcnor nl ItiipruMMlon that hocntiHo I'rcaldunt Dlnr I now anveuty-threo yenra old ho miiRt bo fnllliiK mid lliul nt boat ho can Innt lull n llttlo tlmo loriRpr. "On tho contrnry," any n mnn who linn Junt returned from n buHlnenn trip to tho nUtor republlr, "hair n tninuto'n talk with tho Kunernl will dlupol nny auch notion, lie la of Onxnca Indian blood, n trlbo noted for lonKovlty and phyalcnl prowcia." Otitructlve Uampnci. Ho bad U tho dnmpneaa In Ceylon that n book will hardly Innt n year. The moat uxpenalvo cctnorn, made of the mot perfectly aenaoned wood ( pnrently will warp In Ceylon, nnd nil Its partn will become uiiRlucd. For cougbi mid ralili there ii no better modlclnoiluii 1'lao' Curo for Coniuinp Uon. rrlro'Jrtreiili. Whit Hadlum Ilia Done. Sir Oliver IoiIr protoatn nualnit tho currant Idea that tho dlacovory of rndlum In any wny ahakoa tho lonj; nc reptod lawn of aclenco. On tho con trnry. It nfllrma thoin, nn tho Instabil ity of matter which radium proven win theoretically acquired In tho electric theory of It conatltutlon, wore true, and radium complete thla theory In itcad of deatroytnR It. Hadlum give ui, In embryo, a trauamutntlon of tho element. An Advance. Jlnfilo I knew that follow, Htorm, tho comedian, would como to tho front Woller Well, ho ha. han ho? "Ye, You romombcr ha uaed to play tho part of tho hind Icrm of the elephant In tho pantomlrao?" "Yc." "Well, now ho' playing tho front leKa," K, Y. Dolly Nown. Oet Mora I'ower From Coat. Huch Iiiik been tho Improvement In otmlno bollern and tiro boxen that the power derived from n pound of coal today In nearly three time a crcnt aa It wan fifty years ngo. Woman' Way. 8ho Now that I havo openly con foned my ono Indiscretion to you, what do you say? Ho That you havo committed a aocond. Ilrooklyn Llfo. UNABLE TO BLEEP AT NIGHT. Bidney, Ohio, August SO, 1003. A fow months aso I was feollncr vrosk and ruu down ana unibla to net alaap at night. I fdlt extremely bsd.aud alio had rheuinstlo palm in my Joints and mui oUa, The uiadlolna I uaod nave tna ouly temporary rallet at baatl ioieolng;H.H U, rsootiiniAnriml tor audi trou. blai, I basin Its uae, and alter taklnar It for some tlmo was wall planed with the palna, save ma rarreahlnv sleep and uu atr lit uii iny. arenerai ivatonj, viviur me atranirtu and energy. It Is a Hood roedl- cine, without a, doubt, and Z take pleas uro in ondorilnv it. R. 1', D. No. I, B. B. BOUQUTON. stimulates the sluggish organs, and at the same time antidotes and filters out of the blood all poisonous acids and effete nmtter of every kind ; nnd when S. S. S. has restored the blood to its natural condition, the painful, feverish I v,v- ii kL, (Mto.ynitrtnh I ' SHrm. -PtrrM f All lv Mv m llTi'"- M ir-ajivHiiTifin veSurs v iii-ivyl! An liiKcnloiin chemist tin made tho claim Hint tho nveniK" human belnj In worth about 18,!I00 from tho chem ical Htniulpolnt. Ill ciilculntloiin are biiHi'd on tho fact that tho human body contain three (kuiiuU nnd tlilr teen ounce of calcium; and calcium, Jut now, In worth ?!I00 uu ounce. Tlio hut (Uncovered and moot dlMmit of ureal jiluiietn, Neptune, extended the nolar MVHtcm more than one thou Hand million mile, l'rof, (JcorKo Korben In aeeklni; nn even more din tnnt planet, no coulldently that ho ban actually named It Victoria, and ho ex pectn that It will bu found ulwut 10, 000,000,000 mile from the nun. Cotton icrowliiK ho" lately attracted mticli lutercHt In rarOKuny, nnd many liuiulrlen hnvo been nddreiKcd to our CoiiHtil at AhuiicIoii about American cotton kIu, lireNHex, tire, billing, nnd no forth. Thu native cotton of 1'nra Kimy crown on tall liunben, approach ItiK tho nlxe of aninll tree, and In con aeiucntly dllllcult to (tick. Tlirno litiatien (irotluco during from aoven to ten yearn. Tho i(Uentlou of planting' American cotton hi l'nrnBuny la under dlacUNilon. A new llluinlnatlnj.' material ban becu dlicovcrwl by Herman Hlau, tho lluviirluu clicmlst It U made from oil K'. Hi" n proccan of rvctlucatloii tho metliium and hydrogen contained In It are neparatetl from tho k'na, and, by n premium of 40 ntmoaihere, nro reduced to tlio liquid form, In ateel receiver. Tho now compound can bo lined lu tho placo of petroleum, alco hol and acetylene, nnd It la Raid to Klvo a light of it lieatitlful color, pref erable to that of tho electric light Tlio German government ha erected a new HgbthoUM? on Helgoland, lu which a return ban been mndo from tho 1'reinel lenae and prlnmn of oth er modern lighthouse to tho old form of parabolic reflector with a power ful Illumination in tlio focua. Tho Il luminator I mi arc-light, with a cur rent of UI auipercn. and nn eatlmnted ciindlo ower of 30,000.000. The re volving reflector nro purnbollc glaaa mirror, allrered on tlio back, and no protection agalnat the weather la pro vided In frout of tho light l'rof. It II. Thurston, of Cornell Uulvemlty, call attention to a curlou vitrlety of ulckel-atccl alloys, recently Invented In France, which ho think may havo more Imiwrtaiico for tho world than tho form of nickel-steel thnt hn given ua tho modern armored huttlcahlp. Tho new alloya nro prac tically noil-dilatable that la, their dl inuiiMlona do not niter with ordinary changes of temperature. Thus n pen dulum of constant length can bo made, and already the new material la em ployed In making clock and watches to run true in both winter and sum mer. V'or measuring Instruments of precision, llko thorm employed in geo detic surveys, theao alloys nro partic ularly suited. Tho luventor, Monsieur (iulllaumc, Is also experimenting with ntckel-nteel us a substltuto for tho car bon filament of the ordinary Incandes cent lamp. FOUND IN ACURIQ 8HOP. Htrunco Itecoverr of Family Hellc After Kilty-three lain. Truth. Is stranger than fiction, to re vert to tho time-honored and worn phrusu und If ever nu incident proved It tho experience of a Chicago woman lu New Orleans recently does so to n satisfying extent. Llko many who como down from east und west, she tlmt wanted to seo Krvnch market and then alio made u happy, fanatical tour of tho curio and second-haud shops nnd pnwn shops for souvenirs, says tho Now Orleans Times-Democrat. Slio thought she wanted pearls and corals und Jeweled daggers and ono nfteruoon nliout u week ngo, with these luring her along tho quaint, sun ny length of tho "uuuner," alio enter ed n shop dingy, dusty nnd of de lightful promise. In tho process of "nosing" about with n veiled eyo for "nuds" sho came upon n broken pinto tilled with old-rnshloned bcuI und be gan half Idly picking them over. Pres ently sho chanced upon ono for a fob peculiarly odd, a beauty of antiquity, with lA heavy carved gold ring. "I'll lot you huvo that very cheap," tho man said. "It's it locket ns well an' has a piece of hair Insldo. It's funny Bort of hair, gold and brown, nu al ways scemn to mo llko it'u alive. I can't sell It and that hair In It. Most pcopla don't want to keep hair and won't tako It out becauso It's bad luck. Tho ring has soino letters cut on It, you bco. It. W. W." "It. W. W.," exclaimed tho lady, "my brother's Initials; how strangol" "Well you nro tho tlrst person I'vo ovor been nblo to find that bad 'cm In any part of tho family. Nobody wnuts to buy It. I'll lot you get a bargain on It. I'd havo molted tho ring tor gold long ago,, but I never could gtt up tho courngo to tako out that thero hair. wouldn't let me," Tho woman opened the locket nnd there wan tlio llttlo shining curl wim. lug Mill lo vibrato with n beautiful freah llfo tlmt must have crumbled to dust many yearn since. "Well, I'll come In beforo I go und see," slio snld, and went on her search for pearl. Hut tho thing haunted her and finally Impelled her, so slio says, to write lo her brother describing It. "If you want tho thing I'll bring It to you," she wrote. Ho sent her nn Im-; mediate reply. "Oet the ring nt nil costs. Mother says It Is father's nnd the lialr that of his mother. It was ! given to him with her blessing when ho was a boy nnd ho had treasured It dearly." I'lfty-threo years ago tho father had come south to Mobile und tho seal fob with Itn locket had been stolen by it siicrstlt!ourt black, who, dlscov-, erlug tho hair, was afraid of tho III-1 luck nnd n possible hoodoo and left I it In a bundle an tho doorstep of that I samo old curio shop. j Ho flfty-threo years afterward' tho j granddaughter found by accident the ! precious llttlo relic, preserved for her until now by tho Intangible protection of tho glinting curl of hair. SHE KNEW J08H ALL RIGHT. Title Wltneea Not at AH Kelnclant to Hpaalc Onl. "Now, madam," said tho counsel for tho defendant to it llttlo, wiry, black eyed tldgety woman, who had Iwcn summoned In n case, "you will plcaso give your evidence In as few words as possible. You know the defendant'" "Know who I" "Tho defendant Sir. Joiihua Ilaggr "Josh lingg? I do know him, and I knowed his father before him, nnd I don't know nothln to tho credit of either of 'em, nnd I don't think" "Wo don't want to know what you think, madam. I'lensc say 'yes or 'no' to my questions." "What questions?" "Do you know Mr. Joshua Hags?" "Don't I know him, though. You ask Josh liagg If ho knows me. Ask hltn If ho knows anything about try lug to cheat a poor widow like mo out of ISJ. Ask" "JI a da m. I" "Ask him whose orchard he robbed last and why ho did It in the night? Ask bis wife, lletsy Hngg, If she knows anything nbout sllppln' Into a neighbor's Held aud mllkin' three cows on tho sly. Ask" "I.00U here, madam " "Ask Josh Itagg about that uncle of hi that died In prinon. Ask him about lettln' his (tore old mother dlo In tho workhouse. Ask Iletsy Hngg nbout putting n big brick Into a lot of butter sho sold last spring" "Madam. I tell you" "See If Josh Hagg knows anything about feeding ten head of cattlo on all tho salt they could eat, and then let ting them swill down all the water they could hold, Just 'foro ho drlv them Into town and sold 'cm. See what ho' got to say to that!" "That has nothing to do with the case. I want you to" "Then thero was old Azrael Hagg, own uncle to Josh, got kicked out of his native town, aud lietsy Uagg's own brother got ketcbed iu a neighbor's henhouse at midnight. Ask Josh" "Madam, what do you know nbout this ense?" "I don't know a llvln' thing 'about It, but I'm sure Josh Hagg Is guilty, whatever It Is. Tho fact Is. I'vo owed them Haggse a grudge for the hist llfteen years, nnd I got myself called up on purpose to get even with 'em, and I feel I've done It." Ixjndon Tit Hits. Tlio Droani Hook Man. "Have you got uny of those fool dream books?" said a short, stout man entering it dowu-towii aecoud-huud book store. "J.0I8 of 'cm." replied the salesman, tossing over u pile of paper-covered books, with demons lu red and black I adorning tho front pages. "My avrvaut girl wants them," ex plained tho man, half apologetically "J.'es," snld the salesmau, looking bored, Th niau selected three of the lwoks, one on dreams, one on fortune telling, and ouu on handkerchief flirtations, paid for them, and weut away. "His eervuut girl wants them," snld tho salesman to it friend. "The old gag. Ho wants them himself, ami h tislutmcd to ask for them, "We get several dozens of that kind In here every week. They are crazy over dream books and fortune-telling books, und all that kind of thing, but they aro so afraid someone will know It. "Almost every ono of them blames the poor servaut. That's tho most pop ular bluff. They laugh, and say they don't know why the servant wants them, but they supopso they'd hotter humor her. . "Then they take the books homo and read them by tho hour. When they've flnlalied them they como back for more. "It's best to let them think they nro fooling you, for we sell rnoro books that way," Chicago Inter-Ocean. ur "Two years ago my hair was filling out badly. I purchased a bottle of Aycr'c Hair Vigor, and soon my hair stopped comlngout," Mies Minnie Hoover, Paris, III. Perhaps your mother had thin hair, but that is no reason why you must go through life with half starved hair. If you want long, thick hair, feed it with Aycr's Hair Vigor, and make it rich, dark, and heavy. UMlUMt. AllaVnrttM. If your dmgzltt cannot mmiljr yoo, etnd ua on dollar and wo will ezpreti jou a Lottie, lie ears and ele the name of younearfatexnreaaonlce. AMrttt, J.C.AYKUCO.,Iwell,Ia. The Summer "Cottage." Tho summer "cottage" on tho sea shore Is tho selected place of nfl others for thoso who havo nothing to do, who have no derlro to do It. and nn abundanca of tlmo In wilch to do It. Thero aro tens of thousands of thorn, in a circle of t. score or two of miles about New York. Many of them aro occupied year after year by their owners, nnd many others are built for lease, and see a new tonant each sea son. Now York Letter. Protecting nooks In Chins. "We hnvo to varnish all our books in my country," sold n Chinese; "other wise they would soon bo oaten Into a Kiny powder by a llttlo black insect, III10 n beotle. that takes to books as a cat takos to nshos. Evorybody In China, whan he receives n consign ment of books from Europe or Amer ica, mixes a little pot of varnish at onco and proceeds to coat his books with It This fluid Is a perfect pro tection; It Is made of creosoto Canada balsam, resin, spirit of wine and mas tic." Philadelphia nccord. Juit Before the Scrap. Wife I wonder how they make those parlor matches? Husband Tho process Is very sim ple. I onco made one. Wife Indeed! How did you man age It? Husband Dy first making a fool of mysolf In your mother's parlor during our courtship. Chicago News. ABSOLUTE SECURITY, Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must oar Signature of , Sf Poc-Slmlle Wrapper Beteir. Try taull ad aa easy te) tska as recur. CARTE Vim Five 0 CARTER'S FOR HEABACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. ' FOR COUSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FORTHECOMPLEaIOI ITTLE, IVER y-i .tic! I OMHVn MVI1W Foray Test taiilov'W CURE SICK HEADACHE.. PIMPLES "Mr wife faa4 plmpleaou her face, but (he baa been Ukln CASCAltm-S and thar hare all dUappeared. I bad been troubled with coasiliuuou (or some time, but alter tali- ,n,l!tu8. nr?' CascV? ' bT had no trouble with this aliment. We cannot apeak too bleb tyorrasoaretf." Knsu Wautuah, iuo uormmQwn Axe., rausaeipnia, e. CANDY TRAOtatMM MSaiSTWHO Flaaaant. Palatable, fount, Taite Oood. Bo Bood. H.f.rUlck.u, Weak.u.or QilpeTlOc. Ke.iSk ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... KwWM -Ml C.aMV Cl, MMlntI, T. m MCLT0.I1B Hold and enarauteed br alldrnr. our. IBJn teat wniii ii 1151 iaiij. ra El Beat Ooiuh Bjnip. I'aatoe Good. Ua Hi Ca Ultima. Sold by drnraUU. jilt iSBa J