The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 06, 1903, Image 6

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    Timber Land, Act June f, iSjS.
U. 8. Inil Office, The IVittca. Oregon,
, October 11, igj.
Notice In hereby given lhat lu eompltatice with
the provision otitic Act of Congress al June ,
lSK entitled, "Ah net for thr Ml ol Umber land
la thestate of California. Oregun, Nevada, and
WhthiitRlim Territory," a extended to nil the
twjblic Uimt Mate liy Act of Augutl 4, i, the
fellewlngMiamed tro hv filed In Ihit office
trtetr sworn statements, to-wlt.
Lowly C. WlllUm.
of line kly, county of Pierce, Male r Wellington:
tvrorn statement No 171$, filed Mutch le, inj,
fertheiute.haeortheiiwKec,k. tpiy . r u
, wm.
Andrew n. Orodae;
of Hannah, conntyef Cavalier, slate of N. Da
kota; imn statement No 1717. filed -March re.
I), for the purchate of the w)( ce 17. H IT .
r it e, w t.
Kate Snilman,
of rmtekdtKk, county of Heltrnnil, staleof Minne
sota, imn statement No ie9, tiled March l.
lytj, for the parches of the swfc' sec j.lp i;s. r
lie, wm.
KHm Murphy,
of Newberry, county of l.ttcv. stale of Michigan;
sworn statement No idw, filed feby. at, lyaj, for
the purhe of Ihe nrj sec , tp 17 s, r II e.w tu.
Nellie U. Lenry,
of llemhlll, county of Hellrnml. slate of Mlnne
wM; swim statement No 164. filed lehy. 11,
oat, for the twtrehase of the n5 sec S. tp if . r
it e, w m.
William T. Murphy.
ofNewberry. cuHHly f Luce, Uleof Michigan.
inm stolemeiil No 147. filed I'cby. 11, losj. lor
IbeporctMicef thcuwfc tec at, tp IT . r II e,
w in.
That tber will offer proof lo show that the X nil
sought (4 more valuable for It timber or stone
tttnii Mr agricultural purpose, am! to ewtabllth
their dalm to sanl lamt before the Kecitter ami
Receiver al The Dalle, Oregon, on ratunlay.
January 4h. 104.
They name at wttnee: Mark Maynard,
IWHmm ami K M Haase. of Sumner. Wash
ington; Andrew II. Grottac. of Hannah, N Da
kota: Xfohokt Smith, of The lMttcs. Oregon;
Lowly C Williams, of Bucktyr Washington. Peter
SprtttMh awl Themat Tweet, of The IMllet. Ore-
Em; Jebrt Dakken. of Desehntet, Oregon: Will
m T Marphy and KIIm Marphy. of Newberry.
Mlealaea; NelHeO Leary.of Bcmklil. Minnesota.
Wlttlam N Bowser, of Hetnidjt. Minnesota
Any and ail tiei-soa claiming adversely Ihe
)' in described toad are requested to file their
etalm In thh owke on or lefcrc Ike uMothday
of ianoary, i4
o.jil4 MICIIAKI. T NOL.VX, RegUter.
Ttmber Ijiml, Act Jtme J. 7.
V. 5. La ml Oftcc. The IMIe. OrcH).
September V -X4iee
i bereby trefi that (a rompbaoee wHh
the provtoiM oTlhe Act of CoareM of June j.
T-M. rnlitleil, "An act for Ike Mleof timber lawk
in the Male of California, Oregon. XteaoV awl
ahtnttoaTwritoty,"a enlcwled la an Ike
Jmt.lic land Mate by Act of Aomat 4, !. Ike
ullowtair-MMHcd ikimiii karc Be la tM oWce
their aworB miemcuU, lo-wK
Joepb HI Hooter
of Albany, cnontv of Lrao, Mate of Oregon..
aworn matinwaf No 470, Metl Jaue 4, iyo, for Ike
purchaneof Ike tec V lp loi. r roe, wm.
Iaae Hooter
of Albany, count- of Linn, ttate of Oregon:
worn itaiement No 40a. filed Jone $. lyaa, for Ike
portkox of Ike nwK Mc.lpii,rr.m.
That they wilt offer proof lo abow ikattkcUmt
aoogkt t more valMalite for It tlmlr or totte
Ikan for arellHral porixMea, ami to eataUMi
thetr etarHH to Mkllaml befcrc I M. Ijtwrence.
U. S. CttrnmlMbmer. at leekot. Oregon, ou
Sitanmy, Ihe 14th ilay of Xovemlier. iaj.
ThoT buk a wHneM. J N ItHnter. Jamea
Hunter, J 1 Wet, Cnnt Brock, K King, of lleml,
Anv and all Hermans dalmloe ailrerwlv the
aUr4eMrtted UnJ are renueated la file tlwir
dalma In thlt office on or before tkeukl 14th thy
u-nu MICII
IAKL T. NOLAN, Keghtrr.
Timber Land, Act June J, tJf.
I'. S. Land Office, The Dattea. Oregon,
neMeMlier s, laa.
Notice it hereby gieca that la comBHoitee wltk
the proeMoM oTlbe Act of CoagfcM of June 1.
ir. entitled. "An actforlke aale of limber lamfc
In the Hitn T Call font la. Orccoa. Kemb, and
Vt'akblngton Territory." a etttmird to all Ike
public laad alatao by Act of Aamt 4. . the
ritlowina-Mmd pcrw kae fled in IWa omor
1 bnr awura ttalaiiitat. to-wit
Mary MrTaggart
of The Dalle, ouooly of Waaeo, atate of Orena,
aworn Halemeat No 197, Med kept as, H", for
Ihe purckatc of Ike aeK aec , tp If , r we.wm.
John Htttckia
of Albany, eoaaty of Umh, Mate of Oregon:
awora Kaiemeat Ka 4. Sled Jnsc 4, lyn. for Ike
purchOK of tke K r we. wm.
Irwlt I'. Terbone
ofAblaay, oaunhr of Liua, Ue of Oregon;
awora Malcmeat K47. Alou June 4, ftjatubr Ike
purcbaae oflbe eX mc aj. tp t a, r k e, w m.
Jokii It Lee
of Beaton, eoonty of twin, Mate of Minnesota;
awora atatcmeat XafJUd Jane is, to, for Ike
purcbae of the twK tot 11, tptya, r !, w m.
Ihm Taylor
uf Aaha, oouHlyof Ca4, Matt of Iowa; aworn
Matemeat No 714, flWd Jaly , , for Ihe or
chatc of ike u)3 w aad ufi hK hcj, lp it a,
r ior,w m. ,
Mary Tarter
if Harrington, eoualy of Uacwiii, Mute of Wath
inglua. tuurn auicmcat No ;. Uod Jaly j,ioa,
(jt the parrtaweof tae a(y awK aad wM aK
tec ao, lp ia a, r m e, w m.
That they will o(Ter proof lotkow that Ike laad
aouglit M more rabwHe for lu timber or atoae
thaa for agricuriaral parnooca, aad to catabiiak
thrir claim lo taM laad before Ike KogMcr ami
Keeeiver at The ball. Oregon, oa Taeacmjr,
Hie ut day of UeccDibrr, lyjj
They name aa wHaeate Geo Hate, Alien X
Ileimer. of Bead, Or. John MrTaggart. Caartaa
Dye. of The Dalle. Or, Kyal llutcklaa, I
HiMckia. Leuiti'Terhune, Job a llMtckiH, of
Albany, On A L l-etrie, I 1' McMaboa. of Port
land. Or; IV H auagcr, I I'ralker. of gpekaaa.
Wank: C A Jobatofl.of Xeaord, Miua; C A Carl
on, at Majdwk. Minn, Mary Taylor, of Har-
I'. A Taylor, of WWte, Iowa, Immi Taylor, of
Any awl all person dalmiug adreraely the
abovr-itecrilwlUmltare reoiMMtd to lie their
claim In tbi oifiet on or before Ihe wUl IM day
of KecemUr, tan.
aii-mj MICIIAIIL T. NOLAN, KegMer.
Timber Iiid, Act June j, ibyi.
U. H. Land Office, The Dalle, Orrgon,
rieiteiiler s, tvn.
Notice It hereby given that 111 com)5liiite with
the provitloiit of the Art of Cpngrct of June 3
iSrfi, entitled, "An act for the taleonimber lauil.
in thcMatct of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory," at extended to all Ihe
public land state by Act of Augu.t 4, iroj,
Isoui deck
of rrlneville, county of Crook, state of Oregon,
bat ou June 7, una, filed in thlt oflice hi sworn
ktateuieut No 489, lorthe purchase of the nw;4'
sec 1). tp 1Q a, r loe, w 111,
Ana will offer proof to show that Ihe laud
(ought it more valuable for lis timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and to establish
hi claim to said land before W. A. Hell, V. H.
Commissioner, at rrlneville, Oregon, on Mon
day, the 16th day of November, 1903.
He name as witnesses: James hharti. Champ
Bmitli, Thomas II. Lafollett, I torn Clcck, Charles
tSmlth, of l'riucvillc, Or.
Any and all person claiming adversely the
above-described lauds are requested to file their
. claims in this office on or before the said 16th
day of Novcmlier, ijoj.
sii'Uij MICHAl'.L T. NOLAN, Kcglltcr.
Timber Land, Act June j, tlj.
IT. 8. Lmt Offlce, I.akc1cw, Oregon,
Scptemtier ', IMJ.
Notice it hereby Riven that In cumplhuice with
the provltlunt ofthc Avt urCongreM of June s,
tjtrt, entlttol. "An net for Ihe tnlc of Umber tamta
In Ihe Hate nfCaMotiita Oregmi. Neratl. and
Wathluglou Territory," a exlcmletl to all Ihe
public land state by Act r Attgutt 4. t. the
fllolug-nmeit ermt liave Ihl day ftleil lu
thlt otllcc their rwotii statements, to-wit
Ote Laimu,
of lleluioiit. county or Ttnlll, aWleof Nottti IM
kola; smorn stalrmeiit N 175. for the mrchae
oflhenwK w), see x n se)( and swK set
sec ra, tp at t. r 14 e. w m
l-nler li. Itttenteu.
ofCllmav.coiiHty of Ivilk. stale of Mlnnetota,
sworn statement No ij. for Ihe purchase Of the
iH w)(,w'4 vti arcs ami neif sK
tp ai , r 14 e, w in.
ICtteti O ltatcntoit
at Minnas, einiiiiy ut iwh. iit vi ,,im,-,w,
iuWii statement No i?4. for Ihe rmrelMte of
Ihe wtU e 10, tpai . r 14 ew m.
Thai they will oHer tmwf to show that Ihe land
sought I more valuable for rt tlmlwr or Motte
than for agrtcultural riK-r, and to establish
their dnlms to Mid land before J M Lawrrnve,
V S. CummtMioiirr al Hend, Oregon. m Tnes
day the ijtli day of Deeember fa)
They name at wltnrtte. Ole lttiiu ofHel.
muni. North Itakola, Peder KMeaHtt nf CM
max. Mlnneita, lttttu II lislcnwu, of Cltmk.
MlHHctola. Lottlt Nrtton. of llend. IHegon
Any ami all irHit ctalmiug mlrrely Ihe
iUmw ,1.,IIm.1 Utids are imsctinl lu file Ibetr
etaiHtt III Ihit onVr on or before Ihe mM iMh day
01 Itecewlr. iaa
oaslll K. M BRATTAIN HeirMer.
Timber Land, Art June j. t7
V. S. Land Office, Lakerlew, Oregon.
Septemlr at, Ni
Notice it Iterebv ciren thai In coHiHliancc with
the provMtmt of ike Act of Ctmarett f Jane i.
17. enlllHnl. "An act for Ike Mleof timber UndV
In the Male of California, Oreawi. Neeath, and
Waaklagloa Tetrllory." at caleadett In all Ike
pnhrte wnd stales by Act of AuamM 4. 19. Ike
following-named erwmt have fflttl In this office
their sworn statemeat. twtt
Arnc AmaadMm,
of White ltarth, county of Ward, state of North
Dakota: sworn statement No is7, for Ike par-
caate ot inc nwj, nw)j see a. nj neu ami ))
aK ee aa, tp ai s. r 14 e. w m.
I-rler Xettelb.
of White ItaMh.eoHHty of Ward, state of North
Dakota, swoea sulemeal No ilia, for the par
ekateof IkeaH awK.awif nK sca,amt ah
M sec ar, lp ai a, r 14 e, w .
netlrtMle Saswrad.
of Wkhc ltarth. coaaly of Ward, stale of North
Dakota: swoea staleiaeat No (, for ike par
ckase of Ike MS wH. sw y, seV mw mi
K. tp ai s. r 14 e. w aa
Jvkti A- CarsMM,
of While Kaith.cMaaty of Ward, slate af North
Dakota, swara Maltsmmt No ii, for Ike par
ckase at Ike w I w, self awtf tec j. lp ait,
sec 14 e, and nw v mw( ec a, lp n . r 14 e. w at
llelga M Maaa.
of While Harlk. coaaly of Ward, state of North
Dakota, sworn Malrmeat No . for Ike pur
chase of Ike seK sec 4. lp ai t, r 14 e. w m
That they will offer prof lo show Ikal Ike Uad
sought it tatac valuable for rt timber or Moss
IkaH for agricultural aad to establish
lacir claias lo said toad before J M. Lawreacc
V h. Cosamtstlontr at Bead. IHegoH, on Prtday
Ike nth day of December ssot.
They aame a wHmrtse Laats Xessoa, Ote
KrickMm, of Head, lareajoa. Arae Aasaadioa.
Peter Nerwth. teflrwde Maerud. leba A Carl
son aad Heirs M Mua. all of Wkllc Kartk,
North Dakota
Any and all persons eUiming idversely Ike
alwfdescribetl t wit are reaeHtl l Ale Ibetr
ctalaMln thtteaVe ott or before Ike said IMh
day or December, lawt.
it. n
Timber Land, Act June j, .
I'. 8. La ml OMce. The Dalte. Oregon,
AugssKaa, lytj.
NuUc is hereby given lhat In esmiplwaee wMfc
the arovtituiu oTtke Act of CatMrcat of June j,
itji .eatWetl, "An act for Ihe Mleof timber htmG
in Ibe Mates orCaUfornia. Ofegoa. Ntvasta, aad
U'ashtaBtoa Territory." a eatcaMett lo all the
puanc uhso states 07 aci at Aajratt 4, laat, tae
smiowiagHMmea prrsowt nave nun la last
their sworu staloaeaU, to-wtt
John . achaltse
of llibbing. county of at Iat. slate af Mlaae
sota, wura stateaseai No 1741, tied April 1, ly.i.
for Ike purcaaaeofth aH swj, se( tw), sec
5 aad aeJt aw K sec . tp as t. r ij c, w m.
Miuala tmt
ofCoatstock. couaty of Marou. tUte af Wlscaa
Ma, awora Matemeat No 17U. tied Mar aa, ,
for the purchase of la awljseca, lp s, r lac,
w m.
Jemet A. Jeaaiaga
afaar Bank are. WeM mtpeHor. eoualy of IHasg
la, state of Wtwoaula. sworn Maletueat No 171 a,
led Mar is. ivu.i. for the purchase of Ihe aeV
sec , tp ao s, r ij e, w m
That Ikey will ofTcr ttroaf lo show that Ik laud
sought Mv more valuable for it timber or Mam
thaa for agricultural outvotes aad lo estaktlsh
their ttahsH lo said laad Mute W. A. aril. V It
Ctmimltsioaer. at Prinevin, Oregon, oa Thurs
day Ihe lalh day of November, losj.
Tfcey name as wttaesse. John Mkultsc. of
IlibMaa, Miaa: Oris) J Gray. Joka A Tracy,
Ghraal Msrsfe.ofBead. Or; ('sWc W Oardaer.
of Ihdutk. Miaa. Low K AUutgham. Ora pulu-
oeatrr, 11 j raiaacr. ot rnacvuie, i)r. can JacutV
sua, WltUrd L CopperaoU. of Kuaette. Or. Rich
ard Kiag. Wm II brock, joka Hum. of Head. or.
Joka Mctauart. of The llallaa. Or. farajai
CamptMrtl, Aran, Wash
Aay aad all person daimhtg adversel
isaia r
above-described laud arc requested la tie lacir
cUiaw la tht orace oh or before the said istk slay
M-no MICIIAKI. T. NOLAN, Kagssttr,
Timber Land, Act June , r7.
V H. Laud OaVr. IkevUw, Oreitan,
bepteajber b, itos
Notice I bereby given that in comptiaMr with
the iwoviMoa of lb Act of Coat-re uf Juac t,
i7K, caUtled, "Ah act for Ihe s.& of timber lamC
la Ihr states of California. Oregon, Nevada and
WasktatftoH Tarriluty." as cxumled to all Ike
public Uad state by Act af AaguM 4, , the
Rdlowlag-aamed prraoa have fllad In thtsoffiee
tbeir sworn MaUrsmwU, to-wit.
tlustaf Tartwiuaat
of Climax, county of -ulk. stale of Minnesota:
sworn statement No I, for Ihe (mrchase of
Ihe ac r sec , tp 11 sjr 14 c, w m.
John lid ward Johlisoti,
of Climax, county U folk, state of Minnesota,
worn Malemcnt No ijv, for Hie puralwsc of Ills
itw qr sec 4, lp at , r 14 , w m.
Alliert Kixikaly,
of Climax, county of Polk, stale of Mtnnasota:
sworn statement Xo 1K40 for the purchase of
the 11 M nw or uw iir.iiw qr lie nr sec 1,111 ai
s. r ij c, w 111.
Ilerdin Snokalv.
of Climax, county of I'olL, stale of Minnesota;
sworn statement No 141. for the purchase of the
w se qr, en sw qr sec 1. ip ai , r IJ c, w in.
Alexander HookeJv.
of Climax, county of I'olk. state of Minnesota;
worn statement No 1K41, fur the purchase ofthc
sw qr nc qr.wK te qr sw qr sec iMp 31 a, r
14 c, w III.
That they will offer tinxif to show that Ihe laud
soukM Is more valuable for It timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, nud to establish
their claim to said laud before J M Lawrence,
U. S. Commissioner at Hend, Oregou.oii Wednes
day, the 16th day of December, ivu
Tliey name a witnesses: Rustaf Taruqucst,
John IMward Johnson, Albert Kpokcly, Hcrdlu
hiioicciy, Alexander bpokciy, all ot Climax,
Any and all nelson clalmlne adveraelv the
above-described laud arc requested to file their
claim In Ihl office 011 or before the said 16th
day of December, 9
09-dll li. it. IIKATTAIX Krglster.
Timber taml. Act June i, l8;8.
U. H. Lntul Oflice, Ukcvlew, Oregon,
tttpirmhcr . lVi.
Notice I hettliy gl-en lhat intMHiplUtice with
Iheprtivltloiitorihe Att uf Onigtest of June 1,
1A7. eutlllnl, "Att act Hr the sale of tlmlwr lands
lu the stale uf (Mlllutula, oiegou. NevmU, ami
Wathliigtnii Territory," a exleiiilnl lo nil the
tiubltcUml state by e uf Augu.t 4, the
fnlluwtiiK'liametl letoiit bve filed lit Ihl
tiinre their wru stnlemeuts, to-wll
Ihlwnrtl 11. Dunlgan,
of IVrtAKe. county of Qdiuohla, te of Wlamli
sin tworit statement Nh j fiir the purchase
of theeti tcH see 7, uu.l wW ! sec . lp ai.
rue. w in.
ofChlppcwa lktll, cthinty ulChtppewa. staleof
Witcoiitln; sntHii ttatriiitnt No iMj. for the put
chaseofthe wM w 4ca.auda) mw( sec 11,
ipaia, re. w m,
of llhmmer, cuunlt' uf Chlx. Hilc of Wis
ruuttn, twotH tta.lHiWi No i4. for the m
;lMteef the tM nll. vvji tS tee 11, lp a s, r
u e, w in.
of Rice l.ale, emtHlf af lUmni Male ef Wtseun-
.Hi .h munmill " " rwi ",,,."
of Ihe S MX, seK swVi i" au,l "eft MWM
scv 15. tp aa t, r v . w4i.
Thai they wilt allir iirouftu huw thai the
html sought I mat vsttushle for Its timber or
Moue thau for agrtenltuml Mtis.e, and to es
tablish Ibetr clgtrnt la mkI land before J J,
Mattth. luunl) Clerk, at priueiillr, Oregon, oh
Taesd) Ihe tjth day af Hrrvinher tan
of Portage, Wiscuttsin; Krnk J Myrmaa. of
CMppew milt. Miwuuttn tucvimh iiuvmihi,
of mourner. WltetvutlH; ole II Mastad. of Klce
Lake. WisconMu. II Wtlbrlm. ..f Uivw, tHeguH.
Perry P 1'oludexter, Or ISumlrttrr Wm K Mc
1 artamlof I'rttvevllle, Otegun IHmsld I' Mtfla,
Wdlmm lirtnk of IW-xihulv. Oregon.
Any and H petsuim ctatnitHa adversely Ike
abow describetl lands ate rtu,uretcil lo ale their
datm in tht oMee an or before the saut 1MJ1
day of Dreetubrr, Hau
oirdu iiTM. BKATTAIX HsgWer.
Timber band. Act J'-uej 17.
V ft. 111 Office. Lakcvtcw, Oregon,
beptemner 10, 104.
N4tce Is hereby giron thai In eomplUtBce with
the pru.tstoui uflh Act of Conareat of June 1.
ibju. eatltled, "Ah act far the & of limber fotMis
ia Ike state ufCalMbr at, oregoa. Nevada, aad
WahiHgtoH Tserttaty," as extruded lo alt the
public land stale W .ct of August 4, iksa,
OteJahH Istatlsoa.
of PrlHeviUa.eauatjruf Cnuk. Male uf Ofegaa,
has Alrd la lavs uface bit swoea statvsaetil No
ifii. for tae purchase of ike sw s-wtf sec to.
seal se? sec s H mw I, r u. ae tie n ajr tec
11 s, r Hie, w m. ia win ua r proof w saow
fiat Ike laad soaatn St more valuaMc for It lim
ber or toa tha for aarsrultursl puipom, aud
locotahlsth hisebtlm Is) said Uad sMturc J. J
rtaHth. Loaaly Clerk, at Prlaevill. Oregon, att
Moaday, Ike ita ems' af Deermber, teM.
He muaaa a wttuss.e. II. A Pastar, C, II.
Krtcksoo. Mia Hs4ge. Kalpb Jordan, all of
Pnaevtile, Oregon.
Aay aad all persons claiming adversely lb
atsaveeaxtlked Umet are rcuuestetl to We tbevr
ctalass la ikts oMa an or before Urn sukt 14th day
of December, ifax
udu K. M MKATTAIN Kttter.
Timber Iiml. Act June 1. 174.
f a. Larnt OMce. The ImUss, Oregon.
tictaesrr to, i.
Notice It hereby given thai la cotaptaMsr with
Ik provistiiusoflhe Act of Congress of June 1,
i7,eaHled. "Ah art for the sl of timber Vsmis
la Ike stales of California. isreguH. Nevada, aad
Waahlogtoa Territory," a estraded. hi all Ik
CbHc laad state by Act of AhcuM 4. toga, the
bawlat-uametl persutss have fiW Ih Ikts oHwe
their swotH staleateats, to wit
Altat Mamstad,
af Oraad 1'otW, esmiity ef Uraad ltkt. state ef
North Ihikvtai swoth tatutasiit Nh 1441, Bird
"Vf ij, ). for lb uurcnascaf Ihe lt t.rwtf
nwi; aad wjs swlf t? j, r) s, r ij e. w m. .
Maria IMcstson
of Oraad Porks, county afOrand Porks, state of
North IMkota. swura ttalratetil Xe 115, (Med
Keby ij. is. for la purokas uf Ihe HwK se
17. Ipias, r ue, w m.
of Grand Porks, county uf Oeund I'orks, state of
nuria itakosa, swora stiiwiin no ragv mew
Keby 11. mat, for the tmacitasc of Ike swiTsot r7.
spaas, rue. w aa
Ibivrard V. IbtrUrhl,
of Hast Oraad Pork, sxsaaly of Path, stale of
Miaaesota. swurn MaUavMt No sail, Med Keby
ij. mi, for Ike purr has of Ike Lot 1 ami t aad
eh uwH ec 7, lp iv s, r ije, w m
lam a aalisburv.
of Grud Porks, coaaly of Oraad Pork, state of
Noeth Dakota, swoea stateaseai Ne mja, Ited
Pray il. iojx. lor the putuhatcof Ihe sett set-ay,
tp aas. r 11 r, w m.
Thai they will otter Broof te skew thai Ihe toast
sought it more valuable for H timber or Moo
laaa for agricultural purpose, aad to establish
their dalat to said laud before Ike Xegttter aad
Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on baturday,
Jaaaary K. isot.
They nam aa wliaa. Oeetge Haittlmry.
Jaaaes II aaltabury. Maria INChmu aad Aaai
RamMad of Oraud Pork. North IMkota; lid
ward P Karlgkl uf, Kt Oraad Porn. Miaae
sota, orla J Cray, HMbarsI Kluc awl John ateidl
of Isrscfcatw, Orevm Jtaha aOder, or IliHeviU.
lrsoa, lame i'.uriabi, af Ofaud I'orks, North
imaota: J 1 iiefrua. ui TBC tMlica, wreeou
Aay aad all htsim aWMiing adversely Ike
abovrtescribed laiidt aa rsnuesied lo 01 lbir
ctolas lu this offer ua or bofof Ik subl loth lay
ot January, isu
ov-li MICIIAKL T. NOLAN. Kegtster
Timber Land. Act Ihiic J. itfa.
I', a. Uml oftujc. The Itatle, Oregon.
October ic, luui
Notice I kerebv eiveu lis! In CtHUHMatiee with
lb provtaloaaofihe Act of Congiess of June j.
17,. emitted, "An ,i for Ik sal of limber lamls
In the ctateoft'sli.,niUl, OrefvH, Nevada, abd
waaaiagtoa Territory." a esienowt to au ih
KbHe toaaf stale b Act f AuuHst 4. '. Ilm
lowiasi-Hatae)! urrwus have filed In Ihi usucc
their sworn stal nimts, lo-wtt:
John 11 CarreH.
of 1 101 I'uivrrsity At, Orand I'ork. eouuty of
Grand t'orks, suie of erth iMktttu; sworn stale
men! No 171J. tiled March is, loej. for the pur
ckaseoflkeseK set jy,pa,r 11 a, win.
Msry J. Carroll,
of iii Unlwraiiy ,ive, OramJ l'uikt, county of
Grand I'ork. Mate .,1 MottU-IXkoW: sworn stale
meal No 1714, SU-.I M irch l. !, for the mr
chase of Ih set, se seg as, M swX and sw)
sif set 14, tp i.y a, r 1 1 , w m.
Hulh M, Whaley. ,
of itcy-udat. apoksur,caulityof8iokaiie, stotr
uf WtthlHglen sworn statement Xo 171s. metl
March it, ieoj. for ih purclutcof Ihe Lots 1 ami
a aim s urn set tp U a, r me, w 111.
hi(,i,m u rivaL.
f liclio, ctmnt) oi vilTow Meill(iie, slate af
annuaoa, swum sunment no leaj, men i-eur
il, lyi. for Ihe piinliase of the sw sec aj, tp id
s, r so e, w 111
of Itcno, eouuty of YeJIuw Medicine, 'late of d....... .. T . .a Bk.. sT.4 flts1 1eltsl
li,,lisnii,lawuill siaieillClll W iosj, i,.. . s.v
I. lint, for the purchase ofthc kU sec aa, tp IA
, r 10 e, w in
Tint they will of r proof lo show that the land
sought Is more irIimUc for Its timber or stone
than for agricultural purposes, and lo establish
Ihclr claim to said Urn! before Ihe Ktw'liter and
Kecelver at The Dalles, Oregon, 011 Thursday,
January 14, ivm
They name at wituetsc: John M Carroll nud
Mary J Carroll, of t,raud I'orks, North Dakota;
Uuth A Whaler and I'.tlia M Whaley ,of Htokne
WashiiiKtou 5riu J Gray, of Dcschule, Oregon,
Orange I'lfodgrs, of priiievilc, Oregun; Italvor
O Homme anil htephen H Drake, of licho, Minne
sota; John hteldl. of Dcschule, Oregon; Thomas
Tweei, of The Djiies, Oregon; Henry Ilouimc,
of Grsulle 1'allt, Minnesota.
Any and all tieriou clolinliiK adversely the
almvc-dcKcrlbcd lain arc requested to file their
claim in Hilt office 011 or Ik fore the said 14th day
of January, 114.
ojo-Ji MICIIAUL T, NOLAN, KegUter.
Tlmlitr,Lml, Avl Jmie j. iyH
V. H. I.imuI oflUe, The I Miles, Orruttii)
Otinbtr tg, iv.
Nwllee Is heteby' glteii that lu roinplbiure with
the pttivlthiu of Ihe Act uf Cnugieat of June j,
i7t. ntltlttl. "An act for Ihv sale nflliultfrlamU
In Ihe state of Cullfbrnla, ilivsmi, Nevada, unit
Washington Tetillory," 1 etIvtHlnl lu nil the
tiuWIe ImiiiI slate b) Ait or Aiiglttt 4, it, the
(lilHiwIuK-iMmed trwuit haw lilnl lu Ihit ullKe
Ihclr awein sttHititi, tu-wtt.
Nellie Cutler, .
uftlraiul lurk, etHinty l flwml I'etk. slate nf
N in III Dakota: sworn Matvnienl Nil 1 4 so.
1, men
(M jo, itf,, fur the imtelwse uf the sell s ,
lite se)
ll If, t Ije, w m
AmelM Hlrtlmty
oft O. Itox jt, Oram! I'otk. county ui Oram!
Porkt, stale urNmlh IMkota, twwlii statemeMI
Nh mm), filed On u, ), for the xitthse wfthr
iiwt( sec m, lp If , r ij e, w in.
Ms ml Hmllh,
of The Dallot, county or W'svseu, state uf Oiegon:
awcHH stalement Nu 14.1I, filed IKl , lsa, for
the purchase of the sH seK tec Ih, nw tviK
sec aa and nclf tH sec if. lp I s. r ij e, w hi,
K. KufusAmMh.
ufTh Dalbm, nmnt) of Wasco, stole of Otegtsa,
twetn MlmHI No 1417, Rled Oct f, to. kr
tlt (mtehaseuflhe wH He.s4 neKamlnwlt
seH sec H. Ip m s, 1 1 j e, w hi
Albeit IMckaen,
ofl' O Box M. Itiaml Pork, ctmnty afllraivd
potkt, stale or North IMkota, sworn Malemenl
Nn I4J. Bbd tht , tana, for the imrchase af
the hH swK. nwli stH and sK hK sec 17. lp
IV. r ij e, w m.
Tlwllbey wilt olTer proof lo skew Ikal Ik toad
staighl la mot valuable for II limber or Mua
than fur agricultural purposes, and to establbdt
their ctette la Mbt lamt before Ike hegitlet and
Kecvlvvr at The I Miles. Oregon. OH I'tkmy,
January 15. 104
They name a witnesses Chatte II Urtsbin.
K Karat nmllh and Maud Hmilh. of The iMtlet.
iHegoti. Altwtt IHckson, Amelia KIMmry ami
Nellie Cutter uf Oram! I'otk. Nwth IMVot.
Maty C Hrt.Wti. of Tire I Mil. Oietwi. Mis Ova
Bwlt-iWry, afOishd Porks, North IMkota
Auv aud alt listsnsis rLlMl.tjr adsstsstv tlu
abovv-brlbJH Umtt are leuwssfed lu Att I heir
ctalat m Ikts rtffler un w bvltar la std isib aay
uf January, 104.
ojaji MICH
Timber Land. Act June t &
V Land tMIke, Tk I Miles. Oregon.
October it, rosj,
Nottrr rt hereby gtwu Ikal Ht eueaatblMC with
Ike provttsoa uf Ik Act of Coaareo of Jae y.
l7V minted.
ta aet roe in teivet iivaavv nat
la Ik stale of CaBhMHSs. ttreaon, N
Waakiagtea Tetrllory ' esieuded
to att Ik
hMk toad atate by Aet of Augoot 4.
foUewliia-Haased iwrsotss kev lied
ta. lb
IH Ikrt
Ibetr swora staleateats. to-wtt
Louis lobasoa.
af Mlnneapull eouafjdu lleuuetdn, stale ef
Mlaarsota nirM MaltMieal No ij). tleg tM
4, 10, foe Ih purchase ef lb Lots j aad
4 aadeH tl sc ss, lp to s, r 14 c w 10,
Asultvw Aadeisoa.
of Mlaneapolb). coaaly of HeaaMu. stat of
vain. Mat of
la. tied Oct.
K Mt It, Is
Miaaesota, ssrara stateaseai No 1
14. Hjaa, for Ih purchase ef I he hw
aa s, r 11 . w m
P. Adoltsk Petoesoa.
of MlBHeapull. coaaly of lleaueplp. Mat ef
allttaesot. sotn MXeusrat Ne Iter, nieo tsn
Mk it. for the perches of Ike nls hK. wt
MHsmt nK awtf sec is. lp m s, r ije, w m.
Andrew lehasati
of MlaHfapetl. coaaly of HeHmroiM. stole m(
MHtstoMsta, swern su4mai iso ijaa, aavaj ut.
st, less, for lb ptMcbase uf lb mh seraa, Ipa
s, r 14. w m.
Andrew Catssen,
of Minneapolis, eettety of llewiiiplii. state el
Mmnewda: swoth stoleateet Ne ija, AtedtMC
1, et, for Ih purckes of lb e UK sec a.
aud sH nK sc T7. lp a . r 11 , w m.
That they will offer proof tu tkow Ikaf IM btHd
Is pmm vluot rer It IHuoer or 1
rUMH for at4Mltttrbtmi lie, and U estaktlsh
I Ihclr ctalNt to mM kt ml belore Ike KegWer ansi
Keeelter l The IMItes, Oregon, oil Tue-Wf.
DestrMPer, a. i
They name as wHaessss Amlrew Cailwsn. P
AtkdoYt tttersoa. Andrew Jetinseu, Lout Jehu
oh and Andrew Anderson uf MMHMpelts,
Aay and peetwns cklx4m( dvrsty lb
bove ilitld Jantt at iMuerd lo AU thstr
latiot In Ihtt oMec on or beret the mM MHddsy
of llecetMloC. Man
oHbdio MIC I
IIAKL T. NOIMN. Kegtster.
Timber Land, Act June j, rtai.
U It. Land OMee, The IMUe. Oregtm.
October ia. iota
Nolle t Itcteby grvcH Ikal Ih eoMpttoae with
Ih provuaoH oflk Act of Cmgro of Jaa a.
i7, etttrtled. "Aaari for ta wle of limber toad
la la Mate of Caltforaia, Otcgoa. ttctnwta, aud
WasrOogtoH Tcrrttory," a eatamtad to all lb
public fond state ky Act af AajnM 4, Ite. Ike
sMKnelHasHamea person Ha oM in IBM ouajc
laelr swotH sletemint. lo-wlt:
Abtae L Whttten.
of Pwltond, cawnty ef Muluiniaah. stale ef Ore-
rii worn staWMbnst Mo isga, Sbat Oct . leva.
Ik putclHis of lbK sec S.lpao. ' U e.
w m.
Mary It Thrhnor
f Parett Or, covtgty of Washlngten. stale of
Oregon; swum stateroom Mo lost, for Ike our
cnaeeflkMHwrf ami nX w) , lp aos,
r ue, w m.
XcMIc A ahaver,
of ju Vaneouver Aw . I'orlUad, county of Mali-
aoesah, stale of taregna swora staleuseHt No
as, for Ihe parckaseof Ibe swK nwfeci,H
aH sad Hwlt self sc a, Ip ao s, r, ia e, w m
Auua L
L Kejtbw.
ty of Washington, stale of
Mat No ijgr7, Med fact an,
of Ih seK swK, swH M
liw) nK sec as, lp so.
of Potest Orovc, county of WeshlngUin,
IHegon, sworn staiemvei 10
iwm, wr in purcaat
stc ao, nH hwh aim
r tae, w m.
Pannlell McDonald.
ttfCluiakaul. eoualv of Columbia. Jdale ef Die
uoh: sworn statement No web filed Novmbr
ia, iom, for Ike purcbas of lb h nH. wVt
aH and nwlf sH wg lp aa a. r ia. e, v m.
Thai Ibey will utter ttroof lo abow that the land
sought to mure valuable, for il limber or Mone
than for agricultural purtm, anil lu establish
their claim lo akl toad before Ihe Kegtster and
Receiver al The iMllts, Oregon, oil Wednesday,
liseemlicr n. yJ
Tbeyiwtme a Hiliicase AhMc L- Whiltati,
NelB hhaver. of IVrtltond, Oregtni. Harry IV
McDooabl and 1'aunl H McDonald of CtoUkaul.
Oregoiu Mary l( Ttchnor and Anna I, ItuglMi
of Xor4 drove. Oregon; ihI I' C Whltleu, !)
ahuie, orsHi.
Any ami all person outlining oilverstty Ih
alMivHleerlled uml are retiueatail in file Ihclr
ctolm In Ihl ulfwc ou or before ihe said, ajttl iwy
sifiW''a.tSlAW.. T. NOUN, H...tar.
llonissteocl Contolldutril
V. H. Land offlce, The Dalles, Oregon,
Ottelier it, iVS-
Nolle I hereby given that the following.
named tiersont have hied notice af their Intui
tion to make commutation proof in tuiipuil of
their claims, and that suld proof will be made
before J. M. Lawrence, If. H. Coiumlssloiier, at
Deschutes, Oregon, on haturday, Novcinber aH,
J, via:
Carlyle C. Trltdctt.
of Dcschule, Oregon. II l No 10637 for the etf
ecaj,lpl8, r;ic, win
ThomasW. Triplet!,
of Dcschule, Oregon, II It No 107j for the teU
swlf sec aj, uVJ net,' and licK uwj ae 6, tp lb
a, r 11 e, w m.
They name the following person to prove
Ihclr continuous resilience upon and cultivation
of ald land, via.
I, C Whlttcd, J L Kever, Cassandra A Ilrock,
Thomas W Triplet!, Carlyle 0 Triplet! aud J H
Ilrocii, all of Dcschule, Oregon,
Mjiiai MIUIAlil. T. NOLANs Ucglitcr.
Timber I.Htiil. Act June .1, 1I7H.
V. H, Mud Olllc, The Utile, tltcgttii,
Heplemhef a, ieoj,
I hibv utvt-n lhat In nmitilTana wll
Ihv iHtivitMnia of Ihe Act uf Cuugteas uf June i,
i7, vntltlel, "An ad fi,r lheMltuftlMlr btliils
III the Malm uf I'allmtula, Oregon, Nsomla, and
Waehlngtati Terrilm-y," a ealeiiileil In all the
iiintK mhh state ny Act 01 AwguM 4, iaua, llir
1. Hi
tollawliig-uameil person have
vv ni
leu ih mia ulflte
their swotH Matrmenta, lo-vill
)tbmsr A. tMlili
uvaer A. iHliaii
ly of Ctouk, Male or t)lg)ni
Nt i7j, filed Jmii a, laua.for Ihr
ids ami a aaitTats hK . If
ui mnert, ruuniy
juvoru Mutemrnt I
purrlMse of Ih bds
14 a, r 10 e, w in
KdwtM H. Orah-m
of Hitter, venule nf Crook, stale af (lfjsjii
swotti Malemenl No 474, lied Jiim g, taut, for Hie
imtcHsseoril lols4ad 7 and H swj se, ti
14 0. r me. w m
Jkl lfock
nflteml, county of Ciooh, state ofoieaoui swgrn
Matesaval No i, hlmi Jwue ig, luea, fur lb Mbr
elsssvof these!; Nwy aosl tit wr , lp Vt,
r a e, ami let a arc ss, ip al , r 11 1. v m.
VVIIIuuo Mnlball
of Bowlx City, count) Tif WMdlMtry, state af hswai
swora MattmcHl M . ld Jake I, toj. fot
thrpwreksse of the HN s ami HH swK stool,
lp t. t 11 e, w m.
IMvtd II llaoer .
nf l.ewttton. county of Net IV, state of Idaho:
sworn slalrmeai Nil , ftlrd July i.t, laua, far
Ike porch of Ike lot 1 aad a tmf sat
aad 1 sec j. ImHi, r 11 e. w ot.
Tbalthet wulitf.r W to soewUwlt belaud
ssmghl i mot valuabW foe Ha llajhvr or stout
than for agrtcwNurat out au era. aod to eMabtsth
thru ctalat lo atM toud. befor J j health,
t'uunlt cklk. al Pttrievlll, orexjoo. um Tom
day. 1 he 1 7th day of Nowmbvr, ma
rtiii mime a wimtoot Bblwia Hnranam
John W Mill. Mobrrt amllh. it A Graham, al
n..n,w r. ..fwni,
. It A Graham, af
birrs. or. Waiteu brow a. I. It Altlagham.
a. I. It Altlagham.
laoaalueas -s lfakkla.-a.atsU.
lira rvtnwaier, itrvn Aim
or, II I' Metkt. W II atork, W II ataala, Chatte
ivifstreoivi, ateeaen Ofgggau-aasjgaxst, ooaj f,vnr,
L Brock. Jiasvpk II llaurr, Prank llodaoa. ol
Html Or. Uilltom II Holltngsbeed, jaBuaoe.ol
Any aad att etolmlmr adversely the
bo-dscilbttl lamt are ronueatvd lu Me Ibeir
elalBM IH tht otore oa or befor Iks atd 17th ty
of Wovewbei. laaa
sit Mil MKllArlL T NOLAN, Koglotof.
Timber Laad, Act Jots J xfat,
V. ft. Laad Hac at UkwtVrw. ileeamst,
aveteoanev a ivaj-
Notar la avrehy give Ikal ia euanplssac oMh
Ih peoviatimt uflh Act of Cietgrna of Jaa v
17. eatltled. "AaeH for tk otvid tlmWrtoastt
In lb state of vallfoetna orveue, Nevada, aad
H'aaklajrlim Terrttuey. ' a taieaded le all Ih
pobtfar lead Male by Act of Aesjuat 4. ".
William Parker.
of Delhi, roanlt of Rsdouod. atate of atloi
be fttrd la thlt olace hi wore Maiemeut No
iau, foelar purtaaaeof the wi aV s-caa,M
aeK sec 17. lp ii . t 11 . w m aad will etfrt
1 so saow iat ia woo paojai is atove vaia
for Hs limber or Moo Ihea foe agf k-ultural
C rotate, aad to eMsbltsh hi claim to esnl WM
foee J J amllh, County Clerk al lltMvtlt.
orrgua. oa Tueeday, IheijAbdayof Drcvmher.
lie Man aa wlloeas. Ralok Jordaa. Perry
M PtMadeslrr. lira Poladealer. Chart If.
Krtcksoa. all of Prlaevill. Oregua
Any aad all ptrtina ctatmlag adtettaly Ike
abari dsurtbttl laad are rroucsted lo Bl Metl
etaimtla thMoaVjeoaer brrar Ik tald ijlhatay
sllToctabev. ru
Tin lb 1 Laad. Act Jaa j. stat
II .
1, Loarvtrw Olsesm.
acta. ss. isa.
Xeilt at keaotav glvoi 1!
eoat Ikal tot igwu ahj mi with
Act af CBiMjuai of Jaar 1.
I Jot Ik sateof llBsber landt
af l-rtorvftl. aoaot ol
be fllad m ibJa arfVe kts
171. for Ik avarekaa of lb
swk; of etc si, Ip t s,rii,e at
. aasTwili ltt
aroof to show that Uw toad eoagkt t aaore
valoakt far Ma Imher or ttoa Ihea gar aeteot-
taral mar aoste.aad to eautltteti hat claim losaot
Uod befor J J amltb, t'oaoty ctork, al Prltsr.
vilbr, oneoa, 00 Taei lay. Ik ijlk day ot
Dstcmlsrr tosv.
II aeate a iiiRaaaaaa llcory A Paster.
Chart H Krtrkoa. Rato Jordaa Artiegtoa
tlavi. all uf Pnaevilt. tlrefoa
Aay aad alt ctalmlag adversely la
aliov-dsarlbtitaaarcro4e.lto IU lacir
etoiest la Ikts afar oa or before lb seal Ijtkday
of laeeratbti, mi.
svdii X M BRATTAIN. MeatMef.
Tltaber Uod. Act Jaa h tar
V. . Land tatsWej Lckerkevv, OroH'.
Notsne hereby given Ibju Ms eamidlgiiat with
Ik provissoa oflk .let af Coanvai of Jmr 1.
17. ralittnl. "Aa get Rer Itsr aaKaf tiathcr btuali
in ike auito of CaluVrate, tNogoai, NevaoB, and
Waahiiito Ttritory.' a twltHtdaa to alt Ike
isaoUc lamt Mate. b Act Of Aoxrutt 4. , ike
Mtooutg-aaased psauasa heyVhrd In Iktootacc
tketrswora Maleatenta. to-wMi
Waltac M. hcall,
of Vaekon, county uf Kkw. atate af WaahlHaUm
worn stall aienl No 1714. lb Ike put. has of Ik
uHnSseei? Ipai , r ia. w m
Charles W Jaeobs.
of Vaahoa. eouuty of Klag. Mate of WashlHgtun.
aworn Malenirnl No f,H. for Ibe purrhas oflbe
sbj awl aad ate sw sec 17. tp il s. 1 lie. w m.
1 1 Ilea Harrington,
of Vaehoa, coaaly of Klag, eiau uf WaefclMgi, 1
wore Malemenl No ifia. for Ihe purthaar of Ih
rH tw'i.slt H " I, swlt swl, set 17. tp ai s
r la e, w ui
Thai they will otlrr tirnof lo show lhat lb land
sMtgkt laaiore luluabl for lu timber or Moo
Mian lor agricultural purpose, auo ewtaumu
Ihclr itaims le aabt lead before J M Ijiwieme.
I', b. Commisstoue al Bead" Oregon, oh awlui
day Ihe lath day of December. ly'J
They uamc aa wllaea-a Wallace M lleall,
Chsrlr W Jacnlst, 1 1 lira Harrington ufVasium,
Waskiugtoa, I W William. Amu Brad
thaw, fcrttami. Otegon, I' C Wbiilca, IHrml
Any aad all person claiming adversely Ih
abevc-detcrihed lamt are ivoueeftd to Rt I heir
ctolm Ih tbi owe oh or before the Mid lath day
of Uevember, iuJ
09-dll K M, HKATTAIN Kegtster
Tlmbw Uil, Act June j, igsg.
V a. Uad Ooiee, The Iktll, Oregtm,
oclebar it, iuj,
Nolle to hMcby glvan tliat In ctnntdbitioi! with
Um iovitmuoftli Act or CoitgroM or jii
iltg. rutlllad. "All aad (be Ih sals uftlmhtr!
inr ,
Ill the states of CdllWrijla, Oleguu. Nevfnla, and
Washington Terriiery," at extended tu all the
public laua ttaiv iy Aft 01 AUgUM 4, iwr,
IlerUrl C ilrtug,
of Walbt Walla, cwmly of Walto Walla, slate of
Wash hut on Oct 4, i'i, filnl In Ihl olllce I'M
worn statement No laya, for Ihe puichaic ofthc
iihj nw),' set au and 11H uc!( of scv w, li 19,
rncw m,
And will offer proof In show that Ihe laud
sought Is more valuabl.for It Umber or stone
than fur agricullurul purposes, mid to establish
their claim lo said laud Iwfure the KcgUtcr uml
Kccetvcr at The lull, Oregon, on Wednesday,
Hit- ijtli day of January, 14.
He nnnusut witnesses. Ora I'oliidexter, P II
I'olndcxter.of I'rlucvllle, Orruou: l'lcd W Wil
son, Josiph I 'ears, of The Inllvs, Ongon,
Any uml all persons claiming admcly the
above-described laud are requested to file their
claim lu thlt office on or before the said ijtli day
of Jiuuiry itut.
oio-jt MICIIAKI, T. NOLAN, Kcglltcr.
iev ettuijaaa, 'Aa M
pubkc-fomi -,j:-net f .M.
rctsstv. atate ef oilaoii.
sjBjahasI BtehaaJjasMaLsOjffavJ Taata
' ',
. ohiii- -