The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 13, 1903, Image 7

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    Timlin Land, Ati Jiinr j, 1K7H,
t;, M, I,imI oilier, 'I hr Ibtllr, Oirgim,
. Nnllf I hrrrky given lht In ruiiiplUiic with
rtuveiuner , i'u,
INT HUH)ltlHI III All il Clillglea ur Jlllle X,
JIM, eiillilail, "Ait act for llir Mlcnf timber land
III Ihr sllfuf Callfutnl. Oregon, Nevailit.NHil
WaaliliigtiMi Teilltitty," a Kulciiilnl In nil the
Dibit lHtl MMM liy All lt AllKllsl 4, lJ, ll
(allowing nattiest rni mv ifled In IhUullltc
their awuin rtalettiriil, lo wit
I.hwIIIh Apenrer
if Aian, rtntuly nt HlHikmn. stale ttf Wash
ington, (om dilute Ae), awmti ataUment Nu
inh"l" April I" C.. f'i
r Ihf pull-haw nf Hip
11 "11
r ia, w IH,
Unix It TIiimuiwmi
flr-Hs-tal lirllvwy, Spokane, county nf itWtie,
aunt ot waartinatott awnrn laitnHl He 1775,
fiVaw Attn! 1, loni, for Ihr hkImk nf the eS
hK Wl'H IiwK i. li i. lilt, Hi
Maiy I
Lan niuii
MfyeaCatlUI Avv, N,okaM county nt tu,nr.
". ""iiimivn, ww. ,, v.,.,. ,., ni IJP.
OHM April l, lyi. Aw lh miilir til lh HK
l oC WaahIHglon, hwimh aiatrinriti No 177.
r , if iw , r ia , w m.
Mb hurl II NutltvBH,
fTh I toll, timuty nf Waecn, Male of Oregon,
warn tataat No 1711. Alert A pi It m. last,
fat lb aaachauf DvmK x . If ij. r i
TtM Uly WlUoffM proof tOabowthtlbUll
EM I Mur valuable Uh II tllri m Mat
for grtrnUuml iMrianv. VHt lo rlbllh
rinliu lowMt laml frfttt Ihf MrgUlrr owt
Mvf l Tht IMIIn. IHM. tm frMtiiy,
JMuary MK, im
imrMwiniiiiMMM jomi MrKii.m nrmi
ftrni Alhnt IhiMltMii, Hutwrt ThuniiMoti.
Mai) I. lptorr, l.uwIIU MiMm-!, uf litnr,
WultlHlMt. Mtehacl Lunmr, Mm I,t AuIHviin
wt Mailltt (IriMti'lwiiUi of Th lhll urmim,
jjrl .HvlalyTf.of llaunali, N. ItaLuu, AlWfl
ChiMMw, uf tnwimif , Wah
.Any awl all btraoiw UIm(hi adwily ihc
Wt 4ni1taijaw4 ar fuU.I tu Hi ibtir
toalM IM Mr oti or Mbra th MMlhty
f Jaanary, aa
hiJij MICIIAItl, T NIII.AN. K.t.lf.
Ttaahat l.4. Act J tin J. !.
If a Mh4 M, Th IMIm, Ufrfw,
iwuitof 7. iu
fHa r bvtffe alvrM that In UM4baf vtlth
Ihr amrliwwi af Ih Art (omim uf jafH- 1.
iM, MMUa4. "Am an hu Ihr aato uf tlmlfi Uw4
IH la latauf CallrntHM. ItrrauM, NvvaiU. awl
Waahlaalaai TMMori . ' aa aUrlidial la alt li
HwllC MHd aula ty Art of Aataal i, if.
Htefcattl K CartiNi,
nf Mh-4 Wt. nntr f Wan. ll f(HKfi.
h IM ! AIM In I Mia uMkc hl Murw 4lr
hMMt Mu xtx. tm lh uurchaar uf Ihr U NK
aMdluta J awl 4 of m I twlliil I. : Ifilai, r
i a, n m.
A Hat will aflrf proof U huw that Ihr Uwt
aaaiglil la aaara nlaaliW tm II limtart or Um
llwa lor atrintllara! xtriuw and lu raiaMMi
hi rlalai la aM Unit hrfiK Ihr HrgMrr and
Maaaivar al Th latllca. fHtgua, UK Muarlay, Ihc
tlal a uf llwalnl rua
(If HaaM aa trilaruM MlmM4 H Whll.
Chattaa r alolrl, Mnyd N HriMt. uf 1 1 mat Mlvrf,
IMrfaai. A K lth. uf Hnd, iMrana
Amr nwi all imi otolaUnc wlrtlylhr
ahart 4iltbr4 Jau4 air i,unI lu HI IhrM
rlalNM la lata uwrr on or lafWr Ihr aaal 11M
4ar of Uacaaahrt, iuj
TNaWr Uud. Art Jaar I. 7.
If. . Ur4 laV, Th Itallr. iirrai
urHraibrT m, !
alhtr h) hrrrby gtvra iNal la mmpliaaCT with
Um atiwlalnii 1 uflh Art uf Cnagi of Jaar 1.
Itya. aulMhat. "Aa art fur lb aalruf iiMthrr Uaaja
(m Ibr uf CallMala, itrnua. Nrvaua. awd
WaahMMiaa Trftlturr. ' aa rUradnl lu alt Ihr
MMM) baa atalaa hy t uf Aaat 4. iaat.
fVrurt W ftnlntf . uf latlulh ruaaly uf M
luU. auu of Miniiraula. baa oa Marvb ji,
lu. 114 la Ibta i hi mra Malratral
Mo I74J- "" " pafrhaa oflh. lot 1. 1 and 1 of
lu . f 11 r. i. aad fill uffrr pruulio
boa thai ll Uaai aMmbt I Bor valuabt lot
H liaihrr or aloar I ha a fut agrtmitiural pur
aaaaa. 4 la rtaaHaa ba ria4a b aahl laaafa-
aawa, a4 1
Kriaarraua Raa4at a4 IMa uOtra al
Wrtrw, aa aVWaraay. Hilhr ,
ifa aaajri a wMwa! Joha II rhaht-. of
liaaMa. Mloaraula, iHta J Dray, of Mtal,
irraua, A Tiary. litruH Maiah uf IK-
Ary aa4 all aaraaa rtalwilac airrly th
abutr-drarrlbrd JaaxU ar rrqarwnl lu Rl Ihcir
Silaw la IhU offer oa or bravr Ihc aald sib
f of IJfcvMbrt, iaL
MIlllAri, 1 niibiin. KrrMrr.
TlMbar Uad, Art Jaa y ityt
V. a. Uaad OaV. Tar llatlra. llrvgoM,
(ciir 11, nai.
Matiaf a hrnrhy glrra thai Uinnuutwartr with
lb arula)oaa uf the Art uf l'nsrrfa of Juac X.
tfa, rMilUad. "Aa art IWlhr atr.ilnahr Uho
IM Ifcff atatra of tallfurala. orrgoo. Nrada. od
WajaWaalaa Trrilory." a calradril In all Ihr
aaaiat MM atatra by Art of Aagaal 4, iaa,
lataltl mtlllan,
af llilllla, eaaaly of lncr, aut of WUcHh,
ba ua lirt h, tlrd la Ibla uAW hi oib
tatrawat Nuiu.foTib purrba of lb wb)
f r U- la la . r 11 . Lot 1 awd 1 arc 1. Ii
at, r 111, w m,
Ah4 will oaVr arouf lo abow Ibal lb Uad
oagbl la aiorr vataabl for lla llajbrr or atoar
laaa far agrWallaral partam. ami lu nlablrtb
hb) rtalm lo aaai laad hrfurr lb KrglH. r and
Helr al Th Halle, iHgou. oh Halanlay,
Ik aad day uf Jaaaary, l4
lit aaan a Hnw John K KaauN,
lAMla Ntaoa, Jacob Haaatuaara aad llaa Uwr
mm, all of blfllp, Wlavoaaia
A ay aad all a .-auu tiaimlag adwrarly life
ha dacrlbdJauJr rcuwaivd lu Blr Ibrlr
rGdaw la IMa uatc ua ur urfcr lb aald aad da
of Jaaaary, im ,
Ttwkt Uad, Act Jaa i. 117.
(I. b. Uad ()c. Th iMllva. Otroiiii.
Noaibr K, lao
Hatlat ta Utotur vin Ibal In twrMplbuwa wtlli
- lb ifforiataii onifc Act uTCwnaa of Jar 1.
iM, raUlW. "Aa act tar Ihr alruf HmUrr land
la UM tUtn of CallforHla, iMrgua, Vrraaa. a ml
'uMagtoM TetfiUwy." aa rld lo all th
iaiWata4aiataakr Art of Aaaatt 4. ,'. A"
Wiplag-Haard paraoa havr Rlad In IhU one
ibrlr MB aUUiaraia, lu-HII
Juata M. Crowley.
ofMuaatauih, eouiily uf IMlh. alate uf (Hrgoti;
wara autoaieal No i7. lo April u. iJ, (hr
lb purebaar uf Ike rH wh arc ju, aud Ja nwlf
aec il. Ip i . ri e. w w.
Juaeahll Jlarrujaii,
af MMUMatsw, looaty of It lag, aut of yablna
Umii aworn aUteairBt No ifau. Bled April ,
ij, Ibr lheparvhaoflh X and l.oUl,
4uad tciS,lp 11 . re. w iu
WIIHaat Multoy,
ofaealllr, couatyuf Kluf. atnU of Wa.hlHgHHi;
aworo auinnrat No ijw, Uu All H, IM,
IkVlhr iHrhaflh l."t infc M, and Wet
I HlHTHd ilK "K a' 15- '! it . r v r, w 111.
Cbarlca A. Iliiul,
of Toe taUlea.eoiiulyufWaaru, li ol HregiMii
auoru alalrmeul Nu 1704, Altd April u, lyui. fur
th puruhawofllwHwl, rc4, ip u . t 10 r,
Thai they will olfcr itrupf to ahnw that the laml
aotuht U inure vatuglHC fur IM llwUrr ur atwie
Ibau Iut grlaiUurat puruote. aud to aataktwl;
I heir cUIhmi to aahl laud Uclure the Urguttvr ami
Haaatver al The Dalle, Oregon, ml Wnliiaaility,
January l, nm-
They uanir aa wltneatea, V II IMge. A 0 Har
vey, N WhMldun, Nlcli'il Hinllli. M Conner
ninl T 0 Klelliley. of 1 lie D.MUe. Oregon, I. X
AtlliialMiU Mint Kdwlu Urabain, u? Warm
HiHTlng, Oiegon; William Mullov, uf healtle,
Waalll J I' fliwklrk, of 1'urlUuJ, Oregun, J 1
lliitiigHii, uf ICmimcUw, wali, I) llucW, of
1 1 III w, l
Any nnJ all iwruii claltuiiiu hi
HlHire-dacrlTiadJaiiiUare reiutrl
Hilveiiicly the
Hirrtlaacrlliea lamia are rciiueweii iu in 11111
aiatiim lu llil imco (in ur liefor the aaUt 17th day
or JmuKiry, ',
niijlj MICIIAKL T. NOt.AN UeHUtcr.
Timber Mini, Act June J, i"7.
U. H. I.miiiI Office al Lakevlcw, Oirguti.
September , i'ij.
Nnllte I hereby given Hint In winiptlnncr with
tin- provision nf Hit Aft uf Congress nf June 1,
i?" ruiiiitti, "All ci.i mi inrMirui uiitiarr latins
In thr tltcif L'allfiirii a. Orritim. Nrradn. ami
WnihliiKtnu Trriltnty,'1 rtlrnitnl In all thr
liiihllc Uml ll hy Act nf Aiigiot 4, i. the
liilltiwliig-iiauird ikiwiii have T() In IhU ulDcc
thrlr trnru ttniif nl, lu,wll
ItuiHia J (IriHinit,
af luitrieuilriie, enHiily nf I'nlU, tlntr (if Ore
gon, wurn atalrment No itt tm the rttrlw
uf the ur H m 11, ip 11 , r 11 r, in.
William A ftrotl,
nf Imlf iM-iiilrMi, eoiiHly nf INilk, tle ol Oregon
4litmil Nil lie fur thxlfhar uf Ihr
H nwK ami 11H (( 11 Ip i . r 11 c, w i.
Jtnnlr M, Wrlle,
of linlrriiiliKr, ctiMiity iifl"olk,tte nfoircoil,
worn atalruirnt No I for the tnirctia ul the
tK tW 11, wH iiw'f ami nwW "WX M
ti 11 , r 11 e, win
(leaf gr A. Welti,
of ladroeudaMar. enaatr af folk, atalr of Ore-
boh, wafH Matemetil N tie 1 for I he iHtretiaae of
me mx w)f c4Hn4eM !( c?ii i , r
1 1 r, w m
Harah I'. Well.
f liHliJrite, 4HiHtyf Cwk, tte of (He
gmi, awwH atateauml Nu lM fur the Hithr uf
IHeabjHwK awl wl4tK 7t" i,r 11 e,w m.
lletMierWHi W. Murphy
Iff lll.lflUHltfH,
fee, nwHiy oi mi,,
Hlv of I
atate of Ore-
aoH, wotH MaietHehl xu
Ihr th aw If aud wM H
I No l6t for Ihe pNth of
n. ip 11
Commodoir I1 Well,
of iHoVprwrtrnr, ramuty of folk, ttalc of Ore
goo, worn ataleinrHt Nu 114 for Ihr hmchm
af Ihr HK c al, Ip II a, r 11 r, w m.
rrank I' (liuuitl
ufHorna VMa.ruUNty nf Cnlk, atalr of Oieaou,
worn mimh nt No in for the porcha oltlic
hw c p 11 . r 11 r, w m
That they will otfcr iiroof lo how that Ihr lain)
ought I huh valuaM (uf II llutUrr or atiiar
I Nat. fur agrlcHttMrat paipo and to taM!N
lHir aiaiataio mi land imimc J wtiini.
CuoMly Cleik, at I'tlMerllle Oirgun. un Mlur
tlay Ihr Mh day of lrrmbr, I'tl.
Thry natar a wIlHraara I'rank I' Oroaud.uf
IhtrH VMa, Orcgo!, Ororge A Writ, William
A heoU. llriHlrrauu W Murphy, CotHHHnlor 1'
WrMiol ludepefalrHee, Orrgou, I' C. Whltlrn
of IShIII, Oirgoti.
Any and all rfa claiming advrrely Ihr Uift ait lr)Hlnt to Ate llitir
claim la Iht ofTrr? on or Ulhre Ihe hl jlh day
of Utwailair, lvl
wull l. M IIKATTAIN, KrgUtrr.
Ttmher IjiiwI, Art June j, lay.
U. M. Land onkc at '.aVreiew, Orrgon,
Kept II, i'J
Noltrr I hrtrby glrea that In eompUamr wild
Ihr ptortaloin ofib Art of Uoiigi of Jaar y
107a. raiHVrd ' Ah art for Ihr l of timUr
Umw In Ihr 4l of California. OiegoH, Nevada
and WaablNgtoti Territory." a eMrmtrd lu all
the tmbUr tahd Mala hy Act of Aog4 4, i4)i.
thr fellow I Nf hM4 iwraoH bar Atrct in Iht
oatec thrlr awofN MalewtrHt to-wlt'
Chart II Hradahaw.
of Thr llall.cualy of Waco, atate of Oirrun,
hmmh ialmHl tt 175 for thr wrehaenl Ihe
rlcawK, K w, 1 aad ) K. are I Ip II
. r II . w hi
llauaah A Hrattahaw,
of The laalla-e. aoauly of eMco, ta4e of Oirjrua.
ahom atatfeaeat No lwt for lb wtreba of thr
nK iK, n) atK,au4 H aeetlpii. r
11 e. w at
Hairy W McDoaald.
ofCUUhaal. eaaaly of CuluMbi. aUteof (lir
goN. Hntm Hatrtaeat No 177 lor Ibr tichc
uf lb aK arc 11 Ip i , r 11 e. w m.
That they wilt offer woof tobow that Ihe laad
ought r ator valaahle for It llmlrrr ur iuu
lhaa furagrirtillural parrwan, aud U 4blMi
Ihrlr claim lu aald laad befuf J J. health
Coaat) Ctrtk, at Prtarvttl. IMcoh. am Moaily
Ihr 7th day of Itrwaturr. loo.
They Haat a wttit Chart II. ItraJ.
otw, llMH4h A lliadabaw, of The IhUhM. (M-
Bllarty w Melhwtaal. af CVttatiaate. tHe
Amhj IWtt4bw. I'.C. fWU,aTPatUal.
Any aad all roa etalmrac adrtly the
abor deartlhral laud are t4wUdl te Ale Ihrlr
rJalH In Ihl oe oh or twfot th aaat yih day
uf liohr, tvy
kHl4 II. M. HKATTAIN. HegMcr
TIMber Laud. Act Juae y liT
U H. Laad OAce. The Itattr. Orecoa.
Juae , loai.
Malice I hereby gta Ibal In oaapUaaca with
lb Morlami of th Art of Coaareaa of Jane 1.
a .ulllUi ,um Aw L Q. J llwh Uu, .
lu lb tala of CallStrHla. Orrgoat. Nevada, aad
WaaajlagtoM TerrMue), ' a ralratietf to all Ihe
public laad atale by act of Aukat 4. IV. Ike
Molg-aaad prraou have oa Jaa, a, ivov
BHat in law oeac iaw won watetuetm, lo-wtt
HeHjaailN I' HI
of feniilrN, eouNty of Well. Mate af North
llakoia, wth ltmtt No it far the pwr
cftaaeof the HfK aec S, Ip at, r we, w, m.
CluM Xvlluwr
of !'endH. eoonty of WeUa. tal of North
Itakota, aworH tatemrut No tai, for Ihe mu
cr 01 iim c c tvip 10. r ate, w.m.
Cecil A ArkertuaH
uf l'eudN, cooHty uf Well, atate of North
liaktHa, worn taleatHt Nu 111, far the pur
chaw uf Ihe ittlj c , tp it , r 10 , w m
Thai they will olTrr luuuf tohow that lb land
ought I more valuable for II llmlwr or tua
than for agtlcullHral purpu, and to eatabllh
thrlr rlalOKtuMld laud urAire J M ltwrenc.
V n. LummiUHier at iteaeautr. tiiegoa, oa
Wnluraday, Ihc rud day of Iiecnulwr. ivj
Tb' imio a ltn law riltaw. loba
at.hll, flliHl. OicguH. ChriVt Xetlmer, Cecil A
ACkelHMH, ItTHMmlH r. Kile, Ul l'OHMwe,
North IHkot
hv aud all nernou etaimlnv advataalv th
abuve-daHKrloetl UatU are teuoaafed lo Ale their
claim Ih Ihht oeXcc oil or haiw Ike aald tad dav
f Decemlwr , iuoa.
aia-aaa .iiiviiAiii. t. .-stn.Ai, Kegixrr.
Ttmher Laud, Aet June 1, 187.
U. K Irfiinl Otrtc. Ijtkrview, Oregon,
ittemtwr ia, igaj.
Nolle I heiebv ateeii thai III nHHtillauc with
the txuvtaloH uflhe Act of Canul of juu y
a d..,tti.l t ka L ,L i ..r ,i.u
v. wt,i..w in w n. im Mfw n tmsn
lamU In the utale uf California, Oreguu. Nevada
and WaahlMgluu Tcirttory," a rateadetl lo alt
the public Uud atale by Act uf Auaut 4, iao,
the iaUanlH(aHtcd peraoua have nhM In Iht
Ulliec their awotu tliiwtiU, lu-wll:
llenrv WuMeaal
of lluckley, eounty of litre, atate uf Waahlng
ton: aw or it laUincitl N 1M9, Ah" the Hirel
of the nw arc 1, tp 11 a, r tjr, w in.
Waahiuatou Morita
of Buckley, county of Mere, alal of WatlMg
lon:orn atatetnenl No 170, Air the urcuae
uf Ih licX aec 1, ip n a, r 15 e, w hi.
aauiuel I. Kamli
rilttekley, eouuty of llrrce. atale of Waafalug
ton. h 01 11 alatemeiil Nnia7i.fbr lite latrcbai
uf the uc) ec ia, tp 4 , r i) e. w hi.
loaettu I' Maauti
of Ihicklry, ciHinly uf tierce, atate of Waililiig
Ion; aworti atatciueiit No 171, for the imrclune
of Ihe w)( aec 11, ti aa a, r is c, w in.
That Ihev will ulfcr nriMif tu alum- Hut the
luuit aoughf U mule valuable for II tlmbrr ur
tun lliuu for ngrtctillural purpoa, and to ea-
iHinitii inrir iiainiH 10 win miui neiore j, 1,
hitiltli. Count v Clerk at
Oregon, uit
tin- 1MI1 tlay U Decciulirr, tonj
, 19A1.
lllry iiHitic u wiiiiea
Heur Wolalcael
Wiuliliiglun Morrtt, Knmnel I, l.amh, Joi)i I'
Willi 1
.Mowin, 111 inickiey, waauiuginu; vim. 11
oil, II. A l'uater, I'rluevllle, Oregon.
Any and nil pernon cluliutug mlvernely the I
uImiv tleacrlueil Iniula are rcgueatrtl tu flic their
claim In IhU utlice uti or heforc thcaaut lith il.iy
uf December, I'M),
oo-du H. M. IIKATTAIN Keglater. 1
Tlinlier, Art Jiinr j, i7.
U. H Laud Olfiee. Lakcvlrw, Oregon,
Hciitrinlicr . )'ri.
Notltc U licieby given In compliance with
the pturUloiuoflhe Act of Cniigre of June 1,
111711, ciiiiiiaof - ah an 101 meMir niiiniixTMiHl
lu ifiotalmurCaliriitnia, oirgun, Nrvaila, ami
Waahlngluu Teffllwy, a rawwlrd to all the
tHitdklail'l atale hy Act nf Aiigutl 4, Ifryi. the
lollnwIiig'liiiliiHl h-i n have ,nl In till uffke
Ihrlr worn alntcHirm. to wll
llinr-it 11 Kflll,i
of llikllon, awiiily fMill ltca.alateufMlnnr
mta, awnrii atalrinriil N., 174, fM thr tmrcliaM
ftliee)(M "iS.I'il, r 11 e,w in.
Wallatf I! che.
or I'm t llcntUil,liinlyMfchorau, atale of Mon
tana, wont lulewi. nt N !;, fu the iHrehae
oftheiMiieJfi"wWeK,nwi, art aeoe.tpai,
rile, wm. ,
I'reiterkk I'. Townwiiil,
ofl'rliirrtHn.aaHiityiH'Mllle I At, atate ufMln-
lie4a, awurM Uttroiiit No lJ4, far Hie pur
elwx of llir Hr( arc ji ip jj, rue, win.
I'rtrr I'riaoti,
fl'rimMlm,WMtyfMillcle, aUte ofMln
tiraota, warn atalrinrnt No 17a, for the mr
chaaviH IheHwX an at Ip jj. r 11 e, w m.
WIIIUui 1- Chair,
oflMuftHi,tHrMtyof Mille lc, ute ofMln
iHrola, iiorii alalrHient No 1M7, for Hie pur
cbaaeof tlte wy awf, , HwK. iiwWw; y
tpt, r 11 e, w m
Harry II 7'arnhm,
of I'flnoHmi, aatmty of Mllle I.aca, tte of Mln-
Hrota,wrM ataelairnl No i6n,fMrtheKitehe
of Ihe ne are sf, Ip i , r 11 e, w m.
ItHMtrfa M haruham.
of I'lliHtatoiuoauHty of Mllle Lac, atate of Mln
Htaoia' wmii etaument No iM, for Ihe pur
CHaoflheae(eH,rc l, H w)(, awlf aej
c y tp IJ . r 11 e, w m
I'rrdenek I'. Kretn,
of I'rtueetiiieMUHly of Mllle Ijtc. atate ofltln
Hruta. worn alalrairnt Nu iai. for th imit.
cIibm; oflhe nH K, rf aud tieK aw) arc
n, ipij. r 11 o w m.
Mkhart Mahonry,
ofl'rlneeton.aMiNtyof Mlllr, taleof.Min
nrtota, worn talHiriii No 1070, for Ihe pur
chueof the nw,' cr7. tpaja, r II e, w m,
Mary J Woodcock,
ofl'rlHfetoil, aaauly of Mllle Uo, tate of Mln-
neota, woril talrmrHt No iij. for the pur
C hc uf the liwj arc J. Ip 1 a, r II r, w in.
fldl C Thorn
of I'rltieetoti, OBUHly of Mllle lie. lte of Mill
HCaota, worn atatratrut No itj. for Ihe pur
ebc of Hit 11 ) aK, 'M wi aec j), tp J a, r 11
e, w in.
ChartraA Oak,
ofprtneetun.eeuiilyof MIHr Ir, rtatrof Mln
tiriota, awern ltrmrt No i7J, for the pur
etuiaruf the lAl 1. a and J arc , tp ) . r la e,
wm. andaeSf tieK arc a$, Ipaja, r II e, w m.
Arthur W. Woodcock,
of I'rlurrton, tuuHtyof Mlltr lc. atate of MIh
auta, HrurH Utrmrttt No 17, for Ihe pur
cbaeofthcwJ HwK, wttaviK and ar wj
c ), Ip i a, r 11 e, w m.
WIIIUui II. Oak,
of I'rlHectaa.eamatyof Mtllc Lac. rtateofMln
H4a,wera Malrmrnt No ija, for the pur
chase of the HeK m , Ip ij , r i e. w 111.
That Ihry wWl offrr proof lothow that the Uml
ought I more raloaUe for lu tanker or atoite
Ibau for agikottoral purtwaea, aud to ettaldlah
Ihrlr rlalai la mM laad Itefore J J motth.
Couuly Clerk. Ctuok Couuly, at I'rlHertlte, Ore
gon, ot Weditly the yth tlay uf lrcmter
Thry name a wltar William II Oaka.
Arthur Wtaatoack l'rrdrkk TuwHartnl. I'tter
peraoa. William I' Chaw. Harry II l'atuham,
Hlbrtdar M. I'aruham. I'rcdeclck I'. Keeat.
Michael Mahoaey. Mary J Woodcuck, lldle C
Thorn. Charlea A Oakraaltof lliuceton, Mln
auta. IICHeat II. hcllhora of rhtckton. Mlaac
mU, WaHaee It- Chaarof I'm! Ileutoa. Moauna
Any ami U iioa rlalatlHg adteoely the
aboedaerUiUl aatl are f aaaerted to Ate their
claim Ih Ihf a afm) oa or Mwc Ihe aahl tih day
of lhfaler ryaj.
o-d , H M IIKATTAIN Krgtalcr.
T1mlf r I.aml. Act June J, 17-
, -
V. H IjtnJ Office. Lakertcw, Oregon,
SeplrtMhaT It. lyaj.
Nolrrr I hthv glt-en .hat la coatptbinrc with
lb pcurtiaaaa srihe Act of Cungre of Juae 1.
itT. rtrtMard. -A a art for lb aalr of limbrr lamia
la thr lain of OlaWiiat, fMegou, Nevada, aad
WaaMaktaa Trlory,'' a ealeaded lo all Ihc
Goiic aaaa aaaraa) uy act o ,gwi 4. laaa. tne
towiag IMHaad ieioa have Ihl day filed In
MeivtHM. Ifvatoa.
at Meeaw, coaiiU- uf Latah, atate of Idaho,
wora idateawat tn ibga, for thr porchate of thr
H hwW, ah, awK, hw iw)i arc , tp at a. r
1 1 w HI,
K0M0 C. meae.
of Moaaow. cawaU' af Latah, aut of Idaho,
wora ataleearut No ijls. for th purcha of lb
wh aK aec ao, m n arc 17. Ip ai a, r 14 .
w at.
Mae H. I'mtoH.
of Macaw. cwtHrly af Latah, atale of Idaho.
rora taUaaeat Ifa Iff, for th parcaaac of
Ik eh) mh k . wh uK arc ai. tp ai a, r 14 e, w m.
AhhhmU M How.
af Mai taw, comhI) of Latah, rtale of Idaho,
aarara aUteuaeBt No tfa, for the purcaaw ef
ta wH nwK cH.K aK cc j,ipii a. nt
e, w m.
Jeaac A. Mane.
ufMocw, caunlv ar Mtah, Mate ef Idaho,
wuca atateawHt So laHa, for th purcbate of the
ua uK, tiM awK 7. IP r 14 e. w m.
I Utile It liradley.
of hpakaur, eauHlj'of Sokaur, atale of Wh
lagtou. uotH abutment No i$A. for the pur.
chaar uf the eS iw)f, a nw), "WW hc) ec
7, tp ai a, r 14 e, w III,
ItUa U. Nttr.
of Mocow, county of lUli. atate of ItUho
aworu atalrmrnt Nu iJM, for the trhaae of the
ch K. wK '.( wK hK arc 7, tp t a, r 14 e
w m.
Thai they wilt ohV tiruafleahow that the land
ought I more valuable for It limltrr or touc
thaw fur agrtrullural parito, aud to etabtth
Ibrtr claim tu mhI laad liefoc J M Lawrence,
V H. CHUUiiuier at Hold, tiiegoti, tm Mou
tlay the 14th ' of lleoatbcr. iuuj
They nam a wiliit. Haiti It llraUIy, of
Haokane, WatHKtftni Kotla C btoae. Mae H
Piwi, Amaada M ritutie, Jee A Matte, Wla
C Nuta, MrtriH M 1'lo.tan. Wlllhtm W Cotllm.
of Moacow, Ida 101 Lmx It AlllHglMHI, Ora
fultHHtxter, of Pitiievllle, Oregon
Auy aad all pvaaatt cialmlHt; advrly the
alHirelaelutjJiHl are rwincalwl to file Ihcjr
ctaiiH M Ihl oaVw en or before the ukl 14th
tlY oflHcaathiT, aM.
oo-ttii U, M. IIKATTAIN. KegUter.
Timber Mud, Act Jhhc 1. 1"7-
U. S. Uml onicc, Ukcvlrw, Oregon,
Setrinlrr , HWJ.
Notlo I brrrliy glveu that 111 cuuipliaiu,- with
the tKwelttou ortli Atit of Collar of June 1.
i7a, entitled, 'Ah Mt fortheiwleortliulwrUiida
tu thettaleaofCaUfornk, Orcguu. Noada, ami
Waabtuttoil Trrrllory," n lrilc. to all the
IMullc laud alatea by Act nf Attgiiat 4-
IMwlti KeUey,
ufCrookaluu, rottuty uf ISdk, atale or Mluiie
aota, Im Aletl in IhUofno hi aworu atulcuicut
No 104, for 1 lie purclia uflhe W iitv ir. aw tr
lie qr, nw qr ir wci, Ip 11 , r 14 w in,
Anil will otler Jiroof tu allow that tlte bttid
ouglil tautore tauiablv for it tnnlr or atone
than for agrk-utlural imrin, ami tu eatablith
hi claim tu katd land Ixfocc J. M Lawrence. V.
H Comuilaaloticr ul llentl, Oregon, on Motuluy,
tli 14th da of DecentVer, 1045.
He name aa wtttieaaoau Mavim Lefagr,
I.unU Nclnoii, John AUxmare, It lioyd, of IK
vhiilva, Oregon, Hnlvm Magenti, of Cruokatoii,
Any niul nil pgraoiu clnttuluK advtnely the
alMiveKleaerllieit utiida arc miuealetl to file their
claim In till office on or before the aald 14th day
of Dtcemlier. 190J
00 On )(. M, UKATTA1N Krgilcr.
Timber IauA, Act June J, 1 1; J,
V. H. Iml Office, Lakevlrw, Oregon,
rkptcmler 6, ijj.
Notice la hereby given that In compliance with
the provision ol Hie Act of Cotigrea of June J,
lT, eulltlcd, "An act for Ihe aalr of limber land
In Hie alatr of California, Oregon, ftcvail. and
Washington Territory," a n tendril lu all Hie
iMibllc U;k1 tatr by Act of Auguat 4, l;i, Ihe
MIowltig-tiamtd peraou hare thla day died In
ini oince incir aworu auteniciiia, 10-wii'
Chart K. Mine klanil.
ofHtcphen.cotinty of Marahall, atale of Mimic
ota, aworu atalcmcnt No 17)1, for Hie tmrchaae
oflhe aw ,(i''A 'w'4 and nwj awjjaecfi, Ip
is , r mr, a 111.
ItoUtt L. Mlkkclnoti,
ofHteplien, couuly of Marahall, atate of Minne
sota, aworu ataleuicut No 1746, for the purchaae
of Ihearjf ae arc l,ej ntH and lieK aec
li, Ip aia, rje, w m.
JMIicr M. Ilarnard,
of Mgland, county of I'olk, atate of Mluneaota,
aworu ataleinetit No 1747, for the purchaae of the
aM awf arc l, 11 H nwjf aiwl awjf iiw aec y,
I pal a, r ioc, w in.
Ucnwell A. Whitney,
of Mephen, county of Marahall, tale of Miotic
out, wikh atatewent No 174, for the purchaae
of the ne aec je, Ip 11 a, r 10 e, w ru.
Hannah lioyce,
of drawl I'orka, county of (Iraiul I'ork, atale of
North Ihikota, aworu atatement No 1749, for the
purchaae of Ihe acK llw)f, 11H w)f and aw)f
w(i aer y. tp 31 a, r la r, w in.
ricorgr llamrry,
of Htephen, couuly ol Marahall, tale of Minne
ola, aworu atatement No 17J0, for Ihe purchaae
oflhe nwjf arc6, Ip aia, r lae, wm.
Joerph O llrtnkerherf,
of MeheH, couuly ufMaralMll, atate ofMlnnc-
mh. aworu aiaieinrnt no 1751, ir Die purchaae
oflhe neyi aec7, tpaaa, r tee, w m.
Carrie O. Mlckelaon,
of Htephrn, eounty of Marahall, Mate of Mlnne
Ota, awtn-H Utement No I7JJ, for the purchaae
of the nwjf aec 7, Ip Ja, r 10 c, w rn.
lolin II. Mrrdlnk.
of Hlrphcn, county of Marahall, atale of Mlnnr
ota, worn talemrut No 1754, for the purchaae
ui in 11 t ai arc 7, tp it a, r lee, w m.
That Ihry wilt offer proof tu ahow that Ihe land
aought U more valuaMe for II Umber or abrnc
Ihau lor agrtrullural imriKM, and to ratamUh
their claim lu aald land before Ihe KegUter ami
Kecrlver at Lakcvlrw, Oregon, on Friday, the
lllh day of Ikcember i.
They name a wltncaace: Charlea K Mock-
aiM, ifHrti 1.. iikaclon, Ko.wcn a. Whitney,
Ceorge llamcry, Joeph O. lirinkcrliurT, Carrie
O. Mlekelwn, John II. Mrrdlnk. alt of Htephen.
MliiHeaota. luthcr M Uaruard, of Blcland.
Mlnnemta, llaniiah Iloycr, of Grand I'orka,
North Dakota.
Any and all peraoua claiming adreracty Ihe
abortVdeacTlbrd land are rrauealcd lo file their
ctaiiii in Ihl urTicc on or before Ihc aald nth day
of IifcctHbcr. iwj.
oa-tlt It- M. IIKATTAIN. KegUter.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 1&7.
I' H. Iand Office, The Datlr, Orrgon,
Auguat ao, lyoj.
Notice I hereby giren that In conpUaiirc with
Ihe provttlone oflhe Act of CongrrM of June 1,
t7), entitled. "An act for Ihe Mfeof HmbrrUntfa
lu the atate ol California. Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory." aa extended to alt the
imbtk laml atale by Aet of Auguat 4. 19. the
foHowlng-uamrd peraoua have bled In thla office
their aworn lalctncnl. to-wit.
Ihivtd Hill
of Ileachutea, eounty of Crook, atale of Oregon;
aworn lalrment No I7J1. filed April 6, lyaj. for
Ihe purcbaaeof the w aK and aejf eJi aec
aad "i wii avc JJ, tp 19 a, r 11 e, w m.
WlllUnt J.-arih
of Hend. eounty ol Crook, atate of Oregon; aworn
atatement No 1710, filed March aa, Hot, for the
mrchae of the uVf nwji, iU nw), and nw
K c i. Ip 19 a, r 11 c, w m.
Jeaetih stetdt
of llemldl, county of Ittttraml, alate of Mlnne
aula, aworn ataleinent No 1710, filed March w,
aua. for the purchai of thew),' aec ji, tp lla,
r 11 e, w iu.
John A. Deemer
of Head, eeuntv ef Crook, atale ofOreeon: aworn
atatawent No it6, filed March 17, luaj. for the
pucabawof Ih wj tiejf and wH aejf kc at, tp
l a. r la e. w m.
Thai thy will offer proof to ahow that
ought I more vatuabe for It limber
f to ahow that Ihe land
ir Ita limber or atone
than for agricultural putpo, and to ealablUh
their claim to uad Unit before J M Lawrence,
y at lomaiuHmrr at iiracauie. Oregon, ou
Saturday, Ihe 14th day of November, 1901
They nine aa wAne Kichard King, J
Ovitu, laute Huuter J N lluutrr, Joha Mrtdl,
J I Wct. C J Cotlor, George ILatra. II Marahjohn
AlkiNtoa, Ihtvtdlllll. Juhu A Dremer. of l)a
chat, Or
Aay aad all MtwM claiming adveraely the
atarre daatrlbed Uuda are rroueMcd to Ate their
clataw la Ihl orhec oa or before th aald 14th day
01 novewaer, laoi.
Timber Land. Art Juae J. 17.
U. S Laud Olne. The Ihtlle. Oregon,
tMolwr M, 190J.
Notice I hereby given that in compliaiicc with
1 tittHritkw uflhe Act of Coflircu of June t.
lit. cHtitUd, "An act for Ihe wWof timber land
In IhcalalMofCattforuia, tlrcgou, Nevada, ami
WaahiHgtou Trrrllory," aa eatended to alt Ihc
puUk laud atale by Act of Augutt 4, iSy. the
lotlowtuc-Hamed prona have ett Oct I, lyot.
nlcd In tnUulAce thrlr iworn atalenient. lo-wit
Carrie II. Hunt.
ef lAaa atttl Ave, htwkane, county of Spokane,
tale ul Wathlugtou. aworn alatcmept No lili.
for the purchaae of the acK aec IJ, tpaaa, rw
e, w m.
Cora A. luker,
ef itaa aad Ave, Spokane, muuly of Spokane,
talc of Washington, aHtiru atatement Nu lijl.
for the purchaae oflhe wj aec 14, tp x a, r 10
e, w m.
That they wilt oiler proof to ahow that the land
ought I mate valuable for ila limber or ktoue
than for agricultural purpo, aud lo eatabttah
their claim to aald land before the Kegtater and
Krcctvcr at The Dallra, Oregon, on Monday,
January 41 li. 1901.
They twine a wilncue Kiev Harper. Cora
A Maker. Harry C brown, Maud Wadtworth aud
Otirw II Hurd, of Spokane, Waahiugton
Auy ami all lieraoua claiming adterwly the
al-laeritMNl utmla are renuntetl to hie their
cialma in thla elttce on or before the aald 4th tlay
of January, lyM.
oarjl MICIIAIII. T. NOLAN. KegUter.
Timber Laud, Act June 1, 1S7&
U. S. Laud Office, The Dalle. Orrgon,
Notice U bereb)' gtren that til compliance with
1 imwialaua oflhe Act of Cutter of lime 1.
lira, emitted, "An uct for the aaleuf HtiilxrlamU
IH to iaaicao. va..rH.,M., ifi.jpm, ..xwm, p,n,
WaaatlugloN Tcrrttury," aa cxteiutod to all the
public Uud alate by Act of Augttat 4, ilot. the
folloulug uatucd eTon hav filed ill till olttce
their anoru atatemeHl. to-lt
Arlltttr Callihait,
of.titCollinallulhllng, scallle. county of Klag,
atate of Waahlugtuti: auoru ktateweHt Noaaj,
(lletljitly 11. lau, for the purchase of th IMa
j aud 4 ami cU aw . I r ' w
Cot third Yotiiigiuger,
of llurtoii, county of King, alule of Waahtuglou;
oth statement No loaa, filed Auguat 11, lyoa.
for the purchase ufthc Lot 4, c) au-K and si
sh av-c 7, tp , r it e, w 111.
That lhe will utter proof to how that the laud
ought U more valuable for Ita llmUr or toue
lliau for agricultural purjxss, ami to eatablUh
Ihrtr claiuta to aaitl Utnd before the KegUter ami
Kecciverat The Dalle, Oregon, oil Wciliieutay,
January ij, twt.
TUy natiie a witnewe' Olwdlah Hewaou,
htclta llenkun, uf Green Lake, WasliiugUm,
Sarah A tlrattun mid Arthur CaUlhau.ofSeallle,
Witshiiigtoii. John litoaa, SWteni, Oregon; Juhu
Kramer, ot tl recti Ijtke. Waalliugtoii.
Any ami all lrrus claiming iidtcrocly the
alxive deacribed Uud are retiueatad to file their
claim In thla office ou or Ixlure the aaUt ijlhday
uf January, 1904
ojijl MICHAKL T. NOLAN, KegUter.
I., lb. tlali .F l,atlVu'ail.i nraaiuui CsWatilA ua
l- ii.- a f laV&a- I 1 Ardiuvia ta? aaaaaa.l a a a. I
Timber Itnil, Act June y 187II.
U. fi. Mnd Office, Lakes-lew, Oregon,
neplemlK-r al, iyj.
Notice la hrrchy given that In compliance with
the provision of the Act of Congrea of June J,
J, eulltlcd "An act for Ihe aale of llmlier
land In Ihe atalca of California, Oregon, Nevada
and Washington Trrrllory," k eilended to all
the public land alale by Act of August 4, 1S01,
Ihe followltie-iiamcd beraon hare filed in thla
olfice their aworn atatcmeiile, to-wit:
Augustus II. Carver,
of Dralnerd, county of Crow Wing, atate of Mln.
iirsota; aworu atatement Nq 1644, for the pur
chase oflhe wJ4 nw and wy, tw'j MC17, Ip II
a, r 14 e, w m.
MnryM I'Mlllp.
of Minneapolis, eounty of Hennepin, atate ot
Minnesota, aworn atatement No 169, for the
ncK aec w, Ip 11 a, r 14 c, w in.
That they wll) offer proof lo ahow that Ihe
land aoughf la more valuable for lla limber or
atone than for agricultural purpose, and lo ea
taWlih their claim to aald land before J. M.
Lawrence, U. H. Commissioner at lie ml, Oregon,
on Saturday the nth day of December, raj.
They name a witness L. It. Altlngham,
Ora Itolndrxler, rrlneville, Oregon; Augustus If,
Carver, of Iirainerd. Minnesota; Mary M. I'litM
Ipa, Minncupolla, Minnesota.
Any and alt persons claiming adveraely the
atmee described land are requested ta file their
claim in IhUuffiee an or before Ihr aahl fslti
day of December, loa).
odu it M. nRATTAIN, ItegUlrr.
Timber Land, Act June J, lift.
V. 8. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon,
October 11, Fij.
Notice ta hereby given that lu compliance with
he provisions oflhe Act of Congress of June J,
I97S. entitled. "An act for the aale of timber laruia
In the suits of California, Orrgon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," aa extended to alt Ihe
public Uud atale by Act of August 4, 1891, the
following-named peraoua have filed in IhU office
tneir aworn atatcrnenis, to-wit.
Charlea K Morrison,
of Monmouth, county ol I'olk, state of Oregon!
aworn eUtement No 1741, filed April I, lyrj, fbr
thc purchaae of the Lota 1 aud land ayjncjjaec
6, tp 10 a, r IJ e, w m.
lame Mahon,
of North Iirancn, county of Lapeer, aUte of
Michigan; aworn atatement No 17J4. filed March
, 9i, for Ihe purchase of the nK cc IJ, tp V)
a, r lie, wm.
Charlea II. Downer,
of North Branch, county of LapeerUte of Mich'
Igan, aworn atatement No 17J6, filed March A,
Vi. for the purchaae of the Lou t and 1 and ay,
ne ) aec 3, tp o a, r I J e, w m.
William Mahon,
of North Branch, county of Lapeer, aUte of Mich
igan, aworn atalrment No 17JJ, filed Marsh .,
1901, for the purchase of Lola t and 4 and a
nw Vf arc 4, Ip ao , r IJ e, w in.
That they will offer proof lo ahow that the Und
ought ta more valuable for IU timber or atone
than for agricultural purpo, and to eataMtah
thrlr claims to said Und before the KegUter and
Keceirer at The Dalles, Oregon, on Tuesday,
January jth. 1914
They name aa witnesses: WillUm Mahon,
tames Mahon and Charlea II Downer, of North
branch, Michigan. Albert K ftholrs, of 141 lath
St , rortland, Oregon; C K Morrison, of Hair
haven, Washington, Amo Ilradahaw, of IVrt
Und, Oregon.
Any and all person cUlmlng adversely the
alxivc-dcscribed landa are retjueated to file their
claims lu this olfice on or before Ihc aald Jth day
of January, 1904.
Department of the Interior,
Land Olfice at The Dalle. Oregon,
October is, I90J.
Notice I hereby given that the following
named settler ha cled notice of hi Intention to
make final proof In support of his etaim, aud
that aaid proof will be made before J. M. Law.
re lire, U. n. Commissioner, at Drsohute, Oregon,
on Saturday, November a. 199J, Tit:
Hiram I. Talmer,
of Deschute. Oregon, If Ii No t9. for the LoU
I and 1 and aH nw Jf aec 4, Ip , r 11 c, w m.
He naroca the folio wing witnesses to prove M
continuous residence upon and cultivation of aald
Und, via.
W II SUata. Hint Glle. Milton Young, of Dea
cbulr. Oregon; John Kyan. of Lava, Oregon.
Timber Land. Act June J,
V. S. Ijsnd Office. The Dsvlt, Oregon.
October U, tea,
Notlve U heretn- given that la campManca with
the provisions oftbe Art of Ceagraa of June A,
itTS. ealttled, "An act for th aaaeottsatbtrUnda
Ih the state efCalifornU, Org. Nevada, and
Washington Territory," a extended te an the
iMiblic Und atate by Art of August 4, h. the
foUowing-tumi-d persona have ou Oct 14. too,
filed In thla otikc their aworu alatomeala, to-wllt
Gertrude Olson,
of ItalUrd, county of King, atate of Waahlagtan ;
aworu atalcmcnt No ijji. for the purchase efthe
11H wK aecavandch) ae)( c jo, tpaaa.r a c.
w in.
Ole Christens!!,
of lUtUrd, county of King, state of Waabiagton,
aworu statement No Ijji. for the purchase of the
hj nw)i,"U uclf 19 and aK aK ' "
Ip 19 a, r ia c, w m.
Mary- A. I'denon,
of IUltanl, couuly of King, aUlc of Washington
aworn atatement No 1 jjj, for the purca of the
cM nw and cK swjirc 11, tp 19 a, r 11 , w m.
John Kramer.
of Seattle, county of Klug. slate of Woafclagtoti.
worn ataieineiu ro ius, lor ia purena c a tne
wK nw) aec IJ, and cM uH 11, tp aa s, r 11
e. w ia.
That they will offer proof lo show that t lie Und
sought ia more valuable for it timber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, aad te eaUoHsh
their clalma to aakl Uud before th Kegiatar and
Keceirer at The Dalle, Oiegoa, en Monday,
Dccemler JI, looj.
They name aa wltneaae. Gettrade OHon.
Mary A lctrrson and Ole ChrbteuacM of HallarU.
Washiugton, John Kramer of SvaUU. Waahing
ton; O llcwaou of Seattle. U'ashlstaMM; John
IHos. of Hend, Oregon, Andrew Caibiou. 1'
Adolph relersou. Atinicw Johuwn, Loalt John
aoH, Andrew AiHlcraou of MiuatMlHrtb), Minn
Any aud alt pcraoha cUimlng adrreacly ihf
abovdrcribl Uud are ruted to file their
eiatm In Ihb) o Bice ou or before thaaaad Jin day
of Ieciuber, 194.
Timber Laud, Act Juu J. 17-
V. S. Laud Office, Lakevtew Oregon.
Sratcanbrr to. is'.t
Notice la hereby given thai lu couip.i.nKr w it.t
the woviluii oflne Act of CiMgrea uf June t.
ia7, smlltUsl. "An act for the aale of timber landa
lu Ibc atataw of CaliforaU, Oregon. Nevada, and
Wusliliigton Territory," a ratriutrd to all the
public Und state hy Act of Auguat 4, 1'w,
William A Taylor,
of Chicago, couuly of Crook, atate or Illinois,
ha nleillti thU omc liU awuru ktatrwciit No
t.j. for the pnrcltaae of tin el tr, aec 49, e
uc t(r aec i, tp aa a, r 9 e.w in.
And wilt oiler proof to allow that the laud
ought la more valuable for iu timber or atone
than for agricultural purttoara, niul lu ralablUh
hU cUIni to aald Uud before J. M. Luwreiux-,
V S CouirnhMloiter at Mend. Oregon, 011 1'riday
the nth day of December iu.
He namaaaa witneaaea William J 81 Thomajt
uflMrlUtid, Oregon. It W Kttal, John Steidl, W
vatiuevert, 01 ueacnutca, tirogou.
Any and all persons cJalmlng adveraely the
nlMivcKlascribrtl laud ure reotleatad to file thltr
cbtlnia In this office ou ur before the aald llllt
day of December 190J.
ooAltt jT M- IIKATTAIN Register
-- -.fcW