MARSHALL FIELD fiflft MANAGER Cured of Catarrh of Kidneys tfy Pe-ru-na. FETTERED BY FATE ny ALIXAHDEM lOBtrtTeON "Jolellt'K rtt," "tlllle !ict(hrr'." " lolllr, the Setting Girl," "fiolilmnkrr ot Lisbon," "Wedded la Win," "Dlmnm Thorpe," "Hor' Lefty," r.tcttc. wf&wAwt0&LsmMmfm HON. JOHN T. SIII2AIIAN, OP CIIICAUO. .. V0?." .I.0'.".' T- H,,,a,"n' ' l" '"" for evrntcon yi-ari manager of Marshall Klcld & Co 'a wholcnl warehouse, nnd la corporal 2d Itcglment InUnjry. I. N. 0 . wrlloa tho followjng Icttwr from 3763 Indiana avenue, Flat Mix, ChJoaKO, III.: Peruna Medicine Co., Columbui, Ohio. Oentlemen "Lat wmmir I caught a cold which teemed to settle In my kidney and affected them badly. I tried a couple of kidney remedlea largely advertised, but they did not help me any. One of my foremen told me of the ureal help he had received In utlng Peruna In a similar case, and 1 at once procured soma. "It was Indeed a blessing to me, aa I am on my feet a large part of the day, and trouble such as I had affected me seriously, but four bottles of Pe runa cured me entirely and I would not be without It for three months sal. ary.M JOHN T. 8HEAMAN. 44 Mr. Jneob Kiel writ on from Htiinncr nventio, Ilrooklyn, N. Y.: "I am now a new man at the age of seventy-five year, thanks to your wonderful remedy Peruna." Jacob Flelg. tlio serious nnturn of thn dlscnso Is nt once, suspected, lint tlio chronic varie ty tnay como on so terminally ami In aldlnualy tlint It presence la nut ana. , ported until nftor It bus fastened It self thoroughly upon Its victims. At tlio npponrnnco of tho flrat avinrx Catarrhal Inflammation nf the inucoiia torn I'orunn should bo taken. Thin llnlnar of thn kidneys, nisei railed , remedy strike nt onco at tlio very "Ilrlghta dlseaao" mny be either ai'iito root of the disease, or chronic. The ncute form produce . A book on catarrh nent free by The symptoms of aurh prominence that ' I'orunn Modlclno Co., Columbus, O. msmm fe-j aouuHQ HH I -1 jHN VbbEW5Bss1 1 Huwir iunui VVaMHUBalBa Mr or euuirr sWbHIIIbwsm rot Heat hum PHjassVsTH P u a ctsrvaV. fWiBlBfBl'P' MB i HKTS i Fc i k&SrrSHi I'-t; -, ll id Good Pitts CHAITICK Ill.-lConllnued,) 'J'luit very evening Qnplnlii (irwut wns made (lie recipient of a letter purporting lo come from I tncr Darrel, In which Hie lime, place nnd weamn were named. When the early dnwn came, his second was with Mill; atld together they it mil for the place appointed a a rendezvous. At some time lu tlie dim pant It had been ground consecrated to burial pur pose, mid the Weeping willows still swayed their lone, slender hrsnche over n fen' stone thnt were lislf hidden lu the tall, rank gras. Hardly had Ihry eome lo a pause whn n couple nf forma apicsred among the tree nnd advanced lo where they were standing. To I lie surprise of the Cupliiln nellher of these Kim linger Dsrrel, lie fore he could eouiment on thin fuel, how ever, the stronger hud arrived eloe to them. One wn a handsome man, the oilier n (nil, willowy youth, with a small, dark mustache. The Intler'a hat wa no ar ranged an to hide part of hi face, but the Hushing eye seemed lo pierce the Captain through ami through, and Home how he nhlvercd a tluHiKh eUel lth the nittie, "you nre lu lime, eeiillemen." said the hnudmuiie man hi n miulral voice. "We are wdl aware of that. idr. but how I thl? I do not nee your," relumed I.leul. Unroon. "lie I here," suld the youth, quietly. Hi word produced iH)iiietliliii; of n seiiDntlon, and Unit. Cnrwin lamrlied. "There I mime mistaVe," he aald; "we came nut to meet amulirr." "That other will not be here, ami in order that the gentleman uliould not lie dlanppolnted lu meeting a Virginian, my friend here I willing to itom blade with you," and the handoomc man lndleutI with hi hand III romrade. CaiiMlu (Jriint lauglml ahmd. "I have imMil through nonir Irnnee scene in my life, hut I aoure you. gen tlemen, till Itcat them all. What Jo you take me for? My life I certainly valuable to me at leant: therefore, yo.i will iKtrdou me If I decline to rik It III an engagement with one with whum I have no niinrrel." The face of the youth rnMrned a trille. a though the vokv of the Captain, more than the word be uttered, touched wme bidden chord deep In hi heart. "Are we to underntand that you refiue to light, then?" Inquired the hutidtoiue t ranger. "Kxaiily. If my foemin has been cowardly enough tu vend some one In hi ,,are " "Hold!" cried the yotlth. In a strangely sten tolei-, "ay no more. The gentle man never sent an aniWrr to your chal lenge. I'roliably there will one rome to day, but I mean to place you lu a condi tion where accepting It will Ik out ot the iuetlou. It was my friend who wrote Aycr's PJlls are good liver T0U "'"'-' ,M ,ll,ru to l,c,p ,ny "Kr,',' pills. You Know that. The best family laxative vou can buv. They Keep the bowels regular, curcconstipatlon. .WraSS: Want your mouslaclic or beard abeautlfulbrownorrlchbtock? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE AJtwiattsMnuivu isnuisBiairiinicu(. tu m nuu mum mmn fft cri tom,if r.iiniero,!! OMP4.ll H. :-siH'-i!--,w, OUDI!K OUICK rll inln llil. new rixxlf, houlh lunil hm Hlowl, himkI lf iiii, ( In., 110; Hot! Ill 1111.1 Chlllrd llout. If sin. H III , 17 TO H .ih (Unit 1'hllle.t I'l.iwt Mt bcsinn.s In , l '. all ln ami aly lr lu pltiwi. Yoimr Alnvilrk I'rrsin Minuiui, No fell, IVI; HlrolWlmt Mill. Sltxit, IM.ViKKt Whrrt wind Mil!, 11-foot. I. Writ u for tret on iiviPi lu lh iMti'tilnrrj lint Utlrrton M (ninny Co., loot el ,Mo rlton St.. PoftUnJ, Or. Correct. OoliatiR I wonder 4io HiIn la who nilvortliHia for tlio return of u wittrli, "nnil no (iiickII'iiik ile"? UHjrilek Some limn. No woiiuin would do It. Judge. BAD BLOOD "OAM'AKirra 4m ll UM4 r.r UH BJ ! itolr oudtffu. utdleio I ht 'CUIUS ;u lur i.iiciii f ixtaai to ukt and lati bT rounj inu (.xmniu. inrUiiiiilm at aknl kattwdtpufisxl and nf roaiplrifoa tailm- iimf aim iirti Hiucn uiir in f tr LU K. Btu.iHS, Ljtwtll,Taa. srofliriitjiiii way .IIA.aa CANDY CATHARTIC i sik winniitt Colds " I had a terriblo cold and could hardly breathe. I then tried Aycr's Cherry Pectoral, and It gave mo lm mediate relief." V. C. Layton, Sldelt, HI. How will your cough be tonight? Worse, prob ably. For it's first a cold, then a cough, then bron chitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Mop tins downward tendency by taking Aycr's Cherry Pec toral. TbrMtliMt ISc, Mc'tl. AIMniihtt. vaot i aiaitnaiD Consult 70U' doctor. If hs ; taks It. than do at lit lairt, If ht ttlft you not lottkt II. Ihtn dun't lak It. lit knowt. Mavt It will) ulm, Wn srt willing. . .. J. 0. AVKll CO.. Lowtll. Mill. mixmmp ritaisnt. I'alaiabt. Tlt Oond. Iio Oool M.ierMlo.u Wtakrn or flirt ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... 4mii( ,m,it rur, riu.i. a..m.i, , Mk. sit HO-TQ-IJIC ilsvju.?. W. L. DOUGLAS 3.S2&'3SHOESm You can save from $3 to $a yearly by wearing W I Douglas $3.50 or $3 shoes. 1 liey equal tuotti that lutva been cost ing you from St -tW to $3.00, The lm menus aula of V I, Douglas shoe proves their superiority over all other makes. Hold by retail shoe denier everywhere. Look for niuno aud price on bottom. That Utmlat uiti for. enal'olt prom llirra It ialut In llooglat thott. t'orosa It Iht irtda I'atiLtathtrmadt.l Out ti Ollt ilmtlm caitncl HhOM bf null, Kl ranla ntn. Illmtrattd Calais g frti, H. U UOUIIUM, Urorktoa, Haas. fqualltd at any pile. riMUriaVal1litl:aW Jalrl taiuivitiawsit In lima. t br druftliU. ment. inn are n coward If yoti do not light me." and ho whispered a wuwc In the dtielWt' ear. "Your olijeet l fully accomplished, my friend. Who you are, ami what the caune nf jour enmity may be. I kniw Hot, hut that I now a small matter with inc. I jour friend ha awortl with him. We will tet their temicr." He took one of tlio blade offered to him aluiot without a thought, and trltM It over hi knee. They were of the fluent material, and thn rye of the duel It lighted up with satUtactlon when ho discovered this fact, for he loved a od sword almve all thing. At a given signal the long swords cromed. and the duel had liegua. The steel blade writiied, twisted, and equlnnrd like so many scrpcut, and jet so well matched were the two antago nist that It seemed Itnpoaalble for either to accomplish the desired result. Like lightning Dually the itword of the stranger patned through the t'antnlu' sword arm. nnd nt nlinoxt the aatue mo ment hi blade was plucked from hi linn! by a neat twlt or the other's wrUt. and Kent whirling tiwuy among the gru covered grave tone. Then, while the iwlnt of the stranger' sword touched hi breast, he uw him rnle hi hat nnd dextoruunly remove the fnlite mtntnchc. A shower of ringlet fell about the white ucuk of the limn of mystery. Captain (Jrnnt glared madly at the bountiful face. "Your' he cried, "nre yon alive and here? What nightmare I this? Speak, and tell me, Nora Waruerr (MIAPTKfuV. Ill nil hi llfit (!iihiiIm r!rmi lui.l never suffered such n defeat, aud what made It all the more hitter wux the fuct thnt It ciime from the hand ot n wouinu w hum, for, reason best' known to him self, he li itI en use to hate inoit heart II. Kye looked Into eye, but that of the diielUt could not stand before the mini glare lu the orb ot hU vtn-vls, and he let in gate tali. At mat slio spoke, and her voice was trembling with deep emotion, "As you see, I am alive null here, scoun drel ami impostor ipo grave could not hold me uor the in ml Iiquio contain me, From death I have como to life, and now let those who have Injured me tremble, for my heart la turned toward vengeance, mid 1 shnll never ceiuo until my wrong I of the pnst tiro righted. This U my first mow. "Kor the present wo will cry quits, but the time will como In tlio future when you sliull be repaid for this, curses on you, woman or liend, whichever you are." lie grated between his set teeth. The handsome mnn uttered a sharp cry, iim if ho bad been struck a blow, and, leaping forward, would have slapped the f'aplalu In the face, but tlint the woman dueliKt held him hack. "'llil Is not your quarrel yet, Jack. Walt until I have failed to aeoomptUh my vow, and then remember your oath," she said hastily, "I'erliaM you htp right, but when that time come this ewr will have to suffer for those word. If you Imve done what you mm here lo do, let u be gone," ".My wrk for the present Is done. 1 have prevented him from meeting the man he hntiV Turning, the strange girl led her com rade away. Who till mysterious "Jack" was, the Captain had not tlio remotest Idea, mid yet several time n spasm of fear like n dart through hi heart, a if guilt warned him that there was a reckoning between him and this pertou age that mutt sooner or later be settled lu full. Of course, when Itoger'a acceptance wa brought to the Captain, he was forced to KtMine it for tlio time, and the gentleman who carried It to Mm thought he wa wine when he saw the noiiud he had received. The young Virginian was dlsapjiolntcd when he learned how raattera stood, for since the meeting In the nvenile of elms, aud the challenge, he had )ccn In a Kr-fiH-t fever to meet this Impudent duel lit. It gave him pain to even look In the direction of lllchiuoud Terrace, and he made up his mind to go abroad one) more. Having arrived at this determine tiou, the young master ot Parrel Clmc counted the days that intltt elapse be fore he could put his Idea Into execution. The shadows were gathering late one afternoon, aud twilight was rapidly set tling over the land, when I loser made his way In the direction of his home. While he was yet within a mile or so of Uarrel Chair, be was astonished to see a fe male figure rite up before Mm and bar his way. Khe waa a young woman with great, black, velvety eyes, and a face of the pure oral tyi aud slightly oliv In color, though be had not much chance to olmerve It just then, as she hastened to Hflk. "We are well met. ltoger Darrel, You have the same nerve of Iron, 1 -e. that owned you master before, and not for jour life would you by start or word own that you recognised me, and yet there I not a person in the wide world you would hate to meet more." Her word were fierce and venomou. inn!, leaning forward, she let her black eye rest upon bis face as though she would read hi very soul. The man looked at hur keenly. One might have thought that he was now looking upon her face for the first time. "Who arc you?" ho asked nt last. The other did not seem to know at first whether to get angry or laugh, but finally did the latter, and there win something cold in her forced merriment that made him shiver. "Heboid in me a gypty girl, daughter of a queen, whom the silver tongue of a srimnt lured away from the home of her eople. She was outlawed from hor tribe and deserted by the whltc-faeed traitor whom she had loved aud fruited with her whole heart and soul. Whit, then, had idle to live for but revenge?" The hand of the gypiy maid had been creeping toward her bosom all the while, and at this Juncture she Hashed a shining stiletto Into view. ltoger Darrel caught her by the wrist with a grasp of Iron. (ilrl." ha ssld. sternly, "what wools you do?" , "Dor' she hissed; "I would kill you, snake In the grass that lured me from LupplticM to a living death. I would sever your black heart with this trusty blade, dedicated to that purpoae. Think not to twcae the terrible vengeance of the gywy girl. She ha followed you over laud and sea. waiting for the hour to strike, the hour wheu you would be mint happy, and when life would bo mokt dear lo you. A short time ago It seemed that that hour had come, and Harlmrn .Mcrrllc struck the first blow. Now, when she ha helped to blight your life she comes before you, ready to finish the work with her dagger. You ore doomed, ltoger Darrel. doomed. "A fig for your threats, llnrharn Mer- rile. True, your name has often heon lu my mind, hut I hnvu never had occa sion to four you. (Tome closer here and look me In the fait'. Then you may strlkew!th till blade It you dare!" She Icaucd forward aud her eye wero glued upon him for the spaee of u minute. Then she uttered ii sharp cry. ltoger loosened his grip upon her wrist, and tho hand holding the daggsr dropped to her side. "Will you strike now?" he asked quiet ly, while u it range look come Into hi eyes. "(Ireat heaven! what have I seen? No, your life Is sucrcd from my dagger. You are not ltoger Darrel, hut the man who m veil me when I would have leaped Into the mad river, aud to whom I owe miii'li! Whnt It I hud slain you; my own life would have followed, for I never could have survived such haso Ingratitude. Farewell, my friend ot tho past. Wo shall meet again." Iluforo he could restrain her alio had sped away, vanishing among the shad own of the trees us though pursued by f aides. ltoger Darrel resumed Ids walk In tho direction of his home. What thoughts were surging through his mind just then it would bo hard Indeed to say, but ho seemed to bo laboring under some pow erful emotion. What waa It tho gypay girl had said? "Not Kogcr Darrel I" What mockery could this be, then? How darofl ho como there and take poy semlou of Darrel Chaco If ho wal net the true heir? Captain Orant was an honored gilMt at Jllchmond Terrace, and hi word sfecWod to he law. The servant all had tlnilr orders to obey him as promptly a they did their muster, and between the iWy old mnn nnd the whimsical soldier (hoy were kept pretty busy. Lawrence Itlchinoml had been more moody than ever. He watched Copt a In Orant from tinder hi shaggy white eye brow with almost a glare In hi eye, and once In a while there might have been seen upoii his fare nn ominous scowl. The secret that lay between tho two men dealt with the Mt, and It hung over the head of Lawrence illrhmoud like the knife of the guillotine. livery dnr thnt pasted aerted to lnerea the f paling of mingled dread ami hatred whieh the one Imrc toward the other, and Lawrence ltlchmond wa fast becoming desperate. A demand on the part of the soldier for hi daughter served to cap the cli max. In spite of hi terrible temper and hi strange action at time which would seem to ladle the fact, thli man sincere ly loved lilt child. Alone In hi library the master of the Terrace paced to and fro tike a eaged tiger. lie did not nolle., the preteuee in the room of the Captain until tho lat ter gave utterance to a low, metallic laugh. The old man looked up quickly, and the keen-eyed soldier noticed a wild, half eager look tiM)ii hi face that he had never seen there before. "He ha settled upon something; I can sec it by the glitter of his eyes and the way he shut hi teelli. Hare a Care, my old gentleman, or yon will find your claws nipped still closer." Thus he muttered as be waited for .Mr. ltlchmond to speak. "Y'ou here?" said tho other, at last; "what a wonder 1 Knew it nor, tor gen erally I feel the evil Influence of your presence like n deadly vapor." "You are dioscd to lie sarcastic, Mr. Illchmond. but under the iccullar clreim Mance I can forgive you. I am come to ask a little temporary loan or yon a mat ter of a mere thousand or two." "Curse on you and your loans, you will drive me to distraction yet. What If I should go mad? Why, man, I would tear you limb from limb, I bate you so. Do you not ever think of the risk you are running in persecuting me thus?" "I hare done nothing so terrible, my dear old gentleman. The ease lies In a nutshell. Y'ou bad your choice between providing for me with a small portion of your Immense worldly goods, or else tot ing the whole of them, your liberty, and, IH-rlmp. your life. That you have chos en the former only prove your wisdom." There was conscious power In the voice ot the Captain that was peculiarly ag gravating to the old man, but he calmed himself as well as he wa able, though his eyes still glittered with that strange, metallic gleam that boded no good to tie object ot his anger. "I hate you," he said, "not so mub for what you are doing, man, but because you know I am perfectly Innocent of crime, nnd yet, knowing this, you still blackmail me. "Thnt Is a very nice statement for you to make, dear sir, but how are you go ing to prove It In any way?" "Hn! schemer, there more of your cunning-crops out. The papera that would exonerate me you have stolon and hold over my head. To save thorn from being destroyed and myself from future trouble, I have been buying your allonrv In the past, but now your demands are growing too prepoiterou. Kor the lft time I ask for your mercy. I would not have your blood upon my hands, but 1 feel like a man bunted by n human bloodhound and who mast, unless the dog gives up the chase, either fall himself or destroy tho hound. 1'lalnly, Captain Grant, Is It your life, or mine?" "Then hear me, old man. I utterly refuse all comprniuWe. I hare no other means of living at present except on you. and ns, for reason of my own, I expect to make America my home in the future, I may as well provide against a ralnr day. It Is but fair, then, that there should lie nu equitable division; so make up your mind to that." Lawrence ltlchuiond's face whitened, and the skin seemed drawn like parch ment over the bones. HI teeth wero clinched as If set in agony, and tbe"wllir gleam deepened lu hi eye. He reached out hi hand and It toll upon a peculiar nail lu the walusaorlug. As his linger pressed against this, a or tiou of the oiled lloor ot the library sud denly yawned open, leaving an aperture of porhaim a width of four feot, down vlileh tho Captain would have been hurl ed like a cannon ball, hut for the fact that he gave nn nglle spring just as the Imp fell, thnt lauded him beyond the dan ger line. Quickly he whipped out a lit tle silver-mounted revolver. "Foiled again, old man. Y'ou see It I useless to light fnto. 1 nut ready for nny such emergency." nnd, turning, he left the room. "Curse on him," muttered the old man. deeply moved, "he bears a charmed life. Stttnn protects hi own. but 1 will yet burst nsunder the bond of fate, nnd tlum let him beware." tTo bo continued.! Hud Ills Hyiuiiathy. Mrs. XelKlibor (excitedly) Oh, Mr. Humor! Your wlfo 1ms eloped with peddler. Isn't It awful? Mr. Homer (calmly) It certainly will lie awful for him, poor fellow! Iter Kliiul Vlalt. Hostess (to departing giiegt) I'm bo glad you enjoyed your vlalt, my dear. Miss Gutllngtou Oh, I'm tho sort of girl that can enjoy herself nuy did place. liiKreillonts or Meteors. Moteors which roach tho earth almost Invariably coutaln a Inrgo quantity of Iron uud a smaller amount of nickel. 1 4 i-JVh, V3K,,