Had (roughs " I had a bad cough for six weeks and could find no relief until I tried Ayer's Cherry Pccto. ral. Only one-fourth of the bottte cured me," L. Hawn, Newington, Ont. Neglected colds always lead to something serious. They run into chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, or consumption. Don't wait, but take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral just as soon asyourcough begins. A few doses will cure you then. Tire ttiH l 25c, Mc tl. All toutita, Coniuit jour doctor. If ha nil take It. thn do he mji. It he ttllt 70a not to uk It. then don't Ukt It. lit know. Le?e It with him Wi r willing. J. C. ATKK CO Low. II. Hill. Her Mghtly Habit. Tho Doctor Is your wife a good sleeper, Sir. Stubb? Stubb Yes, pretty good. Tho Doctor Docs she go to sleep as soon ns she touches the pillow? Stubb Well er she goes to sleep as soon it!i thc touches my vest pocket. Chicago Xens. 1'lckleri ream. INekled peara aro recommended fot a delicious winter relish. Tho ripest nuil most perfect fruit U culled for. Pare mid remove tho blossom ciul. For every seven pounds of fruit nllow ft little more than hnlf tho weight of aniritr. it nlnt of older vinegar ami a cupful of water, Tho sugar, water and vinegar Is made Into n syrup with tho addition of selected apices tied In a lit tic Img. When this lulls put In the pears, whole If they arw small, halved If too largo, and lot them idmmcr gen tly for half or three-quarter of an hour. 1.1ft them carefully Into Jars, boll the syrup until slightly thick ami pour over the fmlt. A PROMINENT CHURCH WORKER SAYS SHE OWES HER LIFE TO PE-RU-NA. Apple Ilntttr I'nitdlns, An apple batter pudding Is made by slicing tart apples Into a deep dish, adding sugar ami a little witter, nml liaklug until nearly tender enough. lre paro the batter by sifting together two cups of flour, thrco tnhlcspooufuls of baking powder and a little salt Beat an egg and mix It with a cupful of milk, half a cupful of sugar ami two tablespoonfuls of melted butter. 8tJr the flour Into this mixture and pour the batter orer tho apples. Hake about twenty minutes and serve with whipped crram or a sweet sauce. This pudding may bo made with berries. Raise Bank Cashiers. One hundred and twonty-ono men nho were born and reared at Otventou, I litit'ra lutrtittiin fHiyl(tnrri rt linnl'sl since setting out for themselves in the:fn?8h or M"l' I'-". '" tmU world. This fact ns brought out atl Naked Qolncea. Me Itincral ol Salter fc. Uazlc, thai naked quinces are wholesome and cashier of a local bank, who died last delicious. Core and pare them and put week. A number of the surviving cash. thoni In nn onrthnn iiuii vm , lew of the town were present on thcoc raslou. cavities with sugar and a llttlo grated lemon rind. Add water in abundance, aa the quince Is a very dry fruit. Cover naw.' closely and bako In a moderate oven until tender and a One red. Servo OROOK OUlCK-flpeclel barxaln Hit mA.1. Cltltk tlH.I klul lllnu. .! WM WI. fUUtU ifVIIU (JIVTI IUWI, VI fcBUlVa leui, 11 in., 1770. Siuth iv-iul Chiu-d i'iow, , cold with whipped crcnm. Baked wood beatnf,8ln , IAU), alt lia anditylee In oulnoeii and nttnli tnnr alan h. ii&mI tjw. Youns- tnerlra Cream Keparatbr. No. ' lu",c aaa apples may 84SO DO UseU ko..U:8iei wind Miu.s.foot.r.2. wood whei. in combination, baking until very soft, ttludMitl. li foot. SS, Write ua for prleea on ' np nrirvwt nnnloa m iw. irA.t .iik anrtblng-ln the machinery line Rtlereon Ma- . or " "PI" may be Stuffed With chfntry Co., toot ot Wo riton St., Portland, Or. bits of quince cooked tender and then 1 baked with plenty of water In the bak lng dish. -mm -w'm? -- . -m?Z ! Mr all V a . IJallm :J,: - - -- . '!'?:-'??? ml Mt li Am m -... ..-.-. fZrMlll JP. Mrs, A)r N JlfSSKrX.vVI Complftt Brawlnr and llottllnr plant, raparliy tbreo bbli per day. for Wetia Heer, Ale and Porter, In lull operation, only or.e In Portland or orerou Lonf leaae. low rent. Addrm"Owner"or iSSS'ESm sppir at c it. iif cott. lawjer I Mulkejr UulldlUf, I"ort lanJ, Ottfon FORCED SALB FOR SALE N OLDj RELIANCE! .and still m the lead-. 0WES 'Waterproofs Oiled Clothing ILACIl OK YUXOW Corn ruddlns;. For a medium-slsrd corn pudding use the pnlp of half a dozen ears of corn. Heat tvo eggs together, add half a teoxpoonful of salt and oim and one half cups of milk. Stir In the corn pulp and bake tho whole for about two hours In an earthenware pudding dish. So mo people add a tablespoonful of sugar to the eggs in stirring them with the other ingredients. The pud ding is served on the dinner table with the meat na a. rpellili. anil la rrl. I lent- mUUKIUHUUUlUUM MM MX MM iLXTtvcr Ci loUM, Htu. VXa. nmuvjunUMwcriUi I Chill Police. ' For chill sauce use ripe tomatoes. To each eighteen allow two and one. , half cups of vinegar, ono cupful of atigar, chopped green peppers enough ;to make one cupful, three onions J chopped tine, two tnblpspoonful of mixed ground spices cloves, allsplco 'and cinnamon. Boll all together until ; a rich saucu Is formed and the flavors I are no well blended that no one is ea- Inwla1lfr illirf lnrtittint fnm .Iia n Pack In small jars and' store la a cool place. W. L. DOUGLAS 3.S2&3 shoes see You can savs from $3 to $9 yearly by wearing W. L. Douglas $3 JO or $3 taoes. Tiiey equal tnoto that bare been coal ing you from 51.00 to 85.00. The lm weiiM aa of W. L. Douflas slibei proves their superiority over II other makes. Sold by retail shoe dealers everywhere. Look for name and prlco on bottom That Deaclu nt Cor. eaaCelt preltt Ihtrt la Tilat la Uows It. ihotf. Ceroaa It the hlahMt iradt Pat.Lalktr raadi. tail Coltr Ktttltti used. Our 14 gilt tin lint eajinet It lauaJltJ at can pun. fihoti br vail, ii rtatt tilra. Ulaitrat4 CaUUf fr.. n. L. DOL'ULls, Drocktoa, Kaaa. HEADACHE M- IsA mMimmw l,mm ImmVmmmmjJmmmm Bo ft Caramela. One quart (or two pounds) of brown sugar, one-half pint of milk, one-third cup of butter, one-half cake of choco late are the Ingredients. IIolI for soft caramels nine minutes, then remove from tho Are and stir steadily for flvo minutes, but not until the mixture Is mo stiff that it will not pour Into a pan. Mark off Into squares. This can dy will bo rich and crumbly. 'Hotti my wife and HiyaelfhaTobeeia medicine we bare ever bad In the bouie. Laat utlng GASCAKKTS and their are the best medicine we bare ever bad In the bouie. Laat waeb 107 wife was frantla with headache for twodara. aba tried aomeof TOurCASOAKKTH. and tbev relieved the pain in bcr bead almoat tmmedlatelr. We both recommend Cascareu." Oaaa. BTinaroitD. rituburr Safe X Deposit Ca, I'Huburg. Pa. CANDY vraos mash aroisnato PUaiant. Palatable. Potent. Taite Oood. De Sood, Merer Sicken. Weaken, or Orlpe. 10c, fee. We. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... IllriUf Iib Ctmptmi, CliMf , MmItmI, Si Vm. lit ae-To-iAC'atocUitT,'0- Phort HuKKtatlone. Butter daintily molded and served on a tiny lettuce leaf Is pleasing. A spoonful of kerosene in boiled starch keeps It from sticking, but do not use enough to mako It smell of the oil, Scatter salt on a carpet when sweep ing, and you will not only find Jt haa a cleansing effect, but that It nlso keeps ttway moths. I A heaping tcaspooniul of pulverized chocolate for each glass of lemonade makes chocolate lemonade, that U a change from tlje usual kind. I To prevent chceso becoming moldy, wrap it in a cloth which has been dipped In vluegar and wrung as dry as possible. Keep In a cool placo. Careful housewives always havo ex tra covers of heavy muslin over tho ticking of their pillows and mattresses, which aro taken off at stated Intervals and laundered. Epicures declare that there Is a nat ural nfllnlty between tho flavor of mint nuu iicui, iiiiu uuiM .uuKiinu uuu v rvncu cooks usually add a sprig of mint to every mess of peas. To clean bamboo furniture, scrub It witli a small brush dipped In -warm water and salt, an tho salt prevents Jta turning yellow. Treat Japanese ami Indian matting In the same way. Mrs. Hattie La Fountain, Trcas. Protective Homo Circle and Catholic Ladles of Ohio, writes from Gallon, O,, as follows; After my first child was born I culfered for several months with bearing down pains accompanied by dreadful headaches. I wan afraid my health was ruined for life, ami felt very downcast about It. One day when a friend was visiting me she told me of i'erurta and what It had done for her when she suf fered with Irregular menstruation. My husband procurrcd a bottle the same evening and I began to take It dally according to directions. Mcforo tho first bottle was used I was entirely well, and you certainly have one grateful wo man's blessing. I have also advised my friends to uso It." MRS. IIATTIG LA FOUNTAIN. Secretary Woman's State Fderatiw Says: Pe-m-iia Dhs Mora Than Is Claimed for It." Mrs. Julia M. llrown, Secretary of tho Woman's State Federation of Cali fornia, writes from 131 Fifth St., Lo Angeles, Cal., as follows: I havo never known of any patent medicine which did what it profesel to do except I'eruua. Tills remedy does much moro than it claims, and while I have never advocated any ined icino I feel that it is but justice to speak a good word for it because I have found it to be such a rare exception. 'I have known evoraJ women who wero little better than physical wrecks, mothers who dragged out a miserable, painful existence, but wero inudo well and strong through tho use of I'cruna. I havo known of cases of chronic ca tarrh which wero cured in a short time, when a down different remedies had been experimented with nml without good results. I uso it myi-cll when I feel nervous and worn out, und I havo always found that the results wero most satisfactory." JULIA M. JIIIOWX. HErTBREAT FOBIUHE k .Woman Saved From Life-Long Misery and Made Happy and Useful. A woman ronilncd to tho house for several years with a chronic female deraiigemnct had finally given up Iiojh) of Iwing c u rcl. . Hho had tried physician alter physio laa, and reiaody alter rcinudy, without any permanent Improvement, Her treatment hud eost her husband who was it poor mini, hundreds of do. lurs. They hud been obliged to deny themselves ninny comfort of llfo In or. iler lo get money enough to pay the physicians. The woman hud Ix-coino weak, tier, vous und wretched, nml scitrcely nhlo to keep out o( bed. Her uhlldren were growing up neglected and rugged, Imh'iiuho of the wind if. it mother's wire. Iler htmbiinil was becoming discouraged und broken down with overwork. Ticking up tho paper ono day sho happened to rend itu Item which con tained tho news that Dr. Ilartmitn would treat such cases free of charge by letter, Hho Immediately wrote the doctor describing hur cum, nml giving him nil her symptoms. Hhe soon received a letter tolling her (exactly what to do, and what medi cine uuu appliance to get. Mm tie. gnu the treatment (the principal reme dy liclng lVniiia) at once, mid In a few week she was well nud strong again, able to tlo her own work. ( This offer ol (ree homo treatment to women is still open to all who may need tho services of this eminent phy sician, All letters applying for treat incut will ho promptly answered, and be held strictly t'oulldunthtl. Miss Auiilu llolmu, Post I'ocahnnta of Yemnssco (Timucll ol lied Men (Woman's llrnueh), writes from H72 l-.lghth Avenue, hnw torkt "Three mouths ago I wns trotibhsl with backache and a trniihlenomo heavl lies about tho stomach , Kleep brought mo no rest for it was it rest less sleep. The doctor said my nervous system wns out of order but his pro scriptions didn't seem to relievo mo, I was (old (hat lYruua was good for building up the nervous system. Af ter using it for two months 1 know now that It Is. I want to say that It made a new woman of mo. The torturing symptoms have all disappeared and I feel myself again, l'eruim did inn more got! than all the other medicines I have taken." AN.NIK IIOHAN. Miss Mamie 1'owell, Lake Charles, Iiulshina, writes: "I sincerely believe Hint IVruna Is woman's U'st friend, for It has certain ly been that to me. I had had head, aches, backaches and other aches vwry month for a long time, hut shortly af ter I begun taking I'erunii this was a thing of tho past, and I hao good reason to ho grateful. I take a ImUIo every spring and fall now, and that kcei my health erfcct, and I certain, ly am mom robust now than I havo lieeu Moro and am weighing tnore. I do not think anyone will lMitllsapolut. ed In the results obtained (rout tho use of IVruna." MISS MAMIK l'OWKLL. If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use ol Torn. na'. write at once to Dr. Ilartmnn, giv ing n full statement of your raw, and lie will 1m pleased to give you his valu able advice gratis. Address I)r, llartman, President of The llartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Well laforsasd. Mrs. K nick or Is Mrs. Jonea a well Informed woman? Mrs. Itockcr Yes, indeed; Iter cook has lived with all the other families In the neighborhood. Harper's llama r. 0 4 AOtec. Young PhysicianIf it Is Imposlble to determine tho nature of tho dlsen-e, what is the protier thing to do? Old Doctor d.ook wise and say nothing. Pros a Canadian View, Two Iloer generals have purchased 100,000 acres of land for colonliatinn purpones in Ioxloo. It Is evident that recognition In South Africa ia not advancing rapidly. UtwtMtM Right Along A good thing Uvea and takes on new llfo, and so Tbe Old Xariliabl St. Jacobs Oil 1 keeps rich! alone curing Pains and Aches Tries SSc, and 00c IfjMMt)WMM ' A Sllfhr Drawback. "Yes, it's a pleasure to see her cat corn off the cob. Her teeth aro ho white and even and her lips are so full of red, and she has tho cunulngest pose. Iiut there was one thing I didn't like about it." "What was that?" "It took flvo earn to satisfy bcr," Hits or Onto, nrrr or tqlxdo, i ., Lccii t'OUSTV. I rAmu.iisirroakeoatu tht he Is the tentor carter ol tbe firm ol ?. J. Chcmsv it Co., dolns builntnin tbe ('Ur ol Toledo, Count? and State aforriald, and that laid firm will par the sum ol ONK II UNDJtKI) DOI.LAUH for each and erery cue ol Catarrh that cannot be cured by tbe tiie ol Jliua t'aTaaii Cuai. yilANK J. CHKNKY Bworn to Ulore rne and aubierlbed In rat presence, tbli lib day ol December, A. P. UM. A. W.OI.EABON, h'otaru Public. Hairs Catarrh Cure la taaeo Intenially and acta directly on tbe blood and raucoui lurlacta ol Ibe syitern, 8nd for teitlmonlali, free. . , K.J.CIIKNBy Si CO., Toledo, O. SpWby druifliti. 76c. A. . , HaU's Vanily I'llU are ths beat. Educational Idea. "Haveyeu heard tho latest educa tional item?" asked Biggs. "No," replied Wlggs, "what ia it?" "They have - Just decided." said Biggs, "to rowrito the primer In words of five syllables for Boston children." VETCH SEEDS BHSHSSSSWHSBSMBSSSaWHSSSSjasajiutt ALSO ALL KINDS OP GRASS AND CLOVER SEED Send for Autumn Catalog Free. Mann, the Seedman, "Ve'r Portland, Or. Cause for Happiness. "Oh, look what a pretty kitten, mammal" exclaimed small Harry. "Yes," replied his mother, "and, Just think, it never erica," "Well, no wonder," replied tho youngster, "It doesn't havo its neck washed, " Kxchango, ruo's Uure r a remedy r and consumption. Try it. at druggists. ' for coughs, colds i'rico:to cents, Her Place. J)olly What place does Mrs, Itusli er hold in tho -iOO? Kitty Oh, site's ono of tho naughts, Ualtlrnore American, P.N. U. No 44-IP0J. fw HEN writing to ad vrtliM pleat I inBissi inn papr I Liver Pills That's what you nccdj some thing to euro your biliousness, and regulate your bowels. You need Ayer's Pills. Vcnetahle: . r ., a 1 ciuiy laxative. i.O, Loirt irerOo. ill, Ma... Wont your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE ftrrrcnjrtummtno a. , am ro.. Hiiinu, n it. 1 M ssaaaMaaati,,a wal n , I j aKjaeai i i 111 In time. SoldbrdruaaUti. i"jijt"i'T'i'TarysMSw ijj" ""i11 '"''"'lK)tmmWi-'AAt-'hi'mji 4 i -afer &: viimmmmmmimmiitatmmm HMfec .1B TH. ap .w