t" winii&tiiu'' --i 4 BIG APPROPRIATION CHIEF OF ENGINEERS QIVES OUT ESTIMATES FOR NORTHWEST. AUAIN IN FLAMI1S. Recommends That Congress Appropriate 31,750.500 for Improving Rivera and Harbor ot Oregon, Washington anil Idaho Bulk ot Meney to Qa (or Im provements on Columbia Hirer. Washintgon, Oct. 28 General Gil- letple, chief of engineers, in his annual report, made public today, recom mended the appropriation at Uio com ins session of congress ot $1,750,000 for tho improvement of rivers and har bors in Oregon, Washington and ldho. Tho bulk of tho money asked for is needed to carry on work at tho mouth of the Columbia, to provide a 25-foot channel in the Wlllamcte and Colum bia from Portland to the sea, anil for beginning tho construction ot the ship canal around the obstruction in the Columbia between The Dalles and Celilo. For tho former projects $500,000 each is recommended, and for The Dalles cnnal, 1300,000. These amounts, added to the available balance, will provide amplo funds for continuing work throughout tho coming fiscal year, and the fact that all lhrr tit t)i.u. works are now known as "continuing contracts" will probably mean that ap propriations therefor will bo made in the sundry civil bill and will not de pend upon tho parage of a river and harbor bill at tho coming session. General Gillespie estimates that it will cost 12,673,609 to complete tho improvement of tho lower Willamette and Columbia rivers, in addition to 1108,240, available from prior appro priations, while to complete the south jetty at tho mouth of the Columbia will require 1770,181, in excess of the $1, 250,000 still available and unexpended. .o csitmaio oi the cost o( the new ca nal at Tho Dalleslhas yet been made Aberdeen's Surviving Buildings Hum Mr men are. Helpless. AberOoen, Wash., Oct. 28, 3 A. M. A lire, which promises to equal in magnitude tho recent holocaust which destroyed the major portion of thu business part of Aberdeen, Is now rag ing, and tho'tlre department Is wholly unable to coins with it. At an early hour this mronlng lire was discovered fn the center of the Commercial block. With indescriba ble rapidity It has spread to thu Ghuwow block, tho postofllco, tho Becker block and tho Y. M. C. A. building, all of which are now a mass of (lames. Tho tiro department is utterly power less to stay the progress of the flames. which tho w ind is fast drlvlnc toward the unburncd portion of tho town. The Commercial block contained 10 stores, besides several which opened temporary quarters thoro after tho re cent (Ire. The Glasgow Jhlock contained eight stores. HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON f"' ''' - - " ' ' - t (Seven business blocks of Abinlecn were destroyed by a tiro that broke out on tho morning of October 10 and burned until 2 o'clock in tlitMifti-rnn.ui. The blitxo stnrtitl In u nailrv . 1 l.v.1 the Mock building, where men cooked their meals over gasoline stoves. Four men lost their lives and a half dozen were more or less seriously injured. The loss wus determined to be about 1700,000.) APPDAL TO RED CROSS FOR AID. to Re- rUcedoolans Atk Clara Darton leva Their DUtress. Washington, Oct. 21). Macedonia's plea for aid in her distress was placed before Miss Clara Barton, tho tho lied Cross society, toilay. Con stantino Stcphanov, the sec!al Mace donian dtWati. til. I ML 1t,.rt.... ., ............ rf- .. .......v. C-". " -.- -.-.. iniiiiiii ... Among the other appropriations recom- tho urgency of the situation ami begged xn. iil,n i .imi... In, x ,a'r to uko nncdlato action to Insure Kine thousand dollars for carrying I, , . ., , ,, , ... out tho revised project for improving I U, forwri','1R ' ed Crus relief to tho Willamette between Portland and Macedonia. Miss liar ton asked for de Oregon City, as suggested by the spec-1 tailed information as to tho character Ul board of engineers; f 10,000 forjand scojhj of tho aid needed, and said: deepening the channel between Van- Ti. t-i n ,- i i . . . ,, couvcrjand tho mouth of fthe'Colum-' , Tw Hed Crow feeli that It would bla; 180,000 for completing 'the -1 ? ' 'j"""" ??d ?M U "5 ,0.r tlw proaches and grounds around the canal ft" "i ' V un,,,cr,?k' " and locks at tho Cascades; $10,000 for I ,"'? "nlTe1r n,g ,,n, M.donla. continuing clearing of the channel of . ? fJL , " S?,uW l,w '", kwt8 ,,th tho Bnako river between Rinarla nni, "'""n edition lit other exigencies. Imnaha river: 110.000 for druMmr V'0."1 lmtl"Vn view o( t(ie approach RUSH TO MOUNT RASTUS. I'honollte Find U Attracting a Orcat Many Prospectors. Itoker City George 11. Small has re turned from the now Mount Hostus miltiui! district. Hn tuiv Hint, tluirn are fully 300 people In tho camp nt present, ami hundreds more are on thu road going in. Men of oxiwrlonco (nun Cripple, Creek, Colo., told Mr. Small that tho phonolite found in tho now camp rcHumhlod in uvery particular tho phonollto found in Crijiplo Creek. Mr. Small says that if tho values aro thoro it Is bound to bo a rich camp, na thu lcdcCS aro nil rliflll. A tmi-nnltii lim been selected and surveyors aro busy laying It out into city lots. Purchas ers of town lots aro numerous. Claims in good localities soil readily to tho latccoinnrs who hnvn iiiiinni. Tho country whore tho phonollto Is found extends from 1R tn 'J 11 mlltM. Prospectors nro busy hunting ledges. ithin 30 days nt tho present rate of Increuso thoro will lw from 3,000 to ft, 000 men In the now illntrli-t. Mmi in do assessment work nro In great do- lllllllll. Mimt nil tlm liinn u'lui .. In - - " ...V. ...... .. ... uti eairor to find nml liK-nt.i I'lilm, fur themselves and lmvo no tlmo or Incli nation to work for any one else. SDLL TtlQ LAND IN A LUMP. tho Tillamook bav: 12.000 fnr fVwi. ol wln.lel -' 7. ' ,"vv" tsnifltl Utllkutflttt tfll nml I. ........ 11.... river; 00,000 for producng a greater, 7 ' .,.,., V V . depth over tho bar at tho entraVo o!,fffort ,,.tho t.oft ie'wi, o general- Most of Klamath Marsh Will Then be Reclaimed. raIom Stato Treasurro MiHro is of thu opinion that tho tit-oner tilnn (or iue;stato to pursue In illsHtsing of its lands on Klamath marsh, should tho stato dually ncqulro them, Is tn roll tho entire tract In a liiinii tn tlm Mud. est bidder. Hn 1mIIihi tdU In mlvlut. head of ' ''1 '"r the reason that if tho tract is ctu up anil sold to various ormms It will lw impossible to unite the roveral intorcsts In any enterprise locking to tho reclamation of the land. In nnlor to make tho Innd nf vulnn to tin nwn. ors, it must bo drained, and tho sumo work that drains jart of it will drain practically all of it. If it lw sold in small tracts, a part of tho purchasers can sit back and do nothing, leaving tho more entorprisng to lear tho ex ponso of draining the marsh, while all would share in tho Itenodts. ITmlnr such circumstances. It is doubtful whether any one would undertake tho reclatnmatlnn work and also whethor there Would 1m Mnvlinmrn fur ntiv lint tho best of the-sxatnp land. RUACIIINO I'OR OMliaON CITV. City and Suburban Leases Roadbed Pram Southern Pacific. Oregon CltyllesldeiilH of Clarkumas say thnt ueirotlatlons have Im-oii i-ou. cludwl by which tho Ctv St Ktihurlmn railway company, of Portland, has lenswl from tho Southern Pacllle com pany tho railroad lx-d of that cnrora tlon U'tweeu Wlllsburg nnd Clacka mas. Them hns for many months Ix-oit rumors of such a deal, and tho an nouncement of Its cnittttiiimititltmi-iiiinn much singulation locally. Tho feasi bility of such an arrangement Is rccog n I rod since It Is known Hint tlm Month. ern Pacllle company has taken tho pre liminary steps to construct another roadlied by which its west side trains may reach l'orlland from tlm imi hI.I... the Wilhtmatte river to le crossed at Oswegu. From that iolnt tho roule of the road will 1st lliirtlmrh- i-mitiiu-lliiir i with thu main lino at WllUlmr... in. other lino will extend from tho Oswego crossing point up the rler Joining the main lino Just below this city. In this way tho railroad comtutnv nrntMuu-a in avoid thu exIstliiL' lnnvv i.,!.. ly.. t It'll this cltV and WIIM.nrL.. nn,l nt the same tlmo shorten the route by four miles. The old Hue Is to le iimkI for local trains while the heavy trallle will lw transferred to the new line. IILOW OI'IIN HANK. (Isng ot Robbers Makt Successful on the tUierldsn llsnk. Raid ORUAT tlATCIIllRV AT ONTARIO. , nuuiu ptt-in io require n sys- Mtimtantlai and immediato depth over tho bar at tho entrance of Coos Boy; f 30,000 for Coqullle.riier, and 500 for Clatskaanie river. For strictly Washington improve ments, the , following amounts are asked: Lewis river, f 7,000; Willapa river, 15,000; entrance to Gray's Harbor, 125,000; tributaries of Puget Sound, $30,000; Olympia harbor, 26,000; Tacoma harbor, f 5.000: Everett har bor, $10,000; New Whatcom harbor, $35,000; Pen d'Orcillo and Okanogan rivers, $7,500. ly. Diplomatically theprohtoin would uo nu exiromeiy Delicate one, and would requireMiscrction andexjwriunco for its successful solution." CHINOOK IS MP.R NAMC. Traniformed Orsnt Is Flnlt ned and Re christened. San Francisco, Oct. 20. Tho last CRUSH JAPS QUICK. Russian Paper's Advice to Its Govern, meat 111 Feeling to America. London, Oct. 28. Special dispatches from fit. Petersburg report a growing ill-feeling in Russia against both Eng land and tho United States, in conse quence of the supposed sympathy of these countries for Japan. This feel ing finds expression in the Novo Vre mya, which, in commenting on the de cision of the Alaska boundary tribunal, says it hopes that Canada will now sever the ties connecting it with Great It ri tain. Tho Vrikina maintains a bellicose at titude, neither States will interfere and Jlussia was better prepared for war. This paper urges that Japan had better Ihj crushed without delay. bolt has lcen driven In the big dredge Grant, or rathor Chinook, as she is now called, for the gigantic craft was remarried to tho deep seas vestonluy and with tho ceremony came change of name. Captain Sanford, of the U. S. A. en glnccrinit corps, has arrived nt Vullejo and will Hiijierlntend tests to lm marAj on San Francisco bar la-fore taking the iireige to tho Colubmia river, whore lies her sjiecial Hold of duty. These tests will bo made today and if tho Chinook is pronounced satisfactory she will immediately proceed to thu Co- lumnin river. Mbley fluys Timber Holdings. Pendleton A deed has been Hied with the county recorder whereby J. D. Casey and wife sold a half Interest hi their timber holding, located on the Blue mountains in the vicinity of Meachem, to C. W. Nlbley for $5,000. It comiirlw tract of almut 1.000 n.-r.u, This is one of the lurgust timber dealt that Imis lieen reeordeI for some time. Mr. Nlbley is given nwirly 10 yours in which to reiiHive the tlmlicr. 1ft. In also iriven t In- riuht tn ustahllxh mw. mills and other tit-ctMarv mnrliliiurv . . . .: "' ami transportation lines on the proticr ty, to be usel in carrying away the pro- lucis. I.'nough Salmon Can lis Propogsted There to Keep Up Supply, Salom Thn new slato salmon hatrh ery at Ontario Is tho largest of Its kind In tho United States and perhsp in tho world, says stato treasurer ('. S. Moom. Tho Slnlll Tnin.ilr.ir n..,l U... rotary it Stato Duuhar have Just re turnwl fnun an olllclal visit to Onlnrlo, whore they Instated the new hatch. ery. They reiMirt everything lit satis, factory condition nml dm) i-.mM.in.ii ,.i a gtssi suisou's work. A largo nuinl)er Of llsll llIlVO Ixwill tillldll nml i. .....I ply of eggs seems certain. "The now hatchery has a rupuelty of 40,000,000 young fry a yenr,M says Mr. Moore, "wlilch is greater than tho ca paclty ot all thu other hatcheries In tho stato combined. We believe that tho problem of kin-nlni? im tlm .m.,.1.. of salmon has been solved and that this will bo clearly tlomonstratett In four or flvo year when tho product of this hatcherv lwirln t, v,.., I.....L- tho Oilmubla river. Cnnnorvmsn Hav that only alw.iit 1.000.00(1 .nli,.,i. .. yettr nro taken in tho Coluinblu. If only ono in every 20 of the llsh wo turn out nt Ontario should minn back, wo would huvo enough to keep up the supply." Sheridan, Or., Oct. 27. With nlli,,. glycerluu ami burrowed IimiIm, thrto suuMiraekers forcetl thu vault of l0 private batik of Sernggln A Wortiiinu, here early Momlay morning, took Ifi.. 000 In gold and silver nnd cm-no..,! without leaving aehiw,, notwllhsluin. IngthatJ. .. Knkln, the iiinvor of Sheridan, ttsik three rlllo shots attlirm from close range, So similar Mure their methods ((, those of tho Uudlt caug who Httiunnt. cd to rob the Nowltetw bank on OettilHT 1, that no doubt exists In thu minds of Sheriff Bltton, of Yamhill county, and his deputies that the robber bauds am Identical, The robbers enteral tlm liunV I, ...... log ohii the front door. A brick vault with walls (hive fwt thick wcru out through with tools horrotwd from t. rallroadl tisilj house at) Iuillston, four miles away. Tlm small safe Inside tho larue vault was llu-n drill. wl .,ii.. glycerine was jionrtNl In nd an explo. slon otvurred, which wrecked tho safe, thu vault and the Interior of the hank, and thu plato glass windows in front. Pieces of tho safe were thrown through tho steel door of tlm vault and Into the street. Tho sound of the cipllon alarmed .'.,y."r. .,.',kl,, mui ",,M,r ltl"'ii. lib bullets singing over their head-, the robber climb! Into n buggy lth tho valunblo contents of thu tank as freight, and drove to the southward. Within halt an hour all Mlu.rl.1.... t.. that the only bonk In town had b-eu roulHtl. m The Identity of the safe roblsirs Is ss much a mystery as their present loon Hon. and It was tho Udlef of fi,rfr Slttoii that (the gang who tnrrorUeil Nt-wlsirg retiirnl Immettlately to Port laud. If this holds true In tlm Shrri ilsn robbery, the move to tho south, wanl was merely a blind. IIAN ON mSHASIJD STOCK. Owner (lust Dip Cattle, II Required, to tinier Reserves. Two Thousand Head of Hogs. Kntcrprlft Klddlo brothers of Is html City ure receiving 2,000 head of hogs at different points In Wallowa county. About -100 of the numlier ore (at hojrs, while thu balanco aro feed ers, which thoy will drive to Island City and Intermediate point to fatten. Tim price (mill was four cents for feed er and four and ono half cents for fat hoirs. The nrlru of wlu-utaml nllll...r grains i so high in this county this fall that the farmers artt selling off their than feed them Lump Is of Iran. Orcirnti Cltv It tmw ..... ..,. ... surtl fact tlmt tlm liiun limn. ..( I..... fMiml on a farm ntar this elty recently Is a matoor. An imv lum lu...n i..n.l.. aild It is found to lm imurlv tmni Ir.u. with a traco of nickel. It Is exrawlvo ly tough, ami brokit stnerol Iwek-sttw lilatles in efforts to cut off small pieces. Tho motoor Is estimated to weigh alxiut 2fl tons. Tho object had nearly burltsl Itself In the ground nnd has ap parently been thnro fur vnnn U'l.... struck with n metnllle stilmlancH It rings like a boll. TI..I .1... ...Ill ...-l. ...f.l . . . .. . Is tho ooliiion of frnntnin R-nfnH.1 .i. "took of hogs rather looke.1 her over curefully and ox. ""' t"1'0 '"nces. i.haJ t ..M..i 41.-0, -I. f . i . 1'iuccuii iiiu ist-iifTi liiiii. mm in riMtniv. expressing tho opinion that I nbly fitted to perform the task laid out urcat Iintain nor tho United ' for her. Tho Chinook has leen already a bet ter invesvment than the government figured on, for estimate show that a large part of the sum appropriated for the work of reconstructing her will 1 returned to tho navy department. New Rules for Shipping of Dead. Baltimore, Oct. 28. Itcprcseuta tires of railroad companies and the na-' tional association of undertakers after a conference with the members of thu Railroads Won't Cut Wages. Now York. Oct .20 I!m.,l,ntln ,i nlnl la mn,1ii I...... 1... ......f. .. ... . ...... ... ...... ...ww w. ...u .. ,..uuu uj i( iuiiri-wiiliives OI tato lMartla of health of orth America , sovcral imjiortaut Western railroads to on tno transportation oi uean iKxiles, t wiuoly circulatol rumors that u eon decided after July 1, 1004, to prohibit certed effort was in lw made by West ahlpmcut of bodies of persons dying of i ern roads to reduce wages. The opln- ' U.....I1..S.V W l..tllSl1 f nl.nll. 1ln.lt.... Mf In.. ....... .. If . .. .' ""'"!" " muuu...v i'i8u. iura ui " who Kuiifriuiy ezpresHcHi tuut no jiersonH dying of Asiatic cholera, yellow fever, typhoid fever, diphtheria, scarlet fever, erysipelas, glanders, anthrax or leprosy will be shipped only under tho most complete uisiniection conditions. does to President. Washington, Oct. 20. Today's meeting of the cabinet was brief. Only Secretaries Hay and Cortelyou, Postmaster General Payno and Attorney General Knox were present. Post- muster General Payno announced that tho report of Mr. Uristow on thu post ofllco investigation would bo placed in the hands of the president today. It ' had nqt been decided when the report will be given to the public. such planwas under consideration, and in homo ouartars that niu-Ii ,nn.... would not ho feasible. Jteductloii in expenses aro lieing mado bv tho West ern roads in common wltl, tlwiu. (.. other partH of the country, but by re- uul-iioii in siiop expenses. How He Raises' Big Crops. Oregon City Georgo Handall, a farmer residing near Now Kra, rejHirt a yield of 1C0 bushels of potatoes per aero irom a ten-acre held. Tho pola toes aro of tho Hurbauk variety and aoovo tho average sire. Mr. Handall acounts for his success in growing this vegetable from the fact that ho does not seed tho samo ground to this crop mr rwo or more sucessivo seasons, ilo ralsi-snerop of potatoe only nhoiit ovary four years from tho same Held. To exploit Clackamas Mines. OrCL'OII t"llv-Tn tlii firmltllvntliiii l.i. day of the 0KIo M'fiiiiitaln Mining com. puny, me initial steps havu Deen taken for the tlovolotllnmit'lif ilm Dirln f-rnl mining section in Clackamas county. Hay Destroyed by Plre. Prlnevilhi Flm iliwirnt-Ml ..l.nt onn tons of hav Itelonuliii to M. it. ill?.,.. at this jilace, on the Wohtlell creek ami Oehmii creek. Thu origin of thu (Ire Is unknown Washington. Oct. 2(1. Tho Interior department today Issuetl the following Instructions to officers in charge of for est reserves: "Urn-after the owners of all stivik t.. lw grauxl In m u,rrni ntre will I miulrcd to submit tho stock to the In. sector of thu bureau of animal induv try In the tleartmrnt of agriculture for liiMH-ctiou when rsllrd iiHn to tht im and, when found nwssary, to have i. nwk utiK-i ir otherwslu trivitt- Iwforo It will lw allowed to enter. "Ujsiti rrcelpt of notice by you in writing from any such lnsK-lor that any owner has refiimol to ullow his M(s.'k to lie lnstvted, or ha fulled to lmvo It dipped or treatnl after the same has been onlertsl by the limiH-otor, you will at iiiich notify such stock will not ih Biioweti tor the grating privilege, that his stock will not Imi allowed in the resortn, whuther a jKirmlt hits U-tui Issuwl to him or not until ho had com. plletl w ith thu nrilrr. If the stook hits already uiitutitl tho reserve you will re quire it Immediate removal." OFFICIALS SAID TO I(I CRUI1L. Tree PTLANB MARKETS. blue. yrheaU-Wall Walla, 74c; sum, 70s; valley, 7077. Barter Feed. ttO rwir in. I....I.- 91 1 rolled, 121. ' our Valley, $8.78(13.85 per bar rel: hard wheat stralehu. is 7a u, hard wheat patents. t4.l0A4 (A ! ham, $3.3533.76; whole whsst, $I. "i ryo wneat, .ou. Oat No. 1 whits, il.in. .... t 01.06 percental. MlllitufTs Bran, $20 rr ton; mid flings, $24; shorts, $20; ehep, $18; linseed dairy food, $10. Hay Timothy, $10 r ton; elover, $13; grain, $10; cheat, $10. Butter Fancy creamery, 25QJ7tfe P-T pound; uairy, lOMtflJOss store. 15lflc. Cheese Full cream, twine. n. Youiib America. ISftlAi" finru prices, IOIKcIms. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 108lOKe per pound: snrlncr.lOai hnm. iimh t. brolloni,$l,76 xr doten; turkeys, llvo,' $150,000 Fire la New York, New York, Oct. 20. Twenty houses, includlnu Stores and nrlvatti muMmi.. were tlestroved toniaht. in n fin. u,.,t swept over two city blocks in Kings Bridge, at tho upper end of Manhatten island. Tho KiiiL-nlirldiH l.nii.i .. incrlv u famous road linnwi. um .inU. troyed. Total properly damage, $150,000, b ', With a capital stock of $1,000,000, the 610ci)r pound; dressed, lol0; corporation has been launclKsl by thu " " jieruown; geese, $710. f..ll....I.... . 1 . .i. . .. . Kmrkllr.iinn ..nn. fOlIOWilll! nanuil tnpnntnrnnm P. A and John B. Fulrcloiigh, of Oregon uiiy; J. v. Karless, of Molalla, and F. I). Kepiey, of Portland. Making Sugar at La Orande. 1a Grande Tho sugar lieot factory In this eltv Iiiih iiimwlif riu-lvnil in nnn tons of beets, and has worked up about 7,000 tons of theso, which will mako 10.600 Sacks of mumr. Tlmrn will lin about 1,000 moro ton of beets and. tho niciory will run until about Novembor 10.' Kites Oregon ranch. 27Wc Kitt.m fresh, 20c, ' Potatoes Oregon, C597fio pr sack; weet potatoes, 2Q24c. Hops 1003 crop, 10922c per pound, according to quality. Wool Valley, 1718o; EasUra'Ors gon, 12016a; mohair, 35S7o. ' Beef Dressed, fl87o per pound. Veal Binall. 70Re: larae. BUs der pound, Mutton Dressed. imtUr.: U... dressed, 80. Pork Dressed, 75Jc, f American Missionaries In Congo aiata Among Complainants, Washington, Oct. 28. Although not directly Involved, thu stato duiiartt....,.i is winching with Interest the quarrel Iwtween the British foreign ofllco nn, tho administration of thu Congo I'm. Stato, which has led the former to de mand 11 reconstruction and rofnrmntin.. ot thu administration ot tho Free Htale. "Tho king of Belgium Is thu titular no. icr 01 111a suxeralnty of this slate and he has supplied the state depart iiient with n detalletl answer to tho charges nm.lo against the Congo admin Istration by thu British government. Those charges uro In substance that the Congo oinolals havu l.-en guilty of ma- administration, of gross cruolty to the natives and of luul ir....t........ . .. . , I """nil 01 no missionaries. Tor New Ilxtradltlon Treaty. Paris. Oct. "H p,i..,.i 1.. ... .. ' , . ."" mil. ill- siniuuoiiH recoivwi (roni Washington. Ambassador Porter has begun ncgotla. lions for an additional oIiiuho In ' tlm cxtriKlltlon treaty iwtween tho United Hates and rancu to cover hrllwry. fhu forma Itles will taku so.no w.H.ks, hut the Inforiiiul .-.nf.. ........... i...,,. .' thu willingness of thu French olllclali tonnako tho dniilrxii .,... ,.t.... .. . doubtful, however, whothor tlioy will bo willing to make thu clause "luoludt. hrllMirv coinmlttt.il w.i.-.. n goes Into effect. Speed of llattleshlp Maine. Washington, Oct. 27.-T,u imvy le- rlr,."p"1. H " fIt of atelegrani from Caiitulii Uulis, comiimn.IIng thy battleship Maine, announcing thu nr" rival of that vessel at Newport News, tlm run from Culubra Island to Cufrli cut light having lx-on made with an av rage sliced of 15.0 kaots. m & "' JT"-