The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 20, 1903, Image 6

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    Timbe r, Act June J. !,
U. 8. Land Office, The l)slte, Oregon,
October 19. load.
Nolle I hereby Riven Ihnt In compliance with
the ptvritlon ortlic Act of CVtigteM of June f.
187-, ei titled. "An rt for the lwle of llnilwr land
lnltieMleefCnlllwiil. Oregon, Nevada, and
WattiltwtOM Territory," extended to all Jli
public land Mate by Act of Augwi 4. thai, the
followlng-tinnied peren nave filed I" this ulttci
their mwii tatetaenu. lo-wit:
Richard J. Gorman,
of The Dalies, ewtntv of Wasco, ttatc of Oregon,
sworn tatetnent No lM. filed llv ' '
(or the MHvlMot of the tiH K and t U
cc at, tp u a, r , wm.
M M. Itemtlreei. , ... .
ijfnniyard, county of Spokane, state or w
Inglon; tworn ttalement Nb i7Jti filed March .
19a, ferthe purchase oflhee) neK- nH R
and neK ( tec j, tp ij , r to e. w m.
(WmaU1 Mtrttn
fo7o Ht ltverelt Mreet. IMttlaml. comity of
Multnomah. Mate ef Oregon: sworn Matement
No ijj. fitcd March . t9J. ferthe purchase of
me nen !' l e, ,T "
Hugh llsrmer,
of The Dalle, county of, Mate of Oregon,
worn Matemeut No i. filed tVby 5, raos. for
the Mtrctwoe of the H netf. mK - "K
liny we 31, tj is . r 10 e, w m.
George Webb,
of Carlisle, county of fetnbltw. Mate ef North
Dakota; sworn Matement No i6i, filed l'eby 5.
iqo,r. ferthe purchase of the eK wcja, lp ij .
mif wetdi
nfCeri4le, opuuty of IViMm. Mate of Nettti
Dakota; twera Matement No 117. ! I"" 5,
190J. for the purchase of the self ec j. t 15 . r
That they w4U ofltr proof to shew thatthelamt
ought H more valuable fer it timber or Moac
than fer agricultural pune, and to etWlth
their etalmt to Mid Uml betere the RecWer and
Receiver at The Utile, Oregon, on Thursday.
January il, 1904.
They name witnvM: Ktlwia B Graham
and Joe A OrahaM. of Mer. t)rego; Id
llurton and Colby Ware, of Wheaton, MlnnevHa.
f.eorge W Martin. ofl-ortWiMl. tvresoa: Nlehaet
i't'titmr, Martin ;roonaralerand Hugh Vamier.
cfThe iulle. Oregon; J O llollH ami liU M
Hemareet. of ItniyntU. Wahinglon; tieorge
Webb ami Il4e Vet4i. of CartMe. N Dakota.
Any ami all wrwoi daimlne atlrenely the
tttwivOTlMwlMwl Ia41 atv rroontnl to Ale their
ctnirai In thl oee on or befere the M it day
of January, 1044.
Timber Land, Act June J, 17.
U. S. Land Office, The DUe. Oregen.
October i. KM-
Notlee ( hereby given that in compliance with
the proeMotH ofthe Act of CenxrcM of June 1.
i8r, etttitM. "Ah act fer the ulc of timber landt
in the Mates of CaHfemia, Oregon, Nevada, and
Wanhlnitoa TcerHory." a extended to alt the
i.uhtic land ttate by Act of AURt 4. the
nuwuc-named pemoot have Ifted in thia of6ce
their m Mateawntt, to-wH.
Arthur Callihan,
of jt Collin tntiMinc. iealtle. county of King,
ttate ef Wathinalon; iwora Malement Noj.
fl'.ed July ji. im. for the purchaie of the Lot
3 and 4 and ehf tec 18. tp M . r l e, w m.
Cetthanl Veunginger,
of llurton, county of King, Mate of Wathlugton;
worn itatement No lost. ted Augmt ji, 190.
rurthepurehMeortlieL'et4. cM f-M andtwK
aeK 7. P riie.w m.
That they wilt offer sroof to how that the Uml
ought i more ralnaUe for it timber or atone
than for agricultural nurpoe. and to c-tMih
their claim to Midland before the Krgitter and
Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, on Wednesday,
January lj, 19m.
They name a witnettea: Obadiah Uewon,
Stella llewton, of Green Lake, Waihlnglaa;
Sarah A G ration and Arthur Caltlhan.ef Seattle.
Wathington; John HUmj, Sitter, Oregon; John
Kramer, ol Green Lake, Wathington.
Any and all pemon claiming advenely the
above deacribed uikU are renamed to file their
claim in thl office ou or before the ald i)lh day
uf January iou.
ojj-Ji MICUAHL T. NOLAN, Rtgtutcr.
Department of the Interior,
U. 6, Land OfSoe, Ijtkevicw. Oregon.
November j, jytj.
A nudieitnt centet afSdarit having been filed
in thl otGee by
John W. White, contetant,
againtt hometeud entry No JJ. made April J.
1991, for cH neU, nH el. n 30, to at s, r 7 c.
in. by Jam Ho4Mon,contcec. In which it I
allegedthat Mid Jarae HoWn ha abandoned
MuTctaira for a perkxl of tia month or more
lat iaM; that uU alleged abtence from uU
land mi not due to hi employment in the
Array, Navy or Matins Crop of the failed
Mt a a private aoMier, oAVcr, teaman, or
marine during the war with Spain, or during
any other war iu which the I'nited Mate may
Im engaged; Mid partte are hereby notiued to
appear, repond und ofltr evidence touching
Mid allegation at 10 o'clock a in. on January is.
1404, before G. H. Wardwcll, V h. Cotnmiwiofler,
al Silver Lake. Orcifon, and that ffaal hearing
will be held at a o'clock p. in. on January Ji.
1904. before the Kasitter and Receiver at the
l' rated State Ijind Offiot in Lakcview, Oregon.
The mM contelaut having, in a proper amda
vit, filed July M, tyJ. act forth fact wlikh how
that afbrr due dlllRCUcc penoaal aerviee of thia
notice can not be made, it It hereby ordered and
directed that wtcfe notice lie given by due and
proper publication.
uxmIiS It. M. I1UATTAIN, Register.
Department of the Interior,
Land Office at The Dalle. Oregon,
November a, cy.
Notice f hereby given that the following
named etlUr ha max notioe of hi intention to
make final proof In wipport of hi (Mlm,
and that uld proof will be made before J. J.
smith, County Clerk. t lTinrville, Oregon, on
Tbunday,' December I7tb, iyJ, vie
Robert II. Krug,
of Sitter. Oregon, II I! No j4, fer the lot a,
actf nwK nd aMitetf ec il, tp 14 , r 10 e, w in.
lie name the foUowlns wltnnte to prove hit
contlnuou rettdence upon and cultivation of
Mid land, via:
K A Graham, W T Wilton, Mark Witt and
CnarUf IllndHwn, all of hitler. Oregon.
n6-dil MICUAHL T. NOLAN, Rrfc-Uter.
Dftert Land, I'lnal froof.
U. S. Land Office, The Dalle. Oregon,
November a, I'M.
Notice I hereby given that George F. Cyrut,
of I'rlnevllle, Oregon, ha tiled notlee of intrnthin
to make proof ou hi dert-Wnd claim No 14,
forthe te) c7, tp IS, r II e, w m, before J. J.
Smith, County Clerk, at I'rineville, Oregon, on
Monday, the aSth day of Deccmlicr, I90J.
He name the following witness to prove the
complete irrigation and reclamation of Hid
J Y Winter, Herbert Glailer and Andrew J
Ruble, of Sitter, Oregon; Walter K Ruble, of
Culver, Oregon.
ii&hIii MICUAHL T. NOLAN, Kcglater.
Detect Land, Final I'roof
V. 8. Laud Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
Nqvcmber a, looj.
Notice i hereby givcu that Jerry Cramer,
AMlgncc of Jee Ilarcrow, of Sitter, Oregon,
hat filed notice of Intention to make proof ou lilt
drtertdaud claim No 103, for the t( iK aec ay.
11 W nw;f aec 3a, tp 16 a, rue, w in, before W A.
licit, U.S. CoinuiUtloner, at rrliirrillc, Oregon,
on Saturday, the ath day of December, 150J,
He name the following wltneite to prove the
complete irrigation and reclamation of tald
land: , ,
Jette Ilarcrow and Walter II Dodge, of Dc.
cliutct, Oregon) Robert McGowan and Mamie
McGowan, of I'rlnevllle, Oregon,
uo-dll MlCHAJiL T. NOLAN, UegUter,
Tlmlier Iitul, Act June a, lSj, '
U. S. Land Office. !.kevlew, Oregon,
SeptcmUr ., tooj.
Notice I liercliy given that In complin nee with
the provltlou of llie-Act ofCongraai of June A,
lit), cntllted, "An aelfur the le of timber landa
in the Male urcallloritia orrKon. Neu, hihi
WaMiliigtoii Tertitory," exteiuled to nil the
public laud tlate by Act of Augutl 4, S. the
fottowlnK-tvanicil iiernon liave thl day fllel til
thl office their awortl tateiiient, iu-tl.
Ote Latt.m,
ofllelmoitt. county of Trulll. mate of Nottli Da
kota: iworti atatenietit No 117. for the purchaoc
of Iheuwif twK ec ao n4 ci ami wX el
aeciu, tp it t, r Me, w m
l"nler 1(. Hittnteu,
of Climax, county of lolk. lte of MltmewHa;
worn tintement No i7, for the lmrvhat of lh
11M wK. wj' W tecaeaml ticK H
tp it a, r 14 e. w m.
IMH O. Httenton
went ttfltemrnt No 1S74, for the (mrvluue of
tn ttert tec 10, ti 11 , r 14 e w m.
Tlwt they will otter twonf to hw that the land
MKHtht It more valualilc for It timber or atone
than fer agricultural puriMw, mul to e4bllati
thotr claim to mM laud before J. M Lawrence.
I". 8. Cowimlwiofler at Bend. Oieou. on Tue
day tlte ijth day of Decemter IwiJ
They name n wilete Ole ljrn ofllel
nmiit, North Dakota. IVdtr It INtenaeti of cli
max, Mtunemta. Htrn 11 Ihtenm. of Climax,
Mluue-tota; I.oiilt NcIwh, of Ilend, IHegmt.
Any and all person eialuilug admwely the
abunileaeribedUmltare tejiueMed to Ale their
daltn in I lil office on or before thMHt ijth ilay
of December, lauj,
OthIii It. M. ltKATTAIN Register.
Timber Mud, Act June ). l7-
U. S. Ijtml OSlee. Lakcview, Oregon,
September . tuaj
Notlee I hereby given that In comptkjnee with
the proikHit ofthe Act of Concre of June 1.
178. enlltlnl. "An act fortheVeof ttmntrUimt
in the tale of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Wathington Territory." a extended to all the
public land tt by Act of AnatvH 4. the
lUlowlug-named eroii have filed In IhUolfKr
their aworn tlatement. to-wlt:
Artie AmumlMii.
of White ltatlh. county vr Ward, tte of North
Dakota: tworn tatement No iff, for the pur
chatc of the tiw nwJi t j. 11 H ae,' amt w
iieff ec 6, tp at , r 14 e, w m.
IVter Nerttth,
of White Itatth, county of Ward, Mate of Nutth
Dakota: worn Matement No , for the pur
chate ofthe hK nwhl. wK "w)j tee at, and wtfi
ne)( ec ay, tp at , r 14 e, w m.
Gertrude Suterud.
of White Itarth, county of Ward, ttale of North
Ikakola: sworn tatement No . for the lnT-
chate ofthe nH neH. U !. H w(.
4, tp ai t, r 14 e. w m.
John A. Carlwti.
of White Karth, coumy of Ward, Mate of North
Dakota: tworn tatment No ivt. fer the pur
chateofthc wtt twK. eK twit tec JS. lp at,
tec 14 e, and uwH nK kc . tp . r 14 , w m.
Ileiira M. Muu.
of WhHe Itarth. evMoly of Ward. Mate of North
mvota: tworn nUtcmeut No iuo, fer the pur
chate ofthe eU tec J4. tp i . r 14 e. w m.
That they will offler proof to thow that lite la nd
ought It more valuable for it limber or Htm
than tor sgrieuttural purMvte, aud to eHuMMi
their culm to ukl land before J. M. Lawrence,
I S. Committionerat tlend, Orefon, oti VtMiy
the nth day of December loo.
They name a witnee Lout NeUou, iHe
ltrkkton, of Heml, Oregon, Arnr Amundton,
leter Nerxeth, Gertrude smerud, JWiu A. Call
ton and llelga M. Muut. all of WhVte Itarth.
North Dakota.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
abovv-detcribed lands are reuetled to 01 their
claim in lid offtcc on or before the Mtd nth
day ef December, 190J.
0O4III II. .11. IJKrtl i.iia Miwn,
Timber Laud. Act June J, lS.
U. S. Land OfiWe, The DaHe, Orecon,
Octetier i. 104).
Notlee H hereby given that In eomptiHC with
the provision ofthe Act of Congress of June j.
tio. entitled, "An act for the Mleof llmberlands
In the late ef California. Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
puWWe laud state by Act of August 4, i, the
folluwing-named person have filed in thl office
their aworn tatement, to-wlt.
Rolert t: llaver.
of lurnum, county ol Carlton, Mate of Mlnne-
sou; sworn lairmeni r.o -,. nici rrojr. zi,
oaj, for the purchase of the tK st, tp 1; t, r
II c, w m.
Marv Atkinson.
of Deschute. county of Crook, state of Oiegon;
sworn statement No 1170. filed May aj, yj. for
Ihc purchate of the nclf Mca7, tpaos, rn c.wm.
John Atkinson.
of Deschute. county of Crook, stale ef Oiegon;
worn statement No 151. filed l'eby 11, iol. fer
tlie purchase of the nef tee H, lp ao , r 11 c,
Richard Kins.
of DeKhute, county of Crook; state of Oregon;
sworn sutement No 151. filed l'eby. ai, , for
the purchase ef the tw) wft. 11 H swjj and
nwjj c) sec j, tp 9 . r lie, wm.
That they witl offer proof to show thatthcUnd
sought is more valuable for it tlmtier or stone
than for agricultural purpose, and lo ctUMLIi
their claims to mkI Und before J. M. Lawrence,
V. 8. Commissioner, at Deschute, Oregon, ou
Monday, January 11, l'AM.
They name a witnesse: John SUM I, John
Dukken, John I West. W I! Ilrock, Darhl Hill,
II Marsh. RirMard Kinv. lohn Atklnsoti. Marv
Atkinson. J N Hunter and Jame Hunter, alt of
uescnuie. urcgou.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
ahovo-dciieribed land are requested to file their
claim in thl office on or before the Mid I Ith ilay
ef January, IVW.
oaj-da, MICUAHL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Ijind, Act June i. 17.
V. 8. Land Office, Lakeview, Oregon,
September 19, KJ.
Notlee I hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions ofthe Art of Congr of June ).
isfS entitled, "An act for thcwleof
la the stale of California, Oregon, NtrvoJa and
Wathington Territory," at extended to alt the
public land Hates by Act of August 4. lfV. the
foUewlng-named ersons have lilcd In Ihi office
their tworn statements, to-wlt:
Gustaf Tarnquest,
of Climax, county of I'olk, state of Minnesota;
sworn ktatemeut No 183, for the purchase of
the nc qr tec , tp ai ,r 14 c, w in.
fohn ltiiward Tohnson.
ol Climax, county of I'olk, state of Minnesota;
worn statement .-.o 19, lor me purchase 01 tile
11 w ht tec 4, tp ai a, r 14 e, w in.
. Allcit Spokely,
of Climax, county of I'olk, slate of Minnesota;
worn internet!). No 184 for the purchase of
the n K nw qr.te qr uw ur.nw qr tie qr tec JI
t, r ij c, w in.
Ilrrdln Snokalv.
of Climax, county of I'olk, ttatc of Minnesota;
worn tiaicuiciii no 141. lor tne purcnute 01 1 lie
wjrf e qr, cM w qr e 1, tp ai , r ij c, w m.
Alexander Knnktlv.
of Climax, county of I'olk. ttatc of Minnesota;
swum suiciuriii no i4i, tor 111c purcnase 01 me
tw qr ne qr.wft te qr tw qr tec i8,lp ai t, r
14 e, w in.
That they will offer proof lo show that Iheland
sought It more valuable for It timber or atone
than for agricultural purpose, and to establish
their claims to uld land before J. M. Lawience,
U. 8, Commissioner at llend. Orrvon.011 Wednr.
day. the 16th day of December, f03.
They name a witnesses: Gustaf Tarnquest,
John lCd ward Johnson, Albert Spokely, Ilerdiu
hpokely, Alexander Spokely, all ol Climax.
Anv and all nerson cllltninir adversely the
above-described laudt are requested to file their
claims in tills office 011 or before the Mid 16th
day of December, looj.
-dll 1. M, I1KATTAIN Ueglitcr.
Timber Land, Act June i. iaj.
n U. S. I.niid Uillcvi likevlew, Orrgotli
September . lyW.
Notice U hereby given that liimmplktiire with
the provision ofthe Act of Cotiit of June j,
i7. entillnl, "All nil for the mleof timber llif
III the atateaof Cntilurtik, ilreKtui. NrvadA, and
Watlilngtun Territory," a extended In all the
liulilK.-land state liy net of AuguM 4, "N. the
Ibllowiue-tiaiitnl petMius hare filed In this
oRVce their awotit alnlrmeul. tu-wlli
IMwntd It, Imulgaii,
of IHwtftur, coumy urCeltiiiilit. stall of WIoii
In: sworn tatetueiit Nn ii f'r the lutrchc
of theehi eH sec ), and wH wH tee S. tp ,
r,w m.
llrlek I M.t.M
of Clilpiiewu Wills, county id'CMMIMvni. idaleof
Wlacumiu, twoett ttatatuttti No itj, for tlw pur-
cnateoitiie wi swj teajt.amiMii hwh " "
tp ui.rsr.n m.
TlinoliH- llovland,
of Hlmimer, coumy f Clilw. atntr of WW
cvMitln. sworn statetnent No 1M4. nx the lu
.'haaeofthc H ttw), wat sec 11, li It , r
9 e, w m.
of RleeLake, cotuity of llairoM. atalauf Wiih
s.h, sworn Hatemeut Wo tV, for Ike purchase
of the st cH. H wH 10, and iteK nwh;
tee 15. tp jt, ti,w m.
That they wilt otter prottftu thHv Umi Hie
land MHiftht I mute valoaUlt for It Umber, or
tone lliau for agilcultutiU iwri"-r, and to
Ubltth their datiii to wlil land before J. J,
Nmtth, County ChHk.ut I'rlHtvtlle, Oivph, oh
Tuewlay the ijtli day of DvCrmK, r loaj
They name a wltueu: lidward fl IHtniiraii.
tf llutage. WictHislui llitvk J MjimtH. uf
inipiwwu tans, Wisconsin; l.w iiuriauu.
of Hloomrr, Istfonatn, Ol II M.Mml, uf Hkr
Lake. Wlscoiitln, D H Ulllielm. ..f Ijtva. tirtkOU.
ferry l I'ulndextrr, Urn ritu.wxicr, Wm H Mr
rarlaiHluf I'liiivvlllr, Oiron, Donald I' Mill
t iiimm mvcK ui icm:iiiiif, viregoH.
Any and all petMHi vialuilHg adversely the
atiove desviibetl lands ulc teiucted to Ml their
claims In this oIKce 011 or before the taut itli
day of Dtcemlter, ivy
uu-dli it. M. UK ATTAIN HeuKt.r
Ttmlier Land, Act June 1, itft.
I?. . Land Offtro, Lakeview. Orcm,
beptember at. lyul.
Notice Is hereby given that in ruaspltaMee with
the provim uftlie Act T Coturrss of June i.
l7, entitled, "An act fer the Mlet4tunlwr land
In the states of California, Oregtw, Nevatui. and
Washlnglon Territory." a axleMded ru all the
public tawl Males Ity Art of Augutt 4. ly
tile John Ismetton.
of Ifiuesilte. County of Crook, Matr of lHegn,
ims nHHi in init oinee his sworn s
rail, fer the purelwe of the twtt
Ml, teH see ,nw)4 iikUmcu. m
ji , r 1 r. w m, and wm otfrr f
rws nieti in init outer mm sworn suicmeui io
swli sre ly.
Mr qr ne qr sec
proof lu show
thai the Uml Mueht W more valuable ! it lint
ber or Moue than for ainleuUurul uutuuse. antt
to ewtaMlsh his claim to mM htud kfotv J. J.
Smith. County Chrrk. at lrtevUle, iiregoti, tm
Mottday. the 14th day of Decewbet. 19UJ
He asaH a witiMnuew: II. A Piaster. C. II.
KrkkoMi, MUs Hodge. Rail Jordan, all of
ITtttevtllc, Oregon
Any aud all pcrwtM aUlmlNg adversely Ike
above described land are leMUesicd to lie Ihetr
daiMM in lbs office on or before Ik said 14U1 day
oi December, iti.
edil II. M. HRATTAIN MeglMer.
Timber Land, Act June y ivnv
U. S. Land OfHee. The Iwdle. Oreaxm.
October 19. Itvi
Notlee Is hereby given that In rawuHaisre with
the provisions ofthe Act ef Cauctees uf June 1.
ity. entitled. "An act fee the Mfc of timber laud
lu Ike state of California, Orvgow. Nevada, and
Washington Territory." a extended to all the
KM land Male by Act of Aaanst 4. . the
towlng-named person have (lied In this office
their tworn statements, to-wlt.
Annie rUmttad.
ef Grand I'ork. county of Grand I'ot k. state ef
North Dakota, sworn statement Ne uVai, filed
Heby ij, lyu, fur the purchase of Use Let 4,
uwjj and w), tw'( sx tp ao. r 11 r. w in.
Maria Dickson.'
ef Grind Parks, county f Grand I'm k. statr of
.ottn lutwt, sworn mnaia ne wj, nwa
l'eby tj. 104. for the purchase of the nw( tec
17. tpi9. r ijc, w in.
timi a; -r irn J
ofGraml I'orks, coUHty of Grand IVrkt. state of
norin imuh: sworn staiemesu eM lau. ntcsi
l'eby ij, tytt, for the purchase ef the awKo J.
tpaa, r 11 c, w m.
lidward I'. Knriikt.
of Hast Grand HofU, usklr of Polk, slate of
Minnesota, sworn tUletaeet No iji, Mast feiiy
IJ. i"J. for the purchaM of Ike Lot 1 and a and
eH nwK tec 7, lp 19 1, r u e, w ra.
Jame H Hallsbury,
of Grand fork. Count) of Grand folks, stale ssf
North Dakota, sworn Maleuwul No safl. ftled
l'eby u, 1901, for the purchatc of the aK e 7
Iploa, r 11 e, w hi.
That they will offer proof to show that tit land
sought U more valuable for it limber or Moue
than for agricultural purpoac aud U )s4aMt4
their rial to uld laud before the HoeWter ami
Receiver at The Dalle, iweguu, ou Mturuay,
January i. 194.
They name a wltnetsea George IWitburr,
it me II Salisbury. Maru. Incsjou and Auute
;amud of Grand I'ork. North Isskota; lid
ward I' llnright uf IUt Grand Forks, Mill He-
sou ; twin J Gray, Richard King awl Jn metdl
ef Dexhute. Oregon, Jolin I'.kter, ef llliieeille.
Oregon. Jamca HHrlght, of Grand I'orks, North
auM, j J nerrics.. ui i ne latne. uregon.
Any aud all tiers. claiming adcry the
alxrve-descrilietl lawts are reoursuid to filr I heir
claims in thuolftccou or before the Mid itHh ilay
ol January, ivm
oi M1CHAKL T. NOLAN. Register.
Timber Land, Act luue j, l.
V. u. Mud Office. The IaUe, Oregon,
October W. lyQ.
Notlee I hereby given that in coM4laiice with
the prevision 01 the Act of CuegreM uf June y
7, entitled, "All act for the sale of tliulKrUiHI
Im the stale of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Wathington Territory," a eiieHtbid to all the
public land ttttr by Act of August 4, iW, the
followlug.iiamed ersou have filed In tills office
llictr sworn latcmlil, to-wlt
John M. Carroll,
of net University Ave, Grand Forks, tsxinly of
OraiHl I'ork, state of North Dakota; twnru state
ment No 171, filed March U, tyij, for the nir
chase ofthe te ec at, lp ao, r 11 c, w in.
Mary J. Carroll,
of 1 101 University Ave, Grand Porks, county of
Grand I'orks, state of North Dakota; sworn state
ment Nn 1714, filed March 1, ipj, for Hie pur
chase of the letf eU tec aj t)i sw,t aud iwtf
self sec J4, lp 19 1, r 11 r, w 111.
RulhM Whaley.
of i87-ird st, iokaiie, county ufHokaiie, stale
nf Wasliliigtoii: sworn atatrMenl No 1715, filctl
March in, I'yuj, for the Hirchase of the Lots I and
a and tji iiciftec a, tp 18, r I',
Stephen S. Drtke,
of I(cho, county of Velluw MntMiic. slate of
Minnesota; sworn statement No imj, filed I'cjiy
II. I9J. for the purchase ofthe swjf tec aj, lp lt
t, no e, win,
HalvorO. Hnnimr.
of Kcho, county of Yellow .Mrdlcine. 'tale of
Mliiueaota; tworn statement No taa, tiled l'eby
11. I'J. for the Hirchate of the teif tec aa, tp 16
t, r 10 c. w in.
That they will offer proof to show that the land
sought It more valuable for It timber or atone
than for agricultural purivju-, and to establish
their claim to uld laud before the Register and
Receiver at The Dalits. Orruou nn Thursday.
January 14, 1904.
1 ney name n witnesses John M Carroll aim
Mary i Carroll, ororand l'oikt, North Dakota;
Ruth A Whaley and Ktha M Whatey.of Spokane
Washington: Orin J Gray, of Dewhutci, Oregon;
Orange l Hodget, of I'rineville. Oregon) llalvor
O Homme and Stephen S Drake, oflKho. Minne
sota; John Steldl. of Deschules m,,(,..ii. Tliouia
Tweet, of The Dallet, Oregon. Henry lloiluue.
of Graulle I'allt, Minnesota
Any and all pertont claiming adverely the.
above-described laud arc requested to file their,
claim in tills office on or before the uld iith day
of January, iyu.
Oi-Jl MiCHAUl, T, NOLAN, Register.
Tiinlxr l.iitul, Act June j, IS?".,
II. sfLaud Onlce, The IMlles, Otegifu,
Notice It liertby (jlreu that III niiiipllflur! wild
the HovlsiiMia ofihe Act uf Cfliiinett uf June j,
lira, entitled, "An net for the Mle oftlinlierliiuiu
III the stales of CalifiH-i'.ln, Oienm, Nevnda, nud
WaslilURtuii Teultury," its eJUudnl In all lliv
Kulrilc laud Mate by Art of Augutt 4, 194, the
tllonlliK-IIMiiird twrwiilt have filed In till iltlre
their snotu Matemeuts, tiswlt,
Nellie Colter,
efllramld'nika, rniiuty of uniud I'ihVs, stale nf
North iMkoU; uoen stalemeiil Nu iiio. flleil
Oct ,11. iuui, fix the purvliute uf the sH aec S,
tpw. r tie, w ih.
Amelia MutUbury,
of I' t). IH jf, tliawl IHnk. vounty ol llrnnd
l'oiks, Male of Nmth Dakota, sworn statenrtnl
Nsiih. filed Oeijj, lyo, for the hcImsc uf lit
HWI4 aec 1, tp MM, r ijr, w m.
Maud ftmllh,
tirtlie Dalle, ctmnly of Wasen, stale uf Oivgoi;
moth Malement No lul, Hleil (Kl y, ten, for
Hie pnicliat of the sit acU see ta, hwm wK
ec to and neH ot see i, lp 19 . r 1 e, w hi,
R HMfusHmllh.
of The Dull, rounty of Wasev, state of Oietoni
much sUtemeht No 14.17, filed Oct ,y, lust, for
the mrlMeof Ihe wm ueH,eH HtHH4nM
eVl ec , tp i , r U . w m.
Albeit IHcksotl,
of I'. O. Iiox 95. .ritd Pork, county nf nwitd
I'urk. Mate oiNorth Dakota, sworn MnieHtCMI
No uj, filed i let r, 191, for the Mirchae of
the HHiwIi. 11 "N H and iK Hfrf tec 1;, tp
19. 1 ij. w in.
Thalthry will oitVr proof lo snow (hat Ihe land
oulit u mm valuaMe tw It timber tsr s4oh
than for agricultural tmnurys, aud In eMaldMi
Ihetr claim to aM land twrutr the HegWrr and
Receiver at The Dalles, OtegiHi, mh Prrday,
January ij. 104 ,
They name wilnrate Charlea II IItisWh,
H Mufo Smith and Maud HwlUl. of The Dalle,
truw, Altiert IHcksou, Amelia tlsbHry and
Nellie Cutler of tlan.1 folk. North Dakota;
Mary C HrMdu, of The Dllv. tMouaH; Mr lieu
MltMHtry.ur Grand Puest, nurth iMkata.
Ahv and kit 1
Any and hit tie(i clalmlni adveeteiy the
ivt diarrilwd Utidt are rr.me4ed to. lie their
claims In IhV offiee oh wr belMv Ihe MM ij4h Aay
uf January, 194.
MlCllAHI. T. NO!M. Regi.ter.
Timber Land. Ad June j, t7.
t'. S. Land OfUce, The Imlle. OteosHi.
(leieeSer it, loaj.
Notlee I hereby given that in roaspitaH with
the pruriMotv ofthe Act of Cougieo of Juae i.
M7. eulllled, "Am est for Ihe Mleof limber land
In Ihe Males of California. iHraou. Nevada, aud
WathintttmTerrtltwy,' a eiimded ta all the
GWk laud Male by Art of Auauct 4, . the
luwinc-Hamed nrraou have tied In Ihl
oMwc their tworn staremeuta, to-wlt
Lout lohtMoa.
of Mlnnvapotts. eouutr of Heuwepln, stole of
Mltintwda. swurn sialeateHt No ijti, II! Oct.
ta, iy. for the purchaw uf the Lot j and
4 and rH ', c r. lp w . r M . w m.
AllaalfffW A HatWtMa4VMa
of Mlnneupolet. csMaty of Hewuepin, tale of
Minnesota! sworn Mateajsenl No iota, Med Oct.
14. . forth perchavseof Ih hwK tec aa, lp
a r ij e, w m.
f Adatuh Petetsuti.
of MlMHioli4, county of IIuhs4m, stale of
aiinnesosa. twws wutrntai eio i. uavu trei.
i. 191. fer Ihe purclNM of the mh ueK. iK
netf and net,' nw see it, lp s, r ijc, w m.
Andrew luhw.osi
of MIhihkiIU. county of llrnHepiH, state of
Minnesota, tworn siaietweut m ijus, tm im.
n, 19AI, for Use iHttchotc of the HK sec ai. lp te
. r ije. w m.
Andrew CartaoM.
uf Mlnneapult. ontuty ef HeMnetahi. Male el
Mluuewta. swuen statement No i5. filed Del.
lA. iyt. for the puirhase ofthe eh) sK HC M.
andrVi H era. lp a. rijr.wm
That they witl offer proof to show the. the land
sough! Is mere valuable for lis timber or slunr
than fer agricultural purposes, and l Vk4Uh
their etalm l ald Vand belere the Ktrgiblef and
Receiver at The IwrWt, Oirgou, ihi 1ut.Uy,
December, H. toaj
They name witnesses- Andrew Carlsn. I
Adolph fileriuHt, Andrew JohnMi, Loul John
oh ami Andrew Anderson f Mltineaall,
Any ami all iwrvMr rlalmlMg adversely lire
abov,.tsitbe.l Uml are NajueMcd In Ale their
eialms Im this urftec oh or before the hM aeml day
of December. !
ottdia MICUAHL T. NOLAN. H.gittsr.
Timber Land. Act June J. ttpj.
If. at. Und Oflke. The ItaUea, orefeu,
oetoiwr it. Htt.
Notice It hereby given thai In exxupivan wMh
the provlilnes oTlh Act ef CtHtjrreM of Juw J.
i7, eulitbxi. "An act for the Mb of timber btsd
In lb Mataa ef CaliforHla, OfeaoH, NevmU. and
WaehlugtoM Territory." a ex4ndsl to alt l)e
Kblk land ttale by Ad of AujtHtt 4, ia4. t,hr
lowing-Mamed perwMM have rneH In Ihl ulnce
Ihetr sworn ttiemnt, to-wlt.
Abide L Wbltlm,
of IHsrtlaml, county of MulltsuHush, statr nf Ore
mm, sworn Matement No 199. tiled Oct. a, IV.
forth purchase of ihe ( hc j. Ipa, r U e,
w m.
Mstv It. Ttcliuur.
of 1'eretl Orove, county of Wathlnglen, stale f
wregoti; sworn saiemeni 30 ijyv, im inr wr
chase eflhceHiiwK and 11K swTf 9. lp a,
r 11 e, w m.
NHle A. "haver,
of jAe Vancouver Ave.. Portland, county of Mull
nomah, stale of oreitan. sworn Matement Nn
1)9. for the purchase of the swjf nw(J sec 1. si
ne;( aim nw)( si tec a, lp a 1, r, 11 c, w 111.
Amm I.. Itflirtlth.
of I'ortst Grove, county of Washington, state ef
Oregon, aworn Malement no i.k7, hhui ui a.
M, for tlie purehate of the el( sw, wf m(
sec a. iieM nwK nn.liiw!,' ne),' sec , lp a,
r 11 e, w m.
I'annle II. MeDonald,
of CUItkanlc, county uf Columbia, ttale f Ore
coil, sworn statement Nn 1494, filed November
a, low. forthe purclMtc of the eW nK, wh
lieK and nw( t aec , lp a . r la. c, w 111.
That they wilt offer proof lo show that the land
sought I more valuable for II timber or stone
than for agricultural purp, ami te ettahllsh
Ihetr dtlni In MktUiHtliefora the Register awl
Receiver at The lull, Oirgou, oil Wediitaday,
December aj, tv$.
They name a witnesses' Abble I,. Whllleu.
Nellie Shaver, nf IVHtlaiid, Oreiioii, Harry W
McDonald and I'aunle II McDonald ofClatskaulc,
Oriunu. Mary It Tlchuor and Anna L
nf lfirest Grove, Oregon; ami I' C Whltteu, Dca-
chute, Oregon
A,.w an. I all eJsllllllllr advrlv the
atMve-.lfcrtlKlliii(Uie lequiMleil to file their
claim In this olllec oil or before Ihe Mid ajrdday
of December, iojl
oi6-dl8 MIC1I
IAIU, 'f. NOLAN, Register.
HoiuUd Coiitolldalril
U. H. leaiid Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
, October I, icoj.
Notice I hereby given that the following-
IiaiUrtl INTIMlJIlal IIH-U7 IIWCHUH. . ... ""I
.1 . .......... u.aHiiiiithilnH tif-i-uir lii (iiiiiibiirl ni
their cUInu, ami Una Mid lirw.f will Im? jimic
r . . .....m II u f,,.ii.ilH.n,ir tit
nciore j. ' wii"i w. ....... ...-. -
Deschute, Oregon, on Satuiday, November ,
I'jj, Vl:
carlyle C. Triineit.
oflMactiuIci, Oregon, II H No o6j7 for Ihe ej
CC J, ,p .,...,
-,...... ti. nrlnl.(.
I1IUIMU. ... ..Ifl.MI
of Deschute, Oregon. II 1 No vpfi for CW
wKcaj, 11J ncjj and ncM nwj( aec ao, li 11, "
They name the following iwrton to prove
, rmilliiiioutrealdelicc UIHJII mid CllltlVulloll
of Midland, vlli
I. C Whltted, J L Kjvcr, CatMiuira A iirncK,
Thoiim W Trlplclt, Carlyle CTrlpUlt uml Jit
Ilrock, all of Deschute, Oregon.
oaj-1117 MICHAI5L T. nui,An, nrgisier.
Tlmlier Lnnil, A(t June J, 1171.
U. S. Lniut uinrvj Lakcvtatrf Oregon,
Itrptrnilirr M, IVV.
Nolle la lifreby given Dial In nun pi tone with
the iiiovUiuiisufilir Aft uf tVnutA or Jiififj.
17. iHitltlcil, An not for Hie mM Ttlmlir A(Ts
In tlie state uf Callfiwul.i, Uietnin, NcvftM. Hinl
Watliliigluii Teliltiwy," aa i Hilled In till the
piddlf land state liv Act uf Angutt 4, iftei,
Allwil M I'nriwiis,
of lliirkley, coumy of rlerve, ttale of Wuthliig.
ton; Im lilwl In this nffir. hi sworn tlamill
No 1M1, for the Hiiliaciifth sw qr are ji, li
s s, nnf,n in,
And will nllWr prnof In !tuw III I Ihl Und
oHHlit Is mote valuable for It timber or totn
n,.-.v .n..H....a .... ,. ,,wi wi TIM..."
niricnltural iMirie. and In eslablWIi
muu mr hgru-nuurni iMirie. and
irie. and to eslabl
ul lu-fore J J. Kml
Wv.Orrgou oft Wln
.vMibcr, iv.
uw eiaiiit iu Mm in 1 ru-rure j
V'tHinly Clerk, at tTlnevtllv. Orrgou 1
hay, III iMh day uf Decewuer, iy.
lie name as willies: Noliert I,
1 lu mm tan-l ru-farr J
ark. at tTlrievtllv. Orrgou .
Hh dav or December ,yut.
1 Holier! 1. aiaaliiftrev.
Hynitt Cmly. I, K Atlltigliam and Oca MmtcMaV,
uf lTiiirvltle, llrrgmi.
Any and all persist etalmtMk- advenele (he
aliuveHlrscriliedlairduieieuieiJM to Kl IWr
claim in thl uMce. 01 nr before the Mid rWhwy
of Irecemfcer, M.
cydii K. M. HRATTAIN HearMac
Ttfaber La ml, AM June J, 1I7.
l'. A. Land (VAe. Lakeview, oregeu,
IWtniHT wj, .
, Nathxt li hereby eiven that In rutiidiaiceltli
the ptovMoos of ih Art uf Conn o? J is) j,
i7. wtultd. "An wrt for the Ml (if timber famR
In the Male of Cutlforwl
U). Oteaati.
oti, n
oi to alt Ihe
4. !.
Washluglow Terriltu-y
aa ralrttaatl
pHirtK laisi Male hy Art or Aunuat
MIIImm J. Kohet,
ofDetchHlM.ixwMlj'of Cruoh, Male ac lereeut'.
ha hleil in I his ulnce hit tatamesl Nu
ai7, fer the pure fowe eflht mNeK. mK Mtri.
HH rc I. lp , ree, r M,
And witt oHvr proof to sJhjw that the Wild
songkl i morr valuebi for lU timber or SHtlir
tlwn for uilculiural irurpaarl, and lu etanrlli
hi. eUln. to M land fetor it. M WardwcJI,
U h. Nilver Lakr, Oregou, an
Tuesday, the rath day ui Ihrhe, iusm
II Mmr wllMi K W Kolierta, Rarttslit
mm, or iNKNuie. UrCgNn
Vandevett, uf MiMMWl, (Vri
1 Oeoiite losrue, Chts
a arc rettuw
Mar kefor
arc ivquwau
CtalNjM IH M
W. M. HKATfAlK, HelrMer.
TtMher Lemi. Act JUNC j cls,
I'. W. Lead irMee al Ijihrvlew, lieegem.
mynmtmt , ie
Notice I hereby jlvca lhal la
iWproviateaaith Art of Cuajiiai
itnl. utltrd, "An art for the Mtof II
In the state of I'jiuforata, nrraua, N
uf luue L
In the tMc of California, nrrau). NieieV Mel
H'aaklaattM Ticvttur." aa sleadd
mi im
i. I",
puMK latMl Male try Art uf Augaat
Wllltaa fcrker,
of Delhi, rmwiy of Nrdwuml. UI of MMMe.t,
ha Med la Ihl arUca hi ewnrn llNiNI Nn
M for Iheparxhaw ofthe w awls tec jaxaM
nettf t. tp 11 , r 11 e w m. aad win of
nm iui ir una iim aiiie vaia).
bi for II. Ilmbrt or atone thaa for atauiiarn
awaw. aad lu rMaMith hit rlaiat lo said taad
re J J. hiatth, I'oaalv Clerh at rtaerti6,
oerajoa, oa Tuesday, IB leladay of taMfanaa.
If aaatee a wliaraat Ralph Jordan, ttrty
H. IMadeavee. ora I'oiSrdeaief. CharVa if,
llatakMM, all of lliaevtile, tarefjiM.
tuy aad all latriaaa ctaiMdaa 4vrir Ihe
ibcu muu are naueaiea ta as laanr
cktlBM la this
r Itrlbre IhctaM itffcMy
of IWcesaker. 194
Timber Lead. Act Jour j. it9t
It a Lead iHaee. Lakveiew, Oectjon,
Not kw t heech glvea thai In
iWlvWM"," urtx
t tW Iha tattaf bImIIrii.Is
(tiihe Mala. of CatlfoiHt. UMguav efiiaaa, ml
U-a.ulrlaiaei Trrrlleey." a etIelisM W aft iV
pwhlk toad stole ay set uf A 4, itst,
NrueM U Walla.
of friNeettte. couniv of Croak, stole of tiregtw.
has filed la Ihl . hi ewata MateNWBl Mm
. for the purehaie of the Lai a. J. 4. ni?
Kef sec ji. tpii , r 15 e. w w , asiafwin citir
of lo show lhal the lead Mii4l W mutf
pruer lo thuw lhal Ihe laad nM Is aWHe
vaeuahi for it limhrr or siua lhaa for aartrut.
laral narwtse. aad lo cJal
Mtaai att ciarm Neat
UudWforeJ J. aaatth. CtwaMr
Mr Oetk. at iwine.
y, ihe ith aVvjr al
rtlU. IKmsvo. oh I una
II aaawa aa wjtaassr. Ilearv A
Chart II. MrMueai, Kalfat Jordan, Ai
Davis, all of rrtnevtiie, urvam).
Any and aN peewua rialmlna; tjdlCfMaV the
aWsve-dsMrihed toad are rjw4 aa jtta UaMr
dalNW in UnVueV aa at twt Ihe aaiafitiaiMy
af llssesalne. nail.
it. . wit 1 1 nir. 1
TtMWt Und. Ad Jatt j. itr
V. a. Land iNtaw, Ulhcehrw, Orcavm,
aepiewaer (. isa.
NulLne U Laieav iriv lhal lu rwiuntailire with
the pruvietoH of the Act of CoaeieeJ of jHite 1,
17, y ulitle.1. Aa act for Ihe Mb of llMber toadt
lu Ihe Male of California, IHeaOH, eTeeada, ami
WashiNftuH Territory," a
aa iiic
puulk- Mad ! b) An or Auaati ,4, i. Ve
MIowlHaHMNied persoH have filed In I Hi alc
Ihetr soeH atlrnrtw, to-wlt: '
Wallace M.lktaU,
ufVashoN, couul uf Kaua. MuJ af WwdwwrU.W
swurastateNicHl No 1714. lor the porehaw aft he
HM nh) sec 17. If 11 . r 11 , w m.
Charle W. Jacobs. M
of VaahoN. county of Kiag. swt of Ufsillnglsn,
sworn Maiewrat No 17 1 j. for the aaneertlT
til nwii wt ifl swi, tc 17. lp 11 s, r il v, w w,
llihra MarrtagloH,
of VaboH. ruuaty uf King. nie ef WatMagli 1
worn Malemeal No 171. for Ihe pmhaeo! Ih
K swyj, H mM set 1. w tvt sec 17, lp II .
r IJ e, w 111. '
That Ihcy will offer jiroof to ahow that the lainl
sought I more valuable for Ita IIHlber or stun
tlMB for agrk-uliural put aud ta eMaalHl
their tlalm wi land before J. M. IewiiM
V. h. Cumoiiawonrr ul hend. Oman
H MlHf.
lay the ink day of December, lea)
They name aa Wilms Wulhrtw
XI. Ihttll,
Charles W jaculM.llluraJlarriN4lte11.ul
watiiiiuiirn, laaac vr. wiiuama. ama
haw, Oregeu; I' C WhUltH,
Any ami all prois oialwlni jwlversejy thr
iHrve-dsircrlbed laud are fMuaebd la file llittr
cdalin lu ihr uitke on or lje the tuW 1Mb My
of DMBiulr. ions.
taHlli M M.
HRATTAIN. Register.
TimUr Iiiid, Act June j, 17.
V. H, Mud OlAce, The Dallw, Oregon,
Oetnlwr 11, uj.
Notice I glvii lluit In ciHltaue wild
llic piDvltton efih Act of UiiitBiwa or June 1,
itTti; entitled, "An act for the aal eflhillirLliir
In the Male of California, oreaoii, Nvhi. ami
Wa.hliigtuu Terrllory," as, cslemleil lt nil Ihe
public laud .lute by At) of August 4, ".
Herbert C Gregg,
of Walla Walla, county of Walln Walla. (Inlcyr
Wash, hat on Oct 4. 19"". filed In Ihl offler- his
aworn MaUmeiil No 1171, for the puicltise of Ihe
IIHI HWJJ sec ev mm i ?! M " r ,- . -!
And wilt nlTer tiriKif In show Hint the laud
ouglit It more valuable for lit timber nr atone
than for aurlculluriil purixMe, and to ettalilislj
their claim In aald luud Uforc Die Reulslir mid
Receiver ut The Dalle, Oregnii, on Wednesday,
llic utliiliiyorjaiiuaiy, 191,
lleiiaiiitaaiwiliiMMa; Onl rolndcxter. I' II
l'oliulexter. nf I'rlnevllle. Orcuou; I'lctl W Wil
son, Joseph I'cter. uf The lull, Oregon.
Any nud all tieraoiia eialuilug adversely the
alxivr-deKrlbeil lands arc riifitrd to 111 their
claim iu this olfitc 011 or Ufbru tin tald ijtli day
nfiauiirv i'joi.
ojo-Ji MICIIAlif, T. NOLAN, ItCjilslcf.