The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 20, 1903, Image 7

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TIiuIxt Und. Aet Jim , i ,
I). a Urid Olllr-r, Th IMlIt, OfWAii,
lr li. Wat
Nalle I l)trby Mlvfii lhi Ih eeWWnct
Hi pruvMoii uf ihr Art of tgrarH of Ju
l Mi eiilillrd, "Am nrt fur Ihr "wU'irilNiNr
Hiir 1,
ni vmitiv,, in , fui tor iiv ,n um nj won
I IN HI I mihitHM, Ureal). rTrail. NIHl
l, hihi
II lll
wp,. -'"" wm thi-ikkh w pi, ,,v
ir land alalit lay Act aAugHtl 4, layri lh
whig named arrwa he Aietl Ih lliUulllrv
ef rklannral l
aworn xiMrm. lo-witi
buwilU fHwhtrr,
hf r.pnhtMe. cmia) of apokunr, tl T Whah
liiglow. (tat larflaV Avtji rtirn rMUmeu No
Iffi, rtliil Atirll it, tee), At the imfvbea f til
nH m i. I 6 a, r lr, w m
iwotn rnwmpwm,
ueatral IMIvrry, npetune.oinjaiy nf Itaikaaa,
Kabtrt riittaptra
rial of Wnahlayglan, twwrn MalrmrHt Tip i
nif m wnvmngnm, twttrn mntrmrt
llrd AikII i. leti I.w iht Mil ha
m tu
U aedtH naif arc ti, tpita. r lot, w at
Mr I, ftpvMtati
Hfaat CartUtc Air, eukN r, eoualy el HpuliH,
atMlr uf Wathliigtoai awurn laleil
Nil M.
IINNl April i, i. for the
pril i,
nHrvhaa if ih KtK
aee n,
Ip Ifta, I ll,
Michael II NhIUmu.
nfTha Indict vmnly nf Waru. Mt fOttfiiMi
awoiu MuK-Mtnt N" i?i Alrd April , taj
fee lh patcha l tin aaeM,lp U, r i
t, w at.
Th thry will AVr proof in aheW tUl I Ireland
taught I mot valuable fur iu Wtoer or ateiir
in a iut i,iitiiiiiiiai imrwian, ami t ertaoiiai,
Ibtll trUIre lo miu law! (wMCc tfc lUgMff awl
MmMvui at In hU. OrtfOM. oft rrtday.
January lath, iwh.
Th. y iianw aaWttncMm John MMI,r hfml,
(H Alliftt CMrtatlallMM, Huttrlt T6aMtHHi,
Mair I.Hf)MK)r, Lawttki wluti ol fihWn,
WatMiitaMi MtoMMt Cwnwr. Mum Lm ( m
Ml MaAlM OtoatHlator. of TM IMlhM, fMti!
Htta Mttmttn. 4 lUaaail. M. IMWiHai AlWtt
ClntMriria'uiiM Waa
A mt and all laiaim Halailat Mtlr Um
utii-noiU iauai rrawaawa w hi iiwii
ilat In IkM iic on o,- hrfoti Ihc aMa)har
NHary, hm
miimaki. I. nuu.Ki micron.
t1wbr Laa4, Art jan t '
It , Mrwt UfArr, Tk Halloa. Owgoa,
itrtoWr f. HMi
MoHor t awtativ at) Uuit I tuiafWlMrr with
IbvpfuvtaftxMiWlhf Aftcaf ttmaroai ( Jhnr 1
IH mihtol "An art tat Ihraalr ofllMhrr laud
la the tiw of wuitwula. i if . Hi
fllw ataUMof Willfwula. (NvuM, Nfaoaa. and
aahinam Tvrrilury," at riuaaUd to all Ihr
mMk load alalra no Art of Aaicwat 4, itat)
Ml. hard K CaiaartaH.
ofHintMlvrr niiiir ru atalc vOtraaM,
ha UiUilai awif lo thla uitan hl afcl
haral No $ IW the oaretiaar of Ih a4 h
kMaJ Iota I and 4 ot act I and M I. ar a. la) if . r
w, w .
Aad Mill oArr pnail lo ahvw that In had
(a aaur raltuliU fof ila llaaoaT m alaaa
hi la mvtt Blalil hi Ha tlaibfr or Mom
kar aavtnallatal aofunaaa. aad h nUUM
IhaS tar aartroitaral ofynaa, aad la nMMM
Ma rtalaa W aild Uod trW Iho Hgat aad
lli at Th Inllra, . ua Mttadajr. Ihr
Ht aay M laretNiaai iatij
Ita HOMat aa aWiana Mdataad H Whllo,
Ckailn f atatrr Howl S .t ofHaod Klr.
(tnrgun. A H r uf anad, imiaa.
Aov mmd all arnuai rtataalao adtvnflr I ha
ajwiadiflhid landaatt raawalod la U thatr
la inia "0n no uf i into ia hh im
at Itrcwmbrr, wu
i i khaki, t niiLAi. aoawor.
TtaaWrf UiihI, Act joa . 17.
V. . Uad IMm. Thr tkalloa, Oraaam,
ao4rahr at. j
Wothw h lartrtijr irlrm Ikal la naoplUarr with
lh aniridaai of lha Art uf Cuturooa of Jaat J.
iaa. aatMM. ' Aa art Im tin aaituf liaahrr Uada
la lb atatoa of Cahlhrala. rfii NtwwU, aod
Wablaatia Trt ilaicf, aa ralrtadad to all Ihr
imtaMc Had auua . A.t of Auga 1. ltt.
tarr W. Oardaci of iMlath toHaty ot at
I. tMo af MtuafMiM. h H Mach ji
M, lUal la thla wAo ala afH atalatul
Hm tut Ih purvhaar oflh Iota I, f aad j of
Mt, III if a r 11 a. w m, awl will utttr firuuf Iu
thaw thai ihr land aaMiabi ai ataro valaohk (or
(U ttiotaw or laaa a aarkollural aai
Iaat. lt lutaUonaa
ot l taaaMMM ata aaalw ha mm laaa a
I aaaffaajf Ifaartaiajir' $
7Taaaa4taaati Jotui K. Mtatlir. of
IIMdairrMloaraula Ho j lira), of Hotfd
(Ht". John A Tracy. Illaaa Maiah of lra
chatra, Otrgoo
Aay and all arraoM dalmlhf advarwljr Ihr
alnm-drarrtbrd laada art rruamttal tu Air Ihrlr
aiatOM Ih Iht oMm o or htnHv Ih al )th
4y of Drctaahrr toaj
9tH.PIAHI atii.rtn, nrTiri.
Ttathtr Uad. Ait Jwat j. lay
V a. Uad unVr. Thr Dallrt, ttrtoan.
Kiuatr ii, 10.
WoMn h) arrrhy gtrro thai mf.anphaai with
laiiwlJuol of Ihr At. uf riHiajtoM vf jaa 1
ja.oaillld, "Aaact fur Ihr aali-ufliutarrlaao
Ih alalra of CaltfufNU, orraoa. .Mrirada. aad
la lha atotaauf UtltfuroU. Ilrraoa
WaahMMMra Taffttury." a, auadt4 lu all Ih
MW laad ttatra by Avt uf Aaurt 1, US,
Itaawl aulUtao,
f ItiMlliM. eoaaty f ITtc. . )ai of xixomta,
ttMMUiM iom. hlrd ta tbi hta iHrom
atattwrat Ha iu. lor In piirvhaar uf th lt
hK Ja.lp a, r irt. Uta 1 and 1 , In
t. t lit. at,
Atnl w4U altar araf lo ahow that Ih Uad
aaawfil I aiorr rata Mr aa lw ttanhtr or ataa
llaaaataltoniaariaaa, add lo rauMt
kk MalailuaMd laad Urferv iht MifMaT and
"HWaWir at fa Uolk, inrtcuu. ftalrtrday,
the aiaiday afiaaaaiy, ivm4.
Iff aadaaaaUaaata juhn K ttautiHa,
lajkWalaoa,aBl. HaaioaaaaH a4 liana Kvr
lM , all Of .a. Wlawinaia
Aa)' tad all nrain i1imln advrrarly th
w c ia -J at ihiii
aVHaa la Iblt uMrr im ur urfvn- Iht aant ad dor
fjaaaary, 1-4
Oil 11
IIAIU.T Nlll.AN, Ha-tarT.
TiMhrr Uad. Art Jaa J. taya.
t. it Uad trak. Th llall. (hrgwi.
NovtMorr 11, iva.
Matt la brrrby aivra Iht 'a ouwwiiaJK nllh
ikr iHortahnu oCr Art rOwortoi.oT Jane i.
Mia, ililTj7" Aa act fur th aalaof ttaOatr Uada
fu th atal of lalirurala. iJrtuuw. Wrvada, aad
WaaMtutoa Ttrrllury,' a rtlandad to alt the
lariat Ural atal hy Art of Aojatt , ifti l)w
IMtawtHf -aaiueit twraoa ha flrd l IhU offle
, llirlr h alaltmtHU, l-wll
jawaM. Cnmlt),
of MttHHriajIb. eoualy uf Ml, Mair f OrKW.
hh ataloaitHt No iyfi, tltd April ai. iws. ftw
III tmtrnaM uf thr H wrf mc , and M UWR
arc 11 a, riot, w m
Juaph l. Ilarrlgau,
ef HhuhhUw, cwiaty ef KIhk. auU af Waahraif
tm om rltm.Hl No im. Med Aiall N.
Ij. for th Hirha of ll M atnl l,U J.
4Uml jr.a).li 11 a. rn. w hi.
William Molloy,
ttTataUlr. county of Klag. nair orwathlHglon,
ril aWlcmcHl No ifu, lilr.1 A pi II H, f.
for lhlHircliaifthr Lid tf are to. ami UU
I aad 1 and nH an, , lp 11 a, r o , w ai
ChartatA. IIiihi.
ifThr llla.cuuiily'irVaa.y, attt ul Oirgoii:
aweni iimriiinil Nu imh. Ald April u, iaj, fr
III piiriaaiifllihkjvi4.ll' U . f '"''
vr in.
.I.. ti.... .um ..irvv hMi,r
Tint lliry will olftr prutifloihuw Ilia I llic U111I
anualit l liiwc valiwiW fur It tlmhtr or atoiit
I MlitiirauiMillHiral purpoara, aim mcaiaiMi-.ii
(IrNIl I'll iKIITlllIa Ia I"- ana a .. -w-" "- - . -
tlitlr tUluii In mM I.i ml licfuta III KtaWcr ami
UMMUrrni flit IMllta. Drcauii. nil Wnlncmlay,
jnimnry 17. "M
Tlicy imine a wlliitMti' W II rKi A -' Har
vey, N WliraUliiH. Nlclioka hmllli, M Coniirr
aialTCIilillilay. uf 111 Hall". OrMoii: I. U
Allintluiu and IMwIti fimlum, T arm
fiprlng. (Irraoil. William Molloy, of Hralllr.
Vlu J l' JlmWrk. uf PwllMiuf. t)ruii, J l
lluirlKRii. ul Kmimcluw, Wli; I) Mack, ut
liny, Wuali
Any ami all prraoli clnlinliiB aiUctatly the
alHivtMlaarrllatllaiiilaare rrtiiralt.l 111 file their
rUlm In IhU tilDre 011 or before the aul fltli dny
oruiiary.,. T VQUV RiglMeri
TlHihrr Umt, Atl luiir j, 17.
II. H Mini onWenl (.nkevlrir. On ton,
Hcplrmlirr it. IV'J.
Niillr l dm I alvrn llul III eiMiipUaiiet with
Hit iMurMuiH
It IHurlatulMiifllir Artnf Cliilatnn uf liinr H.
I), tlilltlr.1, "An ri firlltftliif HinlwrlMiida
in Ih alalta of CallfitriiU, Orrutai, Nrvaita, anil
Waaliliigtnn Irrrltoi)," k KltlHlnl lu all lit
liiililleUml alalvaf hy Act uf AiiUHtl 4. Ifc;'' Ihr
Mlunlnrjiatiitil (trrauii Unrn m In llila "(
Ihrlr aMoni ataltnitnla, iwwlli
lliHiua J (iranitUr '
afliiiUitMillHB, ruiinty of Path, Mai f Ore
HUM, "mull atatrmaiil No 111 A lh iircha4r
( Ih mX ate 11, ip ji , r il . w at,
William A,eU,
uf iNdrurnrlcn, Cuuiily uf i'olb, llc ! Orraoii
worn Malrmrni No i4i lorUt partfcaar of Ih
a'-t 11 K aad 11 H awl arc 11. lp 11 a, r 11 r, vr m
Jr 1.1,1 M Walla,
if liMWprtidrrirr, n.uiily of latVtk,atat nf)rri(fHi,
worn alalnHirul Mo i' for til IHiUliaM- of lfi
H awhj 19 11. M HMfJf ftd liwff awK M
tp it a, 1 lie, vm
flvnrf A
r Ihlpndarr, i-miiitr 0
I loth. ttatr of ore-
.,H, twura atatrmnii Ha iut tor 111 paranate ni
in wit aw)4 avi , ami ) an ac 17 ip i a, r
1 1 ) w m
barata I'. Wrrla.
of iHitrpomltHcr, dufatyof I'uth, atalr of (
aua. taata atat'inrirt Na hftt fur thr pnreha uf
in nn"n ann wmwk c7 ip i,r 11 e,w in.
Iltniltrwra W Mnrahy,
of iHdrurailtne. anonlv uf Pofk. atalc of Or-
IMim, am atatrHirnt K im tor Ihr pnrHc f
mr ) nn; ana nil a-'S T. ip " "
w m. .
Commodore V. Wttla,
ullmlrp-ndrnv, eooati' of IMh, Hale of (lie
Ban. morn atalrmanl fttt Mlit for Ihr arnaar
of Ihr arK re J. Ipn a, r 11 i w m.
Prank P. (IihmwI, .
of rHna Vlala, eoaaty of pidk. Male m Omyoti,
Hta atalrmrtit No i'xJ lur lir iiaiehaa of Ihr
hwK ate atp 11 . r 11 , w m.
That Ihry will iAVr urtvf taahow thai Ih Und
aooahl U Mora U4M Air lit lwtf or atone
Ibaa aKairtaallMtMl pofNaoa. and lu vatahlith
lhafr ofalMM lo aald land hrfor ). J antHh,
Com Hly Clerk, at J'rinrvtllr. (lrtofi, en aaliir
day Ih tlh da of lcralr, 104.
Ttiar aau aa wlttiaaai rl'raHkl IllOUtld. of1
Haa VM, urra.01, iaMr A Wrlta, William 1
A arotl. Iltnderauii W HrHy. Uiiaiwodott 7' I
went 01 iHorprwionrr, iirrgrwi, r v. unman
of Portland, ttrrgim
Amv and all nrrwina dalmlaa adrv'rMr the
ahoreWovrtlwdJanda are lawnoatrd to III Ihatrl
rlalMi In thla oAce oa or Uiton Ih aald Jth day
ar itaKwiar, ryi.
TtailMrr Uad Act Jane J. Itj.
V, H Uad OaVr at Ukrtttw, Orrawt,
otpt. U. laaj
Notice U hrrthy gtvea thai In coioatUnce with
Iht prvWaloaaafibfAt't of Cfngrro uf Jane y
17. raUlltd "An al far lb al of JuJibrr
Uaaia la th atatr iaTl'llnrais. Orrjoo, Iftrada
and Waablaitoa TrrrUnry." a atadd to all
itv imma Miim mai j mm m" '. a. " a
Ih Mlowloa uauird ptttona bat tlad la thtal
Mr thtfr aworn atatotnonta to-wW
Chartr II Hradahaw.
awom autrnwnl in 1T04 Ibr Ik pan bait oflbr I
HwK, M rwt, , are 1 aad m aK. Ip
a, r II e, w a.
Moaaah A HraoVdiw,
aTh Itattra, p. amy of Waaro, autrurtwttron.
aworn auirmmi No 17 lor th iwnehaa of Ihr
MX awVi- ahj m. and aw aK a j tp 11 a. r
II t, w m
Harry MtHonald.
uf CUuUal. cooiily ofColnmuu, atalr of in
on, awurn aUltmtnl Na 1707 an the Mtrhaae
uf ihr MtlHciilpai, nit. ww.
That Ihry will offrr Mf toabotr thatlhaUnd
awoght U aiurt valnablr for lit Umlwr r atotw
than lor agrlrotiaral porpuart, aad to ralabllah
IhetrrUliaa 10 aald Uad brfat J. J. rWnlth
Connl Itrrk, al rrlnrvltlr. iirrgoai. oil Monday
la rta day at lartjrmUrr. iyj.
Tart nam n wltaeaaot Charloa II HtaJ
anaw iwuaa
aab A. hradltyw. of Thr Italloa, Oir
tm. Hai7
Anr aiui all baeaona Maittiuit: aanisMir hit
ahov doacrtlMaJ laada at irmntilcd W Ale llwtr
cValma in Ihta oflaatnn or atrort ihc aaai Tin uay
of Otovatlarr, ifau.
01 ltl IlKATTAIN. tlr
Timber Urvd. Art Jmhc 1, iky.
U. H Uad Office. The lUUoa, Oea)tM.
Nolle I hrretyr glwa that la eoawpUatwe with
lb aruvtainn oflhr Act of Coaarja of Jwm .
Itpi, tnllllrd. "Aa act tar th aafcr of Umber Uada
In the atatoa of Calitorala. INaajwH. Netrada. and
Waaailatoa Trrrllory," a ritrndod lo alt Iht
Ek Uad atalro Ii) act of Aaoaat 4, lioa, th
wlaa-aaajrtl prraun bate i JH, ja. ioba.
In thla oMe Ihrti awotH atatriwtnti. tsvwtl
HrnUmln I' Krfr
of IVaaendeu, oonniy of WU, atatr af North
Ikakota. iwoih alairaarat No 4i lor (he ar
haaroflh af e 15, Ip i , r toe, w. m.
ClirtM JtcHmtr
of Peoantdra. county uf WelU. (Me af aN'oith
lUbuia, awora auiitwrol No iaij, far the mr-
rtMaeoflhaK arclS.lp I a, IMI, w. l.
I'evit A Aekatmaii
of 'ranJrH. ruonly of Well, atate of Nofth
IMkota, tworn atalrincnl No itu. for the par
ehaa oflh nel ncAipiii.rar.w m
That they will ulbr iwtwf tuahow llwt Ihr land
ariuahl la nware valnaMr lor Ila tlwU r or aton
A haa for agrtcttllorat uirpaa, aad to etUldtah
Ikrtr viaima iu taw mko otHHt j ji iwitrwt,
f a. Cowatlaalunrr al Utachulr. Uiigmi, oh
Wrdaraday. ih ind day of fltccmbtr. lotj
Thy iiamr aa wltueaara. luatrt hhaw, Jalia
AMdl. of Ikud. irrratw, Chrtat dailmer, Coetl A.
Aeketataa, HcaJaailH P KlPt, af lVwdn,
North luttota
Any aad alt Mtaoaa eUlwInu ailveraeJy th
aaotW'tUacrtbad laad ar ruuatd to flU tlrlr
eUlia Ih IhU ofJoe ou or hfr the Mid iwl day
of iMcaiar, iiau
CIIAH1. T. NOI.AN. KMialtr.
Timber Uad, Act June i, itfa.
U. a Uad Olftr. Ukaview, Oratan,
adilr it, iy.t.
Not Ire h bcieliy kIvch that In omiplUno with
the itrrwUloii ufth Act of 0iigrrM f Jnue j.
laja, ntltbxl "Am act for th mIc or tliliUtr
UmU Ih III Ut ofCaMRKnU, Oregaii, NewtiU
and WaablHKtoa Tvrrttory," at vxtamUtl ta all
thetmldleUnd ataltaliy Act uf AiikimI 4, law,
llj folliM.lHH nauietl peraont have ntotl In IhU
uffire Ihelr utn alalemenl, tit-wtli
Henry Wottleijtl
of Itntkley, nainly of l1ro. (ale of Waahliig
Iom. aurora alalcawal No iMa, for the purclmrc
of the uwW mc 1, tp 11 a, r 15 e, vr in.
uflhiehUy, ermiity ofPirrar, atitte of Wnahlng
loa, worn autemcat No 170, for the piirehaac
oftiieiief ihk.Iim, r ije, v in.
aamml I, J.umli
uf llucllty. connly of I'Urc. uie or NVaihtnr
lou: tworti ttatemeiit itu i7i, far Hit Mirehae
of tiie nH arc n, lp 11 . r ij e. w 111.
JlHtllh 1' MllHMII
of Ihieklry, ctmiity of Pierce, alolc of Wathlnt
ton; auiirji ataUioent No 1871, lor Hie purchmic
of Ihe K too it, lp m a, r 15 e, w in.
Thai Ihry will olfer proof In ahow that the
Liml aoui'lil la more vuliialilc for lu llmlier or
ttmie than fur uiirlcnltiiriil imtiooa, utnl lo r
tnhllh their claim lo Mid land he (ore J. J.
rlinlth, County Clerk nt l'rlncx lllo. Oretiou, on
Weilueailay, llie 16II1 day of Deveiulitr, nM
They mime a nllueate. Henry WuUIckcI,
Wuthliiiiton Morrl. Kainuel I, Uinh, Joaepli 1'
Matou, oriluckley, WnihliiKlun, Cha. II. ltrick
tun. II A l'ontrr. I'iIucnUIc, Oreiioii.
Any and nil pervout cUIuiIiie ndverely the
hocileaerlliedliitiiUarerejueteil to flic their
claim In IhU office on or before theitlil 16th day
of Drccmber, iooj.
'an n.M.DKATTAINRtglntei'.
Tlmlier l,J'li Act June j, 178,
V. . Lahd Office. Uketiew, CffrK"".
rSetilrmlur 11, ty
Nbllr U hfhy illven Urn I In comidlnirce with
Id prtrlilHiM of III A '. loiikitat of June j,
inf, mtlUd, "AH art for tin aalt ortlmhrrUad
IlilHr atilladafCfllintlilM. nrtoii. Krvada. awl
WMlnnKlmiTrMfyV''ii rirnrld lo all thr
pulilli land aiaiM by Alt nf Aooat 4, ir, the
Mlowliin nnnird naraeii hae filH In thlK
Iheir tworn MaUihii) tw-wll
ItritaMH. JJellhwn,
of UrU'kloH, iiiaatr if Will' l.a. atale of Mlimr
lata, awura aluleiattK Ho i'4 for the pvircliaar
of ifi H Ma Mill1.' u.w m.
WallatC It l-hae
uf Port HV-nluii.oottafaarniMiaM, atate (if Mim
lain., aworu iKalraaVaHW" ' rvr Ih pnnhaat
oflh ! al. awf HKtli tX MC , Ip tft.
I'laoaTrllftH. Townwnd,
offrliiaie'illjar9VIIIl-aui. atalr HfMlff
Hra-wru maaiVftnt N im. for the pnr
ra 1 ir H( aa(,l' l. rii, w m.
of Prlnrwh Maiy aTMIIlr uea, atatr ofMln
'HMj4a. aaVorn ataaMiajd No 170a, for lb jror
cImim rlf ihr H atalli, Ip 11 a, r 11 e, w M.
WUNaW r hate,
of pelfirrrair1 aowaajruralttk Uca, atal ofMln
bkmKi "wa jiaiMWHt No i(j, for Ihr pnf
haa 'le vr aWrT.aeXnwK. HWjfawK aacj,
iptt4' traa
Hatry If a I'aiiilwoi,
of PrlnrMtr eaaalir f Mllle lea, Mra
nawna, aWi alacfniriil h it.lbrtheparrhatt
of the 1 lry,ttt. r lit, ww.
. . ttarMrt M t ainham,
uf (YlirnVfr tyitmf of MUlt Uca, atate of Mia
Houta' rafop kaVriawil No ltd, lor Ihe par
chaaroftTle fat)(.,-c " "H X, awyf
aecfj,lp7i rYra, w in.
TltahKltkP Perm,
ufprlnclrH UaMISr al Mill Uca, atale af Mia
nraota. twrn-tl HawlMHt No 1471, for Ihe tmr
chatfllM aH R. K and iKwKr
7, tp'J. r 11 e, w H.
MUfatel Mahonty,
ofPrlHcrtun. raaHilraf Mitlr Um, atale af Mia
nraota. worn aurmat Nu 167, far the pnr
cbarV' rt Hwf Mat rj. lp a, r 11 , w m.
Mary J. WoodCHlk,
of PritHadm.rtraaliVafMlll Iam, atate ef Mra
naraa.wnra Jaatrmeat No iM, far Ihe par
cr vartiHi hw4 it. lp ij . r it e, w w.
ajaUoC Tli mat
of Vrlorrlutr, cvaatr of Mlltr Uea, atate af Mla
Hraota. Mora Btatanwat No iaa for th pnr
chat of thr H7 t)f, MM awH e jr. tp 11 a, r i
a iw
irfPTlirtitnr afcoatyof Mill Uca, atatrof Mln
HW4,wHr awtaaatat No 167J. for the pnr
rtalr Vifthe tM 1, and 1 are j, ip ij . r i r.
w at, aad (( atf a s ip u . r 11 . w m
AttllMT W WuuUuaV.
ofirlatWM, ewaatyaf MIIU Uca, ataUafMIn
tMrat Mo . tot th nor
cbaaeoftbaawM awK. wh wK aad K !
at a,n)ija,r lie. w at
., WWUw It. (Mkt,
of liArvtiM, caanty af Miltt Uca. atau ul Mio
ntaou. arrora ataHiatnl No laja. for lb par
cbaae of lb nK ja ipiji,ni,
Thai tbry waO afltr proof to ahow thai lb Un 1
aoaght U ator tAlaald for It tbabtr or atone
than far aarlcatlarai pntpuae. and to nuliliah
Ihrtr cUUtw la abt Und Iwfor J. j rnnilh
t'uanty CWrk. Craok Cooaly, at lffallle. tn
i,ou.uH vrraianday lb oth day af lMailr
1 on I
Thry naaa a wMara wmtam II oaka
Arthor Woadaack. rttdcrtck TawStwad. Krit.
Prrwo, WUttaa P. OMr. Harry II rarabaia
Klbrhla M. Parabaai. Prtdrrlek I'
Ma-hart Mahaaar, Mary J Woodsoek. PbM c
TbtMM, Chart
araJa. lu-uaat I
irhM A. Uaicc all of rriHOrUMt, Mln
n,A. Krurat II lUtlbara of NrtcUoo. Mlam
aula. Wallaac M. Choat of Port tUatawt. Moataaa
Any aad aH paraon cUIwIhi adtwtaaty Ila
abutc-d1lwljadtareritaled ta Ate thru
data In that aJMtau or before lb aatd vh day
of IMctmUr ). .
o-.l It M. IIKATTAIN Ketttler.
TlmkerUuit, Act June j. ii.
17 8. Und Dfflce, Ukrvtrw. Urrron,
rieieniber at, iojJ
Sutler It harrtiv irlren that lu eomidUm-e with
Ihr prorttHHM oflh Act of Congreaa vt June 1.
ial. cHlttlcd. "An art fartheaalrof umlwrUada
in iae atjii 01 utnmniia, wrrjon, .-.cvimm, ana
WaahlHgion Trtrrtury." at ctldl to all lb
uabttc Und atntea by Art ol Aticuat 4. ibui. Iht
rothwtng'HHHt pcrauoa Itar ihla day Bird in
iMwomrelhatrawwrii ttatruietitt. lo-wit.
MHvtn l. Prcatan,
ot Moaaow, aoanly af Ulh. atalr of Idaho,
Mura atauateat Na rhjaa, far the pnrchaae of the
wK HMK.nrK M'K."tf aeM arc .lp4 r
1 , w at.
KatU C. Klene,
uf Moaeow, eoaaty f Utah, Mat of Idaho.
awotn aiaonarat Na Ifay, Kr the porcbaa of th
w la oK aac ta. aU K C I?, tp 11 a. r 14 r,
w HI.
Mae II. Prmtan.
af MoacMMr, raHtaty of Utah, atate of Idaho,
tMorn autrnirnt No fa, far the tmrehaae uf
iaN hwn, wyt hc(J aecii.ip l , r 14 c, w m
Amanda M. hteur.
af Mocow, caanty af Utah, atale of Idaho,
awora ataltvHTfH Na tjfm, far thr imrvha-c uf
th wM hw arc li.oji ucM arc aa, lp it . r 14
e, w w.
Jeaac A. Btnne, '
of Maaaow, cwaaty ef Utah, atale of Idaho,
awuTH ataUMtHl No 144. for the PMICbaar of th
H aK. 11 W "wit 7. tp i a, r 14 e, w m
llatlle IL llradlry,
of hpokaa. ctaialy ofKptikjiiie, atole of Waah
Iut04i, Mrora ataltmtnl No iMi. for the pur
chaaeuftha t tut;, a)f nwjj, aw nc! arc
7. lp it a. r 14 e, w ni.
KlU C. Nile,
of Moaeow, county of Ijrtolt, atale of Idaho
awotH atataint No ltt, far the porckaac of the
eK Kit'' irh K- a( Uii mc, tpai . r 14
w l
That thry will offer proof to ahow that IheUad
touylil t more aluatde for It tlmurr or atone
Ibati for agricultural iric, and lo ralalduth
thru cUlmt lo aanl Und In fere J M Uw icuce ,
v o vommMwrr at muu, tiirgoti, oil .iion
day th 141I1 day of lleaatnlier, taa)
TU) Home aa willivaaea: llatlle It llraullry of
Biwkanr, Wathinitoii. KatU C Mow. Mae u
PrwioH, Awaada Si Moue. Jesae A Moik, U1U
C Nllea, MtlrtH M 1'rtaten, WfllUm W Colllaa.
or Moaeow, Idaho, Low II Allluchaai, Ora
Putndexlar, of lHevllte. Oreisun.
Any und nil )roiia cjUhalng adrrraely the
almve-deacrtbtd land are renuralrd to Ale Ihelr
claim In ihta aine an or hefarc the anal 14th
nay ot ueHUr, 1041.
11 ,i
Tiwhtr Unit, Act Jnue 3, iyS.
U. . Und Olllce, Ukerlcw. Oregon.
N Kepleinhtr K. iyM
Notice I hereby gletn that tu oHipliauce with
the (irovtaloiit ofthi Act of Couer uf June j
i7l. entllleii, "An act for the aale of timber landa
In the Mate ef California, Orettun, Nrada. and
Watliliiituti Tcrrllor) ." a eundl to all the
Mldtc laud atata b) Act of August 4. INyt,
ofCruokttou. cuuiily of l'ulk, atate of Minnr
ul liatAleillu Ihla ofriee hit tworn uuweut
No I Sot. fur the pun. hate of the ) nw qr, aw u,r
lie ijr, iiv. 111 ne, qi arc 5. tp tl a, r 14 e,w in.
And will oflrr proof to ahqw that the land
Komht I iiiuic valualile for It t(iiilr oratuiu
than for uvillwHilltirnl purpoaca, and to cataUiali
hi claim to aald land before J. M, f.uwrence, I'.
H. ConnulMloner lit llelvd, tlrcuu, oil Moiidu) ,
the ullnlay ol Dtccmlxr, lyoj.
lie name a wllnetac; Maxim I.el'aue.
l.uuU Neltou, John Sunnurc, li lloyd, of Ilea
chiilva, tlrtfou, hnlcm Moucan, of Ctoukaluu,
Any nud all tienuni cUIiiiIiik aihcrely the
Bbovc-drajrllK-.l lamU are rcquctlcd to rile their
claim In thU uflice oil or before the aald 14th day
x( Drcemberi lvJ. .
V dtt K. tS TlftATTAlN KesUter.
Timber Und, Art June j, iltyS.
V H, Land Office, Ukerlcw, Orrgon,
rtrplrinbtr Ji, ivu.
Nnllor I htrtby siren Hut In touiptUiiee with
Ihe prrniaton orihe Act of Convreat of June 1,
i7, eHlltlrd. "Atl art for Ihe aalenf timber Und
la Ihr atatr uf California, Oreiioii. Neraila, and
ftVaahlHKtun Territory," a exlettded lu all Ihe
Ifuuirr lanu wwvie uy nu ui miKn.i a. '", ii
Mlnwlne Hametl pcrtou have IhU day Died In
IhU urhc thrlr aworu tulemeiitt, lo-wit
Charlra K HtotkUml,
oftdenhen. comity of Maithall. alle of Mianr
mAt. awurn KaleiHriil No 17JI, for the iiurehaae
f Ihr awH arif.aM w? and nw aw area, ip
1 , r 10 e, w m
IMitt I,. Mlkktiaon,
of atrabra. armnlr of Marttall. aUU of Mlaar
aota, awurn ataleiornl No 174O, for Ihc parefcaar
oftbrarK aK arc i.eH'ieX and neyf tK t
11, ip it , roe, w m.
lUlherM llarnard,
ofMgUod, coanly of Polk, fate of Mrniieacda,
tworn atfttcMwiit no 1747. for the pnrehaac of the
H wK ee if. 11 H Hwt ad tv hK aac jo,
tp tl a, r 10 c, w in.
Itotwttl A Whitney.
ofatrpbvH, coanly of Marahall, atatr afMfnnr-
aoio, aworn atamnt'iu na 17, wr int iwriiiii
oflh tu ae y. tp 11 , r ta r. w in.
Hannah tayee,
of tlraad Pork, evNHty of Oraad fork, UU af
North Dakaaa, tworn atatenieiit Tea 174a, m the
parchaarof the aeK nw)(, 11 K w and iK
awK arc ft. Ip ji , r i r. w in. ,
Crorvr HaMrrv.
of Mrpbva, aminty ol Maraltarl, alate ef Mlaar-
aota, awurn taieineiii no i7, ir 'inc mivmm
oflh a.r; vr tp n a. r 10 e, w r.
laartih ( iHinkcrboiT.
of MaphtH, cnuuty of Marahall. ttatr efMlaaa
aula, aworn atnteinent No 17$. for the porcfute
oflh aK M7,l)n, r lac, w in.
Carrie O MiekaUeii,
of atrpbrn. connly of Martball, atate of Minne
sota, awom alatetoent No I7S1, far the porchate
of the awK aac 7, tp JI , no c, w in.
John II Merdink,
of atrphrn. omnty of Marahall, atate of Mlane
aota, aworn atatetnrtil No 1754, for Ihe purchaae
oflbr nsi't e7. tp r we, w m
That Ihry will offer t,ruoflohowtlHitthcUnd
aonght It mote roluaule for It tlmlier or aton
than for aaricuHural iurtar, ami lo ettabhta
thrlr cUlm to aald It ml irtfore the
otiore trie xeetHrr
later aad
Krvttvrr al Ukevirw. Orexon, on PfaUy,
1 It a day of Itrcrmher l'J.
Thry name a wltnetaeti CUrlea X. Mock
land, hotett I,. Mlkkelaon, KotwcH A WMtner.
Ornrtr llan.try. Joaeph o. Hritikcrboff, Carrie
11 Mkkelaon. John II. Merdink, all of atrpbtn,
Mlaaraota. Itather M Ihtrnard, of Maland,
Mlnnraota , Hannah lloyce. of (Irand Porkt,
North IMhoU.
An and all aeraoni dalmina advtrarlv the
thortdVacrrbd bmtt are rtooratril la Ale thru
cUlnaa rhai office on or btfore the aald nth day
of lie.
M. IIKATTAIN. Kecttter.
Timber Uad, Ant June J. laps.
V. . Und OffUc, The I.tta. OroBOn,
Ootober Jo. !
Nidlre It hereby atvtn that In ooraidlance wrth
thr pT'avtalotM oftne Act of Cantrm of Jane 1,
.r enlillrd, "An act for the aalaof ttmbrr Uoda
111 Iht atatr of CaltAirnU, Orrffoa, NcvaaU, aad
Waablna-tua TvrrMory." a ritrmted lo all lb
imUk Und ut by Aet of Aauynat 4. tea, la
Mluwtak'Uaiotd iwraotit hare on Oct to, VJ,
Mad in UuVa odktt their aworn alalrmenu. to-wlt.
Carrie II llurd.
of i and Ave, Bpokan. coanty of bnoUae,
ttat of WaahiHKton tworn alalrmtut No im,
nar th purchaae ef the aeff ace ij. tpx. r 10
r, w m.
Cora A. Inker.
of itja tad Ave, tipoUne, eoualy ef Spokane,
atate afWaahlngton, tworn autcaitnt Nn ijji,
for the wrahaaeofthcw) M. IP a i.r nj
e. w m.
That thrv will offer tiroof to thaw that the Und
tonight It mere far ita Umber or ttuar
tana tar agitcuttuiai porpaart, ana 10 eunonta
Ihrtr cbdHM to aald Uad Iwfore Ih KrgUMrr and
acvtvr at Th Italic, Orrou, on MwwUy,
Jaauary 4th, i?M.
Thry uamr at wllnetaet KUc llatptr.Cara
A lwikr. Harry C llrown. Maad tadawortn and
tarrw tl Hard, of hiekane. WaahlHgton.
Aay and all icrma dalmlng adrrraeiy the
aUtvt-dtacttbed Mod are rctjatMtd lo file their
cUlmtlnlhUulUcconorbelore ihc MM4tnaay
oo-Ji MICHAKl. T. NOLAN, XrstMrr.
Timber Und, Act June , 17.
U. ft- Uad OAkc, The lUttaa, Oraaan.
October it, it,
Naehw U herrlur Riven that In eoiiipWnnc whh
the ptuvavtont oAhc Act af Cotmraaa of Jaja j,
17. mtlllrd. "Ah aet for the aaU ot llmbvr UhhS
in lit UlofCallforiiU.OrraoM. Nn-ada. aad
WaahiagtoM Trrtory," a otendrd to alt lb
pabMc Uad autet by Aet of Aucatt 4, lap, the
foUowlor-HtHird ptrtont have Bled ta thliaaaa
ihctr twatn auttmenlt, to-witi
UwlyC WlltUmt,
af HotUy. aauHty of Pierre. Mate of Wathlngtont
twurn axaleattnt Nu 171. nlrd March 1. rax
forlaeparcbaaeofthenwK ttcit.tpi7 . r 11
, wm.
Andrew II. OroJara,
of llaaaah, county ef Cavalier. aUlc of N. IU
bataiaworHatalcaitnt No 1717. bird March a.
lyoj. for the Mircbae of the awyj arc 17. IP IT .
r 11 , w at.
Kate hpttman,
of Mackdack, coanty of Ikllraml. Ulcof Mlnnc
aU, awutu tUteataat No iyS. med March i.
taaj, for the purcliaac of the aK c y. tp 17 . r
11 1. w at.
Idlra Murphy,
of Newberry, county of U, aUtoaf Michigan 1
wuta attUaivnt No taaf. filed ley. tl. toaj, for
the purchaae of the ni!ec 11. tp 17, r 11 e.wm.
Ntlll O'Uary.
efHemtdjt, coanly of llrttrauil, Mat af Minn,
aota; aworn tutcwetit Na 14. filed I'eby. 11.
tout, for the puictwtc of the ncM arc tp 17 , r
it, wm
WtllUra T Murphy,
of Newberry, cuunly Jrx.nce, atate of Mkhlmn;
wora ataltmtut No 147, Aled I'eby 11, lauj. for
thtpnhaacofthciiwt arc , tp 17 . r 11 .
w at
That lay will oiler proof to ahow thai ta Uad
aoaaht 1 more valuable for Ha Umber or atoac
lhaa Aw agricultural Hiriuar, aad lu eatabtMb
their claim IomhI Und before the Hcgiatcr and
Reerlvrr at The Halle. Oretiou, on nalurday,
Jaaaary b. wm. ..... .
Tltry uanie a wilneMM Mark Majnam.
Pted Aaar and It M llaat. ef Sunincr. Waaja.
laaton. Andrew II tlrodae. of Hannah, N IM
ul NuahuUa hnillh. of The Ikdhw. Oltaou:
Uwly C Wltltam. of lluckly. WahlHHtoii; IMer
Sialmau and Thoma Tweet, of Th lUU, Or
fiou.john Uokkcu. or IlrwIuUK, tlrraoa, u
uui T Murulivaml lttlaa Murnhv. of rtcwbcrnr,
Michigan. S'tilleO I.rary.of KtmldJI, MiuuaU;
William rt iiowaer, ui utmiuji, ..uiiinvuafi.
Auy anil all peraont cUfiuliii: lvarly the
nbove-dcacritnil Uuda arc relocated lo tile lhak
Ului In IhU office on or before the aahl oth day
of jaauary, iyt.
otjKlu MICHAlll. T. NOLAN, KenUtcr.
Htpartmentoftlur Interior,
Und Office at The Dalle, Oregon,
Noscmlier ijlh, inoj.
Volte It hcrebv chen that the folhminc-
iiaatfd aetllcr ha filed notice of hi lulcatlon to
make uotnmiilation pioorin aupport or hi claim,
and thai Jld proof will lw made before J M
Unrciic. I', ft- Cummlaiumtr, at DvacUulm.
virvgau, on baturda) , December lath, ii aU
John J Dokken.
of Dcachule. OrcKon, II K. No 11.1&, for the cyt
a If ..- a It. ii.. r or. w 111
lie name the followitii; wiliieatw to troe lit
k04tlnuou rctUlcnce uMut ami culliviiKou oftatd
laud, vti:
flllbcri lltsnii. Olc Kfleknon, William II
Stat, John btaemor. 01 iieacnnte. iireRon
iAdJ MICITAW T. 55PWN, Kciililcr.
Timber Und, Act Jane , r?.
V. H. Und Office, Ukerlew, otegon,
taptaintter ft, v
J'otlct I hercliy given that In eamptUirr with
the provtalon of the Aet of Congi of Jnnr i
1S7II. eulltled "An art for Ihe aale af timbir
UurU (11 the ttatt of CallforaU, Oregun, Nevala
and Waahlniflon Trrltrr." a xtn4rl to all
Ihc IMiMIc Und atalr hy Art of AnMt 4, '
the MlowliinaiiiMl (wrwrnt hare RUd In thi
j office thrlr aworn talmnl, to-wili
I AufcHato II Carver,
' of Ilralnerd, cmtnty ofCrrnr Wlnf, aUIr if Mln
, nraotn, aworn tutemeat No 144, far Ihe put
ehaaeof Ihc wM nm and wM twji e (7, tp n
, r 14 c wm.
Mary M Phltllpt,
of MlnaaapelU, county of Hennepin, atate ol
Mlnntwota, tworn alalraaml No I, for the
n!i e m, ip j a, r 14 r, w m
Thai they will offer aroof to ihew that Ihe
UmlaoMicbtt ator valuaW for H timber :r
alone than for agrkroilnral parpoata, ami Ui t
watMH incrr oaiina 10 mm mim ovrore j m
Lawrencv. I' CommUalonrr at Nend. oreeon.
on Intlarday the 1 rtb day of ecrmbr, iyJ
They name aa wltnetar I.. It. Attlnirham
Ora ItMndrattr, fYlnrriilf, oraaoa, Aacuttu, 11
Carrrr. of Nralrarrd. Mlanrtota; Mary M Phill
ipa, Minnaapolia, Mlnnraota.
Anv and all (tHt culmlna- adveraelv Ihe
abaVa daacrtbed UmU are ttqnttlari to fit Ihtir
aUlmala thUaMc on or btfere the tahl ir.h
lay of IHatmlur, lyoj.
edll !. M HKaTTAIN, KtfUter
Timber UBd. Act Jaa , (.
U. 8. Uad OAVst, Th DUea Oregon.
October it, iovj
NatUe I hereby gUan that la caaiidtaaca nith
he prorlttout eflaa Act of CaagroM 91 June j
lata. mtHttat. "An act for tbrtateof tlaibrr lanifa
In theiUtraafCaUforaU, Oreaan, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a nterKled to all tlir
tmblicUnd tUltaby Act ef Aueutt 4, 191, thr
lolhiwlniciiamed prraoaa hare filed la tbtt oiucc
their twoni UImeatt lo-wtti
Chart K MorrUon.
ef Monmouth, county ot l"oik, aute of Oregon,
aworn ttatemettl No 1741, Abn April 1, lyoj. for
the xircbaae of the lot I and J and Ji ae tec
i, IpM, r lie, w m
JaHKa Maben,
of North llraoeh, coanly ef Lapeer, aisle of
iiitniran, aworn atatewMiii na iy. mea narcn
tl. ivi. for th parchat of the 11 w arc ij, tp 14
a, r lie, m
CharUa If. Downer.
of North Drench, eounlyaf Uprr,tUtref Mich
igan, tworn auicmeM no 17ft, ana Marcn m.
xtL lor in parcaatr 01 ute uhi i aua ana
iiejj tec i. tp M , r ij . w in.
William Ma hen.
of North Drench, county ef UpccrvUt of tlch
Igan; aworn ttatrintnt o I7JJ, aien Mareu
ays. for lb parchate of Lt j aBd 4 and '-,
nw4 arc 4, lp to a. r ij e, w m.
That thry will offirr proof to how that the Und
ought U more valuable for IU Umber or atunt
than for agraattiaral ampo, and w rttbuiri
Iheir cUInt lo ad Uad before the Kgtetr aad
Ktcclvrr at Thr DalVta. Oregon, oa Tuesday
Jaaaary Mb. mo
They nam a wtlHeatrt WlltUra Mabun
Jamet Mahoa and Chart II Down, of North
llraach, Michigan, Albert a ahaltt, ef 141 ml)
at , PertUnd. Oreeon. C R Morrtaoo, vt rair
haven, Wathtnglaa, Amoa Hradtbaw. of Pott
Und, Oregon.
Any and alt pert on eUlmlnc advrrttly the
alauva daaiirlbrd Mod ar raautaled to file h ir
claim la thU uraee on ar btforc the hMu Jay
of January, iy- ,
otitis MICHAKL T NOLAN, KegUtf r.
Department of the Interior,
Uad Office at The Dallea, Oregon,
October 13, 1933.
Notice It hereby given that Ihe fallowing.
named aettler hat bled notice, of hit intaailea to
stake final proof ta aeppon of ht ctaim, and
that aald proof win be made before J. M. Uw.
rettec, 0. ft. CommtaaJoncr, at IKmcrnitaa, Oregon,
en Saturday, November ti, lyaj. !
Hiram J. Itlnvcr.
of Ottchuttt. Orecoo. II K No Ita), far the Ut
1 aad 1 and aH nwj; arc 4, lp 19 , r tl e, w to.
He name the fonawtng wltnetar to Brave hi
coatlaaou reatdettc ulaoti and cultirttUn of uid
Und. vt.
W It Stoat. Ibra Oil. MIHon Vount, of Dra.
chottt, Oregon. John Kyati, uf Uva, Oregoil.
Timber Uad, Aet June 4, ta8.
V. ft. Und Omee, The TUtbx. Otagcn.
October it. tetj.
Nottfe U hereby Bt that ta emnplUnce witn,
the provtileat of the Act of Coagraa of Jane j.
17. Hlrthal. "An act for Ihc talc ol timber lu act
ta the atata of CaliforuU. Oregon. NewnU. aud
WaiWagtua Territory. " at vxttndrd to all iht
MhUeJaud atate lu Act of Augurt 4, ifyt- tbc
le4hwHgiHimrd peraan hat oa Oct it. iui
Akd la thlt afore their mh auttuitnte. to-wit
Grrtrud Otaon,
of HalUrd. county of King, atalc ofMlaihinttoni
awaru atateiacni Na iji. for Ihe purahaae of the
ah) awyMc tf aatt eU aX arc ja, tpifa, r 11 c.
w m.
aIa tl.tTTtat grj igTfl
af Hatbird, eoaaty of King, ttatt' af Waahtagton ,
tworn ttaUmrnt No ij&. for the taufabaac of the
H awK. awk? ncK arc and aeft tcli w- t
tpiaa, r 11. w m.
Mary A. Petarnan, .
of HaUard, eoaaty uf Kiag, Maw of Wahlortoj ,
twara ttatameat No 1 ju, for the puraaeat of ihe
ey( uw)f and et it mil. lp if, r lit, ut
John Kramer,
ofaeattlc. eoaaty of Kiag. atalc of Waahlnrtoo
aworn tuitement No iljo, for the purchaae ofthe
w)a awk aac 11, aad aH K arc 11. lp to , r 11
, w m.
That they will offer proof to ahow that the Und
kought I more valuable for it limber or aloue
than for agricallural purpoaca, aad to caublub
their cUlm to aal Uad before th Kegttter and
Rtxvtver al t'a Dalle. OtegoH, ott Mouda) ,
Drcrmber at, tyt)
They nam a w iterate Gcrtradc tilaon.
Mary A Pcleraoii and Olc ChrUtrntca of HalUrd.
Washington, John Kramer of aauU. WtuihiuK
lou; O llrwaon of aeatlU, Waahiugtoii, John
Dtott. of Hcnd, tHrcgon; Andrew Cartaoai, p
Aitolph Pttcraou. Andrew JohaaoH, Lauli John
aoti, Andrew AihUtmmi of MinneapuU. M'Mu
Any ami all praon cUlmlng adrrraeiy the
aboTtdecribal UmU are rvquealcd lo file their
claiwt in lata omcc oh or oenrc inc aaiu titt uay
uf December, lyol.
ondlS MICH.'
AKL T. NOLAN, Kegttter
Timber Uad. Act June j, ttya.
U ft. Und Office, Ukeview, Oregon,
September jt, iyi
Notice I lwH-ebv siren that in compliance with
the prurltlon ofthe Aet of Cungrea of June jl
ta7, cutlllrd, "An act for the aaleof tinilierlauda
la the atal of CaliforHU, Oreeon. Nevada, an J
Waahlngton Territory." H extended to all the
public land alalta by Act of Auguit 4, lSo,
William ATuytor.
of Chicago, comity of Crook, atate of Illlnola
Ivt filed tu thU ofiloc hi aworu alatcment No
i&U, for the purchaae of the cK c qr, ace t9, cH
tic qr tec , lp i a. r 9 e.w in,
And will offer proof to ahow that the land
oughtt mote valuable fot ila timber or atone,
thau for agricultural purixwc, and to eatablltli
his claim to aaid laud before J. M. Lawrrncc,
I' S. Coiumlttiouer atlleud.Orcgou, oil l'riday
the nth day of DcccuiUr tyat
He nameo at wilueaae. wlllam J St. Thjraat
of lHirtlaud, oregou; 11 W Reed, Johu ftteldl, W
Vaudctcrt. of Denchule, Oregou.
Any and all ticrtou claiming adversely the
abavcHlcacribcd laud arc requeued to file their
claim In this office on or before the Mid nth
day of December 1903,
cvdll V. T. DRATTAIN RejsUtcr.
"C -'