IN EXTRA SESSION CONORESS CONVENES TO PASS TUB CUBAN TREATY. Cannon rormslty Elected Speaker of the Mouse and Receive Ringing Applause From Democrat and Republicans Rule ol Lait Session Adopted ttouie Tender Veteran Mtmbere Oration. MUS3AUU UP PKUSIUUNr. Washington, Nor. 11, Tho houso of representatives of tho fifty-eighth congress today held Its first session, and except for the naming of commit toes, which will follow lator, organ isation was complatcd. Joseph O. Cannon, of Illinois, whoso olectlon to the speakership was assured months ago, was formally elected speaker, and Inducted into office. Mr. Cannon received tho applauso of democrats And republicans alike when he took up the gatol of authority, the demon stration being most complimentary to tho newly elected speaker. Ho was at onco at easo In the speaker's chair, having filled It so often temporarily during his many years of service in the house. Tho old officers were re-elected aad tho customary resolutions adopted providing for tho appointment of a committer to notify the president and senate of the election of a speaker and clerk, and a committee to Join a senate committee to notify the pres ident of the presence- of a quorum in tho two bodies. Tho rules of the Or-ty-screnth. congress were adopted for the fifty-eighth congress by a yea aad nay Tote after brief discussion, dur ing which the minority sought to se cure an increase In the representation on the committee. Drawing of seats, in which old and new members alike take deep con cern, occupied a greater portion of the day's session. A pretty compliment was paid to the leaders, veterans of both sides in the connection, they being permit ted to select their seats without draw, ing lots. FOR NORTHWEST. BOO That WUJ Be Introduced at Pretest Session of Congress. Senator Mitchell Appropriating 2,12000 for 1J5 fair. Assay office at Portland. Relief for settlers on lands In Sher man county. Dividing Oregon Into two Judicial districts. Extending homestead rights to set tlers on opened portion of Sllelz re serration. Women suffrage. Election of senators by direct rote. Public buildings for La Grande. Baker City and Oregon City. Senator Foster Additional appropriations of SMO. 000 for Tacoma and Spokane and jlM.OflA for Seattle PubMc buildings at ETerett. BeJ Hngham. Aberdeen and Hoqulam. Opening south half of Colritle re servation. Appropriation of 160.000 for Improv ise Mouat Rainier National Park. Opening of Columbia, between Wen atehee and Kettle Palls. 1600.000. Senator Ankeny Public building at Walla Walla. Representative Jones New government for Alaska. Public building at Everett. 1360.- 000; Olympla and North Yakima. 1:50.000. Representative Humphrey Additional appropriation of 1100. 000 for Seattle public building. Survey of the Duwaaish river. . Honor as Well as Interest) Demands tho Cuban Treaty. Washington, Nor, 12. Following Is tho tuessugo which tho president yos tordny sent to tho special Rcsslon of congress; To tho Senate and Houne of Represent atlvea: 1 hue convened tho ewnurviw Unit It may consider the legislation neeeeaary to put Into operation the commercial treaty with Cuba, whkh was r tilled by the senate nt it last session. Ulul subse quently by the Cuban government. I deem uoh legtalallon demunded not only by our ltilreit. but by our honor. Wo cannot with propriety abandon tho ooura upon which wo have so wisely embarked. When the acceptance of tho Piatt amendment waa required from Cuba by the action of tho congress of the United States, IhU government thereby dellnlte ly committed Itsetf to tho policy of treating Cub a occupying a unique po sition as regards this country. II was provided that when tho Island became a free and Independent republic she should stand In such loss relations with ua as. In certain respects, to como within our system of International policy, and It ne ccMurtly followed that ho must a no. to a certain decree, become Included within the line of our economic policy. Situated as Cuba Is. It would not be wlae for this country to permit the strategic abu of the Island by any foreign mili tary power. It Is for this reason certain limitations have been Imposed upon her financial poHer and that naval stations havo been conceded by her to the United Staled. The negotiations as to tho detail of these naval stations are now on tho eve of completion. They are so situated as to prevent any Idea that there Is the Intention ever to use them agairut Cuba, or otherwise than for tho protection of Cuba from the assault of forelcn foes and for the better safeguarding of :XiragB;i;s-rii-.1',,, rMS i llu. , , r-ss- HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON OKUUON IRRIOATION COWVOWTION. Second Session, Held at Pendleton, Full ol Unthuslatm. Pendleton "Interest I" Irrigation has increased tho biblical ten-fold during tho past year," said President A, II. Hovers concerning tho session of tho second annuo! convention of tho Oregon State Irrigation Assoc.n tlsn. "We hnd nn enthusiastic meeting in Portland t year ago, but wo hnd n determined meeting hero this year" Delegates to tho number of about 150 wero hero from all over the state Ontario sent n delegation of 26 tnnm hers for tho purpose of capturing tho 1S04 convention. They wore badge Inscribed. "Ontario. 1901." The con vention hall was crowded and every speech brought forth discussion. President Dover. In his opening ad dress said, regarding tho attacks of the prosa: "I want to say that, while somo of the papers libeled tho association by saying that they havo accomplished but little. I know that. If it has done pothlng more. It has called the atten tion of tho government to tho fact that wo want irrigation, that wo need irrigation works, and while no pro ecta are yet completed. I know that some will bo announced soon Fur ther than that, at the Inst session of the legislature a resolution was pass ed requiring tho governor to appoint a commission to Investigate the state laws on Irrigation, riparian rights and kindred questions, and the governor has appointed the commission Fur ther than that, the coming together SLOW MARKUT FOR STOCK. In of DeoDle Interested In the welfare of American interests in in water actum lne gtate. particularly as applied to lr of us. These Interests havo been largely ration. I Sthe means of SrounsUgthe Increased by tho consequence of the pfope p M to tBe necessity of Irri- war wnn Bpain. ana win oe ami mriner Increased by the building of the Isth mian canal. Ther are both military and economic The granting ta us b Cuba of the aral station above alluded ta ta of the utmost Importance from a mil itary standpoint, and Is proof of the rood faith with which Cob Is treating FALLS HEAVY ON NONRESIDENTS. Cnbaa Senator Proposes a BIB ta Tax AH Land la Island. Harass. Nor. 11. The tension be tween President Palma aad the meat bers of the senate committee on tax ation orer the proposed lottery meas ure is daily becoming store pro nounced The president has bow warned the members of the commit tee that he will veto any such eras ure that congress may eaact The qaesUos of taxation to provide suffioieat revenue for running the gov ernment has become a pressing ese. The latest measure intended ta sup ply at least in part, the seeded fond. is that of Senator Cahette. He has tatreduced a sell prertdtug that all improved city, town aad suburban lots be taxed 110 each per assum. and that the uncultivated, eutlaxtds be assessed 10 ceau per acre. Cuba baa made great progress slnee her htdefwndeitce was established. She has advanced steadily in every way. She already stands Msh among her sis ter rtpubWes of the sew world. She Is loyally observing her obttgallofu to us: she is eatltled to Mke treatment by us. The treaty submitted to yeo for ap proval secures to the Unite! States eco nomic advantages aa great aa those liv en to Cuba. Net aa Araertoaa taiterest 1 sacrMced by the treaty, and a Urge Cuban market la scoured to our produc ers. It U a market wateh Me at our doors, which I already Urge, which is es&abk of great ex-MMlea. and whleh t rfreUUr Importaat to the develop moot of oer export trade. It wM be. hsdeed. shart-slsiiled for ua to nita ! take adr4s of sci ctportaaKr. and to fioree Cut tmo skng smuuieaeau Trttt other eogntrtee to emr dteadrmotare The restreMty trwttr atassis hr Itaotf It la dMiwitdnl ta oaasliltrsMsa mt broad Nallsaul potter, as wott as hr ear eco nomic hslereot. I twHt karat to taiSoilrr. It wU beoeSM asaajr hsdos tsteo. it is la tate mloreot of our people aa a whose, botfc l wir or Ma isspart- ee froea the broad ssaali aSot of in4r- aissaal peeler aad feaM noaiilmlhr K tatfcaaletr eoaeeroa ui to deeeeac aad secasre the rtoti Cattail aoarket Cor oor fanofrs. arlluoa. mercstaats aad ssaaa faaturerik. rhuttr. K is deairaMe a a cturaaty of the cood faith of oor Batioa toward oor young sister repobMc. wbo weifare cation, and that is the most Import' ant thing, and the meeting which we hare today shows that iaterest Is not lacking - Other addresses were delivered by Governor Chamberlain. ex-Governor Reer. Mayor Halter. Judge Lowell. A. King Wilson, and Wilt R. Klag. ORCOON MINGS QAIN. Output of the Precloas Metals on the In crease la Our State. Washington. D. C Compared with other states In the west, and with Alaska as well. Oregos made a most creditable showfsg. proportionately, with its gold prediction in 1901. ar- tordlng to reports that have been re ceived by the director of the mint. Tho oaclal report en Oregon'a koW output waa prepared by F. A. Wing, assayer at the government assay of flee at Seattle Hy way of lBt"ro3nc tson Mr Wing says "By a taoroorh and systematic method of checklog the rocetpta of bunion and ores originating Is Ore go, deposited assl shipped to the sev eral assay oScos. saints, smelters and reteertos of the United States aad British CofossMs. the out pot of mi was fouod to be as follows Osmcos Valuo IGoM SS.7M ! 81 Sit Silver 1634T3 211 S7b The copper otHput was valued at 34IM aa the load at SI0S1 making a toul ralMUoa of UMZMi. Thefe was a gala of H67 la the cotpot for the year ever that of 1S00. otwIthsUsdlag the fact that some of the mises were closed down for part or all of the year, some for the pur- Sellers and lluycra nr at Variance Herpntr Neighborhood. Hoppner Tho livestock Industry lre, while not suffering, tlova not present a very encouraglug outlook. Ilotwven cnttlo and sheep the condi tions nro about n stand-off. Owing to tho extreme backward demand and scarcity of buyers, which nro usually plentiful at this time of year, very few transaction are reported Wlillo a few sheep sale have oc eurred. the business nas been con fined principally to local people. Out side buyers and owners havo not been able to agree on prlcos. Owner are determined In holding for fl.SO per head for lambs and IS per head for yearling wether. Partner In the In terior, In (Irani aad Wheoler counties, where shipping facilities aro not so good, the rood It loo sre oveu worse than they are here A grant county sheepman was In lleppaer a few days ago looking for a buyer for his lambs. Two Wheeler county cattlemen were la lleppaer last week They hrottjcht In U head of choke beef rat tle, which had beea sold to a local butcher at Ores him. They- report mat. in a general way. the saarket Is bad In the Spray country Uttle de mand aad the absence of buyers is the general complaint la the vtefo Ity of Spray, there are a great many yearlings for sate. The best offers have been SU per hcd. while the owners are holding for Its. Per the same rattle this spring owners were offered IIS. but then they were holding for !! la the vicinity of 8pray the Oilman & Preach cattle, eoastsllng or tOOO head are ranged In the groat alfalfa feeding district. on Butter creek, there are 1000 less rattle being fed this year than last. The fact that hay is selling for IS per ton in the stack is the principal cause tor this. EXCUCfJS ITS CAPACITY. Tea pose of lastaJnsg Dew sinking plants ar Atkr Bt.klft.Mf .abh. mim. 1t.j njul aww fe. 4ft.jJv twtuA.1 wtoln aw I . . . . i.m.c,j. wmc IIBUI 9wt TZr21Irl ZTIJ- ,7r ;. rtruMes some on account of the lack . w - IW MIJ .. w T kirn wm her br the seiori of the Mood aad the caMsrare of oor oiders who fought for her ta war. by the aefsories of the wi4m aad tatecrKr of oor admloHtra sors who ed her la peace and who started her o woM oo the dSfaeaUt path f aetf govenMaeot. We mux hesp her award aad upward, aad la hisplng her we ahaU help oorseires. The foregoing poatlleraMoo oaosed the ar4ioM of the treaty with Cub aad Ha raltacittsa hr tho senate. Ther now with eejoai fore soppsrt tho lefsetatsoo of ore, and ether causes. The production of 1P01 is given as foMews: Value Cold 11.727.892 Stlrer 170.721 Copper 3.416 Coos llsy Hatchery Will Handle Million Pfg. Oreeon City "With a cnnacHtr of only 6.000.000 ecg. the Coo Bay Hatchery will this year handle 10.- 0(0 000 salmon eggs." said Deoutr Pish Warden If A Webster, who has just returntsl from a visit to tho states salmon fishery Interests In the Southern snd Coast districts of the state This Increase In tho output of the station at Coos, says Mr. Webster. Is due to a change In the manner of operating the plant Rarks were In stalled this year that withstood the freshets and permitted a continuous cutrh of salmon, while last year the catch aggregated only 3.500.000 ckcs The surplus In this year' catch Is be ing deposited in the bed of Coon river after the rzic have Impregnated Mr Webster atao visit ml the "state's sal on Interests at Yatjulna. Alsoa sinl Sluslaw and reports an unusually good run of silverside salmon this fall He also found tho hatcheries making a good showing the catches equaling. If not excelling, the capacity of the different plants. CAN llll NO WAR. America Propose to Protect New lt public ol I'anuma, WnsliliiRton, Nov. 11. Wlioii Amur Icon witr vessel wero rutontly order ed to Utlitnlnii wiifirt to protect Atmirlcnu nml oilier Itiluitmtn In I'nn niiiu, speeldc liislructlons wore kItiui, by direction of the preslilntit, that Uih Ainorlcnu tinvnl forro iilioiitil tiinln lain punco mid prevent liloodshmt on tho Isthmus. Theso limtruutloiiN wern Issued In thulr brum mdiiho, for It wits I ho original, mid Is the presout, In tuntlou of this i;ovoriiiuunt to pre vent any conflict lietweou tho gamin. incut of Colombia and tho nowly -. tabllsheil republic of Pntinmn. Tho ndmlnltlrntloii, In currying out this policy, will prevent thn landing at Colon, ns well ss at Panama, of any Colombian troops that may bo sunt by tno mtter Kovonunent to su initio the Panama republic Having onco rncot nlied tho new republic before tlm world, tho United States Intend to stand by and prevent encroachment by Colombia as well as by other nn tlons, Assistant Becrelnry of Htnte Inom I. Secretary Moody nnd Admlrwl Taylor, after n conference (tils even ing, sent Instructions to thn com mander of American ship In Pans ma water directing them In tho event the Colombian government attempted to embark troop at any of I In port with a view to making an attack upon the New Panama republic, that Ihe American forces should prevent such embarkation Secretaries Root and Hay had n conference today, presumably In re card to tho latest developments In the Isthmian affair As ho was re turning to his homo Secretary limit wss asked tho direct question aa (it whether United States troop would be ordered to the Isthmus of Panama. He replied that while such a thing was possible. It waa extremely lm probable He added ho had made that answer to a similar question In New York when ho really knew very little about the situation, and he made It now for the reason that he knew nothing morn of an Intention to em ploy troop ou the Isthmus. CtfTTINU DOWN 0RI1AT TRIIHS. front Work on the BO! Nye. Medford The owners of the Bill Nye mine, located en Gait's creek, about test salles north of Medferd. are -aToeo Z reTTtar IA'JL I "&? Z lsttv. as falsa ie to enact such legs moos UM eoase perSHtottr r a of the pledged faHS of aatsoa. I tsiaiiast aefgwstn ute asarotiid hr the rle aad rUed hr the Cufeaa rstersneM. TUBODORK ROOSBVBLT White Honor. Xoveeaber J. 1A large scale. A Svc-sUmp mill, hoist Ing Bschiaery etc, aro being install v" ed. The compaar has an 80-foot shsft. , w- HV4 w MBIVllf 14 WtSIVI VIV , velepsaent work on the claim. The ir"r aa . .. .j .t..- . . . m), y w. wm ..v B.H,aiK SCU4 V.C iV V. eru iswum ooiiars weriR or goes la sight. Superintendent D -R- Aa irus, or this city. left recently for the mlae. to look after the instalUUon of the new plant OU Trunrt la SlcBy. Rome. Nor 11. Peasants, while dig gtag near PalaxxoU ArreMe. Stcilr. found a rich treisore of ancient ob- Manvleos Vein of OoU. Creek B. E. Blalock has i Dynamite Usdcr Plant. TrtsMid. Colo, Nor 12 Dynamite was exploded this morning under the 'electric Msht and cower boose at 'sdf HasUags. SO miles north of Trinidad. Xnwk a ledge cm bis saining claim One corner of the house was blown . " Cayote creek whkh. it Is claimed. out. hot the .machinery was not dam- ayed 127 00 pr ton. In it he kmJ a v .. vfM tt.kAa.v fooad a airiarr Af aMJ rUd frAttt f. m.,I! j?' BOt (information I meager it is understood lch b s taken out about I2S.000. Kable was aa artistic diadem entrust that the drnamlte was not olacod cor- od still continues with the same Sm SjSj fJ i rtf T- T Mm dsmage was'dU- It is rumorctl that be placed ? .fl riE, f J beB:ldoae. At the strikers' hedarters KJ- rer u night and day The Uful shapes, pere ws also found h u claimed that the dynamiting was ' d to be wedge shapes. ZEtZZLSLZSfifi!!! "' I tux we by strikers, and that tho pur- eJ . sd widens In deptn, IZZiSFfttJSiy I HbaWy was to hare mlMtUor-, fosskm of the treasure en the giottnd sjui u t. V... I .... that It was national property, bwtlhey i tt CaBP' MUda' Compasy Fonncd. will coapeasate the proprietor of the i , Z ..,,.. T i Hoseourg Articles of ineorporatioo estate according to aa estimate which J 2T p t hTe y the Gold Mountain WOK be made by experts. i T Jsr- 12- T6 ' strong J Mining Stsestiag Company. The . iKiatlo in weJMnfomted circles to capital Mock ts flied at I10O.0O0. dl Idoaht Ik &l4l- furAfiU IusaJ In xAAA Iia .W. t -. .k n. .kH -.. - . . - - V . ..-.. w ... .wv ,mw wifi m ft . .. r.. nUI nat.k.. iBiiaM. tr u neaeTCd that oeaoe wist tondoa. Nor. 11 New front San- only be made possible by Russia's Forty Cattle Were Killed. Umatilla Word ha been received here of a terrible slanchterlnr of rat. tie on the bank of the Columbia river at a point west of here Rlchsnt Brothers of Horse Hsren had our. chasH a large bunch of catUe In the rleinlty of Heppner and drove them to the banks of the Columbia Dur ing the nlKht the rattle became frirht. ned It is believed at a passing train, end wore thrown Into a fleree stam pede They rushed over a steep bluff aad 40 were killed outright. Many were so badly Injured they had to be cute, tbo loss is over 600. Uoversment Urjed to II uy Lead California Owners. Wsshlncton. Nor 11 In bis an nual report Captain Charles Young, acting superintendent of tho Sequoia, and General Grant National Parks, of California, In which many giant tree are located, urge the acquisition by the government of the land in thoo parks, now owned by private Individ uals In Sequoia Park tbern are many largo tracts thus owned, and after waiting In vsln for years for the government to purchase their proper ty the owners are beginning to sell off tne urge timber. Captain Young says: "The owners have cut them hr ib wholesalo. and put tho lumber upon the market, and where onco was n fine forest of magnlllcenl giants, there now Is but devastation and ruin la shape of stumss in.1 sawdu. pile It Is but Just to the owners and for the best Interest of the govern ment that the purchase of these oat. ented lands within the parks be au thorlxcd by congress If the parks sre to be continued." He says the lands can be seen red for reasonable prices. Captain Young says gnme Is Ineresslng. to Dossier hr way of Parts ceeitrsM t oasspicte asmptaaee of Japan's etalass a report of the rupture ta tho rela- ( regarding Manokteria. The Japanese (less of the United States gwrera-1 government &ad It lssreasicgly dif treat and that of Santo Doalago. I nook to restrain popular teaUraeat. psny ha a number of claims south of Cassas VaHey. near the Mar ttedole sstee whtah was recently soM fr 100.000. Assays of ere taken front sear tho surface show average rakes of !! to fit per ton. PORTLAND MARKETS. rWhest Wsllsl Walla, 7c; blue stem, 70e; valley, "8c. Barley Feed, f 20 per ton, brewing, 122; rolled, 2I. B Floor Valley, I3.7S93.M rr bar. rel; hard wheat straights, I3.766t4.10; hard wheat patent. f4.2004.oO; gr. ham, 13.3633.75; whoU wheat, 3Zfi &, rye wheat, 14.60. Oats No. 1" white, 1.07; gray, 11.08 per cental. " Mlllttoffe Bran. IM per ton: nirl. dliags. 124; shorts, 50; chop. III; iinteeu oairy iooa, iv. Hay Timothy, 116 per ton; cloves, 113; grain. Ill; cheat, f II. Batter Fancy creamery, JTJt'QSOr per poued; Iairy, 10K20c; store, 16. Cheese Full cream, twin, igr Young America, 16916c: faeto-e prices, 1 (31t cleat. Poultry Cblciea. mixed. 1010Ur per poond ; spring, 1 1 H c ; heas, 1 1 9 1 2e ; broilers, 12.50 per dotca ; turkx. live. 14Q15c per poood; drrsottd, 169lRe; duels, I6Q7 perdoscn; gees. 710. Eggs Oregonraacli. 30c; airn, fresh. 242Sc. PoUtocs Oregon. 5065e per sack sweet pputocs, 29 2 c. Hops 1903 crop. 13(T2Sc per pound, accordiag'to quality. Wool Valley. 17SlRc: Etatern Ore gon. 12815c; saokair. S58J7Kc Beei Dressed, 685Vc per pound. Vcal-Smal!, 7Ka6c;Urr, 5fiKf der pocxtd. TIED LP MV STRIKD. Coal Mines ol Southern Colorado Out of Working r-ortts. Denver. Nor 11 More than 10.000 coal miners In Colorado went on strike today for an eight-hour day. In crease In wages and other conce. Hon The strike was ordered by the National executive ofllccrs of tho United Mlneworkers of America, af ter the coal eompanlea refused to con fer w(h union representatives con cerning the demands of (ho men. Of me rate men. cooo are In the south ern coal field. 3000 In the northern eoal field and 1S00 In Fremont coun ty One hundred mine have been closed down A few Independent properties In the northern coal field and elsewhere will not stop work, since the operat ors have aareed to concede the eight hour day and also increased waues. Less than 1000 miners will remain at work according to reports from tho affected districts. The announcement comes that 600 have gone out In Col fax county. N M. The others In that territory aro now negotiating with the mint-owners. To Ousrd Otrmsn Interests. New York. Nov. It. -Upon the re pert of the mall iiimr am,.... which has reached here from Santi "MEttOKo. ssys a Herald dispatch from St Tbomss. D W 1. Comma uore Sheder. of the Gorman squadron at this port, has sent tuo ships, the Gatclle and the Panther, to Santo Domingo to ssfeguard German Inter JU...,n 1linco of this action, the Allien returned to Santo Domingo to discharge her cargo at porls she had been prevented from entering by Dominican gunboats. It I said iho German commander has delermlned to ignore the blockade. Contcntlan ol America. Tho Hague. Nov 11 In the V0n OButdsn arbitration easo today, 4dgf PonlloU. in behalf of tho UUS Jfw1- .Bt.M th,, """ R,H" wasVrt. ITrt to the question of tho KjsUoo of the war but the l)UM qtMf malBUlns thst tho protocot s1 not .establish any preferenos U fsVor t the plooksdlug powers, 'Si