FETTERED BY FATE BY AttXANDKR ROBERTSON "Jolttfi ratt," " tittle Svtttheart." " Ltttlt, tn StwDig r." "fioMmsser ef Llbn." " Witt4 re Win." "Olsna rprp." "Mr' trgacr." Etc.Ctc. CIIAI'TEH lI.-(ContlouU One nfUTtuKiii while Carol wnlUeJ In the forest, her thottphts upon the atrank'i" break that had come Into her life, all became conscious of the fact that she n as no lonjter alone, that some one stooU Joanlnc acalnst a tree Just In front of her. With a start she looked up and her eyes fell upon a strange cirl. There was no inNtaklnR what she , for, although dre-ianl much different, aud In much more costty apparel than all the jrypalcs Carol had eter seen, as If she was of foreign blood, there was the un mistakable gypsy stamp about her face and peculiar costume. "Stay, child of the house dweller. she said. "Be not In haste to leare me. t have come here with the purp.wM of meet ItiC jou, for I hate aoiuctblue to tell you." 'Something to say to me? Of whom would you talk" asked Carol, surprised. "Of Uoger Parrel." The three words went like an arrow home to the heart of the pale Illy, and the black eyes, quick to see the atartlcd look of pain, took upon themselves a glow that one could easily Imagine was KtNfactlon. Carol saw this, and It served to give her a fictitious strength. She divined now that something terrible was about to b made manifest, and while her soul sick ened with apprehension, she assumed a brave front. "What would you tell roe of Iloger Parrel, glrir "Has it never occurred to you that this lover of yours has a secret? There It something In Hoger Parrel's past that will chill your blood with horror a skele ton that he has tried to bury these years back, but which will not be kept undr ground. Ah! be has deceived you, as he deceived me. Soft words blind the eye. To you, he is all that Is good and noble to me, all that Is bad." "What mean you? Kor heaven's sake. speak, girl. Pon't you see I am stifling?' gasped Carol, one white hand clutching her perfect throat as though she was al most unable to breathe. A wicked gleam came Into the gypsy's orbs. "Listen to me, then, daughter of the house dweller, and I will tell you of his infamy. All this Barbara Metrites can prove. The man you love, the man who has wooed you with soft, honeyed words, and whom you believe to be the aoul of honor that man. Itoger Parrel, has a wife living, shut up in a mad housed Carol Hichmond shrank back appalled, as those terrible words, uttered in a sibi lant whisper by the gypsy girl, smote her ears. There was something so blood curdling In their significance that her very heart seemed to cease beating, and lie like lead within her. She would have fallen, but for the support the tree gave her. 'As for Barbara Merrlles, she stood there watching her victim with the re morseless gleam of a pitiless tlgrew in her eyes. For fully a minute Carol was unable to say a word, for she was on the very verge of becoming Insensible. The resctlon came at last. Carol Inher ited some of the determined will of her father, ami she recovered by degree. It began to dawn upon her mind thnt there might be some mistake; her faith In her lever was great, and she could not be lieve that he would be guilty of such a terrible thing as this of which the black eyed girl accused him. "It Is falser she cried; "how dare you tell me such a thing? You are cither insane, or elt malicious. What reason have you to bate Hoger Parrel, that you should traduce him to me thus? Mow dare you. I say?" "Pare 5" cried the other. "You are net acquainted with the gypsy charac ter, I see, or you would nut ask such a question. There Is nothing that Barbara Morrile would not dare undertake. Mate Itasw Parrel? Yes, I have cause to. but hate eeukl never manufacture such a Mary. Do you want proof atrong as holy writ? You can have It from your lover's lips. Me will not dare deny the truth. Iok him In the eye and tell him you have heard the story of Nora Warnur. Then mark well the pallor of his face, his shrinking eye, bis trembling form. He will stand before you condemned." Turnlug, the strange ereature was gone. The night was one long to bo remem bered. In the eastern sky the round moon, walking In glory, lent her silvery light to the world below, and myriads of twink ling stars, mysterious lanterns of the. light, were hung about to assist, In a feeble way, bur brave effort. Itiieur was walking alowly up nnd down with his nrnw behind him. Whew bin thoughts were eould be easily guess ed, and, therefore, what must have Ih?o lib astonishment to see a slender, white robed figure standing lit front of him. "What. Carol, my darling, is it really you? Why are you here?" ho asked, ten derly. "I am here to learn tho truth, Hoger; where Is Nora WaruerV" she said, almost fiercely. The moon fell upon his face, nnd ho moved aside Into tho shadow, but not before Carol had seen the blood leap to his brow and cheeks, and a look of alarm, nay, of positive horror, come Into his eviw. "Uoger," she cried, despairingly, "for the love of mercy, speuKl uo you not kee that I am almost dying, darling? Oh, say that It Is not ao; tell me it was a baso calumny, and I will believe you; yes, be lieve you against nil the world. Speak, my Hoger, tell me It Is not true." The struggle In his mind was terrible, for he knew that if he denied all knowl edge of Nora Warner she would believe him as she would an augel from heaven. "Carol, my love," he groaned, piteous ly, "would to heaven I could deny It. 1 would give ten years of my life to wlpo out tho blot upon the Parrel name. I have bowed my head beneath the attain that came with Nora Warner for years, and had come to look upon myself as n misanthrope wheu I met you, and loved you." She uttered a low, piteous moan at this, for never did the death sentence pawed by Judge upon culprit In the prisoner's bo sound with more terrible force than his words to her. Me would have come to her again, but she motioned him away imperiously. "Pa not touch roe, Hoger; I will not allow it. HememtxT that hereafter we can bo nothing to each other. Nora War ner stands between us. Iost to us are alt dreams" of happiness. We mutt face the future bravely and fight the battle of life. You must never even see me again." "(treat heavens, Carol, you do not, can not mean It. You love me wn as I love you. Nay, I will say It In spite of you. Why, then, should this terrible specter of the psst haunt us? Let the dead past bury Ita dead; we live for the present and the future. Once more, Carol, my one and only love, will you come to me? Kor heaven's sake, do not turn away so coldly: you will kill me!" "Hoger," she was calm now, apparent ly, though heaven only knew the state her poor lacerated heart waa In, "Roger, you are wild when you Issult me In tnat way, but I forgive you, for I do not think you realise what you are saying You were unwise to remain here, to seek my love when you saw that I was begin ning to care for you, but I cannot blame you for that. Here we mutt partt" Tart?" he cried, with anguish In his voice, "Is it, then, so absolute? Oh. Carol, my love, my life, are you to be lost to me forever? Am I to live on In the future not even the aimless life of the past, but one full of regrets, of pain so intense that death Itself would be a mercy? Po you doom ue to this living grave, beloved?" "You know not wnat you ask, uoger. In the time to come you will see that my course was the only right one. I bear with you because of my love, ami ror the reason that you are mad now. I could hardly wait to see you. The very seconds seemed hours, and I thought I should lose my senses." "Where and from whom did you hear about Nora Warner?" he asked. "From a gypsy girl who seemed to know you Barbara Merriles." "Barbara Merrilesr He repeated the name after her, and she knew not whether It was fear or hatred that made his voice vibrate llko a cord tensely strung. "You do know her, thenT she asked. "I have good reason to. Why, you shall know some day, but it has nothing to do with our present trouble. Carol, Is there no chance for me? Must I suffer still for that old stain? Speak, and with n word decide my future. Shall it b go, or stay?" She turned upon blm then, her face pale and firm. "There is but one way, Hoger. Po not try to tempt tne. Let me remember you as an honorable man. I am going tiow. No, do not try to kiss me; It eau neer he again. Think of me sometimes, my lost love, and I I shall pray for you," He watched her out of sight, his wliolo frame strained to the utmost tension. Ob! what agony was In hi heart, what longing In his eyes, "The curse of Cain must be upon me," be muttered, almot groaned. "I thought to live down that disgrace, but it has sprung upon me unawares, and ruined my life. The gypsy hag's curse has doomed me!" OMAI'THH III. Mow Carol readied the terrace she never knew, for It seemed to her she had Just parted with Hoger at tho foot of the stops where she entered the brond hall, to be confronted by her father, who emieht her wrist most fiercely. "Come Into the library, Carol," he said, with Intense passion In his volet-. Once tho library door was elosed, Law rence Hichmond turned on her almost savagely, "Did you meet Captain Grant?" he asked. "I saw nothing of him," she replied. The Captain was a gentleman who had been visiting them for a few days past, a fierce war dog In his own estimation and thu most celebrated duelist outside of Purls. Me had been showing Carol some attentions, but she detested him, and consequently when the Captain learn ed from her father of her love for Hogor Parrel, the soldier duelist waa not In tho most pleasant of humors toward thu young Virginian. "Child," ho said, nnd his heavy eye brows contracted Into a frown, "you hnve been disobeying my wishes. This very night you have been In tho com pany of tho man I hate. Have you not been with Hoger Parrel?" "Yod speak truly, father," "And you have dared disobey me. Girl, you know not what you do when you so recklessly bravo my anger. .My temper has been a curse all my life, and but for my great love for you I would not now be able to control It. Hear me, child: you shall never be Hoger Parrel's wifo! This I have sworu, and In it I will not be thwarted." "Sparo your words, father, If I was of tho same mind as yesterday, you would find that I possessed Just as reso lute a determination as you, but a htgk er power has seen lit to accomplish tin work. ThU nlht Hoger Parrel looked ni last on my face. Never again win we meet, father, unless by nccldeiit. and then It will be ns strangers, The hand of fate has turned our lives apart, nnd through Nora Warner he Is lost lo me." "Nora Warner! That girl mill ",1 then she has done mo urn good turn lit last." Carol could but start when she heard these words, for they told her that her father had known this mad woman In the years gone by, although It as evi dent that he was not acquainted with her history frtftit the time she hud come to know Hoger Parrel. This Captain Grant, who has mnde hi appearance upon the stage1 of our story, was alm connected with this strange mid dramatic past, in what manner the rend er will soon see. 'Hist he waa a bold and bad man. the young girl had been already warned by her keen sense of perception, yet the soldier had a dashing aspect, and It was only the gleam of his eye ami the sneer of his voice that had warned Carol against him. What Inltuence he had over her father she could not even gtien. but without a doubt the master of Hich mond Terrace feared him. Varied though the emotions of Csrol Hichmond must have been, they could not, of course, equal thoe thnt filled the mind and heart of Hoger Parrel, as he stood there looking after his lost love and reallilng that fate had again taken a hand In the game, sundering the hearts that It had so strangely brought togeth er. "Why did we ever meet? Was It be cause heaven wished to puulsh a Parrel for that sin?" While he still stood there, his thoughts busy, there came the sound of footfalls, not light and full of grace, like Carol's, but heavy and flrm-tbe tread of a man. Kre he could turn, some one tapped him on the shoulder. "A word with you. sir." Wheeling, he found himself face to face with a dashing looking man. The rooon'e rays fell upon his figure, but the brosd-brlmmed hat shaded his fare, so that only a general view could be ob tained. "You are at perfect liberty to say as many as you choose, sir," replied Hoger. He had no Idea who this man was or what he wanted, and In his prvscnt con dition it waa a mattrr of small Impor tance to him. Captain Grant did not realise what a volcano he was arousing perhaps he did not care, being such a fire-eater himself. "My words shall be brief and to the point. That lady you were speaking to waa Miss Hichmond?" The words were In the form of a ques tion, and though the Virginian had start ed at first, be drew hU form up proudly. "Taking It for granted that your con jecture Is the truth, what business Is that of yours, may I Inquire?" he iwld, with some show of warmth. "Yon are Impudent. Hoger Parrel. It U my business In so far that Miss Hich mond Is my promised wife, and It le hoovts a man to see that her honor Is not tarnished by clandestine meeting such as the one I have Just witnessed," said the Captain In pompous tones. "What you say I brand as an Infam ous falsehood, sir, whoever you msy be." "For that I lll call you to an account, Hoger Parrel. In the meantime I with to ask you a question In regard to this meeting. Was It a voluntary one on the part of Miss Hichmond, or did you force her into making the assignation?" "I am the cause of the meeting. Ioei that satisfy you, sir? Whatever blame there msy he, put It upon me," he re-tilli-d. ealmlv. "I accept the applogy," returned the Captain, quickly. "That It was uot meant for an apol ogy, you coward, is well known to you, and I prove it thus." There was an agile spring, and with Ms opeu palm be slapped the Captain in the face. "You will hear from me, air, nnd this hour will be the bitterest of your life," returned the Captain, taking out his pocket handkerehlef nnd rubbing hit cheek as If It hnd been contaminated. Hoger uttered an exclamation. "The Man with the Black Glove," no muttered. Homo years before, while traveling In Rurope, he bad met In the company with which he was making the tour, a strange, mysterious man, of whose antecedents no one knew. One most peculiar circumstance attach ed to his presvnee wns the fact that no mutter where seen he Invariably wore upon bis left hand n black kid glove. Speculation was rife. Home guessed It was a bet he was carrying out, others that his hand had been disfigured from birth, while one even whispered it was his belief that tfio Count ltomnnoff, as he was known to them, was aome escap ed political Husslun convict, who had been branded on the hand. When the Captain raised his handker chief to bis face, he did ho with his left baud, and no wonder Hoger gavo vent to an exclamation when be saw tint II was Incniwl In a black kid glove. "You recognize me. then. I hnd not forgotten you, Hoger Parrel, and tho fact of our having once traveled In company will not prevent mo from running my sword close to your heart." The following morning, ns Hoger was seated on the old log clone to thu little stream In the forest, he wus approached by a man wearing the undress uniform of an oQIcer, who placed n letter In his hand. Of courso It was u challenge from the duelist Captain. A few words, nnd Lieut, (-'arson warn ed away. He did uot noto the trembling of the busho close by, or see tho whlto face that was thrust out after hU ilif parture. There had been an eavesdrop per to the Interview. (To be continued.) In Africa a coconnut Ininu Illicit with palm oil, nnd provided with n rng wlck, furnishes all tho light needed by tho natives. '-feSjfeiV- m ' Every mother jxmivums Information of vital vuhio to her young daughter. 4 lint daughter Lt u nroeloua legacy, nnd tho roaiNinntlilllty for hor future Ls Inrguly in tho Imntln of thu mother. Th inyatorlmw clianuo thijt duvulojn tho thoughtless girl Into tho thoughtful woman should lliitl tho mpUior on tho wntch tiny and night. Ah h!io cares for tho physical wull-boLug of hor daughter, no will tho woman Ikj, nnd hor child run also. When a. young girl's thoughts bocomo sluggish, wlwn alio cxtwri. ancc.1 hendachus, ululiuuis, faintiwsa. nnd exhibits an nhiumunl iIIsikisI. lion to flli'on, jttlna In rlio lxok nnd lowor limb. ynn dim, doalro for solitude, nnd a dislike for tho society of other ulrla, when alio la it my, lory lohorsolf nnd frlonda.thon tho mother ahould goto hor nlil iromttly. At such n tltno thu gruutest aid to nature la Lydln K. JMnklmmM Vogctnulo Compound. It iiroparoH tho young ayatom for tho coining; chnuge, and Li tho survat rolbuco hi thU hour of trial Case "of a New York Girl of Interest to Every 'Mother and Daughter in the Land. Pill Mna. Pixkiiau s I hop you will publish this latter, for I want all mother to know how much (food your medicine, did my young daughter. Her health broke down about six months ago, and although she Is largo far tier ajre, I did not understand what waa wronjf with hor J the doctor did not, either, for ha treated her for tier heart, which pained her Rood deal but Ita did not do her any good, anil wo were, itf raid hoart trouble would carry her off. Kvcry day aha kit getting whiter and thinner. Hue. hail no appetite, and she at around without any ambition, ami waa always too tired to do anything. All night long aha would moau lit her alsep, aa Uiough In terrible palu. "I fait terribly dlsoouragod) I waa spending money for doetor'a bills right along, but aim waa receiving no help. At that limn I waa taking I.ydlu K. IMnklinm'n Vcgotntilo Compound, and I read in one of your book about young girls. I decided to drop the doctor, and give her your medlclnn. I wish you could nwi tlia chango In her, and the pink cheeks Lydlft K. IMltlc lintu'n Vegetable Compound has given tier. Hho hail taken hut half a bottle when raonstruatlon started again and her heart trouble went away Ilka magic. I had her contlnuo tho medicine., aud now aha la fat, rosy, and per fectly healthy. Menstruation la regular and painless, nnd I owe my tliauka to you and to rourwondorful medlolne for her good health." Mm. MAltOAnrr l'MLAJr, 07) Teuth Avouue, New York City. SPECIAL ADVIGI3 TO YOUNG "WOMKN" PIlKi:. From her Tail nxperlcncn in treating fcrtmta Ilia, extending' over 20 yenra, Mra. l'liikliruii hna gnlnrd u knowledge which It of untold value to every nlllng young woiniui. Her udvlco never falls to help. If you need audi help write hor. Addresa Lynn. Malta. A medlclnn that haa reatored ao many women to health nnd can produco proof of thu fact mast bo regarded with rrajvet. 'Ilila Ih tho rocord of Lydlu lLIMnklmm'a Vegetable Compound, which cuniiot bo equalled by any other mudicino tho world him over produced. It Li woll to remomber thoao facta when uomo dnigglat tries to get you to buy something which ho aaya la "Just oa good." That la lmKa. alblo, aa no other modicino ha auch a record of cures as Lydlu IC. IMnkhnm'a Vegetnblo Compound j so do notoiporimuut with uutrltid medicines, but iiiuist upon tho ono you know ls bust. f'Cfinn FORFEIT I' " '"rttwHh pr4s IhsorUlstl Ullsr sod ilisttare Of uB.lilllll awl iMiiwoaisi. wuisa wui prove hi moiui (tnuiaintM. LyUI K. riakham Herflalna Co., I.jnm, Yc-yr Liver Is it acting well? Bowels regular? Digestion good? If not, remember Aycrs Fills. The kind you have known all your life. J. o. Ajt o... leweii. xs. aiiKMDixMx-tiijcwwci vaMWtjt i,aaiia.ijatyviiw&ti Miii)Mi OHr.dO.N ruini.AnK i St. Holon'H Hull t Horn sud day Mhocil for slrls IJssl i location Dpicloiii btilhtlnt McxUiu (. equipment Acs.lsmlc. follrgo riepsr- (. stlnn ami special ceurtes Muslo. J.lo- ( cuiiun. 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