The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 06, 1903, Image 7

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    . y
Timber Mini, Act June I, fUffl.
t'.a UHilofttee, ThlMltn, Oirtteu,
ikiohcr ii. ittj.
. W M lttbr gltrtt that in .wnplkii wild
Ik pmrlMaiMoOllf Art of Cimaraiai iif June t
, tlilltlrd, "Ah act for th Mb- orilHiUr In inf.
Im Ik MilM of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
WMhlHalou Trtrllorr." a riTriidnl in all Hi
tsabll laud aula by AH of Augtltt 4, iy, IJir-Mkwlrtg-iaHid
weratoM have rtlvd In Hit (w
Hull ewof p MatritUHla, lo wit
HI IMtMHm. eoHHlr ol Carlton, all
Hi ol Carlton, alii (if Mlnni-
aoM.awofB Malrntfrtt No Itau, Aled I't
I 1'eby. i
, Ip if a.
maj. Wf lit flHicstaer ol llir aty rc I,
II , w m.
, . Mar) AlklHami, 1
tf thrarhotr, m til of Crunk, Hal of Orvtrtm,
awora aJatMttl No l7', Mini May j, wan), fur
the parch of Irtettrhf aec 17, lpa, r 11 i,kw,
John AtMttwm,
m.tN-Klmt, cootiit of Crook, etat ef oicgoai
vTarii atalrmenl Mu 151, Alrd I'rby, ti, twj, fur
lb pwreha of I he arK ac H, lu m a, r 11 ,
w M.
, . .. lrhard King.
of Itrerhatre. ruaal of nook, aula of iiiinn
aworn atalvaMal M, ,,, gul Pby. i, iui, for
Itw porchaar imT Ihf H awkj, aM "M d
Hwb; ayj arc , IM 'v. r 11 r, w Mt
TM Ihry will idCr
aauhl I mar vatuahl
Thai Ihry Will ulfrr proof I oho that the Mad
HI hi Ha limber
for Ha Umber nr atone
(hM for agrtr allure! puri
and la retaMlah
lltelf italai U Mid land be for I 4 Utttea
U. N. Cumtnleaioorr, al IMachalra, IHvguu, on
daadae. January 11. no
Mill J
tim MB aa wuiwaar.
Jaha MrMI, John
llihn I Waal. W II Hrorh. IMvM 1111.
h Nat an, Hknard
- -- -. - .... - -- - . -- -- - - -r-i - t
Klaa. luha .llklbaa. Uar
AlklMnai, J N Haatrr aadjaaw llnlf. U of
namaira. inrrm
Any aad alt mkmm daiml j4artl lh
IVaavTaaaHjajIMli art MtHnM to tl lhrlr
MM M lU ajb M ajf Wfcr tM M I Ittt Haj
TIMlwr Laivli Art Jaa , ita.
t. . Ud IMhr. Th Halt, OrafM
ortiiWri, iV-
Itarhw it hab thai la auaiajil
In prurtlluai arih Xi uf Cuaaraaa
IBM. fatHWit. "Aa art f. lh aal ufili
1 iwii IB auaaMMWe
iif CuaMraaa
lb aal ufl
la, (raua, N
H iajMfi
IML aMMhxt. "Aa art IW lb aal uflliaht
la lb ajalaa af CalWirala, (raua, MTada
aua. InrmO. IK
ra1nit1 1.1 all li
7riliir.' aa atml
MW MM aUlaa b Art of Aaaaal 4, il
klHaanl M I'anrma.
a4Hao4 (, rttinyof m, aUlaofitrtMa,
baatbMiajr Mnl lalbU "Kf bl aworn auMr
hi 4
al No hi. Inr lb aarrbaar I
' 1 lar " H
ad Wt 1 aaa) 4 uf a 1 aad b4 1,
. if i, t
1, arm,
aa win wa ima 10 naw in
amthllaiM. rafaaM tut II llaib
Ibaa lb aartratlaral aarjHiara, aad I
bia rtalia tat aahl land htfiir lb II
Aa will aTn bmaf lo .how that lb Iaa4
ralaaM fut lla IMbrr or alone
la calablltb
Rraltlrr uat
Mrlr at Taa Itallr. orrcoa, aa Muarfar, MM
l aja a tarcriaiirT
. 'art
N aaawr a
wHaraara' Maaaad
Chart V MaMrr. thard H aaruat. af lluad mr
OfMoa. A M P. ?aad.
Aa aad all avraoaa daiMlw a4rarl lb
abaji daartlbad Jaada arr rouarafrd o it Ibrtr
taMaalalhlaaVr oa m brfar lb and aiM
t, T NOUMi HrcWnr.
Ttajbtr Uad, Act jaa j. idy.
V. . Uad fbtk. Tb. IMUa. iiirtaa.
ribcra, ifn.
Notice H harrtiy glvca thai la coaapllaMv with
th irrMi'aarMjM of ib Art C-mgrtm uf ja f.
r. atttld. "Aa art tar ib alivf ttaiarr laada
la lb aulra uf CaliAiraU. iiraaaa, Na4a. aad
U'aablaatua Tvrrli
itury," aa raUadcd lo alt tb
a lr Art uf Aaowat 4. .
la a
uarawrr. imi
dwrr. of Itutalb. ooaaty of at
toabi. Utr of Mlaaaauta, I
hat aw Marc ji,
Hua. m ,- I.
BhNt Ifi IIH ! Mi
au-ora ajaiiaiiai
ara aUtraHal
la I. a aad lof
No nit f1- th aarebaa of Ib Iota
aar a, la a. r 11 , w , aad will oaVr auof to
abwibllbloatawiMla aaac tajaaM M
taa ibaba ac ataaai nai aat aaaNaaataaaaM aaaa.
pmc lb KtMr aaa mmmm m law
Th DalVra, iwcgow. oh hatarday. Dai
af Ikn IW at
Haarajbrr a.
IlKaaaM lllau
loha a achalla. of
(Mia J (tray, uf Jar
lircaoa. )nba A Tracy, i.lraa Marab
tf 11
Aa and s'l
Craoaa rtalailaa adwrcrly lb
ada arr ruraTrd to 41 Ibrtf
oiMr mi tlf WIMTO ta HaM flftol
aboro-diaii Bml
cUlaw la lata a
day of lnaabr, iou
MICIIAkt. T NUt. AN. KStur
Tiaiaar Land, Ui Jaar 1 1171
V a Uad Utarr. Tb IMIrt. Orvgga.
(Mtdarr i,
Math la bar atna that la MMaallaar wtlh
the ariiitalaan ot S Art of Coagrraa uf Jua 1.
'1. atHlad. Aa art far trw aalr uf laturr laada
tb atati of Caldlarafa, iMouati. Nevada, aad
aaaiagua Trmiory, a airaaa hi an 1a
atMlMarbr Act of Aaaaat 4. 1.
Uaatvl aatUvaa,
orrmiaa,aaaalyar Prte. atai af Wiacaiida.
haaaa 01 m. iaacJUd la tbla oc bU owora
atalraacal No 1 tM, lor Ibr tiarathiw of lb M
V M, t." i. n. Ua t m t a, lp
,r ir, w m,.
Aad will off.t W lo abow that lb toad
aoaahl la aaor altubl tor lla natbar or Ua
Ibii f'ir aarkaltural wruu, aad to aataaltoh
hb) cUho to aall Uad brfcr llw luMatcr attd
llaarlrar at Tb ttaltca, (Irajaaa. aatatiwdaj,
tw tad day of Janoary, ifaf
acaira wllaar JobH K Kajannaaai.
jmim Nlua, lacubttaaatuaaca aad I taa Itvor
om. all of l'bihl. WIaoala.
Atur aad all prraoaa rUlatrac adrty tit
ab3r iWarrHird taadaar roiuadla At llarrr
teloM Ih IhU aOlrc um or blr th mW ad day
oaif""''' 'l&K'tlAKI. T StOLAJf, Kltr
Tlatbrr Mad. Art Jaa j, HM).
V. Uad unV. UWrraw. (hsoH,
tarutf aitarr aa, Mkt.
Matin ( (tcrrh)' glM thai Ih coatlilUac trfth
111 WovtatotM uAhr Art of Congrcai of Juh 1,
iMI, alltlad. "An ait fur llir aaUoTtlwurrlaHda
In tb Mataa of Calllurata, (rrOU. Nevada am!
Waaklaaloa Trrrttorv." aa ralrndrd la all fltt
wUk latol Haua by Act of Awgwtt 4. it,
WIHlaw A Taylor,
of Cklo4B. ainialjr of Croofc. UtM of lUlwrit.
itu. tor th tNirrhaar of lb H iir. arc , H
I nia ih inia oinvr 01a bwuth iwiirwriii .-u
ii ijr tec il. to w a, r u w m,
Ah4 will ofr urouf lo allow that the Unit
aouflbl U Hiorr valoabtr (or lla llmU'r or atoll
llttvn (tjr flMhjtiltaral ihim, and In tulli
Ilia cUlwlo old land Mror J SI. Uwrettce,
V. . CoiBMlaaluacr at tttart.oregoti, oh Krlday
tliitlliUyfiicBiljrr lyiu
U thtHwi aa wliaraaca ATttUam J bt. TImiiim
ariwitoiid. Orati. II VV Hfd, jului WW1, W
VHdaH'ti of Ikkliale. firrajaii
Any ami all uenon cMIihIhk ailrcraely Hie
nlaWWracrlUrU laud ar rmiMaUar to BU, thvlr
iliiialHlliliMSoc 011 or before the muM nth
tlay f DaccmlMr iut,
infill lT M. IlKATTAIN HatUUr.
Timber VaUiirc, I'hwl l'rour.
V. 8. liHiiil Olllcc, The D.ilIcK, (Irrgnu.
Kitciulr jo, ivJ
NutlK IK liercliy Klvrn lint t'.Mirgc Mllllciiii.
bfViliieviue.orraoii, Im flunl notice uf liilen
(Ion lo inakr fliialliroiif Iwfurr V. A. Hell, V H.
QhiiiiiiImIdiiv nt III. ulfkein I'rlnevlllr, Drrifnn,
011 .Moinluy (lie tli ily of Nmember. ioj. mi
Uiulmr otillitrw niillnllii No an. for tlie !
nelf , aeW !. W wi( n,", ,,WK W wc M
l'i j r t t?i w 111. . ,, ,
lleiuimeaiw wllllli , CJiatltMi II. Denly,
jqIui iMpIIi I'trry Il.raliiJtuilir, flenry (Jrlnira,
uM6 MICIIAltl. T. NOI.AN, Kcfjletcr-
'I'linUr Mii'li Ad Jmie t, im
V. n. Mint otftct at l,nk)cw, Orritoiti
HriiMlir . li
Hi.lUr la lirictiy ulrtli lluit In itiillfljir wltli
Id irfUiuiM uf Hi Aft iif Cotijff of Jim j,
iNM. rtililkil, "All act firtliralnripntrliiiHf
In Idr tjalraof Callfirtiila, oimi, NmiiHi. anil
naaiiuiHiaii KiMiiiiy, aa aintwrn li an in
huh iaH'1 maira uy nil i aw
4, lvl. (Imp
In Ihla office
lotlowliiy-iiaitinl Ktuna liarr
Itxlf hihii alalFinriila, t-wH
llmiaa ;. UioumI,
af IihUiihUiic, tfiwnly nr Pwtk
y ni Pwlk, nuu nr art
it 161a Air 0i imicliaM
Vim. inMn nairitirnl
01 lh
hK re 11. If a. r
William A Heotl,
r ImlvtieMiltHer. ruunly iif lilk,talr n4 Oryaun
wofii UIltinl Nu iiy fut tin iwrvhan nr llir
K Mwty ami n(4 wK arc 11 li i a. r 11 , w tu.
JriiNl !. VII,
nriHiirHiiHar,ntMHly of l'olk,tal afOto,
awurn MalrmrHl No ij for llir pamliaw of Ibr
wit; 14 a 11, r awb; ami mw c 14
Iftli a, r 11 , wm
UrnrarA VII,
of lmlimr, nmntr or Polk. tal of Or.
Sun, wuf h ataUMrni fro tti air lb parctuM f
w wH " a jaauilcM K 7 tt 11 a, r
111, aw
Hank I'. V
1 fcriti
NjTlMilijrMilM. roaalviM IWk. alalr uf Ota
(oh , awar a ataurmtit Nu tor rr lb oaretuMr af
in aitnwH ana wn'"H rrifi fi air 11 (w in
aim W ilurstir,
MMty of ML tt
HI Nh ij fWr lb lairi
of ladrurNdfnc, euaaly of Mti. tt if Otf
imi awora ataamHt Hh lfj for lb f ( of
r H awy aad wk tr)f r, tp 11 a. r 11 .
CaiNiHodoi I'. Wetta, 1
of lHjdbdHr, routitr of folk, tUIr af Ore
yoa, awora Mtmrnl No iltla) for lb llt
of Ibr MK mc ai, ti 11 a, r 11 r, w hi
1'raaW I, (lioalid
of hatrw fliUt.o.nHtr of Pidk. Ulr of Oimh,
wrn altaMM Nu iaf for lli iwrcba or lit
hwM arcrtlMii a, r 11 , w m.
That ibajr wilt u(Tr woof tmliow thai Ih land
aoaght la aaorr iluabl for It" IlioUr or atone
Ibaa aw rtaaltHral KOfhoM. aad lo ulahtlati
IkrtrcteftMta td Vattd Ufot . J. amrth,
Ccntnty Llci U. at (HiHrvtlle, OraaitiM, on Hatar
day tb yihday af il(Mtir, ii
They aaaa aa wttaor I'raak I'. Oroaad. of
Hwroa Vtcta, Qrvfua, iura A St tU. WIUUin
A. aculi. IUndrw V Marohy, Coramooor I.
WtHaafladrumdraw. ltaaoui I'. C. WkUl.ll
of HurUaad. (Hcawt
An aad all arraoaa ctalMlac adnt tb
aburlnbd Janda arc rMoreied lo kl Ibrtf
ctataMlatblaoaWcMMot twfor l Mid tthday
of Iwwartwr, l
Timber latHd Act Jaa t- T
t). H Uad ftaV at Ukcrhrw, orrjon,
Myit. i. io.
Notle I brrvby la that la cowbUaooa vrttb
the arurlatoaa uf lb Art of Coagr of Jaar j.
u7, aliild "Aa art fr Ibr Ml of Itarbrr
laada lu IhraUtra of Catlfurata, (rm, NrvacU
aad Wuahlaelua Trrrllurv." a rati
to all
Ibr uaii'k laad italr by Art uf Auaaat 4, i.
tbr Mknelaa Maaaed Mraoaa kiwIM IH tbla
Mkr lhlr aara atalrairtit tu-wtt
Chart II bradahaw,
of Tb HaHra, roaaty of Waro. rial of OraoN.
ewura tataaat No i; for In parrbaa of tb
Hwtt.awl4 aw(. ar 1 aad hV arK. Mt itful
a, r 11 . w M
llaaaah A, bradahaw, ,
of Tbr Itatkrs. coaaty of Waco, atai of Uivaan,
awora aUlvwiral No ir for In aatebaM of lb
ah toK.afcjK-ad aH K Mattatta. r
11 . w at
Harry W. MclMaatd,
of ClaMiaail. coaaty aCnlambja. UIof (Hr
(, awora atauaarat No 1M7 for Ib ,iwrchaie
uf ib hH c 11 u 11 a, r 11 e, w m.
That Ibey wltl oftrr trruof to bow that Utc land
aoaitht la Murr valaabl for It llMbrr or atonr
tbaa for aartcarilaral HiaM, and to eatabUah
Ibaurataaaia to Mid laad bM 1. 1. BwaHh
Coaaty Clark, at rYlamll. orccaw. MowrUy
Jb yta day of 0cabr, iaa.
Tby aaaw aa wttnc. Chart It. Hra4
amlAmai Hradiaw. P.C.'Hliaial.
Aay aad all iniaam dalmlnf adraly Ibr
abon lorribcd laada at looaeWed to Al lbir
ctalaM Ih urte ocaee om or bafote the Mtd 7th day
01 latrrMBer, ryaj.
Tlajtwr Uad. Act Jan j.i7
V It, Uad OaV. Tb Italtea, (trrgoa.
Jaacl, hju)
Nutlr la arrowy at thai la roatidtaae wltb
thr ururlatoua
ihHi mIIIImI '
of Ibr Art of Ciaaaiaaa ef Jaae y
Aa art tur thr MNjr tlaabrr Uarla
iHihrMatraafCulnurata. (Hraaa. Nevada, aad
Waahlagtua Territory," aa eat elided lo all lb
pafalk- law! aula by act of ANaOrt 4. ibM. ta
toltowliia-aaairw wraoaa aa oh joh.
tod la lata ocar Ibrtr awora atatvaaertt
bratamlH H Hltr
ofrvaarodra. cooaly of Writ. tatr M North
lka. awora atatcwial Nu 114 for th wtr
rbaHof tb aK . if ia.r i. w. hi.
Cbrlat AcllaMrr
of CraaradrH, roaaty of Walla, atatc of North
!Mkoa. awora autatat No iij. for Ih mt
rhaaroftbcMK new. ty ia,r tor, w. m.
Cecil A. AckmaaH
.of !( wlro, coouly of Wall, alat or North
llakota, awoTH atalratrnl No lilt, for thr Mur
ehaaeorilMueK c yi, lt i , r tor, w. at. ,
That lh will u(fr prwuf lu abow that tb UihI
aaaaM t aure lalaaalc for tt thaarr or bUhm'
thaa for agrlcaUarat parfM, aad to evtaMWi
UMaretaiauteMMIaailurforr J M. UwrtMce,
HttBUMOHfT at I crime. irrvaoM, on
ai,iH ittd day of lieirmbrr. ivJ.
r laM a wltHcaan Jauira MMw, John
'aTkllnawi, Chrfat toltMer. CoU A.
watt. BhJw1ii I'. Hlfo. of Pe.iei.diii,
4th Tatbata.
AHjr aad all beraoaa clalmla aMvrly tb
aaoee danorlawt lafldi ar rroueatrd to Me their
aJalHM la ibaa oMe oh or before tb aatd tad day
af nucctaNr, taai.
IMmbcr UnO, Act Jwae y i7t.
UihI Olnee, Ukrvtew, (VrcgtM,
atHluari. lOJ.
NeAfe in herd
rcby ulveii Ihal In cwtmvc lli
1 oTUf Art ofCooaTeoi of Jaa J.
"An act fur llic aal uf timber
ih trol"oa
laud In tli Hale ef California. Oraaoa. Ni
twiwt vnut.v.1 i. ... tm .fw
and WaablHKtoil Terrtturv." a rKtctalrd tu at!
tlw imUte tlril atatea by Act of Atliitt! 4, itae
the fullowluK iMlunl (irraoiii. liar filed til till
orwr tlwlr oru utalcmrm, to-witi
llriinr 'oWlgl
of llnektey, MHUity uf ifrrce. atat af Waililng
too: awurn atalrinrnl No tbfo, far llir lmreliaic
of Hi tm)( ac 1, Hi 11 a, r is, w in.
WtmHIiiaton Mum
of Hucklry, county ofTlrrr. tlat of WmIiIiik
tatijawnrn Utlwinnt Nu mi, fortlir mrc)Ki
of III a( arc 1, tp la a, r 15 , w m.
HwllMlrl I, t.Hlllll
oflkitktry, ctumty of t'lrrve. atate uf WnililiiK"
Ion; aworn alntemrnt No iD;i, for Die mrliae
ortli n!( arc it, ti a, r 15 r. ir m.
Jllll 1' Mmm
of lliuklry, roimty iirl'lerce, atalc of Vatiuc
ton; awurn etntcniciit Nu 1H71, nr the Hircluie
uf llicatv) c 11, tpim, r 15 c, w in.
Tlmt llicy will olfer proof In ktimr Hint the
Inmt auuitlil U mure vulviadlc fur Ita llmtor or
atonr tlinn for niirlcnUiiret puriHUe, nml to
tnlillkli tlirlr vlhtimt tu aalit land Urfbre J. J.
nwitli, Cuimly Cltrk nt I'llnevlllr, (irrnun, on
wi-iuirmuy, inr 10111 uny 01 iioxnincr, iro
Tlirv nuuie at vUiih lltnrv
WtMlifnKtoii Morriii, Snmcl I. Ulilb, Joe
11 1'
Mmon, of lluckloy, Wiulilnutuni Clm
. 11
oii, 11, a l'otcr, rrlucvtlle, tirttion.
Any aim all ptraoiia rlalmlnK nilvrly the
nbovc tlecrllml UmUare.rrqiualrtl tu tile tlieir
cIaIiiih In (III ofllce on or before tlieiald 16th day
orDcccmter, isoj.
oohIii It. M. llRATl'AIN HrgUtcr.
Ttiiilirr fcalnr. A'1 June J, iya.
V. H. MnilDtftre, Ukrvlaw.OrrKon,
rwrrtrmber tt, o.
Notice la lirrrliy (Iren llml in aomiillance wllh
the prurlaluiu of III Act or Cuiiur M June i.
lajl, entitlwl, "An Ml for Hi Mir of UwWrlaiHU
In llir atatraorcalirarniH iirKon, NrrnHi. aw
Vhliilin Tarrllury,' a riiriHlxl to all llir
ptiMIc ImimI lta jj Aat ,,f AHaut 4, !, lit
fuiliiwliiKiiHiltWro"i"i" litwHri Hit Miner
tlirlr awnr 11 Mat1Mlll, to kii,
Jtrnent II. iwiiliofii,
f Jlrtokloii. rofliily of Milir la,ftlt ofMlntir.
aiua, aworn 4atrmrtll N" um. for tM Mrcliaae
ailH(HH aac tt, IP l r n ,w m.
Wattaae r ( Itaar
of Poif)lntirti.oity I ' li.itraH. atate of Mon
UHa.awnriialateiaeHt Hi t. for thenarcha
orilieeHiirU,w!( ltS aK a H, I p Ij a,
r 11, w in.
I'radartek )' Townnd.
of I'rlltcrtuw.wiliaM) of Mftl. Lara. Mate MfMlH
H.rtu, awurn MaHaMKi'1 u i6m, for the pof'
ebOM of Ihr n,' act Jt. V -., . r 11 c. w m.
ofrMtoi.earirorm-'tr., eteta afMhf
hfHm, worn alatcdKiii No vmd, for llir iur
rbaof IH Hvtf! Mtt t n a. T n ,Ar M.
Ytmtm I Cbaa.
r Prlttcalotii KMjfttyajf MlM Ijaat. aUtr f.MlM
Hota, aworn atcfeaient No ilkyr, fh- Ihr par
H of Ihr W w, ' nwv, HWawK aw 1,
Ipajk, r 11 , w ha.
Ilarty II 1trrJm.
of rrlnrrtnti, OWIIIty af MW Uc, atate f Mill
lirwita, aworn ataetfoatit No if Aa.lbr th mrlic
of the H,' arc y, tp n . r -i"i r w.
itAjrtdfe m vyVifwrHi,
of PilMCVton. eoiiiif of MID race, date W 711(1-
nMta' mra Wttetrnui No '16H, tor the mt
rh of the trfOeK. "" "' ' ' y K
rv IX, ip ij a, 1 11 f , m.
I'redertrk l IfeatK, .
of Prlnerton.ooMHtrnf Mitt.Uoi. elate ufMlu
lirota, aworn t44MMni b 171. for the lwr
rha of the 11 H arfj, m ,' a ml nelt awjf aec
tl. lpij, r 11 e, w hi,
Sttetlarl Mahrlsry,
of I'rliicctoii, eotHily of Milt U, atatr of Mln
aeaota. worn MHNOrit "o am for lb wr
cbarf llienwjf r-w r. (p l ,T 11 e,w m
suryj woodewk,
of I'llneeUm. rwaaty of Mille Uca, atat ofMlo
HoU, awotli atatdHral No iaj,.lor th par
cImm of thr Mwf a tp j a, r new
of l'rlHlon,eMiH(yof tn Uc,hufte4MlH
HraoU, awora rtatcejrot J'o ", for lb par
rharrofthrHK .".
r, w m.
autttwiA' 'Mk.
ofPrtHortow. CMMier of Mine Uct. atate of Uht
amada.MMira aMMaacel No i7J. for Ibr por
ch of the LOU 1. 1 aad ) arc w. Ip f J a. r 11 r.
w m, aad eK hcK arc m. IP J a, r 1 1 e, w hi
AlthwrW Woudcoek,
ofrttocaiari.OaaHdjrofMilU-la. atate of Mlo
ooaie. afcorH atHiVtiicol No u7, forth por
ituMCofWe awh; HWt 4t)( and aK w
xc aa, Ip 14 a, r 11, w m
Wltttaoi ll.Oak.
uf irtfara. eoaaty ..fMille lc. aUtvofMlo
oaaaMMwaraj No .w for lb par
ebaaeof tbHK f pa, r if , w m.
That tber wW offrr proaf to abow that tbr land
aowa-bt W ajar vabjalil for II llantr or atuar
lbH for aarleajtainil parpuara. aad to eaiabltab
lhtr claMrt ta Mid hind iMrfor 1 J Hwllli,
Coaaty Ctetk Cll Coaaty. at ITtarvlltr, Ore
goo, oa WedMMay Ibr alb day of IHwabrr
looi. .
THy Ham aa wltaeMr. WlUlam 11 (Mb.
Arthal WNiaapillh. Prvdvrtck Towaaend. lHr
IWimo, WOlaaa I'. Cba. tfrrf II. Parabam.
mirridc ilTTfabaa. I'Mrhrrtck I' Kma.
Michael Mahafrtt-. Mary J Wuodroci., t'KM C
ThooM, Chaih
.OakeaaUof Priacvtoe, Ula-
acauU.Kraaaill.Sanbora of aWtcktuo. Miuuc-
ota, Wallace It tpaaw uf fort HraloM, aualawa
Aay aad all peeaeaie daualac aalrrrarty tbr
alnidaecrliidBdi are rejiorafd to ale their
ctalHM In Ult ultJac an or before tbr mM oth day
oftitoaiiiiwr iyj.
It. M MS ATTAIN Kdtrr.
. T!mlMrifanAalJawc),iaya.
V. n. U4 OlfiN UWvtew, Orerm.
rWntrtab at, 14.
Nottrr I brely flrtu that in vomidUHr with
Ib WWWuaai,l ihr Aft of CouarcM of Jaot y
rty, catuted, ' nact ibf I b m& of timber Mad
la la atate of t alifueHta. Orrgon, Nevada aad
Wab4Htoa Tctniory." a ratraded to all tbr
MbUc laad Mali ly Act of Anaa . . ibe
followlag aamr.1 nctaoaa haw Iht day bled la
Iht atae lbr ura atateawat. ta-wit
Mitvtoil Prcatuo,
ol Uawew . ..nuty of Utah atatr of Idaho
awwra atatrmriii No iBjo. for tbr patrcbaar uf the
wy H. ut oH, aw hi nhj . tp 4 r
1.1 . w at.
Kotta C atoar,
uf MoMfH. rouuty of UMh, atatr of Idaho,
awora aUlratral Nu IJ;, for the parcbaar uf thr
wki nX aec t a1 aeb; 17. Ip ai a, r 14 e
W M.
Mac It- Pre,
of Mhh40w, county af Utah, atatr of Idaho.
awcara atalrmcal Na tf fbr the parchaa of
IbceH nwfc. wt hcK i . r 14 r. w m
Amanda M. Htow.
of aianaw. cwiuty af Utah, atatc of Idahu.
mora atalriarot No I9OJ, foe Ihr parvbaar uf
tb wK MWH are It, ObJ HK aa. Ip al . ' U
e, w ta.
efMaacaw, county of Lata , 'atate of Idaho
aworn atalcmrnl Se aajk), for a purchaar of I hi
hM hcK. ) 7. tp II a. r 14 r. w w
llaitla k. Headier,
of Bpokawr, cuuaty af fcalkaa, atate of Waah-1
taatoa, awurn ttriaiojI No 195. for the pur
isofthr r'i awlf, JJ itivK. ti aett
7,Tpit a. r ir, h at,
Klbl C. yttea.
of Meacow. ixMinty of Latah atatr uf Idaho
mvoh atalrni. 111 no ISM, foe iht parcaax ol tar
;' " ftH aac ",tp 11 a, r 14
That they will offer tHVoTlo abuw thai the land
kOMajhl I murr aiaabji for Ita liaihrr or auNir
Ibaa for aartculiural aaraaiii. aim to cotaMUh
their etaliu 10 u ,l latid baforv j M Uwreotx.
V. eVXamaiUMuiu'r at Wad, on-goo, oh Mon
day the 14th da uf llaaaHiUtl, lyJ
Thev uauir v1lnl llaltic 1C Mradlcv. uf
iMkan.'iiatOfH RolU C Moar, Mat U
Prcalotl. Aniaiul S M)H. Jeaar A Mont ,
C Nile, MrWtu M rfitH. WlUutui W Cutlin.
of Moavow lii.huj Jjffiv U AltluBhaw, (ra
l"UH4itr, of iriiieTfHc, Oreton
Any ami all inraaiwitilaUlm adwraely the
aUvMrrtll Uw4 arc r)uraied to tie thetr
claitaa In thi uthoe an or before Ih mmI 14th
dayof IkmnilMr, iom,
0tit BiM. IWATTAIN. KiUr.
TunUr Lan. Alt June J. 117.
V K UudOAltajiUkericw, Oregon,
hepteniUer . igoj.
Nolle la benl gh-ali thjit in -Amttilu-noc with
Hi iMrovialoii ) the Aft of Congre or June j.
iglg.utitlcit. ' iitluBTthMleufliiiitrlauda
lu thr Mate. l . jUrntiiUu orcguti, Ncada. and
Vurtilimluw'ltiiior S Mtctided to all the
IHiblic laud Mali hy Act of Augixt 4. .
Kdwln V Klley,
ufCroukton county of I'olk, atate of Mlittie
aotat Ima litrtl m tilt office lit Bwurn talcmeiit
Nu iR4, for thr purc)uc of tlie alt mv ir, w qr
lie qr, nw qr . qr a 6, (it 11 a, r II r.w lit,
And will u(T. r priHtf til aliuw that the Uml
aouglil i-iinorc aluidilc for it tlmtirr omiune
titan for ugrtvtitturnl purtioieN, and tu rtlillli
Ida claim to mul Und txfure J M. I.ttwrciur. I'.
H. Comiiliun 1 nt llendi Orrgun, uti Moiuln ,
the 14th day ol llrccmlicr, IMJ.
lie uauir n vHiit' Mnxlm LernKC.
LuuU Nelaoti. Jolm 81nirc, It Uoyd, uf Ih-w
cluden, Oregon, nutcm Alitgcau. ur Croukatuu,
Any ami nil Prtagiu clnlmlnc lukcMely the
aUtvrMlearrllieil laml ire rnpieatal to file their
clujiiu In thi ollicc on ur before the iwld 14th day
of jjccgiuur. .W. J; AAW Me,wur.
Tlmlitr Uml, Act June j, i7.
U. r). Unit O Idee. Ukerlcw, Orrxoti,
hejitcmlr , I'rJ.
Nnlke H lirtdy ulrtii that In eompllanfc with
Hie tMirvMona Gillie Aat of CoiiKrea of June 1,
M, etlllllrd, "All act for llieaaleofUiHlterlantt
lu titalMofCallfomki, Oiaeti. Nevatta, awl
WafbliiBtoii Trrrllory." a ox(Hdd to an the
tiwMI land alfele hy Act of Angit 4, iV. Hie
MIowlMx-tMined prnfm haee Hit day lilerl in
till ome their aworn tlmieil, lovlt
Char) K. Wocktawl.
of IHtlieii, eimrity of Manliall, atate of Mlnne
aU, aworn atattHt NqiMi, fur llir narafiate
f Ih iK r!, aH aw H atM nw!i aw are t, Ip
, r lor, w m.
lloMl I. Mlkketm,
of WrptteH, ewNttlyof Marahall, atate of Mbiac
aota, aworn altH4Ht No 1746, for Die pwreae
f the(f aex re 1, eh) HeH ami iwX X aar
i, If MB, r se, w M.
Itather i. Itariutrd,
of Mflaml, coOHty of Polk, aiatr of Mlaneaota,
aworn Malewirnt No 1747, for the pwrcha of the
eK awtf aac i, hM Hwk; aad tm nwX ace 30.
Ip 11 a, r 10 e, w m.
Hawwatl A. Whltacr.
flrplirn, roaaty of MarahaU, atatc fMlfio
aeta, awora atateHvewt No 171. for the wncMe
of the ncK aec ye, tp ii a, r i , w m.
llauiMh liovee.
offlraud I'rtrk. coouly of OraMd Pork, atate of
worui iowm, worn aaimni re 179, pa ine
patclHVWof lb Mff hwK, nK w) Hd wfi
K er a, tp 11 a, r 10 e, w Hi.
(trorif Ifawirrv.
of McphcH, eoMirty ol MarahaU, Hate of Mlanr
xAa, attorn atatvmrHt No t;i, for liW vol
of tb irwK ac . Ip 11 a, r 10 e. w or.
IomiiIi C. llilnkeeholf.
of McphH, omnty of MarahaU, atate wfMbine
aota, awora Matrmwt Ho int. for the pwrehoB
of Ih hK arc 7, tp at a, r 10 e, w m.
Carrie O. MkkUun.
of Mephcn, coamty of Marallatl. atate of Mliine
mIU, aworn atatewmit No 17JJ, for the urclM)e
of the aw)f ac 7. tp n a, r is . w m.
lotin II Mcrdlnk.
ofMhra. coaaty of Marabatt, atate of Mlnne
aota, aworn atatcMeat No 1754, for the porebaae
ftbc Hfo ah) c 7. tp a. r lo e, w m.
That Ibey wilt offer proof to bew lhal the tain!
aoaflHl I Htorr valoaMe for II timber or ateor
thaa for AiirtcHttHral trpo, ami to cetabttvh
liwir CMim to mm mm oerore itw K(gt(r ano
RrrT at Ukrvtew. Oregon, on IIMay, the
nth day f lHtbrr iyj.
They hmc a wttneMea: Chattel K Mock-
land. Holrtt t.. MlkklMMi. Hoawelt A WhHaey.
fMHMB llawerr, towwb U. rwinkerbuiT, Carrw
U. MlrkrtwH, Joho If. Mrrdtak, aU of Kftpben.
allHHr4a: Itather M tMrnard. of Maland,
Mlaatat llaaaah Moyc, of tlrawd Parka,
North IMkott.
Any and aU twraoin dalmlac adreTaety the
aboeccacrtbed laada arc rroae4ed 10 Alt thetr
dalau In Iht oaarc oa or twfurc tb Mtd 11th day
of Iirceraber. 10,
oi-d K- M UKITTAIN. Kekleter.
Timber Uad. Act Jaar 1, 17.
V H Uad OBVe, The nallea. '
Auaaat 10 iub
Notice la hereby given that la compliance with
th provtatoae oftbe Act of Congms of Jnnr j,
17. entitled. "An act for Ihr Mleof tuntxr Unda
In Ibr alalraot California, Oregim, Nerada.aad
Waablagtoa Tvrntory, a rttmdrd lo all th
oubttc Uad auia by Act of Aaawet 4, ly. the
ruUowing-naiatd prraoaa have turd in tbla offtce
Ihcir awora Maleaaeata, tu-wit
Ilavtd Hill
of Drachatra, count! uf I'ruuk. atat of Oregon;
awurn 4alcMent Nu 1.-51. bird April o, i,i. for
thr panhaar of tbr w)t rk aod H ( arc
aad m!( wV arc 1) Ip iv a, r 11 c, w M
William Marab
of Mad, cooaly U Crook, MMtr of Oregon, aworn
atati-OMral No i-a, Atrt Marrb K). lyuj. for tbr
parcbaar of tbr oS nh, awj and wi
Mil aec i, tp lo a, r 11 r. w m
Joaeph Heidi
uf HvratrHt. eoant) uf Hrliraail, aUIr of Minor
hU awvrn 4atrmrot No 1719, flkwl March, aa,
iyo, for the parcbaar of ibe awM aec . Ip 1 a.
r nr, w aa.
John A IMenaar
of bead, caaaly of Crook. Mat of Oragott; awom
Haleaaeot No 17.0. trd March IT. Ii. far tbr
parcbaar of Ibe w ae!t aad wbj aac al. Ip
That they will oHVr proof to abuw that tbr land
aougHt to More -alul.'t fur Ha timber ar atoHc
than for agricultural porpuaee, and 10 CatahHah
tin ir claMi tu Mtd laad Ivforr J M I jrwrenre,
t r CoenmlaBlunrr al lvmbutr. Oregon, oa
Xaturday. the 14th dat .-f No-erabrr, lya
Tiny a n.lum Kicliatil King. J
otrrtuu. lan.e llui.lrr J V tlnntrr. Jong Wcldf,
J I tlnl.l J Cultor i;uegr bale. Mareh.Joha
Mkmat.n laKt till) John A Itremrr of lra
iliut or
An and all urraun rlaiming adicrael) thr
Uii 1 -deacrttwu land re reurtrd to Ale their
iljiit: in thi urfici on m lx-furr thr aald 14th ita
uf NuwnitKt iom
nu,! Mil It M. T NOLAN, HrgMttr
Ttmtxr tjuJ u-t Jan y 1
I' H UHtiHtu, The Italic, urrruti,
OctoK-r jq. iouj
Notice I hereby il'eu thai In comptUiice with
IhepruvtMooauf thr let uf CaogroM uf June i
i7, entalcvt, u nt lor the wilcuf i.aiuvr lamta
In the atalrvof Cal.iuritia. oregoo. Snail, and
Waahiagtoa Trritur aa exUn.WeV lo all thi
imlilicbiodatalil A.-t f Aagaat 4. l-'Vt tlw
rolluwinf-aaiiinl run aave on Oct 1. IwM
OlciUa tal omce Ihiir wura auteweuU, to-wit
Carn 11 Hurd.
of iojs mti ve ikn manly of Spukaae.
aUU of WaahiHituu muiu alatrarul No ijji.
for thr purcbaM-uf thi a k c U. tpM.riu
e, w at.
Cra A B-iker,
ofiljemd tr. npua iur. rounly of Spokane,
atatc of WaaiuHgli n, aworn ataleuieal So ism,
for the purhaw l,thi awl, ice 14. tp to a, r la
c, w III
Tbtthr will utfrr onKifto abow that tbr land
MMighl ! mur tor it tnnber or at.Hir
thau fi aicr'iu'.iaral ,iiira, and to eatahluh
their cl.itiii u MKt UikI licfure the HegiXrr and
Hrvclri. .it I h lUi, orcgou, on,
Jaauar) tn
Tbcv uau
Tbey a. wittKn. Ktcr Harper. Cru
A Baker Harry C Mrunn,
i.;,l. H II....I afsuoLan Wahiuvtou.
Maaa nauawonn
&.1M aU.1 ll lr.MlM ctulU-lllW MV. efcglV till'
bue-dei'rlUrd laud ate reuneMol to ale thrir
claim in thia ulbce oa or latforr the wid 4th day
uf January, iou
uwji MICIIAltl. T NOLAN. Keglatrr
Timber UadAct Jutt y ia;a.
U. H. Uad OAtc. The IMlIc. Oreou,
October 11, ran.
Notk b hereby civrn that tu cwtuplUiice with
the proviatoH oflhc Act ef Cougrraa of Jane j,
i7. entitled. "An act for tlie Mleof limber Mud
In the Mate uf California, Oregon. Ncvaita. aad
'abiuglun Territory," a eateuded to all the
nhhlk land Male by Act af Auguat 4. . thr
follow tug-Hawed peraon have Aled ill IhM oJHc
their worn ataleuicitti. to-wit.
Arthur Cnllllrau,
ofitlCvUlitalliiibliug, rtciiltle. roniity 0 King,
atatc of Waahingtun; aworu uatewcut Noka.
liledjidy at, km, forth purcluiae of the Lute
j and 4 mnl eje awlf ec t, tp 1. r tic, w m.
Cutlhanl Yonuglugtr,
of Ilurtott.ouuulyuf Kutg, Ante of Vaipglon;
woru atuteuirut No 10A, Aled August 11, iom,
for Hie imrchase ofthe Lot 4, el ( amlawU
ef a'c 7. tp ta. r ta e. w in
That they will uffir proof to show that the laud
ought li more valuable fur ita tlmlxr or alone
than for agricultural puriMU,, and lo ealablisli
their claim to nid laud before the KrgUtrr and
Kroriver lit The lkillca, Oregon, on Wednesday,
January ty ivn . ...
Thry name witnee. Obadiah llewaott,
ritellu lleoii,.of ('.recti Lake. Wuslilugton,
6rli A (iruttoii and AttlninCltllmu, of Svotltc,
Wiuhliiyton; John lllosi. SUtera, Oregon! Johu
Kramer, ol tlrreu Lake, WanhliiKlQii- v
Any and all persona claiming adversely the
nlxtv daaerllied land are retjuctited to CTe Ihejr
claim In thi olllcc oil or before the (aid 1 jilt day
of January, 1904
Met) l MICUAKL T. NOLAN, Krglttcr.
Tlmtirr UihI, Act June j, 1(7.
V. H. Land OOVc. Uktrhr, Oregon,
Keptember tt, icnj
Nolle I hereby aittn that in eumptlanc wllh
Hie prorUlon 01 1 lie Act of Congraa af June ,
t7, eiiHIIed "An act Jor Ibe MM of timber
lMrt III the atatc of California., OlMM, Nevada
and Washington Tvrrltorr," M euMtMrd to all
the tWt land Mat by Act of AuicwH 4, laor
Hie rlbwliig-nmed peraoin lwe In! In till
office lhir aworn atatemeiM, to-wtti
Aocuata ll. carver.
of Ilralncnl, amnty of Crow Win;, autcef Mln
noaota; awortt aUlmHt No Haft, for the pur
chase of the whS wwK and wbj awjf ace 17, Ip it
a, r 140, w m.
Marv M. l-bitltw.
of MlnnKll4, county of lfnfn, atate ol
aniiiieaoia, aworn ataieiaeat we ana, lor tne
ncK aec to, ip aj a, r 14 e, w m.
That they will offer proof ta show that thr
land aoaght t wore rail
for tt timber or
turn than for agricultural narpoae, aad tor
lajUh their claim to Mid land brfore I M.
Uwrcwer, V. a CrjmrMkmer at Hrnd, Oregon,
on flatorday th irth day of Hecvmber, im.
Ther name af wilttea; L V. AlliHebam.
Vta IWtHtriUT, Prtaevllle. Oregon. Aagaataa II.
carver. 01 lira to era, Miaoeaot
Ip, Mlneidt, Mlaneaoia.
Anr and aU Iwraona ctaimin Mlveraelv Ihe
above deMTlbcrtUtid are requeaird to Al tbeir
Mini In thf erKca on or before Ih hH iJth
itay of Derembef, ifi.
oy-dn ).M.HKATTAlN,KegMer.
TftMber Und, Act Jaae j, iT
0. . Uad OflTiee, The lull, Oregon.
October 1. icoj
Notice I herrbv elven that In ewmafMnce with
he prerfeton ofthe Act of Coagee of Jane 1
ley, entlUed, "A tract for IheaaurofUMbrrMnil
is tbtalofCaUforta. OraaoH, Nevada, ami
Wtlng1on Terrttory," a eatended, to aft the
tHtbtic Hind atatc by Aat of Ainjwat 4, I, the
fotlowtng.nanird prao hare Bteil in tht once
then ewofM atalcntcnU, to-WU.
Chart K. Montana.
of Monmouth, awnty el Polk, tl of Oregon,
worn etelcnienl No 174 f, Aled April 1. Mm. for
the purcha of the .Lola 1 and land neK aec
ipttLr 1 j e, w m.
Jeaae Mahoa,
ef North Hran
ndi, eouaty of Upeer.
atate'-srH atatement No 174 filed M01
at, tytj, for the parch ofthe nwk, arc IJ, tp
a, r ij e, w n.
Ctiarlea It Dowttrr.
of North Rranch, coaaty of Uprrr.Matr of Mi
igan, awora aiaieiiieJH no 171. meu Marcn
!, for the panlmn of the Lota t awl 1 and
ne) arc J. Ip a, r tj e, w ta.
U-IIUatn. UaluMi.
of North Hranch. coaaty of Uprer. Mate of M
Igaa. awurn atatrtajent No 1735. Atod Marrb -19a).
for thr porchaee of Lota j and 4 and a1)
nw4 arc 4, ijian. tilt, wn
That tbrv will onVr nroof to abow that the I ml
aoaght In more ralaable for ita limber or atone
than for agricultural patrpaara, aod to eatabttah
Ibrlr claim to mid bunt Iwfure the XrgiMer and
Kecetvrr at The Uallc, Oregon, on Taewtay.
janoary yn, it
Tbey name aa wttnea. William Mahon
Jame Mahoa aod Caarle II Ituwncr. of North
branch, Michigan. Albert it tthole. of 101 . th
At.. Portland, Oregon; C K Mumnoo. of fair
baven, Waahiagtoa, A mo Nradahaw. of l'urt
Mnd, Oregoa
Aay and all peraotM ejalmiag adreraely tht
above-deacrltwd laad are rauueated to Ate their
data in lhiaoaoaa or utfciri Ih Mid th day
of January
1 Ipartmedt ef th tnterter,
Uad Office al The Italic. Oregon.
October ij. IfWJ.
Notice it hereby etvea that Ihe rdlowlor-
Mtllcr ha Aled mttlr of hi Intention to
atake Aaat proof tn aopitort of hi dalm,
UuU mm proof wm m hhm uriore
J M. Uw
!- u. s. OoHtattadaner. at Itntchutc. Orrcon
on aaUH-day, NovcmUT A wxj. vti
Hiram J, Palmer,
of Detchnle. Oregon. II li No i6. for the Lota
1 aad a and W K 4. tp . r 11 e. w m
It name the fotlowtag wilac to prove hi
coatlwoow rictdniac opoo aadcnllieaiwnafMid
land, vti
W II Moat. Kara Cite. Mihoa Voung of -
choir, (trrgoa: Joha Ryan. nfU' a. ongoa.
o4J-a7 MlCIIAJfl. T NOLAN, Krgtoter.
Timber Uad. Act Juac y i-k
V Uad ObbCc. Tbr Imllr Oregon.
October 1 j iot.
Notice la henby gtwea that lo comphatice with
the provtawma or ih Act of ConjcrrM ,t jane t
i7, muttcd, Auactforibe MleuitimlivrUoii
la the atatea of CaliforMh. Oregon, Nevada, ami
WaabtagtoH Terrtiury, a exttwdad to all thr
Ciblle Mad atate by Aat of Augwat 4. rg,. the
lhwtiig-Hmd peraatH have oh Oct 14, wi
Aled la IBM oft- t heir w-tu itatuneata, to-wtt
Ortrwde Okkrn,
ufaalUrd. count of King, (ate ufWabHaton.
awora atalcmenl Nu liji. for the iurrhacof the
aht wKayndeh) H Mcya, tpw. r lie.
IMnard, county of KJHg.Matr oT Washington
awora ritaUBtat N iijj, tor tlie wurilit of the
M !, ar, nf aeT abd iie4 aec Jo.
tp 19. r lie. w m
Mary A- Petetaoa,
eftHathird, eouHiy of King, atatc or Waahingtun
atyOMaUtCMMt-t No I AJJ. for the porrha of ihe
t nw ahd eH aw'jMCii. Ip rya, r ue, w 114,
Jotitt. KraHW-r.
of SMttfe, cHiat uf King. Mate of W-ialiington
awoea Mglement No IJv, for thr purchase of the
wjt aw( aec ir, aitdcH rj aec 11. tp al, r 11
w m
Thkt Ihry will offer proof loahow thut the laud
J-ZSTlZZjr .b ,.h
L.M.. . .&.! . .. .....I ... -1
, :rL--iC...r..iiL.r;Et::'.:: u.... ....1
IBeir CMIBM lu I MKI HIM Driofr me KeglMCr auu
! MlCCi l
Tbr Italic, orcaott. ou Mood .
uecegtacr 11 iooj
Thgy uame aa wttnee Certrude olet n
Mary A Pelcrauti and Ole Chriateuaeit uf Hall r.l
Waahlagton, John greater of Seattle, Waahmi:
Ions O IUmk.ii of alile. Washiugtoa,
Mem of bend, tirvgon; Andrew Carlson. I'
Adolph Peterson Andrew Johnson. Lout John
on, Andrew Anderson of Mtunrapoln Mian
Any aad all persytvv ctalntiug advervely the
abovcdeacrtlicil latMsitr rnpteMed t tile th. ir
daima In thi oMcc an or before Ihe Mid itat day
of December, ivvj.
Ttibr Ultd, Act June 1. 1 V
V. 8. Land Office. Th Dallea Oregon,
Aagust 11. lyaj
Notice I hfrehy given that III OBntptunce w ult
lb provision uftbc AM ofCatwr of June .
1B7I, (iililled, "An act for theaaleuf tiltttierlaud
In thr slate of California. Oregon. Nevada, ami
Washington Territory," a extended to all Hie
public laud slate by Act uf August 4, S),
John T. C.ardntr
of Can Lake, county of Cuss, state'of Mlnueeota
1ms on March 6. iooa, filed lu thlk ollicc hit awurn
statement Nu wHt, lor the purchase of lot i and
4 and H nwU cc 4, tp 19 a, 1 it c, v m
And will olTir proof tu show that the tuiut
Bought I more valuable for ita timber or stone
Hutu for agricultural pulpote. and to eatablish
hi claim lo aid land lie fore the Krgistrr ami
Receiver at The Dallri, Oregon, on SAturday.tln.
7th day of November, igoj.
lie namcji a witnetuea: MMIiacl Conner
Thouia Twcct, J V KoouU, John McTaggatt, ol
The Dalle, Dr. '
Any and all pcraoui claiming adversely thr
HlxjveilcscrlUcd lojtd arc requested to lile their
Claliiii in tht ofllcc on yr lietorc the aatd jtli day
.,uih,wih .yi,
HAUL T. NOLAN, Kegliter.