The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 13, 1903, Image 6

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    Timber Land, Act June 3, I5;8.
U. S. I.nd Office, The Dalle. Oregon,
October it, lyy.
Notice In hereby given tlit III compliance with
the provision ofthe Act of Cotigrewt or June 3,
1K7S. entitled, "An art for the rude ol timber lands
in the stale or California, Oregon. Nevada, und
Wellington Territory," a extended to all the
public land Males by Act of August 4. lv, the
following-named persona have Med litthlaofnce
their aworn statements, to-wlt
Lowly C. Williams,
or Jhickly, county of Tierce, Male of Washington:
worn atatemctit N'o tjtS, filet) March 19. 1903.
for the purchase ofthe nwjf ec 33, l '7 a, r It
e, win.
Andrew It. Grodae.
of Hannah, counlj-of Cavalier, Hale of N. !
kota. sworn statement No 1717, filed March If,
1903. for the purchase of the awtf ec t?, tp 17 a,
r ti e, w m.
of MackdtKk, county of Hellraml, Haleof Minne
sota, sworn atateinent No lM. filed March 11.
19M, for the purchase ofthe v tec J, tp I? , r
11 e. w in.
Ittlta Murphr, m ,
of Newberry, county or Luce, stale of Michigan)
sworn statement No t&49. filel Vcby. II, J. for
the purchase of the 17 ,r 11 e,wm.
Nellie O'Leary,
of tlemtdjl. county of Itellraml. state of Minne
sota, sworn statement No !, filed l'eby. it
ljj, for the purchase of the uetf sec 8, tp 17 r
lie, if m.
William T. Murphy.
ofNewberty, county TLoce, state ofMlchUanl
sworn statement No 1&47. filed l'eby. 11, 193, for
the purchase of the nwK sec ai, tp 17 a, r it e,
That they witl offer proof to show that the land
nought ts more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, and to establish
their claims to sahl land before the Register and
Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday,
January 9h. loai.
They name as witnesses: Mark Maynard,
V'red Haasc and K M Haasc, of Sumner, Wash
ington. Andrew II. Giodars. of Hannah, N Da
kota. NiohoU Smith, of The Dalles, Oregon,
Lowly C Williams, of Illicitly, Washington. Peter
hpilman and Thomas Tweet, of The Italics, Ore
con, John Dokkcn. or Deschutes, Oregon. Will
iam T Murphy and KHia Murphy, of Newberry,
Michigan; Nellie O I.earv ofllcmklji. Minnesota.
William N Dowser, or llemidli, Minnesota.
Any and alt persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands arc requested to file their
claims In this office on or before the said 9th day
or January, K04.
crj-dij MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3. S?S. .
V, 9. Land Office, The Dalles. Oregon,
scptcntDer 5, 1943.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
ip nmvissnns oftbr Act of ConeTr-ss of tune 1.
17. entitled, "An act fur the saleof timber lands
In the state of California, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
fiubltc land states by Act of August 4, 9. the
ollowing-naracd persons have filed In this office
their sworn statements, to-wit
Joseph N. Hunter
of Albany, counts- of Linn, state of Oregon:
aworn statement No 470. filed June 4. tv. for the
purchase ofthe ney sec 4. tp 10 s, r l e, w m.
James Hunter
or Albany, county of Linn, state of Oregon,
aworn statement No 469. filed June J. iosj, for the
purchase of the nw( sec 13, tp 19 s, r is c. w m.
That they witl offer proof to show that the land
ought is more valuable for its timber or tone
than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish
their claims to said land before J. M. Lawrence.
I S Commissioner, at Deschutes, Oregon, on
Saturday, the 14th day of November, 191.
They naae as witnesses: J N Hunter, James
Hunter. J I West, Chat Ilrock, K King, of lleu.l,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims la this office on or before the said 14th day
of November, tyal.
sunn MiCllAP.L T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 17.
17. 8. land Office, The Dalles. Oregon,
September 5. 1903.
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions ofthe Act of Congress of June J.
iSt. cntUM. "An act far the sale of timber lands
In the statta of California, Oregon, Nevada, ami
Washington Territory," aa extended to all the
public laud stales by Act of August 4, 1691, the
following-named persons have Bled la this office
their sworn statements, to-wit.
Mary MeTaggart
of The Dalle, county of Wasco, stale of Oregon;
aworn statement No 127. filed Sept 15, 191. for
the purchase of the scif aec 9, Ip 19 , r lae.wm.
John Hutchlns
of Albany, county of Linn, state of Oregon;
sworn statement No 44., tiled June 4, 1992, for the
purchase of the wjf sec 24. tp 19 s, r 10 e, w ra.
Lewis I. Terhunc
ofAWany, county of Llnu, state of Oregon;
sworn statement No 47, tiled June 4, ioo,for the
purchase of the aejf sec 23, tp 19 a, r 10 e, w m.
John K. Lee
of Ilenson, county of Swift, state of Minnesota;
sworn statement No6oj.fild Juue 19, 1901, for the
purchase ofthe swj sec 11, tps. r ie, w m.
Don Taylor
of Anita, county of Cast, state of Iowa; aworn
statement No 74, filed July 3, vu. for the pur
chase of the nH swK and uHsetf sec 3, tp 11 a,
r ioc.w ai.
Slary Taylor
of Harrington, county of Lincoln, state of Wash
ington, sworn statement No 733, filed July 3,1092,
for the purchase ofthe 11 H nwff aud wk nef
see 20, tp it a, r 10 e, w m.
That they will offer proof to show that the land
sought ia more valuable for it timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
their claim to said land before the Register and
Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, oil Tuesday,
the 1st day of Ikcetaher, 1903
They name aa witnesses. Ceo lutes, Allen N
Ilenncr.of Ikitd, Or, John MeTaggart, Chart
live, of The Dalle, Or, Ryal Huuhlns, I II
llutchtus, Lewis ! Terhunc, John Hutchlns, or
Albany, Or. A 1. 1'etrle, J V ifc.Msliou, of Port
land. Or; W I btauger, I II I'rathcr, of Spokane,
Wash, C A Johnson, of Negord, Minn, C A Carl
son, of Murdoek, Minn; Mary Tailor, of Har
rington, Wash, II I, Richardson, W II Taylor,
It A Taylor, of Wlote, Iowa; Don Taylor, of
Anita, lowu.
Any and all tierson claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to file their
claims lu this office on or before the said 1st day
of December, ivai.
ail-nij MlCHAIiL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber land, Ait June 3, ifrj.
U. 8. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
September 3, 190J
Notice a hereby given that iu compliance with
the provisions ofthe Act of Congress of June J,
1978. enllllctl, "An act fur the sale or timber lauds
iu the state or California, Oregon. Nevada, aud
Washington Territory," a extended to all the
public laud states by Act of August 4, !9,
Itom Cltck
ofl'rinevllle, county of Crook, state of Oregon,
hat on June 7, 1902, filed lu this office hi tworu
statement No 489, for the purchase or the uw;
ace 23, tp 19 1, r 10c, w in,
And will offer proof to show lhat the land
sought It inore valuable for it timber or stone
than fur agricultural purpose, and to establish
'hi claim to said laud befure W. A. Hell, V. K.
Commissioner, at I'rlneville, Oregon, 011 Mon
day, the Klh day of November, lyu.
lie name a witness, James sharp, Champ
Smith, Thomas H. J.afollelt, Isom Clcck, Charles
Smith, of I'rlneville, Or.
Auy and all person claiming adversely the
above-described land arc requested to file their
claim ill thl office on or before the said 16th
day of November, loaj. I
an-nij MICIIAI5L T. NOLAN, KegUter. I
Timber Land, Act June J, i!-.
V. S, Land Office, Lakevlew, Oregon,
Svplemlxr S, ivy.
Notice Is hereby given lhat In compliance wllh
the provisions of Hie Act ufCuiigitss of June t,
l9rS. enllllctl, "An act Tor the sale of timber lands
lit the states ir California Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Terrltoiy," as extended to nil the
public land state by Act of August 4, iSM.Ihc
followlug-uamcd ersons have this day filed In
this olllce their sworn statement, to-wit.
Ole Larson,
of llelmont. county ur Traill, state of North Da
kota; sworn statement No l75. for the putchaje
uf the tiwtf wt sec lit seW and swjf sejf
sec 19, tp Jl a, r 14 c, w m
Veder It Kttncii(
of Climax, county of lvlk. slate of Minnesota;
sorn statement No i7. for the purchase f the
11 H (, swtf sw)f sec 11 and neV se), sec l,
tp 11 a, r 14 e, w m.
Itsteu O IMtnwu
of Climax, comity of Polk, state of Minnesota,
sworn stalrmenl No 1S74, for the (Hirehase of
the iie( sec 10. tp II , r 14 c v m
That they v, ill offer proof to show that the laml
nought I more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural puriHwes, ami to establish
their claims to said land before J M. Lawrence,
tl ti. Commissioner at lie ml, Oregon, on Toes
day the 13th day of December I9J , .
They name as witnesses, Ole Larson of llel
tuont. North IMkola, I'eder K Ksttnseu of Cli
max, Minnesota, listen O llstensoui of Climax,
Miunevila; Loots Nelson, of llcnd, Oregon
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file their
claims lu this office on or bcfutclhc said 13th iwy
of December, tyoj.
09Hlit It. l. IIHATTAIN RcRlster
Timber Land, Act Juue y KjJ.
U 8, Land Office. Lakevlew. Oregon,
September 29, ioaj
Notice I hereby given that In compliance with
the provisions of Hie Act of Congress of June 3,
IS;S. entitled, "An act for the sale or Umber land
In th- state of California, Orrguu, Nevada, aud
Washington Territory," as extended to all the
public laud slates by Act of August 4, iVM. the
following-named persons have filed In this office
their sworn statements, to-wit
Ante Aniundton,
of While ltarth, county of Ward, slate or North
Dakota; sworn statement No Iy7. for the pur
chste or the iiw) nwtf sec 13. "H aud i)(
ne( sec 26, tp 21 s, r 14 e, w m.
I'eter Nerseth.
of White Harth, county of Ward, stateef North
Dakota: sworn statement No ISV for the pur
chase of the nfc uwK.swK n( sec 2, and nejf
ue; sec 27. tp 21 . r 14 e. w in.
Rertrude smrrud.
or White ltarth, county or Ward, slate of North
Dakota, sworn statement ?e iry. w ine pur
chase ofthe nH neX. swJpicH. e) nwX sec
34, tp 21 , r 14 e. w m.
John A. Carlson,
of White ltarth, county or Ward, state of North
Dakota, sworn statement No 191, for the lur
chase ofthe wHswK.seK (( sec jj, Ip lis,
sec 14 e, and untf n! sec 2, tp ti s, r 14 e, w w
Helga M Muus,
of White Harth, county of Ward, state of North
Dakota, sworn statement No IV", for the pur
chase of the sctf sec 34, t 11 s, r le, wm
That they wilt offer proof to show lhat Ike land
sought ts more valuable for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and lo establish
their dalms to said laud before J M. Lawrrwar,
l' S. Commissioner at Demi. Oregon, est I'rtday
the nth day or December lyaj.
They name as witnesses. Louis Nelsen. Ole
Hrickson, or llcnd, Oregon; Arne Amundsun,
I'eler Nerseth, tlertrude sntcrud, John A Cart
son aud Helga M. Muus, all of White ltarth,
North Dakota
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to file their
claims In this office 011 or before the said nth
day of December, KiJ.
odil kTm. 11KATTAIN Register.
Timber land, Act June 3, l8f.
V. S. land Office, The Dalles, Oregon,
ucieecr 12, I9j
Notice II hereby given lhat In compUancc with
ie tiruvislous uflhe Act of Conzres of June 1.
isrl. eutllled, "An act for the safe of timber lands
In the stale or California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory,' a extended to all the
public land states by Act of August 4. '. the
following-named persons have filed In this office
their sworn statements, to-wlt.
Robert O Hoarser,
of IUrnum. county ot Carlton, state of Minne
sota, sworn statement No ija, filed l'eby 21.
iy, for the purchase or the sex ect, tp 7 r
1 1 e, w m.
Mary Atkinson,
of Deschutes, county of Crook, state of Oregon,
sworn statement No 1H70, filed May 24, lyaj, foe
the imrchaseof the ne)i see 27. tpns, r 11 ,wm.
John Atkinson,
of Deschutes, eeunty of Creek, state of Oirgon;
sworn statement No t$i, filed l'eby. 21, lyss. for
the purchase or the ue) sec 2, tp i s, r 11 e,
w m.
Richard King,
of Deschutes, county of Crook, state or Oregon;
aworn statement No 1652, filed Vcby 21, 191, for
Ihe purchase of Ihe swjf w), 11 X iw(( and
nwf sci sec 29, tp9, r 11 c. win
Thai they will offer proof lo show thalthcUnd
ought is more valuable for it timber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, ami to establish
their claims to said laml befure J M Lawrence.
V. S. Commissioner, at Deschutes, Oregon, on
Monday, January 11, 1904.
They name as witnesses. John Sleidl. John
Dokkcii, John I West, W II Ilrock, David Hit),
II Marsh. Richard Kins-, lohu Atkinson. Marv
Atkinson, J N Hunter and jame Hunter, all of
Dcscnutrs, Oregon.
Auy and all persons claiming' adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claim in this office on or before the said nth day
of January, 1904.
ojdJ MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Register.
Timber Land, Act June 3, 17.
V. H. I J ml Office, Lakevlew, Oregon,
septeinlier29, 190s,
Notice I hereby given I list in compliance with
ie nrovision ofthe Act of Conereu of lutic .
17. entitled. "An act for the sale of tlmUr lands
in the slate of California. Oreeou. Nevada and
Washlngtun Territory," as extended to all the
public land state by Act of August 4, Ift9t, the
tollowlngMianied persons have filed In this office
Iheir sworn statements, to-wit:
Afflni.. tnutilu i,r 11 l(bI nf f I,i,i..aI.
sworn statement No li, for the purchase of
luc lie qr sec . ip 21 s,r 14 e, w 111.
John Kdward Johnson,
ol Climax, counLy of I'olk. slate or Minnesota;
aworn statement No ily), for the purchase uflhe
nw qr sec 4, tp 21 , r 14 c, w m.
Albert tipokely.
of Climax, county of I'olk, slate of Minnesota;
aworn statement No 1I40 fur the purchase of
thciiK nwqnseqr uwqr.nwqr neqraec i.tpti
, r 13 e, w 111.
llcrdln Kpokely,
or Climax, county of lvlli. state or Minnesota,
sworn statement No 1141. for the purchase ofthe
wj, se qr, et w qr sec I. tp 21 , r 13 e, w in.
Alexander Spnkely,
of Climax, county or I'olk, state of Minnesota;
sworn statement No 1K42, for the purchase of Ihe
aw qr lie qr,w)4 se qr w qr sec 21 , r
14 c, w in.
That they will offer proof lo ahoiv that thcta lid
sought I more valuable fur it timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
Iheir claims to said land before J M Lawrence,
V K. Comuilssiouer at Ileud, Oregon.ou Wedues
ilay, Ihe 6thday of Deccmler, 1903.
Tliey name a witnesses; Guttaf Tarnqucst,
John I M ward Johnson, Allien Spoketn llerdlu
Siiokely, Alexander Spokely, all ol Climax,
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
abot c-described land are ren nested to file their
claim lu thl office oil or before the ald 16H1
day ofDrronUier, 1903-
oydu i't. U. JJUATTAIN Kegltter.
Timber Laud, Act June 3. l7".
U. S. Land Office- l.uktvlcw, Oiegun,
Hcptemtxr JV. I9M
Notice Is hereby given that liicouipllHUce wllh
Ihe provision uf Ihe Act of Cunures of June A,
l7. culltlcd, "An act fur the snlcof lluilvei laluls
In Ihe slate ufCaliriirulit, Oregon, Nevada, and
Washington Titrltory," as extended lo nil Ihe
liubllc land state by act of August 4, 'hi, the
loltowiug-unmrd tiersou )ire riled In this
uthec their smini stateiutult, tu-wll
IMwatd It. Iliiiilgau,
of lurliige, county ofColuiiibln, stale of Wlseou
slu; swum statement No 1M1, for the purchase
of theeH eH sec 7,aiulv)4 twU , Ip 11 a,
r 9 e, w in
UrickJ MyiiiiRii,
r Chippewa l'alls, county orchlppvwa, state of
Wisconsin, sntKii stnteinrnt No IXJ. for the pur
cImsc ofthe wtn sec ft and n)t nK ec II,
tp l , r 9 e, w in
Thmlur lluvUiml,
of lltoomcr, county 'of ChlHiw, slate of Wis
consin, sworn statement Aw IHM, for the hii
:lieof the sH mH. "M tw)( sec 11. tp , r
9 e, w in
Ol II. HlgsUd,
of Rice Lake, county of Ikiirou, stale or Wl-tim-siniswuru
statement No iwtj, for thepuichase
ortheH setf.seV K sec to, aud nM WK
sec ij, Ipti . r9. w in.
That they will offer proof to show lhat the
laud sought Is more valuable for Ha limber or
stone than for agllciitlutal purposes, and lo es
tablish their claims to sahl laml before J J.
Smith. Counts Clet k. at I'rlneville, Oiegun, 011
Tuesday the 13th day uf lieceMitier 1903
They name as wllnesscsi lMwaril n Duulgan.
of Pottage, Wlsrtinslui lltlck J ,Mrmau, or
vmiqicw raus, vtismiisiu; inetxhir nuviawi.
uf llloomrr. Ntlevusin llle It sIxsImI. of Rice
Lake, Wlsinsiii. D S Wllhctm, id liva, iliegon.
IVrry I' Poiudexler, Ora liludexter. Wm R Me-
lntlsiul uf I'rluevllle. Oregon: Donald I' Slell.
William llrovk of Deschulea. Orveon
Any aud all persons eUlmlug adieisely the
sooicuexTlOTM lauiis aie rtquesietl lu nie uieir
claims lu Ibis office oil or before the said IJtli
day of December, Ivo.t.
ovxlii It M. IIRATTAIN Register
Timber Laml, Act June 3, lltr.
17. S. Laud Office, Lakevlew, Oregon,
Septemlier 1. ivO-
Notlcc Is hereby given that lu compliance with
the provisions of the Act of Congress of Juue 3.
i7, entitled. "An act (or the lc of timber land
lu the stales of California, Orrgon, Nevada, and
Washlngtun Territory." as extended In all Ihe
public laml stale by AM of August 4, IV
oteJoriH Israetson,
of I'rlneville, county of Crook, slate of Oregon,
has filed III this office his swum statement No
3. for the purchase of the swyf swH V.
eH sell sec ,mi( nwtj sec M, ne qr ne qr set
31 s. r loe. w m. and wlUsHler pro..f to snow
that the laml sought Is more valuable for It lim
ber or siene than for agricultural Horpvse, ami
to establish his claim to said land before J J
Smith, County Clerk, at I'rtucvtUe. iHegon, tm
Mommy. Ihe 14II1 day of December, lyui
He Ham s wllisesses. II. A. Fu-Ier. C H
Krkkxm. Mlas Hodge, Kalvh Jordan, all of
iTiuevnie, invgofl
Any aud all persons ctalndHg adversely Ihe
above-described lands arc rtHUtsltd In Ale their
claims In this offke on or heM c IhcmmI 14th day
of I December, 193
odll K M. IIRATTAIN RetMer.
Timber lnd. Aft June 3, iM
V. 8. Land Offke, The Dalle. Oregon.
(Xtobrr 19, ly3
Notice Is hereby given that In etpliHe with
the provlsiousof the Act of Congre of June 3.
Uf. eutltlr.1. "An act for Ihe 4teof Umber lamfs
In the states of California. OlegsHi, Nrv4. ami
Washington Territory," aa estemled to all the
ixiMIc Uud stales by Act of AwhsI 4 . the
fwlbiwtHg-namcd irsons have filed lu this omce
their sworn siatemeuts, to-wlt.
Annie Kamttad,
of Grand I'erka. county of Or and forks, stale of
North Dakota; sworn slatmet No mn, filed
Vcby 13, tyu. for the purehas ofthe Ixt 4. sw)(
nwjj aud w) !( sec 3, Ip ws, r 13 c, w m.
MarU Dickson.
of Rramt forks, county of lieand Harks, slate nf
.itrni iMkoia, swum statement u 133. niesi
Veby 13, 19113. for the purchase uf the uw)( sec
17. tp 19 , r 13c w m.
(leorgc Salismiry.
efdrand Vorks, county of Orami fork, stale of
North Dakota, sworn statement No Mj, filed
I'rby 13. ffix, for the Mtrchase af Ihe Kh 27,
Ip 20a, r ti e, w m.
IMward V Kailebt.
of Hast Crawl forks, of I'olk, sUleof
Minnesota, sworn sialemenl Mo 1631, hwd l'eby
If. iJ. for Ihe purchase of Ike Isswt 1 and 1 aud
eH hwK sec 7. t 19s, r 13 c w m
Jame II. Salisbury,
of Grand fork, cvuuly ufiiraad forks, state of
North Dakota, swoth stalemeut Ha mjs, filed
l'eby 13. 1903. lor the pwrckas of the seK 7,
Ip 2s, r II e, w 11.
That they will offer woof to show that Ihe laml
sought l more valuable for Us tlmlier or stone
than for agricultural purpose. nd lo establish
their claims to said land before the Register ami
Receiver at The Dalles. Oregon, en natisrday.
January i, 1904
They name as wiliwsses George Salisbury.
is me II Salisbury, Maria theksun ami Annie
:amslad of Grand forks. North Dakota, lid
ward V Untight of lUst Grand forks, Minne
sota. Orin J Gray, Richard King and John Stebll
of Deschutes, Oiegun. John I'.lder, of I'rlnrville,
Oregon. Jame Kurlght, of t.rawd 1'wtks, North
Dakota, J 1 Herrkk. uf The Dalle, Orrguii.
Any and all iiersons cUImImk adversely the
above-described lauds arc requested to file Iheir
claims In this office en or before Ike said stxh day
ol January, 104
oa-i MICHAKL T NOLAN, Register
Timber Mud, Act uhe 3, itfs.
V. H. IjikI ofhec. The IMtlen, Oregon.
Oetolier 19, 193.
Notice I hereby given lhat in hpImhcc with
the provisions uflhe Act uf Conitre of June 3.
17. entitled, "An act for Ihe sale of tlmlier lands
in the states of California, Oregon, Kevsuw, and
Washington Territory," a extewlsd to all the
iHiulk land slate by Act of August 4, ia2, Ike
toUuwing-iiamed lurrson havr filed in thl office
Iheir aworn statement, to-wit ,
John M Carroll,
of nai University Ave, Grand fork, county or
Grawl fork, state or North Dakota; sworn atate
inent No 1713, filed March i, irjj, fur the pur
chase oflhc scK ec 21, tp 201, r 11 c, w m.
Mary J Carroll,
of net University Ave, Grand fork, euuuly of
Grand fork, state of North Dakota: sworn slate
menl No ii4, files! March m, iyy, fur the ur
chase of the sej( e)f sec , swif awl awjf
se( sec 24, ip 19 , r 11 e, w in.
Ruth 41. Whalcy.
of I&i7-3rd at, Spokane, county of Hpokanr, stale
01 Washington: aworn statement No 1713. filed
March ia, 1901, for Ihe purchase or Ihe Lot ' ""'
2 and M iicK ec 2, tp 1 , r lu e, w 111.
Stephens Drake,
of Itcho, county of Yellow Medicine, state nf
Minnesota; sworn stalemeut No 1623, filed l'eby
11, i'J. for the purchase bflhe iwtf sec 23, Ip 16
, r 10 e, w 111.
Ilatvoro. Homme,
or l!cho, county or Yellow Mrdlclue, 'tale of
Minnesota, sworn statement No 1622, filed l'eby
II, i'3, for the purchase of the seU sec 21, tp 16
, r 10 e, r 111.
That they will offer proof to show that Ihe laud
sought Is more valuable for It limber or stone
than for agricultural puriiose, and to establish
Ihtlr claim to aid land before the Rcelstrr and
Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, 011 Thursday,
January 14, 1904
They name a wlturtsri John M Carroll and
Mary J Carroll, of Grand forks, North Dakota,
Ruth AWhuley aud f.tha M Whaley.of Spokane
Washington: Orlu J Gray, of Deschutes, Oregon;
Orange f Hodge, of I'rluevllle, Oregon; llalvor
O Homme and Stephen S Ilrake.of Itcho. Minne
sota;. John btctdl, of Deschutes, Oregon; Thomas
Tweet, oTThe Dallct, Oregon: Henry Homme,
ofGriiiltef alii, Minnesota. '
Any and all oersou claiming1 adversely the
abovcxlcscribedlaiid are requested to file their
claim lu till office 011 or before the said 14th day
of.Jnuuary, ipm,
030J1 MfCrtAltL Tr NOttANi Henlster.
Timber Land, All June 3, IHJS.
It. H. Land onice, The Dalits, Oregon,
tKlulier 19, IVU.
Notice I hereby given that lu rnmptianfv wllh
Hie prmlsluiis oflhc Art uf Cunuress nf June 1,
1R7N, riillllrd, "An act fur the sale of Umber laml
III the slates uf Cnllfottila, Oirgou, Nevada, nud
Washington Tenllury," as esteudrd to all Ihe
public land stales by Art nf August 4, iHy. Ihe
fullowliig named icrsiiut hare filed In thl tifllc-r
their shooi staleiiieuts, lnll
Nellie Cullrr.
of Grand folks, county of tliand furls, stair uf
Ninth Dakota sntinl stall mrnl No Ul, flleil
Oct 311, ivm for the puichnse uf Hi sell sec ",
Ip 19 s, r 13 c w m.
Amelia Salisbury,
off O. Ibis 37, tliand folk. (SHiuly id Omml
fiKk. stale uf NiHlh Dakuta, swum slslnurilt
Nu 1139, filed Oct 30, is, lor Ihe puichase uflhe
nwlf sec 19, tp 19 , r 13 e, w in.
Maud Smith,
of The 1 Miles, coHHty uf Wasco, slate uf Oregon;
swuth stalrmenl No uy, filed Oct 30, . for
Ihe imubasr uflhe nH sec l, HH wf
sec whihI ne) se)f sec 19, tp 19 s, r 13 c w m.
R Rufus Smith,
of The Dalles, conHty uf Wasco, stale ofOtegwu.
sworn statemeHt Nu 1417, lileil IKI yt, ivm. for
the imichase uflhe w) ne, sc)f ne!(aiHlnwt(
seU s, Ip 19 , r 13 e, w m.
Albeit Dkkson,
off O Dux 903, tliaml fniks, esmiily uf (traml
forks, stale ulNoitli Dakuta, sworii statement
No 143 Med IM . 19, for the liuichasc uf
Ihe HH sw(. hU self nmswl( iieK 17. If
ls.r 13 r. w in
Thalthey will offer pnwif tuslntw that the land
sought is mte valuable for Us Umber or stoue
Ihau for agricultural irpse. ami to establish
their claims IomM Unit WfiMe Ihe MegHtrr ami
Reveiver at. The Dalle, Oiegvn, oil fiida),
January IS. ll
They Hamr as witnesses Chatles II lliltbiii.
U Rufus Smith and Maud Smith, of The IMIte.
Oreswi. Alltel t IHcksun. Amelia hslidmiy ami
Nellie Culler uf Giaml forks. Ninth Dakota.
MaryC llilsbin. uf The Dalles, Oregon, Mrs Geo
satislmry.orGiaml forks. North Dakota
All) and all iieisons claiming adversely the
atwve-destrilivd lamls air iHuestd lo fik their
claims In Ibis ufhee on or bvrtxc Ihe uM 13th day
of January, 191.
o3Jl MICHAKL T. NOLAN. Register.
Timlier Land, Act June 3. iJsa.
I'. S. Land Office. The iMltre, Otegtm.
October 11, ly4
Nolke I hereby given tbl In cumulwHce w Ilk
Ike pruvi.toin of Ike Art of Cussktws of Jmhc i.
iH, eHtllled. ' Ah act foe Ike sale of limber laud
in Ike stairs of CsllhMHM. tHegon, Nevmt. sud
WaskiMglOM Territory," as esiemled lo all Ihe
publK laud Male by Art uf AM! 4, Has Ik
MUmtug.Htd persoMs base kkst in Ihk
orkeetkelr sworn staleswcMU. lu-wir
Look Jobsssoti,
of Minneapolis, rounly of llenises)N, state csf
MlHHesola, swoen siaUmeHt No ijk Med Oct
I. isM, for Ike mtrchase of Ik Lot 3 ami
4 ami H wK ec m, to m. r 14 . w m.
Audrewr Amfcrssm,
of MIhshmmiII. eoouly of lleMMetsm, stole of
MlHnesMta. swotH statement Ma ijlt fUed Oct.
14. . for Ike pstrekase of the nK sr , Ip
, I 13 e, w m
I' Adolpk fetetson,
of Minneapolis, cusutty of llsuoeviiH, stole of
Minnesota, swoen stolrmestt N) li, filed Oct.
I. im. for Ike pttrck of Ike HH HK, sw
nKm w)i Hwtf s i3.lpMs. r Ije, w m
Andrew JokHm
of Mlnmmmdk. cownly of HtHHebtH, stole of
Minnesota, sworn sUlemeul No ijH. SUM I kt.
i4, 19U3. for Ihe prckc of Ike HK see 14, Ip m
b, r 13 c. w m
Amlrew Carlson,
of Minneapolis, county of Hennepin, stale ol
Mihhi s.Aa. swoch stalemetit Nu IJM. filed tkt.
i. 19m. for Ihe pstichas of ihe eH scX n.
and eh ne sec 27. t 20 . r 13 e, w m
Thai they wilt offer twtMf to skow thai thr Vand
sought ts Hsorr vwltssblr for lis Umber or s4utsc
Hi 11 for agrkndturnl pHtmsse. ami to c-stabttsk
their tlalni to sahl UndlMlarc Ike. Register ami
Receiver at The Datta. OrefOti, tm TWutay,
Ikeember. 1. iwJ
They name a witness Andrew Caissost, I
AaMpk Peterson, Andrew Jolinsm. Lrnsk Jokit
son ami Andrew Anderson of Mlnmnpolt,
Any ami all person eUlmtttf adversely Ike
bwdescrlbd Uttds ate nsjiwtrd to Alt tkctr
ctalssx In tkls omce on or btforr Ihe sols) land day
of December, rasa,
oia-dia MlCIIAIII. T. NOLAN. ReirMer.
Timber Umi, Act Jeme 3. 7.
V H. Mnd Omce. Tke Dalle, Oregsm.
Itetuber 11. 194
Notke I kereby given Ikat In ewmplMisee wrlk
Ik provMoti oTIk Act of Cottar of Jut 1,
IS7S, enlrtkd. ' Am act for Ike sale of limber Usuto
in the stales of California. (Hegwt. Nevada, awl
Waskingtoei Territory." a strutted to all Ik
uuMk land stols by Act 04 AtsjtiHt 4. loot, tke
MbtwlHg-miHted person base filed In thl office
their sworn slelement. to-wlt:
AbbieL WhilVtN.
of Portland, county of MwltHumah, state of Die.
ton, worn svatement No 1399, filed Oct 20, two,
for tke pttrcbaacttflkc!' see 3. Ipsa s, r 13 ,
w m.
Mary It Tkkmrr.
offoret (Iroee. oxmulyof U'a.hlHgloti, stole of
trretott: sworn stalemetit No uyt, for ihe i
chase of Ihe sHhwK and Hbj wfj sec 29, Ip 20 s,
rue, wm.
NrlUc A. Sbaser.
of yto Vancouver Ave., Itortbtml. ctmnty of Mult
Htmtah. stale of Ofegtm: sworn statement No
I39. for the pttrctwts oflhc awf nwtf sec 1, sbj
iteKamt hwK K see 2, Ip 20 a. r. ne. w m
Ann L ItHftkh,
of forest Grove, ownty of Washington, stale uf
Oregon, sworn sUtewn-iil No i7, filed kt to.
iyi. fr tke purchase of the self wj(, K eH
c 20, self hwK andiiwX net, ev 29, tp 2a s,
rue, w m
IIauiiI It Mclkituibl.
ofClalskaule, county of Columbia, stale iff Ore
gon, sworn slaleuiftit Nu 1404, filed Nuvemlicr
12, '. forth purchase of Ihe ch wi, swK
nU and hw self m, Ip Jo s, r it. , w m
That Iney will offer proof lo show lhat Ihe land
sought is mure valuable fur Its limber or Mone
than fur agricultural purpose, aitd lu establish
their ctalw lo said land before the Register ami
Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, on Wednesday,
DeccHitier 23, 1993.
umr a witness, Altble L Whllteti,
liaver, of ptMltaud, OrcMOti, Hurry W
.1 iu.1 Vsunir HMcllunaldofClaUkauk.
Nellie Shaver,
oreuon, Mary HTkhuor ami Anna L ItnglWi
of I'orest Grove, OrKou; and V C Whltleu, Da-
chute, Oregon.
Any and all tierson claiming adveiely Ihe
abovedencrtlied land arc requeutd 1 llle llielr
claim In this office on or hemic Ihe sahl 23rd day
uf DecemlMr, 1901
uifr-di. MICHAItl, T. NOLAN. Register.
Homesltad Consotlilaleil
II. S. Loud Office, The Dalles, Oisgou,
(Klober I, I'M-
Notice I hetcby given that the fulluwlng-
1 ............ I...U. rlM.1 .,,.llf-. at llifclr liilvn.
lion lo make commutation pioof In support iff
their claim, and that said proof will I made
before J. M. Lawrence, V. S. Commissioner, at
Deschutes, OreKon, on Saturday, November M,
ijoj, vl:
Carlyle C. Trliilctt.
ofDchute, Oregon, If It No 1137 fur tlic ef;
ec 23, Ip IV r lie, wm.
'f.w..n Vl T rll.trll.
of Dcschule, Oregon, II It No 10M for '
twjj c 23, iijt nc uiio un ""!t - r
s, r 11 e, w 111.
They name Ihe followliiK person In prove
ii.vlrraiitliiiiou residence utioii uud cultivation
of said laud, vix:
I, C Whllttd, J L Kever, Cnssniidra A Ilrock.
'i.i.n... vi"iriuiii. I'urlvlt C 'irinlelt mid JR
Ilroclr.atlofDschutc. Oregon, .. . .
Tlmlier Land, Acl June J, lH.
tl, H, 1,11ml Ofllrr, The Dalles, Orronn,
Seiitfuiher 1, 194.
Nullrr Is hrtcby given Hint In ctiniplTaiiio wild
llic provision nf Ihe Art nf Cnugte f June 3,
171, entitled, "An acl fur Hie saleof llmbrr lauds
III the ttnlis uf California, llreunn, Nevada, aud
WashlngluH Tnillury," as eslriultd In all thr
pHbllc land stalls by Art uf AumhsI 4, iyt, the
HtlluwlHg-Hamed iwrMiii have filt-sl In IhlsuWrr
tlielr aworn statemrHla, lo-ulii
Klwiieser A Graham
uf Sitter, roomy of trtmk, slate uf Oimhhi
sworn statrmtMt Nn 473. Ahd Inu a, if,Nf ilir
puivhass uflhe ltds 1 and t and H neH see ft, Ip
14 s, r ia e. w in.
Itrlwln It Graham
nf Mklera, etwtilv of Cluok, stale nf )leMi
sworn MaicMieni Nu 471. filed June , Hsf
IHirvhsseiiflht bits a ami andH sw( s)(s,p
lis, rior. wm.
Jackie brink
of Send, csmuty uf'nk, slat ufOrrmttti wjn
stalMueiil NuAui, kkd Juue ll. re. fW the WO
ehe uflhe el iiw( ud si, uefj see if, lis M s,
r w e, ami lot 1 , Ip I . r 11 . w m.
William Mulkatl
uf Soul Clly, ewHHly of Woodbury, stale uf twi
swsHHsialtMieHt No n, filad Juue It. lJi, m
Ihe iHtiekase uflhe HH ! and Mb) swK stJ ti,
Ip la, r 11 r, w m
IMvbl II llaner
uf l,( wlstori, rouHty of Net Ceree, stale stf lilahtst
swihh siateuteNI Nam, Med July IJ.
It, lor
ami toss ,
lite pursHase 01 im sits 1 ami t see k
m4st,-s iprss rue wm
That they will offer pnuf (osltow Ikatlkembd
sostght i more vlubt fisr Its limber or 'falsi
thsii for McHUural Mtrposes, and It)
thtlr claims to said laud In for J. J SHilth,
t.oUMl llerk. at ITinvsllle, IHegem, tm Tit
day. the ilh day of Nowmlwr, ioii
rkey name a wilm..r IbtwiM HOraHam,
John W U HI. Rulurtl umMh. II A Orakam. f
whihh, 11 a itranam. i
Hiowh. I II AlWHtrNllH,
1 AllmekasM, of llH;vtne,
mk, W II fHmtts, Ckwrk-.
msieis, nr. waireH 1
Ora Poind tier. Loves ,
Or. II l Melts. W II Stewk.
1. Mrotk. Jrssruk II llHt, frank llttatM. al
Ik ml tH, William II llolllngsheail. J n HtmStetf
Host ml. ik
Any and all serstms etksilsg adversely Ike
bsr-ttecvtid bmt are irtiiirtted In iw ikesr
ebslms In tkls oWe cm or I for Ike swtd 171k stay
at .-toTvmiM-r, issu
Timber lHd, Act Ju3, -
V. H. Mud llrtk si t.kevtw. Ikepot,
Septemhat 19, lf3.
Notke I ketebv gltes tkt In isjinajllinswi with
Ike peovtstust uf ike Art of Cimgreas of Jsjtsr i,
ia trsttltled. Am act for Ik sal of limbrf Itustft
IM the tote of I'allfotsts. urrtw, Keeasta. im4
Wasklttetasi lerrituey, x vslended la oil Ike
psddk (ami stole by Art of AsnetM 4, iftot,
William l-arker.
of Iktkl. csstmtr t'f kedwond. stole of Mlttmntfci,
ha filed In this itfUre hi snm statomeat Ho
iso. for Ilk mirckas of Ike wl ntelf we at, sM it s. r ii . w mi. aad srtll otfrt
proof 10 skos. Ikal Ik land soshiM u aa
Mr foe Ms Umber oe dim lb (a atrrlrtiltat!
Mrsowt, aad to rsUluk I
km kk claim la aM kxad
before I j ikaltb.
luoulv Clrrt, l PriaeviU.
isegott. aa Tuesday. Ike 1Mb day f lluwaiisii,
He mtmeMwttae Ralph JardtM, ferry
H PaladeaUt. IN iNdaaealet, Cstoltee if.
Krtckwa. aH 0 Prtaertlk. iireajim
Any aad all tsrrsatt ctouatag adveiotly Ike
Me rja
ae keeoee
arsled la Me II
ctoiau Im Ikk oav est
oTIkeember. teat
Tktta-M Land. Art June 1. Mk.
V ft. Itmi IMfke. Lakeetow. Onaati,
"is- ''
1 keeeby given thai m ssaaatMtuwi weih
Ism of Us Act af CmsjUui af Jae j,
J. "Ah art for ike Caf tliiaxyTii.4;
fCusforitM, Onaau, lVreakv and
neat. ia. laai
Nwike Is kert
1st slsaslalsaaf
U'asMHiksa Terrvlovy." aa rstomtod to at the
mthlM Gm4 stole Sy art of Antra. 1, Maya,
Kraesi 11 Wall,
of rrtKevtlle, cental nflruok. stole af Ontsjti,
has filed In Ikk offke kk swotM stoteaaeM Ma
171. for Ik parekaae vd Ik Lot l. 4, Hejf
svK of sec 31. Ip ii , r ite, w m . aad win oil. r
proof to how Ikal Ik toad sxMasjM to MH
raluakW for lu limber or dots lka for afiwal
torwi uuu ami toeitabluk bssctola la said
lurwl Iwtrpuar. aud loeeUMli
laad befoee 1 I amllk. cotsal
laml before J j amllk. voaatr Clark, at Prkt-
vtlle, oreirea, om Tuesday. Ike islk star al
December 1901
II aaase a wiisww Heary A. Iakn,
Charbm II krkksoa Ralph JordaH. Artskftast
Uavto, allot Pllaevlllc, iMegua.
A My aad all psrsmss elalmlae aaWaHv Ike
aaat dwctibed lead are leooeetod la Ma UujH
ctolHss la ikk odke im or befoee Ik sM Ijsk4aj-
of Ikcemlwr, son.
oa-dll K M HM ATTAIN, Retjt-tor.
Timber Land. Act J mm 3, ttyaV
II. Is. Uud tHtke, Lakeeiew. OHKtkli
skplemlhrr at, at3
Netke to kereby given Ikal Im camidkiaa with
Ike prorkkm oTlke Art of Cutter af Jshm 1.
i7, cHlitkd. " Am art lor Ik saw of limber lamis
Ih Ike stale of California, (kegsm, Nevada, fd
WaklMtoM Teinioey," a esieaded to all Ike
Cbtar laml Mala by Art of AuauH 4, 19. lite
lowtHg-Mamed pcrxMS kave kkd hi Ikk uiWai
Ikelr swNM atolesaeal to-wlt
Wallace M Realt.
or VaskoH, ttmnly of Klug, stale of UWtbaJsttl
swMMsiuteMMt No 1714. for Ihe pttreka-e aTlbe
HH hH ssc 17. It i . r 11 . w m.
Ckarie W Jaatsl,
of VaslsoM, county of KlHf. stole of WasklMtdatt,
sworn stoleMMMt No 1713, for the pttrcfc oTHw
H hwK and hH swK sec 17, Ip l , r If . w m.
HUea llarilnaloti,
of VaskoM, ctmnty of King, stole of tt'askrHifdt 1
swoth stMtsHteui No 171, for Ike parch oTlh
sK swK, M sX sec l, sK wH ; 17, Ip tl
r 11 , w m
That Ihey will onVr in-oof lokow lhat Ike Ukd
ought k mute valuable bar II tiMther or Mjuw
lluth for arlc.ullurl uurboae. ami to as hi Willi
IbrtrrtalHtsUtsaid toud btfotvj. M. UnHNN,
I'. S. LommksutHer at Rend, llfegtm, mt kaiMf.
day the oik day uf December. HJM
They name aa wllnea
M. Hettll,
Char Us W. Jacob, lllku liariiukm, of VaskoM,
WalilNglwt, Isaac W. Wlllutms, AHtst rltv
slmw. lttUml, iHegoti, f C U'hllleM, Miih!
Any ami all person dalmlng
cUlmlng adveieely Ilir
eioueiedlo ftW thetf
before lite M talk ilay
atiovsr usi isimi wsw si. 1
ctolHts 111 nils otaoe on or 1
Jiidn " K. M. MMATTAIlf. R.Btdtr.
TlmUr Uud, Ad June 3, itft.
U. H. Land Office, The Ikllea, OreOH,
Otlulier if, I9HJ.
Notice It hereby given that In ctHiiidUikc with
the provision ofthe Act of.OiugrrM iff June 1,
i7! 'entitled, "An art fur Ihe sale oftlmNrlfliHlr
lu thesUU'sijfCalifuiula, Orvgmi, Nevada, KiHl
Washington Terrilury," it cxludd In nil the
public luiul state by Att of August 4, 1K9.
Herbtnt C Gicug,
or Walla Walla, eininty or Wnlla Wnlla, sjnte of
Wash. Im 011 Oct 4, 1902, filttl In this office hit
worn statement No 1272, fur.lhv piirDlukM'uflhfi
HH I'").' sec 29 nud lib IlcJf of sec v, Ip 19,,
riie.w in,
And will offer proof In show that the land
sought I more valuable for It tlmla-r or sone
than for ugriculturul puriiose, and lo eslalillsh
tlitlr claims to ld laud before the Rcglsltr and
Receiver al The Dalle, Oregon, on ntluewlay,
Ihe 13II1 day uf January, I94
He nuini'sus witnesses. Om I'olmlexlcr, P II
Poiudtxtcr, of Prliievllle, Orruom l'rcd W WIU
son, Joseph PrtcM, of The Dalle, Oiegun,
Any and all person claiming adversely the
atiovrxlfsarllieil liiiidt arc rruetiil In file their
Claim hi thl office on or before the said nth day
of Jauury 1934
0301 . MICHAKL T..NOLAN, Register,